Omnipresent God of War Chapter 120


Under the progress of Chapter 120

Wei He recalled in his heart that he had rummaged through the Martial Arts in the Heavenly Shore Building.

There really is such a martial arts, he has seen it, called Transforming Blood Palm.

It is also created by Evil Dao expert, the highest level is Initial Strengthening.

This martial arts can forcibly dissolve other Seal Blood in one's body, dissolve it into nutrients, and turn it into Transforming Blood Palm, a kind of Seal Blood.

This road is not only explored by Wei He.

In the data, there are countless ancestors who have followed one after another, have explored and collided.

Although they all failed, they undoubtedly left Wei He with a lot of valuable experience.

'But I remember that Seal Blood after Transforming Blood Palm, formidable power after Initial Strengthening is extremely weak, both offense and defense are extremely poor, and this cultivation technique progresses very slowly. Special additional primer material is also required. '

Wei He estimated in his heart.

But Transforming Blood Palm is weak, but it's a good way to refining other Seal Blood.

Wei He stood up and slowly clenched his fists.

The powerful qi and blood swayed, but with such a light grip, he felt that his strength was much stronger than before.

It is not the power brought by the Seal Blood cultivation technique, but the power of pure self.

He is an ordinary person who has no natural strength in martial arts.

"It's not enough."

'The useless Seal Blood cannot be removed. If this is not possible, it will most likely cause hidden dangers to my body. '

Wei He thought of this, jumped off the big rock without stopping, and went straight to the Heavenly Shore Building in Thousand Bats Waterside Pavilion.

One of the biggest benefits after Initial Strengthening, for him, is that Heavenly Shore Building is free.

Although he found inside, the highest level was the secret recipe of Initial Strengthening, but it was enough.

Enough for him now.

Check the information while you still have some time to go to the North Yu area.

In Heavenly Shore Building, second layer.

The old fogey had his feet on the table, his eyes were drowsy, his head was tilted to one side and he was dozing off, and he had a strong smell of wine.

Wei He gently went upstairs from his side, came to the bookshelf of Whale Flood Art, quickly took out Whale Flood Art, and started to endorse Second Layer.

Soon, Second Layer memorized it. With the powerful operation of qi and blood, the spirit was strong, and the memory was also much stronger.

Wei He started to read the research cultivation technique about resolving Seal Blood and trying the direction of Strength Force. Such as Transforming Blood Palm.

Books of cultivation techniques were quickly rummaged by him. After a while, he actually found another book of Qigong on the Evil Dao cultivation technique bookshelf.

This strange name: Autumn Deer Technique.

Its effect is a tentative cultivation technique developed by a Martial Arts senior in order to explore the complementarity between the cultivation technique Strength Force.

According to the preface of the cultivation technique booklet, this cultivation technique was developed by the senior named Autumn Deer Daoist, in order to encircle and suppress a powerful opponent at that time, and tested many complementary skills of cultivation technique Strength Force. .

This cultivation technique allowed him to select the five most suitable cultivation techniques for besieging opponents from a large number of martial arts, and thus found the five experts corresponding to these five cultivation techniques.

So he responded one after another, went to the invitation, used various conditions and methods, and finally gathered the five people together and successfully killed the enemy.

If Wei He wins Supreme Treasure, pick up Autumn Deer Technique and read it carefully.

This skill may be just tasteless to others, but to him it is a Supreme treasure.

Of course, it is of great value to be included in the Second Layer by Heaven Sealing Gate.

The Autumn Deer Technique is apparently intended to cultivate complementary Martial Arts Initial Strengthening experts.

In this way, whether it is to join forces to fight the enemy, or form a formation to kill the enemy, it can have a great effect.

After all, it is complementary to Strength Force, which represents more than one plus one Equals two, most likely one plus one equals three.

Wei He read it carefully.

This Autumn Deer Technique is actually a very complicated method of using qi and blood.

It proposes the concept of earlobe simulation based on the cognition of internal organs of human body structure.

'The earlobe is like a fetus hanging upside down, the internal organs correspond to each other, and the limbs and heads all have branches. In this way, it can be a place to test blood. '

This is the core of the Autumn Deer Technique.

It uses two earlobes as the whole body of the human body, and then uses a trace of qi and blood to build a simple Strength Force structure in it.

That is, from Essence Blood, to Seal Blood, to Strength Force, the transition structure in the middle.

As a result, it's easy to develop Strength Force at the cost of giving up a little Essence Blood.

Then cultivation two kinds of Seal Blood once on both earlobes. After trial and error, Seal Blood will disperse them. At most, it will damage the lower earlobe, and it will recover quickly.

Wei He suddenly realized that he didn't expect to use this move.

'However, this skill can only be used by Initial Strengthening Martial Master, and general martial artist can't use it at all. I don't know the essence of Strength Force. There is no level from Triple Blood to Initial Strengthening. Even a trace of Essence Blood cannot be converted into Strength Force. '

'And even if it is an Initial Strengthening Martial Master, there will be countless obstacles in the middle. In different cultivation techniques, the bottleneck faced is not only the accumulation of Seal Blood, but also various difficulties such as fundamental methods, which are time-consuming and time-consuming. Power but I'm not afraid! '

Wei He was delighted.

He's perfectly capable of rushing all the way through with the Realm Breaking Bead.

Anyway, just practice earlobe, the area is so small, even if it is Realm Breaking Bead breaking realms, it is estimated that the consumption is very small, and the recovery is also very fast.

If you encounter any difficulties, just break through it directly.

This is simply a way of exploring Strength Force tailored just for him!

At the moment, he silently memorized the Autumn Deer Technique. The only difficulty in this cultivation technique is control.

Wei He doesn't care about this.


Try the cultivation technique with Autumn Deer Technique, find out the complementary Strength Force, and then use Whale Flood Art, and do it concurrently.

Gather many Strength Force bodyguards to make Perfection the strongest Strength Force.

Wei He has a hunch that he can completely supplement Overflowing Rain Strength to an unimaginable level.

Suddenly he smelled the aroma of shredded pork with pickled peppers in his nose.

Turn his head to see that the guard on the second floor, the old man, was lying on the table, digging out a plate of shredded pork with pickled peppers.

Red, bright and green jade-green shredded chili peppers, mixed with oily and fragrant elastic shredded pork, and white flowers with crystal clear rice.

Wei He grunted, hungry.

old fogey lifts the head and glances at him.

“Would you like one plate?”

“Can two plates be okay?” Wei He asked.

"Even taking advantage of my old man, are you embarrassed?" the old man said disdainfully.

"Okay, just one plate at a time."

Wei He put away the book, got up and moved towards old fogey.

Not long after, the two sat in the management room on the second floor.

This is the old man's usual residence. There is only one bed, a set of table and chairs, and nothing else.

The two sat opposite each other, each with an empty plate in front of them, with only a little chili juice left in it, and the rest was empty.

"You brat, I haven't seen someone who likes reading books like you for many years." The old man exhaled and touched his belly.

"Junior has limited roots, not much interest, and only loves to read books." Wei He replied calmly.

"hehe, you brat, your mouth is full of lies, be careful to deceive people and deceive yourself too much." The old man pouted taunted.

"Junior never lies." Wei He seriously said.

The old man didn't say much, waved his hand, got up and left.

"Go and do your own thing after eating."

Wei He didn't say much, and continued to start the work just now.

Determined to take Autumn Deer Technique as the core, try complementary cultivation techniques, and then use Whale Flood Art to create the most suitable cultivation technique system for myself.

The last thing Wei He needs to deal with now is the Flying Dragon Art, Turning Mountain Fist, etc. from the previous cultivation.

How to deal with the Seal Blood Strength Force generated by these cultivation techniques?

He returned to the Evil Dao cultivation technique bookshelf again. Although these crooked Evil Dao were not accessible to the avenues, they gathered a lot of inspirational ideas and whimsy, which gave Wei He a lot of inspiration.

Soon, he dug out another book from the bookshelf, explaining in detail how Essence Blood turned into Seal Blood, and then how it turned into Strength Force.

Wei He keeps collecting little by little. With the Transforming Blood Palm method as the bone, we are constantly trying to perfect our supplements.

It's just that solving the problem of mixed blood has long been a problem that has plagued countless people. Even if he has a Realm Breaking Bead, it's hard to come up with a solution for a while.

Wei He can only start practicing Autumn Deer Technique and test martial arts while continuing to cultivate Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art and Whale Flood Art.

Autumn Deer Technique is worthy of being a Divine Item, paired with Wei He's Realm Breaking Bead, soon, a Martial Arts has begun to be tested by Wei He.

Because it only needs a small area of the earlobe for cultivation, it needs less qi and blood, less Seal Blood to condense, and each step is extremely fast.

Some martial arts even take one day to reach the next level.

The level where other people are helpless requires all kinds of materials, all kinds of insights, and a level that can only be broken through with basic diagrams.

For Wei He, it's not a problem at all, after Realm Breaking Bead Perfection, as he expected, breaking one earlobe, second day bead refilling.

With so many repetitions, Wei He, while testing the complementarity of martial arts, cultivation Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art and Whale Flood Art, slowly finds a solution to the mixed blood.

As time goes by, his cultivation base progresses faster and faster. Whale Flood Art is an Evil Dao cultivation technique with extremely difficult levels. You need to break the Realm Breaking Bead again to step into the Third Layer.

And at this time, it was time for him to go to office.

Wei He found out the Initial Strengthening cultivation technique that he tested, and then put the second sister in his room at Thousand Bats Waterside Pavilion, and instructed that if there was something important, he could go to find Eldest Senior Sister Wan Qingqing help.

He himself, after seeing the big deacon Vice-Sect Master, went to Xuanjing City, North Yu area, and started to serve.




"Come on, drink! Let's toast Branch Master Wei together! Come, come!"

At night, in the Jinjiu Workshop in the North Yu area.

The Heaven Sealing Gate stationed personnel belonging to the North Yu area branch, all gathered to welcome Wei He.

The Branch Master before the North Yu area branch only focused on practicing martial arts all day long and didn't care about anything. When he encountered something, he just left it to his subordinates.

These people can't stand it for a long time, and now they have finally replaced people. While everyone is relaxed, they are also guessing what the temperament of Wei He Branch Master Wei is.

In the big box of Jinjiu Workshop, which is decorated with gold and jade in glorious splendor, there are rows of figurines and kneeling lights in two rows.

The many flower lamps on the wall are densely packed, and the lights are as bright as day.

On the long wine table covered with blue silk, Wei He sits on the left side, and the rest are the main members of the branch.

There are five members in total, and the rest are outsiders and are not eligible for the banquet.

Among the five, the man who took the lead in the toast was 1.8 meters tall, with a face full of flesh, fat and sturdy, and his accent carried a strong foreign accent, and he did not know where he was from.

This person's name is Zhao Xingzheng, and he has the strongest sense of existence. Among the five people, it seems that the rest are a little afraid of him.

"Brother Zhao, you're welcome. I'm here. Since I've shouldered everyone's burden, I have to take everyone's responsibility."

Wei He indifferently said.

"It's my first time in this Wei, so there's nothing to hide about it, so there's something to joke about, no, I'd like to ask everyone to bear with me first and give me some pointers. I don't know how to study. No regrets.

Let's see if you give me this Wei a little face."

Wei He took the wine glass, turned around to the five people, raised his head and used his lips first Touch it, then drink it up.

White Jade Art has become, coupled with his long-term immersion in poison and drug, let him judge the glass of wine at the moment of the touch of his lips.

He felt at ease.

Anything he eats now, he instinctively develops the habit of being careful and cautious.

"Okay!" Zhao Xingzheng took the lead in exclaiming. "Branch Master Wei is really upright and straightforward! Let's toast Branch Master again!"

After a few people changed the cups, the atmosphere became warm, and Zhao Xingzheng also talked about various anecdotes that happened recently. .

“speaking of which, in the middle of last month, Branch Master knew that Zhou Family Zhou Zhanbo led a team to encircle and suppress Flies over Water Tie Zheng, using the thing that has been circulating for a long time”

"That thing?"

".It's a firearm." Zhao Xingzheng lowered his voice. "Flies over Water Tie Zheng is a Martial Master who has been dignified Initial Strengthening for many years. Wearing Strength Force body protector, he once defeated my Heaven Sealing Gate two Martial Masters who went to encircle and suppress them face to face. Now he is dead at once. ”

He couldn't help but sigh, the appearance of firearms is a great irony to the martial artist.

Wei He was silent.

He knows better than anyone what the development of firearms will be for the martial artist.

"You said, if that firearm develops and grows, when the time comes and I wait for the martial cultivator, what will happen in the end, it's really uncertain." Zhao Xingzheng shook his head and sighed.

He is also a martial cultivator, with qi and blood, and he is also in Triple Blood. It's just that I didn't break through Triple Blood before the age of 20, so my whole life is just Triple Blood.

And the people like him are the most in the society. Many of them rely on one big drug, barely breaking through Triple Blood in their 30s and 40s. There is no further possibility.

(end of this chapter)

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