Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1264: Take control of Lingxiao

"Want to control me! Impossible!"

Ling Xiao's face twisted in pain, holding his strength. The figure swelled again.


Ling Xiao's perseverance made both the Haozhihao and the Zhile's joys change their face, which was supposed to be under the power of the **** king. Ling Xiao had no resistance at all, who would have thought. This Lingxiao is so ruthless, rather jade broken than tile!

"Quickly read the mantra! If you let this quasi-imperial weapon break, we will all be punished by our ancestors!"

The obese body of Nozomi Hao hurriedly shouted that the strong aspect of Quasi-Emperor Tool is related to his material hardness. But if there is no spirit, his power and sharp edge will be greatly reduced.

When thinking of the punishment of the ancestors, the worms of the ancestors shivered.

"it is good!"

The joy of cricket answered, and then the palms of the two stroked across his chest.

As the two opened their lips, golden light gradually appeared on those palms. The golden light was poured into the emperor's handwriting.


The Emperor's Handwriting trembles. Although the Emperor's Handwriting is powerful, it has a limited number of uses. As the energy ran out, he was a piece of waste paper. It was like a temporary weapon.

That is, the quasi-imperial weapon must be used by the master to play its full power. The same is true of the Emperor's handwriting on this day.

The energy suddenly doubled than before, directly suppressing Ling Xiao.

"Ah! I'm not reconciled!"

The body is getting smaller and smaller, Ling Xiao can only roar.

"Hum, look at what you are crazy! Obediently recognize the ancestor as the master, so as not to suffer."

Chou Zhihao smiled triumphantly, stroked his hands. The light from the Emperor's handwriting that day turned into a few beams of light, as if it were a prisoner, trapping Ling Xiao.

"Uncle Lingxiao!"

The scene in front of me scared the child and cried out to Lingxiao really boring! "

The crying of the child made the fun of Cricket Fun a while, and it seemed to disturb the good mood of the fun.

With a big wave of her hand, the fun of the cricket was about to shoot the child.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the aura, Ling Xiao's face suddenly changed.

Then Ling Xiao slammed into the beam of light in front of him, but Ling Xiao was quickly bounced back.

Ling Xiao's face was anxious, but he was now suppressed under the Emperor's handwriting, where could he save the child.


The child was sitting on the ground in shock, only to see that Aura rushed towards him and could not move.


But at this moment, a white figure appeared. The sword light flashed and the clang sounded. The aura hit the star sword, and gradually disappeared.

"Tang Tian Tian Xian Jing powerful, shot a child to kill. You people are really domineering."

Li Mo, with his star sword in hand, showed endless cold light, taunting.

"How are my crickets, do you need a kid comment on the great fairyland?"

Crazy Joy stepped forward and said contemptuously.

Yes, after inheriting the consciousness of the ancestors of Jiuli. Li Moxiu passed the peak of the late Land Fairy from the late Land Fairy and entered the Land Fairy directly.

Even looking at the situation where Li Mo's aura is floating, if Li Mo now retreats for a while, he may take the opportunity to impact the heaven.

However, the lives of the Jiuli tribes are now covered with charcoal, and Li Mo is still thinking about retreating.

Although Li Moxiu's ascension, the practice of the Great Constellation of Earth Wonderland still cannot give a glance to the Lego in the early days of Heavenly Wonderland.

"I can let him go, but since you want to save him, then you die for him!"

The voice fell, and the sound of Guzhi's body flew in the direction of Li Mo.

That Xin's long and heavy fist came straight to Li Mo.


Li Mo put away the star sword and hummed. The fist was sent straight to the fun of the cricket.


With a punch, Li Mo and Guzhizhi both took three steps back.

"how is this possible?"

Guzhile murmured in horror, a look of disbelief.

He is a strong man in the fairyland, plus the blood of the crickets. How powerful is your own strength, the joy of cricket is known, but now it can stop a powerful person in the fairyland of perfection?

Seeing the battle between Lizhile and Li Mo, Lizhihao held his shoulders with both hands and grinned.

"I thought it was a one-sided battle, but I didn't expect a draw at the moment. It's interesting, interesting."

Obviously, Zhizhihao was interested.

But Zhizhihao never thought they would fail.

After all, several other forces do have Tianjiao to be able to take a few tricks in the perfection of Earth Fairyland and the powerful people of Heaven Fairyland. This is the case with the Cui Kunlin of the Clan.

But it only took a few tricks for a long time. The powerhouse of the great land of fairyland is still defeated.

And what if it doesn’t fail? The strong man in the middle of the fairyland is still watching the drama here, and I am afraid that this boy will make some big waves.

When Mo Zhihao speaks, Li Mo and Mozhi have been fighting for dozens of rounds.

In the early days of Celestial Realm, the fun of the cricket was simply not able to gain the upper hand, which made the fun of the cricket uncomfortable. Just listen to the joy of cricket

"Thousands of swordsmanship!"

The sound fell, and countless sword shadows flew. This sword light seems to be endless, one sword after another.

And unpredictable, true and false, countless sword shadow can not tell which is true and which is false.

"Play sword? I am your ancestor!"

Looking at the sword shadow sent by Zhizhile, Li Mo smiled contemptuously.

Then the star sword in Li Mo's hand turned around, swaying the sky's sword intention.

"Human sword unites!"

Suddenly Li Mo used the sword to unite, and the sword heart turned into a sword immortal.


The clear voice kept coming, the sky sword shadow in front of the joy of cricket.

Whether you are true or false, I will split it!

Finally, taking advantage of the fun of cricket, one can't take care of it. Li Mo swayed the long sword in the hands of Crazy Joy, then flew a kick and kicked in Cricket's Click Click Click! "

Li Mo's foot did not stay in the slightest, under great strength. The fun of Cricket's chest is full of bones, and the fun of Cricket also flew out with a puff, and sprayed the blood from the ground.

"Oldest four!"

Seeing that Zhizhi's music was badly hit, Zhizhihao immediately ran forward.

"Brother, I'm fine!"

With that, Gu Zhile wiped his mouth, and his face rose slowly.

He is a strong man in Heavenly Wonderland and has a body of crickets. All these injuries did not allow him to lose his ability to move.

"come together!"

Mo Zhihao showed a murderous intention on his face, and he wanted to kill Li Mo together with Mozhi.

However, in the face of the joy of cricket and the spirit of cricket, Li Mo put away the star sword.

I saw Li Mo stroke his hands on his chest, meditating on the mantra.


A trace of trembling appeared around Ling Xiao, and then a few golden lights appeared in Ling Xiao's looming body.

"I... I feel my body is full of power!"

Looking down at the changes in his whole body, Ling Xiao shouted excitedly.

Then, Ling Xiao's body slowly rose again. The prisoners around him were suddenly piled up by Ling Xiao's body.

"He... how could he understand this quasi-imperial weapon's formula!"

Li Zhihao was surprised and forgot to attack Li Mo.

Where can Zhizhihao know that Li Mo inherited the inheritance of Jiuli. Of course, Jiuli also told Li Mo the mantra of using Lingxiao Mountain.

Acknowledged by Jiu Li, Li Mo is now the second generation owner of Lingxiao Mountain.

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