No Jokes Here

Chapter 272: war, restitution

For a moment, Lin Qianan felt that he seemed to understand something.

After exiting Jianmu.

Lin Qianan opened the panel, found the "Sacred Wood Sutra", and clicked to cultivate.

In the next instant, Amu's cultivation base experience value began to rise rapidly.

In a short while, Amu's experience value has risen by about one tenth.

And on Amu's eyebrows, there is also a green Dao pattern.

At the same time, a prompt appeared.

[Hint: You have broken through to the fifth layer of the Shenmu Jing [Dao Fruit], and obtained the Shenmu Tao Fruit [Mimu]. ]

[Mimu: The God Wood Daoguo can control all wood belongings. ]

Dao Fruit Realm, there is no doubt that this is the realm of Immortal Monarchs.

Although Amu's level is still lv40, his cultivation has already broken through to the fifth realm.

Refining and refining a wood source, the experience bar increases by one tenth.

That is to say, if all ten building wood sources are obtained, Amu can directly reach lv41.

Lin Qianan felt that he understood everything.

This is the main storyline of the game.

That is to take back the source of Jianmu that was deprived by the eight Immortal Monarchs.

Pick it up directly?

Lin Qianan felt that the immortals would never be willing to return to their origins.

Then beat them and get them back?

Can you say you can beat it?

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Qianan saved a file, and after familiarizing himself with the operation, he directly manipulated Amu to cast the [Mimu] Dao Fruit that he had.

Once the skill was used, Lin Qianan found that Amu's body was blooming with a strong green mysterious light. Immediately, countless green mysterious lights on the small map began to complement it.

Lin Qianan tapped a spot on the minimap with the mouse.

Swish swish~!

Endless green plants grew out, and the surrounding plants also spread, quickly breaking the ground.

When Lin Qianan switched back to the game's perspective, he found that the place where he caught his eye seemed to be covered by endless green plants.

Blinking, Lin Qian'an's mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch.

This is the world of Shenmu, and the power of [Miki] is naturally far more powerful than ordinary places.

At this time, there were eight escaping lights flying in the sky, Lin Qianan squinted slightly, and directly chose to read the file.

He did not intend to confront the eight immortals at the same time.

Destroying them one by one is the kingly way, and now he has not fully mastered the manipulation skills, so it is inevitable that he will suffer a loss.

After reading the file, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to return to Shenmuyuan.

Then Lin Qianan became familiar with the operation.

[Miki]'s skill has many detailed operation methods. With Amu's ability to use the essence of grass and trees to induce plants, click on a large area with the mouse, and a certain place can be turned into a sea of ​​grass and trees in an instant.

Even if it is just a rough attack with the [Miki] Dao Fruit-enhanced vegetation, the power is extremely terrifying.

After some practice, Lin Qian'an manipulated Amu to go to the Anti-Water Holy Land, intending to test the water with the Anti-Shui Xianjun first.

In the Antishui Holy Land, Immortal Lord Antishui looked coldly at the arriving Amu.

[Counterwater: Dao Fruit Realm? Did they tell you the complete "Shenmu Jing"? 】

[Yi Mu: No, Xianjun Kurong told me! 】

Hearing the sound, the expression of the reverse water changed dramatically.

[Counterwater: Impossible, he is already dead! Don't tell me, do you remember? 】

[Yi Mu: Those sources have been borrowed by you for so many years, so it’s time to return them to me, right? 】

The face of Nishuixianjun was slightly cold.

[Backwater: Have you ever heard of humans returning the fruits they plucked from trees? 】

[Yi Mu: I have never heard of it, so I plan to take it myself! 】

[Counterwater: Then let's see if you have this ability! ! 】

At the moment when the voice fell, the infinite sea water flowed back in the Sacred Land Against the Water, and the mysterious blue dao pattern on the eyebrows of the Anti-Shui Xianjun flickered.

At the same time, Lin Qianan also manipulated Amu to use the [Miki] Dao Fruit.

I saw the green dao pattern on Amu's eyebrows flickering, and the surrounding suddenly turned into a huge forest, and countless towering giant trees suddenly rose up.

The water is ruthless, going upstream, wanting to overflow this boundless forest.

And every time the water potential rises by one point, the forest sea rises ten feet.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom~!

Every wave of collision will cause infinite aftermath.

The Anti-Water Holy Land fell apart directly in this fighting method, and countless monks were forced to stay away.

Some monks who are touched by the aftermath will be swallowed by the huge waves or the forest sea in a flash, turning them into nutrients.

However, just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Immortal Nishui showed a smile.

[Counterwater: As expected of the reincarnation of the Spirit of the Divine Wood, your talent is indeed not weak! But you only have one source left. Even if you have supreme talent, how much can you play? 】

The moment the sound fell, the lines on the eyebrows against the water suddenly became more complicated by three points. The next moment, blue profound light bloomed, and the upstream sea water directly washed down Amu's forest sea, and even bound Amu himself. in.

One after another blue profound light was released by the wave against the water, quickly banning Amu's power.

All of this is a long time, but in fact, from the fight to the end, only two minutes have passed.

At this moment, a rushing light appeared in the sky.

His body shape is revealed, it is Zangfeng Xianjun who is also in the southern region.

[Zang Feng: Spirit of the divine wood? Senior Brother Against the Water, what happened? 】

Looking back at Zang Feng, he explained.

[Backwater: The Spirit of Shenmu has practiced the complete "Shenmu Sutra", and now he has broken through to the realm of Dao and Fruit, and wants to seek the source that has been refined by me. 】

Zang Feng's expression became subtle, and in the end he could only sigh.

[Zang Feng: Alas! 】

After a while, the other six Immortal Monarchs came one after another.

After they learned what happened, their expressions changed.

After deliberation, they plan to erase Amu's memories and re-ban him back into Jianmu.

Lin Qianan shook his head.

He also wanted to see if the immortals had conscience and found that they were willing to return the origin to Amu, but none of them mentioned this.

Also, if he changed himself, Lin Qianan felt that it would be impossible to say this word.

With a sigh, Lin Qianan re-read the file, returning to the time when he didn't come to challenge Nishui Xianjun before.

There is no doubt that the strength of Nishuixianjun is stronger.

And it can almost be said to be a crushing strength for Amu.

In addition to his own building wood source, he also has a building wood source of Kurong Xianjun.

Under the superposition of two and two, it is not unreasonable that the strength is stronger.

That can only find a way to just gang fights.

So, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to go to Dongzhen Holy Land.

Lin Qianan planned to be the first to tell Immortal Dongzhen the truth.

Immortal Dongzhen has the most sympathetic attitude towards Amu, and even Amu's 100,000-year vacation was won by Immortal Dongzhen with help.

There may also be an idea of ​​compensation, but it is undeniable that he does have a good conscience.

If you choose him as a breakthrough, it should be a little easier.

In Dongzhen Holy Land, as usual, it is the lakeside.

And Immortal Monarch Dongzhen was still fishing with his fishing rod.

[Yi Mu: How long have you been catching fish here? 】

Immortal Dongzhen thought for a moment, and then answered.

[Dongzhen: I didn't know last time, but this time, it should have been more than a thousand years! 】

Hearing this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but complained.

[Yi Mu: The life of the longevity species is really very boring! 】

Dong Zhen Xianjun smiled.

[Dongzhen: You have been playing with the alien plants under Shenmuyuan for more than 20,000 years. In the eyes of others, isn't it just as boring? 】

When Lin Qianan heard this, he felt a little powerless to refute.

But he didn't forget what his purpose was this time.

[Yi Mu: Do you want to know the truth? 】

[Dongzhen: What is the truth? 】

[Yi Mu: The truth about the death of Xianjun Kurong. 】

In an instant, Immortal Dongzhen's relaxed expression converged.

[Dongzhen: What do you want to say? 】

[Yi Mu: I'll take you to Jianmu's place to see for yourself. 】

Immediately, Lin Qianan led the doubtful Immortal Dongzhen to Jianmu's place.

Then, he manipulated Amu into Jianmu.

Directly broadcast all the small diaries about the original Kurong Xianjun to Dongzhen Xianjun to watch.

After reading it all, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen was stunned, his face full of disbelief.

[Dongzhen: This is impossible, Senior Brother, he is not such a person at all...]

[Yi Mu: Nothing is impossible, people can change. 】

Not long after, Immortal Dongzhen made a decision.

He decided to tell the rest of the younger brothers and sisters the truth, and then jointly questioned Immortal Nishui.

This matter was fairly easy to implement, and soon Immortal Monarch Dongzhen united the other six Immortal Monarchs and came to the Holy Land Against the Water together.

Seeing all the immortals, Immortal Nishui looked a little surprised.

[Counterwater: What day is today? Why are all the brothers and sisters here? 】

Immortal Jun Dongzhen looked at Immortal Nishui coldly.

[Dongzhen: Senior Brother Nishui, you don't need to pretend anymore. The truth about the death of the master has been told to us by the spirit of Shenmu. 】

[Counterwater: Junior Brother Dongzhen, what are you talking about? How can I not understand? 】

Xianjun Zhaoyang stepped forward with a round of big sun light bulbs behind his head, staring coldly at Xianjun Nishui.

[Zhaoyang: Against the water, you don't have to hide it any more. We already know about the fact that you killed the master's building wood in order to seize it. 】

When Nishui Xianjun heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

[Counterwater: Oh, I knew he was going to cause me a lot of trouble, but what if you knew it? To avenge the master and his old man? Do you really think you can be my opponent? Although I have not completely refined the second Dao Jianmu source, it is enough for me to bear the second Dao fruit! Although this is a bit of a waste, the world will never be completely in line with my heart, and some regrets are inevitable... 】

While muttering to himself, the Dao pattern on the eyebrows of Nishui Xianjun suddenly became three-point complicated.

This is exactly the same scene as in the previous game, when Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to fight against Immortal Nishui.

Invisibly, a terrifying aura spread out from Immortal Nishui, making the expressions of the other Immortal Monarchs more solemn.

[Dongzhen: One person can have double Dao Fruit! 】

[Counterwater: How can there be only one Dao Fruit in the real Dao Fruit Realm? Three thousand Dao Fruits are the real Dao Fruit Realm High Immortals! The old guy hides a lot of secrets, do you really think you have learned everything? 】

While talking, Immortal Nishui also shot directly.

As soon as he raised his hand, the infinite anti-water mysterious light rushed out, and the sea water under the anti-water holy land rushed back, wrapped in the power of the infinite sea water, and rushed towards Zhaoyang Xianjun.

Immortal Zhaoyang's complexion remained the same, the sun behind his head bloomed with infinite light and heat, and his entire body turned into a crimson sun, quickly evaporating the infinite seawater.

[Zhaoyang: The great sun is immortal, Zhaoyang is eternal, and it is against the water. Today, I will avenge my master. 】

The corners of Nishuixianjun's mouth twitched.

[Backwater: Naive! 】

As he said that, the Dao pattern on the eyebrows of Nishuixianjun changed, and a dilapidated and rotten meaning came out of him.

At the same time, the big sun in the sky became dim in a very short period of time.

Seeing this, the expressions of the immortals watching the battle changed accordingly.

Immortal Dong Zhen murmured.

[Dongzhen: It is the fruit of the withered glory of the master! 】

At this time, Zhaoyang Xianjun's expression has changed from being at ease at the beginning to being supportive.

[Zhaoyang: Brothers and sisters, please help me! 】

Hearing the sound, the other six Immortal Monarchs looked slightly hesitant.

After all, this is their internal struggle, and it is not good to fight more with less.

However, seeing that Xianjun Zhaoyang was about to lose, Xianjun Zhilei stood up.

[Chilei: Junior Brother, I will help you! 】

As he spoke, Immortal Ji Lei was also enveloped in infinite purple thunder, and immediately he punched out a punch and attacked Immortal Nishui with thunder in the sky.

When Immortal Nishui saw this, he ordered the infinite sea water to block, and at the same time, he also ran the fruit of the withering glory, so that the thunder of Immortal Lei was eliminated.

Immortal Fantasy Immortal's colorful dress fluttered and flew out directly. Her figure became illusory in the sky, and she directly passed through the barrier of the infinite sea water, came to Immortal Nishui's side, and patted it with a fluttering palm.


Immortal Nishui took a hard bite, and the profound light on his body was stagnant, but he also seized this opportunity and hit Immortal Fantasy Dreaming with a backhand on the chest.

This palm did not hit Immortal Fantasy Dream, but penetrated through her body.

[Fantasy: When the fake is real, the real is also fake, and when the real is fake, the fake is also real! 】

A withered mysterious light bloomed in the palm of the palm of the antishui Xianjun, forcibly forcibly forced the fantasy Xianjun out of the illusory state, and pulled out a big hole in her chest.

Immortal blood spilled, falling into the sea and turning into a little colorful light.

Immortal Fantasy Dream stepped aside weakly, and while the injury on his chest quickly recovered, his complexion also became extremely ugly.

Nishuixianjun sneered.

[Counterwater: Junior Sister, you haven't mastered the truth of truth yet! 】

As he spoke, the Dao pattern on the eyebrows of Immortal Nishui also revived, allowing him to quickly recover from the injuries he suffered from the attack by Immortal Fantasy Dream.

[Dongzhen Xianjun: Just because Zhaoyang and the three of them are not opponents, let's go together, brothers and sisters, today we will definitely let Lishui give an explanation! 】

Hearing that, Mingguang, Zang Feng and Xuanxu all nodded their heads.

The next moment, the four of them also shot at the same time.

Immortal Monarch Mingguang shone with infinite rays of light, covering Immortal Monarch Nishui.

When Immortal Xuanxu raised his hand, he folded the surrounding space, and the space changed, blocking all the retreats of Immortal Nishui.

Xianjun Zangfeng's eyebrows flickered, and a cold light faintly came out.

Immortal Monarch Dongzhen radiated two mysterious lights from his eyes, and attacked Immortal Nishui directly.

In the face of so many attacks, Immortal Nishui did not panic at all.

The dao pattern between his eyebrows burst out with blue, green, and gray mysterious light, and the whole person's momentum suddenly rose a lot. At the same time, he waved his palm, and the withered gray-brown mysterious light revolved, responding to the attack of the three.

Under this withered profound light, the light became dim, the space gradually became fragile, the blade became old and dull, and the profound light of Immortal Dongzhen's eyes also became weak and small.

With one enemy and seven, Nishui Xianjun was not even at a disadvantage.

Mastering the power of two sources at the same time can actually reach this level.

And at this moment, Lin Qian'an, who had been watching the play in silence, also manipulated Amu into taking action.

With Lin Qian'an's mouse click, endless green plants suddenly appeared on the screen.

Swish swish~!

Lin Hai grew up and quickly blocked the seawater controlled by Nishuixianjun.

This gave the rest of the immortals a chance.


Boom~ Boom~ Boom~!

The immortals smashed each other's big moves, causing the Holy Land against the water to fall apart, and the surrounding area was affected for thousands of miles. Infinite creatures turned into flying ashes in the process. If this world is not big enough, this is probably the extinction of the world. omen.

Suddenly, a touch of cold light flickered, and fluttered across the right shoulder of Immortal Nishui.

The action of Nishuixianjun stagnated and stagnated.

At the same time, the rest of the Immortal Monarchs also stopped.

And Lin Qianan also manipulated Amu to quickly retreat to the side.

I saw Xianjun Zangfeng holding a sword in his right hand, and his face was as pale as paper, standing in the void. At a glance, he knew that this move took a lot of effort.

And on the upper part of the body of the opposite, Nishui Xianjun, from the right shoulder to the left waist, a slanted sword mark appeared.

As if seriously injured.

[Counterwater: Little Junior Brother, your sword has been sharpened by three points again! However, can you still use the second sword? 】

Xianjun Zangfeng looked at Xianjun Nishui and answered lightly.

[Zang Feng: There are not many tricks, one sword is enough, but it is you, brother, who can fight again after taking my sword? 】

Nishuixianjun's brow pattern was green and mysterious, and he looked at everyone with a three-point playfulness.

[Counterwater: You don't seem to understand the meaning of double dao fruit, I'm just playing with you, why do you think you can win? 】

With that said, the sword marks on the waist of Immortal Nishui gradually disappeared, and his own state also recovered to perfection, and even became better.

In the next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of Immortal Zhaoyang, raised his hand and grabbed it, a withered mysterious light enveloped Immortal Zhaoyang, and his body instantly changed from full to dry, and immediately turned into fly ash, only A crimson source power remained in the distance.

[Chilei: Junior Brother Zhaoyang! 】

Chi Lei Xianjun was shocked, and rushed up directly against a purple thunder.

Nishuixianjun manipulated the withered Xuanguang in his backhand to cover Lei Xianjun, and after a short while, there was a purple source of power in the same place.

At this time, Nishuixian Jun Shi Shiran put away two mysterious lights, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched.

[Counterwater: Why are you rushing to die, sooner or later it will be your turn! 】

Immortal Emperor Dongzhen's eyes bloomed with profound light, and his expression became extremely shocking.

[Dongzhen: Both are Immortal Monarchs, but there is only one more Dao Fruit. How can there be such a big gap? 】

Xu Shi thought that he was winning, and the corners of Nishuixianjun's mouth twitched and explained.

[Backwater: A single point of Mars may not be very strong, but if this point of Mars borrows the wind, it can easily start a prairie fire! 】

As he said that, Immortal Lord Nishui flashed, and he was about to take action against Immortal Dongzhen.

Immortal Emperor Mingguang shone with light all over his body and stood in front of Immortal Dongzhen. With tears in his eyes, he looked at Immortal Nishui and shook his head slightly.

[Mingguang: Senior Brother Nishui, I beg you, don't make mistakes again and again! 】

The eyes of Immortal Nishui are deep, and the mysterious light of withering shrouds Immortal Mingguang.

[Backwater: I'm sorry, Junior Sister, I really want to see that wider world. 】

After saying that, there is only a mass of golden source power left in place.

[Zang Feng: Senior Sister Mingguang! 】

Xianjun Zangfeng exclaimed in surprise.

[Xuanxu: Against the water, you are so cruel, Senior Sister Mingguang used to share the bed with you! 】

Xianjun Xuanxu angrily rebuked Xianjun Nishui.

[Backwater: But the emotions of tens of thousands of years, are they really important to me? 】

While talking, Immortal Nishui also incorporated the power of the source of Immortal Mingguang into his body.

Immediately, he looked at the remaining four Immortal Monarchs, Dongzhen, Zangfeng, Xuanxu, Huanmeng, and Amu with great interest.

[Counterwater: Next, who's your turn? Why don't you guess! Whoever loses first! 】

Hearing the sound, the expressions of the four immortals became extremely ugly.

Lin Qian'an also opened his mouth slightly. He didn't expect the power of the big boss Nishui Xianjun to be so exaggerated.

He also thought that he could win even if he had two origins in the body, even if he had eight to one.

But he didn't expect Nishuixianjun to be so strong.


It was so outrageous that Lin Qianan doubted his life.

In front of the relationship, Nishuixianjun only kept the seven junior brothers and sisters to live for a while for the sake of perfect refining the power of the source, right?

Now that it is forced, it explodes directly ahead of time.

At this moment, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen suddenly looked at Amu.

[Dongzhen: I have long known that my talent is limited and I can become an immortal, but relying on a source of Shenmu, I will return it to the original owner today! 】

The sound fell, and the lines on the eyebrows of Immortal Dongzhen gradually disappeared, and a blue source of power directly rushed out of his body, and instantly entered Amu's body.

A prompt appears.

[Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Dongzhen]. ]

[Dongzhen: Shenmu Daoguo, observe the secrets of the sky, know the true and false. ]

At the same time, the dao patterns on Amu's eyebrows also became complicated and mysterious.

Without the refining process, Amu directly obtained a new Dao Fruit.

It's the same as cultivating the "Sacred Wood Sutra" before.

I don't know if it's because these building wood sources themselves belong to Amu, or because of the special character of his game.

At the same time, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen, who lost his origin, also turned into fly ash and dissipated.

Seeing this scene, the other three immortals also looked at each other and made a decision.

[Fantasy: Maybe, all this was a big dream! 】

A colorful source of power rushed out and flew towards Amu.

When Nishuixianjun saw this, he rushed out and wanted to stop it.

How could Lin Qian'an let Nishui Xianjun succeed, and immediately manipulated Amu to use [Miki] Dao Fruit to block it.

Infinite green plants grow, blocking the front of Immortal Nishui. The mysterious light of withering in the hands of Immortal Nishui is flickering, but for a while, Lin Hai cannot be completely withered.

At the same time, the origin of Immortal Fantasy Dream has also been obtained by Amu.

[Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Dream]. ]

[Dream: Shenmu Daoguo, the reality and reality are transformed, the world is changed. ]

With the blessing of the third dao fruit, the dao pattern on the middle of Amu's eyebrows became more complicated, and Lin Hai also became three points stronger.

Immortal Monarch Zangfeng and Immortal Monarch Xuanxu also gave out their own dao fruits at this time.

[Zang Feng: I have wielded such a sword in this life, enough! 】

[Xuanxu: Senior Sister Mingguang....]

[Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Tiangfeng]. UU reading www.uukanshu. com]

[Tibetan Feng: The God of the Wood Daoguo hides the front in his body and emerges extremely sharply. ]

[Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Xuanxu]. ]

[Xuanxu: Shenmu Daoguo, mysterious void, are all under the control. ]

------off topic-----

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