Outside Jin State Academy.

Countless cultivators were onlookers.

Their eyes are full of curiosity.

I want to see who this Ye Ping is.

Fang Lei was the most shocked among Jin State Academy.

“Why is it him?”

Fang Lei, Mo Xiaoping, Duan Muyun and the others all spoke together, and they looked at Ye Ping silently.

Fang Lei, in particular, couldn’t help but think of Ye Ping’s self-introduction that day.

Ye Ping?

Fang Lei swallowed a saliva. He did not expect that the people in the Secret Realm were not the primordial demons, but Ye Ping.

Next moment, Fang Lei’s gaze fell on Duan Muyun’s body.

For a while, Duan Muyun felt inexplicably embarrassed.

“What’s the matter? Senior Brother Fang? How did your face become so weird? Also, do you know him?”

D铆sciple found that Fang Lei and the others’ face changed It was weird and couldn’t help asking.

Just said this, Fang Lei and the others immediately spoke together.

“Don’t know, don’t know, don’t talk nonsense.”

The faces of everyone are a little weird.

Only the four of them know about the Secret Realm, and they don’t want to say it, otherwise, it would be shameful.

“The strength of Ye Ping looks very strong. Even if it is separated by several hundred meters, he can feel that his body is very strong.”

There is d铆sciple and can鈥檛 help but speak. , So praised.

Fang Lei and the others also came back to his senses. They did not worry about the Secret Realm for the time being, but looked towards Ye Ping not far away.

The expression is full of exclamation.

Not far away.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s long golden hair is shining under the sun, just like the sun Heavenly God.

He looks very heroic, although he is young, he has an unspeakable heroic spirit.

And Ye Ping.

The temperament of the peerless Confucianism, coupled with the impeccable appearance, is also eye-catching.

When Ye Ping appeared, all the voices of doubt in this brief moment also quieted down.

Ye Ping’s looks are worthy of the word Heaven’s Chosen.

But everyone also knows whether Heaven’s Chosen is true or not, only if you have played it can you know.

“Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, I met Senior Brother Ye.”

Looking at Ye Ping, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was very excited. His body trembled a little, not afraid, but Excited.

He only needs to look at it to know that Ye Ping is very strong and can fight himself.

So he is very excited, extremely excited, his purpose of pushing the Ten Kingdoms horizontally is to meet the true powerhouse, the true Heaven’s Chosen.

Now that Heaven’s Chosen is here, why is he not excited?

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s eyes are full of fighting intents, fighting intents that cannot be covered.

Although he is a four-generation d铆sciple, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is not as old as Ye Ping, and it is reasonable to say Senior Brother.

After all, the two are not a college d铆sciple.

“I have seen Huangfu Junior Brother.”

Ye Ping also made a move. This is a basic courtesy.

Just the next moment, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s voice sounded again.

“Senior Brother Ye, do you want to fight in another venue?”

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon asked.

He is worried that it is too small for Ye Ping to be able to stretch his hands and feet.

However, Ye Ping responded.

“No need, enough here.”

The sound rang, causing an uproar. The Jin State students clenched their fists one by one, and their eyes revealed excitement. .

Ye Ping’s words are exactly the same as what Huangfu Heavenly Dragon said that day.

This kind of counterattack makes them feel happy.

“Well, in that case, please do my best, Senior Brother Ye, I don’t want to have any regrets.”

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon doesn’t care about this, he took a deep breath, looked towards Ye Ping, his eyes were extremely firm.

He wants Ye Ping to do his best instead of keeping a back hand, so it still doesn’t make any sense.


Ye Ping nodded, he agreed.

Actually, there is no dislike for Huangfu Heavenly Dragon Ye Ping. It鈥檚 just a competition. This is normal, but Huangfu Heavenly Dragon鈥檚 behavior is too radical.

But it’s normal to be young and frivolous, if you are young and not frivolous, then that’s weird.


Everyone was quiet, everyone held their breath and looked at them.

Look forward to the outbreak of the war.

It鈥檚 just that, neither Ye Ping nor Huangfu Heavenly Dragon made any moves.

It made everyone anxious.

But no one dared to talk nonsense. This kind of Heaven’s Chosen battle, a real duel, if you speak up, it is likely to affect the situation of the battle, and it will be troublesome if you get into trouble.

But true powerhouse understands that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon and Ye Ping why not shoot directly.

Ye Ping is too confident.

To be precise, both of them are too confident.

They all think they can beat each other, so they don’t want to make a move first.

On the battlefield.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon looked at Ye Ping, and the latter looked extremely calm, waiting for him to take action.

He knows what Ye Ping is thinking.

Therefore, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon sighed immediately afterwards.


A Dao Void tremor sounded.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon exploded with incomparable power. He took the lead and didn’t want to wait.

His boxing technique exploded with terrifying power, making the void tremble.

This is pure power. In the eyes of others, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is like an Immemorial Ferocious Beast, terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is not power, but speed.

The speed of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s punches is too fast, as fast as a bolt of lightning. Some cultivators with a weak cultivation base cannot see the speed of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon at all.

People are shocked. Whether it is the d铆sciple of Jin State Academy or these onlookers cultivator, they all have a sense of despair.

Is the fleshy body just that strong?

To tell the truth, this kind of battle strength, I am afraid that facing the Golden Core cultivator, it also has the power to fight?

The Jin State Academy disciplines are not only shocking, but also a kind of worry.

Fear of Ye Ping’s failure.

It’s not that they don’t believe in Ye Ping, but that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is too strong.

At this moment, people are fully aware that this is the true strength of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

Even though Huangfu Heavenly Dragon gave people a strong feeling before, it was not his real power. Now Huangfu Heavenly Dragon shows the real power.


The ancient dragon elephant boxing appeared in front of Ye Ping.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon imposing manner is unparalleled, his boxing is domineering and terrifying, and full of absolute power.

However, just in this brief moment.

hong long!

The incomparable rumbling sound sounded.

At this moment, Ye Ping punched.

There is no rays of light, nor any abnormal noise, just a normal punch.

It collided with Huangfu Heavenly Dragon鈥檚 dragon elephant ancient fist, erupting a terrifying rumbling sound.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, watching this scene stubbornly.


A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, like Heavenly God, was directly shocked, and golden blood was spit out from his mouth.

“This is impossible!”

“How is it possible?”

“Huangfu Heavenly Dragon lost?”

“punched defeated Huangfu Heavenly Dragon? It doesn鈥檛 make sense.”


In an instant, countless voices boiled, and people couldn鈥檛 believe it, and they didn鈥檛 want to believe it, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon actually lost like this?

This is simply impossible.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, at the age of eighteen, he cultivated the giant dragon elephant to the 6th floor by the ancient technique. The fleshy body is invincible, and the body is like a dragon. He pushes the heroes of the ten countries all the way.

But didn’t expect, but failed in Jin State?

And lost to a young cultivator?

A cultivator with no reputation at all?

How can this Ye Ping be so strong?

Don’t talk about these onlookers cultivator.

The most shocking thing is the second-generation d铆sciple of Jin State Academy. They are the most shocked, watching all this in amazement.

Especially Fang Lei and the others, they really fought Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

I know how strong Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is.

What didn’t expect is that Ye Ping accidentally defeated the invincible Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

This is simply too dramatic.

In the eyes of everyone, this battle is either Ye Ping being defeated by Huangfu Heavenly Dragon casually, or Ye Ping is really strong and it is inseparable from Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

No one thought that Ye Ping actually won.

This is incredible.

However, before everyone could speak first, Ye Ping’s voice suddenly sounded.

“You asked me to do my best, but you don鈥檛 at all. You really show your full strength. You have reservations. This fight has no meaning. Give it a go. Don鈥檛 leave any regrets. You may not have a chance next time. .”

Under the Academy.

The sun is bathing on Ye Ping, his expression is full of calm, his eyes are extremely indifferent.

He didn’t have any excitement, nor joy, but peace.

Just this sentence made all cultivators even more shocked.

“Have some reservations? Huangfu Heavenly Dragon still has reservations?”

“This is impossible, isn’t it, it’s so strong, but still has a back-up?”

“The ancient technique of the big dragon elephant is worthy of being the No. 1 Body Refining Technique in the ten countries. It is so strong, it is not close to full strength?”

“Unbelievable, incredible, the ancient technique of the big dragon elephant is really that way. Is it strong?”

“no! You only observed Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, this Ye Ping is also very strong.”

“Hi! Yeah, why ignore Ye Ping, When did Jin State have such a genius?”

The cultivators talked about it, they didn’t know what to say.

It’s as strong as Huangfu Heavenly Dragon. It was actually defeated by Ye Ping casually, and they were all so strong. As a result, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon still retained his opponents, which was too terrifying.

Not far away.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon coughed, he wiped the golden blood on his lips indifferently.

The eyes are like two Divine Lanterns, looking towards Ye Ping.

In the eyes, it is not anger, but excitement, excitement from the heart.

He didn’t say anything, he didn’t say anything, but his imposing manner was soaring wildly.



The terrifying Dragon’s roar sounded, accompanied by a dull sound of elephant moo.

These two sounds made the hearts of numerous cultivators tremble.

At this moment, Huangfutian鈥檚 dragon body evolved a white True Dragon and a white divine elephant.

True Dragon wraps around the divine elephant, the dragon elephant fights, the void trembles crazily, and all cultivators feel an incomparable pressure.

As if carrying ten thousand catties of boulders on their backs, they have difficulty breathing.

At this moment, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon is more like Heavenly God.

The white dragon elephant phantom, emitting rays of light, enveloped him, and the injuries he suffered just now recovered in an instant.

His Essence, Qi, and Spirit, also in this brief moment, reached Peak.

“Senior Brother Ye, please enlighten me.”

The voice of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon sounded again.

next moment, he once again culled.

But this time, it is much better than before.

The sound of dragon roar resounded.

Under the academy.

Ye Ping quietly felt the breath of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

It is indeed very strong. If he did not return to sect, Ye Ping felt that he might not be able to defeat Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

But now it鈥檚 different. He condenses the body of the great god and demon by himself. The difference between the two is too big.

So even Huangfu Heavenly Dragon fights with all his strength.

Ye Ping didn’t feel any pressure either.

Just like Fang Lei and the others challenge Huangfutian dragon-like, it’s not that Ye Ping doesn’t want to be serious, but does not raise seriously.


next moment, Ye Ping is still a casually punch.

There is no fancy, and no mystery.

Simple and simple, but this fist is extremely domineering.


The terrifying rumbling sound sounded again.

The impact produced by the two fists collide pushed the cultivator forcibly away by tens of meters.

In some courtyards, many geniuses got up and watched this scene stubbornly.

As before.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was knocked into the air again.

Moreover, there’s no resistance being knocked into the air.




These are the different looks of tens of thousands of cultivators.

The first time Ye Ping casually defeated Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, they were shocked, and Huangfu Heavenly Dragon’s reservations made them slightly relaxed.

But for the second time, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon tried his best, and was blown away by Ye Ping.

This is outrageous!

This is incredible.

People are shocked, they really don’t know what to say.


Falling to the ground, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon also showed an unbelievable look.

He knows that Ye Ping is very strong.

But I don鈥檛 know that Ye Ping is so strong.

Even Huangfu Heavenly Dragon can be sure that Ye Ping has not really exerted his full power.

This gap made Huangfu Heavenly Dragon feel astonished and shocked.

But he knew that it was not that Ye Ping could not be beaten, but that Ye Ping was too strong, and the gap between the two was too big and too big.

But this is basically impossible. Ye Ping is 22 years old and four years older than himself, but the four-year gap is so big.

At this time.

Ye Ping’s voice suddenly sounded.

“We are too far apart, you are strong, but everything is over.”

Ye Ping said.

He is not mocking Huangfu Heavenly Dragon.

but tell him.

The difference between the two is too big.

This is a fact, not a mockery, nor a despise.

Ye Ping respects Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, this is a real cultivator.


Not far away, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon shook the head.

He has a look of bitter smile in his eyes, Golden’s hair is a bit messy, and then he said: “I haven’t lost yet, can I give it one last chance? But not here, go outside the city.”

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon said.

His eyes are full of wry smiles, but there is a touch of confidence.

He still has a hole card.

I want to fight Ye Ping.

At this moment, not only was the cultivator onlookers, even Ye Ping was a little surprised.

He could see that the ultimate power of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon had been fully demonstrated.

There are other means impossible.

But at this brief moment, Huangfu Heavenly Dragon took out a drop of blood essence.

This drop of blood is as bright as a diamond, like a blood diamond, it looks extremely beautiful.

“This is the True Blood of the Wannian Flood Dragon. If I swallow it, I can directly break the big dragon elephant into the 7th floor with the ancient technique, Senior Brother Ye, can it be a battle.”

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon stood up, he looked at Ye Ping, and asked with an extremely calm expression.

This is his last hole card.

This drop of blood essence can help him directly break through to the 7th floor, but he doesn’t want to break through, and wants to rely on his own strength to break through to the 7th floor.

It’s just that he wants to win more.

It鈥檚 hard to meet a real genius. If he misses it like this, he will regret it for a lifetime.

He is a genius, and Ye Ping is also a genius. In the same amount of time, the distance between the two of them will keep widening.

No matter who is better than anyone, it is a pity.

In the strongest era and encounter the strongest enemy, this kind of battle is the most meaningful.

So if Ye Ping agrees, he will swallow the blood essence directly, but if Ye Ping doesn’t agree, he won’t swallow it either.

If you lose, you lose, just a little unwilling.

Everyone could not help but looked towards Ye Ping.

They are also full of shock.

Didn’t expect Huangfu Heavenly Dragon actually has this hole card.

Many geniuses who watched secretly, their faces became ugly.

They know that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon 6th floor is very strong, but didn’t expect that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon still has this hole card.

Ruuohuangfu Heavenly Dragon really swallowed this drop of True Blood, and the breakthrough reached the 7th floor.

That’s really invincible.

For them, geniuses can appear in this world, but they cannot be much stronger than them.

The ancient technique of the big dragon elephant, a total of 13 layers, starting from the 6th floor, one layer is exaggerated.

6th floor and 7th floor are definitely the difference between Heaven and Earth, definitely not ordinary growth.

“Junior Brother Ye, don鈥檛 agree, the big dragon elephant ancient technique, the difference between the 7th floor and the 6th floor is too big, you are likely to lose.”

“Yes, Junior Brother Ye, it鈥檚 enough. Save your strength and compete in the ten-nation grand competition.”

“Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, you should know the gap between the ancient technique 6th floor and the 7th floor of the big dragon elephant. Fighting, even if you win, is not glorious.”

“If you lose, you lose. You and Ye Ping are only four years old. He won you without any advantage, but you force a breakthrough. By the 7th floor, with the help of external forces, there is no fairness at all.”

At this moment, a generation of disciplines among the Jin State Academy began to speak, and they discouraged Ye Ping from fighting.

To save your strength, it is the best to shine in the ten-nation grand competition.

They also know that Ye Ping definitely has reservations, but the big dragon elephant ancient technique 6th floor and 7th floor are extremely different from each other.

It is equivalent to the difference between a big realm.

In this way, Ye Ping will definitely lose.

Now that I have won, there is no need to go out of the way.

It is not just a generation of disciplines of Jin State Academy.

The rest of the onlookers cultivator also think so.

The main reason is that the ancient technique of the big dragon elephant is too extraordinary. After the 6th floor, each floor is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

If Huangfu Heavenly Dragon really breaks through to the 7th floor, it will be truly invincible, and Ye Ping can defeat it without seeing it.

And even if Huangfu Heavenly Dragon wins, it doesn’t make any sense.

After all, with the help of external force, it is equivalent to human enlightenment, blessing the cultivation base of thousands of years on the dragon body of Huangfutian.

There is no point in this way.

It’s just that Huangfu Heavenly Dragon didn’t listen to anyone’s words. He just looked at Ye Ping and waited for Ye Ping’s reply.

This moment.

All eyes are on Ye Ping.

And at this moment.

A voice sounded.

“I accept.”

The voice rang, with a hint of…excitement.


At the same time.

Outside the Jin State Academy, there is dead silence.

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