Jin State Academy.

Ye Ping looked at everything around him and couldn’t help but relax.

He left his Formation mark when he left, and he can come back anytime within a month.

Because of the loss of the first Transmission Array, Ye Ping was a lot more cautious this time.

In case there is a transmission error again, that would be trouble.

Looking at the Spirit Stone that had been cleaned up, Ye Ping also suddenly remembered something.

I need to get some Spirit Stone.

Well, yes, get some Spirit Stone.

In the absence of an array, I need a lot of Spirit Stone.

If there is a Spirit Stone, if you encounter any danger in the future, send it directly.

Ye Ping originally wanted to go to Li Yue for borrowing, but after thinking about it, let it go. Just borrow it once, and it won’t be very good if you keep borrowing.

To engage in Spirit Stone.

Well, yes, Ye Ping has determined his current goal. First, get some Spirit Stone. Whether you set up a Formation or buy an array, you have to get some Spirit Stone first.

As for the way to engage in Spirit Stone, Ye Ping didn’t expect for the time being.


Push open the door, Ye Ping moved towards outside.

He is going to go to Xu Chang Elder to talk about the Poison Pill.

Just, just left the residence.

Soon a pair of vision could not help but looked towards myself.

“Senior Brother Ye!”

“Senior Brother Ye is back?”

“Look, is that Senior Brother Ye?”

“Senior Brother Ye, really.”

“Senior Brother Ye is back! Senior Brother Ye is back!”

“Senior Brother Ye, you are back Now.”

At this moment, the sound of one after another sounded, and when these newly promoted dísciples saw Ye Ping, it was like seeing Savior, all of them were extremely excited.

A swarm of bees directly surrounds Ye Ping.

“What happened?”

Seeing everyone so excited, Ye Ping was a little bit not knowing what to do, he didn’t understand what happened?

“Senior Brother Ye, for me, for me, the enchantment of the Southern Kingdom, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, has hit our Jin State, Senior Brother Ye, now our Jin State Academy, except you, No one can suppress him.”

Li Yue was the first to speak, telling Ye Ping of this matter.

In this period of time, the entire Jin State Academy has been tortured.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s defeat of Jin State genius is actually not a shame. After all, the Ten Kingdoms have all lost, and it is normal for Jin State Academy to lose.

But on that day, someone insisted on taking out Ye Ping. Not to mention it’s okay, but everyone is waiting now.

Some people are sensible and think that since Jin State Academy dares to speak, they must be a little emboldened.

But most people are still irrational, thinking that Jin State Academy does not have a powerhouse at all, but can’t swallow this breath, and forcefully fabricates a character.

At the first Jin State Academy, the disciplines are okay. I don’t care about such comments at all.

But as more and more cultivators watched, some people found out the origin of Ye Ping.

Suddenly, the Qing State sword dao event was exposed.

It is said that Ye Ping is famous purely by some means, and that Jin State Academy cannot afford to lose. Who can bear the dísciple of Jin State Academy this time?

If you want to go out and have a theory, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is standing at the gate of the academy. If you call something, don’t you lose and lose?

So these days, the students of Jin State Academy are extremely uncomfortable.

But now that Ye Ping is back, why are they not excited? How not to be excited?

Everyone surrounded Ye Ping, you said, I said, basically the whole sequence of events is clearly explained.

“Senior Brother Ye, that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is too arrogant. If you don’t go out to suppress him, he really treats our Jin State Academy as no one.”

” Yes, Senior Brother Ye, must teach him a lesson.”

“And Senior Brother Ye, now Huangfu Heavenly Dragon has a very high prestige. If you can defeat him, I’m afraid you will be famous in ten countries. “

“More than ten countries are famous? First fight Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, and then take first place in the ten countries, Senior Brother Ye. Not surprisingly, you may be the fastest dísciple among the ten countries to enter the ten countries. Ah.”

“Senior Brother Ye, you are about to take off.”

All the dísciples began to speak, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they were.

Southern country evildoer?

huangfu Heavenly Dragon?

Among the crowd, Ye Ping frowned. He had heard about this southern country’s evildoer. After all, the characters spread across the ten countries didn’t know.

It’s just that Ye Ping didn’t expect that the Nanguo evildoer came to Jin State so soon.

The distance between ten countries is easily described by million li, even if there is a Transmission Formation Law, it is impossible to be so fast.

Unless this Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is very strong and pushes all the way horizontally, otherwise, it is impossible to reach Jin State so soon.

“He is still outside the school?”

Ye Ping asked.

Ye Ping knows a little bit about Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, but not very well.

“Yes, Senior Brother Ye, he has been waiting for you.”

Someone said.

“Waiting for me?”

Ye Ping is even more curious.

“Senior Brother Ye, the matter of your condense qi and blood oven, everyone knows, and it has also been passed out. The Huangfu Heavenly Dragon practiced the ancient technique of the big dragon elephant, and only You, who is he waiting for you?”

These dísciples opened their mouths, telling the cause and effect.

Unfortunately, Ye Ping shook the head.

“I still have something to look for Elder Xu Chang, there is no need to fight with him.”

Ye Ping shook the head, not because I was afraid of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, but now I am not only condense blood oven, but also condense blood True Dragon.

As far as strength is concerned, Ye Ping also doesn’t know which level the giant dragon elephant must be cultivated to by the ancient technique, but the 6th floor certainly won’t work.

“Huh? Senior Brother Ye, the face of our Jin State Academy is all on you. If you don’t fight, then our Jin State Academy will really be ashamed and thrown home.”

“Yes, Senior Brother Ye, do you have any concerns?”

“Senior Brother Ye, this is an extremely rare opportunity. Now the ten-nation grand competition is in In front of me, the geniuses of various universities and some great characters are all resting in Jin State. If they can defeat Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, then they would be famous in ten countries.”

The dísciples started talking, they didn’t know. Why did Ye Ping refuse, is it possible that?

But they would rather believe that Ye Ping has other things instead of being timid.

But they are also telling the truth. The ten-nation grand competition is right in front of you. The venue of this ten-nation grand competition is the ancient city of Wei Country.

Jin State is very similar to Wei Country itself. For these Heaven’s Chosen powerhouses, it takes a few hours to get to Wei Country.

So they learned that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was in Jin State Academy, so naturally they all came here to see if they could watch any battles.

Therefore, during this period of time, Jin State has come to many powerhouses, but it is a pity that there is no war broke out, which makes them very disappointed.

However, before Ye Ping could answer, a loud voice sounded from outside the academy.

“Heavenly Dragon in Xiahuangfu, I implore Ye Ping to come out for a fight.”

The voice sounded.

It is the voice of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

His voice is like thunder, rolling in, spreading throughout the university.

After Ye Ping appeared, someone couldn’t bear it directly, came outside the university, and spread the news.

And Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, who was outside the school, was very excited after learning that Ye Ping had returned, so he took the initiative to invite the battle.

This voice is not only heard by all cultivators of Jin State Academy.

Even outside the academy, many cultivators arrived in an instant.

In this period of time, the students of Jin State Academy have constantly boasted about Ye Ping, making them wonder who Ye Ping is.

Although some people have found out what Ye Ping did, there are still people who are still curious about Ye Ping.

After all, dignified Jin State academy, impossible is really not a genius, right?

Now that Ye Ping returns, it happens to be less than two days away from the ten-nation grand competition. How can this prevent everyone from guessing that Ye Ping suddenly came back to fight Huangfu Heavenly Dragon?

For a while, one after another silhouette appeared outside Jin State Academy.

There are many geniuses, geniuses from ten countries, they are stationed here, looking forward to a Heaven’s Chosen battle.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is too invincible.

With the power of one person, he pushed the ten countries horizontally. Today’s reputation among the ten countries is also like the sun at high noon.

If anyone can defeat Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, this is extremely shocking news for the Ten Kingdoms.

It is also speculated that the top three universities in Liguo, Chen Guo, and Jingguo have peerless Heaven’s Chosen who can fight Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, but the reason why Heaven’s Chosen is not allowed to compete with Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

I want to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat when I want to compete in the grand competition of ten countries.

Various rumors and speculations made this ten-nation grand competition extremely lively and attracted the attention of countless people.

Now that Ye Ping appeared, for a while, countless cultivators came to watch.

The entire Jin State Academy is already overcrowded. If it weren’t for the capital to not allow flying, you would have to fly with swords and watch.

Among universities.

When Ye Ping heard the voice of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, he couldn’t help but concentrate.

For the body cultivator, just the voice of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, Ye Ping can feel that the opponent is very strong.

If you don’t have the true dragon of condense vitality and blood, to be honest, you can beat the opponent if you really don’t see it.

But now he condense the blood and blood of True Dragon, there is a big gap between the two, he has the confidence to defeat Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, but he does have other things to do right now.

Just, before Ye Ping could say anything, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s voice sounded again.

“In the next Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, I implore Ye Ping fellow Daoists to grant you defeat.”

The voice sounded again, but the meaning of this remark was completely different.

Ye Ping, please come out.

It is to give and lose, not to give insight.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is advancing Ye Ping, which seems to be low, but in fact it is full of self-confidence.

The word “given and defeat” is too radical.

However, at this moment.

The silhouette of Xu Chang appeared.

“Ye Ping.”

Xu Chang Elder’s silhouette appeared, and after hearing the voice of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, Xu Chang Elder immediately rushed over.

For him, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s challenge is irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter if Jin State Academy is ashamed.

Non-toxic Pill Recipe is the most important thing.

“I have seen Elder.”

Seeing Xu Chang, Ye Ping immediately acted and bowed to Junior.

“Don’t say more, come with me.”

Seeing Ye Ping, Xu Chang Elder looked extremely excited.

He suppressed his excitement, and then wanted to take Ye Ping to a quiet place to talk.

But at this moment, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s voice sounded again.

“At the next Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, I will ask Ye Ping Senior Brother for the defeat.”

This is the third time Huangfu Heavenly Dragon has spoken.

This sentence further voted for Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s fighting intent.

He wants to fight, he won’t go if he doesn’t fight.

Just three times in a row, Jin State Academy has not received any answer. The entire disciplines of Jin State Academy are also a bit embarrassing.

Outside the academy, some discussions also sounded.

“Three consecutive bids, but when some bloody has come out to challenge, shouldn’t it be afraid right?”

“If you knew this, don’t boast about it, you’re a genius “

“Jin State Academy is really embarrassing this time. It’s about this time. You still have a fight?”

“It seems that the rumors are true. If this is the case, it is better not to say that Ye Ping is back, at least to avoid a battle.”

“Ai, wasted so much time of Brother Huangfu, this Jin State Academy, it’s not good, it’s early Say.”

“Dalongxiang ancient technique 6th floor, younger generation invincible, even if this Ye Ping is really condense, it’s hard to be stunned, and avoiding it will retain its reputation. The method, but unfortunately, the situation has been created, and if it does not fight, it will become a joke.”

People talk about it, and most people seem to be very disdainful and think that the rumors are true.

A small number of people are more sensible and think that Jin State Academy should have a genius, but they think that this genius is not as good as Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, so they choose to avoid the war, but the disciples of Jin State Academy are not convinced and forcefully build momentum.

Now the situation has been established, but it has been slow to fight, which has both lost people and ruined the name.

Among universities.

The disciples are a little uncomfortable.

If Ye Ping really does not fight, then the reputation of Jin State Academy will be stinking.

Thinking of this, someone wants to speak, begging Ye Ping to take a fight.

But not waiting for them to speak out.

Ye Ping’s incomparable voice sounded.

“I am Ye Ping, and Chenshi will fight against each other, not only to decide the victory or defeat, but also to decide the competition.”

Ye Ping’s voice sounded.

He didn’t want to fight, but Huangfu Heavenly Dragon spoke three times in a row. Ye Ping knew that he had to fight.

Not for Jin State, but also for myself.

The sound resounded, like the Yellow Bell Great Sound, and spread to the outside of the academy.

All of a sudden, the crowd boiled completely.

Ye Ping has challenged.

This is something that everyone didn’t expect.

Outside the academy, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was taken aback when he heard the voice again, and then there was ecstasy in his eyes.

As a body cultivator, he naturally knows how terrifying Ye Ping’s voice is. He knows very well that Ye Ping’s strength will never be lower than himself.

When thought of this, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was very excited.

However, he did not speak, but closed his eyes and adjusted his state.

He wants to face the battle with Ye Ping in his best condition.

The voices of the onlookers are also endless.

“Dare you really dare to fight?”

“It seems to be forced to be in a hurry.”

“I am in a hurry, I am in a hurry.”

“Yes, how can you fight if you don’t be forced to fight?”

“Can you not have such a double standard? Don’t fight and say that you are afraid, and you are too urgent to fight, even this Ye Ping is really defeated by Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, and it is a hundred times stronger than us.”

“Yes, is it really hard to admit that others are good?”

Some people don’t think it’s a big deal, and there are always people who like eccentric.

But the messy voice, not at all, affects Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s Taoism.

In the college, all dísciples also rushed to the door, and they were also full of curiosity, especially the second-generation disciples. They dragged their injuries and came to the door of the college, wanting to see who Ye Ping is.

It’s just that, at this moment, Ye Ping is in the great hall of the university, talking secretly with Xu Chang Elder.

“Ye Ping, non-toxic Pill Recipe, how did your Senior Brother respond?”

Xu Chang Elder was extremely nervous and he was afraid of getting bad news.

“Elder Xu, my Senior Brother said that Pill Recipe can contribute, but there are three points that institutions must agree to, and there are three more requirements.”

Ye Ping straight to the point, also Don’t make a roundabout way.

“Okay, don’t say three requirements. Even if there are ten requirements, as long as Jin State can meet them, they will definitely agree.”

When the other party is willing to contribute, Xu Chang Elder Suddenly overjoyed.

“Elder, you’d better listen to it before talking.”

Ye Ping helps Xu Chang Elder not to be so excited.

Then he spoke and said the three premises of Second Senior Brother Xu Luochen.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Chang Elder responded directly without hesitation.

“There is no problem at all. I directly agree to the three points mentioned by Luo Chen Senior on behalf of Jin State.”

Xu Chang Elder said so.

“Well, as for the remaining three requirements, I won’t be ambiguous.”

Ye Ping continued to speak, telling Xu Luochen those three requirements to Xu Chang in a long form. Elder listened.

But the third requirement, Ye Ping changed his own opinion, and changed it to 30,000 high grade Spirit Stones plus a top grade alchemic furnace. As for the number of top grades, it depends on how the other party goes. Thought about it.

Thirty thousand gold is completely meaningless, and thirty thousand high grade Spirit Stone is almost the same.

Sure enough, these three requirements are mentioned.

Xu Chang Elder froze in place.

To be honest, before Ye Ping didn’t speak, he thought Xu Luochen would definitely open his mouth.

It can’t be expected.

This is it?

This should be called a condition?

The first condition is to modify the Jin State Alchemist Examination rules? The point is to respect every candidate, which is not a problem at all.

The second condition, let alone a thorough investigation of the Jin State Alchemist examiner, can this kind of thing be called trouble? This does not require Xu Luochen to speak. Jin State Pill Hall will be thoroughly investigated every ten years, nothing more than advancement.

As for the third condition, Xu Chang feels even more unimaginable, 30,000 high grade Spirit Stones? Not to mention Jin State, any City Lord from an ancient city can produce 30,000 high grade Spirit Stones. As for the top grade alchemic furnace, this is even more okay. Although the top grade alchemic furnace is precious, it can be compared to nothing. As far as Pill Recipe is concerned, it is simply worthless.

Thinking of this, Xu Chang Elder couldn’t help but looked towards Ye Ping, his face full of inconceivability.

“Ye Ping, your Senior Brother really made these three requirements? There are no other requirements?”

Xu Chang Elder asked.

He still doesn’t believe it.

It’s not that I don’t believe it, but I can’t believe it at all.

“Elder Xu, do you think that these three conditions are nothing at all, right?”

Ye Ping said so.


Xu Chang Elder has nothing to hide, nodded said.

“Elder Xu, at first, I was shocked when I heard these three conditions put forward by my Senior Brother, but then with my Senior Brother’s explanation, I understood why he is a peerless Alchemist. .”

Ye Ping nodded, and then recounted what Xu Luochen said.

After 5 minutes.

Xu Chang was stunned.

At this moment, the shock in his heart is even more shocking than knowing these three conditions.

“Unexpectedly, in Jin State, there is such a minded person. This Xu has always felt that he is the country and the people, but now it seems that compared with your Senior Brother, I am simply It’s an insignificant.”

“Ye Ping, this Xu represents the people of the world, thank you Senior Brother.”

Xu Chang was shocked when he heard that Xu Luochen proposed After the real reasons for these three requirements, he was shocked.

So moved towards Ye Ping, I bowed down and worshipped, and I admired Xu Luochen in my heart.

“Elder is serious.”

“In this case, Junior will hand over the non-toxic Pill Recipe to Elder tomorrow.”

Ye Ping returned a gift , Said so.

The non-toxic Pill Recipe still needs to be modified. If you want to keep one hand, it is impossible to give it all.

“Okay, I bother Ye Ping.”

Xu Chang Elder nodded.

Ye Ping didn’t say much, turned around and left.

Outside the great hall.

Many dísciples gathered, and they were outside waiting for Ye Ping to come out.

Now, there is still one hour away from Chenshi.

They are looking forward to Ye Ping’s battle.

At this time.

The door of the great hall opened.

A slanting sun shines on Ye Ping.

The unparalleled temperament, coupled with the unspeakable appearance, suddenly became the focus of the dísciple.

“I will wait to meet Senior Brother Ye.”

At this moment, hundreds of dísciples all spoke together. They cup one fist in the other hand and moved towards Ye Ping.

While Ye Ping didn’t say a word, he moved towards Jin State and walked outside the academy.

Ye Ping is not fast.

He is wearing a robe.

Under the sunshine, she looks very handsome.


In half a quarter of an hour.

Ye Ping has come outside Jin State Academy.

Thousands of cultivators form a human wall.

And outside the school.

A blond boy, looking straight at himself.

But it was the moment Ye Ping appeared.

Some people showed an incomparable look of shock.

Fang Lei and the others.

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