Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1266: betray


Li Renlong's body was at the end of a strong twist, and it was a vital price to be able to persevere in this war today.

So this sneak attack, even for him, is still weak. It was still that he spit out a sip of blood, and the waist plate, which had been hit hard, could not help but sink a bit.


At this time, Li Mo only appeared on Lingxiao Mountain.

"I will kill you!"

When Li Mo's face changed, he was about to kill Yu Xiao.

But Li Renlong pressed his palm tightly, suppressing Li Mo's figure. On the side, Fengfengchun is also a playful face, even though it does not mean to do anything, it seems to be watching a good show.


Li Renlong suppressed his injuries and asked Yu Xiao.

"Why? Why do you say!"

Yu Xiao seemed crazy, shouting to Li Renlong with his red eyes.

"I've taken care of the Presbyterian Church for you all these years. There is no credit but hard work! How did you treat me?"

With that, Yu Xiao pointed his finger at Li Mo. Howl

"He! How long will he come to the elders? Is there a big contribution from me? You have turned to him repeatedly. Without you, I would have killed him! How could he be grown up to this point! I again How could it be reduced to the point it is today!"


Li Mo's eyes gradually turned red, and he applauded to Yu Xiao.

Li Renlong has paid for the Jiuli tribe for the Presbyterian Church. Li Mo saw them all, and even the Li Renlong, who had worked hard for the Jiuli tribe, delayed their cultivation.

By the time I tried to enter Tianshen Realm, I had missed the best years.

The Jiuli tribe respects the Liren dragon, not just because the Liren dragon is the strongest of the Jiuli tribe. It is because Li Renlong's contribution to the Jiuli tribe in recent years deserves everyone's respect.

And Yu Xiao? Could it be that the elders of the Jiuli tribe did not rely on the cultivation of the Liren dragon?

"Just for this, you have to betray the Jiuli Tribe?"

Li Ren asked, his eyes darkened.

Only Li Renlong knew how distressed he was at the moment.

Yu Xiao lived for more than 800 years and supported it by himself. It also gave him the position second only to himself on Lingxiao Mountain.

In Li Renlong's heart, Yu Xiao was already his apprentice.

In this way, those who should not betray him should betrayed, and Yu Xiao was the most distressed.

"Backplane Jiuli Tribe? Hahaha..."

With that, Yu Xiao looked up and smiled. There was a hint of madness in the laughter "Since I can't be the next grandfather of the Jiuli tribe, what do I want the Jiuli tribe to do!"

What happened was that Yu Xiao was dissatisfied with Li Renlong.

But in the matter of the next grandpa, it seemed that the last straw of the camel was crushed. Only by breaking through the last line of defense of Yu Xiao, can Jade Xiao resolutely back the Jiuli tribe.

"You... you **** it! Cough..."

Li Ren cursed with rage, showing murderous intent.

Yu Xiao, who has lived under Li Renlong all his life, was of course afraid of Li Renlong, so he noticed the killing intention in the eyes of Li Renlong. Yu Xiao hurriedly asked the Feng Fengchun for help

"Senior! I promised you what I did! Save me back to heaven, and I will be my king!"

The King of Pseudo Heavenly Court can only be used by the strongest in Heavenly Wonderland. Guzu can promise to let a monk such as Yuxiao sit in the position of a king, and the price is not low.

Either the grandfather of the Jiuli tribe, or the king of the puppet heavenly court of the crickets. This Jade Xiao has endless hopes for power. No wonder he can betray the Jiuli tribe at this time.

However, what Yu Xiao did not think of was that Feng Fengchun looked at Yu Xiao's eyes and was full of disdain.

"Your usefulness has been exhausted, what other usefulness do you think you can make you qualified as the king of heaven?"


Yu Xiaowan, like hearing the news of the thunderbolt in the clear sky, couldn't help but step back two or three steps.

At this time, Feng Fengchun didn't save himself. You can die without doubt!

So Yu Xiao was unwilling to give up this life-saving straw and hurriedly called for help

"I... I still have value! The exercises of the Book Shelves, I can control the formation to help you open. I also know that there are treasures in many parts of the 100,000 mountains, I can take you to take them. Save me, save me !"

He still has a life span of more than 200 years, and Yu Xiao is not willing to explain it here.

"The Jiulian Formation is destroyed, and the entire 100,000 mountains are ours. I still need you to take me to collect the treasures? As for the bookstore, it is also ours! Need your help?"

Li Fengchun smiled contemptuously in his eyes. After this battle, 100,000 mountains are the back garden of their heavenly court.

How can it make others take themselves to find treasure in their back garden?

"You... you crickets are ruthless!"

The finger tremblingly pointed at Fengfengchun, and Yu Xiao gritted his teeth tightly and growled.

"You didn't plan to let me go to heaven from beginning to end!"

"Li Mo, let's do it."

Looking at Yu Xiao's face, Li Renlong was even more disappointed.

So when Yu Xiao lifted his palm, Li Mo suddenly had no pressure.

"Yes! Grandpa!"

Li Mo responded, then rushed towards Yu Xiao.

"Li Mo! It's all because of you! I killed you!"

Looking at Li Mo, Yu Xiao's eyes roared wildly.

Then, Yu Xiao raised his arm. Even with the help of Lingxiao Mountain's power, with the power of Lingxiao Mountain, he is the invincible existence of fairyland!

But what surprised Yu Xiao was that Li Mo, who had rushed, stomped his feet at the moment.


The whole Lingxiao Mountain trembles violently, and there is no more power for Yu Xiao to help.

Today Li Mo is already the owner of Lingxiao Mountain. So if you want to deprive Yu Xiao of the control of Lingxiao's formation, is it not a matter of telling Lingxiao?

What's more, the formation of Lingxiao Mountain is no longer like before, and Yu Xiao can accumulate a lot of power, and it's time to burst.

"Get me up!"

Then, with Li Mo shouting.

That Ling Xiaoshan even fluttered slowly and trembling slowly, a simple and vast breath was born on Ling Xiao Mountain.

Yu Xiao at the foot of Lingxiao Mountain suddenly sat on the ground, looking at Li Mo in horror. Inexplicably asked

"This... what's going on! When did you understand the formation under the Lingxiao Mountain!"

Lingxiao Mountain is a quasi-imperial artifact, where Yu Xiao is qualified to know.

Therefore, Yu Xiao thought that Li Mo understood the formation method in order to deprive him of the control of the Lingxiao Mountain formation method.

Then Yu Xiao raised his head and looked at Li Renlong. The squalid face yelled

"Good old thing! Even Li Xiaoshan's formation was given to Li Mo! You really want Li Mo to be the grandfather!"

I have to say that before Yu Xiao felt a little uneasy against Li Renlong, but now Yu Xiao felt that he was really right against Li Renlong!

This formation of Lingxiao Mountain was originally passed to Li Renlong only by himself.

Even the second elder Dongfang Yibai is not qualified to understand, but now Li Renlong passed it to Li Mo again? What does it mean?

Li Renlong was completely disappointed with Yu Xiao and was unwilling to explain to Yu Xiao. He turned his head directly to look at Feng Fengchun.

However, the attention of Chou Fengchun is no longer with Li Renlong and Jade Xiao, just listening to Chong Fengchun looking at Ling Xiaoshan in surprise.

"This is... the quasi-imperial weapon! The quasi-imperial weapon recognized the Lord?"

The voice fell, and Feng Fengchun suddenly raised his head to look at Li Mo, and said fiercely, "What are you doing, Hao Zhihao, what's the fun of Guzhi?"

Feng Fengchun knew that before coming, the ancestors summoned Zhihao Hao and Zhizhile both of them. Arranged to calculate this quasi-imperial weapon

But now the quasi-imperial device recognizes this humanoid as the main child, and the spirits of Chou Fengchun have not found the figures of Haozhihao and Guzhile in the battle. So a bad hunch was born in Feng Fengchun's heart.

"These two brothers? Of course the same as Yu Xiao's next ending!"

The voice fell and Li Mo flew into the sky. The vast expanse of Lingxiao Mountain, which seemed to be straight into the sky, suddenly shrank and became the size of a slap to Li Mo's palm.

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