If someone manipulates a person's memory in this galaxy, the bigger the movement, the more likely it will be detected and recorded.

Who noticed it?

Walking on the road of memory, the rememberers who belong to Liuguang Yiting.

Since he didn't want to get involved with Liu Guang Yi Ting's gang, his ability to check the target's memory and impose a temporary seal was rarely used, and he could only check it at most.

Huh... Tingyun took a long breath and said happily: Fortunately, I met my benefactor, otherwise the little girl would just hate Thalia, and it would drag the entire Luofu into an unknown disaster...

There is no need to blame yourself. Even if it wasn't you, it would be someone else. It's a blessing, not a curse. You can't avoid it. I want to see what tricks this guy is playing.


Xingcha shuttled steadily on the route, and Xingyue and March 7 were completely relieved. Their attention returned to Zishu, curiously asking him about his movements these days.

Assuming that Tingyun was still there, Zishu couldn't tell the truth. He didn't even mention it and casually gave a reason to go back to the Black Tower Space Station to see the Black Tower.

Speaking of the Black Tower, before entering Luofu, he sent me a message and asked me to go back and take a test.

A petite and delicate doll flashed through Xing's mind, imagining the mouth making a pitiful sound: Please, come and test it~~


When he thought of Heita's temperament being linked to the word coquettish, Xing felt goosebumps rising all over his body.

What are you measuring, simulating the universe?

If I remember correctly, Chu Xing once said that before joining Star Dome Train, he tested the trial version of the simulated universe for Black Tower.

Yes, the system has undergone another round of upgrades and can simulate more possibilities. Xing replied.

Black Tower? Do you still know Black Tower? Qingque suddenly interrupted.

Then we must know each other. Xing proudly puffed up his chest, I am the research partner that she worries about day and night. By the way, Qingque, you also know her?

I know, Lord Taibu mentioned it by chance, saying that Heita is not only a member of the Genius Club, but has also personally paid homage to Lord Wan Zhi Tian. He is a truly great genius.

Xing: It's just that his mouth is a little bit poisonous.

A genius must have some quirks. For example, Taibu-sama likes to eat sweets, so much that it can calm her anger. We make her angry every now and then but she still doesn't get beaten to death. The wide variety of sweets on the fairy boat is a big contributor~

I understand, Fu Taibu likes sweet things, so I'm going to send her something bitter, and the person who sends it will sign it with you.

Don't! Qingque's petite body trembled and she almost lost control of the rudder.

You're almost done. March 7 pinched Xing's arm flesh, Qingque, don't take it seriously, just keep sailing. That's what she is like, she often speaks uncontrollably and makes people feel troublesome.

Not to mention, when Master Taibu reprimands people, it sounds really unique...

After hearing this, several eyes in the ship turned to her, looking a little inexplicable or strange.

Miss Zingyun, there's something wrong with you...

Zi Shu was silent, rubbing his chin and pondering the sweet drinks in his inventory.

I don’t know if it suits Fu Xuan’s taste.

The agreement I made with Aha in the lower area of ​​Belloberg was that if I wanted to return the Fu Xuan Bai Si, my attitude and etiquette would definitely have to be the same.

Ya'er, if Mr. Lingshi didn't say anything, Aha almost forgot, hehehehe, there's going to be a good show~~

A good show? It doesn't exist. Let's see how I handle it perfectly.

It's okay, the fun is not just that, Aha doesn't choose.


Damn it.

168. The little girl is not such a person

Xingcha was safely moored at Taibosi Pier, and a group of people walked out of it one after another, following Qingque towards the so-called Dayan Qionguan Formation.

Now that we have arrived at Taibosi's territory, I would like to say hello to everyone. Don't run around when we enter the depths later.

Qingque warned: Although you are Taibu's guests, she hates people who don't follow the rules, ask questions or cause all kinds of trouble... Please don't get into trouble with her.

Walter: We are just observing an interrogation and will leave Taibos after it is over.

Then I'll feel at ease...ah? That's weird...

Seeing Qingque standing in front of the door scratching the back of his head, March Qi half-asked very consciously: Let me guess, is it... the door suddenly broke?

...Probably not. I don't understand. The door is locked. It has never been locked before, and no one reminded me to bring the key.

Qingque muttered a few words and stretched out his hand to knock a few times.

Hey, hey, hey, no matter how bad the food in the cafeteria is, you can't treat the guests to a closed door, right?

Are you really from Taibo? Suspicion filled Yue Yueqi's eyes again.

Who would be turned away if they were in their own territory?

Is there a possibility that you were fired? Xing looked deep in thought.

Zi Shu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at the recording sent to his cell phone by Aha, as well as Fu Xuan's communication code.

No record was sent. Besides, even if he found out that his subordinates were complaining behind his back about being short, it would be enough to curse him, and he would not be fired directly.

Qingque actually seriously considered the possibility of being fired, It doesn't make sense. I've already been demoted to manage the library. What else does she want?

This... now I think it's a miracle that you haven't been fired... March 7 complained.

What a big deal, there is more than one door to enter Taipusi. I know there is a place where you can get in and out in case of emergency. Come with me, Xiu.

Qingque led a group of people around the path, twisting and turning, and stopped in front of a door.

This is it.

I see that you are familiar with the road. You usually go through this door when you take a break, right? March 7 twitched the corner of his mouth.

I thought Qingque would be embarrassed to retort, but instead she proudly admitted it.

Young lady, you have such sharp eyes. The people who work in the Taibo Division call this door the Xiaoyao Gate. If we have nothing to do, we often sneak out from here and enjoy ourselves for a few hours.

How many...hours?

Everyone on March 7th was dizzy and couldn't help but sweat for Fu Xuan.

A working day only lasts for four or five hours. How can you withstand what the gangsters in Taibo do?

Zi Shu calculated with his fingers, raised the corner of his mouth with a slight arc, folded his arms and sat back to watch the show.

Open the door quickly, Miss Qingque. Walter urged.

Qingque took out the relevant jade omen and read it at the door lock device. After a few seconds, the smile on his face gradually froze.

What a tragedy...this door can't be opened either. Is it damaged? If we let Taibu wait for too long, he will definitely think that Qingque, who is unreliable, has ruined his job again...

By then, it’s not like he’s really not qualified to be a librarian anymore, right?

You don't want that kind of thing. It's easier to fish than Taibosi, and the treatment is good. You can't find many places in Xianzhou.

March 7 rolled his eyes, moved closer to his companion and lowered his voice, Fu Taibu sent someone like this to pick us up, and he said he's not angry with us?

Who told you to speak so sharply to others before? Xing complained.

What does it have to do with us? I think I said it tactfully...

Zishu is much calmer. As for the main plot, if you don’t get stuck on something, is it still called the main plot?

It’s either killing monsters or deciphering secrets, the same old routine.

How about using my method to get through? Zi Shu suggested.

Qingque's head tilted, What method?

Zi Shu smiled and said nothing, took out a blue feather fan from his sleeve robe and looked at Xing, A Xing, do you understand what I mean?

That must happen! Xing's eyes lit up, and he stretched his right hand to his chest and muttered, At this moment - the time of death!

Under the gaze of everyone with twitching eyes, Xing took out a bat from his chest.

Before he had time to complain, an inexplicable coldness spread from the side.

Qingque couldn't help but shiver, and moved his eyes to the direction where the coldness came from, and found that the door that could not be opened was frozen by the ice.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Xing picked up the bat that emitted blue light, flashed his body, and slammed it on the frozen door——


Qingque was startled when she saw the door shattered into pieces. She felt the cold air from the soles of her feet to the sky.

Damn it, destroying public facilities in Taibusi, why should Taibusi die?

Why do you just smash the door if you smash it? It's so tragic. Not only are they destroying public property but also breaking the rules. The Taibo Division is going to change the world. Qing Que knelt down and picked up a piece of debris, looking completely helpless.

You're right, but rules are meant to be broken. Xing stuffed the bat back.

March 7 looked to the side with eyes seeking help and knowledge, ...that...Zishu?

I don’t know why you do this...

Walter shook his head, still calm out of his understanding and trust of Zi Shu.

Go over there first, and then I'll fix the door. Zi Shu patted Qing Que on the shoulder.


It’s all broken into pieces, how can I repair it?

A few seconds later, Qingque saw a stunned scene.

Zi Shu's well-joined right hand flicked left and right twice, and the fragments of the door whose molecular structure had been changed by the freezing effect quickly and automatically reassembled and returned to the original state within two seconds, as if the previously smashed scene was just an illusion.

However, everyone who has passed through the gate knows that it is not.

...My benefactor's method is amazing.

Well, I didn't save you, so it's inappropriate to call me my benefactor. Zi Shu was speechless.

Appropriate, we have received the news that you are a distinguished guest of Luofu, and you are a companion with Miss Xing. Naturally, you can also be regarded as the little girl's benefactor. Fake Tingyun said with a smile.

Zi Shu and Zhen Tingyun couldn't help but have a few black lines floating on their foreheads.

This fake...

If you weren't worried about triggering a plot that shouldn't be triggered in advance, you would be praised on the spot, why would you be talking so much nonsense?

My dear benefactor, don't be fooled by her appearance. The little girl...the little girl is not such a smooth-tongued person.

Zhen Tingyun explained awkwardly, fearing that he might misunderstand something.

...I know, you don't need to explain.

After all, explanation is concealment...

Qing Que came back to his senses and looked at Zi Shu with curious eyes.

You don't have to pay for it... Oh, no, no, it might be some other unknown means... Forget it, I won't ask any more questions, but I'd better explain it before doing anything next time, otherwise my little heart won't be able to bear it.

So, you still want us to have another time?

I don't want to! Qingque's little head immediately shook like a rattle, If someone happens to see it, he will be arrested as a saboteur!

Stop talking about it now, look ahead... March 7 silently took out the long bow, Are you surprised? I'm not surprised at all why there is a demonic body in Taibu Si.

169.What skill does the five-star tuba have?

[There is such a tacit understanding of knocking on the door. Why didn’t Zishu let the door freeze on March 7th? 】

[Her ice is too hard to be broken by hammering, maybe? 】

[Look at Qingque’s little expression, she was almost scared to tears, she was so happy. 】

[There is a bit of a bug in Zi Shu’s ability, he says that even rotten things can be restored. 】

[What do you think of a man who can control cause and effect? 】

[The most difficult thing to understand is my copywriting sentence. Why are the upper and lower options the same? They all have to break the rules, right? 】

[You are right, but the rules...]

[Rules: First of all, I didn’t mess with any of you, why must you break me? 】

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