Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1265: Panic

"Quick! Control the Emperor's Handwriting!"

Looking at the prison that was about to explode, Guzhile hurriedly shouted to Zhizhihao.

If you really want to let this quasi-imperial weapon rush out, it will be troublesome!

Immediately, the two men stroked their palms, silently reciting the mantra taught by them.

As the lips of the two opened and closed, the Emperor's handwriting showed amazing golden light again. Jin Guanghua's prison pushed down on Ling Xiao, as if to control Ling Xiao again.

"Huh, a God King's handwriting wants to control a para-imperial tool? Really thought it was the handwriting of the ancient emperor? No one drives this para-imperial tool to make you succeed, but now, do you still want to succeed? ?"

Li Mo smiled contemptuously, then Li Mo flicked his finger. Point to Lingxiao, only one word is spoken


The word seemed to bring endless power, the voice fell, and Ling Xiao's whole body shone brightly.

I saw Lingxiao showing his might and his body quickly rose.


Soon, Ling Xiao's body shattered the prison of the Emperor's handwriting.

Along with one, there is also the Guzu Script which has no energy at all.


Both Cricket's Joy and Cricket's Hao were repulsed, and both coughed up a bite of blood and flew backwards.

Ling Xiao, who had returned to freedom, gradually became smaller and became a slap and flew back to Li Mo's hands.

With the quasi-imperial weapon in hand, Li Mo's body was getting stronger and stronger. Just in a blink of an eye, the pressure on Li Mo's body can be comparable to that of the powerhouse of Heavenly Wonderland!

It is even better than the ordinary Tianxian Realm who is perfect and strong, but it has not exceeded the Tianxian Realm and entered the Tianshen Realm.

"not good!"


Feeling the change in the breath of Li Mo's body, Chou Zhile and Chou Zhihao shouted one after another. Then the two got up and ran away.

But they can enter the Lingxiao Mountain because of the help of Guzu's handwriting.

But now the Guzu's handwriting has been broken, and it is impossible for them to go out to Lingxiao Mountain.

The two could only head back and dared to head back in the dark direction, and ran away.

But when Li Moxiu was not as good as them, the speed could catch up with them.

Now Li Moxiu far surpasses them, so Li Mo can only catch up with the joy of crickets and the **** of crickets just very leisurely.


Seeing that it couldn't run away, Chou Zhihao and Chai Zhile gritted their teeth and rushed to Li Mo.

"go with!"

Without saying anything, Li Mo threw out the palm-sized Lingxiao.

Lingxiao continued to zoom in along the way, and soon rose to the height of three people.

"Strengthen the mountain fist!"

Seeing that he could not escape, Gu Zhihao's two pairs of fists turned into two claws and smashed towards Ling Xiao.


Li Zhihao took the mid-day cultivation of Heavenly Wonderland as a quasi-imperial weapon that wanted to be tough, not to mention a trendy quasi-imperial weapon. It's as if mortals want to compete with Jushan.

The final result can only be a mortal's head slammed!

And Ling Xiao, under Li Mo's control, didn't say anything.

Three people came down from the high hill, and Zhizhihao was directly crushed into meat.

"Third Brother!"

Looking at Chou Zhihao, Chou Zhile's face changed.

Then Zhizhi Le looked in the direction of Li Mo, with a haunted expression on his face.

"Want me to die? Well, even if I die, I have to take you to be buried!"

The voice fell, and Guzhile began to swell all over his body. A dangerous and dangerous force spread out.

The power of the self-explosion of the powerful fairyland is not small. If the Celestial Realm blew up, the lethality would be more powerful.

But Li Mo said nothing, turned his fingers, and silently read Ling Xiaoshan's mantra. Ling Xiao got up suddenly, and pressed the blood of the cricket with pieces of blood.

Guzhile's body, which gradually became fat because of self-explosion, was directly crushed and thinned again. Where can it explode?

"In front of absolute strength, are you likely to explode?"

Li Mo smiled contemptuously and turned his finger again. Ling Xiaoshan followed the action and directly crushed the sorrowful joy to death.

"the host."

Ling Xiao once again turned into the palm of a man coming back and returned to Li Mo.

However, Lingxiao is much more honest now, without the previous arrogance.

Although for Ji Ling, no one can match his first master.

But the first master died, and the spirit was conquered by the second master. He will be faithful all his life.

Li Mo did not respond, but looked up and looked up.

The scenes on Lingxiao Mountain are clearly visible.

At this moment, the heavenly army has reached Lingxiao Mountain.

Outside Lingxiao Mountain, the elder Yu Xiao uses the formation of Lingxiao Mountain to defend the enemy.

Yu Xiao's body was full of blood, and the corpses ran wild across the Lingxiao Mountain.

These corpses include manchu puppet heavenly soldiers and generals, and even Jiuli tribe people.


At that time, the sky seemed to collapse. It turned out that Li Renlong and Na Chong Fengchun were fighting here.

Both of them can now exert their peak fighting power, but at this moment Li Renlong has been fighting against Fengfengchun.

It can be seen that even with the blessing of quasi-imperial weapons. This mantis is not an opponent of Li Renlong.


The cry for killing continued, and the filmed army of pseudo-Tianting killed Lingxiao Mountain.

In the shouting, Yu Xiao made a palm move. With the help of the Lingxiao Mountain formation method, a light arrow appeared, which was shot at the powerful fairyland powerhouse in front of a giant ant king clan.

This lightsaber is also extraordinary, which directly repels the mighty ant king clan strongman of the great consummation of that place.

You know, if there is no Lingxiao Mountain Formation. Yu Xiao will definitely not be the opponent of the powerful Juli Ant clan in the same territory.

Having repelled the strong ant king clan, Yu Xiao did not take the chase. But he looked at the battle of the strongest of the two sides in heaven, and looked at the back of Li Renlong.

A complex expression flashed in Yu Xiao's eyes, helpless, unbearable, and even But then, Yu Xiao gritted his teeth and his eyes were ruthless. All the complex expressions of Yu Xiao disappeared, and they were replaced by a terrible.

Watching Li Renlong's eyes even showed a killing intention.

"Drink! Get me up!"

The voice fell, and Yu Xiao released the power that he had prepared for a long time to come out immediately.

It was like a blocked flood, once a mouth was opened. It's a thousand miles away!

A beam of light appeared directly at the peak of Lingxiao Mountain. This beam of light directly hits the sky.

Looking at Yu Xiao's movements, Feng Fengchun grinned. Immediately, Chou Fengchun's body immediately backed away, and opened a distance from Li Renlong.

"Quick! Take me out!"

Li Mo, who had been staring at Yu Xiao, hurriedly shouted.

However, Li Mogang took control of Lingxiao Mountain and did not use it handy. Therefore, to get out of Lingxiao Mountain right now, you can only rely on Lingling Xiao.

But this said, Li Mo slowed down half a beat.

In fact, Li Mo had never thought that this Jade Xiao could even shoot Li Renlong directly. After all, Jade Xiao replaced Li Renlong to manage the Jiuli Tribe, which shows Li Renlong's trust in Jade Xiao.

So Li Mo reacted only after Yu Xiao shot, which was a half-slow.

In the battle between the strong men, dozens of rounds have been played in one breath.

Two-and-a-half shots are enough for their strong players to do a lot of things.

Not to mention Li Mo, even Li Renlong did not expect that Yu Xiao would attack him with Lingxiao Mountain's formation.

Therefore, there is no trace of defense behind Li Renlong, and he was directly hit by the formation of Lingxiao Mountain.

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