Wait... aren't you from the Immortal Boat?

Why do you Xianzhou people always like to make subjective assumptions? I didn't say that I was.

It's not an immortal... Fu Xuangang wanted to continue asking something, but suddenly closed his mouth.

He glanced at Jing Yuan, who was smiling and watching the show next to him, and couldn't help but give him a fierce look.

It was the general who called her here. She must not have to worry about trust issues. The general will take care of him if anything goes wrong.

Besides, although this guy Jing Yuan always liked to boss her around and prevaricate her, as far as Luofu's safety was concerned, there had never been any mistakes made under his leadership.

Thinking of this, Fu Xuan nodded lightly, Since there are some people who know a little bit about it, I won't be verbose. Now the Luofu Taibu Division is short of manpower. I need your help to restart the Qongguan Formation's base, and then remove it by the way. The star core is evil.

Those demonic bodies are not all caused by star cores... Zi Shu said silently in his heart.

Xing glanced at Zishu and asked the key question.

Let's do this. Isn't it a matter of spying on the secrets of the Taifu driver?

If I say it doesn't count, it won't count. I guarantee that no one will use this reason to trouble you. Fu Xuan promised.

彳亍, the evidence has been preserved.

Xing raised the corner of his mouth and raised his phone, the meaning was self-evident.

You're a bit rude. March Seven Sticks and Carrots said, But I think you have grown up and know how to leave a way out for yourself. As a senior, I am very pleased. Speaking of Fu Taifu, I also did a fortune telling and found that Our train crew is all working hard.

Fu Xuan didn't pay attention to Xing's recording and asked in confusion: So?

Xing threw the phone back into his pocket, crossed his arms and stared at her, So Lord Taibu, say the magic word.

...Wha, what? What magical words? Fu Xuan's eyes were a little dodgey, and he didn't seem to know what Xing was implying.

Oh, it's just a simple word that applies to everyone: Please, right Zi Shu?

That's right.

...(ΩДΩ) Fu Xuan was speechless for a moment, showing an awkward hesitation to speak for several seconds before he said unnaturally: Please, please, everyone, I need your help.

Isn't that right? March 7 smiled with satisfaction.

When you ask for help...well no, you have to be polite when asking for help. Regardless of whether you are paid or not, at least you have to make people feel comfortable with your attitude.

Qingque, you go with the guests and are responsible for restarting the formation master, and -

Having said this, Fu Xuan approached Qingque's ear and whispered: Forget everything you saw and heard just now.

Sensing the vague threat in her tone, Qingque couldn't help but shudder.

...As you command, Lord Taibu!

Fu Xuan nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Jing Yuan, General, do you have anything else to say to the guests?

Haha, that's OK. Fu Qing can prepare for the interrogation procedure first. Jing Yuan said with a smile.

... Fu Xuanqiong snorted, glanced at the book without leaving any trace, and walked out of the Qiongguan Formation.

Zi Shu quietly counted with his fingers, not noticing anything unusual, and felt a little at ease.

Tingyun, who stayed outside the Qongguan Formation, still acted her identity honestly and did not make any overstep.

When Jing Yuan saw the train crew coming to his projection, the smile on his face became a little brighter.

Everyone in the train group, I've seen you for a long time. Thanks to you, Luofu was able to successfully bring Kafka to justice. Allow me to say thank you;

Since the company set a reward for the star core hunter, there has never been a capture record. Haha, today Xianzhou will be the first to win.

How much is the bounty? Xing asked.

More than 10 billion credits.

Take... take the young man?! March 7 was dumbfounded.

Don't be surprised. When things are done here, the problem of the star core is eradicated, and Kafka is useless in the fairy boat. If the train crew wants to offer a reward, they can just take her to the company by themselves. The fairy boat alliance has no interest in the company's bounty, but ——”

Jing Yuan's voice changed.

That blade is also a key criminal in my fairy boat. I can't give this person to you. Now Kafka has no intention of speaking. The intention of the star core hunter is unknown. The power of Taibusi is still needed to clarify the truth.

Walter: Is what the general means by clarifying the truth the interrogation of Kafka using the formation method?

That's right. Jing Yuan nodded, The Qionguan Formation is an important weapon of the Luofu Taifu Division. It was originally used to calculate routes and predict the future. However, the secrets of the Star Core Hunters must be pried out, and I have to break away from common sense. Once, he used divination to deduce her intentions.

Hearing this, Zi Shu narrowed his left eye slightly and couldn't help but make a fortune secretly.

At this point, the result was not as vague as before, and there was a more precise answer. The motivation of the star core hunter was similar to what he had guessed in advance.

Jing Yuan had been paying attention to Zi Shu's micro-expressions out of the corner of his eye. Seeing the subtle changes in his expression, he felt confident.

Kafka is really not the key...

It seems that no additional useful information can be obtained from her.

But no matter what, even if it is to confuse the internal troubles, the process must be followed.

As for the purpose of the star core hunter coming here, he had already guessed a rough idea through the arrival of Blade and subsequent visits from Zi Shu.

This guy is really calm...

But who put Luofu in crisis? The Star Dome Train doesn’t have these worries...

Foreign aid is indeed needed in extraordinary times. The experience of Xianzhou being damaged is here. Jingyuan is very clear about how serious the consequences will be if he chooses to show off during a crisis beyond his imagination.

I just don’t know if the other old friend’s knot can be resolved...

Thoughts were flowing in his mind, but the words Jing Yuan said had nothing to do with it, It is very important to see whether the formation can operate. I hereby ask you to help Fu Taibu complete the formation. Jing Yuan is grateful.

Easy to say.

After receiving the formal agreement, Jing Yuan nodded to everyone, and the projected body quickly disappeared.

There was no one else in the Qongguan array, so Qingque made a bitter look and wailed: What kind of revenge is this? It's fine if you don't reward me, but you have to give me extra work...

This is a good opportunity for you to show your face... Xing Cui said: Strive to satisfy the leader, get promotion and salary increase, all before your eyes!

No! Qingque showed a panicked expression, I have worked hard to move to the library, a good place where I can work and fish without being exposed, but now it's good, my Taifu can be done easily. My career is completely ruined.”

Why are you in trouble? Doesn't it feel good to you?

Hey, if we don't handle this well, we will be in danger of being expelled from Taibusi. If we handle it well, then won't the tasks assigned by the superiors keep coming? If I had known better, I should have stayed there and continued playing cards...

So true.

Thinking of the social beasts in her previous life, Zi Shu felt a little pity for her.

Still a poster girl.jpg

172. Fu Xuan Qingque was frightened

The leader starts by handing out a meal of work that does not belong to you. If you do not do well, you will be given a pot of it. If you do well, it will be even worse, and more work that does not belong to you will come to you.

It's fine if you can get a promotion and a salary increase because of this. The problem is that all the capitalists are damned and will reward you with a few words: I want to peach!

Is there really someone who can get a salary increase without changing jobs?

For those who are arrogant, it is indeed unfortunate to be noticed by the leader.

Considering that he had to report to Fu Xuan afterwards, Zi Shu thought for a moment and decided to help her out.

But before he could speak, March 7th was the first to empathize.

Don't look like you're about to cry. Since you're so afraid of getting ahead of yourself, just tell us how to operate it and we'll just go.

Ah Qi is right. Didn't Zishu just see the problem? As long as you tell him how to operate it and ask us to go to a restaurant afterwards, he should be able to help you...

That's right... As long as I put all the credit on you, it won't mean that I have completed the task. I will become a person who only leads the way but does not work... Qingque's eyes lit up.

Don't be so hasty. Zi Shu thought more and asked, I heard what Fu Taibu just told you. Asking you to complete the task shows that you are still wary of us in your heart;

Tell me how to restart the formation base. It also means whether the formation base will be destroyed or restarted later. It all depends on my thoughts. If I have different intentions, are you sure you can take the responsibility?

Walter: That makes sense, Miss Qingque, you should just listen to Fu Taidivination.

Hey, this is nothing at all.

Qingque waved his hand.

Don't listen to Master Taibu's talk of being so lofty. In fact, as long as you understand a little bit about the principles of talismans and formations, anyone can learn it quickly. All you need is access permission, and she has just been given the permission. You guys.

Please, I'll treat you to a big meal in Jinren Alley afterwards as a thank you gift. Qingque clasped his hands together, Ms. Taibu is very scary. I really don't want to come into her sight.

...You are really weird. I think Fu Taibu is a bit arrogant, but he doesn't look like a black-hearted leader who only exploits employees. I didn't expect that you are afraid of promotion and salary increase... March 7 complained.

Xing tugged at the sleeves of Zishu's robe, How do you tell Zishu to help her?

Are you sure you want me to help Qingque? Zishu asked, giving Xing a choice.

In the lower right corner of the player's game screen, options appear.

[Looking at how pitiful she looks, let’s just be good people and do it to the end. 】

[Even you are hesitant. It seems that the simple argument of restarting the formation base is unreliable, so let’s forget it. 】

[Help, how about telling Fu Taibu the truth afterwards that it was Qingque who instigated us to do this? 】

The third option seems so disdainful. Our husband can't do this. It's better for a good person to do it to the end. Ranran chose the top option.

She didn't expect, nor did many players, that seemingly ordinary dialogue options would actually affect the different directions of the subsequent plot.

Those who choose 2 and 3 have to run around the map and solve the base problems one by one to complete the restart.

And those who choose one like Ran Ran will enter a plot CG.

Zi Shu quickly made different seals with his hands, and an invisible thought invaded the heart of the Qionguan Formation, analyzing the operation of the talismans that constituted the formation.

The principles are almost from the same lineage, and there is basically no obstacle to understanding them. The same is true for the unique Jade Omen technology of Xianzhou.

So that’s what happened…

Soon, he found the three connection points of the formation base related to the fault, and tried to gain control of it in three separate ways.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was originally standing in the center of the Qiongguan Formation and was two inches off the ground without realizing it, releasing a somewhat majestic aura.

So handsome... I really want to be knocked down by him... Ran Ran felt infatuated.

Those players who had chosen different options and had gone through the plot of interrogating Kafka were stunned when they saw this scene, and the same questions popped up in their minds.

What the hell, why don’t I have this plot?

Qingque didn't know what Zishu was doing at first, but when he saw the three base points of the Qiongguan Formation glowing one after another and forming a mimic array, he couldn't help but take a breath.

He is actually able to divide his mind into three tasks, and his spiritual consciousness can connect to different formation bases across space and distance, and the formation disk can be reproduced in the heart of the Qiongguan Formation, and then be controlled remotely...

What a terrible method. Mr. Taibu doesn't even have this ability. He knows the people who are watching the formation better than Luofu Taibu. What is his background?

Suddenly I regretted that I just chose to be lazy...

If Zi Shu really had different intentions, the Dayan Qionguan Formation, which Luofu had put countless efforts into, would be destroyed in an instant.

Xing, help me, Zi Shu said.

how should I do?

First, move the rune marks on your left array plate to the Gan position, Gen position, and Kan position respectively.


…the coordinates of the font that emits lavender light.


With the text, Xing was no longer confused and could easily get started as Zi Shu said.

The next formation is a little more complicated. Li, Dui, Qian, and Xun are connected in four directions. Then Kun connects to Gen, Xun connects to Kun, and Li connects to Gen.


In a very short period of time, both the Zhouhe Formation and the Yecheng Formation were restarted, and Qingque couldn't help but sweat dripping from his forehead.

She promised to teach them how to operate it. Why was it that the two formation bases were completed before she even opened her mouth?

Knowing this level, could the Qionguan Formation... be created by Zi Shu?

When Xing walked towards the third mimic formation, Fu Xuan led a group of cloud riders and escorted Kafka into the poor viewing formation.

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