No Jokes Here

Chapter 270: neural tree level 5

But where to find this last immortal position?

Lin Qianan was in trouble.

It's not that he hasn't searched for information about immortality, but whether it's a monk or a mortal, there is no record of immortality in their books.

No one knows how the immortals became immortals.

The "Shenmu Jing" practiced by the monks is also incomplete.

All the problems seem to point to the Eight Holy Lands.

But if he went to the Eight Holy Lands to search, wouldn't he be self-inflicted?

Then let the others go?

But joining the Holy Land is simply impossible.

The Holy Land is almost closed to the outside world, and no one can join at all.

While thinking about it, Lin Qianan clicked fast forward again.

Amu is twenty-five thousand three hundred years old.

A person came to Shenmuyuan again.

This person is Yue Dao who came to repair the sword before.

According to calculations, he is now at least 20,000 years old.

And the general utensil repair, can live for about 10,000 years at most.

Lin Qianan was very surprised and did not understand how Yue Dao did it.

After a question, Lin Qianan realized that Yue Dao spent nearly 10,000 years to obliterate the traces of the Great Dao of Immortal Zangfeng, broke and stood up, the blade and grass had transformed, and he also lived out his second life.

Today, he has already peeped at the avenue, and he only needs enough time to break through to the fifth realm of Xiaozhen.

This realm, Lin Qianan is very clear.

Its name is peeping into the real world.

It is a transitional realm between the fourth and fifth realms.

In the game "Shushan Swordsman Record", the game's protagonist Li Qinglian and the demon master have reached this level, and even Lin Qianan himself is at this level.

Of course, Lin Qian'an prefers to call this realm "quasi-fifth level".

[Yi Mu: Can you show me your knife? 】

[Yue Dao: I am very happy! 】

Yue Dao took out his own blade.

The dense cracks on the top are still there, but it is different from the previous broken feeling. Now these cracks are natural, they are intertwined with countless mysterious Taoist patterns, as if there should be these cracks from the beginning.

The previous knife appeared to be sharp-edged, as if it would split the world as soon as it was born.

And now, it's restrained.

Yue Dao slowly explained to Amu.

[Yue Dao: The way of Immortal Lord Zangfeng is to hide the edge. I have seen it and I have also realized something. The real edge does not need to be revealed all the time, it only needs to bloom when it is used. 】

With that said, Yue Dao reached out and brushed gently on Dao Cao's body.

Reed reed reed reed reed reed ~!

The blade and grass disintegrated, and countless blades scattered out, each of which showed its edge, and immediately combined into a larger dark green long knife.

Lin Qian'an, who was playing the game, saw this scene and couldn't help but spit out: "The magic knife has ten thousand blades? No, the broken sword is recast?"

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Qianan returned his attention to the game.

Undoubtedly, this knife has also become a true quasi-fidelity tool.

Perhaps in some more time, Yue Dao will be able to break through to the fifth realm.

After showing his current sword a little, Yue Dao put away his own.

[Yi Mu: How far do you think you are from Immortal Lord Zangfeng? 】

Hearing this, Yue Dao's face showed a look of memory, and finally he shook his head.

[Yue Dao: The ants and the big sun are incomparable. If they break through to the fifth realm, maybe they can barely fight one or two! 】

[Yi Mu: How long do you think it will take you to break through the fifth realm? 】

Yue Dao closed his eyes and made an answer after sensing it for a while.

[Yue Dao: It takes 500,000 years! 】

Lin Qianan was speechless.

It was so long that he couldn't help shaking his head.

However, once you step into the realm of peeping, you will also change towards the great road. Yue Dao's lifespan is almost endless now. As long as you continue to wait and don't encounter accidents, you will definitely achieve the fifth realm in your lifetime.

That alone is already very enviable.

After Yue Dao left, Lin Qianan also began to think about the last immortal position.

There is no doubt that he can only go to the Holy Land to look for clues about the last immortal position.

However, for Amu's identity, going to the Holy Land felt quite self-defeating.

In case of being discovered, I don't know if the immortals kept their promises, and they would have taken Amu away in advance.

After thinking about it, Lin Qian'an decided to cultivate alien plants that could help hide them, and then go to the Eight Holy Lands to find the answer.

Amu is 25,400 years old, and Lin Qianan relied on repeated reading of the files, and finally cultivated a different plant that could help hide it.

[Variant Sunflower (50 million years): A mutated Sunflower, its age seems to be a little too old. [Characteristic: Avoid Light] [Characteristic: Extending Years] [Characteristic: Concealment] [Characteristic: Hold Breath].....]

[Light protection: The light will not be able to shine directly on the plant. ]

[Extension: The lifespan of the plant becomes longer and the growth period is increased. ]

[Hidden: The space where the plant is located is folded and twisted so that it cannot be easily found. ]

[Hold your breath: The breath around the plant does not spread outward. ]


After such a long period of cultivation, Lin Qianan also figured out the relationship between the age of the plant and its characteristics.

The longer the age, the stronger the character.

Therefore, this 50 million-year-old mutated light-shielding flower can already be called a sky-defying level.

It is planted in Shenmuyuan, and the entire Shenmuyuan will be folded into another space, directly hiding and disappearing from the world.

Coupled with its characteristics of avoiding light and holding your breath, even a Taoist monk who is proficient in space rules may not feel that something is wrong.

It took hundreds of years to manipulate Amu to use the "Sutra of Accumulation", and after nourishing it into his body, Lin Qianan let Amu embark on a journey to find the immortal position.

Amu is twenty-six thousand years old.

Under the control of Lin Qian'an, he hid his figure and came to the Tibetan Front Holy Land in the Southern Region.

Zangfeng Holy Land is high in the clouds, and there are countless monks living here.

They are all master swordsmen.

However, Lin Qian'an was not interested in them either. After a little investigation, Lin Qian'an found the Book Collection Pavilion in the Holy Land of Tibetan Front.

With the help of Biguanghua, the guards of the Book Collection Pavilion did not find Amu's existence at all, and allowed Amu to easily enter the Bookstore Pavilion.

The Buddhist scriptures and other information stored in the library are all pieces of jade talismans.

Pick it up and you can flip through the information.

Lin Qian'an looked at it one by one. There were records about the history of the Tibetan Front Holy Land, the use of various secret techniques, and some miscellaneous things.

Only there is no record about the "Shenmu Jing", and there is no record about the immortal position.

Just when Lin Qian'an was looking happy, a man with the sword pattern between his eyebrows appeared behind Amu.

[Zang Feng: What are you looking for? 】

Lin Qianan was taken aback.

Can this be found too?

Yes, he thought too much.

The monks in the fifth realm, how powerful the power of the soul, I am afraid that the first time Amu came to the Holy Land, Xianjun Zangfeng already knew of Amu's arrival.

The preparations he had made before were simply stealing the bell!

[Yi Mu: You can't take me back, you said you would give me a hundred thousand years. 】

[Zang Feng: I didn’t mean to take you back. It’s only 100,000 years. For me, it’s just a matter of taking a nap. What are you looking for here? 】

When Lin Qianan saw that the other party did not intend to capture Amu and go back, he immediately felt relieved.

[Yi Mu: I want to know the complete "Shenmu Jing". 】

Hearing the sound, Zang Feng's expression changed slightly.

[Zang Feng: So you don’t remember it anymore? 】

[Yi Mu: Is there any problem with the complete "Shenmu Jing"? Can you tell me? 】

Zang Feng shook his head.

[Zang Feng: You don't want to know. 】

After that, Zang Feng left.

The corners of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, another riddle person, right?

After rummaging for a long time, Lin Qianan couldn't find what he wanted, so he could only leave.

He doesn't believe it anymore. Are all the immortals the same riddlers as Zangfeng Immortals and Dongzhen Immortals.

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to go to the Holy Land Against the Water.

The Sanctuary Against the Water is located on a waterfall that is full of tens of thousands of feet, and below the waterfall is the sea water.

The most special thing here is that the waterfall flows backwards.

This is also in line with the name of the Holy Land against the water.

This time, before Lin Qianan entered the Antishui Holy Land to search, the Antishui Xianjun appeared in front of Amu.

[Counterwater: Do you want to go back? 】

[Yi Mu: Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to ask you if you can pass me the complete "Shenmu Jing". 】

Against the water, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed Amu in his hands.

[Counterwater: Come back with me! 】

Saying that, the figure against the water turned into a streamer, and went directly in the direction of Jianmu.

Compared to Dong Zhen and Zang Feng, Adversity's reaction to hearing Amu mentioning the "Shenmu Jing" was a bit more extreme.

Even disregarding the previous promise, he would bring Amu back directly.

Fortunately, Lin Qianan had an archive before, so he directly chose to read the archive and did not go to the Holy Land Against the Water.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to go in the direction of the Western Regions.

There are also two holy places in the Western Regions, namely the Holy Land of Mingguang and the Holy Land of Holding Thunder.

It didn't take long for Lin Qian'an to arrive at the Holy Land of Mingguang.

As usual, it was discovered by Mingguang Xianjun.

What surprised Lin Qianan was that Xianjun Mingguang was actually a woman.

There is a golden dao pattern between his eyebrows, and he is wearing a long golden dress. The whole body naturally exudes a golden halo, which looks very sacred.

【Mingguang: What are you looking for? 】

[Yi Mu: "Shenmu Jing"! 】

The simple conversation made Xianjun Mingguang fall into silence.

[Mingguang: I can't give it to you, sorry. 】

After saying this, Xianjun Mingguang didn't talk to Yi Mu anymore, but left directly.

Immediately, Lin Qianan turned around and went to the Thunder-Holding Holy Land.

Holding Lei Xianjun is a two-meter tall man with an explosive head. There is a thunderous dao pattern between his eyebrows, and he looks very irritable.

He seems to already know the reason why Amu came.

[Chilei: Don't look for it, everything in the past is sealed like this, and you can go back and be your building wood. This is good for the whole world, and it is good for you and me. 】

Lin Qianan was not reconciled and continued to ask.

Northern Territory.


The colorful skirt of Immortal Fantasy Dream swayed in the wind and looked at Amu quietly.

[Fantasy: It is destined to have no results, why are you still looking for it? 】

Mysterious Holy Land.

Xuanxu Xianjun's figure is uncertain, and his eyes are looking at the void.

[Xuanxu: One hundred thousand years won't be too long. Instead of thinking about this meaningless thing, you might as well cherish the free time you have now. 】

Eastern Region.

Zhaoyang Holy Land.

Immortal Emperor Zhaoyang's head was radiating hot light from the sun, and his indifferent eyes were staring at Amu.

[Zhaoyang: Go back! 】

With a wave of his hand, Amu was directly expelled from the Zhaoyang Holy Land.

No one is willing to tell Amu the complete "Shenmu Jing", all of which seem to involve a huge secret.

A secret related to Shenmu, a secret related to becoming an immortal.

Where is the last immortal position?

What is the so-called immortal position?

With such doubts, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to come to the Holy Land of Dongzhen.


Seeing Immortal Dongzhen again, he was sitting by the lake fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

There was always no fish on his hook, but he still enjoyed it, pulling the hook up again and again and putting the bait in again.

[Yi Mu: Can you catch fish like this? 】

[Dongzhen: The fish below are all ghosts and ghosts, so of course they can't catch them. 】

[Yi Mu: Then are you fishing for me? 】

Immortal Monarch Dongzhen showed a strange expression.

[Dongzhen: You should read less bizarre books. 】

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that he was thinking too much.

Also, for the Immortal Monarchs standing at the top of the world, it is estimated that they are doing things casually, so how can they deliberately deceive?

It doesn't make sense and they don't want to do it.

[Yi Mu: Can you tell me the complete "Shenmu Jing"? 】

Immortal Monarch Dongzhen showed a slightly complicated expression.

[Dongzhen: Why do you have to know this? 】

[Yi Mu: I want to become immortal! 】

Hearing this, Immortal Dongzhen's expression became more complicated.

[Dongzhen: There will be no more immortals in this world, at least, there will be no more immortals who practice the "Shenmu Jing". 】

Lin Qianan didn't understand what Immortal Dongzhen meant.

So he typed again and asked.

[Yi Mu: Isn't there a last immortal position between heaven and earth? Why can't there be any more fairies? 】

Hearing this, Dong Zhen looked at Amu with three-pointed eyes.

[Dongzhen: No one can take this last immortal position! 】

[Yi Mu: Why? 】

However, at this time, Immortal Monarch Dongzhen no longer answered the question directly. Instead, he was concerned about him and began to ask about the dark flower on Amu's body.

Not being able to get an answer from Immortal Monarch Dongzhen, Lin Qianan seemed very helpless.

Where is the last immortal?

How will he get it?

Why did Xianjun Dongzhen say that no one can obtain this immortal position, and also said that there will be no more immortals who practice the "Shenmu Jing"?

Why can't the complete "Shenmu Jing" be spread?

Do not understand, do not understand.

In the end, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu back to Shenmuyuan.

He can only grasp what he can grasp, so Lin Qian'an's choice is to continue farming.

The experience gained from farming simply cannot change the golden experience bar, not to mention that Amu has only less than 80,000 years left.

However, Lin Qianan didn't have a choice, and there was no mission system in this game, so he could only try his best.

Time passed, and Amu was twenty-eight thousand years old.

The country of Yi has completely unified the four domains, and all the sects, including the kingdom of mortals, have been brought under the rule of the country of Yi.

Of course, there are no Eight Holy Lands here.

The status of the Holy Land is still so detached.

They don't care about the changes in the mortal world at all, as if they were just a bystander from beginning to end.

During this time, another member of the royal family of Yi Kingdom came to Shenmuyuan to ask for a different plant.

Lin Qian'an is very happy to train two talented people to cause chaos in the Holy Land, so basically those who come to seek alien plants show a certain talent, and he will help.

And just like that, time continued to pass quickly.

Amu soon fifty-three thousand two hundred and fifteen years old.

In this process, arrogance continued to emerge, and countless cultivation secret techniques were born.

The high-level officials of Yi Guo put all the secret techniques into the "Tibetan Scripture (Xiannong Version and put them together.

These are what Lin Qianan ordered them to do.

This year, the royal family of Yi Kingdom brought news that the ancestor of Yi Kingdom had passed away.

In today's Yi Kingdom, there are only three people who can be called ancestors.

One is Amu himself, and the other two are Yi Liang and Sun He who ate the life-enhancing ginseng.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to go to Yi Kingdom, saw the current emperor, and understood what happened.

Yi Liang was the first to die at the end of his life. He originally had the cultivation of the tenth level of the interior scene and could live for 10,000 years. Later, he swallowed the ginseng given by Amu, which could prolong his life by 30,000 years. He added 30,000 out of thin air Years of life.

In the past 30,000 years, it is not uncommon for him to enter the realm of martial arts, but the road ahead has been cut off, and he does not know how to reach the fifth realm.

So he finally completed the "Yunqi Zhenjing".

After Accumulating Qi entered the Dao, he added some more life essence, but unfortunately he also encountered a bottleneck in Qi Xiu, unable to comprehend the Dao, and could not break through to the fifth realm.

Then he chose to study "Wizard Shinto" concurrently.

In this way, he tried all the cultivation systems that Lin Qianan had passed down.

It also made him live a lot longer.

It's a pity that he couldn't reach the fifth realm after all.

The same goes for Sun He on the other side.

The talents of the two of them are not particularly outstanding, but they have enough resources and long life spans, and they have just reached their peak.

After Yi Liang's life was exhausted, he did not send someone to ask Amudo to give him a ginseng to prolong his life, but he chose to sit quietly.

Seeing Yi Liang leaving, Sun He also chose to follow, and took the initiative to end his few lifespans.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Yi Liang and Sun He really stands the test of time.

The monarchs of successive dynasties did not talk about the three palaces and six courtyards, but at least they had to have more than a few concubines and the like.

Only Yi Liang, from the beginning to the end, only had a queen like Sun He, and did not take half a concubine.

In the same position, Lin Qianan felt that no one else would be able to do this.

When the country of Yi was mourning, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to return to Shenmuyuan.

Everything in the outside world has nothing to do with him, he just wants to cultivate the land and become a fairy.

Seventy thousand years old, Amu, Lin Qianan created an ultimate Hemu with hundreds of characteristics.

This hemp tree is 80 million years old, and reaches a height of 3,000 feet. The canopy covers most of the Shenmu Abyss. The hanging rice ears are hundreds of meters long, and the rice on it can kill people.

And eating its rice has a very complicated effect.

Increase longevity, enhance blood, vigor, spirit... All-round comprehensive strengthening, and mild in nature.

After eating a grain of rice, washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, the root and bones can be changed, and it is almost an acquired change of talent.

Lin Qian'an even gave this Hemu the name "Xianhe" for this purpose.

But after the initial excitement, Lin Qian'an calmed down again.

what's the point?

Can't become a fairy!

But it is still useful, at least after Amu eats it, it can enhance a lot of attributes.

It's just that Amu doesn't lack this kind of big tonic. After all, in Shenmuyuan, this kind of thing is really almost everywhere.

Amu can be said to eat every day.

Even if the age is less than 10 million years old, Lin Qian'an doesn't pay much attention to it.

Long live Amu, something happened this year that shocked Lin Qianan a little.

The original Yue Dao shot at Immortal Lord Zangfeng again.

This time, it was still a defeat.

However, Xianjun Zangfeng did not have a sword to smash Yue Dao with a single sword.

At the same time, Xianjun Zangfeng also left a sentence.

[Zang Feng: Your knife is not bad! 】

This comment shocked the monks in the world, and at the same time made them pay attention to Yue Dao, a cultivator who has lived for thousands of years.

Being recognized by Xianjun proves that Yue Dao's knife has reached the level of immortal.

And Yue Dao can live for such a long time, it is possible that he has broken through to the fifth realm.

In an instant, the swordsman once again became famous in the world.

The world calls him the first person under the Immortal Monarch.

Some people even called him a quasi-Xianjun.

And these, there is no Xianjun to refute.

Because they are all right.

After stepping into the realm of peeping truth, Yue Dao got the pass to the fifth realm.

Now, it is not wrong for him to say that he is a quasi-immortal monarch.

What surprised Lin Qianan was that the Immortal Monarchs of the Holy Land did not seem to care much about it.

Even if there will be one more Immortal Monarch in the future.

Lin Qianan thought about it, and quickly came up with the answer.

All of this is just because the way for Yue Dao to become an immortal is not the "Shenmu Jing".

As long as it is not an immortal who achieved through the "Shenmu Jing", then there is no problem.

Soon, Amu will be 100,000 years old.

At this time, Amu's level is still fixed at level forty, and the golden experience bar has only advanced by less than one ten thousandth.

In this way, even if Amu is given another million years, it is impossible for him to fill this golden experience bar.

On this day, all eight immortals came to Shenmuyuan.

Standing in the first place, Nishuixianjun looked at Amu.

[Counterwater: Come back with us! 】

After speaking, Nishuixianjun raised his hand and manipulated a ball of blue profound light to wrap Amu in it, and immediately, the surrounding pictures changed rapidly.

Not long after, the towering building tree appeared in front of him again.

Although it has passed 100,000 years, it has not changed much, and some dry leaves are still the same, as if after a million years, it will still be in this half-dead state.

Immortal Nishui pushed Amu into Jianmu, and Jianmu quickly regained its vitality. The branches and leaves turned from dry to green again, and countless green light spots scattered and flew into the distance.

During this process, Lin Qian'an did not resist. He stared at the screen blankly and began to wonder if he had missed any details.

The Eight Great Immortal Monarchs outside saw that Shenmu returned to its original appearance, and they also left.

However, at this point, Lin Qianan found that the game did not end there.

Shortly after the Eight Great Immortals left, a figure appeared in front of Jianmu.

He was wearing a blue brocade robe with a wave-like mysterious blue dao pattern between his eyebrows, and he was the Immortal Nishui.

He looked at Jianmu quietly, without saying a word.

Lin Qianan found that he seemed to have the ability to type and speak, so he typed and asked.

[Jianmu: Do you have anything else to do? 】

Lin Qianan found that Amu's name had changed, but he didn't care about the details. Now Amu is no longer a person, but Jianmu, which is normal.

Hearing the sound against the water, UU Reading looked up at the huge building tree in front of him, showing a smile.

[Backwater: Don't you really want to know the complete "Shenmu Jing"? How do I tell you now? 】

Lin Qianan would not refuse if he could get more information.

[Jianmu: Then tell me! 】

Nishuixianjun opened his mouth slightly and spit out a word.

[Backwater: The fifth layer of the Shenmu Jing, extract the source of the Shenmu, irrigate the Tao tree in the body, and bear the fruit of the Tao before you can become an immortal! ! 】

While speaking, Immortal Nishui's palm also slowly pressed against Jianmu's body.


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