No Jokes Here

Chapter 265: Dual Feature, Raindrop Door

At the beginning, Lin Qian'an never imagined that Yi Liang would have such ambitions.


But when Yi Liang became the monarch, he suddenly woke up.


Give a person too much power, and his ambition will naturally escalate.


After Yi Liang became the monarch, the status of Sun He and Amu also rose. Sun He was named the queen, while Amu became the prince, and Sun Hu directly became the king.


After becoming the prince, Lin Qian'an didn't let Amu do other things, and was still concentrating on farming.


It's just that the place for farming has changed.


Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to open up a large area of ​​farmland for planting crops within the Imperial City of Yi Kingdom.


Because Amu is immersed in his farmland every day, he has been labelled as close to the people by the people.


It's hard to say whether there is any deliberate propaganda by Yi Liang.


However, it was not all smooth sailing for Lin Qian'an.


Now that Amu is level 8, the upgrade speed is further slowed down.


The biggest problem now is the acquisition of herbal essence.


There is a limit to the plant essence that Amu can store, and every time he runs out, he has to collect it again.


There are quite a few plants in the outside world, but you can go outside to collect the essence of plants and trees, and then come back to plant the land. It takes a long time to run the map.


Therefore, Lin Qianan urgently needs a plant that grows quickly, adapts to the environment, and can accumulate a large amount of herbal essence.


However, for the time being, his experiments did not get a mutant plant that was very desirable.


In addition, the martial arts practiced by Amu has already begun to move towards the realm of interior scenes.


Maybe it won't be long before you reach the first level of the interior scene.


In this way, his strength should be considered a strong player in this game.


The reason why he can be so fast is mainly because of the special nature of martial arts, Amu's talent, and the lack of resources.


The first three realms of martial arts practice only need to be accumulated, and Amu himself has a unique talent. He has a hundred meridians in his body, and his acupoints are not closed. It can be called an innate body.


When you practice, you can start directly from the innate realm in martial arts.


In addition, Amu can absorb the essence of plants and trees, giving birth to various great medicines that nourish qi and blood.


When there is no shortage of medicinal ginseng for hundreds of years, this is an ordinary person. As long as the deficiency is not supplemented, it is estimated that it can reach the level of condensing pills in about ten years.


What's more, it's Amu's physique.


If it wasn't for Lin Qianan's distraction and manipulating Amu to go to the field for experimentation, it is estimated that he would have broken through to the interior scene long ago.


However, although Amu's various attributes are now very high, and his martial arts cultivation is about to reach the background, his level is still only eighth.


If you want to level up, you can only rely on farming.


It's a pity that this game has no main line and no mission system.


Lin Qian'an just scratched a little bit from the background story, and found a goal of "immortalization" that he thought was the main line to move forward.


Anyway, it's not too bad!


No matter what, it is always right to be the top existence in this world.


When Amu was twenty-one years old, he officially broke through to the first level of interior scene.


The first martial arts magical power he mastered was called "Growing".


It is a magical power that evolved from the usual cultivated land.


Once cast, it directly transformed into a huge **** about several dozen meters and smashed down.


Where it fell, the ground rolled over and the weeds were crushed.


A **** can directly plough hundreds of square meters of land.


And if it is used to smash people, the effect will not be too bad.


It was this style of painting that made Lin Qianan feel a little subtle.


At the same time, within the Yi Kingdom, the cultivation method of martial arts also began to spread widely.


Of course, in order to facilitate management, the people can only get some basic cultivation methods, and at most they can cultivate to the first-class state of the acquired, and the methods of breaking through the innate have not been spread.


If you want to obtain the follow-up method, you need to join the imperial court and become a member of the government.


Maybe the restrictions will be lifted in the future, but at least for now, this is the only way.


Time passed, Amu was twenty-five years old.


At this time, Amu is already the cultivation base of Neijing Wuzhongtian, and the five martial arts magical powers he possesses are all related to farming.


This made Lin Qian'an's head ponder, maybe the game characters would be affected by their usual behavior when cultivating martial arts, so that the magical powers they evolved would be closer to daily life.


In addition, Yi Liang and Sun He have now reached the peak of condensing pills and are about to break through the interior scene.


Although Sun Hu came into contact with martial arts relatively late, but when there was no shortage of resources, he also broke through his innateness and directly rejuvenated his youth, returning to his appearance at the age of forty.


In today's Yi Kingdom, martial arts are prevalent.


Even a scholar who studies writing will be looked down upon if he doesn't have both hands.


All of this is just a change in just a few short years.


And along with the changes in the country, there are also local monks from this world who came to contact the country.


The sect that came this time is called "Duckweed Sect".


Anyway, it was a sect that Lin Qianan had never heard of.


However, this is also normal. The Southern Region is so big, and the Yi Kingdom is only one of the more than 3,000 countries in the Southern Region. The cultivators and sects often do not have contact with ordinary people, so it is normal to not know about these sects.


The emissary from the duckweed sect was named Tan Juan, a beautiful woman in a light blue dress.


At first, her attitude was arrogant, but after finding out that Yi Liang was no weaker than her, she restrained her emotions.


In a garden in a different garden, Tan Juan asked Yi Liang.


[Tan Juan: Where did this practice in your country come from? 】


[Yi Liang: This is a gift from a **** and a man in a dream. 】


Hearing this, Tan Juan did not mean to doubt.


After all, in the beginning, this world was only when the immortals from the upper realm planted trees in the lower realm, so that the world could be maintained.


So, if a **** or a person were to teach the Fa in a dream, it wouldn't be a problem.


[Tan Juan: This method is different from the methods practiced by monks like me. I want to purchase a basic practice method for research. 】


[Yi Liang: I'm also curious about the Dharma practice of your sect, how about an exchange? 】


Hearing this, Tan Juan showed hesitation.


[Yi Liang: But what's wrong? 】


[Tan Juan: It’s not because I don’t want to exchange. The dharma door we cultivate is not considered a secret among the monks, but the immortals have orders not to spread it to mortals without authorization, and when we teach the dharma, there are restrictions on the body. If you spread it without authorization, you will lose your soul and fly away, and you will never survive. 】


Lin Qianan, who manipulated Amu to wait aside, had a puzzled expression, not understanding why this happened.


Why did the immortals restrict the spread of the method of practice?


[Yi Liang: So, it's really a pity. 】


[Tan Juan: I can exchange items between monks, I don't know if I can? 】


[Yi Liang: My country is based on agriculture. I wonder if the duckweed sect has special allografts? If there is, the method of martial arts practice is not a problem. 】


Hearing this, Tan Juan showed joy.


[Tan Juan: This is a very simple matter. 】


Immediately, Tan Juan listed more than a dozen special xenografts.


There are iron rattan for weaving ropes, iron wood for making common utensils, and blood fruit trees for enhancing qi and blood.


Hearing these mutant plants, Lin Qianan realized that there are not many mutant plants in this world.


So it's no wonder that Amu's mutant plants will not be discovered.


It is estimated that the monks also thought it was a new species discovered, and would not think of the spirit of the gods.


In the end, Yi Liang obtained five special metamorphoses from Tan Juan, and exchanged them for a martial arts technique that could be cultivated to the innate.


All of this was the result of Lin Qian'an's secret instigation.


These five kinds of different plants are iron rattan, iron wood, blood fruit tree, thunder bamboo, and son and mother listening wind grass.


Needless to say, the first three are of a more special type.


Thunder-Storing Bamboo is a purple dwarf bamboo that likes to grow in high places. After being struck by lightning, it can store lightning in the bamboo joints.


Generally, monks make it into a hidden weapon of thunder bamboo, which is used to throw it out to injure people.


After listening to the wind grass, it will grow two large and small flowers like pink trumpets.


Picking off the flowers, even if the two flowers are hundreds of miles apart, they can still communicate with each other, which is very strange.


However, in the hands of cultivators, it seems rather tasteless. They usually use jade talismans to send messages, and they can easily transmit messages from a distance of 100,000 miles.


After the transaction was completed, Lin Qian'an got five different plants, and the duckweed sect left with satisfaction.


While starting the experiment in the farmland of the imperial city, Lin Qian'an was also curious about the exercises that the immortals prohibited from spreading.


Judging from Tan Juan's situation, basically the monks and sects are staffed.


But the immortals just don't let it spread widely, and mortals can't touch it at all.


If the immortals allowed the spread of the practice, it would not be so easy for Yi Liang to rebel before.


So Lin Qianan also plans to save a file at that time and let Amu join the cultivator sect to see the situation.


After another period of time, the five different plants obtained from the duckweed sect changed.


The mutation of ironwood is moving towards a harder direction, with changes in hardness and toughness.


Thunder-storing bamboo has developed a new variety of water storage. Its roots will penetrate deeply into the ground, which is very drought-tolerant, and can store a large amount of fresh water in the bamboo joints. It can be planted in places where there is a shortage of water.


Tingfengcao has also cultivated a new variety that can transmit sound for thousands of miles.


The above three plants do not have any too special variation characteristics, but the blood fruit tree and the iron vine are different.


Under the cultivation of Amu, the blood fruit tree appeared the first dual-character alien plant that Lin Qianan had seen after playing games for so long.


[Mutant blood fruit tree (105 years): A mutated blood fruit tree, the pulp of its fruit becomes like the blood of animals, and has some special effects. [Characteristic: Blood Fruit] [Characteristic: Increase Production]]


[Blood fruit: The pulp of the fruit has the effect of replenishing qi and blood. ]


[Increase in yield: The yield of fruit trees has increased substantially. ]


This 100-year-old blood fruit tree is 50 meters high.


The effect of each blood fruit in replenishing qi and blood is comparable to that of a wild ginseng that has grown for several years.


If it can be popularized, this is simply the blessing of the warrior.


This allowed Lin Qian'an to open the door to a new world.


He only now knows that the mutation of the original mutant plant has a chance to retain the original mutant characteristics.


On this basis, is it possible that the three-character xenografts also appear?


If he tried repeatedly by reading files, would he be able to generate more characteristics?


Finally, there is the iron cane.


This thing seems to be used when the duckweed sect is only used to weave ropeways.


Weaving a ropeway can basically last for decades, and because of the characteristics of iron rattan, this ropeway will become more and more tough as it is used.


And here in Lin Qian'an, the vine has undergone a new change and has directly become a new variety.


It turned into a vine like a snake, with an opening at its head, no matter what was thrown into it, it would be quickly digested and absorbed, and then it would grow rapidly.


[Eating vines (fifty years): Eating vines, vines that can eat nutrients and grow rapidly. [Characteristic: Devour]]


[Devouring: The digestion ability of plants becomes stronger, and it can devour and digest most of the substances into the required nutrients. ]


The vine in front of Amu's eyes was as thick as a bucket, and it was more than 80 meters long.


At first, Lin Qianan used the essence of plants and trees to give birth to it, and then it grew on its own.

As long as something is thrown into the swallowing mouth of the vine, it will naturally digest and grow quickly.


This thing grows extremely fast, and the bigger the size, the stronger the digestion ability.


Like this 50-year-old vine, even if steel is placed in its vine, it will be slowly dissolved.


Lin Qianan immediately thought that this thing could be used to dispose of garbage.


Then, he thought of the rapid growth of this thing.


Isn't this the best source of herbal essence?


A department dedicated to dealing with garbage was established in Yiguo, and the vines were used as their special plant. While cleaning up the garbage, they cultivated the vines. When the vines grew to a certain extent, they could let Amu go to destroy them and obtain the essence of plants and trees.


This is a good idea, and Lin Qian'an also started to propose this matter to Yi Liang after several experiments to confirm that it was feasible.


Naturally, Yi Liang fully supported Amu's affairs. Even the Shang Dynasty negotiated with a group of officials to establish a descaling department and attached it to the Ministry of Agriculture.


The main job of the descaling department is to use the vines to dispose of domestic waste in various cities in Yiguo.


Fearing that the public would not cooperate, the descaling company would even buy household garbage from the public at a very low price.


As a result, the public also welcomed the descaling company.


Soon, the work of the descaling department was on the right track and became part of the city's operation.


The excellence of Bitten has been reflected, and the new data about Bitten has also been fed back to Lin Qian'an step by step.


For example, the 100-year-old vine's ability to digest garbage, the speed of the vine's splitting, and the bone meal and visceral blood used for cultivation in the early stage of the vine are better.


Even if this is a relatively feudal society, a city will definitely produce a lot of domestic waste.


Basically, every month, the garbage in every city can allow the Descaler to cultivate a lot of vines that are more than ten years old.


The vines in every garbage site were full. Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to walk around a city, and he could basically fill the current limit of plant essence.


Less than a year later, Amu was directly upgraded to level 11.


Amu's level-up experience has now reached 10,000 points, which is the same as the game "Demon Saint".


And Amu's various attributes have also improved a lot.


The most important herbal essence collection limit is the same as the experience, raised to 10,000 points.


And most importantly, Amu's [Immortal Wood] characteristic, in which the mutation probability of spawning plants has directly increased by 10%, reaching 20%.


In this way, the subsequent experience acquisition should be easier, and the efficiency of spawning mutant plants is also higher.


In addition, it is worth mentioning that Amu's current martial arts cultivation has also reached the tenth level of the interior scene.


The only thing that made Lin Qianan feel like complaining was that Amu's ten martial arts magical powers all evolved from the usual farming.


So his martial arts supernatural powers are ploughing, weeding, and watering.


Of course, in terms of performance, it's not much worse than ordinary martial arts supernatural powers.


Amu is twenty-seven years old.


Yi Liang and Sun He also broke through to the realm of interior scenes and reached the first level of interior scenes.


Lin Qian'an was not surprised by this.


After his simplification, martial arts training is much easier now.


At the same time, the promotion of blood fruit trees also began to be implemented.


The imperial court specially planted blood fruit trees, and used blood fruit to make large quantities of qi and blood pills to supplement the qi and blood of warriors. Because the price is close to the people, the people are full of praise for this.


However, the production and sale of Qixue Pill is firmly in the hands of the imperial court, and it is illegal to sell it without permission.


In light cases, they would be charged into the army and distributed, in heavy cases, they would be put in prison, or directly asked to be executed.


With Qi and Blood Pill, those who are weak in Qi and blood due to malnutrition will not have difficulty in practicing martial arts.


With strong qi and blood, it is easier to extract true qi, and it is also easy to open up the meridians and acupoints.


In the year of the promotion of Qi and Blood Pills, Yi Guo added hundreds of innate warriors.


Of course, there are many soldiers in the army who are responsible for making Qi and Blood Pills.


But that's enough to show how powerful it is.


Lin Qian'an sighed with emotion. Compared with the last time, the opening this time was much better.


When he was in "Monster Saint", he promoted martial arts, which is the real end of the world. Not to mention these different plants with various special functions. For ordinary people, even a ginseng that is a little older is difficult to achieve. Find.


Even at the peak of development, if you can synthesize some corresponding drugs to make up for it, it is still difficult to cultivate.


In today's world, a blood fruit tree that can enhance qi and blood can allow countless warriors to practice the same way as Kaihang.


In comparison, it's almost nothing to say.


However, the strong development of Yi Kingdom has also attracted the attention of the monks, and at the same time, all the countries around them have come to steal their teachers.


Trouble after wave after wave.


The surrounding countries are nothing, to put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of ordinary people, their strength is not at the same level as Yi Guo, who has begun to enter the monk society.


But those monks couldn't let that go.


Especially among these people, there are powerful people whose strength is comparable to that of a fourth-level cultivator.


Most of them came because they wanted to acquire the cultivation method of changing the country. Some of the better ones were trading.


It's not good, it's just planning to take it by force.


A sect called "Luoyumen" intended to directly seize it.


His sect sent a deacon to the Yi Kingdom Palace to directly ask Yi Liang for martial arts exercises.


That gesture, as if he did not take a country as big as Yi Guo in his eyes.


At the beginning, Yi Liang still had some scruples. He didn't have any conflicts with him. He tried his best not to pass on the expression lightly, and asked him to take something in exchange.


As a result, the guy became more and more impatient, just like he couldn't understand people's words, and even once said that if Yi Liang was disobedient, he would destroy the Yi country and change its owner.


This sentence angered Yi Liang.


However, he did not act impulsive. Instead, he dispatched the great general of the dynasty, a master of innate peaks, to ask for a competition in the name of learning from each other, wanting to see the details of the opponent.


This ratio doesn't matter, but with three moves, the deacon fell to the ground with a horrified expression.


[Ge Zheng: Impossible, I am a cultivator in the Yuanhai realm, and I am a mortal martial artist, but some third-rate skills of moving qi and blood, making fists and feet, how can I compare to the immortal arts like me? 】


The general showed a disdainful smile, returned to Yi Liang, and bowed his hands.


[Yi Wu: Your Majesty, this minister lives up to his mission and won the competition by luck! 】


Yi Liang waved his hand happily.


[Yi Liang: The general has worked hard, let's return to his place first! 】


[Yi Wu: No! 】


After Yi Wu withdrew, Ge Zheng also saw the current situation clearly, but he still looked down on Yi Guo's martial arts in his heart.


This scene made Yi Liang and others put away their contempt.


In some places, they still have gaps after all.


Not long after, the people from Luoyumen came again.


This time, it was the elders of their sect who came.


His cultivation is high and deep, and the warriors of the peak innate realm are not the enemies of his unity.


In desperation, Yi Liang sent someone to find Amu.


Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to take action, and Amu's strength at the peak of the tenth level of the interior scene was naturally extraordinary. Under Lin Qianan's manipulation, he defeated the elder after a little test.


And Lin Qian'an has probably figured out the strength of this elder. It should be comparable to the initial stage of the condensing pill realm. It is not weak, but it is not too strong.


They couldn't find their way back, but instead suffered a tragic defeat. The two of them couldn't hold back their face.


Rejecting Yi Liang's offer to keep him, he left in despair.


But this scene made Yi Liang look a little sad.


The Rainfall Gate is just a small sect that was pushed out to test, and everything is just to spy on the details of Yi Guo's martial arts.


What he was really worried about was the big sect hidden behind the Rainfall Gate.


This trial is not over yet.


Next time, I am afraid there will be a real test.


Sure enough, Luoyumen directly found a reason after this, and moved a production base of Qi and Blood Pill in Yiguo.


Qi and blood pills are the foundation of the country of change, of course, they cannot be touched casually by Luo Yumen.


Thus, the first mortal kingdom declared war on the monk sect.


From ancient times to the present, cultivators have paid no attention to everything about mortals. Any cultivator's sect can easily lead the changes of a country.


Therefore, the fact that the kingdom of mortals declared war on the cultivator sect has attracted the attention of many cultivator sects in the southern region.


Although Yi Guo claimed that there were gods preaching and could be comparable to monks, they still did not believe that Yi Guo could win.


Although Luoyumen is only a small sect, there are still 100,000 monks up and down the sect.


Excluding the 40,000 monks who were similar to the Acquired Realm warriors, the remaining 60,000 monks were enough for Yi Guo to face up to.


Especially the head of the sect and the elders.


Those are all great cultivators who are comparable to the condensing pills and the interior realm.


Luo Yumen's attack on Yi Guo was inhumane, and even ordinary residents would attack unreasonably.


Lin Qianan relied on the reading file and predicted the location of the Luoyumen cultivator's attack time and time again, but he also resisted the opponent's attack.


In the end, Lin Qian'an followed the vine and found the sect of Luoyumen in one fell swoop, and directly manipulated Amu to take the high-level officials of Yi Guo to block the spring of Luoyumen.


Luoyumen sect resident.


On top of the towering mountains, various buildings are scattered in it.


Yi Liang led the Shenmu Army formed by three thousand innate warriors from the Yi Kingdom to come here.


On the other side, Rainfall Gate also responded.


In their sect, there are more than 50,000 monks who are comparable to innate warriors.


30,000 to 50,000, on the one hand there are innate warriors who can't fly but just ride some exotic beasts, and on the other are local monks who master magic weapons, can fly at will, and have a lot of methods.


The outcome of this battle seems to be understood without even looking at it.


However, Lin Qian'an said that these people were the honor guards he called over to watch the play.


Just followed by shouting "666".


The ones who are really in charge of this battle are actually Yi Liang and Amu himself.


As the reincarnation of the spirit of Shenmu, UU Kanshu Amu's talent is actually not bad, although not as good as Turtle, but apart from the lack of the bug skill [Shenwu], it is definitely comparable to the talent of Tong Zun level .


It might be a little difficult to overturn this sect, but it definitely doesn't mean it's impossible.


Accompanied by several cultivators, Taoist Luoyu, the head of Luoyumen, came to the front of the Shenmu Army with a whisk in hand.


Daoist Luoyu wore a blue robe and looked like a 60-year-old old man, but his expression was not kind, instead it gave a very arrogant feeling.


[Luoyu: Humph, mere mortals, do you think that you can challenge the monks with the help of heaven? If you hand over all the methods of martial arts cultivation, and become my vassal state of Luoyumen, there is still a chance of life, otherwise I will give you an order, and I will let your little country change the soul.  …]




Before he finished speaking, a giant **** condensed in the sky, smashed down with Amu's hands, and fell in the middle of Taoist Rain.


There was a loud noise, and the land for several hundred meters was overturned, and the vegetation, soil, and stones were evenly divided into countless particles.


And the Daoist Luoyu also turned into a part of the particles.


Lin Qianan blinked his eyes and looked at the finger he was using to press the skill.


So - without beating?




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