No Jokes Here

Chapter 279: Chaos Body Refinement Sutra, Lord of Pain

"Is there anything better?" Lin Qianan asked.

"No, it's already my bottom line!" said the old beggar.

Lin Qian'an nodded secretly, it seemed that this was the limit of what the old beggar could do.

Passing the immortal ginseng in his hand, Lin Qianan said, "That's it!"

The old beggar smiled, took the ginseng, and handed the golden page to Lin Qianan.

The moment Lin Qianan got the golden page, the figure of the old beggar disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Qianan looked down at the golden page in his hand and began to study it.

Its size is slightly wider than ordinary A4 paper, and it feels cold to the hand, a bit like metal, but it does not lack the flexibility of ordinary paper. It can be bent, but it will soon return to its original shape. In terms of weight, it is the same as ordinary paper. same weight.

The characters written on it are in some very mysterious and special fonts, but somehow, Lin Qianan can understand them.

[Analysis] The ability cannot be parsed, and the [divination] Dao supernatural power can't see its origin, as if it was born out of thin air, but I can barely perceive some traces of the Dao rules on the golden page.

Lin Qian'an's spiritual sense covered the golden page, and in the next instant, a huge amount of information began to pour into his mind, causing the current Lin Qian'an to frown slightly.

After a long while, Lin Qianan, whose soul was slightly swollen, brought the entire "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra" into his mind.

The scriptures are very complicated and mysterious, and even with Lin Qian'an's current understanding, it is extremely difficult to learn.

However, he already understood the effect of this practice.

This is a body training exercise, but it is not an ordinary body training exercise, but a body conditioning exercise with the help of the Qi of Chaos.

Even just getting started requires a body level of at least five, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the erosion of Chaos Qi.

After the cultivation method is completed, the body will be able to completely transform into the body of chaos.

Is it strong?


But there is a very important question here, that is, where does the Chaos Qi come from?

For ordinary transcendents, even if it is a fifth-level existence, I am afraid that it is not easy to obtain the Qi of Chaos.

After all, you need to travel outside the world to get it.

But Lin Qian'an couldn't help feeling his luck.

He has the [Root of Primordial Primordial], and he can rely on his hair to penetrate into the chaotic void to absorb the Qi of Chaos. The degree of fit with this practice can be said to be unusually high.

With a thought, Lin Qianan directly teleported back to the academy's residence.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the bed, intending to try to practice this technique.

The yin and yang gossip patterns flickered in his eyes, and after some deductions, he soon saw his successful case after countless failures.

Immediately, Lin Qian'an closed his eyes slightly, and a section of the hair around his body disappeared into the void. Immediately, he sensed a massive amount of Chaos Qi raging at the tip of the hair.

According to the characteristics of [Root of Primordial Primordial], these raging Chaos Qi will be converted into gentler energy and absorbed by him.

But now Lin Qianan wants to do the opposite, he wants to directly absorb these Chaos Qi into his body.

As his thoughts moved slightly, a very tiny trace of Chaos Qi was accepted by his hair, and then tentatively incorporated into a cell in his body by Lin Qian'an.

In a flash, Lin Qian'an's cells began to be eroded and assimilated by the Qi of Chaos, and began to transform into the same Qi of Chaos.

The nature of Chaos Qi is too chaotic and violent. The rules contained in this thing are distorted and complex, and it can easily corrode and assimilate all ordinary substances to become part of it.

Lin Qianan even felt that in the chaotic air, even the two extremely stable rules of time and space were distorted.

If such a ray of Chaos Qi is thrown into the world, it will definitely cause a huge disaster.

After sinking his heart, Lin Qianan began to run the "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra", and all the power of rules in the body was instantly mobilized, turning into an invisible barrier to wrap the wisp of Chaos Qi.

Immediately, the power of these rules began to be mobilized by Lin Qian'an, driving the Qi of Chaos to travel around the body, allowing the body and soul to adapt to the existence of the Qi of Chaos.

This is just the first step.

During this process, the body and soul will continue to repeat the process of damage and repair. After a long time, they will naturally have a chaotic quality, and then they can repeat this process with more chaotic energy.

Until oneself is completely immune to the corrosion and assimilation of Chaos Qi, it is considered entry.

Then in the second step, use the air of chaos to shape the body of chaos, and be able to walk freely in chaos without being violated. This is Xiaocheng.

And the third and final step is to completely condense the rules of chaos and turn them into chaotic creatures. This is Dacheng.

The first part of the scriptures are very simple for Lin Qianan. The real difficulty is the third step. Those mysterious rules and knowledge have made his current soul a little bit painful. It is estimated that he will rely on Tong Zun to turn back. 【God Comprehension】To comprehend all the learning.

At this time, Lin Qian'an's body was suffering unparalleled pain.

His physique itself is not weak, and with the fact that he has eaten a lot of elixir recently, his physical strength is infinitely close to level five.

But it's still a little bit less than the fifth level. If he didn't master the rules of the multiple avenues and had a deep background, I'm afraid he didn't even have the qualifications to practice.

Under the raging aura of chaos, Lin Qian'an's body was constantly corroded and damaged.

During this process, the traces of Chaos Qi were strengthened and became more powerful, and the regular power in Lin Qian'an's body was also consuming the Chaos Qi, making it always maintain a balance.

In order to achieve this level, Lin Qianan must consume a huge amount of energy to keep the rules running.

[Root of Primordial Primordial] Coupled with the full operation of nuclear fusion cells, Lin Qianan can maintain this balance. The Jianmu in the real world in his body shook his body and released a large amount of heaven and earth vitality.

With the blessing of the double [Root of Primordial Primordial], Lin Qianan's operation of this exercise finally became a lot easier.

Allowing the chaotic aura in his body to wreak havoc, Lin Qianan slowly opened his eyes.

The yin and yang gossip patterns in his eyes disappeared.

At this rate, if there is no shortage of Chaos Qi, you should be able to get started within 10,000 years, and you can achieve a small success in hundreds of thousands of years. As for the Dacheng condensing the chaotic rules and turning it into a chaotic creature, it will take several million years.

If the creators of the exercises knew about this speed, they would also be surprised.

Because according to the original description of the practice method, it would take at least hundreds of millions of years from the beginning of cultivation to the end.

But now that Lin Qian'an can achieve greatness in millions of years, it is too fast.

Unfortunately, Lin Qianan was not satisfied.

He felt that the speed of cultivation was very slow, so slow that he could not accept it.

So Lin Qianan decided to find a way to make it quick.

The quick way is also very simple. Refine the elixir to strengthen the body and soul, so that you can adapt to the chaotic energy earlier, or use the God of Witch Medicine to refine the god-level witch medicine that can directly improve the progress of the practice, and speed up the progress of the practice. .

The former Lin Qianan did it very easily. After all, refining elixir was already a familiar way for him today.

But the latter will not work.

The God of Witchcraft is now only the peak of the fourth level, and the refined witch medicine is too limited for advanced exercises such as the "Chaos Body Refinement Classic".

Unless he can break through to level five.

But is it easier said than done?

Tong Zun, who has been placed on the fourth floor of the training tower, has not yet reached the fifth level. According to the progress estimated by Lin Qianan yesterday, it is estimated that he will have to wait for more than ten days. He wants the **** of witch medicine to break through the fifth level. , and there is no clear path, unless the **** of witch medicine is directly placed in the fifth-floor cultivation tower or even a higher cultivation tower for a period of time.

But the training tower on the fifth floor requires 10,000 points a day, the sixth floor is 100,000 points a day, and the seventh floor is 1 million...

Where did he get so many **** points?

Now his avatar has been dealing with abnormal events 24 hours a day, and even a few puppet incarnations, Lin Qian'an, have taken them out to brush things.

But even so, it's just a stubborn point of less than 10,000 profit per day.

He wants to afford the daily use of the higher-level training tower, unless he goes to the "dungeon" of purgatory.

However, the strange true gods in purgatory, Lin Qian'an, are not afraid, and one of them counts as one, and all of them deserve to die.

However, Lin Qianan, the mysterious aura under purgatory, had some scruples.

That thing, even if Lin Qianan used the Demon Saint Arrival Card at the time, he felt the threat.

If you rush into purgatory recklessly, you will not know when you will plant yourself in it.

"I'm so poor!" In the end, Lin Qianan couldn't help but sigh.



November 25th, eleven o'clock at night.

Xuan Guo, the headquarters of the Kyoto Dragon Group, a conference room.

Lin Qian'an saw Long Yi again after a long absence, and besides Long Yi, there were Wang Jian and Thor and a man with an ordinary appearance and a slightly weak expression.

"You're here." Long and Lin Qianan nodded.

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry? You also specifically told me not to use [divination]." Lin Qianan asked.

"Things are a little more complicated." Wang Jian explained: "Simply put, the strange true **** is holding a descending ceremony in the country of Wa, and now the whole country of Wa has been isolated into the gap between purgatory and the world, and we must prevent it from coming. "

Lin Qian'an understood, no wonder he was not allowed to use [divination].

If he uses [divination], he will definitely be perceived by the strange true god, who knows what crazy things the other party will do in a hurry.

"Is it enough to kill that weird true god?" Lin Qianan asked in confusion.

"It's not that simple." Long Yi shook his head and said, "If it's just a strange true **** coming, I can't call you, I can stop it myself."

"On the surface, there seems to be only one strange true **** participating in this advent ceremony, but in fact there are many, I can't figure out the number, and the power of the mysterious existence in the depths of purgatory is also spreading to the world recently, and it may wake up at any time. , I have to keep an eye on it."

"So this mission requires you to go to the country of Wa, destroy the coming ceremony of these strange true gods, and successfully rescue the people trapped in it. Is there a problem?"

Lin Qianan nodded, and said eagerly, "It's enough to destroy the ritual and save people?"

"I am Thor, the **** of thunder, for the glory of the Northern God!" Thor picked up the Thor's hammer in his hand and pressed the button on the cloak to say.

"Just the two of them? I just want to follow anime at home!" the remaining man with a slightly weak expression said.

Hearing this, Long Yi was a bit dumbfounded, and said, "You just need to move the Wa country out of the space, it won't delay your pursuit of the new show. After you come back, the holographic projection equipment that the Dragon Group eliminated before will be fine. gave it to you."

"How could I refuse to do things for the organization? Don't worry, Long Group Leader! It's all wrapped up on me!" The man patted his chest quickly when he heard the sound.

"What's the situation with this guy?" Lin Qianan asked Wang Jian.

Wang Jian introduced to Lin Qian'an in a low voice: "Tang Wen, codenamed [Great Magician], used to be an otaku, and he has never been in love at the age of 30."

"If you haven't been in love at the age of 30, you will become a great magician?" Lin Qianan asked.

"That's right, this is the stalk!" Wang Jian nodded and said, "The intensity is not low. It was initially judged to be level four, but it has growth potential and will continue to grow stronger as he ages. As long as he remains single, he will It's getting more and more powerful, and now it's the most powerful group of people in the dragon group except you and Long Yi, and he also contributed a lot in the previous humanitarian construction."

"Great!" Lin Qianan said with a thumbs up.


Wa State border.

Lin Qian'an, Thor and Tang Wen walked out of the portal.

In front of them is the border of Vanuatu.

Although the area on the surface has not changed, Lin Qianan can feel that the space there has overlapped.

Part of the purgatory space overlaps the tile country.

The group of weird true gods, this time, they are planning to do an even crazier move.

With the help of the springboard of the country, the group descends directly.

With the relationship between the strange true gods, they should not even have the possibility of cooperation.

But they cooperated, and they planned to come together.

It was as if something was behind them forcing them to come to the world as soon as possible.

Lin Qianan thought of the breath he sensed after entering purgatory in the form of a turtle last time.

And this time Long Yi also mentioned its existence again.

Lin Qian'an's head was very curious and puzzled.

What exactly is that?

It can make so many strange true gods escape from purgatory collectively, and it also makes Long Yi, who has always been invincible, show such a dignified attitude.

"Go in and interrupt the ceremony! I'm setting up a magic circle outside... Oh, it's so troublesome!" Tang Wen said impatiently.

Lin Qian'an nodded, and his figure turned into a ray of light and entered the territory of the country of Wa.

Thor held Thor's Hammer in his hand, and he also turned into a thunderbolt and rushed into the tile country.

Wa State is next to Xuan State. For some reason, there are many warlords here, and they are in chaos all the year round. So far, there is no absolute official government.

It is the best soil for sin to breed.

The strange true gods will stare here, which is actually expected.

After entering the territory of the country, Lin Qianan felt that the surrounding environment had changed, and it was completely different from what he saw outside. At this time, the sky here had become extremely gray, the full moon in the sky disappeared, and at the same time An extreme twisted and strange atmosphere is also shrouded here all the time.

A crimson light appeared in the depths of Lin Qian'an's eyes, as if he had already used the [Eye of the Starry Sky].

In the next instant, Lin Qian'an's figure stagnated in a city.

In front of him is a group of people who are hurting each other with knives.

The blood on their bodies has been drained, their bodies are scarred, but their faces show extremely comfortable expressions.

"Lord of Pain, Lord of Pain..."

"We need more pain..."

"Not enough, not enough..."

Lin Qianan could see that these people were already dead, and the only thing left to drive their bodies here were some obsessive souls influenced by the strange true gods.

"It's still too late!" Lin Qianan sighed.

"Do you want to feel pain too?"

A voice suddenly came from behind Lin Qian'an.

"I said, can you stop showing up from behind? Is it a necessary way for villains to appear?" Lin Qianan complained.

As he spoke, Lin Qianan also looked back at the existence behind him.

It was a human being whose body was constantly flowing with blood. His body was full of blades, and all parts of his body were disabled to varying degrees, and his blood seemed to never end. In just a few seconds, The surrounding area has been dyed red, forming a blood pool.

Ignoring Lin Qian'an's complaints, the man split his mouth and pulled the corner of his mouth directly to his ear: "Are you an extraordinary person? Your pain is far greater than that of ordinary people. With your participation, the great master of pain can It's coming sooner!"

With that said, he walked towards Lin Qian'an step by step.

The invisible power of rules oppressed Lin Qian'an. This power of rules told Lin Qian'an that as long as he kept causing pain to himself, he could get everything.

Power, power, money, everything is available.

However, Lin Qian'an's expression did not change in the slightest. Now his spiritual strength is no longer as weak as before, and he is immune to this mental attack without even having to resist it.


A "Thunderbolt" burst, and the man was pushed away by the shock wave and hit a concrete wall, deeply embedded in it.

"Are you the host of the arrival ceremony? How to interrupt the ceremony?" Lin Qianan asked.

"Here...hehe...waiting for the great Lord of Pain to come..."

"Forget it, we can level it together."

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Lin Qianan made his move.

His figure was in the air, and a colored energy light ball in his palm quickly condensed.

Then Lin Qianan threw it directly to the next.


Rumble rumble~!

Terrifying energy erupted, and in the terrified expression of the strange believer, the entire city was affected, and everything was quickly destroyed.

When the aftermath dissipates, where will the city come from?

Tick ​​tock~tick tock~tick tock~!

Blood rained in the sky, and in the sky, a huge human face appeared.

His face was filled with unparalleled pain, and blood and tears kept dripping from the corners of his eyes, turning into a rain of blood.

The blood rained and everything was corroded.

Painful murmurs echoed around the void.

"It hurts, it hurts too much!"

"Why did she leave me?"

"Why can't I earn money to buy a house after all my hard work?"

"Why did I get terminal illness at such a young age?"

"Why am I born disabled?"

"why why...."

"Pain is the main theme of life, come on, be a part of me, then there will be no more pain."

The pained face of the Lord of Pain invites.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

Lin Qianan raised his sword fingers together, and the infinite sword gang suddenly formed in the void, and with Lin Qianan's finger, all flew to the cheek of the Lord of Pain.

Reed Reed Reed Reed ~!


A huge **** hand protruded out of the void and waved it forward at will, and most of the sword gangs dissipated.

Immediately, behind the painful face, the complete Lord of Pain gradually revealed his figure.

The blood-clotted body, full of painful expressions, on his body, countless human souls appeared, and they were all experiencing various tortures over and over again.

At this time, his other huge **** hand also patted Lin Qian'an.


The **** hand fell to the ground, causing terrifying damage on the ground. However, the pattern of yin and yang gossip in Lin Qian'an's eyes appeared, and it had come to the painful face of the Lord of Pain.


An angry expression appeared on Lin Qian'an's cheek, and he suddenly slapped it.

The next moment, a golden palm print struck the Lord of Pain's cheek, staggering it.

"It hurts~!"

Painful groans came out, and dozens of pairs of **** hands condensed on the body of the Lord of Pain, and they attacked Lin Qianan one after another.

Lin Qian'an's eyes showed the pattern of yin and yang gossip, and his figure flashed in the void, avoiding one after another attack, and hitting the backhand with two palms.

"Keep the ring!"


Two golden palm prints flew out, one palm broke apart the pair of arms of the Lord of Pain, and the other palm knocked out half of the Lord of Pain's face.

With half of his face missing, the expression on the Lord of Pain's cheek was even more painful.

But none of these attacks really hurt the Lord of Pain.

Swish swish~!

Countless blood-clotted tentacles extended from the Lord of Pain's body, entwining towards Lin Qian'an.

Lin Qian'an frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and held it in the void, and the Ruyi Mountain Stick suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

In the next moment, the scales on the back of Lin Qian'an's neck glowed, and the Ruyi Mountain Stick in his hand waved directly out.

"Qinglian cleanses the world!"

Suddenly, the Ruyi Mountain Stick turned into a green lotus that connected to the sky and the ground, and fell towards the Lord of Pain along with Lin Qianan.

The blood tentacles were all eliminated under the green lotus, and the Dao rules of eliminating all dirt were driven to the extreme. With the blessing of the Ruyi Dao rules that came with the Ruyi Mountain Stick, the body of the Lord of Pain seemed to have begun. in constant disintegration.


Qinglian fell, and most of the body of the Lord of Pain was wiped off, and the Ruyi Mountain Stick in Lin Qianan's hand returned to its original state.

And the body of the Lord of Pain began to reunite again.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

These words made Lin Qianan feel that the other party was mocking him.

The stick just now was not ineffective, but for the Lord of Pain, it was only a few injuries.

The strange true **** masters the law of origin, and is a complete five-level rule creature.

It is not easy to kill such an existence completely, so even if Lin Qianan has a certain advantage, he cannot kill the opponent.

This can be seen from the fact that when the dragon faced the Lord of Desire, he could only hurt the other party, but could not kill it.

At this moment, the distant thunder suddenly covered the sky, and in the next instant, the sound of thunder followed.

Lin Qianan understood that it was Thor who was at war with the strange true god.

He didn't want to delay any more time, and directly took out the [Demon Saint Advent Card].

"It's so painful!"

The Lord of Pain cried out, and a huge **** hand slapped Lin Qianan.

Lin Qian watched this scene quietly and said, "The demon saint is coming!"

The moment the sound fell, Lin Qian'an transformed into the demon saint Ao Shou.

Facing the **** hand that came, Lin Qianan raised the corners of his mouth.

"Blood water is also water, isn't it?"


Suddenly, the invisible power of the Great Dao rules enveloped the entire Lord of Pain, the [Royal Water] Dao supernatural power, which can control all water-shaped objects.

When facing the Lord of Pain, a restrained relationship was formed.

At this moment, the Lord of Pain's body seemed to be out of his control, but reduced to Lin Qian'an's toy. UU reading

Lin Qianan stretched out his hand and lifted the tortoise shell from his waist, and said, "Feng!"

One word was uttered, and the body of the Lord of Pain began to disintegrate, turning into endless blood and flying towards the avenue tablet on the tortoise shell.

Numerous dao patterns appeared on the avenue tablet, which turned into rule chains to firmly lock the blood, and sealed it in it.

------off topic-----

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