No Jokes Here

Chapter 282: reverse

Altai's state is obviously different from the rest of the small bosses.




Lin Qian'an's expression also became slightly solemn.








It slowly got up from the throne, walked down the stairs, and came to the same plane as the **** slayer.




Immediately, he snapped his fingers.




Boom~ boom boom boom!




There was a huge sound, the earth shook, countless stone pillars bulged, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the entire screen was instantly covered by endless rocks.




The **** slayer was imprisoned in a rock cage, and Altai's expression was indifferent.




[Altai: I am very disappointed. With such power, you are far from enough to shake the rule of the gods. 】








Under the control of Lin Qian'an, the **** slayer used [Chaos Shuttle] to escape directly from the confinement, and came behind Altai, with a [Chaos Blade] in his backhand.




Clang ~ ka cha ka cha ~!




The [Blade of Chaos] shattered, and Altai's body was covered with brown divine light, and he slightly clenched his fist at the God Slayer.




A huge rock palm appeared on the ground, caught the God Slayer in the middle, and instantly broke the God Slayer's [Chaos Shield].




Lin Qianan used another new advanced Chaos Magic [Chaos Blast].








A mass of chaotic energy exploded in the void, the palm formed by the rock shattered, and terrifying energy dissipated.




Altai waved his hand slightly, and countless spikes protruded from the ground, all of which shot towards the God Slayer.




Swish swish~!




The number of these spikes was too numerous to count, Lin Qianan's eyes widened, he tried his best to dodge, and began to force two skills.




The sacred object [Earth Shield] exerted its effect, and a layer of brown energy shield appeared on the body of the slayer, resisting the damage.




The previous accumulation has played a role here.




Lin Qian'an can always find a way to deal with Altai.




But Rao is like this, and it seems very difficult to fight.




Lin Qian'an didn't dare to make a single mistake, otherwise he would be caught in an instant and taken away in one wave.




The two sides quickly fought each other, the pillars in the temple collapsed, the ground was damaged beyond recognition, and the surrounding terrain changed.




When he beat Altai to half blood, Altai suddenly made a sound.




[Altai: This still looks a bit like it! 】




With a sound, he stretched out his hand and grabbed towards the void, and a hammer the size of the heads of several adults appeared in his hand.




With a heavy hammer in his hand, he slammed it down suddenly, the ground shattered, and the waves rolled over, attacking the **** slayer one after another.




Lin Qianan manipulated the **** slayer to use the teleportation skill to hide in the air, but just after two waves of ground waves were hit, he was hit by the next wave of ground waves. With a wave of control, the **** slayer must eat the next wave of ground waves.








The **** slayer was swept away by the ground waves, his health was emptied, and the words "game over" appeared directly.




Lin Qian'an's expression remained unchanged, and he read the file again.




After seeing the opponent's second form, he is now quite familiar.




When Altai took the sledgehammer in his hand, Lin Qianan was fully prepared and began to use various displacement skills and control skills to evade.




After a hundred waves of ground waves, Altai threw the heavy hammer and changed his attack form.




The heavy hammer turned into an earth dragon. Under the control of Altai, it dashed out from the ground from time to time, hitting the **** slayer directly, causing a lot of damage.




The **** slayer happened to have the advanced chaos magic of [Chaos Perception]. After enabling this skill, he could sense the opponent's earth dragon a moment in advance, and then react.




After failing twice, Lin Qianan quickly summed up his experience and quickly found a way to deal with him.




After a while, Lin Qian'an came to the end, Altai's blood bar was emptied, he slammed a heavy hammer with one hand, and stood on the spot watching the **** slayer.




[Altai: Do you want to become a new god? 】




When the sound fell, his body turned into sand and began to gradually dissipate.




A large number of golden light spots poured into the body of the **** slayer.




[Hint: Your understanding of [Chaos Profound Truth] has become more profound, and Chaos Attribute +10. ]




[Reminder: What do you think about [Chaos Profound Truth]....]








After several consecutive prompts, a golden prompt appeared in front of Lin Qian'an's eyes.




[Hint: You have completely understood the [Profound Truth of Chaos], obtained the [Code of Chaos], and the Chaos Attribute +100. ]




[Chaos Codex: A codex that records all Chaos magic, which contains the lifelong efforts of Chaos Arcanist. ]




The Codex of Chaos becomes a small icon on the left side of the game.




Alyssa's figure appeared.




[Alyssa: Hero, Chaos Codex records all the chaotic magic of the Chaos Arcanist Cardenas, including the ultimate chaotic magic comparable to divine art, you can learn by consulting the Chaos Codex. 】




Lin Qianan clicked on the Chaos Codex, and the first page was the [Chaos Profound Truth] magic.




This is the origin of all chaotic magic. Only by comprehending the [Profound Truth of Chaos] can we master the power of chaos.




Lin Qianan turned back directly, and quickly turned to three ultimate chaos magics.




The first ultimate Chaos Magic is [Chaos Banishment].




Exile the opponent directly into the Chaos Void.




It belongs to the instant kill skill.




But to read the judgment, if the opponent's defense is strong enough, they cannot be exiled.




The second ultimate Chaos Magic is [Light of Chaos].




Irradiate the enemy with chaotic energy to form a chaotic light, ignoring defense and causing a lot of true damage.




The third ultimate Chaos Magic is called [Chaos Replay].




This magic is to directly re-evolve the target into a state of chaos.




Everything comes from chaos, and to reproduce it as chaos means that all matter can be decomposed and even attacked.




Of course, judgment is also required.




The more complicated something is, the longer it will take to replay.




If the target is a human, the stronger the defense, the smaller the impact of replay.




In the same way, the higher the Chaos Attribute of the God Slayer, the stronger the effect of these skills, and the easier it is to determine success.




At this time, almost all the golden light spots on Altai's body disappeared, revealing a brown prism in place.




Lin Qianan manipulated the **** slayer to step forward and pick up the items.




[Hint: You have obtained the divine relic [Earth Origin]. ]




[Earth Origin: A holy relic containing the power of the earth origin rules of the Orr world, after wearing it, the earth attribute +1000. ]




[Alyssa: Hero, we have defeated Altai, then we will return to the forbidden land and prepare to go to the next temple! 】




[God Slayer: Alright! 】




After answering yes, Eliza flapped her little wings and used teleportation magic directly to bring the **** slayer back to the forbidden land.




[Alyssa: Hero, tell me when you are ready, and I will take you to the next temple. 】




Of course, Lin Qian'an clicked decisively and got ready.




[Alyssa: Hero, since you're ready, let's go! 】




The sound fell, and the **** slayer was teleported to a fiery red temple.




[Alyssa: This is the Fire Temple, inhabited by the God of Fire, Herakros. For her belief, the volcano erupted in the human world, causing the homes of countless creatures to be burned down and their lives lost. We must stop her from continuing to rule! 】




Lin Qian'an didn't care about the little elf's broken thoughts. Anyway, it was over without thinking.




The God Slayer, who has thoroughly mastered the entire Chaos Arcanist system, is now in a completely different strength than before.




He easily reached the front of the first mini-boss in this level.




This is a woman wearing a red and luxurious robe.




[Roger Gatti: I used to think that I could be compared with gods, but mortals are mortals after all. 】




Lin Qian'an's backhand is a [Chaos Banishment].




Judgment passed.




A chaotic vortex sucked the opponent directly into it.




[Roger Gatti: No...]




There is no unnecessary nonsense, only a sacred object and a large number of golden light spots were obtained by the **** slayer.




Now that the God Slayer's [Chaos Profound Truth] has been filled, and after the golden light dots fill the progress bar, the God Slayer will only get the effect of Chaos Attribute +10, but he can no longer acquire new skills.




Because the strength is far greater than before, it is also extremely easy to fight now.




Not long after, Lin Qianan saw the boss of this level.




Herakros, the **** of fire.




His fiery red hair was loose, he was wearing a fiery red robe, and the expression on his face was extremely arrogant.




[Herakros: Fire can create civilization and burn everything, are you ready to bear my wrath? 】




Lin Qian'an clicked fast forward, skipping the dialogue and starting the fight!




Powerful chaotic magic, coupled with Lin Qian'an's top operation skills.




Soon Heracles took his hatred.




[Herakros: The flame... went out...]




The voice fell, the sea of ​​fire that filled the sky dissipated, Heracles' body disintegrated, leaving behind a divine relic [Origin of Flame].




After wearing it, the flame attribute +1000, plus an ordinary flame sacred object, it is barely able to withstand the attack effect of a high-level chaos magic.




Then came Barbina, the **** of storms in the Temple of Storms.




[Barbina: The power of the storm is unmatched. 】




after a little while.




[Barbina: The wind...stops...]




The fourth level, Yukisaya, the **** of thunder in the Temple of Thunder.




[Yukisaya: The power of thunder, destroy everything! 】




after a little while.




[Yukisaya: God Slayer, you are also destined to be destroyed...]




In the temple of thunder, Yukisaya's body dissipated, revealing the origin of thunder.




Alyssa's little wings fluttered, and her figure appeared.




[Alyssa: Hero, you have now killed all the gods who stole the origin of the world. Next, we will return to the forbidden land and return the origin power stolen by these gods to the world! 】




Lin Qian'an understood, and asked Alisha to bring the **** slayer back to the forbidden land.




Alyssa came to the statue in the forbidden land and looked at the **** slayer.




[Alyssa: Hero, put the sacred relic back to the corresponding place, and the world will return to peace. 】




Lin Qian'an looked at the happy and expectant expression on his face. For some reason, he always felt that the game was a little too smooth.




Is this a clearance?




Too fast food!




Less than five hours have passed since the beginning.




Lin Qian'an saved a file, and immediately put the [Earth Origin] back to the first position according to the instructions.




A brown light flickered, and a complex magic circle appeared.




Rumble rumble~!




With a roar, the statue of the Chaos Arcanist disappeared.




Lin Qianan blinked his eyes, and the sense of ill-will in his heart became stronger.




At this time, Eliza urged again.




[Alyssa: Hero, the origin of the earth has been returned, please continue! 】




Lin Qianan did as he did, placing the [Origin of Flame], [Origin of Storm], and [Origin of Thunder] in their corresponding positions.




Rumble rumble~!




There was a loud noise, and the other three statues also disappeared. Lin Qian'an's head felt worse and stronger.




At the same time, the entire forbidden land suddenly shook.




Boom boom boom~!




The statue swayed, and the complicated and mysterious patterns in the void flickered.




The guide Alyssa had a smile on her face, her figure became about the size of the God Slayer, and the name on the top of her head suddenly changed from the guide to the destroyer.




[Alyssa: Welcome back, Lord! ! 】




With the sound falling, a distorted breath in the void poured into the body of the God Slayer, and at the same time, the font on the head of the God Slayer also changed, becoming [Atom the Devourer].




Immediately, a very gloomy smile appeared on his face.




[Atom: After billions of years of ban, I'm finally free again...]




[Hint: Game over! ]




[Game evaluation: The justice that has been used, although you are doing all justice, but you have been used to release the evil existence that has suppressed hundreds of millions of years. ]




[Do you want to save the customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]








Lin Qianan blinked, what is the ending?




Could it be that the so-called slaughter of evil gods is just a lie?




From beginning to end, this guide, Eliza, was misleading him!




What is the true identity of the **** slayer?




Could it be that he is not a Heroic Spirit at all?




What is the perfect ending to the game?




Lin Qian'an now regrets that he played too well before and didn't watch the plot.




After clicking the [No] option, Lin Qianan restarted the game.




This time, Lin Qianan directly confronted Alisha at the start.




[God Slayer: Are you lying to me, Destroyer! 】




Alisha's little wings fluttered, and the smile on her face converged.




[Alyssa: No, why do you know all this? Looks like I have to clear your memory again...]




The next moment, the screen went black, and the words "game over" appeared.




[Hint: Game over! ]




[Game evaluation: Speed ​​pass players, as a player who pursues efficiency, you are obviously doing a good job. ]




[Do you want to save the customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]








With a dark face, he clicked [No], and Lin Qianan started another round.




This time, instead of directly confronting Alyssa, he re-selected a statue of the Great Sword Saint Ellen Gale to visit.




A ray of light flew out from the statue of the Great Sword Saint and fell on the God Slayer.




Immediately, the God Slayer had an extra set of armor on his body, and an extra two-handed sword in his hand.




[Hint: You have already comprehended the [Sword Heart Profound Truth]. ]




[Hint: You have mastered the primary sword skill [Stab]. ]




[Hint: You have mastered the primary sword skill [Top Pick]. ]




[Hint: You have mastered the primary sword skill [Block]. ]




[Profound Truth of Kenshin: You have comprehended the profound meaning of Kenshin from countless swinging swords, attack attribute +10, skill attribute +10. ]




[Stab: Stab forward with the big sword in your hand, causing damage. ]




[Pick up: Swipe up with the big sword in your hand, knocking the enemy up and causing damage. ]




[Block: erect a big sword to resist the attack from the front, and will not be hurt after the block is successful. (Note: The block success rate depends on the skill attribute.)]




Sure enough, it was a profession that required manipulation, and Lin Qianan showed a clear expression on his face.




Speaking of which, this profession might be the most suitable for him.




Suddenly, Lin Qianan caught a glimpse of the remaining three statues.




At this time, they are still bright.




Lin Qianan raised her eyebrows, feeling that she had overlooked something.




So he typed directly and asked Alicia.




[God Slayer: Alisha, can I only choose the power of one statue? 】




Alyssa's expression showed a little unnaturalness.




[Alyssa: Of course not, but I suggest that you don't choose too many powers, carry too many powers, and it is more difficult to master them, which may not be good for you. 】




Lin Qianan ignored this and immediately worshipped the Chaos Arcanist.




The orb in the hands of the Chaos Arcanist flew out and fell directly on the body of the God Slayer.




The next moment, a bunch of tips for acquiring skills appeared, and an achievement tip also appeared on the screen.




[Hint: You have unlocked the achievement [I want it all]. ]




[I want it all: Unlock the second profession, all attributes +10. (Note: Who said I can only get one power?)]




Lin Qian was happy. Sure enough, playing games still had to use his brain.




It's cool to hit it all at once, but in the end, you'll still miss a lot of details.




Immediately, Lin Qianan worshipped all four statues, allowing the God Slayer to gain the power of four professions.




The skills of the four occupations are different, and at the same time, they have mastered four different weapons. After clicking the switch, they can directly change to another occupation template.




Chaos Arcanist will not be mentioned here.




The Great Sword Saint is an exclusive skill attribute, and uses various sword skills to fight.




Space-time alchemist is an exclusive time attribute, summoning alchemy creations to fight.




The last undead holy mage is rather strange. This thing is dedicated to the spiritual and holy attributes. It can resurrect the defeated enemies into holy undead, and then let them help in the battle.




Although he has four professional skills, Lin Qian'an still didn't dare to turn against Alisha directly.




These professional skills need to fight monsters to be unlocked continuously.




Now he probably still can't handle Alyssa.




Don't be in a hurry for now.




Then Lin Qian'an manipulated the **** slayer to follow the path of the **** slayer as usual.




Four professions have been unlocked. Logically speaking, Lin Qianan should have gone more smoothly.




But he found a problem, that is, after unlocking four professions, the number of monsters needed to fight when the golden progress bar was full also quadrupled.




In this way, Lin Qian'an didn't even unlock a high-level skill when he hit Altai, the **** of the earth.




Although there are four occupations in the body, the skills are still quite large.




But it was just like Gua Sha, and if you were touched by Altai, it would suffocate, and it would be gone after a few rounds.




Lin Qianan understood that he couldn't rush to unlock it. He had to finish one level and then unlock the second profession. In this way, after finishing the four levels, all the professions were just unlocked.




So he read the file again, and started playing from his most skilled Chaos Arcanist.




Pass the first level easily and unlock the Great Swordsman profession.




The two professional skills were mixed, and Herakros, the **** of fire, was slashed by the great sword.




At the same time, the three ultimate skills of the Great Sword Saint are unlocked.




[Sword of Judgment], [Sword of Judgment], [Sword of Destruction].




The first skill needs to be judged, only evil enemies can be damaged by the sword of judgment.




The second skill is a combination skill of the first skill. If you are tried and guilty, you can execute the verdict. The greater the crime, the more domineering the verdict will be. When used alone, it has average power.




The third is an instant kill skill, which directly reads and determines the beheading, which is somewhat similar to [Chaos Banishment].




Then in the third stage, Lin Qianan unlocked the Space-Time Alchemist.




With the blessings of two powerful professions, Babina, the **** of the storm, was killed by Lin Qianan without supporting a few rounds.




At the same time, the three ultimate skills of the time-space alchemist are also unlocked.




[Time and Space Pause], [Time and Space Acceleration], [Time and Space Reversal].




The first skill is the control skill, which can pause the time and space of the enemy in a small range, allowing the alchemist to output arbitrarily.




The second skill is an auxiliary skill, which can speed up the attack speed of alchemy objects, such as the alchemy cannon, which originally required one shot every three seconds.




The third skill is to directly reverse the time and space in a small range. The HP that has been reduced in a short period of time can be completely restored, and the damaged alchemy items can also be directly restored.




In this way, Lin Qian'an fights more smoothly.








In the Thunder Temple, Yukisaya, the **** of thunder, issued his last words, and immediately followed with hatred.




The three ultimate skills of the God Slayer's fourth professional Undead Mage are also unlocked.




[Undead Natural Disaster], [Holy Blessing], [Undead Dragon].




The first skill is to directly summon a large number of holy undead to help fight.




The massiveness here is literal, filling the entire screen in an instant.




The second skill is to use holy energy to bless the undead and itself, and strengthen their attributes.




The third skill is to summon an undead dragon with divine attributes to help fight. With the blessing of [Holy Blessing], its strength is even comparable to that of gods to a certain extent.




After unlocking these three skills, an achievement prompt will appear.




[Hint: You have unlocked the achievement [Assembly of the Four Saints]. ]




[Assembly of the Four Saints: Unlock all four professions and obtain all their ultimate skills, Chaos Attribute +100, Skill Attribute +100, Time and Space Attribute +100, Holy Attribute +100. (Note: How powerful is this?)]




A good achievement, which enhanced the God Slayer's strength a lot.




What I want to mention here is that Lin Qianan carefully explored the plot in this game.




This made him sure of something.




The God Slayer is indeed a heroic spirit born from the will of the heroes, and it is precisely because of this that he can directly inherit the power of the four ancient heroes.




Also, these gods really deserve to be killed.




For their faith, they did indeed do the evil things that Alisha said.




Seeing mortals as sheep in captivity, for more and more devout beliefs, they wantonly play with human beings.




Therefore, it is indeed fair to say that this trip to slaughter the gods.




This is also in line with the previous evaluation of the game.




Although it was a righteous move, in the end, it was used by Eliza to break the ban for hundreds of millions of years, and released a terrifying evil existence to occupy the body of the God Slayer.




After manipulating the God Slayer to collect the source of the God of Thunder, Eliza appeared again.




[Alyssa: Hero, you have killed all the gods now, then we will return to the forbidden land and return the original power stolen by these gods to the world! 】




Lin Qianan sneered, could he still not know what this little thing was thinking?




[God Slayer: Good! 】




After answering, Eliza took the **** slayer back to the forbidden land.




[Alyssa: Hero, put the sacred relic back to the corresponding place, and the world will return to peace. 】




The plot has returned to the original line again, but this time Lin Qian'an does not intend to do the same.




[God Slayer: What if I don't want to? 】




Alicia showed some unnatural expressions.




[Alyssa: Hero, what are you talking about? The world will return to peace soon, and you can't fall short at this time! 】




[God Slayer: Do you want to unlock the seal? 】




As soon as these words came out, Alicia's expression changed instantly.




[Alyssa: Have you recovered your memory? 】




[God Slayer: No, UU reading www. I haven't recovered my memory, and I don't know what is sealed below, can you tell me? 】




Of course Alisha wouldn't tell Lin Qian'an, she smiled coldly, her body gradually grew larger, and became about the size of a **** slayer.




On her body, a purple-black dress swayed in the wind, the little golden wings behind her disappeared, and a black aura surrounded her body. The name above her head changed from [Alisa the Guide] to [Alisa the Destroyer].




She looked at the God Slayer with cold eyes.




[Alyssa: Refuse? Are you eligible to refuse? 】




------off topic-----




Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.




A big handsome than shines on the stage




Xiao Wang was pierced by four




thank you very much! !








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