No Jokes Here

Chapter 273: 5th realm, ginseng

For each additional source obtained, the Dao pattern on the center of Amu's eyebrows is also complicated by three points.

When Amu has the five fruits at the same time, his panel attributes also soared to an extremely terrifying level.

The expression of Immortal Nishui is full of disbelief, trapped by countless green plants, [Withering Rong] Daoguo and [Nishui] Daoguo are driven to the extreme, but they can't break free quickly.

In front of him, the grass and trees withered constantly, but they would grow back in an instant.

Lin Qianan pressed his finger on the skill key, and directly let Amu use the [Tiangfeng] Daoguo.

I saw that Amu suddenly condensed a **** in the palm of his hand, and a sharp light flickered at the front of the hoe's blade.


In an instant, the blade passed through Immortal Nishui's shoulder, taking away his right arm and the small half of his body.

The same [Zang Feng] Dao Fruit, used by Immortal Zang Feng, is an extremely sharp sword.

But here in Amu, it is still a hoe.

But it is also a **** that can eradicate all weeds.

The lines between the eyebrows of Nishuixianjun flickered, and the lost body quickly grew back.

He stared at Amu with an ugly face, and the emotions in his eyes were extremely complicated.

[Counterwater: Why, at this time? I'm about to succeed soon, but you have to appear at this time! 】

[Yi Mu: Is this your last word? 】

As Lin Qianan said, he manipulated Amu to launch a final attack on Immortal Nishui.

I saw Amu's figure suddenly appeared beside Nishuixianjun, and immediately waved his **** again to dig up Nishuixianjun.

Looking at the sharp cold light on the hoe, Nishui Xianjun didn't dare to take it hard, he waved his hand to shoot a withered mysterious light, and at the same time set off endless waves, and then retreated into the waves.

At this time, Amu used the [Dongzhen] Daoguo under the control of Lin Qianan, and the mysterious light bloomed in his eyes. At first glance, Lin Qianan found the location of Immortal Nishui.

Immediately, Amu's figure changed from solid to virtual, directly penetrating the barrier of the waves, rushing towards Nishui Xianjun, and digging down again with a hoe.


The sea was turbulent, and in the waves, Immortal Nishui's body was hit hard again.

The green light flickered on his body, and the injury recovered again, but it was obvious that his condition had declined.

Lin Qian'an took advantage of the victory to pursue and manipulated Amu to use the [Royal Wood] Dao Fruit. The next moment, in this world, endless green plants grew rapidly, all entwining towards Immortal Nishui.

In front of Immortal Nishuixian, the withered mysterious light bloomed, and a large number of green plants withered, but more green plants grew.

In the end, he was directly bound by the cage formed by the massive green plants, and he couldn't break free despite his desperate struggles.

[Counterwater: I admit, you are indeed stronger, but so what? The big deal is that I will fly to the upper realm, and you are destined to stay in this world and be your frog at the bottom of the well. 】

As he spoke, Immortal Nishui clasped his hands and fingers together, and profound light surged around his body. Immediately, his hands were raised above his head, and a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, dispersing the clouds and breaking the sky.

Lin Qian'an originally wanted to manipulate Amu to use [Zang Feng] Daoguo to attack Nishui Xianjun, but at this time he also asked Amu to put down the **** that was held high in his hand.

Anyway, it's archived, and the big deal is to play it again. Instead, he really wants to see what kind of moth Nishui Xianjun can come up with.

The beam of light continued to impact the sky, and the expression of Nishuixianjun gradually changed from being unhurried at the beginning to being unbelievable.

[Counterwater: Impossible, how could the Ascension Technique have no effect? The old guy said that as long as you use this magic formula, you can fly to the upper realm? Did he lie to me? Are you saying it's all fake? 】

At this moment, the expression on Nishuixianjun's face became extremely wonderful.

And Lin Qianan couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

He had already seen in the information left by Immortal Ku Rong that his Ascension Technique was invalid.

Xianjun Ku Rong taught Nishui Xianjun the art of soaring ascension, and it is estimated that he was just pretending to tell his disciples that his origins were awesome.

Who knows, but let Nishui Xianjun fall into the devil's block, and do this series of things that deceive teachers and destroy ancestors, and even go against conscience.

[Backwater: No, no, no.... This is not true! ! 】

Suddenly, Immortal Nishui's expression collapsed, and the whole person was paralyzed in place.

He couldn't accept this reality, and couldn't accept that everything he planned was just a lie from Master.

I couldn't accept that I actually believed this lie and did so many stupid things.

[Backwater: What's the point? It's all fake, everything is fake...]

Lin Qianan watched this scene silently, and the expression on his face was quite emotional.

He manipulated Amu to step forward and held the **** high.

Nishuixianjun didn't mean to resist, he just stared blankly and silently ahead.

With a flash of edge, Immortal Nishui was beheaded.

In his body, five different origin powers flew out, and they were naturally absorbed by Amu.

[Hint: Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Withering Rong]. ]

[Hint: Hint: You get Shenmu Dao Fruit [Mingguang]. ]


After absorbing these five dao fruits, Amu's experience value also soared rapidly, and immediately, Amu's level naturally broke through to lv41.

At this time, Amu's various attributes have been improved to a certain extent, and the eyebrows have also become like a tree.

The biggest change is the characteristic of its [Immortal Wood].

The mutation probability of the above-mentioned plants has reached 100%.

And Amu [Root of Primordial Primordial] Taoism has also become its own characteristics, and the effect has become stronger.

However, the words "Game Over" still did not appear on the screen.

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows. Could it be that he misunderstood?

Upgrading to level 41 and recovering the ten sources is not the main line of the game?

Or, this game has no mainline from the beginning?

Is this a farming simulator?

Although he felt speechless, Lin Qianan continued to play the game.


As time passed, the death of the Eight Great Immortals caused a momentary sensation.

Especially around the Anti-Water Holy Land, hundreds of millions of creatures have passed away because of their wars, and even the terrain has undergone terrifying changes, and now there is still a large area of ​​Zeguo.

And the original Anti-Water Holy Land was directly wiped out.

After losing the Immortal Monarch, the status of the Holy Land began to decline rapidly.

In less than a thousand years, Yi Guo brought it all into his own rule.

When Amu was twenty-nine thousand years old, in this archive, the Yi Kingdom once again unified the entire world.

There are many monks in it, and the development of different plant technology is prosperous. It really has the appearance of a three-point prosperous fairy dynasty.

At this time, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to return to Shenmuyuan to continue cultivating plants.

The 100% chance of mutation, coupled with Lin Qian'an's file-reading technique, allows today's Amu to cultivate dozens of super mutant plants with various characteristics.

Even Lin Qian'an cultivated mutant ginseng with hundreds of characteristics and 100 million years old.

It already has a jade-like feel to it.

Such a plant of ginseng can increase your lifespan by millions of years if you eat it.

Of course, ordinary people probably don't have such a good mouth, and at most one scrape some powder and eat it.

And this seems to be far from the limit.

Since there is no more threat from Immortal Monarch in the world, Lin Qian'an no longer has any scruples, and simply asks the people of Yi Kingdom to take out all the seeds of the plants in Shenmuyuan and spread them.

Every thousand years, countless new xenophytes appear.

Halfway through, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu back to the vicinity of Jianmu. After manipulating Amu back to Jianmu, Lin Qianan found that he could use [Root of Primordial Primordial] to absorb Primordial Qi in the state of Jianmu.

So I tried it.

After a wave, the dry leaves on Jianmu's body returned to green again, and even the vitality of the whole world became stronger.

Moreover, Lin Qian'an found that Amu's own herbal essence also replenished most of it.

The usage efficiency of this [Root of Primordial Primordial] is simply worlds apart.

Lin Qianan understood.

For Amu, Jianmu is his real body, and this body is just the incarnation of his outings.

Amu is fifty thousand years old, and the various alien plants he cultivated have spread widely in Yi Kingdom, and the whole world has changed because of him.

It is also worth mentioning that Lin Qian'an has been able to stably cultivate allografts for hundreds of millions of years.

But what makes Lin Qian'an puzzled is that even though the alien plants that Amu spawned had extremely terrifying years, these alien plants did not give birth to spirituality.

Lin Qianan guessed that this might be the rule that there is no plant-born spirituality in this world. Amu was only born with spirituality because of his speciality.

Of course, it may also be the reason for the characteristics of [Immortal Wood] itself.

Amu is 100,000 years old, and the million-year-old alien plants in Shenmuyuan have been fully planted, so Lin Qianan began to spread the alien plants that were more than 100 million years old, helping utensils and various monks to practice.

Even Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to open a Shenmu conference, held every 10,000 years, to let the monks all over the world compete for places.

And he will take out some of Amu's 100 million-year-old mutant plants and those with a lower age as treasures, and give them to the monks participating in the conference to improve their cultivation.

Of course, even the lowest-year xenografts have basically reached tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

This is also a great treasure for the monks.

As a result, the monks all over the world broke their heads in order to obtain the qualification to participate in the Shenmu Conference.

And among these people, there is one person who is special.

That is Yue Dao.

When he was young, he was once shattered by Xianjun Zangfeng, and then he stood up and peeped at the traces of the Dao, and now he seems to be a cultivator of the real world.

The rest of the monks in the fourth realm are not his opponents at all.

Therefore, he does not need to participate in the competition, and he can also qualify for the Shenmu Conference.

Since he was present in every session, in the third session, Lin Qian'an simply gave him the full authority to organize the Shenmu Conference.

And Yue Dao Zhu Yu was in front, and then there were Qi Xiu who tried to comprehend the Dao and broke through to the real world.

Finally, when Amu was 200,000 years old, another Tianjiao stood up. His name was Zhu Ji, and he had participated in the five Shenmu conferences in a row.

And the reason why he can live for 50,000 years and break through the realm of peeping is precisely because at the first Shenmu Conference, he obtained a root of ginseng that can prolong life by millions of years.

He is also a tool cultivator, and the tool he nurtured is a vine.

However, it is not an ordinary vine, but a super vine that has thousands of characteristics in a billion years.

This biting vine has all kinds of mysteries. Although it looks like a dead vine less than one meter in size, it has spatial characteristics. After opening its mouth, the entire Shenmuyuan can be shrouded in it.

Because of this, Zhu Ji also gave him the middle second name of "Sky Devouring Vine".

Zhu Ji is different from Yue Dao, Yue Dao comprehends and peeks into the traces of the Dao by himself.

And Zhu Ji, relying on this super bite vine, peeped into the traces of the avenue.

In other words, one is that people drive objects, and the other is objects that drive people.

But whether it is the human master or the master of the device, it is the same after breaking through the Realm of Reality.

After the breakthrough, Zhu Ji and Yue Dao fought a battle.

Surprisingly, the two sides were actually tied.

It stands to reason that Yue Dao broke through the real world earlier, and his strength should be stronger.

However, in fact, Zhu Ji's "Sky-devouring Vine" is stronger, so he needs to waste less time on cultivating life-like artifacts, and he will naturally be stronger in battle by three points.

As a result, the Shenmu Conference has become even more exciting.

Countless cultivators are looking forward to getting one or two Immortal Plants from Immortal Monarch Shenmu for the sake of the Shenmu Conference held every 10,000 years.

In order to obtain the qualification to participate in the Shenmu Conference, the monks also fought hard.

However, Lin Qian'an did not stop him.

Certain competition can also promote the development of the spiritual path.

Amu twenty-fifty thousand years old.

Another monk set foot on the road of peeping into the real world.

The natal artifact contained in it is called the "Ding Sun Spear", which is made of a billion-year-old mutated iron wood.

This ironwood is special and the rest of the ironwoods become larger the older they are.

And under the cultivation of Lin Qian'an, the descendants of this iron wood, the older they are, the more concentrated they are.

It has been cultivated from generation to generation until this iron wood can reach a billion years of age. The tree body is only about the thickness of an adult arm, and its height is only less than five meters. It looks like it will fall down when the wind blows. Like a small tree trunk.

But it also takes toughness to the extreme.

The dark body of the tree was dull and dull, and the rhizomes were inserted straight into the ground like the tip of a gun, rooting in the hard rock formations.

When Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to uproot it from the ground, he almost destroyed the terrain in a radius of several hundred meters.

It did not attract attention at the Shenmu Conference because it was not special enough.

Those cultivators all want immortal plants that can directly increase their lifespan or improve their cultivation.

So in the end it was taken away by a monk named Xue Mingfeng.

And this Xue Mingfeng was the new cultivator who saw the truth.

After breaking through to the real world, he also asked Yue Dao to discuss with Zhu Ji for a while, but he was a latecomer after all. Although the natal artifact was still powerful, it was not a real artifact, so he could only lose miserably in the end.

In the 50,000 years that followed, some cultivators broke through to the real world.

This made Lin Qianan understand one thing.

It's not that there is a problem with the "Accumulation of Instruments", and it's not that the fifth realm is too difficult to break through.

It's just that the resources of the world are different, which leads to different degrees of difficulty in their cultivation.

If you can give people tens of thousands of years of lifespan, plus rich heaven and earth vitality, a huge amount of heaven and earth treasures that can replenish their own spirit, and give them an artifact that is infinitely close to the real artifact level. Talent, and achieving Xiaozhen Realm does not seem to be particularly difficult.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but shake his head with a smile.

There was no difference between what he said and what he didn't say.

Meeting so many conditions is not easy in itself.

If there is no cheating device like Amu in this world, it is estimated that so many cultivators of the Five Realms will be born one after another.

And even so, these quasi-five-level monks are actually only a very small part of the whole world.

There are only a handful of them, and it is less than one in a billion.

The age of Amu increased year by year, and the immortal plants cultivated by Lin Qianan became more and more perverted.

Now the billion-year-old Xianzhi is just taking it easy, and there is not much difficulty at all.

However, to go beyond this age, it is slightly difficult.

The growth period of the gein plant itself is limited, and if you want to exceed this period, you must accumulate more characteristics.

Fortunately, Lin Qianan can save and read files, and Amu now has a 100% chance of mutating plants, so he doesn't need to gamble on luck.

Soon, the first 1.5 billion-year-old fairy plant was cultivated.

This is a mutated flaming mushroom. The initial form was a mushroom about the height of a person, and it would spew flames after being collided. Later, under the cultivation of Amu, it changed from generation to generation.

Now this 1.5 billion-year-old flame mushroom is completely different from the original.

Its properties are as high as tens of thousands, its size is also huge, and its umbrella cover also covers a small half of Shenmuyuan.

You know, the Shenmuyuan now has been expanded several times.

The entire plant is also densely covered with endless dao patterns, and the roots and stems are densely surrounded.

In the eyes of "quasi-immortal monarchs" such as Yue Dao, they already have some traces of the Dao rules and have the possibility of becoming a real immortal plant.

In other words, it might become an extraordinary plant with a life level of five.

Lin Qianan kept it, and then continued to work hard to cultivate other immortal plants.

As more and more plants were planted, Shenmuyuan had to expand again, and the surrounding area had been flattened to plant these exaggerated and terrifying fairy plants.

Even the later Shenmuyuan has been renamed Shenmu Plain, and later, it was officially renamed Shenmu Holy Land.

Different from the holy land where the previous immortals lived, there was only Amu living in the sacred wood holy land.

And no one here dares to steal Xianzhi.

Amu is 300,000 years old.

Lin Qianan cultivated a three-billion-year-old peach tree, which is full of fruit. Eating a peach can increase one's lifespan by a thousand years, and can greatly improve the cultivation base and blood.

Although a peach has a mediocre effect of prolonging lifespan, it is very powerful when all of them are added together.

This made Lin Qianan think of Pantao, and then he thought of the Pantao Conference.

Now there are many fruit trees in Shenmuyuan, so Lin Qianan also chose to take out some fruits to entertain the participants at the Shenmu Conference.

What immortal hemp rice, immortal peach to increase longevity, immortal pear to enhance spirit, immortal apricot to enhance qi and blood... Anyway, as long as Lin Qianan eliminated them, they would all be given to them to eat.

This also led to those who participated in a Shenmu conference, each time they were able to make great progress in cultivation, and their lifespan could also be greatly increased. The next Shenmu conference would basically be theirs.

So Lin Qianan changed the rules. Everyone can only participate in the Shenmu Conference once.

In this way, the world is also full of expectations for participating in the Shenmu Conference.

In this way, until Amu is 500,000 years old.

The highest-year immortal plant that Lin Qianan has cultivated today is a 5.3 billion-year-old immortal plant.

The size of the tree seems to be connected to the earth, and the rice hanging from it is so huge that it can cover a building.

Just a grain of immortal rice spread to the outside world is enough to cause a sensation and make the fourth realm cultivator tempted.

And such a plant can only survive in Shenmuyuan.

Otherwise, it lacks the herbal essence given by Amu, and it will soon die.

The energy that heaven and earth can give it is too little to support it to survive, let alone to produce such a full ear of rice.

It was at this time that Yue Dao found Amu.

He broke through.

Break through to the fifth realm, the realm of dawn.

This is the realm that Lin Qian'an has only seen in the scriptures of "Yunqi Zhenjing".

Even the original Li Qinglian and the Demon Lord have never reached the realm.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu and Yue Dao to fight.

Amu used a small **** made of 3 billion years old iron wood to cast the [Tiangfeng] Dao Fruit.

The **** collided with Yue Dao's ten-thousand-blade sword, and a gap was cut into the void by the sharp edge.

The **** in Amu's hand was cut off.

But on the other hand, Yue Dao also hugged his own knife and knelt on the ground with an ugly expression.

As far as weapons are concerned, Amu's **** is at best an accurate weapon, and it has never been cultivated.

However, Yue Dao's Wan-blade Dao is a real weapon that cultivates the rules of the Dao.

So Amu's **** couldn't stop Yuedao's Wan-blade sword, but Amu had ten Dao Fruits in his body, and his attributes were strong enough to explode. This blow, even without a weapon, was enough to defeat Yuedao.

If it wasn't for Lin Qian'an's timely withdrawal, Yue Dao would have been cut in half by even the man with the sword.

The same is the fifth realm, and the gap is also very large.

Back then, the Immortal Lord Nishui, who had two Dao Fruits in his body, was able to overwhelm all the Immortal Monarchs to win, not to mention Amu, who had ten Dao Fruits.

The outcome of this battle was watched by the world, and finally Yue Dao revealed the result of his loss to Amu, which shocked the world.

And Yue Dao is also officially known as Wanren Xianjun.

After another 50,000 years, new cultivators of the realm of Xiaozhen appeared one after another.

The Heaven-devouring Immortal Lord Zhu Ji, who masters the Heaven-devouring Vine, Xue Mingfeng, the Heaven-devouring Immortal who masters the Heliotrope Spear, and Wen Ping'er, who controls the Qiankun Sword...

These monks have all come to challenge Amu, and their endings are the same.

When Amu was 800,000 years old, there were already more than 30 Immortal Monarchs in the world.

The upper limit of this world is far higher than Lin Qianan imagined.

Of course, this upper limit is due to the existence of Amu.

If there is no Amu, the upper limit of this world will be like that.

Amu is too important.

It was Jianmu who brought the rich heaven and earth vitality to the world, and it was also Amu who cultivated so many immortal plants that there are now more than 30 Immortal Monarchs of the Fifth Realm.

Eighty-five thousand years old Amu.

Lin Qian'an manipulated Amu to cultivate ginseng that is nine billion years old. It has as many as 100,000 kinds of densely packed properties. Its appearance is only the size of a palm. .

If you eat this stuff, you can increase your lifespan by 90 million years.

Lin Qian'an had a hunch that if a plant with ten billion years of growth could be cultivated, it must be a fairy plant.

Amu is 950,000 years old, and Lin Qianan finally cultivated the first ginseng that is ten billion years old.

At the moment when this ginseng was successfully spawned to 10 billion years, infinite profound light flickered all over its body, and Dao patterns were intertwined. It was different from ordinary things at a glance.

When its profound light was calmed down, it had turned into a ginseng that shimmered with a faint profound light like a precious jade.

[Xian ginseng (ten billion years): a plant of Xian ginseng. [Characteristic: Immortal] [Characteristic: Longevity and Heavenly Qi] [Characteristic: Replenishing Spirit and Body]]

[Immortal: ginseng cannot be corrupted by ordinary things. ]

[Shou and Tian Qi: Immortal ginseng will be able to live the same life as heaven and earth, and the creatures who swallow it completely will also be able to live and Tian Qi. ]

[Replenishing the spirit and benefiting the body: After swallowing the ginseng, it will be able to make up for the lack of one's own spirit and greatly enhance the strength of the physical body. ]

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. The main responsibility of UU reading is to kill monsters and monsters, and of course there are some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but it quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell of everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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