Omnipresent God of War Chapter 135


Chapter 135 On the Situation (Thanks to the Alliance Lord Jiang Yang for the reward)

The next morning.

Before dawn, Wei He took the carriage on the road, and the carriage's wheels were a little bumpy, shaking up and down.

In the carriage.

Wei He carefully inspected all the preparations, equipment, props, medicine, and special poisons that he needed to use.

Although White Jade Art has the effect of Poison Dispelling Art, it can only resist most poisons with weak medicine efficacy.

It does not have much suppressing effect on the medicine with strong effect.

In the final analysis, White Jade Art is actually a cultivation process to continuously improve the resistance of several types of medicines.

This skill needs to constantly take some medicine ingredients with different medicinal properties to enhance the body's resistance to drugs.

But this enhancement is not without solution, as long as the medicine efficacy far exceeds the medicine ingredient used for exercise, it can be solved. And for some categories that have not been trained, it is also useless.

'To put it bluntly, White Jade Art actually uses modern biological resistance and adaptability to produce the so-called Poison Dispelling Art effect. melted.

But correspondingly, while obtaining this poison resistance, the same kind of medicine will lose its effect, which can be described as both advantages and disadvantages. '

Wei He sat in the carriage, listening to the snorting of the horses that kept seeping in from outside, and his mind gradually calmed down.

From Xuanjing City to Spirit Concentration Villa, there is some distance in the middle, and the Heaven Sealing Gate is also passed in the middle, and the distance is farther than from the Heaven Sealing Gate.

Wei He's car was halfway through, just after Heaven Sealing Gate, and saw that horses and vehicles were gradually increasing.

It seems to be all the way with him, moved towards Spirit Concentration Villa.

Along the way, I encountered more and more people.

While the carriages and horses were taking a break, Wei He and the driver went to a tea stall on the roadside to drink tea and rest.

This Tai Prefecture has strong folk customs, and tea stalls are actually open on the side of the road.

Boss is an old man who is blind in one eye. With a cane, there are several young men serving.

You can tell by looking at the appearance that it is a senior who has retired, not to be trifled with.

A few long wooden boards were erected, and a bunch of dry branches and leaves were thrown onto it, and it became a so-called tea stall.

There are about ten sets of tables and chairs on the stall, and people are sparsely seated.

The sky was overcast and hot, Wei He found a set of fairly clean tables and chairs to sit down.

There is a table next to him, and three shirtless brawny men in linen are sitting, each with short hair, a strong body, and thick calluses on the backs of both hands. It looks like they are practicing boxing. of.

The three of them were eating refreshments and drinking freshly boiled green tea, talking about Spirit Concentration Villa.

“.If you want to talk about Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition, didn’t you also say that as long as I can win, I can enter. If I can win, can I also marry that Wan Qingqing?”


"I told you, this Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition, if you dare to do it so openly, with your jack of all trades skill, you can throw it down in less than one round!"

"Bullshit! I've been training hard for 13 years, is I still afraid that a trifling girl won't succeed!?"

"Then why don't you try it, if you're lucky , then he will become the man on the Courtyard Head seat in Heaven Sealing Gate, and he will be majestic and domineering in this Xuanjing City after going out."

"Yes, maybe, those who go up. One by one, I'm tired of beating that little lady, and it's just your turn to go up, if you're lucky, if you aim at someone with a weak leg, you can win!"

The man was blocked with a flushed face and kept refuting. In fact, he also knew that he was definitely not the material, but a loser can't lose a battle, and his skills must not lose.

Wei He withdrew his attention and asked the man to bring tea and refreshments to the driver.

The coachman Old Li is an old man who has been in Heaven Sealing Hall for many years. He has good skills in the outer court. Because of his age, he has no hope of breaking through. He has also practiced leg technique and rough and hard skills, so qi and blood Although it's just barely Double Blood, the actual combat still has several points of strength.

Wei He asked him to sit down and eat together, but Old Li stubbornly refused to come, saying that he should take care of the horses and the carriage, so as not to be stolen.

Wei He just let it go.

After sitting for a while, Wei He was about to get up and leave after the man fed the horses some hay and drank some water.

Suddenly, several horses came running from far to near on the gallop.

This horse is different from ordinary horses. It is fat and strong, and its fur is shiny. The most important thing is that the four hooves of these horses are actually cat-like claws.

There are pads on the paws, and the sound is light and quiet when running, and there is a faint smell of hunter.

The horse riders are also different from ordinary people. They are tall and straight, with well-proportioned and powerful muscles. Both men and women have a stern and icy temperament on their faces.

There are four horses in the team, two men and two women, but their movements are uniform and the difference is very small. Even the dust splashed when running is not much worse.

The four horses did not stop, passed by the tea stall, and continued to run away.

"The people of the Scarlet Bright Army are really different from ordinary people!"

The horses left for a while before someone from the tea stall made a faint sound.

"I heard that the Chen Prefecture rebel army is getting bigger and bigger. It has broken the Imperial Court army several times. Among them, Rebel Army Great General Zhang Song, self-named Ding Mountain King, has started to build a government department. Yes." Someone sighed softly.

"Isn't there a notice posted at the gate of the yamen before, I'm afraid it won't be long before we will be forced to recruit troops."

"No way, we have 100,000 Scarlet Bright Army stationed, then Didn't the rebel army say that they were all peasants? Why?"

"Yes, Yuchi Zhong, the Scarlet Bright Army Commander, is a veteran who has guarded the frontier, and will not let the rebels come over. even more how I Tai The prefecture is sturdy and everyone is practicing martial arts, so the bandit army will not come, if it comes, he will go but never return!"

Under the common topic, several tables of people immediately joined together to discuss Got in a frenzy.

It's just that Wei He didn't hear the Spirit Concentration Villa being discussed again.

Instead, the group began to talk about the strange beasts that the Scarlet Bright Army has recently confiscated, the robbers killed, the bizarre murders, the country rumours of the unmarried family and the like.

Wei He was sitting at the table, holding the slightly hot tea in his hand, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.

In the eyes of these sects warriors, the martial sect they face is everything.

The entanglement, fight, and plot against among martial artists are all that can be seen.

But outside another layer.

The rebel army gradually became a climate, and various places gradually became separate and independent, and the Imperial Court lost control of the place, and the world was in chaos.

People pay more attention to the things around them.

And the entanglement between the warriors, like a little wave, is fleeting in the general trend of this world.

"You are Wei He Senior Brother Wei from .North Yu area?!"

A voice suddenly pulled Wei He back from his distraction.

Wei He looked back. I saw two women who were also wearing Heaven Sealing Gate sturdy clothing, standing not far from him, looking at him a little nervously. Seems to be worried about admitting the wrong person.

The two are obviously not from Myriad Azure Courtyard.

The figure looks curvaceous due to long-term exercise, quite hot. But it was obviously due to dressing up in tight clothes and tightening the figure.

If you look closely, you can see the clear outline of the muscles on the arms of the two women.

It's just that the daughter's family loves beauty, so be careful to cover it up with special methods.

"Who are you?" Wei He was certain, although he didn't remember seeing the two of them. However, his goal of walking slowly has also been achieved.

That is companionship.

"Senior Brother Wei has never met us, but we have long admired the name." Among the two girls, the dignified and generous one said cheerfully with a smile.

She pointed at her companion who bowed her head shyly. "Her name is Meng Qing, and my name is Zhang Lingxu. We have met Senior Brother Wei several times at the Abundant Desire Workshop from afar. We have long heard that Senior Brother has become a Martial Master by Initial Strengthening in just a few years. I support you to become the North Yu area Branch Master, didn't expect to meet you here."

"Zhang Lingxu, Meng Qing, a good name." Wei He smiled nodded. "Which hospital are you from?"

"We are no better than Senior Brother, and we are still in the outer courtyard." Zhang Lingxu waved his hands again and again, blushing a little.

"But Qing'er is fast, she has better innate talent than me, she should be able to enter the inner court soon, when the time comes If she is admitted to Myriad Azure Courtyard, Senior Brother Wei can take care of her more. ." She smiled and pushed Meng Qing beside her.

"Yes. Although I'm not a very powerful person in the inner court, it's okay to give Little Junior Sister a little care." Wei He nodded with a smile.

The three sat down and chatted for a while, and sure enough, these two people also went to the Spirit Concentration Villa to watch the fun.

After all, Wan Qingqing is the Courtyard Head seat and Martial Master expert at the top of Initial Strengthening. Usually, there are not many opportunities to see this level of experts compete in public.

So the two also went to open their eyes.

As soon as everyone said it, the three of them walked together, and it was good to have someone to take care of them along the way.

Wei He was a little surprised that the two women did not travel alone, and there was a team of a dozen or so sturdy domestic servants not far away.

In the team, there were two people with obvious qi and blood surging. They were both Double Blood martial artists. Obviously, the two women had good family property.

But it's better if there are a lot of people, so it's more convenient to do things. Wei He has a plan in his mind.




Spirit Concentration Villa.

In the early morning, not far from the arena arranged by the villa, there is a small building on the mountain.

On the main seat in the building, Myriad Azure Courtyard Courtyard Head Wan Ling, dressed in a light gauze dress, sat upright.

On her right side, sat side by side a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance and a temperament like a literati.

The man is dressed in a black robe, with fluttering sleeves and a small black long beard on his chin, palm-length, hanging down to his chest. Although the robe is wide, it still can't hide his unusually strong upper body muscles.

The temperament of a warrior and a literati is subtly combined in this person, making it unforgettable at first sight.

This person is one of the Heaven Sealing Gate Vice-Sect Masters, Zhou Shun.

In addition to the two, Justice Descent Courtyard Courtyard Head, Xiao Qingyu, one of Heavenly Seal Nine Masters, also sat beside Wan Ling.

The two are women in Heavenly Seal Nine Masters, and they are relatively close. This time Wan Ling called them to help out.

In the small building, there is also the representative of Spirit Concentration Villa, chief steward Uncle Liu, an ordinary old man who looks like an old farmer.

Although he looks ordinary, there are several Triple Blood martial artists around him who are willing to serve as foils to show his status.

In addition to the four great characters, there are a lot of other people who sit in a row, including Wan Qingqing Zhou Yugui and others.

In the small building, a large chandelier at the top lights up with hundreds of candles, dispelling all the darkness in the entire lobby.

"Thanks to Vice-Sect Master Zhou and Justice Descent Courtyard Courtyard Head Xiao for coming and helping to preside over the little girl Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition." Myriad Azure Courtyard Courtyard Head Wan Ling, stood up, and headed towards two of her classmates Characters lightly nod.

"Courtyard Head Wan is very kind." Zhou Shun said with a slight smile.

"Little Ling, are you and I still being so outspoken? Qingqing was also grown up by me. Who will come if I don't come?" Xiao Qingyu's tone was more familiar.

Wan Ling looked at this good sister gratefully. She has few friends in Heaven Sealing Gate, but Xiao Qingyu is the only one who has always supported her.

This time Qingqing was able to win the opportunity to call the shots, and it was also with the support of the Courtyard Head Xiao Qingyu that it is now in this situation.

Xiao Qingyu is over half a hundred years old, but she is still radiant, with no wrinkles or patches on her face. Apart from being a little rich, this plain-looking best friend has given Wan Ling too much support.

came back to his senses, Wan Ling clapped.

"Since everyone is here, let me tell you that this time the little girl is recruiting, there are some things that need to be prepared in advance."

Her beautiful eyes swept over the people present, her eyes On the many young martial artists present.

"Because there are many participants, but there is only one little girl. Therefore, we need to introduce three screening people here, so as to block most of the people who are far less powerful. In order to avoid wasting the little girl's physical strength, she finally wins. Injustice."

(end of this chapter)

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