Omnipresent God of War Chapter 136


In the situation of Chapter 136 (thanks to Jiang Yi's Alliance Lord for the reward)

Wan Ling looked towards everyone.

"So, who would be willing to come on stage and act as a little girl to screen people?"

Everyone present was hesitant and no one responded. This is going to be shot with real guns, and accidentally may be injured. traumatized.

Fortunately, Wan Ling Wan Qingqing had already selected the three of them in advance. At this time, they were just passing through and asking at will.

As agreed before, Wan Ling looked towards the three people in the crowd.

These three people have made an appointment in advance and are willing to be suitable candidates for screening.

After all, this identity is not just a matter of willingness, but also a strong ability to help Wan Qingqing filter out as many candidates as possible.

Wan Qingqing was exhausted in order to avoid the rear wheel battle.

It was just Wan Ling's gaze, but suddenly found that the three people's eyes flickered and their heads bowed. They made a good agreement before, but they didn't say a word.

At this time, it was their time to come forward and 'voluntarily' serve as the screener.

But the three of them were silent for some reason.

"Can anyone be willing?" Wan Ling asked again emphatically.

Among the many martial artists present, some are Myriad Azure Courtyard Disciple, some are other separate courtyard Disciple, the number is not complete, and some people did not arrive on the road due to the long distance.

No one spoke.

Wan Qingqing was in the crowd, looking left and right, the Disciples in the inner courtyard that she had taken care of before were all cowards and dared not look up at her.

The three people invited by mother also bowed their heads and said nothing,

She knew that many people here hoped that she would not be impatient and go smoothly with the Experiencing Mountain Sect. get married.

But she didn't expect that there were so few people supporting her

In the lobby, the atmosphere gradually became silent.

If there is really no selection of people to come to power, then only Wan Qingqing can go to the wheel battle.

This is extremely bad for her.

Even if she's the Martial Master, Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment, and Forging Bone, the lovely Strength Force isn't endless.

Strength Force is linked to qi and blood, and is linked to physical fitness. After consumption, it will become thinner and weaker, and it will take time to rest and recover.

even more how, when Wan Qingqing came to power this time, everyone knew her strength and reputation.

So the one who dares to challenge on stage is definitely the Martial Master.

Otherwise, below this level, no one thinks they can win.

Consecutive Martial Master battles, no matter how strong Wan Qingqing is, he will soon be exhausted.

Unless extended.

But if you prolong the time, I'm afraid it will increase the variables.

Wan Ling doesn't think Zhou Shun is here just to watch the show. To know the victory or defeat between Martial Master, it is not just about Strength Force.

It also depends on the moves to deal with and adapt to the situation.

In theory, Qingqing should be stronger than Yan Jiuhai, but if her state declines, even if she gets a rest for extended time, her mental exhaustion is inevitable.

At that time, one trades off and one trades off. If the opponent has thoroughly studied Qingqing's ways, and prepares for the next move, the outcome is really uncertain.

Nowadays, the three people who had made an appointment in advance suddenly changed their minds. There is no doubt that this must be the work of that Yan Jiuhai.

"If no one really wants it, then." Wan Ling felt helpless and could only announce.

oh la la.

Wei He stepped on the dead leaves under his feet and looked up at the three-story red-painted building in front of him.

There are two places to eat in Spirit Concentration Villa.

One is the Hundred Tastes Building and the other is the Mountain Grain Building.

The former is an ordinary restaurant with affordable prices, while the latter is a luxury place for martial artists.

The Mountain Grain Building is in the shape of a large cylinder, and the diners sit in a circle around a huge plane tree in the center.

In the upper and lower three floors, a total of more than 300 positions can be accommodated.

At this time, Wei He, dressed in a black cloak, took a step forward.

He won't solve entanglements, nor plot against complex situations.

So he is disclined to pay attention to how others arrange, he only needs to arrange himself.

Just get rid of the source of the trouble and everything will be quiet. isn't it?

Suddenly, he stepped on his feet and rose into the sky.

At the window on the second floor of the Mountain Grain Building, Yan Jiuhai is halfway through holding a marinated chicken foot.

Suddenly a thunderous roar was heard.

"Yan Jiuhai! Give back my daughter's life!!"

In an instant, a burly black figure rushed up from the downstairs and charged towards him. Extremely fast.

Yan Jiuhai was taken aback, lifts the head, and looked at Wei He who was rushing towards him inexplicably.

He got up quickly and looked towards the other guests in the two rows. It was estimated that someone sitting next to him was being sought for revenge.

Just got up.


In the middle of the Mountain Grain Building on the second floor, Yan Jiuhai flew out with a person attached to the wall, and fiercely hit the tree in the middle patio.

A mighty force poured in fiercely from his blocked right hand.

Yan Jiuhai didn't even realize what was going on, he was spinning around, and was punched through two walls and slammed into the trunk of a big tree.

Not waiting for him to return to his senses, Wei He flew out in hot pursuit and volleyed in.

The two fought in series on the tree trunk, and the sound of a dull explosion spread.

Yan Jiuhai was the culmination of the Initial Strengthening half of Forging Bone after all, reacting on the spot.

Let's jump from the tree trunk and fall to the first floor.

"Who are you! I don't know you!" he yelled.

"Breaking my daughter's innocence and killing a witness to silence them, today I want you to a debt of blood must be paid in blood!!" Wei He roared and rushed again.

The two huddled together again. The tables and chairs, wooden pillars, and screens that I encountered along the way were all smashed to pieces by Strength Force.

The rest of the guests hurriedly fled, and those who were daring and strong still dared to stay and watch the fun.

Yan Jiuhai became more and more frightened as he fought.

Just after playing dozens of tricks in a row, he felt numb in his arms and couldn't hold it.

It was his arms that went through the Forging Bone, and the hardness was greatly increased. If you change to a Martial Master, you will be smashed by the opponent long ago.

He was eating here while waiting for father Yan Junshan to arrive. didn't expect to be attacked not long after sitting down.

But although the opponent's strength was wrongly estimated, father Yan Junshan was in the vicinity.

He had made an appointment with his father, had dinner here, and then participated in the Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition in the afternoon.

So as long as he persists for a while, when the father arrives, he will be able to kill this man on the spot.

At the moment, Yan Jiuhai started his footwork, turned left and dodged right, but was caught up after only a few steps.

"Congeal!" His entire body of Strength Force circulated, and his body's qi and blood surged rapidly, and Strength Force actually increased by a few percent in an instant. Block backhand.


Wei He slapped his palm again, hitting Yan Jiuhai's elbow on his side.

With a single blow, Wei He raised his arms high, slashing in a series of rounds and slashing down.

Three times in a row.

bang! bang! bang! !

Yan Jiuhai's body armor, Strength Force, finally collapsed.

"Father! Help me!!" Suddenly he loudly roared.


A wave of palms hovered in front of him, making him close his eyes in fright.

When he opened his eyes again, there was no one in front of him. Not far away, a light yellow cloth robe was approaching rapidly.

"Little Hai! Are you alright!?" The old man in yellow cloth hugged his son.

"I pu!" Yan Jiuhai couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood before he finished speaking. Rolling his eyes, he passed out.

On the side wall of him, there is also a line of words: Vengeance for killing a daughter, absolutely irreconcilable!

"Little Hai, Little Hai!!" The yellow cloth old man's complexion greatly changed, quickly connecting his fingers, and cutting off the blood flow at several important bloodlines on his son to prevent internal bleeding.

Then he picked up the person and rushed towards the main building of the Spirit Concentration Villa, where the resident physicians were in the villa.

And in the other direction.

Wei He's black clothed mask was quickly replaced, and he ran in a series, leaping in the woods halfway, penetrating a dense bush, and then coming out, he had already changed into his original costume.

His Flying Dragon Art cooperated with the giant force to run to full force, like a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow in just half a minute, he returned to the bushes he left from.

Then Shi Shiran walked out of the bushes, shook the water droplets with both hands, and looked at the ease after the reincarnation of grains, and walked towards the team waiting on the edge of the speedway.

In the team, Zhang Lingxu and Meng Qing, who had met before, were waiting for him talking and laughing eating snacks.




Inside the small building.

Wan Ling looked at everyone present helplessly.

Preparations made in advance suddenly change their minds at this time and lose their effectiveness.

Myriad Azure Courtyard, who had been under the care of her daughter before, also kept silent, will know when you see it was manipulated in advance.

She knew that these people were all afraid of the Yan Family forces in the Experiencing Mountain Sect, as well as the pressure from Heaven Sealing Gate to support marriage.

After all, there are too few voices against it.

Looking at Vice-Sect Master Zhou here, you can see that this Old Guy came here, naturally, not to have nothing to do, but to show that the carriages and horses came to the station for Yan Jiuhai.

And his son Zhou Yugui, and Yan Jiuhai are said to have a close relationship, and their purpose is self-evident.

"Don't worry. Trust Qingqing, she can do it. Let's take a longer rest, just to gain practical experience." Xiao Qingyu Qingqing on the side held Wan Ling's palm and whispered.

As of now, that's all I can think about.

Wan Ling looked at her daughter standing below and felt helpless.

Wan Qingqing did not pay attention to the mother's side, instead, with some expectant and pleading eyes, he swept one after another on the Disciples in the inner courtyard of Myriad Azure Courtyard.

These people are Junior Brother Junior Sister, whom she normally takes care of, but unfortunately, they bow their heads unconsciously and dare not look at him.

Wan Qingqing's eyes gradually turned from anticipation to loss. She suddenly remembered the Wei He Junior Brother Wei who told her before that if something happened, he would definitely inform him.

Now that the news has spread, if Junior Brother Wei is running at full speed, he should have arrived earlier.

But at this moment, he still hasn't arrived, and the meaning behind his back is already very clear.

They are all afraid.

The luster in Wan Qingqing's eyes gradually dimmed.

But then she thought about it, if it were her, she might not want to endure such a lot of pressure and risk for a Senior Sister who was just a little favor to her.

Thinking about this, Wan Qingqing smiled and said aloud.

"I'm fine, mother. Let's just decide."

Wan Ling also saw the change in her daughter's expression and the loss in her heart.

She wanted to speak out, but in this situation, everyone was waiting for her to make a decision.

"Then, then." "Report!!"

Suddenly shouting loudly, Wan Ling was interrupted from the door outside the building.

A Heaven Sealing Gate Disciple hurried in, brow beaded with sweat.

both of his hands cup one fist in the other hand, moved towards Wan Ling Zhou Shun, wanted to salute, but was out of breath and crooked.

"What's the matter? Chang Kuan?" Wan Ling wondered. This person is Disciple from Myriad Azure Courtyard.

Each separate courtyard Disciple of Heaven Sealing Gate has the qualification to choose to stay and leave, but after staying, they will be appointed to various positions.

This is the case with this Chang Kuan.

"Courtyard Head! Outside and outside!" Chang Kuan looked anxious, pointing to the door, anxiously.

"Outside! Out. Out. Accident!!" He was so anxious that he couldn't finish a sentence.

“What the hell is going on?” Wan Ling asked with a frown.

"Yes, yes. Right. Opposite!" Chang Kuan pointed to the door, and the more he wanted to say, the more anxious he was brow beaded with sweat.



Chang Kuan was pushed away by another Heaven Sealing Gate Disciple that rushed in from behind.

"You stammering in here for a fart? Get out of the way!"

The robust Disciple cup one fist in the other hand saluted.

“Courtyard Head, Vice-Sect Master, Yan Jiuhai Senior Brother of Experiencing Mountain Sect on the opposite Mountain Grain Building, was injured by a sudden shot by a mysterious black clothed man when he was just eating, and is now said to be in a coma It's over, it's at stake!"

"What!?" Wan Ling stood up in shock. Hua Rong paled, but it was not a look of worry, but pure shock.

Zhou Shun on the side is the face changed, standing up with a gloomy expression.

"Are you sure the news is true?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Every word the Disciple said is true, and the Vice-Sect Master can check it out on his own. Now there are a lot of people around the Mountain Grain Building. It is said that Senior Brother Yan killed his daughter's innocence before. , and also killed people, so others came to seek revenge." The Disciple said quickly.

"Let's go!" Zhou Shun jumped up, swept across the small hall, and disappeared from everyone's field of vision in an instant.

Wan Ling follow closely from behind, unfold Strength Force, speed up, and exit the small hall.

After that, the rest of the talents woke up like a dream, and quickly followed.

(end of this chapter)

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