No Jokes Here

Chapter 281: 1st play

After purchasing the game, Lin Qianan immediately clicked the mouse and entered the game.

Accompanied by a white light, the three characters of blood-red God Slayer appeared on the screen.

The three options to start the game, continue the game, and quit appear under the word "God Slayer".

Lin Qianan clicked to start the game.

The next moment, the picture was switched to a place that looked like a valley. Above the valley was a gray fog, and the scenery outside could not be seen clearly.

There are four different giant statues in the valley.

In the middle of the statue, a cute-looking golden elf with wings was flying.

It has the words "Alisa the Guide" on the top of its head.

Lin Qianan guessed that most of them were the guide spirits of the game.

From the style point of view, this time it is still a 3D game.

A complicated magic circle appeared in the center of the hall, and in the next instant, a man with short black hair and a naked body appeared in the center of the magic circle.

The little elf named Alicia danced happily around the man.

[Alyssa: Hero, you are finally born. 】

With these words, Lin Qianan found that he was able to control the game characters.

The person Eliza called a hero in front of him was the game character he manipulated.

This game only has a skill bar, a relic bar, and an attribute bar, a backpack with 30 grids, and a save file.

If there is a save bit, it seems that the plot this time is relatively simple.

Lin Qianan clicked on the attribute bar to check, and his expression became a little speechless.

Name: God Slayer

Health: 100/100

Stamina: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Skill: 1

Thunder: 0

Earth: 0

Storm: 0

flame: 0

Chaos: 0

time: 0

Holy: 0

Relic: none

Skills: none

A very initial panel, I feel that it will be a bit difficult to play a small monster.

[Alyssa: Hero, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask Alyssa directly! 】

At this moment, Alyssa flew to the head of the game character and said.

Lin Qian'an blinked, it's good, there is an elf who can ask questions.

So, he typed his own question directly on the keyboard.

[God Slayer: Who am I? 】

[Alyssa: You are the collection of countless human heroes who resisted the will, and the heroic spirit carrying the mission of slaughtering the gods. 】

[God Slayer: What is the mission of Slayer? Why should I kill God? 】

[Alyssa: The gods have stolen the original power of the Orr world, and at the same time, in order to compete for the faith, countless wars have been launched in the Orr world. For the piety of the faith, disasters will be brought down from time to time. Human beings are like livestock kept by the gods. It can only be slaughtered at will. Human beings are determined to resist the gods. Therefore, countless heroes have come one after another to start crusade against the gods. Unfortunately, they all failed. Will, only by slaughtering the gods and returning the source power they stole can human beings truly control their own destiny. 】

[God Slayer: How do I slaughter the god? 】

Alyssa flapped her wings and came to the four gods.

[Alyssa: This is the forbidden place of God, which stores the power of four great ancient heroes. As long as you choose one of them to worship, you can obtain their blessings, which is enough for you to compete with the gods. 】

Lin Qian'an knew, this was choosing a career!

He manipulated the slayer to come to the first statue, which was an old man wearing a mage robe with a staff in his right hand and a ball of gray energy in his left.

[Alyssa: This is the Chaos Arcanist Cardenas Hader, who has obtained power from Chaos and can easily destroy everything with Chaos Magic. 】

Sounds like a hoot.

Lin Qianan turned to look at the second statue.

It was a heroic woman wearing armor with a two-handed sword.

[Alyssa: This is the Great Sword Saint Ellen Gale. She has reached the pinnacle of her skills, and even a **** must be convinced by her. 】

Specialized in skills?

Lin Qian'an shook his head, this thing can be eaten and operated at a glance.

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the God Slayer to look at the third statue.

It's a man in fancy clothes with weird mechanical parts in his hands.

[Alyssa: This is time and space alchemist Clifford Broom. Alchemy must follow the principle of equivalent exchange, but the time and space alchemy he developed can obtain results from the future in advance, and does not require equivalent exchange. can use. 】

It's time-related, this guy is not easy.

Lin Qianan manipulated the God Slayer to look at the last statue.

It was a skeleton shrouded in holy light.

It feels pretty weird.

[Alyssa: This is Camilla Sosa, the Holy Mage of the Undead. She uses divine magic to create and drive the undead to fight, giving the undead a powerful recovery ability, and at the same time not afraid of all kinds of positive energy attacks. 】

Lin Qian'an's expression is weird, a undead with divine attributes?

What kind of occupation is this?

[Alyssa: Have you decided which hero's power you want to choose? 】

Hearing this, Lin Qianan fell into thought.

The first profession is a mage at first glance, and its destructive power should be very domineering, but it should be lacking in melee combat.

The second occupation should be a soldier, but I am afraid there are rigid requirements for operation, but for him, it should not be a big problem.

The third profession, Lin Qianan, thinks that it should be an adc with remote physical output. Of course, it may also be a synthesis of physical methods, and it is estimated that certain operations are required.

The fourth occupation is the Undead Holy Mage. It is guessed that it is a combination of the nanny and the summoner. It is similar to the Paladin, but if the undead attribute is used, it is estimated that there are skills such as curses, that is, the enemy continues to lose blood, and our side recovers.

For the first time playing, Lin Qianan just wanted to see the plot and get acquainted with the game, so he decided to choose a mage who had output and felt that the operation would be easier.

Manipulating the God Slayer to come to the statue of the Chaos Arcanist Cardenas Hader, and clicking the mouse, the gray energy ball in the old man's hand suddenly flew out and landed directly on the God Slayer.

[Hint: You have comprehended the [Chaos Profound Truth]. ]

[Hint: You have mastered the primary chaos magic [Chaos Beam]. ]

[Hint: You have mastered the primary chaos magic [Chaos Shock]. ]

[Hint: You have mastered the primary chaos magic [Chaos Drain]. ]

At this time, the **** slayer also had a dark robe on his body, and a staff with a dark gem in his hand.

Lin Qianan opened the panel, and there were four more skills on it.

[The Profound Truth of Chaos: You have understood the profound meaning of chaos, you can cast chaotic magic, and the chaotic attribute +10. ]

[Chaos beam: Condense chaotic energy and release beam to attack. ]

[Chaos Shock: Condense chaotic energy, release shock waves, and repel enemies. ]

[Chaos Draw: Draw chaos energy from chaos, restore health, stamina and mana. ]

One passive, three primary skills.

This is a bit different from what Lin Qianan imagined to directly acquire all the skills and abilities.

[Alyssa: Hero, since you have acquired the power inherited from the ancient heroes, let’s go to the temple by teleporting the magic circle and slaughter those evil gods! 】

The corners of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, and this statement is just like "Since you have completed the novice tutorial, then go and fight the final boss!" It makes people want to complain.

At this time, while talking, Eliza also led the **** slayer to a complicated and mysterious magic circle.

With the click of the mouse, the magic circle was charged, and the **** slayer was directly transported into a magnificent palace, and the exciting background music also sounded.

[Temple Guard: Who? Dare to break into the temple! 】

With a roar, several existences wearing armor with swords in hand rushed towards the game characters.

Above their heads, there are white letters showing their names.

[Alyssa: Hero, this is the Temple of the Earth, where the **** Altai, who is in charge of the earth, lives. In order to gain faith, he constantly creates disasters such as earthquakes and landslides in the human world. Defeat him and avenge the people who have passed away! 】

Lin Qian'an understood, this is a game to pass the level, it's not that complicated, it's enough to play from beginning to end.

Press the keyboard to use the [Chaos Beam] skill.


A dark beam of light was suddenly released by the slayer, and the rushing temple guard was directly knocked into the air.

Just a few beams came down, and all the temple guards who found the slayer were killed.

Every time a temple guard is slaughtered, some golden light spots will fly out from the guard and fall on the slayer, filling a golden progress bar under the blue bar.

[Alyssa: During the process of slaughtering the gods, you will be recognized by the will of the ancient heroes, and they will gradually unlock the power given to you. 】

Lin Qianan understands, isn't it just fighting monsters to upgrade and unlock skills?

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the **** slayer to rush down the road towards the further temple.

Soon there were new temple guards who discovered the **** slayer and rushed up.

Lin Qianan used the God Slayer's [Chaos Beam] to kill with great joy. There were too many people, so he used [Chaos Shock] to shake them away.

When the blue bar is exhausted, use [Chaos Drain] to quickly restore the blue amount.

The enemy also has long-range attacks, but Lin Qianan is quick-witted and can often kill the opponent before he can attack.

After killing about thirty temple guards, the golden progress bar filled up and a prompt appeared.

[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth] has become more profound, and Chaos Attribute +10. ]

[Hint: You have comprehended a new primary chaos magic, [Chaos Arrow]. ]

[Arrow of Chaos: Condenses chaotic energy and summons an arrow to attack the enemy (every 10 chaotic attributes can summon an additional arrow). ]

With one more skill, Lin Qian'an was more refreshing to kill.

[Chaos Arrows] Once used, three arrows are instantly summoned to fly out, and it also has an automatic enemy search function, which makes it easy to hit the front of the small boss in the first level.

It was a brown-haired man in heavy armor with a spear in hand.

There is a red font on the top of his head showing the name, and it is an elite monster at first glance.

[Laki Cruz: Who is your Excellency, and why did you wantonly massacre in the Temple of Earth? 】

In the face of his inquiry, Lin Qianan found that he still had the option of dialogue.

He pressed the keyboard and said a word.

[Slayer of the gods: The gods have no way, I am the slayer of the gods! 】

[Laki Cruz: The rule of the gods has been maintained for thousands of years, just because you want to overthrow? Then let me see if you have this ability! 】

The sound fell, his body jumped up, and the spear stabbed out of his hand, straight to the slayer.

Lin Qianan used [Chaos Shock] at the moment he approached, trying to knock him flying.

However, its figure was only slightly stagnant, and soon a spear stabbed the **** slayer in the chest.

Om ~ bang!

The energy exploded, and the slayer's health was instantly cleared.

[Laki Cruise: But it turned out to be just a vulnerable arrogant! 】

[Hint: Game over! ]

[Game evaluation: Successor of Chaos, you have inherited the power of Chaos Arcanist. ]

[Do you want to save customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]


Lin Qianan was stunned, can he bear this mockery?

Fortunately, he acted cautiously and saved a file before approaching this little boss.

Read again!

Read the file again, and do it again.

[Laki Cruz: Who is your Excellency, and why did you wantonly massacre in the Temple of Earth? 】

Lin Qian'an did not choose to answer, and immediately manipulated the God Slayer to launch an attack.

The starting point is the three arrows of chaos.

Whoosh whoosh!

Facing these three arrows, Luckey Cruise swung the spear in his hand and blocked it instantly.

[Lucky Cruise: If you don't want to explain the origin, then die! 】

The sound fell, his figure rushed out, and instantly flew to the slayer.

Lin Qian'an had the last experience, the use of the [Chaos Impact] skill, made the opponent's figure stagnate in the void for a moment, and then manipulated the slayer's figure to twist to avoid the opponent's attack.


The spear pierced the ground, forming a cobweb-like crack.

At the same time, Lin Qianan asked the God Slayer to cast the [Chaos Beam].

A gray light beam flew out from the staff, and a twenty damage word appeared on the top of Raki Cruise's head.

Larch Cruz pulled out his spear, turned and charged again. The spear was swung out of the phantom, covering most of the screen, and rows of rock spikes also appeared on the ground.

[Chaos Shock] Use, the opponent's figure stagnates for a moment, manipulate the **** slayer to easily avoid the attack, three arrows fly out, and three damage fonts float from the top of the opponent's head.

Lin Qianan smiled.

Although it was the first time that he was killed by a sneak attack because he didn't understand the opponent's attack method, but when he reacted, this little boss was actually like that.

Attacks come and go straight, as long as you use [Chaos Blast] to resist for a moment, then you can just dodge the attack and counterattack.

The only difficulty is that it is a little difficult to seize this momentary opportunity to counterattack.

But for Lin Qian'an's current responsiveness, this is just a trifle.

Now that he is playing games, what he is most afraid of is not the operation type, but the plot puzzle type.

As long as he is proficient in operation, he is definitely the top player.

But if the plot solves the mystery, it is not the operation that works, and sometimes it even takes luck.

After flying two waves of kites, Larch Cruz's health bar was reduced by nearly one-third, and God Slayer's blue bar was also reduced by more than half. Lin Qianan had to use [Chaos Drain] to recover slightly. A little bit of blue.

In this way, after dragging for half an hour, the last **** skin of Luckey Cruise was knocked off.

【Lucky Cruise: Lord, I have a charge... 】

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka ~!

The moment the sound fell, Luckey Cruise turned into a statue.

Beneath him, something gleaming with brown light appeared.

At the same time, a massive amount of golden light came to the body of the God Slayer, making it directly and continuously improved by two grades.

[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth] has become more profound, and Chaos Attribute +10. ]

[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth] has become more profound, and Chaos Attribute +10. ]

[Hint: You have comprehended a new primary chaos magic, [Chaos Trap]. ]

[Hint: You have comprehended the intermediate chaos magic, [Chaos Shield]. ]

[Chaos Trap: Control chaotic energy to form a trap, stop the enemy from advancing, and cause continuous damage to the enemy caught in it. ]

[Chaos Shield: Condenses a lot of chaotic energy to form a shield that resists a lot of damage. ]

Not to mention the Chaos Trap, a semi-controlling skill.

Chaos Shield is a defensive skill that resists damage, which can be regarded as a shortcoming.

This is still an intermediate level magic, and I also know that the intensity of it is definitely different from that of primary magic.

But what attracts Lin Qian'an's attention the most now is the thing under the statue that Lucy Cruise transformed into.

Manipulate the **** slayer to step forward and click the mouse to pick it up.

[Hint: You have obtained the sacred item [Heart of the Earth]. ]

At this moment, Alyssa flapped her wings and flew out again.

[Alyssa: Hero, sacred objects have different effects, wearing them on the body can increase your power, and a few sacred objects also have special skills that can help you fight well. 】

Lin Qian'an understood, this is the equipment!

Click on the equipment, choose to wear, and a prompt will appear.

[Hint: You have already worn the earth relic [Heart of the Earth], the earth attribute is +10, and you have obtained the [earth spikes]. ]

[Earth Spikes: When attacked, there is a 10% chance to release spikes of condensed earth energy to attack the enemy. ]

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows, feeling that this thing didn't quite match the chaotic arcanist's profession.

Chaos Arcanist is a ranged Crispy Mage, and at first glance, this thing must be beaten to use.

And the 10% chance of triggering, if you really wait for the Crispy Mage to trigger twice, it is estimated that the blood bar will be empty.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Qianan manipulated the slayer to move on.

The combat effectiveness of the God Slayer with two more skills has been significantly improved.

The control effect of [Chaos Trap] can allow Lin Qianan to output more calmly, even if there are more enemies in front, it will not be particularly difficult to fight.

The defense of [Chaos Shield] is also extremely powerful. Although it consumes a lot of mana, ordinary enemies need to attack at least four or five times in a row to break the shield.

In this way, even the [Heart of the Earth] holy artifact that Lin Qianan thought was useless was effective.

When the [Chaos Shield] is broken, it can often be accompanied by massive [Earth Spikes] to attack the enemy.

[Earth Spike] can also knock people back while attacking the enemy, which is equivalent to an alternative [Chaos Shock].

The only problem is that the damage is slightly lower.

Not long after, the godslayer ushered in an upgrade, and obtained a new intermediate-level chaos magic [Chaos Blade].

[Chaos Blade: Turn the chaotic energy into a sharp blade to attack. ]

This is a big trick to clear the screen, but the CD is also very long to use, and it takes 30 seconds to use one.

Relying on this new skill, Lin Qianan soon encountered the second small boss.

This is a burly woman with a double axe.

[Edita Abbott: This is not something you can set foot in. 】

The moment the sound fell, the two axes clashed and slashed directly at the **** slayer.

Lin Qian'an has already taken the lead in filing, but he wants to see how strong the opponent's attack is.

Bang ~ kacha!

[Chaos Shield] instantly shattered, and the God Slayer's HP dropped by half.

Lin Qianan twitched the corners of his mouth, and quickly chose to read the file, and did it all over again.

As usual, it is a double axe.

This time, Lin Qian'an did not choose to hard-connect, but let the **** slayer choose to block with [Chaos Blast], and then dodge.

Affected by [Chaos Shock], the opponent's figure stagnated in mid-air for a moment, but it still smashed down to the God Slayer.

The control time is significantly shorter than the previous Luckey Cruise.

Not to be surprised, Lin Qianan immediately manipulated the God Slayer to use [Chaos Blade] to counterattack.

A large amount of chaotic energy condensed in front of the staff, and a huge dark gray blade flew out, colliding with Edita Abbott's double axe.


The huge energy impact caused both sides to retreat a bit, but immediately rushed up to the convenience at a faster speed.

However, he stepped into the [Chaos Trap] arranged by Lin Qian'an, and while a string of damage numbers floated above his head, his figure became noticeably slower.

When Lin Qianan seized the opportunity, it was another [Chaos Shock].

The other party actually entered a dizzy state.

The effect of the combination skills is outstanding, and Lin Qianan also looks happy.

After flying the kite for a while, Edita Abbott's health was down by half.

[Edita Abbott: roar~! 】

With a roar, the **** slayer fell into a dizzy state, the sky shook in the empty temple, and countless stone pillars protruded from the ground, and then burst open.

The God Slayer's [Chaos Shield] shattered, his health was cleared, and the words "Game Over" appeared.

Lin Qianan was stunned, would half-blood still trigger a second kill?

Click to read the file, come again!

This time, he quickly hit half blood again, and just before the opponent roared out, Lin Qianan used the [Chaos Blade] to slash out.


One arm landed, and at the same time interrupted the small boss's spike skill.

Keep flying kites.

With one arm missing, the opponent's single axe's combat effectiveness is obviously not as good as before, and it can't even break the [Chaos Shield].

After a long while, the other party was about to open his mouth and shout again, and Lin Qianan was another [Chaos Blade], so the other arm clenching the axe also flew out.

Without arms, the opponent can only jump up and attack with both legs.

Every heavy step down, can stir up countless gravel.

But it didn't help, and Lin Qian'an quickly emptied the health bar.

[Edita Abbott: No, I can't just go down like this...]

When the sound fell, it also turned into a statue.

Countless golden light spots flew out and landed on the body of the slayer, filling its golden progress bar and ushering in new skills.

[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth] has become more profound, and Chaos Attribute +10. ]

[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth]...]


[Hint: You have comprehended the advanced chaos magic [Chaos Shuttle]. ]

[Chaos shuttle: Use chaotic energy to disturb the space and shuttle to the distance. ]

Lin Qianan tried it, it was a displacement skill.

The displacement effect is not bad, half of the screen flashes casually.

CD time is only three seconds.

The most important thing is that when using skills, it is invincible time.

Can be used to avoid critical lethal damage.

As usual, there is a new sacred item [earth earrings] under this little boss.

After wearing it, the earth attribute +10, and a [Earth Roar] will be triggered after half blood. While controlling the enemy, it will summon rock pillars to explode and cause a lot of damage.

The wearing bar of the holy relic can wear eight holy relics, so Lin Qianan didn't think much about it, and just put on whatever he was wearing.

Going all the way, after killing five different small bosses, the **** slayer also obtained several advanced chaos magic and earth relics, and at the same time came to a very grand hall. UU reading

Above the hall, there is a huge throne, sitting on it is a man with short brown hair and wearing luxurious armor.

At this time, he was quietly looking at the slayer.

[Altai: I am Altai, the **** of the earth, are you ready to challenge a supreme god? 】

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.


I wish I didn't need to sleep

Qingqiu 9527

thank you very much! !


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