Omnipresent God of War Chapter 121


Chapter 121 True Reality

"Okay, let's not talk about these, it's just some dejected words, come, drink!" Zhao Xingzheng Continue to toast Wei He.

"Yes, I'm here to toast Branch Master Wei!"

The other Junior Brother Junior Sisters also got up and toasted Wei He.

Those who come out of the inner courtyard, no matter how old or young, must be called senior brother and senior sister.

This is the rule of the outer court.

After a banquet, Zhao Xingzheng took the initiative to pay and sent Wei He to the return carriage.

On the branch side, there is a standard stationing point in the North Yu area, where the Branch Master generally needs to be stationed.

Wei He is the stationing point.

The stationing point is in the east of the North Yu area, and it fuses together with the shops selling handicrafts.

There are many handicraft shops on the street, including the shares of Heaven Sealing Gate.

Therefore, maintaining the industry of his own Sect is the focus of Wei He's main station here.

dīng líng líng.

The carriage reached the ground and stopped.

"Master, Heaven Sealing Hall is here." The coachman reminded carefully. Respectful tone.

This elderly coachman is the most careful when he does things. When he just got into the car, he watched a group of martial cultivators, who were five big and three rough, and sent Wei He to the car.

In addition, Wei He is also a burly and sturdy man, and I can't help but feel a little worried.

"en. "Wei He lifted the curtain, handed some big money over, and got out of the car.

Heaven Sealing Hall Except for the handyman, the rest of the people don't need to live here, just come to work every day.

Only Branch Masters need to be stationed here as much as possible.

Wei He stood in front of Heaven Sealing Hall and looked at the house.

The entire Heaven Sealing Hall is a special building composed of a two-story building and a semicircular courtyard.

A plaque hangs outside in black letters on a red background. Two stone lions stood at the door, and a wooden pier was nailed to the wall on the right side.

Wei He walked over and saw some rotten marks all over the wooden pier.

He suddenly understood, jumped forward and jumped up.

Take your toes lightly on the wooden pier, use your strength to climb over the wall, and fall firmly into the inner wall.

In the courtyard inside the wall, a sandy area is specially made for the footsteps.

After Wei He landed, his shoes just stepped into the sand and rubbed off the dirt.

He shook the sand.

"It seems that everyone doesn't like to go through the front door."

People in the courtyard heard the movement and opened the door one after another.

They are all ordinary persons with little martial power qi and blood, and their eyes are bleak compared to the martial artist.

A crowd of people ran out quickly in fear, then stood in line, moved towards Wei He, bowed their heads and bowed.

"I've seen Branch Master Wei."

Everyone said in unison, obviously someone passed the breath first, or gave a portrait of Wei He.

"It's night, let's go to rest, and I'll call you again." Wei He indifferently said.

"Yes, Branch Master has something to do, please call me immediately, my name is Zhuang Ping. I'm the steward in charge of coordinating various affairs here." A young man with a little flattering on his face stepped forward and smiled on the road.

"Well, let's go." Wei He nodded.

Then everyone quickly dispersed, Zhuang Ping stayed behind with two pretty girls, and followed behind Wei He. Waiting for his orders at any time.

Wei He walked around the entire Heaven Sealing Hall, asked some questions, and after learning about the environment, he chose a location as his special practice place.

In addition, he was also on the desk and saw the things he had to deal with during the time he had accumulated.

"Does the Branch Master need a small reading?" Zhuang Ping quickly asked when Wei He picked up a small book for recording affairs.

"No, I can read." Wei He replied.

He casually flipped through the above content, and roughly understood what the Branch Master needed to deal with.

In this regard, most of the matters are mainly from dispute mediation sent by various store owners.

For example, which new businessman committed a taboo, malicious competition.

For example, conflict with other businessmen, and being harassed and troubled by the other party.

There is also a larger new restaurant, Winery, or a music place, which invites him to the station.

There are still some requests for help, from the alien thief gang and even other Sects, wild martial artists, who have caused troubles and can do nothing, so come here.

And so on.

Of course, all of these are marked with the price, clearly marked, and the price is written on the back.

Wei He put down these pamphlets and got a general idea of what he was about to do.

"You go down." He pinged to Zhuang.

"Yes. If you have any orders, you can just shake the bell line by the table. I'll be there at any time." Zhuang Ping bowed respectfully.

Before leaving, she wanted to leave two pretty girls behind to serve Wei He, but was rejected.

Wei He has always been somewhat resistant to this kind of pure venting fun.

He hasn't had time to relax yet.

Leaving the study, Wei He entered the bedroom next door and began to live in Heaven Sealing Hall.

As before, he pushed most of the unimportant things off in one go.

The spirit is only focused on my own cultivation research.

The continuous research has not disappointed Wei He.

He successfully tested out, first sect, Iron Mountain Range Robe, a Strength Force cultivation technique that completely complements his current Overflowing Rain Strength.

Without any hesitation, Wei He immediately began to follow the martial arts of cultivation.

There is a large and abundant supply of exotic animal meat. Although Realm Breaking Bead has only broken through Whale Flood Art, he can't use it, but on his own, he quickly got started with Iron Mountain Range Robe.

With his current Initial Strengthening qi and blood growth rate, Iron Mountain Range Robe broke through Single Blood, Double Blood in less than a month. Start moving towards Triple Blood to advance.

Most of the martial arts have big differences since Triple Blood. In the early stage, it's actually all about temper muscles and bones, increasing the total amount of qi and blood, so it's not much different.

It's just that the punching parts are different.

But Triple Blood is the link that condenses Seal Blood.

Wei He also slowed down temporarily and had to wait for the Realm Breaking Bead to be full before continuing.

Realm Breaking Bead has been filled with one third in one month. After this Initial Strengthening, the subtle transformation of the whole body is indeed very effective.

If he used up the Realm Breaking Bead once before, he would have to wait at least half a year before it could be full.

Apart from this, the Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art majored in Wei He was not idle, and kept moving towards Fourth Layer and sprinting silently.

And Turning Mountain Fist, Five Ranges Palm, Flying Dragon Art, these martial arts gradually can't keep up with his pace.

Flying Dragon Art also has some uses, and the functions are not repeated. The other Turning Mountain Fist, Five Ranges Palm, the added lethality, compared with the Strength Force, the gap is huge.

He needs to shoot at least five times, mixing Strength Force with Turning Mountain Fist and Five Ranges Palm, hitting one place in a row to penetrate his body protection Strength Force.

This is very tasteless.

However, relying on the characteristics of Realm Breaking Bead, Wei He still came up with a way.

He had a conjecture a long time ago.

About the Realm Breaking Bead.

What is Realm Breaking Bead based on to determine the direction of his martial arts after breaking through?

Based on the cultivation technique he got? Or did he learn the knowledge of the next level of martial arts based on the cheats?

In fact, Wei He has gradually felt over the years that Realm Breaking Bead, in a more sense, is based on his subjective imagination to break through the next level of martial arts.

If this is the case, then as long as the Martial Arts Secret Book he has learned can be logical, there is a possibility of a breakthrough. Realm Breaking Bead may be able to keep breaking through.

Simply put, if a fragment of the martial arts is placed in front of Wei He.

The highest part of the remnant is two floors, and the back is gone.

And if Wei He relies on himself, imagine and deduce the Third Layer, if the Third Layer is reasonable.

Realm Breaking Bead is likely to press the Third Layer launched here and continue to break through.

Wei He felt overwhelmed by emotions when he thought of this possibility.

Because if this is true, then he has the possibility to derive a new cultivation technique by himself.

It is possible to create your own powerful Martial Arts!

This made him see more hope in solving the mixed blood problem.

And at this time, his Whale Flood Art came to Second Layer Perfection again.

Whale Flood Art is worthy of being an Evil Dao cultivation technique. The progress is extremely fast, but the level is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

But just right for Wei He.

While Whale Flood Art and Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art are his current majors in martial arts. The rest are just foils and enhancements.


Wei He patted the metal tablet in front of him with a palm.

The black metal monument is two meters long and one meter five wide. It is abnormally heavy and dull.

The huge metal block was constantly thrown up by Wei He's hands, pulled back, rotated and whistled.

This metal monument made of special alloy weighs more than five stone and is hard and stable. Grinding and gripping everywhere.

It is a specially customized exercise tool for Wei He.

Five stones, about five hundred catties. In Wei He's hands, it is like a toy, lightly tossed.

At this point, Wei He recalled the Hong Daoyuan he had seen in Feiye City before.

At that time, when he saw Hong Daoyuan carrying a short gun weighing more than 300 catties, he felt astonished.

It wasn't until he really did Initial Strengthening himself that he realized that the weight of more than 300 pounds was very light for an Initial Strengthening expert.

The metal tablet he bought was in accordance with the standard of the general Initial Strengthening Martial Master.

For Martial Masters who have just started strengthening, this amount of metal tablet is just right.

Even some Martial Master Initial Strengthening martial arts are light and light, and it is too heavy to use.

After all, you can't use Strength Force for exercise, you can only rely on your own physical strength.

While Wei He is different.

To him, this metal monument doesn't feel like two again.

He is now Whale Flood Art First Layer Perfection. The qi and blood have doubled, and the strength of the whole body has more than doubled.

This Whale Flood Art is a natural passive at all.

No need to start, no need to stimulate, as long as you produce blood sac, you can continue to strengthen yourself.

Sheer power.

Except that the cultivation is a little more difficult, there are no disadvantages.

"But yes, that Hong Daoyuan is an extraordinary natural talent, but after all, he was born in unorthodox and can still dominate in a small place, but in front of me now"

Wei He is now a Great Sect Disciple , Heaven Sealing Gate cultivation technique, even if it is not as great as the Without Beginning Sect, it is far stronger than other poor, humble sects, not to mention the unorthodox as Hong Daoyuan.

"But I'm not sure, you can practice that kind of formidable power with unorthodox. Now that a few years have passed, maybe people have already taken a fancy to it and practiced the profound Martial Arts in the door wall. "Wei He restrained his mind.

Now that Whale Flood Art is in the body, he looks a little more burly than the general martial artist, but once he develops his full strength.

He has the confidence to slap himself three months ago with one slap.

With more than double the power, if you are caught off guard, if you hit it with one palm, it is really called Tiantian should not, and earth is not working.

After deciding not to hide herself, Wei He waited for an opportunity, an opportunity to give herself more resources and attention.

Because, he gradually found that the little golden ticket sent by Like Water Workshop every month was not enough.

He also cultivated Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art, Whale Flood Art, White Jade Art, Flying Dragon Art. And the newly started Iron Mountain Range Robe.

Five cultivation techniques, plus Realm Breaking Bead to divide qi and blood.

In this way, the amount of exotic animal meat he needs is much larger than before.

If it wasn't for the Initial Strengthening, Heaven Sealing Gate gave him an exclusive River Bear meat field, and only supplied him with River Bear meat.

Maybe Wei He has long been worried about alien meat. Not to mention that he has to juggle toxicology research at the same time. That is also a big spender.

After Initial Strengthening, the application of toxicology also has many innovative patterns. Make Wei He more addicted and more secure.




Late March.

The steam in Xuanjing City is steaming. It rained a while ago, and it has been exposed to the sun recently, evaporating the accumulated water vapor.

Zhao Xingzheng came out of the Heaven Sealing Hall branch, reached out to stop the carriage, and sat on it.

"Go to East River Workshop."

"Okay." The driver responded briskly and drove the car moved towards East River Workshop south of Xuanjing City.

After a short while, the carriage paused for a while, and another black clothed man with a high bun followed by the carriage.

(end of this chapter)

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