When he heard the word Jing Liu, Jing Yuan paused for a moment with his arms hanging in the air, but quickly returned to his natural state without attracting Yan Qing's attention.

After spending some time recounting the entire encounter, Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief and asked the question he had been curious about for a long time.

General, is Teacher Zishu an old friend of yours?

...Haha... Jing Yuan smiled and said meaningfully: Not an old friend, maybe a friend from the past year?

In any aspect, Zi Shu was not inferior to him in any way.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Zishu was from Xianzhou, he would be the general in Luofu in the future.

Although the words don't sound good, but the facts are here, he is better than Fu Qing... um, a lot better?

It seems a little impolite to say this...

In short, Zi Shu is fortunate to be a friend. If he were an enemy, it would be really hard to sleep and eat...

I don't quite understand General and your riddle...

Riddle, maybe. A simple game of chess gave me a sudden enlightenment.

Then how did he win against you? I remember that it was clearly a dead end just now. No one can win against anyone else.

That's right. Jing Yuan nodded, waved his hand and recreated the chess game just now, pointing to the rook behind the pawn, It was originally here, right?

Yes, yes, right here! Yanqing nodded suddenly.

Jing Yuan smiled, took the rook away under Yan Qing's puzzled gaze, and then placed the rook outside the chessboard in front of the chess piece, which was also the initial position where Zi Shu ended the game.

Huh? Several big question marks floated on Yanqing's head, and he asked uncertainly: General, what you mean is... Teacher Zishu cheated and changed the position of the chess pieces?

The name of this end game is Immortality. It cannot be broken no matter what. Only cheating can break it. Jing Yuan affirmed.

Huh?? Yanqing was confused.

I don’t understand why Zi Shu cheated, and I don’t understand why Jing Yuan knew he cheated but still admitted that he lost.

The trajectory of the pawn's actions is completely predictable. It is suitable for attacking Huanglong but cannot definitely defeat the enemy. It is like resisting external enemies and protecting the interior, but cannot break out of the shackles of monotonous actions and cannot form a counterattack...

Jing Yuan softly explained Yan Qing's doubts, but he didn't care whether his words were wrong.

If you only focus on the apparent situation, you will definitely be dealt a fatal blow by the rook outside the chessboard. Can you understand this, Yanqing?

The more Yanqing listened, the more confused he became.

...report to the general, I don't understand!

It's okay if you don't understand. Help me send this document to the Diheng Division, and then you can go wherever you want. Jing Yuan picked up a document and motioned to Yan Qing to take it away.

...General, Kyouryu——

I will arrange for someone to catch her whereabouts, don't worry.

All right.

Yanqing put away the documents, scratched his head in three steps and left the Shence Mansion to the Diheng Division, filled with doubts.

After finishing the immediate tasks, Jing Yuan lazily yawned, lay back on the chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, recalling the match with Zi Shu.

No wonder he deliberately lost one car... only to have two cars replaced.

Unexpectedly, in this era, there would be such an interesting and unknown guest on Akivelli's rainbow car.

The pawn cannot be effective, and the car that remains on the field is just a cover. The car that leaves the stage early or is never on the stage, but returns to the battlefield at the last moment, is the real trick of the Star Train arriving in Louvre.

The replacement of the two cars also seems to hint that there may be problems within Luofu.

Thinking of the scattered news about the recent resurgence of the King of Medicine's secrets, Jing Yuan tapped his fingers on the chair rhythmically and fell into deep thought.

The people in the Shence Mansion probably don't know much about it. The Gongzao Division can avoid suspicion due to its nature, but it is absolutely impossible for the Ten Kings Division...

Then, the problem can only lie in the Tianbo Division, the Danding Division, which has a large turnover of personnel, and the Diheng Division, which is involved in various matters inside and outside Luofu.

But it’s a bit difficult to check…

It seems that we can only adapt to the changes. Now there is an undercurrent in Luofu. There are really too few people available for use. If we make too big a move, we may alert the enemy.

Old friends returned to Xianzhou one after another, and some foreigners whose details were unknown could not be ignored. Alas, it gave them a headache.

Not to mention one small star core, even ten small star cores cannot shake Luofu. What is really worrying is that the star cores are used by people with ulterior motives, which is countless times more difficult to deal with than wild star cores.

This gift from the Star Core Hunter...was really timely.

But then again, even if the Star Core Hunters don't intercept the Star Dome Train, the final result may turn into the current situation, right?

What is even more surprising than a strange soldier is a person who knows he is on the chessboard from the beginning and knows what identity he should play.

I didn't expect that there would be a time when I would just take a trump card. It's really sad... Jing Yuan sighed deeply in his heart.

Only when Yanqing arrived at Dihengsi did he realize that what Jingyuan gave him was actually a statement.

Changletian's Xingcha, which violated the driving rules and regulations, was driven by the judge who arrested the key criminal in the Ten Kings Division. The Diheng Division can cooperate in handling the follow-up, and there is no need to pay attention to the identity of the driver. That is Luofu's top secret.

The people in the Diheng Department were also numb. After hundreds of years of work, this was the first time they received a personal statement from General Luofu.

Good guy, what kind of evil star did the mysterious judge of the Ten Kings Division catch?

After walking out of Dihengsi, Yanqing was numb. He didn't know that Zishu was a judge of the Ten Kings Division. A small amount of information about a judge must not be known to outsiders, but he actually asked Zishu about his origins...

No wonder Teacher Zishu said that he was an alien interstellar traveler...


Teacher Zishu ignored the mysterious woman Jingliu, so she probably wouldn't be unfavorable to Luofu, otherwise the two would have fought long ago.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Yanqing perked up and decided to immediately return to his original action to hunt down the prisoner who escaped from the Nether Prison, but this time, he would be even more careful.

Yanqing was full of fighting spirit and was about to walk towards the dock when he suddenly caught sight of something from the corner of his eye and almost stumbled to the ground.

I saw Zishu stopping at the card tables next to Jianyaoxuan, playing Emperor Yuan Qiongyu with others...

Aren't you escorting important criminals? Why did you come here to fish if you didn't go back to the Ten Kings Division?

Yanqing thought about it but hesitated. After struggling for a moment, he decided to pretend that he didn't see it. After all, the Shiwangsi acted mysteriously and had deep meanings.

165. Fishing? Must be educated hard

My benefactor, your communication with the General was too vague. Is that okay?

Zi Shu said confidently: Don't worry. By the way, are you sure you don't need me to go to Tianbo Division to find your parents?

No, the little girl knows the importance. Now that she is uneasy, I still give priority to helping my benefactor find the mastermind behind the scenes. As for the guy pretending to be me...

The worst possibility is that the person pretending to be you is the Order of Destruction. Zi Shu touched a card and said, Even if it is, don't worry. The drama will definitely go on until the other party reveals his true intentions.

Then let me borrow the good words from my benefactor.


While chatting with Tingyun, it was Zishu's turn to draw cards again. He got started with Diyuan Qiongyu very quickly, and his understanding of the gameplay was smooth. After all, it is an alternative hometown culture...


Yo, bang!

The girl in black sleeves and green clothes brightened her eyes and happily picked up the card that Zi Shu had played.

Hehe, it seems you are a bit unlucky today, little brother.

Fortunately, no one is always unlucky. Maybe I will be lucky soon. Zi Shu smiled nonchalantly.

That's true. There are three periods of decline and six periods of prosperity. Playing cards is like avoiding pursuit by your boss. How can anyone get caught again and again? The girl in green thought for a moment, Seventy thousand.



What a fool!

The three of them spoke at the same time and revealed their cards one after another, leaving the girl in green stunned.


Hahaha! The man from the Fox clan next to Zi Shu gloated: You are too happy Qingque, and you actually fired three times.

Qingque's little face turned blue and painful, that was so uncomfortable.

It's over, it's over, I'm a total loser...

We've all come to this point. Let's give it a try in the next game, my friend. Zi Shu said happily: Three declines and six prosperity. Now that you have lost one, you will definitely have better luck in the next game.

Xianzhou is really fun, the people here are interesting and talkative, I really like it here, but unfortunately, there are unsighted things in the dark who want to do evil to Luofu.

That makes sense, shuffle the cards!

Qingque was optimistic. He took out his cell phone and took a look. When there was no movement, he quickly put the bad luck behind him and continued playing cards.

In Changlotian Plaza, Xing and his party walked slowly from the direction of Xingcha Pier.

Uh... the people sent by Fu Taibu seem to be a bit messy. Xing looked at the chat box on his phone, speechless written on his face.

A few words of notice, and a photo that seemed to be taken on site. The location and landmark buildings were not mentioned. Changlot is so big, how long will it take to find it when you wander around?

Too unreliable.

Let me see. March came up and tilted his head, What do you mean, just send a picture and ask us to find this place to meet? Why does it feel so like a kidnapper in a movie? Connector…”

Xing: Wait for me to ask.

However, more than half a minute passed and there was no movement.

A minute passed and still nothing.

Where are people?

Walter pondered: Don't you think the pattern on the plaque of that building is familiar to you? It is also a landmark building, and it must be near the square.

The pattern on the top of the plaque...yes, I heard Zishu say what it is called...um, oh, yes, Tai Chi!

March 7 suddenly said: Come to think of it, Zi Shu is really not from the Xianzhou people. The clothes and ornaments he often wears look like the fortune tellers of Taibusi, and they even have the same abilities.

Indeed, everyone can tell fortunes. Xing Shen nodded in agreement.

But...if I think about it carefully, it seems a little different. It seems that Zi Shu has never used the person named Yu Zhao to assist him.

Miss Tingyun, you are a local, you should know where this is, right? March 7 asked.

Oh, Changletian is so big, and the little girl has never been here very often, so she doesn't know either. Tingyun fanned leisurely and said with a smile: Looking at the street scene in the photo, I think it is a place for divination.

Then let's go look around. Walter pushed up his glasses.

You go ahead, little girl, take a rest at the scenery pavilion over there. If you find someone, you can meet up here.

You are really good at dispatching people! March 7 complained.

Hurry up, Qingque. By the time you get through this move, our brothers will almost pass away. Nanzuo card player urged.

Speaking of Qingque, I heard that Taibusi's cave was also hit by a disaster... A card player in the west seat asked curiously: How come you still have the heart to play cards here for so long?

Zi Shu silently pricked up his ears.

After playing cards here for so long, could it be considered serious business? He did not ignore that he had now officially returned to the main plot and could meet his companions at any time.

Hey, what a big deal. Qing Que spread her hands, Even if Taibu's sky falls, Master Taibu will still hold her up. Although she is not tall enough, her abilities are as strong as the sky.

Aha suddenly let out a sinister smile that made people's hearts go crazy, which made Zi Shu's mouth twitch imperceptibly.

Why is He so crazy? What kind of trick does He want to play?

Choice 1: It's okay to dare to fish at this age, but to slander your boss behind his back, you must be taught a hard lesson. Find an opportunity to reveal the Qingque quotation recorded by Aha to Taibo Si Fu Xuan, and by the way, tell her Criticize Qingque’s bad behavior in front of you. Reward: Increased probability of Fu Xuan’s favor↑~~”

Choice 2: Qingque, you don't want Fu Taibu to know what you said, right? Send this quotation to Qingque, threatening her to set an example for contemporary young people, to work seriously and work overtime independently, and to do her best to solve problems for the leader. Reward Light Cone: Capitalist: When using it, master the terminology that can perfect the lower level of the CPU.

Choice 3: The previous choice is really bad. Isn't it better to be a fisherman who just reaps the benefits? Anonymously send the recording to Fu Xuan, and be the face to persuade Fu Xuan to make peace when he criticizes Qing Que. Reward: Increased probability of Qing Que's favor↑~ ~The probability of Fu Xuan’s favorability is reduced↑”

Zi Shu cut Aha's eyes open with a knife, feeling nothing but contempt in his heart.

It’s the next one, right? Then choose the next one!

I'm not here to play around. Qingque said leisurely: I have been ordered to wait here for several distinguished guests who are coming. Time is so precious. This is called catching fish and doing work at the same time.

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