Omnipresent God of War Chapter 122


Chapter 122 True Reality under

Inside the carriage.

Zhao Xingzheng sat opposite the man, both of them swayed slightly as the wheels bumped, but neither spoke immediately.

Until the carriage is about to arrive at the East River Workshop.

Zhao Xingzheng spoke again.

"Please show us around."

The driver doesn't know why, but as long as you give the money, you can do anything. also agreed.

Zhao Xingzheng looked towards the black clothed man sitting opposite.

"I checked the new Branch Master, and he's not a follower."

The black clothed man nods: "Is that still the original plan?"

"Well, just as planned. Surnamed Wei spent all his time practicing martial arts on his own. He doesn't care about anything at all, he is considered to be sensible and sensible.

I use his name to put the last time The goods will be transferred to you tonight." Zhao Xingzheng said in a low voice.

"Recently, the inspection team has come to a lot of new faces, and the management has not been in place yet. What if they are found?" The black clothed man frowned.

"What are you afraid of, we've walked so many times, and haven't found out a few times.

And even if something goes wrong, we'll be using surnamed Wei's name. The first escort all the way, when the time comes to investigate down, also that Wei He is on top." Zhao Xingzheng said with a slight smile.

"It's not the same, this time is different from the last time." The black clothed man shook his head, "Heaven Sealing Gate seems to have noticed, this is the last time, the people over there ask for high prices, and the people who give them are cruel. The next shipment, there should be some people in it, once it is found, it is very dangerous! In my opinion, it is better to wait."

"Waiting for one more day is a day's danger. The last surname is Li. Isn't it that I almost noticed the clue? Besides, the bigger the guy, the more valuable it is!" Zhao Xingzheng whispered.

The black clothed man hesitated, but nodded down.

"Okay. I haven't had an accident for so long, and I don't believe it will happen this time.

Then it's up to you, you will transfer the goods tonight, and I will immediately Send someone to pick it up. So that the night will not be too long."

He knew that the batch of goods flowed from the armory in the city, and there were too many people involved, and they were only a link in the middle. , that would cause more trouble.

After all, they are all controlled ordnance. Even though the governmental authority is incompetent these days, it is the Zhou Family of three great aristocratic families who are in charge of this.

And what they did, once exposed, would be a big crime to be raided and annihilated.

Because the weapons they smuggled were all supplied to the Incense Seeker Cult rebel army group outside the city and transported away quietly.

Now the rebel army is fighting the Tai Prefecture side. Everyday all you can see sergeants leave the garrisoned barracks in groups.

They are digging for their own defenders.

In the event of an accident, the consequence is that Heaven Sealing Gate will immediately disassociate itself and hand over all relevant personnel.

The last branch Branch Master, after finding clues, was jointly managed by Zhao Xingzheng and the others and the contact person of the rebel army.

The two of Zhao Xingzheng discussed the details on the carriage, and the carriage turned around Xuanjing City for half a circle before stopping in front of an unknown mansion.

The black clothed man got out of the car.

Only Zhao Xingzheng was left, and he continued by car to the East River Workshop.

In fact, he has had some hunch recently, feeling that he is being targeted, the last Branch Master was taken away by him and outsiders, and he has already revealed some tricks.

So Zhao Xingzheng is ready to make a fortune while this new Branch Master is not familiar with various channels, and run away when he is full.

So this time, he not only made the goods that changed hands, but also quietly shipped most of the various medicines and animal meat in the branch warehouse, and planned to sell them together and take the opportunity to run away.

At this time, Wei He, after dinner, was concentrating on Martial Arts in his study.

He had a preliminary idea on how to deal with mixed blood.

He found that the difficulty in removing miscellaneous blood lies in Seal Blood.

But after Initial Strengthening, he found that Seal Blood Initial Strengthening completely disappeared. Seems transformed into another wonderful form.

This form is called Strength Force by martial artists, and a kind of Strength Force, once the cultivation comes out and reaches the Initial Strengthening, it will be effective forever.

This feeling is like the special effects of playing online games in his previous life!

A Strength Force is a special effect direction.

Some pierce, some oscillate, some penetrate, some are powerful, and some accelerate.

"It should be said, Initial Strengthening is the corresponding special effect of curing martial arts. For example, I am curing the effect of Overflowing Rain Strength body protection on my body."

Wei He such a Metaphor, suddenly feel a lot of image.

He stood up from his study seat, stretched out his hands, and looked closely.

I found that the skin on my hands became faintly white, the pores became smaller and smaller, and the hair became more and more transparent and less.

"This feeling is more like evolution."

Wei He guessed in his heart.

He now reads a lot of books, combining the phenomena mentioned in many notes and cheats. He was vaguely aware.

"It's like letting your body evolve further. Initial Strengthening is a sign."

Thinking of this, Wei He once again tried to mobilize the Turning Mountain Strength of Turning Mountain Fist .

Strength Force gradually began to stir on the surface of both hands, but soon, the conflict between Strength Force began to cancel out.

There is a clear conflict between Overflowing Rain Strength and Turning Mountain Strength.

But because Overflowing Rain Strength is an Initial Strengthening level, the quantity and quality are far better than Turning Mountain Strength. So with no difficulty suppresses it.

"Difficult." Wei He shook his head. Now the Realm Breaking Bead has not been fully recovered, and can only try again after it recovers.

dong dong dong.

There is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Wei He restrained his thoughts. Now that he has completed the Whale Flood Art First Layer, his qi and blood strength has doubled, and his strength has made a huge leap compared to before.

If Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng had met him now, Wei He would be confident, he didn't need any underhand tricks, and he would definitely kill Xiao Heng if he faced the top ten.

The one who came in was the servant in charge of communication in branch normally, named Xiao Wen.

Xiao Wen and more than ten other servants who do chores in the branch are all servants who sell themselves in Heaven Sealing Gate and have no martial arts aptitude.

Most of these people were too hungry in the famine and could not afford to eat, so they were sold to Heaven Sealing Gate by their parents and cultivated as a recipe since childhood.

Among them, those with potential to improve the Official Disciple will be distributed to various stationing points as peripheral personnel.

Xiao Wen is petite and always likes to take small steps when she walks. She looks very hurried.

At this point, she took a yellow paper document and put it on Wei He's desktop.

"Branch Master, Manager Zhao asked me to bring you some documents, and I need your confirmation."

"I didn't say it, don't bother me with these little things, let Zhao Xingzheng Just deal with it yourself." Wei He waved his hand and said indifferently.

“However, Manager Zhao said, they would not dare to act rashly without your seal,” Xiao Wen explained.

"Okay." Wei He picked up the document and flipped through the pages, all of which were trivial matters.

The bigger one is to settle the disputes and frictions between the properties under Heaven Sealing Gate and some small gangs.

Wei He took out his stamp, dipped it in the pad, and stamped it one after another.

Suddenly he saw a page that said that he wanted to escort a batch of rare medicine ingredients to a long-term cooperation escort agency.

The time is written below, and it happens to be this evening.

But Wei He remembered that he escorted a batch of medicine ingredients a few days ago, and it was also delivered to the escort.

"This place." He got up and quickly found the previous record booklet from the bookshelf.

Soon, Wei He found many records of this medicine ingredient transfer in the record book.

This kind of transshipment seems to have started from the previous year. The profit is not high, but it is safe and stable.

Wei He had this record when he found out that the previous Branch Master was there, and felt a little relieved.

He knew that Zhao Xingzheng had some problems, but it didn't matter, he was a little selfish. When the water is clear, there are no fish. He still knew this.

And, these days, Zhao Xingzheng manages everything very well inside and out, which is amazing.

Also allows Wei He to devote all his energy to research and cultivation.

So, he pressed all the seals with confidence. Give it to Xiao Wen and let him bring it to Zhao Xingzheng.

That night.

On a secluded street in the North Yu area of Xuanjing City.

Evening hours.

The gu lu sound of the wheels continued to spread, and from time to time there were noises from rolling stones.

Zhao Xingzheng was dressed in black clothed, with a few brothers, holding a torch, and driving an ox cart. Escort the 'rare medicine ingredient' for transport, and intend to deliver it to another 'escort bureau'.

The two bullock carts moved forward slowly, and the patrolmen encountered along the way were stopped by the two people in front of them, and they were quickly released.

Soon the bullock cart arrived at the Dong Cheng gate of Xuanjing City.

The head of guarding the city gate is a silver-armored general with a pistol, leading a group of soldiers to the front.

Under the light of the fire, the reflections of the armor and weapons made people dazzled.

"What kind of goods? Why are you guys again? Didn't you just ship it a few days ago?" The silver armor general was young, with a fresh face, and he was not a veteran who had been good before.

Zhao Xingzheng shuddered, knowing that it was a temporary substitution.

"This general, we are from the Heaven Sealing Gate branch, and the car is full of rare goods, you see." He quickly stuffed something over there.

Although he is a Sect manager and his status is not low, Heaven Sealing Gate is just famous and still belongs to the category of ordinary people.

When facing officials, you still have to honor them.

"It turned out to be from Heaven Sealing Gate." The young general collected his things and calmed down. After all, this is the largest Great Sect in the vicinity. Even if he is an official army, his family lives in the vicinity. I don't want to offend such a big force in vain.

"It's just that your bullock cart is a bit heavy." Did the boy say, "It's not that I don't give face, but that the top has been pressed down recently and the rules are very strict, if it slips out of my hands What goes out, it's a major event!"

"Frankly, this product was named and guaranteed by our newly appointed Branch Master Wei. You see, this is the seal document of our Branch Master, both It's done."

Zhao Xingzheng immediately took out the prepared documents.

As a Branch Master, Wei He is also a prominent figure in a town, representing the image of Heaven Sealing Gate in the North Yu area.

Therefore, with the endorsement of a Branch Master-level character, the teenager's face relaxed.

"That's fine. Let's go." He didn't say more, glanced at the documents, and there was a guarantee from the Heaven Sealing Gate Branch Master level, even if there was a problem, he couldn't find his head. superior.

The soldiers at the city gate no longer surrounded the ox cart, but continued to check the rest of the vehicles out of the city in the queue behind.

Zhao Xingzheng relaxed, took the bullock cart slowly forward, drove out of the city gate, moved towards the place agreed by the Golden Wind Escort Office outside.

After this transaction, he immediately rushed to Yun Prefecture and did not stay here.

Bring lots of golden tickets. Where are you not enjoying life?

The bullock cart slowly moved forward, and soon turned into a small road. The woods gradually increased on both sides, and the light became darker.

The bullock cart soon arrived at the agreed-upon spot, a specially marked expanse of woodland.

It's just that it's not the Incense Seeker Cult's connector who is standing there waiting in the woods.

It was another tall, burly man with black hair draping over the shoulders.

The moment Zhao Xingzheng saw the other side clearly, his scalp tingled and his heart almost stopped.

The man in the woodland was Wei He.

Wei He looked at Zhao Xingzheng in disappointment.

He didn't expect that Zhao Xingzheng, who looked so bold on the surface, was actually doing this kind of thing behind his back.

If he hadn't resisted drugging people, he would have been kept in the dark by now.

It's mainly because Wei He sees Zhao Xingzheng, it's very useful, but some important things are handed over to him, and because the relationship is not familiar enough, he is not enough to be assured, so he can't help it, and he has a new research. poison.

It's called Soul-Chasing Fragrance.

This poison is the inspiration Wei He learned from Black Sign Insect, using an Insect called Painting Insect as an introduction.

Painting Insect quietly falls asleep when the poisoner is nearby.

And once the poisoned person stays away from a certain distance.

Painting Insect will screech and rejuvenate.

The most important thing is that, because it was far away from Painting Insect, Wei He was worried that Zhao Xingzheng would do something poisonous if he didn't return in time, so he rushed out to save people.

didn't expect . But I saw this scene all the way.

"Zhao Xingzheng, you have disappointed me so much." Wei He sighed at the complexity and unpredictability of the heart.

'It is also True Reality from medicine powder, there will be no deception and betrayal. '

(end of this chapter)

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