Omnipresent God of War Chapter 137


Chapter 137 On the Road (Thanks to Alliance Lord of dextermax for the tip)

Wei He followed Zhang Lingxu and Meng Qing Together, they mixed in the convoy and slowly entered the gate of the Spirit Concentration Villa.

The gate of the villa is said to be a door, but there is no door, just a stone arch similar to a torii.

There is a main road inside the door that winds deeply, branching out into many branches, like a cobweb spreading all around.

The flow of passengers entering and leaving the entrance is not small. Wei He and the others also queued up and waited for a full quarter of an hour before their turn.

After paying the entry fee, with a clear purpose, the team slowly moved towards the direction of the Heaven Sealing Gate reserved venue.

Moving along the periphery of the huge Rainbow Raiment Peacock Lake along the way, you can see that at noon, a large swath of sunlight is shattered by the lake surface, reflecting colorful waves, shaking and flickering on both sides.

Looking from a distance, it's like the entire lake suddenly wears a layer of colorful clothes.

Not long after the team came in, there was a lot of noise from the reserved venue of Heaven Sealing Gate.

A large group of people wearing Heaven Sealing Gate costumes quickly approached.

Zhang Lingxu instructed his servants to stay aside, Wei He and the others also stood aside.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it looks like there is a major event."

"Qi Transformation Courtyard, Arc Light Courtyard, The people at Myriad Azure Courtyard are here!" Zhang Lingxu quickly recognized some of them.

"Go, keep up!" Wei He's heart moved, and he gave the two of them a hand.

The two women immediately understood, and after instructing the domestic servants, they followed Wei He to catch up together, and followed at the end of the line.

The entire group of Heaven Sealing Gate was walking in a hurry, led by Chang Kuan and another Disciple, and soon reached the Mountain Grain Building.

A small piece of the Mountain Grain Building has been shattered and is now picking up the pieces.

There was no trace of Yan Jiuhai father and son, only a mess of tables and chairs.

One of the second floors, not only the outer wall is gone, but also the two inner walls, as if they were smashed by something, all of them are broken open. Can see all the way to the innermost sycamore trunk.

Around the bottom of the gap, there was a circle of guests watching the fun.

The Spirit Concentration Villa is not short of daily visitors, although the Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition at Heaven Sealing Gate is lively, it only accounts for a small part of the crowd.

And most of the others just come to see the long-known beauty.

Zhang Lingxu excitedly approached a few onlookers to inquire, and soon came back.

"Guess what," she said enthusiastically.

Meng Qing shook his head slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Is there a martial artist fighting?" Wei He frowned. "Looking at the posture, the battle is not small."

"Yes, and he is also a strong participant in this Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition, the son of Yan Junshan of Experiencing Mountain Sect. It is said that he killed him a few years ago. He killed other people's daughters and killed a witness to silence them. As a result, the old man came to take revenge."

Zhang Lingxu only had a moment of skill before inquiring pretty close.

Wei He looked up at the masterpiece he made not long ago.

Mountain Grain Building This time, the repair fee has to be paid by themselves. Experiencing Mountain Sect Yan Jiuhai is injured like this, and they dare not ask for it.

Heaven Sealing Gate is one of the Five Great Influences, and a Spirit Concentration Villa would not dare to offend it, so the bitter fruit can only be swallowed.

At this point the rest of the Heaven Sealing Gate also figured out the situation from the onlookers.

looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wei He saw Wan Qingqing in the crowd.

She was staring blankly at the broken Mountain Grain Building, her eyes were blank, she didn't know what she was thinking.

The Junior Brother in an inner courtyard kept talking beside her, but she didn't seem to hear it.

Wei He and Zhang Lingxu, who was talking like a river, said hello and walked over slowly.

"Senior Sister Wan is good."

"Junior Brother Wei, are you here too?" Wan Qingqing came back to his senses and showed a faint smile to Wei He.

"Yeah, I just arrived. I met two same sects on the way, so I wanted to come over together. There is also a support." Wei He nods and said.

He laughed: "I was thinking of participating in Senior Sister's Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition. Although I wasn't strong enough, I could help keep the flies away. How could this happen in a blink of an eye. "

He sighed: "This world is really getting more and more chaotic."

Wan Qingqing seemed to understand, looking at Wei He, showing a hint of understanding gentleness.

"It's okay, it's good to have this heart."

She didn't say anything. Since Wei He said that he was slightly delayed on the road, she believed it.

"Senior Sister doesn't look very good? Are you okay?" Wei He was a little puzzled.

Hasn't he crippled the master? Why is Wan Qingqing still not very happy.

"It's okay, I just thought of some unhappy things. It affected my mood." Wan Qingqing was naturally relaxed because of Yan Jiuhai's incident, but also, the previous selection of people also made her feel about the same sect. The friendship has produced considerable grievances.

"Qingqing." At this time, several people walked by, among them Zhou Yugui was also among them, and there was Shu Yumo, who was like a white porcelain doll, and You Bufan, another handsome man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

The three approached, and Shu Yumo was about to speak.

"You guys are here." Wan Qingqing didn't wait for her to speak, but she was the first to speak.

"Thank you for being able to support me this time." She smiled. Although her smile was as gentle as ever, it was inexplicably more distant.

Zhou Yugui had actually been among them all the time, but he never showed any sign of standing up to help.

"Bufan, it's been hard work all the way. I'm afraid it won't end this time. It'll be hard work for you to help send Yumo back." She looked towards You Bufan earnestly.

"No problem." You Bufan still didn't know what was going on, and he was not sensitive, and he noticed that there seemed to be some subtle changes in his friend.

He wanted to say something else, but Wan Qingqing had already spoken out first.

"Junior Brother Wei happened to be looking for me for something, I won't accompany you any more, let's go first." Wan Qingqing said with a slight smile.

Wei He heard Xian and knew Ya's intentions, and immediately answered.

"Then it will take some time for Senior Sister."

"You're welcome. Let's go."

The two agreed one after the other, moved Walk towards Rainbow Raiment Peacock Lake.

There is a stone beach trail for people to walk by the lake. There are also occasional pavilions.

This semi-park nature is very appealing to Wei He.

Wan Qingqing led the way, Wei He followed, and the two soon reached a secluded lakeside.

“Junior Brother Wei.” Wan Qingqing slowed down and turned around. "Thank you just now."

"It's okay, it's just them" Wei He was a little puzzled, he didn't know those people.

"It's okay, I'm naive." Wan Qingqing smiled. "This time speaking of which, thanks to the letter you gave me earlier."

"Oh? It's good." Wei He didn't ask much, he was just on a whim at the time, but now Come on, some people's lower limit may be lower than he expected.

"My friends seem to be many, but at the critical moment, I realize that I have never had any real friends." Wan Qingqing turned around, looked at the sparkling lake, and sighed. road.

"Like some of them, they think they cover it up well, but in fact, when they lie, there will always be some small moves, they don't know it, but they think they are well concealed."


“.” Wei He knew as soon as he heard it, this was stimulated.

Only in times of crisis can you see your true heart. This is human nature.

He didn't say much, and began to listen to Wan Qingqing talking about himself, and the childhood sweethearts of Zhou Yugui, Shu Yumo, and You Bufan.

On the other side of the lake, there is a team of craftsmen in charge of maintenance, who are moving towards the Mountain Grain Building to transport materials under the leadership of the villa staff.

The scene like an ant moving house is in stark contrast to the quietness of the two here.

After talking for a while, Wan Qingqing suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked towards Wei He.

"Right. How long has Junior Brother Wei been in the Third Layer?"

"I can't remember, it's been a while." It's a mess, plus all day research Pharmacology and martial arts complement each other, and Wei He himself is a little confused.

"It should be almost a year." He replied.

"Although it's been a year, you just practice martial arts behind closed doors all day long. You don't know much about other separate courtyards and the martial arts of Sect, right?" Wan Qingqing said with a slight smile.

"Come to practice?" She put out the Heart Breaking Seal gesture style with both hands.

"Okay." Wei He knew she wanted to vent. Just didn't expect Senior Sister Wan's gentle appearance, there seem to be other emotions.

The two distanced themselves.

Also pose in the Heart Breaking Seal gesture style.

After a short pause, the two rushed towards each other at the same time. Under the operation of Strength Force, the four palms collided and flickered like butterflies through flowers, almost forming an illusory shadow.

Overflowing Rain Strength vs. Overflowing Rain Strength.

Wei He's Overflowing Rain Strength was immature, and when he faced Wan Qingqing, who was much stronger than him, he immediately showed a downturn.

But he immediately adjusted his strategy, no longer meet force with force, but focused on flanking.

The Heart Breaking Seal is fast, dense and accurate. It is a combat skill that is very suitable for Overflowing Rain Strength.

Strength Force overflowed on the two of them. After fighting dozens of moves, Wei He gradually fell into the disadvantage.

Without using the Whale Flood Art's giant force, he was completely suppressed in terms of speed, strength, and Strength Force.

Forging Bone seems to have a unique and special effect, allowing Wan Qingqing, a woman with such a big difference in size, to surpass him in all aspects of physical fitness.

Suddenly, Wei He's tactics changed, and he switched to Turning Mountain Fist, which was promoted with Overflowing Rain Strength.

Wan Qingqing was caught off guard by the sudden change of moves, and she was unable to avoid this sudden uppercut.

Wan Qingqing has a certain waist, and actually used another palm method that is not the Heart Breaking Seal.

This is like turning on some kind of switch. The fight between the two is no longer limited to the same sect martial arts, but various other tricks.

After the Initial Strengthening, a few talented Martial Masters began to dabble in various tricks and secrets, in order to create an advantage when the gap between Strength Force is not large.

In fact, among Martial Masters, if Strength Force is not a crushing gap, most of the winners and losers are due to other factors. Such as secret tricks, such as weapons, such as psychology.

Because the difference between Strength Force is not big, one side cannot completely kill the other side.

The body protection Strength Force is not so easy to break up.

Wan Qingqing has studied tricks by himself for a long time, while Wei He is also a multi-disciplinary martial arts student, so he is naturally familiar with all kinds of tricks.

After fighting for a while, Wan Qingqing suddenly let out a coquettish shout.

"Be careful." She stopped converging and used Overflowing Rain Strength, which was close to Forging Bone.

one after another torrent-like Strength Force, gushing out along her arms, wrapping her arms with a layer of invisible airflow.

A large amount of Strength Force moves the air and even distorts the color of the light.

"Okay, this is Fourth Layer Overflowing Rain Strength!"

Wan Qingqing lunged forward, the speed of both palms greatly increased, and he took several consecutive shots on Wei He like lightning .

Wei He didn't react at all, his hands were only half-replied, and he was already hit.

He shuddered.

Fourth Layer Overflowing Rain Strength is the level that he has not yet completed. After completing it, the next level is moved towards Forging Bone.

Originally, he thought that the difference between the third and fourth layers was not big, but now it seems that the Strength Force of Overflowing Rain Strength actually has some meaning in the later stage.

The more Strength Force, the faster and stronger?

He has always felt that Overflowing Rain Strength is not as useful as the other Martial Masters in terms of formidable power.

You must first find the opponent's weak spot in order to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. This effect is too tasteless.

In other words, before finding a weak spot, Overflowing Rain Strength doesn't improve battle strength much.

But now it seems.

“You let me win.” Wan Qingqing stopped and stood back, smiling.

"Thanks to Sister Senior for the guidance." Wei He carefully felt the few strands of Fourth Layer Overflowing Rain Strength that penetrated into his body. This is the best time to experience Fourth Layer.

Infiltrating Strength Force into another person's body without hurting the other person requires a lot of difficulty and consumption.

So he knew that this was Wan Qingqing's thanks for his previous letter.

This alone will save him a lot of skill time.

After a while, Wei He slowly came back to his senses from his experience. He had a feeling that it might not be long before he stepped into the Fourth Layer quickly.

This layer is mostly the accumulation of Strength Force, and there are not many difficulties. With the guidance of Wan Qingqing at this time, Wei He's accumulation speed will be faster.

"Don't thank me, there are not too many problems from Third Layer to Fourth Layer, the main thing is to accumulate a lot of Strength Force. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me." Wan Qingqing practiced One, it seems that I have also vented, and the depression in my heart has become much smaller.

"Okay, thank you Senior Sister." Wei He seriously nodded.

(end of this chapter)

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