No Jokes Here

Chapter 271: The truth, Immortal Ku Rong who wrote the diary

With the palm of Nishui Xianjun placed on Jianmu, Jianmu also quickly withered.

【Jianmu: What are you doing? 】

[Backwater: Isn't this obvious? I want to become a fairy! 】

[Jianmu: But you are already a fairy! 】

The expression against the water became severe.

[Counterwater: There are ten origins of Shenmu, whoever obtains one of them is just a small fairy, what I want to become is a high fairy! 】

Along with the words against the water, the building wood on the screen also withered completely.

The lines on the avenues between the eyebrows of Nishuixianjun became more mysterious, a cheerful smile appeared on his face, the heaven and the earth began to collapse faintly, and seven different escaping lights were quickly flying towards Jianmu.

[Hint: Game over! ]

[Game evaluation: Cultivation Tongxuan, you have been through Xuanxuan and entered the Dao in terms of planting crops, no one can match. ]

[Do you want to save customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]


Seeing this comment, Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched.

Is now the time to talk about farming levels?

Such a big plan, didn't you see it?

Lin Qian'an's expression was slightly shocked, and now he seems to know everything.

It is no wonder that the complete "Shenmu Jing" has not been released.

It turns out that the last step is to extract the origin of Jianmu.

Don't even think about it, the origin of Jianmu will definitely not be unlimited.

The so-called nine immortal positions, to put it bluntly, are the remaining nine sources of Jianmu.

And this last immortal position is the origin of Amu.

Thinking of this, the attitude of the eight immortals seems to be clear.

If this last source of origin is extracted, the building wood will be completely withered, and there will be no support for heaven and earth, so it can only be destroyed.

So they confiscated the "Shenmu Jing" that was widely circulated all over the world, and even the monks could only practice the first four levels of scriptures, but the fifth level scriptures were not spread out.

Even so, they also restricted the cultivators from spreading the "Shenmu Jing" to the world, and placed a ban on every cultivator.

I am afraid that there will be Tianjiao figures who will deduce the scriptures of the fifth layer.

It is estimated that even if there is, it will be discovered for the first time because of the ban, and then it will be brutally murdered.

There may be another immortal from the fifth realm between heaven and earth, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to break through to become immortal by relying on the "Shenmu Jing".

Therefore, Yue Dao walked out of the road of the fifth realm, and Xianjun Zangfeng did not say anything, and the rest of the immortals had no idea of ​​stopping.

They are not preventing people from becoming immortals, they are preventing people from extracting the original source of building wood to become immortals.

And Immortal Nishui is even more outrageous. It seems that he is not satisfied with having only one source, but intends to obtain more Jianmu sources.

Lin Qian'an even had a guess that after obtaining the source of Jianmu, Immortal Nishui would probably take action against other Immortal Monarchs and plunder all the sources they possessed.

Lin Qianan could even imagine that scene.

Heaven and earth were destroyed, the Qi of Chaos poured in, leaving only one of the Eight Great Immortal Monarchs.

In front of the withered Jianmu, is the Immortal Nishui who has reached the realm of immortals.

Bury everything in the whole world, just to achieve yourself.

Lin Qian'an's expression changed slightly.

This is probably the most terrifying villain he has ever seen since he played the game.

However, there are still some details that Lin Qianan has not figured out yet.

Why did Nishui Xianjun not extract the source of Jianmu for such a long time before, and he had to wait until Amu returned to his position before extracting it.

Is it because he couldn't digest so many origins for the time being?

Or, the Eight Great Immortal Monarchs restrict each other, and no one can get one more source of building wood?

Then why didn't Xianjun Kurong, who became Xianjun in the first place, not get a few sources of building wood?

Is he really so selfless and generous?

Lin Qianan glanced at the time, it was already November 8th.

But he was not tired at all.

He had long since abandoned sleep as an inefficient recovery method, and now he no longer needs meditation to boost his mental strength.

With the natural evolution of the real world in his body, his various attributes will naturally improve.

This is faster than the improvement of penance.

In addition, he is also running exercises in multiple threads in his body. The "Yuqi Zhenjing" adds supernatural powers to transform spirit, energy, and spirit to nourish the Ruyi Mountain Stick, [Decomposition] to strengthen, decompose, add points, and strengthen his own supernatural powers. The stellar movement in the middle continues to enhance itself...

So now he is not planning to rest, but to continue playing the game.

Lin Qianan felt that he had grasped the key to the game and would definitely be able to clear the level.

Click to continue the game, select a save file, and read the file to enter the game.


Time goes back to when Yue Dao challenged Immortal Zangfeng, and Immortal Zangfeng said he would give Amu 100,000 years.

The reason why Lin Qianan chose this time node is mainly because there is an archive here, and the immortals clearly said at this time that they would give Amu 100,000 years. He doesn't have to worry about being caught back inexplicably later. .

This time, Lin Qianan intends to expose the conspiracy of Nishuixianjun.

So he manipulated Amu to go to the Holy Land of Dongyu Cave.

Before Amu arrived in the Eastern Region, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen already knew that Amu would come.

[Dongzhen: Why are you looking for me? 】

Lin Qianan didn't write any ink, and directly explained the plan of Immortal Nishui.

[Yi Mu: Lord Nishui Xianjun wants to capture the source of Jianmu and become an immortal. 】

Hearing this, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen smiled and shook his head slightly.

[Dongzhen: He wouldn't do this. Without your source, Jianmu will wither and die, and this world will be gone. 】

[Yi Mu: What if he plans to fly to the upper realm? 】

Immortal Monarch Dongzhen has a strange expression.

[Dongzhen: Ascension? If we could soar, we would be long gone! 】

[Yi Mu: What about Immortal Lord Kurong? Didn't he fly up? 】

After Amu said this, Immortal Dongzhen's expression suddenly changed, and he directly restrained his relaxed expression, and he looked at Amu stubbornly.

[Dongzhen: Did they tell you the name? 】

Lin Qianxin thought about it, the name Kurong Xianjun did not appear in the game, and in the stories that the other monks knew, the Xianjun who spread the "Shenmu Jing" and ascended to the upper realm did not have a name.

This also seems to be a taboo?

Lin Qian'an decided to deceive the true immortal lord of a deceitful hole.

[Yi Mu: Lord Nishuixian told me, he said you would tell me everything. 】

Hearing the sound, Dong Zhen closed his eyes slightly, and after a while, he smiled.

[Dongzhen: It seems that you have recovered some memories, but these little tricks are useless in front of me. 】

Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, failed!

[Yi Mu: Did Xianjun Kurong not ascend? 】

Hearing the sound, Immortal Dong Zhen, a fun person, was no longer the same as before, he waved his hand.

[Dongzhen: Let's go! 】

In an instant, Amu was teleported outside of Dongzhen Holy Land.

Lin Qianan couldn't help but wonder.

What's so taboo about this name?

Why did Immortal Dongzhen change his face when he talked about Immortal Lord Kurong.

And why did he say that Ascension was fake?

If Ascension is fake, is the background story at the beginning a lie to him?

Having said that, the voice of the opening background story seems a little familiar?

Lin Qian'an read a file and returned to before he went to Immortal Dongzhen and mentioned the conspiracy of Immortal Nishui.

This time, Lin Qianan went directly to the Sacred Land of Shui Shui to find Immortal Shui Shui.

[Counterwater: You came to me, do you want to go back? 】

Hearing this voice, Lin Qianan recalled the vicissitudes of the narration voice at the beginning of the chapter.

The two are almost the same, the only difference is that the voice of Nishui Xianjun is full of energy, while the voice of the narrator is a little weak.

Could it be that the opening story was made up by Nishuixianjun?

Why is he making up this story?

Lin Qian'an decided to try a few things with Nishuixianjun. He dropped his fingers on the keyboard and typed a line of words.

[Yi Mu: Xianjun Kurong didn't ascend, did he? Are you planning to become a fairy? If there is no building wood, what if this world is destroyed? 】

Hearing these words, Immortal Nishui's expression instantly darkened.

[Counterwater: Since you know everything, why ask me? 】

[Yi Mu: I still hope to get the answer from you. 】

The corners of Nishuixianjun's mouth twitched.

[Backwater: What answer do you want? 】

[Yi Mu: Since you can't ascend and Jianmu is gone, what can you do if you become a god? 】

[Counterwater: Hahahaha... It seems that you don't know everything, but what if I tell you? Although Ascension to the Upper Realm is a made-up story, Immortal Ku Rong really taught me the method of Ascension, no, or I should call that old guy Master! 】

As he was talking, Immortal Nishui had already imprisoned Amu with a mysterious light, his face was cold, and his eyes were three-pointed.

[Counterwater: I originally planned to wait, until I completely refined the source of that old guy, obtained the second Dao Fruit, and then obtained the source of the other seven junior brothers and sisters, and finally considered you, I didn’t expect you At this juncture, spirituality was actually born and reincarnated as a human being. Now you are still asking me for answers? Why do you say you are so out of place? As a grass and tree food, is it not good for you to stay there and wait for my harvest? Why do you have to stir up so much wind and rain? ? 】

As he said that, the mysterious light in the palm of Nishui Xianjun also directly refined Amu back to a green light spot, and then was directly sent into his mouth by him.

The game over message appears.

Lin Qianan hurriedly chose No, and then read the file and returned to the time when he did not go to the Holy Land Against the Water.

Looking at the game screen, Lin Qianan began to connect the information together.

The Immortal Lord Nishui calls the Immortal Lord Kurong the Master, and the other seven Immortal Lords are called Junior Brother and Junior Sister.

In other words, they were all disciples of Xianjun Kurong at first.

Nishui Xianjun also said that he planned to completely refine the origin of Kurong Xianjun.

Could it be that Xianjun Ku Rong has encountered an accident?

More and more clues were discovered, and Lin Qianan felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

So this time, he found a new immortal to start his investigation.

Unsurprisingly, every immortal monarch was not very happy when he heard the name of Immortal Ku Rong. Once Amu mentioned the name, they would drive Amu away and did not want to say more.

And they didn't believe that Immortal Nishui would destroy the world and plunder their origin.

Because in their opinion, flying to the upper realm is a non-existent thing, and if Immortal Nishui does this, he will surely die.



After a long time without results, Lin Qianan decided to manipulate Amu to visit where Jianmu was.

In the previous play, after the Yi Kingdom unified the world, Lin Qianan also came and walked around twice, but he didn't find anything at that time, so he just walked back and forth.

Jianmu is located in the center of the world.

Beneath the building trees that penetrate the sky and the earth, there are four huge rhizomes, which divide the four regions like a city wall.

There are monks from the Holy Land stationed under Jianmu. They guard Jianmu and do not allow others to approach easily.

Amu had a light-shielding flower on his body, but he was not found.

It was easy to come to the edge of the building wood.

Although the building wood at this time has begun to dry up, it still has a very terrifying and exuberant vitality.

At least it can be said that it will not die for millions of years, tens of millions of years.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to fly around Jianmu, but as before, he couldn't find any clues.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan made Amu fall directly on top of Jianmu.

At the same time, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[Hint: Did you enter the building wood? ]


Lin Qian'an had also seen this hint in previous games, but he thought it was a quick pass option, so he didn't let Amu enter Jianmu.

But in the game where Nishui Xianjun exposed himself, Lin Qianan found out that Amu entered Jianmu, which would not actually end the game.

So the real way to speed is to be caught by Nishuixianjun and forcibly seal it into Jianmu.

And if you enter the building voluntarily, you should not be able to speed through the game.


Then Lin Qianan clicked the Yes option.

In the next instant, Amu's body turned into a green spot of light, directly merging into Jianmu.

And Lin Qian'an's perspective also switched from Amu to Jianmu itself.

This perspective is very special, it can see a wider range, and the whole world can be viewed arbitrarily.

At the same time, a prompt also appeared on the screen.

[Tip: Press the e key to view the saved information. ]

Lin Qianan blinked.

Save information?

When was this saved?

Who else kept it?

Is it an immortal from the upper realm?

Or Xianjun Kurong?

Pressing the e key with his finger, Lin Qianan found that several huge leaves on the building wood were slowly moving to the front of his screen.

After a little count, Lin Qianan found that there were eight leaves in total.

Immediately, Lin Qianan directly clicked the first leaf with the mouse.

A screen projection appeared in front of him.

A fairy dressed in fancy clothes and stepping on auspicious clouds was holding a jade slip and was reading the contents.

[Hua Lu: According to the decree of the Queen Mother of Xianting, Ye Fen was appointed as the fifth-grade immortal farmer of Xianting. 】

Below, an old peasant in sackcloth and sackcloth bowed and took the jade slip.

[Ye Fen: Minister, thank you for the order! 】

The screen ends here.

After Lin Qianan watched it, his eyes widened, and his expression became very exciting.

At this moment, his whole mind was a little confused.

What the **** is Xianting?

Isn't "Shenmu Jing" created by Ku Rong Xianjun himself?

Who is Ye Fen, a fifth-grade fairy farmer?

Is he the protagonist?

Or is Amu his reincarnation or something?

Lin Qianan felt that the doubts in his heart had not only not decreased, but had actually increased.

After thinking about it, Lin Qian'an clicked on the second piece of Jianmu's leaves in order.

Then a picture appeared on the huge leaves.

The old farmer named Ye Fen was wearing a brocade clothes and holding a cane made of Jianmu branches. He stood on the top of Jianmu, and his expression became very melancholy.

[Ye Fen: Ten Yuan Huis have passed, why hasn't Xianting sent someone to replace me? The Ascension Technique has also failed. Could it be that the Shenmu Realm has been forgotten? Or, something happened to Xianting? Impossible, Xianting spans all realms, and the Emperor of Heaven is tyrannical, who can shake the foundation of Xianting? 】

The screen ends here.

Lin Qian'an narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling faintly feeling something in his heart.

However, instead of directly judging the thoughts in his mind, he clicked on the third leaf.

On the leaves, Ye Fen made a decision.

[Ye Fen: According to a rough calculation, I have come to this realm with more than 100 Yuanhui, and no one has come to look for me in Xianting for so long. The Shenmu realm should have been abandoned. In this case, I am a fairy farmer. What's the point? Why don't I call myself the Patriarch of the Dao in this world and set up my own door. If there are envoys from Immortal Court looking for me in the future, as long as Jianmu is still there, I should not be able to cure my sins. 】

With that said, the screen ends here.

Fourth leaf.

Ye Fen built a palace on a wooden building. At this time, he was sitting cross-legged in the center of the palace, with eight people kneeling in front of him.

[Ye Fen: The deity is Kurong Xianjun, and this place is Kurong Hall. Since you have the predestined relationship to practice the "Sacred Wood Sutra" that I have passed down, you should be able to worship under my sect as a true disciple. Against the water, Dongzhen, holding thunder......]

At the end of the screen, Lin Qian'an's eyes flashed with light, and he continued to open the fifth leaf.

In the Kurong Hall, a figure against the water appeared, and he bowed directly in front of Ye Fen with a sad expression.

[Ku Rong: Against the water, you are not in the southern region, what are you doing here? 】

[Counterwater: Master, this disciple is about to end his life, so I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you any longer! 】

Ye Fen, or Xianjun Ku Rong, opened his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his expression.

[Ku Rong: Yes, this place is no better than Immortal Court, and it is rare to live forever. 】

There was a hint of hesitation on his expression.

In the end, he sighed, and knocked the Jianmu divine staff on the Jianmu in his hand, and a green Jianmu source was grabbed by him.

[Ku Rong: Take this building wood source and refine it! 】

[Reverse the water: Reverse the water and thank Master! 】

When he got the source of Jianmu, he kowtowed against the water and expressed his gratitude.

The screen ends here.

Then there is the sixth leaf.

After turning against the water and becoming an immortal, the other seven disciples came to the door one after another.

Not suffering from widowhood but suffering unevenly, withering prosperity and helplessness, everyone had to give a source to each person.

He looked at Jianmu with a melancholy expression.

[Ku Rong: Jianmu 100 yuan will give birth to a source, plus the one I refined before, now nine of the ten sources have gone, but this last source can no longer be given out. 】

The screen ends.

The seventh leaf.

Ku Rong Xianjun is writing a new diary.

【Ku Rong: Cultivating these eight disciples is like planting eight fruit trees. As long as you diligently water, fertilize, weed, and insects, you will surely bear eight fruits in the future....]

Eighth leaf.

At the beginning of the screen, Immortal Nishui attacked directly, and hit the back of Immortal Ku Rong with a palm.

Immortal Ku Rong was directly seriously injured, and while running the exercises to heal himself, he looked at Immortal Nishui with disbelief.

[Ku Rong: Rebel, what are you going to do? 】

[Counterwater: Master, there are too few sources of building wood, and I want more. 】

[Ku Rong: Rebel, rebel! 】

Before Jianmu, Immortal Ku Rong was fighting with Immortal Nishui with Jianmu Scepter in hand. Both sides suffered a lot of injuries, and the infinite creatures around them perished under their hands. In the end, because of being attacked by Immortal Nishui in advance, Immortal Kurong was destroyed by Immortal Nishui with a blue mysterious light on the spot, and the Scepter of Jianmu was destroyed on the spot, taking the origin.

Before being captured the source, Xianjun Kurong roared his last voice.

[Ku Rong: Evil, you will be punished! ! 】

At this time, the seven escaping lights in the sky came one after another.

It is the other seven Immortal Monarchs.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they seemed very unbelievable.

But Immortal Nishui showed a sad expression.

Chi Lei Xianjun stood up and asked Nishui.

[Chilei: Senior Brother Against the Water, what happened? Why does the master fight with you? 】

The face was full of pain, and tears fell one by one.

[Counterwater: We have all been deceived. We are just the fruit trees planted by Master. When the time comes, when the fruit trees are mature, he will choose to pick the fruits that I have waited for and transform them into his further cultivation. When I was in Mu Benyuan, the master called me and planned to refine and devour me. I resisted desperately, and accidentally killed him...]

Speaking of this, the faces of the other immortals in the field were full of horror.

They can't imagine it, and they can't believe it's real.

Immortal Dongzhen questioned Immortal Nishui, hoping that he would give evidence.

And Immortal Nishui seems to have been prepared long ago, and took out the small diary written by Ku Rong.

It was written that he had planted eight fruit trees that would surely bear delicious fruit.

This was originally supposed to be Xianjun Kurong describing how he cultivated disciples was the same as farming, but now it was used by Xianjun Nishui as evidence of Xianjun Kurong's conspiracy.

Seeing the evidence, other immortals have to believe even if they doubt it.

Immortal Lord Mingguang helped up Immortal Lord Nishui who was in pain.

[Mingguang: Senior Brother Nishui, it's not your fault, you are just protecting yourself. 】

Impressed against the water.

[Backwater: Junior Sister Mingguang...]

The screen turns.

The seriously injured Lord Nishuixian is living in the Kurong Hall and writing something.

[Backwater: A long, long, long time ago, the world collapsed and the world was about to fall into ruin. However, at this moment, above the sky, an immortal descended from the realm and brought a seed...]

Hearing the vicissitudes of life, the corner of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched.

It turns out that the narration is a story made up by Ni Shuixianjun himself?

After a long while, Nishui lifted up what was written down and looked at it.

[Backwater: Just such a legend is not enough, the complete "Shenmu Jing" must be prohibited from spreading... This will not work, and the number of monks in the future must also be reduced, otherwise, in case someone deduces the fifth layer of "Shenmu Jing" "How to do? Then add another restriction. As long as you protect the Shenmu Realm under the banner of protecting the gods and woods, the younger brothers and sisters will definitely be willing to cooperate with me. 】

Speaking of this, Nishui also showed a smile.

He came to the edge of Kurong Hall and looked up into the sky.

[Counterwater: After I have refined all the sources of building wood, I will use the Ascension Law to go to the upper realm, Master, Master, why do you want to tell me about the existence of the Upper Realm, and why do you want to fly the Ascension Law to the upper realm? tell me what? Knowing such a world, how could I be willing to stay in such a small place? It's all your fault! 】


After the picture ended, Lin Qianan felt that everything was clear.

If the records on the building wood are correct.

At first, Xianjun Kurong was appointed by Xianting as a fairy farmer in the Shenmu world, responsible for taking care of Jianmu and cultivating fairy plants.

He stayed here for ten Yuanhui, did not wait for Xianting's response, the Ascension Technique was useless, and doubts arose in his heart.

Later, he waited for more than 100 Yuanhui people to come to him, so he accepted the disciples and inherited the "Shenmu Jing".

Then, under the begging of the eight disciples, he extracted the source of Jianmu and distributed it to the eight disciples, leaving only the last source for Jianmu itself.

What he didn't expect was that his eldest apprentice Nishuixianjun was really so "reverse".

After killing him, he twisted the truth into his fault.

So this also explains why the other immortals looked so ugly when they heard the name of Kurong Xianjun.

In fact, Lin Qianan felt that he could almost deduce what happened later.

Mostly, Jianmu suddenly gave birth to spirituality, and the last source was reincarnated into a human being.

Nishuixianjun was afraid that Jianmu would expose him, so he sent people to look for him, and even issued a holy order for this.

But when he found out that the spirit of Jianmu had no memory of his reincarnation, he was relieved.

This point, from the very beginning, when Nishuixianjun found Amu, he directly sealed it into Jianmu, so that Lin Qianan could see it quickly.

Moreover, the attitude of Nishui Xianjun towards Amu is also different from that of the other Xianjun.

Although the attitude of the other immortals wanted Amu to go back, they were definitely not as tough as Nishui Xianjun.

But what makes Lin Qianan want to complain the most is that this game is called "Xiannong", but in fact the real Xiannong is gone.

What's more, Xianjun Ku Rong is actually a person who likes to write small diaries and record small videos of life.

Then again, what's the use of knowing this?

Lin Qian'an was a little speechless, could he still rely on these to counteract those immortals and take action against Nishuixian?

Will this work?

I'm afraid it's not that easy, is it?

I am afraid that as long as Lord Nishuixian says that Amu is a nonsense, Amu will be sealed and entered into Jianmu immediately.

Unless they can also see the information recorded on the building wood.

But obviously, this is impossible, otherwise Immortal Nishui will probably eliminate these evidences immediately, how can they keep it for Amu to see now?

Only Xianjun Ku Rong should have mastered the corresponding recording and viewing techniques.

And Amu only has the ability to view the information because he is the reincarnation of the spirit of building wood.

Then should Amu be specially played for them?

This feels feasible, but who should I go to first?

While thinking about it, Lin Qianan also clicked the mouse, intending to quit the playback.

However, at this moment, Lin Qianan discovered that there was a small leaf mixed with the eight leaves.

It grows on the edge of the first leaf that records information, and it is easy to be ignored if you are not careful.

Click to take a look, and a picture appears in front of you.

It is Xianjun Kurong himself.

At this time, he was still wearing the clothes of an old farmer.

He was writing something on a piece of building wood at this time.

[Ye Fen: Introducing the essence of plants and trees into the body, UU reading uses nourishing acupoints, this is the environment for nourishing acupoints, the opening of the acupoints is Yuanhai, this is the source of Yuanhai.... The source of refining and building wood Only by irrigating the Dao tree and bearing Dao fruit can you achieve the Dao fruit state, just remember it here! If you go back and forget the original scriptures, you can still have backups here! 】

[Hint: You have already learned the "Shenmu Jing". ]

------off topic-----

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