
Clear Sky Dao Sect.

The sky is like ink.

The crowd gathered in the dining hall again.

Xia Qingmo is leaving tomorrow, Taihua Taoist has displayed some cooking skills, this time is more elaborate than last time.

At the dinner table, no one is going to mention separate matters.

Instead, I asked Xia Qingmo about the Great Xia Dynasty.

“Qingmo Princess, it is said that the Great Xia Imperial Palace is extremely luxurious. Is this true?”

Chen Lingrou looked at Xia Qingmo with curiosity and asked.

After all, for her, don’t say anything about the Great Xia Imperial Palace, even the Jin State Imperial Palace, she has never seen it, and naturally her eyes are full of curiosity.

“Small Junior Sister, this question you asked is a bit too stupid. The Great Xia Imperial Palace must be extremely luxurious. It is one of the five dynasties. It is estimated that each pillar is made of gold. .”

“Gold? You too underestimate Great Xia Dynasty, right? At least it is made of high-quality jade stone.”

Xu Luochen and Wang Zhuoyu are arguing about Great Xia Dynasty. What are the pillars of?

And Xia Qingmo indifferently smiled.

“It’s not a jade stone, but a Purple Gold divine wood. The gold jade stone this thing is too tacky, so there will be no this thing in the Great Xia Imperial Palace.”

Xia Qingmo said so.

When I said this, everyone was shocked.

“How big is the Great Xia Dynasty?”

Chen Lingrou continued to ask.

“I don’t know how big it is. There are 3,333 palaces in the Imperial Palace. Each palace is almost ten times the size here, and there is also a place of worship, Ancestral Dragon. Each of these places is huge. In the entire Imperial Palace, there are a thousand gardens and a thousand scenic spots. There is a majestic mountain in the northwest and two places to escape the summer.”

Xia Qingmo explained.

She didn’t exaggerate anything, she didn’t even say it very carefully.

“Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three palaces? What do you want so many palaces for?”

Chen Lingrou slapped her tongue. For her, a palace is very spectacular , Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three palaces, how exaggerated this is.

Soon, Chen Lingrou was like Young Lady Wenti, asking a series of questions.

What kind of chopsticks did the emperor use?

What is the emperor’s food?

Everyone also listens to with keen interest pleasure.

Can wait for Xia Qingmo one after another to explain clearly, everyone will look towards this dining table again, unfathomable mystery feels less fragrant.

Except for the ancient Sword Immortal, everyone has no appetite for any reason. After all, they heard that the emperor’s meal is all kinds of delicacies.

When I look at the dishes on my table, I feel a little inexplicable.

So, this dinner was eaten late into the night.

Qingyun Qianya.

Xia Qingmo sat alone on the edge of the cliff, watching the black dome quietly.

The cold wind blew and wrinkled Xia Qingmo’s long skirt.

There is always a touch of melancholy on the beautiful face.

In fact, her temperament has always been like this. When she was in the Imperial Palace, there was no day when she was not like this, and only when she was out of the palace did she change a little.

No one bothered Xia Qingmo, they all knew that Xia Qingmo wanted someone to be quiet.

That’s it, until dawn.

Ye Ping’s silhouette appeared.

He didn’t speak, but took the rice paper with pen and ink.

I haven’t painted for a long time.

Ye Ping laid the rice paper on the ground, and habitually pressed the corners with a ball.

Watching the night scene, Ye Ping let the cold wind blow his long hair, and he was silent.

On the front cliff.

Xia Qingmo has already noticed Ye Ping’s silhouette, she didn’t say anything, just glanced at Ye Ping curiously.

It was discovered that Ye Ping had brought rice paper pen and ink, and for a while, Xia Qingmo couldn’t help but said strangely.

“Senior Brother Ye, do you know how to do this?”

Xia Qingmo said strangely.

“Understand one or two.”

Ye Ping has a gentle smile on his face, and then he brushes the ink.

He did not paint a night scene, but a landscape painting.

Ye Ping, if there is a magical brush, draws the majestic mountains in a few simple strokes, and draws a river in a few simple strokes.

The boats look lifelike. On the bridge head is the boatman pulling the boat. This painting is very ordinary, but the painting skills are extremely good.

Xia Qingmo’s eyes are very curious. For some reason, she feels Ye Ping’s style of painting seems familiar, but she can’t remember it for a while.

And this landscape painting is Ye Ping’s first painting. The natural style is a bit different, and it is normal that Xia Qingmo can’t see it.

It takes less than 5 minutes.

The painting is ready.

Ye Ping looked at this painting with a smile on his face.

This is a landscape painting with bridgeheads and winding paths.

Soon, he slowly began to paint on this landscape painting.

“when we get to the mountain, there’ll be a way through, when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current Add stones.”

Ye Ping wrote a proverb, this is not a poem.

This is a parting gift from Ye Ping to Xia Qingmo.

And Xia Qingmo has been paying attention to Ye Ping.

This painting is actually very good. Whether it is a landscape or an image of a character, it makes her feel the exquisite art of redemption.

But when this sentence appeared, it was like a finishing touch, making Xia Qingmo stunned.

“when we get to the mountain, there’ll be a way through.”

“when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. “

“Sorrow and troubles can always be passed.”

“There is no need to add stones to your heart.”

These four sentences, inexplicably, make Xia Qing Mo’s mood improved a lot, and he couldn’t help but become broad-minded.

But at this time, what shocked Xia Qingmo was.

Ye Ping takes out a stamp and signs it on it.

[Azure Lotus Homer]


It’s like a bolt from the blue.

Xia Qingmo froze in place.

She watched this inscription stubbornly, which was even more shocking than seeing the peerless expert.

“Are you a layman of Azure Lotus?”

Xia Qingmo was left out in the Imperial Palace. It was also a few years ago that her maid brought herself a This collection of poems.

That is the collection of poems by the Azure Lotus layman, and every poem makes her feel the same.

So she likes the poetry of Azure Lotus layman, and she really wants to meet this Azure Lotus layman.

She even wanted to see her with the identity of Great Xia’s Princess, but at that time the Azure Lotus layman had disappeared, and no one could find the Azure Lotus layman.

For this reason, Xia Qingmo can only buy some paintings of Azure Lotus lay people as a meeting.

What I didn’t expect is that my favorite poet and painter is by my side.

Furthermore, he was so young, he even tried to save himself.

“Floating name only.”

Seeing Xia Qingmo’s reaction, Ye Ping was also a little surprised. Looking at this posture, it seems that Xia Qingmo knows a little about herself.

But Ye Ping doesn’t care about his title. He has been cultivation, and he has become a cultivator. Now he is Ye Ping and is no longer an Azure Lotus layman.

“Are you really an Azure Lotus layman?”

Xia Qingmo came over, her eyes still full of surprise and disbelief.

Ye Ping got up, rolled up the picture, and then handed it to Xia Qingmodao.


“Qingmo Princess, you and I met once, and can be regarded as friends. This picture is for you. If you are really bored in the Imperial Palace, it’s okay to see Looking at this painting, there are at least some memories.”

“But don’t worry, I may go to the Great Xia Imperial Palace to find you in a few days. Don’t when the time comes you don’t recognize me as a friend. “

Ye Ping said with a smile on his face.

In the eyes of Ye Ping, Xia Qingmo is his friend, one of the few friends, Su Changyu and the others are his Senior Brother, equivalent to relatives.

For friends, Ye Ping will naturally not forget, and if necessary, he will help out, so that Xia Qingmo will not be so melancholy.

“No, no, how could Qingmo not recognize Senior Brother Ye.”

Get Ye Ping’s exact answer, and for a while, Xia Qingmo has somehow An unspeakable sentiment.

In the lonely Imperial Palace, she lives with Ye Ping’s collection of poems. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is love, but it is true that in the past, she has fantasized about what kind of person the Azure Lotus layman is like countless times.

I also imagined countless times, the first time I saw the Azure Lotus layman.

But didn’t expect, it will be so sudden, it will be so incredible.

Perhaps this is life, there are many things that are full of bizarre.

“Qingmo Princess, no matter what you encounter, don’t give up. Although I don’t know what you have gone through, I don’t advise you to let it go, just remember that after wind and rain, it will be a rainbow. .”

“Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases, And never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon! .”

Ye Ping opened his mouth and gave Xia Qing Two words in ink.

After saying this, Ye Ping left.

He didn’t come to dissuade Xia Qingmo, he just came to enlighten him.

Now what should be said, Ye Ping did not say anything for the rest.

On the cliff.

Xia Qingmo watched Ye Ping leave.

After Ye Ping left, Xia Qingmo looked at the picture scroll in her hand. After a while, a smile from the heart appeared on her beautiful face.

That’s it, three hours later.

The sky is completely bright.

The mighty Hou Tieqi also came, but it was not as powerful as before. There were only a few hundred people, which seemed very low-key.

Even the mighty Hou Bozhong did not come personally, but sent his subordinates to welcome Xia Qingmo.

They are very respectful and dare not make any mistakes.

When parting, Xia Qingmo bids farewell with everyone one after another.

Everyone is also unwilling to give up.

After getting along for a short time, they can also see that Xia Qingmo is a pitiful person, and they also know very well that this difference may really never see again next time.

It’s just that there is no permanent banquet in the world. Everyone sent something to Xia Qingmo. It was a parting thing and a memorial.

Especially Su Changyu.

He chose a cheat book and gave it to Xia Qingmo, because he had nothing to give away, so he could only pick a good cheat book from the book pavilion and give it to Xia Qingmo.

On the cover of the book, it reads “World Longevity Gong”

Su Changyu didn’t even read it. As an expert, if Xia Qingmo can’t practice, it can only show that Xia Qingmo is inferior to Ye Ping.

“Everyone, if you have time in the future, you can also come to Imperial Capital to find me. Qingmo will definitely host a banquet at that time.”

Finally, Xia Qingmo left these words, Then, under the eyes of everyone, they left with the cavalry.

As soon as Xia Qingmo left, the sadness of parting enveloped the entire Clear Sky Dao Sect.

Everyone was speechless, but they didn’t know what to say, and it wasn’t a parting of life and death, so everyone quickly did their own thing.

That’s it.

It is another two hours.

Outside of Jin State.

A Great Xia dragon boat flies extremely fast in the sky.

On the dragon boat, Xia Qingmo stood on the bow, silent.

At this moment, the silhouette of the mighty Hou appeared.

“Qingmo Princess.”

The voice of Bozuka sounded, and Xia Qingmo came back to his senses.

“I have seen the mighty Marquis.”

Xia Qingmo turned around and saluted the mighty Marquis Yingying, but she was a little curious. Wearing a mask, I don’t know why.

“Qingmo Princess, things between dynasties, Benhou should not intervene, but there are some things Benhou has to remind a few words.”

“Now Great Xia Dynasty, internal trouble and outside aggression, since that incident, the Great Xia Dynasty’s national fortune dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and the other four dynasties also glare like a tiger watching his prey.”

“So, I just married the Great Lake Dynasty. This matter cannot be changed. Benhou doesn’t know what Princess is thinking.”

“But Benhou doesn’t care what Princess thinks, not even the entire Great Xia Dynasty. Some people care what Princess is thinking.”

“Marriage to the Great Lake dynasty is conducive to border wars, so everything is doomed, if Princess is willing to listen to Benhou.”

” Then don’t have extra branches, don’t have too many thoughts, otherwise it will be a loss of life, and even the body of the country will break.”

The voice of Mighty Hou is very calm, under the mask, he is not looking towards Xia Qing Ink, but looked towards this world.

He has already said what he should say, and he doesn’t want to say anything more.

“I see.”

At this time, Xia Qingmo’s voice sounded, in three simple words, doing everything.

Soon, Xia Qingmo returned to the ship to rest.

While Mighty Hou was silent, after a long time, he sighed for some reason.

That’s it.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days have passed.

This day.

Ye Ping is going back to Jin State Academy.

It’s not that Ye Ping wants to return to Jin State Academy. The main reason I came here this time was to ask about Xu Luochen Pill Recipe.

When I got the answer, I naturally had to go back earlier, but now that Ye Ping wants to stay in Clear Sky Dao Sect for a while.

However, on this day.

Ye Ping made a special trip to Su Changyu.

“Eldest Senior Brother, are you there?”

In the room.

Su Changyu is studying his own sword technique.

I went out some time ago. Although there were some twists and turns, I got the peerless Sword Art in any case, and raised the sword technique.

Since he got the sword technique, Su Changyu feels better about himself, because as long as the cultivator appears in front of him, Su Changyu will copy the battle in his mind.

Although I almost lost a few times, just like the mighty marquis of a few days ago, the final result was hundreds of consecutive victories.

Whether Ye Ping, Ancient Sword Immortal, Mighty Hou, Demon God teaches dísciple, or passerby, anyone who is seen by Su Changyu has already lost to him. .

And I heard the voice of Ye Ping outside.

Su Changyu immediately woke up from thinking.

He knew in an instant what Ye Ping was looking for.

It must be for that peerless sword intent.

However, Su Changyu the past few days has already figured out his remarks, and is now waiting for Ye Ping to find himself.

“Go in.”

Su Changyu speaks.

Next moment, Ye Ping opened the door and walked into Su Changyu’s room.

“I have seen Eldest Senior Brother.”

When I saw Su Changyu, Ye Ping immediately said something.

“Little Junior Brother, don’t be polite.”

Su Changyu spoke indifferently, and then he spoke before Ye Ping could speak first.

“Junior Brother, are you here to ask me about Jin State’s peerless sword intent?”

Su Changyu spoke extremely indifferently.

“Well, Eldest Senior Brother, Junior Brother comprehended the sword intent at Jin State University a few days ago, but hasn’t realized the peerless sword intent for a long time. I feel that Junior Brother might be wrong, so I want to ask. Senior Brother, where is the peerless sword intent in Jin State Academy?”

Faced with Su Changyu, Ye Ping didn’t have any regrets. He asked a little straight to the point, curious about the peerless sword intent in Jin State. Where is the university?

As soon as I said this, Su Changyu did not rush to answer.

Instead, he slowly poured a cup of tea for Ye Ping.

After a while, Su Changyu spoke.

“Little Junior Brother, hello, remember, the real peerless sword intent, hidden in the most conspicuous place, but also in the least conspicuous place, Senior Brother can’t tell you too much, otherwise, Then it’s not a peerless sword intent.”

Su Changyu said indifferently.

Actually, in terms of artistic conception, Su Changyu is indeed very high, and what he said is full of Zen, but it is a pity that the cultivation base is too bad. If the cultivation realm can keep up, then this remark will be even more It tastes.

In the room, Ye Ping was a little silent. He was carefully comprehending Eldest Senior Brother this remark.

After a while, Ye Ping showed the color of clear comprehension.

“Eldest Senior Brother, I understand.”

Ye Ping probably understands what Su Changyu means.

Jin State Academy must have a peerless sword intent, but Eldest Senior Brother can’t tell himself. If you tell yourself, it’s not a peerless sword intent. A true peerless sword intent needs to be realized on your own. Instead of relying on others for guidance.

“Just understand, you have to take care of yourself when you return to the university this time, and don’t worry us.”

Hearing Ye Ping’s explanation, Su Changyu couldn’t help but feel relieved. Slowly relaxed.

Well, very good, finally survived another catastrophe.

“Well, then I won’t bother Eldest Senior Brother.”

Ye Ping nodded, then got up and left.

Until noon.

Ye Ping also one after another bid farewell to the Senior Brother Senior Sisters of sect.

The senior brothers are also a little bit reluctant, but they know that Ye Ping must go to Jin State Academy. Only by going to Jin State Academy can you truly learn the real Taoism.

But before the Fourth Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Brother left, they each gave two books of Ye Ping.

[The Complete Works of the Ancient Talisman]


Fourth Senior Brother Xue Zhuan trained in talisman, and Fifth Senior Brother Lin Bei’s profession is very special, it is a kind of appreciative treasure.

Ye Ping was overjoyed by the experience sent by the two Senior Brothers.

Ye Ping thought that he would go back to sect next time to ask for advice from Fourth Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Brother, but didn’t expect these two Senior Brothers to have prepared these experiences for themselves.

Finally, Ye Ping, who was originally going to leave at noon, bid farewell to everyone, but forcibly dragged it away before leaving.

Daxu stayed in Clear Sky Dao Sect. He didn’t want to leave, let alone go to Jin State Academy.

He would rather stay in Clear Sky Dao Sect and be at ease.

However, in order to prevent Daxu from going outside to cause chaos, Ye Ping added a heavy hoop curse to Daxu. As long as Daxu’s evil thoughts, no matter who it is against, the golden hoop will happen, and Ye Ping will do it too. In the immediately sensed.

That’s it, everything is solved.

Ye Ping uses Transmission Formation Law to return directly to the university.

He arranges the array at the school, and has a transmission mark, so he can go back to the Jin State school directly.

At the same time.

Outside Jin State Academy.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon, as usual, came to the gate of Jin State Academy.

This has been the case for eight consecutive days.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon will come to Jin State Academy for eight consecutive days and ask if Ye Ping has returned.

But Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was disappointed by the answers he received for eight consecutive days.

In a few days, the ten-nation grand competition will begin.

However, just when Huangfu Heavenly Dragon was about to return to the Inn.

A message came out suddenly.

Ye Ping … is back.

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