Omnipresent God of War Chapter 119


Chapter 119 Progress

"Okay, since you decided to stay, I will hand over your status token later, The deacon is managed by Yan Hui Vice-Sect Master Yan." Wan Qingqing urged.

Wei He nodded, took the box, turned around and looked towards the rest.

In the courtyard, there are a total of ten inner courtyard Disciple, but most of them know that he has disperse cultivation before, so he is not too envious of him at this time.

There are even some people with disapproval in their eyes.

Among the people Wei He knows.

Qian Rui, the same sect who was pulled into the Purple Bamboo Club with him at the beginning, had a downcast face and could not see his emotions clearly.

Sun Yi, who started from the outer courtyard together, returned his gaze with a seemingly sincere smile, but his eyes were just as complicated. Although Wei He disperse cultivation, it is Initial Strengthening after all, and it is different.

Chen Lin and Zhou Hangsu, who have always regarded themselves as geniuses, closed their eyes and meditated, and the other whispered to the beautiful Junior Sister beside them.

The two of them obviously didn't care about him, the Initial Strengthening Martial Master who had lost his power. And they are confident that they can become Martial Master sooner or later, or a strong Martial Master.

In addition, I didn't know Wei He well, so I came here just for a short walk, just like attending a dinner party.

Except for those Triple Blood inner courtyards that have fallen behind him. Wei He looked towards the other two and finished the same sect of Third Layer as he did.

A Yao Hansheng, a tall and slender woman who didn't know each other, the two just nodded to Wei He, and had no intention of talking.

Wei He remembers Yao Hansheng because at the first meeting, he talked about his competition with an expert in the military, and the result was shocking.

Wei He also took it to heart.

"Wei He." Finally, Courtyard Head Wan Ling spoke.

She had a smile on her pretty face that looked a little tired, and because there was a Martial Master in the inner courtyard, it added a little joy.

"Master." Wei He hurriedly saluted.

"Although you have gone through disperse cultivation, you should be very in line with Overflowing Rain Strength, which is why your cultivation speed is so fast. You have only started for two years, and you have already started to strengthen. Besides, I heard that you have not been married yet? "Wan Ling said suddenly.

Wei He's scalp tightened with fright. He is still in the critical period of Martial Arts, and he has no time to talk about marriage, so don't give him any trouble.

"Disciple is obsessed with Martial Arts, and he is still young, so he has no plans to do so." Wei He quickly shied away.

"It's a good thing to be fascinated with Martial Arts, but don't forget to pass on your Wei Family, and family continuation is a major event." Wan Ling said with a slight smile. "I heard that your parents are not here. Since I am your teacher, I have to take up such responsibilities."

She paused. "I have a sister who has an eldest daughter, who is as beautiful as a flower and has a lively temperament. She is the daughter of a county lieutenant in Yuzhong. Wei He, you can meet her on another day, how about you?"

At this time, the teacher suggested the marriage , which is equivalent to parental designation, is simply not the child's turn to reject.

So although Wan Ling's words were inquiries, if Wei He dared to refuse, it would be disobedience to the teacher, which is a crime on the same level as contradicting parents.

It's normal to be caught and beaten by Wan Ling.

So although he didn't want to, he still should be nodded.

"Disciple thanked Master."

"Very good. I know you have a sister in your family. If you are interested, I can also help you find a suitable person." Wan Ling is friendly road.

"This. It's up to my sister's own opinion." Wei He quickly shied away.

Hearing this, Wan Ling's eyes are more soft. In this era, there are not many people who can respect women so much.

"Also, when the time comes, if you have time, you can bring your elder sister. I will tell you one or two carefully." She urged.

"Thank you, Master, definitely." Wei He replied quickly.

Exit the Myriad Azure Courtyard.

Wei He is really hard to describe, but he is 21 years old now, at this age, he has not married in this era, it is really unreasonable to say.

Now, after the Initial Strengthening, he has finished walking for the time being. After the Initial Strengthening, the water mill will last longer and longer.

Initial Strengthening feels like Inner Strength.

The stronger and purer the Strength Force, the stronger the formidable power. Different Strength Forces can also have different effects.

Isn't this similar to Inner Strength?

Wei He speculates in his heart.

But no matter how he refused, the marriage major event was already a big mountain before his eyes and had to be resolved.

Otherwise, coming again and again will definitely affect his cultivation on Martial Arts.

Wei He came out all the way. Fortunately, his Initial Strengthening came from disperse cultivation. So everyone seems to have received Wan Qingqing's advice and didn't come to congratulate him deliberately, so as not to stimulate his emotions.

Wei He is also happy to be quiet.

He slowly returned home, exited Thousand Bats Waterside Pavilion, walked along the periphery of Heavenly Seal Lake, and walked around to Heavenly Seal Town.

Only halfway through, in the foggy front of the lake, I saw a familiar silhouette standing there.

Yang Guo and another man in Chinese clothes were standing next to each other, whispering something.

Yang Guo also seemed to see him, the corner of his eyes turned, and the shadow of Wei He was printed in his pupils.

She raised her hand to say hello, but suddenly thought of something, and put it down again, just showing a slight smile.

Wei He also nodded lightly and passed by the two of them.

The two used to be good friends, but now that she has a choice, she respects her path.

"Did you know that person just now?" The man beside Yang Guo asked suspiciously.

"Well, I used to know a Junior Brother, but I haven't seen each other for a long time." Yang Guo un'ed, not wanting the other party to misunderstand.

"Okay." The man seemed to have noticed something and didn't say more.

Yang Guo is already preparing for a marriage with a man, and he doesn't pay much attention to what's going on in the door.

Even recent returns can be counted on one's fingers. Naturally, it will not know about Wei He breakthrough Initial Strengthening.

"Let's come here less in the future, just come back occasionally. This place is really remote." The man whispered.

"Well, I see." Yang Guo nodded.

The benefits of the Initial Strengthening Martial Master are not just the obvious benefits of Sect, but other hidden benefits as well.

Wei He rested at home for three days, and Wan Qingqing sent someone to arrange for his position—Martial Master stationed in North Yu area.

The North Yu area happens to be the area where the Like Water Workshop is located. Obviously, this is a benefit that Courtyard Head Wan Ling has specially won for Wei He.

It makes it easier for him to take care of the sponsor behind him, Like Water Workshop.

For each garrison point, a total of five outer sects and one Martial Master will be arranged. This is the convention. In the nine areas of Xuanjing City, there are a total of nine Martial Masters stationed.

Wei He has received the position, and the time limit is one month, and he will go to work.

He didn't panic.

Now after Initial Strengthening, he feels that his appetite is absorbed faster than before.

A piece of jerky from a pound of exotic animal meat, he can eat it in a few minutes without chewing it with water, and it can be digested in ten minutes.

As an Initial Strengthening Martial Master, Wei He knows a lot about the various states of his body.

Therefore, the speed of digesting myself has improved a lot, and it is quite clear.

It's good for him.

Because that means the Realm Breaking Bead will recover faster. It is also more conducive to his implementation of the next plan.

The light rain was misty and stopped in the blink of an eye, and it lasted for more than half a month.

Wei He has recently become accustomed to practicing at the lakeside, nothing else. Just because the crisp flute of Wan Qingqing can be heard in the lake every day.

The sound of the flute was clear and pure, which made him more focused when he practiced. Efficiency increases sharply.

Wei He guessed that this should be a technique used by Strength Force in the music. Or a special move method of Strength Force.

Sitting cross-legged on a large rock surrounded by mist.

Wei He's face is calm, his eyes are slightly closed, and the Seal Blood in his body is woven into a strange structure like silk threads.

The cultivation technique of Whale Flood Art has finally reached the First Layer level.

'It is still a bit too tiring to study multiple cultivation techniques at the same time, and the progress is also somewhat dragged down. '

Wei He frowned, but he couldn't give any solution for the time being, so he could only hold down temporarily.

'Fortunately, Whale Flood Art has finally arrived at bottleneck. '

He felt more at ease.

If other people, no matter how talented, the cultivation of this Whale Flood Art, to this bottleneck level, they must have a special kind of beast - Peng Yu, with their hard work, and taking food at the same time, can they have Chance to break through this critical level.

But according to the information found by Wei He, Peng fish has been extinct for hundreds of years.

It can also be judged from this that the founder of the cultivation technique of Whale Flood Art was hundreds of years ago.

'But now, I don't need Peng Yu's efforts. 'Wei He's heart moved, and the Realm Breaking Bead exploded from his chest.

A scalding heat surged through his body instantly.

He had been enduring the useless Realm Breaking Bead before, which played a key role at this time. A large amount of heat flow into the silk thread of Whale Flood Art Seal Blood, forcing it to be more tenacious and more elastic, and also began to automatically weave into a Seal Blood blood sac.

From the activation of the Realm Breaking Bead to the completion of the blood sac, Wei He's body did not move without warning.

But within the body, Heaven and Earth are turning upside down. A large amount of qi and blood are poured into the newly formed blood sac, which is constantly accumulating, accumulating, accumulating.

Whale Flood Art First Layer, done!

His total qi and blood began to slowly increase, increasing every moment.

This process will take a month to complete the renovation. By then, his total body qi and blood will be twice that of a martial artist of the same level.

This is the First Layer Whale Flood Art.

A large amount of qi and blood are stored in the blood sac, making Wei He's lips slightly white, but soon, the same powerful digestion and hematopoietic ability will quickly convert all the nutrients and subtle substances into qi and blood , replenish the body.

“Next, it’s the stacking of Strength Force. The Overflowing Rain Strength alone, at most, has some effect on the attack.

But the Overflowing Rain Strength in the Nine Courtyards, It's not that strong, let alone compared to the rest of the mighty Strength Forces out there."

Wei He had already made plans.

He intends to try one after another and try out other Strength Forces that can complement Overflowing Rain Strength.

This is actually very easy for him to do here, because as long as a martial arts reaches Triple Blood, it can initially breed Strength Force, when the time comes Strength Force is repelling and offsetting, or complementing one another. can see clearly.

With the support of a large amount of funds and the support of continuously alien beasts, Wei He has the confidence and time to try this thing.

Anyway, his cultivation martial arts, the biggest trouble is that the level brought by concurrent training is difficult to break through, and this point is solved by Realm Breaking Bead.

'The other trouble now is that after stepping into Triple Blood, the martial arts will produce Seal Blood, and Seal Blood cannot be eliminated. How to deal with it? Otherwise, it will stay in the body all the time, won't it become impurities? '

Wei He was thinking about this instead.

He listened to the flute, and his mind gradually became calm and peaceful, thinking about countermeasures.

'Seal Blood is difficult to disappear because it has been highly differentiated and transformed, and the process is irreversible. Then, can there be a martial arts that can use all these Seal Blood as nourishment, devour, absorb, and turn it into a kind of Seal Blood? '

(end of this chapter)

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