
Zi Shu couldn't help but be in awe when he heard this, but... things that should be sent out in the future must still be sent out...

Not far away, the train crew was walking towards this side. Due to the angle of view, they could not see Zi Shu for the time being.

Looking at the photo, this should be right here. This... is a card hall?! What trouble can there be here?

Huh? Isn't this card troublesome? It's troublesome! Qingque spat, What kind of magic card did you draw?

As he spoke, he suddenly reacted, turning his head to look at the person coming beside him, putting on a smile.

Hello, you three. One look at the noble faces of the three of you, and I know that you must be the distinguished guests of Taibu Si!

Xing silently pressed the shutter button of his cell phone to take pictures, and said with a smile on his face, Sister, you don't want Taibo to know that you went to play cards, right?

166. A big loser, my friend.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I originally wanted to wait for you to come... Oh, that - touch!!

As he spoke, Qingque skillfully overturned the two cards and continued:

It's just that the place where we originally ordered the meeting place has been taken over by people from the Diheng Division. It's really noisy... Eat!

Seeing Qingque playing cards and talking at the same time, not only Xing Xiao's face fell, but also March 7 was stunned.

This person...what is this?

I thought to myself, if I were to meet you in such a noisy place, wouldn't it be...slow down, slow down! Bang!

March 7: (╬ ̄ Pan ̄)

Blood pressure is up.

Qingque didn't seem to notice the looks of several people with different emotions beside him, and said to himself: ...Wouldn't it be a disgrace to the scenery? Why don't I take you on a tour of Changle Tian in your free time, and experience the folk culture of Xianzhou - Emperor Yuan Qiongyu? Cards, wait for my move...Kujo.


Zishu, who had resisted the thought of saying hello to his companions for a long time, picked up the nine pieces Qingque had sent back with both hands.



Qing Que's eyes darkened and he almost fell over.

Fortunately, Xingyan's quick hands quickly stabilized her, but belatedly realized that the voice of the man who just spoke sounded very familiar. She turned her head and finally saw the white-haired man who was blocked by the strong card player.

He has a handsome temperament and a peaceful face with a faint smile. Even passers-by can't help but take a second look.

It's's really a mess this time... Qingquesheng Wulian muttered.

Let's fire off the cannons. Why did the thirteenth come out?

Both March 7th and Walter finally came to their senses, the former was full of surprise and couldn't help blurting out.

Zi Shu! Why are you here?!

Player perspective.

Not long ago, I saw Qingque chatting with the train crew while playing cards, March 7 gritted his teeth, and the protagonist covered his forehead speechlessly, everyone laughed tacitly.

In particular, Qingque's words about fishing were so fresh and refined that it made people hold back hard to prevent them from making pig noises.

What's even more amazing is that in the next second, the little Que'er, who was enjoying himself at first, suddenly fired a cannon to make people fool him, and he was still thirteen years old.

Those who know a little bit about mahjong generally know that Thirteen Yao is the biggest one.

[What a total loss, my friend! 】

[So happy, is this the retribution for fishing? 】

[By the way, didn’t you think Hupai’s voice was a bit familiar just now? 】

At this time, the camera turned to show the smiling man at the card table.

There was a brief silence, and countless players who saw this scene were excited and their eyes widened.

【I am Cao! Foster father? ! 】

[The people of Xianzhou are shocked, my dear, I didn’t expect to see my adoptive father in Xianzhou in such a scene. 】

[You don’t have to be a Xianzhou person to be able to play cards. Mahjong is not difficult, but the game does not say how difficult it is to get started with Diyuan Qiongyu. 】

[It’s definitely not a problem. Just like the card game of Genshin Impact next door, it is probably an entertainment system that will be used sooner or later. 】

[I'm going off topic, is no one curious about the reason why Zi Shu appears here? 】

[Yes, I have been fascinated by his handsome CG back before entering the fairy boat for a long time. Come up with the answer to the mystery! 】

Ah ah ah! I finally meet the husband I miss day and night, hurry up and buy me... Tears of excitement flowed from the corner of Ran Ran's mouth.

[Can’t wait, right? 】

[Aran is like this... I can only say that this is still an average level, his condition is relatively stable, and it will be time for a serious illness next. 】

As the barrage said, Ran Ran sent a message to the smiling man who was frozen in the screen for a full two minutes, which not only demonstrated the characteristics of the live broadcast room well, but also brought a little bit of excitement to new viewers and new super tubes. Electric shock.

Although Xing and others don't know where Zi Shu went alone a few days ago, it doesn't stop them from being very curious like the players.

Of course I'm waiting for you all here. Zi Shu chuckled.

When he left Shence Mansion, he already knew the general movement trajectory of Xing and others from the jade omen given by Jing Yuan. They had all been active near Changletian recently.

Isn't that a coincidence?

After a little calculation, I came to the conclusion that if I wait for work in leisure, I will be able to wait for others.

Huh? You actually know each other? Qing Que blinked in shock, his eyes constantly flowing between Zi Shu and Xing.

Of course! March 7 replied happily.

...Strange, it was only said that there were three distinguished foreign guests... Qingque scratched his head.

Zi Shu smiled and said nothing. If the Immortal Boat Man could take advantage of the special skills inherited from ancient times, then why would he keep those ancient things?

Here. Qing Que pitifully handed over his small treasury.

Young lady Qingque, you don't have to pay anything, just treat it as a tie. Zi Shu waved his hand nonchalantly, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

What do you mean by a draw... Oh, I'm willing to admit defeat.

It's really unnecessary. If you can, just treat us to a cup of tea when you have time. Zi Shu declined.

Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you are also a master of Diyuan Qiongyu. Let's join in a few rounds another day.

no problem.

Qingque suddenly beamed with joy, and his sad face of losing was gone.

Guests, please, let's set off to Taibosi Dayanqiong to observe the formation. I'm sorry to keep you all waiting for me for a long time. Qingque is really sorry.

Xing gradually recovered from the surprise of meeting Zishu, and Kafka's face appeared in his heart.

Finally, we can know the real purpose of Kafka asking them to come to Luofu...

By the way, isn't it said that there is an envoy to guide you all? Where is the person? Qing Que asked puzzledly.

Oh, it's over there at the viewing pavilion. March 7 replied.

The viewing pavilion is not far from the card playing place, just a few minutes' walk away.

When he saw the beautiful figure standing in front of the guardrail looking into the distance, Zi Shu's eyes narrowed slightly.

That beautiful shadow was none other than Tingyun, or in other words, fake Tingyun.

Qu Yunei was really Zingyun, and her whole body was trembling. It was because of this person that she almost died in Thalia.


It was also this person who stole her identity and used her identity to get along with Luofu colleagues, friends, guests, and even relatives...

No matter how hard he forced himself to calm down, Tingyun would inevitably worry about whether these people would be poisoned by the other party.

Don't get excited. What you're worried about won't happen for the time being.

Zi Shu issued a reminder, and at the same time suppressed the idea of ​​further exploring the fake Ningyun to avoid being noticed by the other party and causing bad things.

The conspiracy has not yet emerged, and it is not yet time to expose the other party.

Anyway, the most important thing to do has been done, and a subtle reminder was given to Jing Yuan in time, saying that what he had to do now was to protect the safety of his companions and witnesses.

Sorry, little lady, I lost my temper.

It doesn't matter, I'll keep an eye on her. Zi Shu comforted her.

Fake Tingyun noticed the train crew returning, glanced at the book as if nothing had happened, and smiled slightly.

My benefactors are so fast. I didn't expect Miss Qingque to be the diviner of Taifu. Before, I only thought you were a frequent visitor to the poker hall.

Still, no one in the train crew, including the player, knew that the Tingyun in front of them was a counterfeit product.

167. Taibu-sama’s weakness

While several people were walking and talking, Zi Shu was thinking about whether to inform Xing and others about the fact that Dan Heng had also entered Luofu.

If Dan Heng occupies a main line, Shi Zhui is basically an important figure in the plot of Luofu and has an unknown past.

Assuming that Dan Heng's action trajectory is known from the player's perspective, it is not necessary to talk about this matter with Xing.

Not long after, the group arrived at Changle Tianxingcha Pier.

Please get on the boat, everyone, I will take you to Taibosi right away. Qingque reminded.

Aren't you a vehicle killer? I see that you are so good at catching fish, so you don't seem very reliable. Xing questioned.

Hey, just because I like fishing doesn't mean I don't know how to open a star, right?

Qingque helplessly spread her hands, You have to know that all of us at the grassroots level do errands for the leaders. If you don't know how to drive a star, you have to pay for the commuting expenses yourself. But you don't dare to ask Master Taibu for reimbursement. I can't even hide from her.

That's fine. It seems there's no need to worry. Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

What are you worried about? Zi Shu asked.

...Well, we have to tell the story of when we first arrived in Luofu, Miss Tingyun took us by boat to the center of Xingchahai, and we almost got into a car...boat accident. March 7 patted his chest with lingering fear.

Oh, by the way, it's just that the speed of the freighter was set too fast, and I almost missed it. You know that the little girl is also on the boat, how could you be joking with your own life and your driver's license? Tingyun hurriedly said explain.

Star reported with a speechless look.

What do you mean by being tough? Tough talk.

Don't think everyone is blind, the speed of that cargo truck is clearly fine, she was the one speeding.

After coming to Luofu for a while, Xing clearly realized that people here must not judge the inside by looking at the appearance.

Maybe, the person wearing the skin of a seven or eight-year-old child is actually an older man than her.

For example, I don't know who sent Qingque in front of me. It's so small that it can be picked up with one hand at a glance. Who knows how reliable it is compared to Tingyun's driving skills?

It's okay, it's okay. I believe Uncle Yang will be prepared this time.

March 7 comforted him, and then subconsciously glanced at Zishu.

Besides, he is already as reliable as Uncle Yang in his heart. Even if Xingcha rear-ends him one after another, I believe Zishu will not let anyone get into trouble. He is very capable of protecting his companions.

The Xingcha engine wheel was started, and Zhen Tingyun, hidden in the Tai Chi Quyu, was secretly biting his silver teeth.

It has to be said that the impostor sitting in front of Zi Shu knew her so well that it was almost as if he was real. Even her poor steering skills were imitated to the point where he couldn't find fault with her.

No wonder you weren't killed directly. It turned out to be because of this... Zi Shu's voice transmission stopped.

I beg my benefactor to help the little girl clear up her doubts.

Memory transmission requires you to be alive so that the mastermind behind the scenes can completely collect your previous memories within a few days. The reason why the person who used your identity for so long has not been discovered is the same.

My benefactor means...if she wants to continue pretending, she will not be exposed for the rest of her life? Tingyun asked uncertainly.

More or less, after having all the memories before you fell into Thalia, in a sense, as long as she doesn't expose herself and get caught, she will be like the real you.

There was another point that Zi Shu didn't tell Ting Yun.

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