No Jokes Here

Chapter 280: Abyss Master, buy new game

The Lord of Pain was firmly imprisoned by the avenue tablet, and then turned into a mysterious Taoist pattern on the avenue tablet, and Lin Qianan also mastered the origin law of the Lord of Pain.

It is a Dao-ruled force rooted in the emotion of pain.

In fact, it is not much different from the Law of the Great Dao of Desire of the Lord.


A thunder piercing through the sky appeared in the distance, attracting Lin Qian'an's attention.

Without caring to feel the power of the Lord of Pain, Lin Qian'an flashed and ran directly to where Thor was.

At this time, Thor held Thor's Hammer and was facing a strange true **** whose body was completely twisted together.

It is a bit humanoid, but not much, its limbs are entangled with each other, and even the facial features are more or less abstract, and the shape is indescribably strange.

It smashed the hammer of Thor in its hand, and a thunderbolt penetrated the sky and went straight to the opponent.

However, when Lei Ting approached the other party, it appeared in a distorted state, bypassing this strange true god.

"It's useless, I am the master of distortion, in charge of the origin of distortion, and everything in the world will be distorted under my will!"

The Lord of Distortion emits a voice that constantly changes tones, which makes people uncontrollably disturbed.

Thor's expression didn't change, he stretched out his little finger and pressed the button on his cloak.

"I am Thor, the **** of thunder, for the glory of the Northern God!"

The moment the sound fell, the power of Thor's Hammer was exerted to the extreme by Thor, and the infinite thunder suddenly covered the entire sky. In the thunder of the sky, Thor moved.


A thunderbolt instantly bombarded the Lord of Distortion at a speed that surpassed light.

The twisting rules of the Twisted Lord acted on this thunder, trying to distort it, but in the next moment, more thunders also bombarded.

Boom boom boom boom~! !

In a short time, the figure of the Lord of Distortion was beaten by the thunder without a backhand.

Without Thor's Hammer, Thor can only be regarded as the peak of the fourth level at most.

But after getting the Thor's Hammer, he has directly stepped into the fifth level.

To a certain extent, it and Lin Qian'an are an alternative fifth-level existence.


Suddenly, Lin Qian'an's voice came from the void.

In the next moment, a huge tortoise shell fell from the sky, directly suppressing the Lord of Distortion under the tortoise shell.

"seal up!"

The chain of infinite rules extends from the avenue monument, directly blocking the Lord of Distortion on the avenue monument.


Thor held Thor's Hammer and looked at Lin Qianan who had turned into a turtle with a solemn expression.

"Thor, it's me, Lin Qian'an!" Lin Qianan said, "It's just a change, don't get excited."

"Wang Wang~?"

Thor's expression was still a little puzzled, but he also turned the Thor's Hammer slightly in some directions, and did not face Lin Qianan again.

The strange aura of the strange true **** and the noble and sacred aura of the beast on the turtle are completely different things, at least it can distinguish this point.


At this time, a void in the distance suddenly shattered, and the body of a strange true **** protruded from it.


Before Lin Qianan and Thor could react, another void shattered.

Click ~ click ~ click ~!

A strange true **** has already protruded into the void at this time.

They also know that someone is blocking the advent ceremony, so even if they lose some of their strength, they plan to come directly to the world.

"I am the master of destiny, in charge of the destiny of all living beings!"

"I am the Lord of Destruction, and Destruction is the end of everything!"

"I am the Lord of Devouring, all things in the world are food!"

"I am the lord of hatred..."


A strange true god's body leaned out from purgatory, and Lin Qian'an and Thor's expressions also changed a little.

The only difference is that Thor is dignified, and Lin Qianan is a little uncontrollable joy.

To him, these are all gimmicks!


Suddenly, Lin Qianan's figure transformed into the real body of a dragon tortoise, and his huge body far exceeded any of the strange true gods present.

"I am the demon saint, Ao Shou, to suppress all evils in the world!"

After the sound fell, Lin Qianan suddenly opened his mouth to use the [Na Yuan] avenue magical power, and bit towards the Lord of Devouring.

The gigantic body of the Lord of Devouring is full of mouthparts of various shapes. At this time, seeing Lin Qianan's huge mouth, he also opened his mouth to run the [Swallow] Origin Law and Lin Qianan swallowed each other.

"I am the true God who can devour everything..."

Before the Master of Devouring could finish speaking, Lin Qian'an's neck shone with light against the scales, and instantly crushed the Master of Devouring's [Swallowing] source law, and took the Master of Devouring into his belly.

[Na Yuan] Dao's magical powers can even absorb the Qi of Chaos at will, plus the tenfold blessing of [Reverse Scale], at this time, Lin Qianan wants to swallow the Lord of Devouring, which is an easy matter.


Thor's hammer of Thor swung and smashed on a strange true god, knocking it back to the side.

At the same time, Lin Qianan also faced simultaneous attacks from six strange true gods.

The power of their rules bombarded Lin Qianan's body, but they were blocked by the green mysterious light blooming on the tortoise shell, which did not shake Lin Qianan at all.

Turtle's [Hard Armor] Dao supernatural power can make chaos unable to obliterate its body. With the blessing of [Reverse Scale], this effect can be enhanced tenfold. Although the attacks of these strange true gods are still powerful, they are at most Just tickle Lin Qianan.

"You are so enthusiastic, why don't you walk on the avenue and the monument!"

Lin Qian'an's voice fell, and the [weight bearing] magical powers were exerted with all their strength, and the chain of infinite rules on the avenue tablet extended out, directly binding the six bizarre true gods, pulling them to the avenue tablet behind them.

"No, you can't kill me..."

"I am the lord of hatred, if you kill me, the rest of the true gods will not let you go..."

"I can't ask for it!" Lin Qianan said indifferently.

Ignoring the mourning of these guys, the mysterious Taoist pattern on the avenue tablet became three-point complicated again.

However, in this space at this time, there are more strange true gods coming.

Thor leaned beside the dragon turtle that Lin Qianan transformed into, and his expression became more solemn than ever.

The state of those strange true gods at this time did not seem to be looking for revenge on Lin Qian'an, but as if they were desperately escaping from purgatory.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to use the [weight-bearing] magical power to suppress a few weird true gods who were about to escape from purgatory, and the rest of the weird true gods became terrified when they saw it.

"Stupid guy, purgatory has lost so many sources, the abyss master will recover early, and you are destined to escape..."


With a loud bang, the whole world seemed to shake for a moment.

Time and space are still, and the bodies of those bizarre true gods are stuck in the gap between purgatory and the world and no longer move.

In between, a line of sight glanced at the entire purgatory and the world, and thoroughly scanned Lin Qian'an.

Lin Qianan could feel a deadly threat looming over him, as if the other party would die in the next instant as long as he had the heart.


A huge mouth appeared in the void, and those strange true gods were swallowed up by it without any resistance, and Lin Qianan's body was also slowly moving towards the huge mouth.

The inverse scales on the back of his neck are shining brightly, and his own strength has been turned to the extreme, but he still can't resist the opponent's strength.

Thor leaned against Lin Qian'an's side, and thunder filled his body, but it didn't help.

At this moment, the time for Lin Qian'an's arrival card happened again.

In an instant, Lin Qianan directly changed back to his original state.

At this time, a figure stood in front of Lin Qian'an and Thor.

Amazingly, Long Yi has arrived.

The invisible realm of the real world enveloped Lin Qian'an and Thor, blocking the terrifying force's pull on Lin Qian'an and Thor.

Lin Qian'an hurriedly put away the arrival card and the crystals of the source law obtained by the turtles from those strange masters.

At this time, Long Yi looked at the huge mouth with a solemn expression, and the real world around him was also rapidly shrinking and collapsing inward.

"Brother, can you do it?" Lin Qianan came to Long Yi and asked aloud.

"If I have an accident, Xuan Kingdom will have to rely on you next!" Long Yi said with no change in his expression.

"Isn't it so scary?" Lin Qianan said in disbelief.

Long Yi's words were as if he was arguing for an orphan.

"It's more terrifying than this. It is the master of the abyss and the source of the strange recovery stalk. Although it has not fully recovered yet, even if it only opens one eye and opens its mouth, it is enough to devour the whole world. The fifth-level peak exists." Long Yi replied.

"How strong is it?" Lin Qianan asked.

"Wow?" Thor also expressed curiosity.

"Star level." Long Yi said.

For a moment, Lin Qian'an and Thor were a little stunned, and began to imagine how powerful it was.

However, Long Yi was not stunned, his figure disappeared directly in the same place, and at the same time, a golden-red real dragon suddenly appeared in the void.

This is the totem of the Xuan Kingdom, the Xuanlong.

Lin Qian'an's head was very clear, that was Long Yi's real body.

The next moment, Long Yi's figure suddenly disappeared from the world and went directly to Purgatory.

Lin Qian'an's eyes shone with crimson light, and he directly saw the scene in Purgatory.

Within the purgatory, a huge existence protruded a part of the body from the bottom of the purgatory, with one eye and a huge mouth.

At this time, he is opening his huge mouth to swallow everything in purgatory, and nothing in purgatory can escape his devour.

Even if he just saw his existence, Lin Qian'an's soul continued to feel painful.

The information contained in the opponent's body is too complicated. If you look directly at its existence, you will be constantly impacted by these mysterious and complicated information, and will be affected by it.

In fact, the strange true **** also has similar characteristics, but it is not as exaggerated as the abyss master.

Fortunately, this is not fatal, so Lin Qianan still endured the pain and continued to look at everything in the abyss.

At this time, Lin Qian'an saw Long Yi's figure approaching the Lord of the Abyss, and when he opened his mouth, a beam of profound light spewed out at the Lord of the Abyss.

However, this is just a tickling for the abyss master, who doesn't care about the existence of Long Yi at all, and is still devouring those weird true gods who want to escape from purgatory.

The dragon is coiled up, and a huge world is manifested on its body.

That is the real world within the dragon.

Compared with Lin Qian'an's real world, it is at least hundreds of times larger.

With this huge world, Long Yi went straight to the abyss to dominate the suppression.


The abyss master opened his huge mouth and devoured Long Yi with the entire real world.

Lin Qian'an's expression changed in surprise, but the next moment, the real world collapsed directly and began to self-destruct.

The rules of the entire real world were all detonated, and the terrifying power bloomed directly in the mouth of the abyss master.


The abyss master let out a slightly painful wailing.

"help me!"

Long Yi's voice suddenly came, and Lin Qian'an reacted. There was a turtle's arrival card in his hand. He wanted to refresh the CD and use the turtle to help, but at this moment, Lin Qian'an suddenly switched to [Xian Nong is coming Card】.

Intuition told Lin Qian'an that it would be more appropriate to use this advent card.

"Xian Nong - come!"

In Thor's confused expression, Lin Qianan suddenly transformed into Amu holding a hoe.

In contrast, there is a very big gap between Amu's strength and Turtle.

But Lin Qianan could feel that Amu had another more powerful form.

With a thought, Lin Qian'an used the [Xuanxu] Dao Guo to shuttle in the void, and suddenly came to purgatory.

After coming to purgatory, Lin Qianan felt for himself where the fear of those strange true gods came from.

The terrifying force dominated by the abyss covers the entire purgatory, and this extremely aggressive force reverses all the rules.

Facing such an existence, those strange true gods can only wait for each other to be named and eaten one by one.

These strange true gods of purgatory are only the food of this abyss ruler!

Under the shroud of his strength, Lin Qian'an also seemed to be struggling, making it difficult to move.

He clearly realized that he had to become Amu's body.

Suddenly, the lines on Lin Qian'an's brows burst into mysterious light, and the next moment, it directly transformed into a building tree connecting the sky and the ground.

Among the branches of Jianmu, there are ten Dao fruits of different colors, which represent those Dao rules mastered by Amu.

Not far away, Long Yi is struggling to support, trying to make the abyss master fall asleep again, but his strength is limited, and even if he sacrifices the entire real world, he is almost unable to bear it.


The huge building wood swayed, and the root of Primordial Yuan penetrated into the purgatory, went to the abyss, and was wrapped in the body of the abyss master.

The next moment, he directly penetrated into the body of the abyss master and began to frantically absorb the power of the abyss master.

The root of Primordial Yuan can directly extract and transform even the Qi of Chaos, and the abyss master who has not fully awakened is naturally unable to resist.


The abyss master tried to stop Lin Qian'an, but was suppressed by Long Yi's desperate efforts, unable to move.


As the power was extracted by Jianmu, the eyelids of the abyss lord began to droop, and the huge open mouth gradually closed.


Finally, the abyss master who lost a lot of energy fell back into the abyss and fell into a deep sleep, and the entire purgatory returned to its previous appearance.

Long Yi turned into a ray of light and rushed out from under the abyss and came to Lin Qian'an's side, looking extremely weak.

He said lightly, "Go!"

Lin Qianan changed back to Amu's shape, grabbed Long Yi and disappeared into Purgatory.

As soon as he returned to the territory of the country, Lin Qianan felt that the surrounding space had undergone violent fluctuations.

A huge magic circle appeared in the sky, and it was Tang Wen's strength.

He is pulling the country out of the gap between purgatory and the present, and returning it to Earth.


The magic circle in the void is clasped one by one, quickly covering the entire tile country.

Click ~ Bang!

As the glass shatters, the air bursts, and the bright moon in the sky reappears.

Stab it!

Thor turned into an electric light and appeared beside Lin Qian'an, looking at the extremely weak Long Yi with a surprised expression.


Thor didn't understand, what kind of existence was Long Yi, who was so powerful, that could hurt him like this.

"Go back to Xuanguo first!" Lin Qianan said.

At this time, Long Yi has closed his eyes, and the energy fluctuations in his body are also vague, and the state of the whole person is extremely bad.

After the divine sense reached out and notified Tang Wen, Lin Qianxin moved slightly, and the [Xuanxu] Dao Fruit was displayed, and the space in front of him changed, directly opening a space channel leading to the Xuanguo Dragon Group headquarters.

Taking one step, Lin Qianan returned to the Dragon Group headquarters.



Half an hour later, Lin Qianan walked out of the dragon group and looked at the moon in the sky, his expression became extremely complicated.

This time, in order to deal with the abyss master, Long Yi directly detonated his own real world as a source of power, and he was promoted to the fifth-level high-level in a short time. With the help of Lin Qian'an, he reluctantly made the abyss master fall asleep again.

But the price was that Long Yi's real world was destroyed, his strength was greatly reduced, and even the current Long Yi Lian's fifth-level strength was gone.

I don't know how much time it will take to regain my previous full strength.

Lin Qianan took out some immortal plants and gave them to Long Yi, which should reduce the recovery time, but the refining process also takes time.

The current situation is that Lin Qian'an has become the top combat power of the dragon group. If there is another thing like the arrival of a strange true god, it can only be handled by Lin Qian'an.

Others have no such ability at all, and they can't handle it.

Neither can Thor, it can only contain the strange true god, but cannot really kill him.

Lin Qian'an feels very complicated now. He used to have a dragon on his head, so he doesn't have to worry about what happens. He just needs to play games in his apartment every day.

Now it can't work anymore. Without Long Yi, he can only bear the sky when the sky falls.

The point to be made here is that the world is really not as stable as one might imagine.

The country of Wa is now devoid of life.

Literally lifeless.

People, animals, and even plants are gone.

It was so miserable that it was chosen by so many strange true gods to be the place where the descending ceremony was held.

Long Yi discovered it very early, but in the face of such an existence as a strange true god, human beings are really too small.

This is also the reason why Long Yi and Xuan Guo want to create humanity.

If there is no humanism, the Xuan Kingdom today cannot be expected to face such an ending.

If not all of them were killed, it is estimated that not many survived.

Whenever he recalled the tragic situation in the country of Wa, Lin Qianan felt that he had not killed enough strange true gods, and his attack was not ruthless enough.

These guys die ten times, a hundred times is not enough!

"In the future, am I the tallest person?" Lin Qianan murmured, "What a heavy responsibility!"


Lin Qian'an suddenly rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky as a ray of light.

Returning to the residence, Lin Qian'an's face was no longer relaxed.

Heavy responsibilities and unknown threats made him not dare to relax, and it is not easy to be the highest person. Relaxation is irresponsible for himself and for all human beings.

With a thought, thirteen prism-shaped crystals appeared in Lin Qian'an's palm.

These are the crystallization of the original law of the strange true gods who had been killed by him with tortoises before.

Lin Qianan took out one of the crystals of the Source Law, and his mind moved.

[Hint: Whether to collect the stalk points attached to the current stalk. (Hint: After collecting the stalk points, the stalks will lose their original function.)]


[Hint: 1,126,854 stalk points have been successfully collected. 】

"Damn, dead profiteer!"

Seeing this recycling price, Lin Qian'an's expression became very tangled.

He is very clear that the price of a Origin Law crystal is definitely more than one million points, but it is helpless.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Qianan took out a new crystal of the Origin Law again.

In a short time, Lin Qianan had recovered all the crystals of the Source Law.

Lin Qian'an thought for a moment, and saw the balance of stalk points on the game board of her stalk.

Host: Lin Qianan

Stem Point: 14526875

With more than 14 million points, Lin Qian'an never dreamed that he would be so rich one day.

But he wasn't too happy.

These stubborn points are not enough to keep Advent stuck on the eighth floor of the training tower for two days.

However, Lin Qian'an was not in a hurry to consume the stalk points to improve the strength of the advent card.

Instead, it is the first to check whether there are new features in the game.

By convention, every time the number of stalk points is advanced by one level, the stalk game will have new functions.

One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million.

Now Lin Qian'an's 10 million stalk points should also have new functions.

After turning on the Terrier game computer, Lin Qianan started to try.

After a while, Lin Qianan really saw the new function.

[Whether to consume 10,000,000 stalk points to open the infinite mode of the cleared game "Jianghu". 】

Unlimited mode?

Lin Qianan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he probably guessed what this meant.

This is found in many games. Once this mode is turned on, you can continue to play games that have been cleared.

What's the benefit of continuing to play?

Continue to upgrade the game characters?

Explore more possibilities in the game?

Lin Qianan saw the value of this model.

Seriously, if it was a game world similar to the one in which Amu lives, the infinite mode could really be activated.

Plant more immortal plants, improve Amu's experience, and at the same time as the combat effectiveness of the Advent Card increases, the items in the mall should also be more and more complicated.

But then again, no matter how complicated the things in the mall are, if he can't afford it, he will be blind.

If this infinite mode is the same as what he thinks, then the greatest value should be that it can continue to develop the game world, find more possibilities, and improve the level and strength of the game characters.

Having said that, the training tower also seems to have this function. In this case, it feels that the infinite mode does not seem to be worth the price.

Lin Qianan always felt that things would not be so simple.

But 10 million stubborn points were hard-won, and he didn't dare to waste them easily.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Qianan finally did not try to activate this function.

He now prefers tangible benefits to unknown features.

His current strength improvement is still a bit slow, especially the cultivation speed of "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra" is the same as that of a turtle.

Therefore, Lin Qianan needs a fifth-level witch medicine **** to help refine the higher-level witch medicine, and use his powerful witch medicine attainments to improve the speed of his practice.

After taking the [God of Witchcraft Advent Card] out of the training tower on the third floor, Lin Qianan looked at the training tower on the sixth floor.

Here one hundred thousand points per day, and the ratio of cultivation efficiency is one to one million.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Qian'an's gaze moved up again, towards the seventh floor.

One million points a day, and the cultivation efficiency is one to ten million.

This kind of terrifying efficiency, even if it is hard to rush, it should be level five, right?

Gritting his teeth, Lin Qianan directly shoved the Advent Card of the God of Witchcraft into it.

In the next instant, Lin Qian'an's stubborn point was immediately reduced by one million.

It is not over yet, Lin Qian'an also changed Tong Zun's position and let Tong Zun come to the sixth floor of the training tower.

Another 100,000 stalks disappeared.

After doing this, Lin Qian'an has not finished his actions.

He took out the [Hope Castle Lord Advent Card], [God's Spirit Envoy Advent Card], [Dismantling Knight Advent Card], and [Shannon Advent Card] four Advent Cards.

Then, 400,000 stalk points were consumed, and all of them were solidified into daily cards, and the cd was reduced to 24 hours.

With 1.5 million points missing in an instant, Lin Qianan still did not intend to stop spending.

He found the game called "Slaughter God" in the game mall.

He originally planned to consider it at a discount next month, but now that he has money, he has spent most of it, and it's only 30,000 points. He can afford it at!

[Hint: Do you consume 30,000 stalk points to buy the current game? 】


------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Art is the star of the Uchiha faction



thank you very much! !


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