The monsters in Xianzhou are so annoying!

Ran Ran didn't practice Pella at all, and Xi'er used an E to knock down the Demon Yin Body, but it turned around and resurrected, telling you clearly that you want to trigger the reappearance and just wait for the next round.

When will my little husband become better? He really needs his dispelling move!

【ah? Besides your adoptive father, you also have a young husband? 】

[Playboy women are like this...but Rakshasa's face doesn't look like a good person. I really don't know how Lao Yang will react when he bumps into him. 】

[Well said, Star of Eden, activate! 】

[Should I say it or not, in the plot, Rakshasa’s ultimate move dispels the demonic body and resurrects the bird’s food top. The insider revealed that Rakshasa is Rakshasa in the second half of 1.1. The immortal boat’s resurrection monster is a special attack. 】

[…Speaking of which, the Honkai Impact series all have similar special settings, right? I don’t know if Beng Tie has one. Is there a large character that Zishu hasn’t unlocked yet? 】

[It’s easy to say, his background is too complicated. 】

[One of our group friends has an uncle who works in Mihuyou. He hinted that there was someone with a big name in the train crew, but he didn’t say who it was. 】

[Isn’t it March 7th? The setting of total memory loss is very suitable. 】

[Is it possible that it is Dan Heng? I think the plot is no longer a hint, it is almost an explicit indication that he is related to the fairy boat plot, and also related to the blade. Have you seen the big moon card light cone? It is reasonable to have a five-star Dan Heng to match the plot. ? 】

[Why can't it be Zi Shu? He also has memory problems. The difference from March 7 is that he can recover slowly, and he is the envoy of the Star God! What's wrong with having a large number in such a high B grid? I believe you when you say there will be a five-star black tower in the future. 】

After watching the barrage and starting to discuss Yi Ge Zi Shu, Ran Ran thought of the second game she had played before and slapped her thigh.

Don't talk about it. There are so many former Mi family vests in Bengtie. Let's not talk about Jizi. Lao Yang actually came directly from Bengsan World. There must be some differences!

I'm starting to look forward to the attribute skills of the five-star husband... The four-star guarantee team is so strong, the five-star one can't even imagine it.

[Fast forward to open up to restore full energy to teammates. 】

[That’s a bit too annoying...]

Now that we've beaten the little monsters, let's go and find Fu Xuan to interrogate our mother.

Zishu and his party took action to deal with the demonic bodies wandering in Taibusi. After spending some time, they finally arrived at their destination.

Standing on a high place and looking at the strange place below, Qingque extended his hand and introduced to everyone: In front of you is the large-scale Jade Omen Calculation and Poor Viewing Formation that our Taifu Division is proud of.

Walter asked: I have heard people mention the word jade sign from time to time along the way. Miss Qingque, what is a jade sign?

It's a jade sign... it's a jade sign! Qingque thought for a moment and smiled: Mr. Yang asked a good question. I didn't think of it for a while. Let me recall it...

I forgot which book it came from, but it said this. Seal patterns are made of living jade, which can be used for divination and knowledge. Just like engraving seals, the craftsmen of the Craftsmanship Department will carve trillions of talismans that are invisible to the naked eye in the jade crystal lattice. ;

Then it is embedded into various mechanisms as needed, allowing them to operate according to the designed intention. Some jade omens are small enough to be stored in bracelets and jewelry, while larger ones are put into formations for deducing equations and identifying Know the future.”

Speaking of this, Qingque pointed to the building far below, Just like this great formation, it is composed of countless jade omens. Regardless of the evolution of nature or the metabolism of the human world, as long as there is sufficient information, any problem can be solved. answer;

It is said that the talismans and principles in it were asked by Bo Shi Zun, the omniscient heavenly king. It is so profound that only Fu Xuan Taibu in the entire Taibu Division can talk about it.

Zi Shu's gaze penetrated the surface of the formation, briefly glancing at the structure and then looking away, not choosing to look further.

If you take one more look, you will be noticed by the protective formation, but you don't want to be labeled as spying on the secrets of the fairy boat and cause unnecessary trouble.

Xianzhou people can probably make hexagrams with their bare hands, but it is difficult to calculate complex things accurately.

Qionguanzhen feels like a super-large calculator, or cyber AI. Its principle is extremely sophisticated, and it can calculate and deduce the possibilities you want to know at the expense of resources.

Does the principle of talismans come from the Intellectual Star God... Well, I just don't know how much information from ancient times he has mastered, and does he know the principles of the various spells in his hands?

The first thing Xing thought of was a similar thought, and he blurted out: Isn't that a computer?

It seems so, but the name Yuzhao sounds much better.

March 7 agreed: And ordinary calculators don't have such mysterious origins. The technology taught by Bo Shizun himself is... amazing. I have never seen anything related to Bo Shizun in Ms. Black Tower's space station.

You have seen it. Zi Shu said seriously: Isn't the Black Tower the envoy of Bo Shi Zun?

Uh ha... I'm talking about things. Ms. Black Tower is not a thing. No, no, I mean the Black Tower is not a thing... Hey, I - March 7 found that he was getting darker and darker, and his face was embarrassed. .

Xing put his hands on his hips and deliberately kept a straight face, You're scolding my lovely Ms. Black Tower, right? Wait, I'll report you when I get back to the space station.

You're almost done. You know that this girl didn't mean to scold her.

I don't know, doesn't seem impossible to describe those dolls in the Black Tower with things... Xing thought thoughtfully.

March 7: (-_-)||Who is scolding her? You almost got me involved!

Anyway, there's no need to worry about the name. Qingque said with a smile, As long as the mechanism can operate effectively, it doesn't matter whether it's called a Yu Zhao or a computer. Just like today, as long as someone comes to pick you up, Qingque It doesn’t matter if it’s a white sparrow, it doesn’t matter at all.”

Important. Xing raised his eyebrows and said, If a traditional fortune teller comes, we might not be able to meet Zi Shu.

How could it be? Meeting and separation are all determined by fate. Below is the center of Qiongguan Formation. Taibu should be waiting for us inside.

But you didn't see anyone even though you were watching the formation? asked March 7th.

As the most important place in Taibo, how come it lacks the protection of arrays within arrays? Come with me, and remember not to walk around and touch restrictions that shouldn't be touched.

170. It seems you are an expert

Look at the heart of the array.

Jing Yuan, who was projected here, swept his eyes left and right and came to the side of the petite pink figure.

Qing Fu, how is the progress?

Fu Xuan turned around and sighed helplessly, The fluctuations are between dryness and shock. There is a trace of movement, but there is no profit.

Qing Fu, speak human language, please.

A great disaster is imminent. This is Taibo's fortune today.

Fu Xuan didn't care that Jing Yuan choked him, and explained seriously:

The Qionguan formation has stopped, the talismans are dim, there is a star core evil spirit in the headquarters that has not been eliminated, Yunqi is busy protecting the people, I want to restore the formation, but there are no available troops. In such a situation, I still have to deal with the star core hunters handed over by the general. Isn't this a big disaster?


Jing Yuan smiled loudly, curling up the corners of his mouth, The person in front of me is Fu Qing, who is known as the prophet of uncertainty and has an unrivaled discernment. Isn't it your special skill to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune?

There's no need to drink this poisonous chicken soup, General. The ups and downs of fortune are natural. Don't try to avoid it by being clever.

Fu Xuan did not fall for Jing Yuan's tactics and said truthfully: Tai Bu Si just puts good and bad luck in front of his eyes and tries his best to make the right choice. He has no magical means to change the situation.

Ran Ran couldn't help but murmured: Turn things around? My husband is familiar with this. Isn't it easy to use a big move?

[Have you finished speaking? After finishing speaking, I will activate the ancient forbidden technique! 】

[Looking at it this way, Zi Shu’s other abilities are better than those of Xianzhou Taibu Si, not only in fortune-telling and interpretation. He can do things that Taibu Si cannot do. 】

[Just kidding, the word Taikoo represents history and style. Some things are not meant to continue to evolve with the passage of time, but are lost and retrogressed. 】

[Everyone needs to know that he is a man who may have lived longer than some star gods. What has been revealed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. How can it be simple? 】

Jing Yuan: That's why Fu Qing has to work hard. To restrain the star core hunters who can observe the future, Fu Qing, who can predict the future, has to take action. As for manpower to help - how could I not be prepared?

After saying that, not far away, Qingque led a group of people through the barrier protecting Qiongguan Formation and revealed his figure.

Qingque: Master Taibu, although I didn't receive your order, I still brought the guests to you.

Many players were stunned when they saw this scene. No, that's not what you said before.

'I'm waiting here on the order of the old man Taibu', good guy, looking at this situation it's not Fu Xuan who's looking for us, but Jing Yuan? Ran Ran guessed.

Fu Xuan glanced at everyone and said, ...the general is very skillful in employing people and shows no mercy.

He was not from the Immortal Boat, and before he was in a position to interrogate Kafka, he actually had someone bring the unknown guest from the Star Dome Train.

But I have to say that it fits Jing Yuan’s style very well.

Everyone is here, but they have to be put to their best use...

At this time, the lens was shown to Jing Yuan, and the next second, a four-frame picture was inserted.

The pictures show Zishu bidding farewell to Ji Zi and leaving the train, talking to Yanqing at a boarding pier, meeting Jingyuan somewhere, and finally playing chess with Jingyuan.

At the same time, the content of the conversation between the two people was heard.

Zi Shu: With the next move, our game will end.

Jing Yuan: Oh? Then I need to see it.

Zishu: Don't take your eyes off my hand.

The plot changed again, to a scene of Zi Shu gently picking up a chess piece with two fingers and preparing to move it to a certain position.

Zi Shu: General, isn't this the end?

Jingyuan: I see... I admire your wonderful move, Zi Shu.

Immediately afterwards, the players saw Jing Yuan throwing a jade-like object towards Zi Shu, who caught it.

Zi Shu: No, no, I just broadened my thinking a little bit. It's not worth mentioning. The game is over, so I'll take my leave.

Jingyuan: I'm busy with important matters. I'm sorry for Jingyuan's poor hospitality. I will prepare a fine banquet in the coming day and invite you to have a drink with me.

Zi Shu: General, you're welcome, as long as you don't care about my little mistake.

Jing Yuan and Yan Qing look at Zi Shu's leaving figure, which constitutes the last wide-angle illustration. The plot and dialogue that make the player confused are quite intriguing, and it always feels like there is something in the conversation between the two.

[The one Zi Shu saw was Zhen Jingyuan, right? It doesn't look like the projections we've seen! 】

【When did this happen? 】

[How stupid, it must have been not long ago. Didn’t you see the picture of the train? You don’t need to guess to know that the adoptive father and adoptive mother were worried about us, and then they asked the adoptive father to come to Xianzhou too! 】

[I knew my old father would never abandon us...I cried to death! 】

Click on the screen to advance the plot, and the camera returns to Jing Yuan's first perspective, looking at the train crew and others.

However, players have reason to suspect that the main target he is looking at is Zi Shu, but the two of them have no eye contact at all, and they have no intention of saying hello. It looks like they are meeting each other for the first time.

【Urgent, urgent, urgent! 】

[After this episode, I hope to know immediately what exactly Zi Shu exchanged when he went to meet Jing Yuan! 】

Ah... Ran Ran spoke in the tone of a satisfied sage, The two husbands reunited peacefully and died without regrets...

Dayan Qiongguan array.

It is against the regulations to step into the Qongguan Formation without my permission——

Having said this, Fu Xuan paused, his stern face instantly calmed down, and he said with a slight smile: If you say this, it seems that I am unreasonable. It is really an unexpected joy to see you all.

Although Qingque seems unreliable at ordinary times, he does know what to do at critical moments. Not bad...

It seems that it would be better not to be so harsh on her in the future.

She thought so.

When Xing heard this, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart, and he said feebly: I understand, Master Taibu's subtext is that the tool man has finally arrived, right?

Ahem... Fu Xuan coughed dryly and did not answer the question, I wanted to wait and see how the formation was operating before teaching you all my magical skills as a Taifu. Alas, I didn't expect this accident to keep the guests waiting for a long time. It's rude to me. .”

March 7 spread his hands and raised the corners of his mouth, Don't be polite. It's not like we didn't hear what the general said just now. If you have anything to do, just let's talk about it. We are all busy anyway.

One thing to say, what that guy Xing said about tool people is quite appropriate. Alas, what a miserable life...

Zishu withdrew his gaze from looking at the Qionguan Formation and said softly: If I'm not mistaken, it should be that the base of the Qiongguan Formation stopped operating for some reason, causing the entire Qiongguan Formation to become paralyzed.

You have good eyesight. It seems you are an expert. Fu Xuan looked at Zi Shu with some surprise.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at him, but when you look at him, you immediately feel an indescribable feeling lingering in your heart, and the inexplicable urge to get closer to him and get to know him rushes into your mind.

it's wired…

He can understand the formations of Luofu Taibu Si, the appearance of the Immortal Boat people, and the clothes have the elements of the Immortal Boat.

Could it be that they are talents recruited by the Taifu Division of several other immortal ships?


Fu Xuan closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, putting aside the messy thoughts.

Do you know how to restart the Qongguan Formation?

I don't understand now, but if Master Taibu is willing to let me study for a while, or teach me directly, I should almost understand it. Zi Shu said casually.

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