No Jokes Here

Chapter 266: "Shenmu Jing (Remnant, Xiaoke Evolution

With the highest combat power of Luoyumen, Luoyu Daoist was killed by Lin Qianan with Amu sneak attack, the plot of the story suddenly reversed.


The remaining Luoyumen disciples and elders couldn't make any effective resistance at all, and they were defeated by Amu and Yi Liang's men.


Rainfall Gate exists in name only.


Lin Qianan tried to obtain their cultivation method from the disciples of Luoyumen, but none of them could reveal it.


It can't be said, and it can't be recorded on paper.


If you have to do it, you will only end up with the death of your soul.


When Lin Qian'an asked how their sect taught the Fa, the elders of Luoyumen brought Amu to the sect where the jade talisman was in full bloom.


It was a blue jade talisman hanging in the air, and it faintly exuded mysterious light, which was quite extraordinary.


This jade talisman was obtained from the Sacred Land of Nishui, and was made by Immortal Nishui himself. There are 100,000 opportunities to teach the Dharma.


But on the contrary, it will also be banned, so that you can't spread it privately.


Lin Qian'an frowned, not understanding why this was happening, so he asked the Fa-teaching elder of Luo Yumen.


[Cheng Song: Not only our Luoyumen, but all the cultivation sects in the southern region must obtain the permission of the Antishui Holy Land and the Tibetan Front Holy Land before they can obtain the Dharma transmission and embark on the road of cultivation. 】


[Yi Mu: Do you have only one path of cultivation? Hasn't anyone tried to deduce a new method of practice? 】


[Cheng Song: You are joking, this method is taught by the Immortal Monarch, how can we compare it with the method we have deduced? 】


Lin Qian'an's expression became complicated, there seemed to be a big game here!


After thinking about it, he directly saved a file, and then asked Cheng Song.


[Yi Mu: Is there a number of times of teaching in this Jade Talisman? 】


Cheng Song stepped forward, asked the spell caster, and then answered.


[Cheng Song: Previously, I went to the Anti-Water Holy Land to replenish 10,000 teaching times, and currently there are 6,9023 teaching qualifications. 】


[Yi Mu: Can I use it? 】


[Cheng Song: It should be possible, and the use of the Jade Talisman is not prohibited. 】


[Yimu: How to use it? 】


[Cheng Song: Just touch the jade talisman. 】


Lin Qian'an understood, and immediately manipulated Amu to touch the jade talisman.


The next moment, a prompt appeared on the screen.


[Hint: You have already learned "Shenmu Jing (Remnant. ]


[Hint: You have been banned by the sowing method. ]


Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, isn't this the practice method that the ascendant Ku Rong Xianjun in the background story of the beginning spread all over the world?


Is this practice actually incomplete?


Opened the panel and took a look. In the skill column, there was also "Shenmu Jing (Remnant.


Lin Qianan looked at the profile.


[Shenmu Jing (Remnant): Xianjun Kurong realized the method of practice when he observed the growth of Jianmu. ]


I can't see anything special.


Immediately, Lin Qianan clicked on the skill.


I saw that Amu sat up straight and started to practice.


During the cultivation process, Lin Qian'an found that the plant essence stored by Amu began to be consumed rapidly, and after a while, a prompt appeared.


[Hint: You have already broken through to the first layer of the Shenmu Jing [nourishing acupoints]. ]


Lin Qianan touched his chin, and there really was a problem.


Cheng Song next to him saw the speed of Amu's cultivation, and his face showed shock.


[Cheng Song: With such talent, he is truly a genius!



Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to stop cultivating, and immediately asked Cheng Song in more detail.


[Yi Mu: Tell me everything you know about the "Shenmu Jing". 】


[Cheng Song: Okay, but maybe a little too much...]


[Yi Mu: I have time. 】


[Cheng Song: It all started when Jianmu was born...]


Immediately, Lin Qianan heard a new story.


After this world has been running for countless years, suddenly one day, the sky collapses and the world is about to be destroyed.


So the gods and men descended into the realm, planted trees to support the sky, and saved the world.


After that, a cultivator with extraordinary understanding observed the growth of Jianmu, and from it, he understood a method of cultivation, called "Shenmu Jing".


After he became an immortal with the help of this method, he even passed the method to all sentient beings, and then ascended to the upper realm.


Later, cultivators used the "Shenmu Jing" to break through and become immortals, but they did not ascend to the upper realm, but stayed.


The current situation is that there are eight immortal monarchs in the world, who have established eight holy places in the four regions of the south, south, and northwest, and govern all the monks and sects in the world.


They shouldered the responsibility of teaching the Dharma, and passed the "Shenmu Jing" to the monks who wanted to embark on the path of cultivation.


The reason for the limitation is that the "Shenmu Jing" itself is not suitable for everyone to practice, only those with wood-type immortal roots can practice.


If someone who does not have the corresponding talent cultivates without authorization, it will even endanger his own life.


That's why immortal monarchs set a ban in the Jade Talisman.


As for conspiracy or something, it doesn't make sense at all.


Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for the immortals not to teach the Fa at all?


In this story, there is no mention of the Nine Immortals.


Nor does it say that the "Shenmu Jing" is incomplete.


Lin Qian'an has every reason to believe that there is a huge secret here.


In addition, Lin Qian'an also asked about the cultivation realm of the "Shenmu Jing".


Since Amu now also uses the jade talisman for teaching the Fa, and has officially practiced the "Shenmu Jing", if the information told to Amu, Cheng Song will not trigger the ban, so he said it generously.


There are four realms in the "Shenmu Jing".


The first realm is raising acupuncture points.


To nurture an acupoint in the body.


The second realm, Yuanhai.


Open up Yuanhai in the acupoints of nurturing.


The third realm, the gods.


Plant the next seed of Taoism in the middle of Yuanhai.


The fourth realm, Daoshu.


Seeds grow into trees and master Taoism.


In front of Lin Qian'an, who has already been exposed to various cultivation methods, these four realms are not special.


He could even find a comparison and vaguely deduce the general situation.


Among them, the realm of God Seeds to Dao Tree is somewhat similar to the realm of spiritual practice.


Condensed the seeds of the true law in the cyclone of Dantian, and nurtured the true law mastered by oneself.


The **** seed is expressed in the form of a tree.


After all, there are all kinds of dharma gates, and they still lead to a path.


That is to master the rules.


But then again, Amu can actually use herbal essence to speed up his cultivation.


This made Lin Qianan fall into contemplation.


"Shenmu Jing" is a method created by Kurong Xianjun to observe Jianmu, and Amu is the reincarnation of Jianmu's spirit.


The degree of fit between the two is probably not comparable to the original Ku Rong Xianjun.


Why did the Eight Great Immortals forbid the dissemination of the "Shenmu Jing" and only let the monks practice the incomplete version of the "Shenmu Jing"?


To prevent the birth of the ninth immortal?


Or, they simply don't want Amu to learn this method?


But the reincarnation of Amu obviously doesn't match the time when they controlled the spread of the "Shenmu Jing"!


Do people in the Holy Land have the complete "Shenmu Jing"?


How many years have passed since Immortal Ku Rong ascended to the present day?


Everything seems to be a mystery. Lin Qianan felt that the main line of this game was very clear before, but now he feels a little confused.


Is the main line really immortal?


Is a perfect clearance really the last immortal position?


By the way, where is the last immortal position?


Lin Qian'an suddenly felt that it was not a good thing that the game's openness was too high.


The games I played before were basically black and white, with an obvious main line.


Even a game like "Demon Saint" with a time span of more than 100 million years has become the main line of the demon saint's fight against catastrophe.


Only this game has nothing.


Just lost a game character, told you a background story, and it was over.


Judging from the name of the game, Lin Qian'an felt that it was a farming game.


And the ability of the game's protagonist Amu is indeed very suitable for farming development.


However, it is not clear to what extent it ultimately needs to be developed.


There is no mission system either.


Shaking his head, Lin Qianan felt that he could only take one step at a time.




On November 2, Lin Qian'an was still playing the new game.


After the incident of Luoyumen, the attitude of the Southern Region Cultivation Sect towards Yi Guo changed.


Between mortals and monks in the past, there were absolutely two species.


For the monks, the kingdom of mortals can basically be arbitrarily manipulated, and changing dynasties is also a matter of their random words.


However, today's martial arts practice method broke the shackles, showing the strength comparable to the "Shenmu Jing", even Luoyu Daoist was killed by Amu with one blow.


Since then, the monks have coveted the method of martial arts cultivation.


After Lin Qianan thought about it, he did not stop the spread of martial arts practice. After all, this is the general trend, and Yi Guo can't stop it.


It's just that before it spreads completely, he hopes to exchange some alien plants from these sects as much as possible.


For these sects, the alien plants themselves are relatively rare, but Yi Guo didn't have a big opening, just wanted seeds and the like, and they were naturally happy to exchange them.


In the eyes of many sects, the cultivation of alien plants is very troublesome, and the living environment, the time required, the wasted manpower, etc. are not worth it.


Even if Yi Guo got the seeds, it would take a long time to cultivate them and put them into use.


However, in Amu's hands, no matter how difficult it is to grow, the xenografts can quickly grow and take shape in a short period of time.


Of course, not much can be spread.


Mainly because Lin Qianan was afraid that Amu would be noticed by the Holy Land.


The Holy Land knows that Amu has the ability to induce plants, and the emergence of mature allografts in large quantities in a short period of time can easily be suspected of Amu's head, so even if the cultivation is mature, Lin Qianan is also selective. Slowly spread in Yi country.


Just like that, time flies by.


When Amu was 180 years old.


At this time, Yiguo has undergone earth-shaking changes. The streets are full of trash cans transformed from vines, and the houses built are also related to different plants. There are lights of various colors on the roadside for lighting, and there are people standing there. In the "Public Sound Transmission Pavilion", they were talking with their friends while listening to the wind and grass with their mother and son in their hands. When someone was thirsty, they directly fetched water from the drinking pavilion converted from the water storage bamboo. All in one.


Basically, people's lives have been shrouded in all kinds of xenografts. Yiguo even has a special central institute of xenotransplantation. Under their research, many new xenografts have also appeared, and many xenografts have also been developed. The new usage of , quite a sign of the development of plant civilization.


It is also worth mentioning that now the country of Yi country has expanded a lot, and there are hundreds of warriors in the realm of condensing pills, and even a few in the realm of interior scenes have been born, and the martial arts have also spread to the surrounding countries, although more than It would be better if Shang Yi Guo did not develop so well.





November 3rd, eight in the morning.


When Lin Qian'an was thinking about whether to start spreading new transcendent knowledge, a big event happened in reality.


Xiaole's contract imprint is full of energy and is about to evolve.


In Lin Qian'an's eyes, the temperature of the bioreactor in Xiaole's body was rapidly rising, a large amount of radiation was spreading out from it, and it was also shrouded in a blue light of evolution.


Suddenly, its body swelled rapidly, and soon exceeded the upper limit that the bedroom could accommodate.


Lin Qianxin thought slightly, and the space where Xiao Ke was located was covered by his real world domain, which enlarged the size of this space more than a thousand times.


"Asura Valkyrie"


In this way, even if Xiaojie's body size becomes bigger, it will not affect the house itself.


At the same time as the body swells, Xiaojie's weight is also increasing rapidly.


It also quickly reached the capacity limit of the house.


However, these are not problems. Lin Qianan can change the spatial parameters in the field a little.


After the light of evolution dissipated, Xiao Ke's lizard state that was lying on his back has now turned into a state of standing on his hind legs.


Row after row of blue crystal-shaped bone spurs bulges behind, and there are faintly majestic energy fluctuations spreading out.


At the same time, around Xiaole's body, radiation is radiating all the time, affecting the life outside.


This radiation can be said to be good, but it can also be said to be bad.


Because it evolves by inducing the surrounding animals and plants to adapt to it.


If it is said that ordinary creatures adapt to the environment, small ones are to let the environment adapt to it.


That's the scary thing about Godzilla.


But at this time, Xiao Ke was shrouded in Lin Qian'an's real world. He was only the size of a figure. Not only did he not look scary, but he was a little cute.


Lin Qianan stretched out his palm and placed it in front of Xiao Ke.


Qi raised his foot slightly, stepped directly on Lin Qian'an's palm, and was held by Lin Qian'an to his chest.


When their eyes met, Xiaole let out a cheerful cry.


"Ah~hh~ hoo~!"


A hot blue breath spurted out, and it dissipated when it landed about ten centimeters in front of Lin Qian'an.


Lin Qian'an said softly, "Small, this place is too narrow, how about I change you to a bigger room?"


"Huh~??" Xiaoji tilted his head in confusion.


"Forget it, it's a little hard to tell you this, I'll let you go and have a look!" Lin Qianan shook his head and said.


After speaking, Lin Qian'an thought about it, and Xiao Ji disappeared directly from the palm of his hand and appeared in the real world of Tanzhong.


In this real world, the spiritual energy is a hundred times richer than the outside world. At the same time, there are countless kinds of spiritual beasts and spiritual plants. Most of them evolved from the insects and plants that Lin Qianan originally created in it.


Hundreds of years seem to be short, but with the help of rich spiritual energy, the evolution of these spirit beasts is still great.


After Xiaole entered the real world, her figure grew to a size of five meters, and she immediately began to play happily in it.


Because of the contract, it could sense Lin Qian'an's gaze.


So at this time, I wasn't worried because I couldn't see Lin Qian'an.


"It seems that this place is quite suitable for you. Live a good life and find some friends for you." Lin Qianan said with a smile.


"Choo Choo Choo?"


At this time, Xiao Jiu flapped his wings and flew into Lin Qian'an's arms, asking him.


"Do you want to go in and see the kid?" Lin Qian'an asked.


"Chiu Chiu?" Xiao Chiu made a thought, and then it suddenly burst into colorful light and disappeared directly in place.


Just when Lin Qianan wondered where Xiao Jiu had gone, he suddenly felt that Xiao Jiu appeared in the real world within his body.


Lin Qianan opened his mouth, and his expression became a little weird.


He decides all the rules in the real world. Logically speaking, without his consent, even if it exists at the fifth level, it will be difficult to enter.


But Xiao Jiu easily entered the real world in his body.


Should it be worthy of it?


Xiaojiu easily found Xiaojie in the real world. After chatting with Xiaojie for a while, he flashed back to the real world.


Lin Qianan looked at Xiao Chiu who came and went freely, and said with a subtle expression on his face: "Little Chiu, don't you plan to live in it?"


"Tweet Tweet~! Tweet Tweet~ Tweet Tweet..." Xiao Jiu shook his head and explained.


Lin Qianan understood Xiaojiu's words. Xiaojiu meant that there was no TV, no cartoons to watch, and no college students to play with him. Most importantly, he didn't like Lin Qianan without him. There.


Putting Xiao Jiu in his arms, Lin Qianan buried his head in the fluff and took a deep breath: "You're doing such a good job of wishful thinking! No one will **** the remote control from you in the future, right?"


"Jiu Jiu Jiu~!" Xiao Jiu's wings fluttered, and his expression looked very disdainful.


"Okay, okay, I know Xiaoke is a little stupid, but I can't rob you!


"Lin Qianan said helplessly.


Xiao Jiu never took Xiao Hao as an opponent from beginning to end. To him, Xiao Hao was speechless. He had studied a dictionary for half a month and still couldn't recognize a few words, like a mentally handicapped man.


Give it half a month, and there are a hundred and a thousand dictionaries to memorize.


If it weren't for the evolution of a speaking organ, which is a bit of a waste of energy and meaningless, it would be fine to become the language master of this world directly.


Lin Qianan shook his head.


Xiaojiu and Xiaojie are not at the same level at all.


Usually, Xiaojiu treats Xiaojie a bit like taking children. Forcing them together is indeed a bit wronged by Xiaojiu.


But it's alright now, since Xiaoke likes to play freely in the real world, let him make a riot in it.


In the future, Xiao Jiu won't have to teach him how to read and read as helplessly as a child.


At this time, under the deliberate guidance of Lin Qian'an, Xiao Ke found a spiritual crystal vein buried in the world of true magic.


The formation of spiritual crystals is that when the spiritual veins release spiritual energy, they infect the surrounding soil or ores into spiritual energy crystals.


A large number of spiritual energy crystals are gathered together, which is the spiritual crystal ore vein.


Today, in Lin Qian'an's real world, there are at least hundreds of large and small spiritual crystal ore veins.


According to the current number of spiritual crystals produced, there are at least one million spiritual crystals produced a day.


In this comparison, the number of spiritual crystals that the Dragon Group had given him before was actually very small.


However, the dragon group itself has to support such a huge organization, there are so many extraordinary people inside, and they may not have as many spiritual crystal ore veins as Lin Qian'an in this true world, so Lin Qianan feels that for the dragon group, It can be said that it is very difficult for them to distribute so many spirit crystals to Lin Qianan.


At this moment, the smallest piece of the spiritual crystal that appeared in Xiao Ke's eyes was one meter square.


Xiaojie had never seen so many delicious food, so she opened her mouth and bit the spirit crystal.


Its razor-sharp teeth easily cut through the spirit crystal, chewing and swallowing most of the spirit crystal into the stomach.


Seeing this scene, Lin Qian'an's eyes showed the yin and yang gossip, and immediately a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Perhaps for it, this choice is the best.




After dealing with Xiao Ke's affairs, Lin Qian'an continued to play games.


The martial arts in the game have already developed almost, so this time, Lin Qianan directly spread the extraordinary knowledge of Qixiu.


At the beginning, it could only be spread in a small area. At present, the cultivating utensils of qixiu, Lin Qian'an are all the different plants cultivated by the Amu they chose.


For example, [Sharpness] and [Toughness] are dual-feature swords and grasses.


Or [Lightness], [Royal Wind] dual-character Feather Flower or something.


In addition, Lin Qian'an has also cultivated mutant plants with three or even four characteristics.


However, due to its relatively tasteless characteristics, and because it is not suitable for use as a natal artifact, it can only be abandoned.


Lin Qian'an really wanted to see what kind of flower these cultivators would give birth to, using the different plants as the true artifact of their own destiny.


Currently, because of the need to do plant experiments, Lin Qian'an is not as fast-forward as "The Demon Saint".


So at the end of the day, the game progressed to when Amu was 250 years old, and the current equipment repair has just started, and I haven't seen any more interesting equipment repair experts appear.


However, Lin Qianan is not in a hurry. It has only started this month, so he can take it slow.


In the evening, Lin Qianan took out the advent card in the training tower and took a look.


Because Tong Zun and the God of Witchcraft have not made much progress in the past two days, he changed the Advent Cards of the True Monarch of Ten Thousand Swords Li Qinglian, the Demon Saint Ao Shou and the Decomposition Knight Jervis to try it out.


Among the three advent cards, the [Demon Saint Advent Card] is placed on the fourth floor, the [Wanjian Zhenjun Advent Card] is placed on the third floor, and the [Decomposition Knight Advent Card] is placed on the second floor.


Except for Wanjian Zhenjun who released the "Yunqi Zhenjing", which is a 564% fit, no other exercises have been added.


After taking out the three cards, Lin Qianan used the three Advent cards respectively and felt the progress of the three cards' cultivation.


Needless to say, Turtle Turtle, in the fourth floor, plus its own [Nayuan] Dao supernatural power, it is still very powerful to practice.


Lin Qian'an could feel that the improvement of the turtles was great, very big!


But if you insist on data comparison, less than one in 100,000,000?


There is no way, the overall strength of the turtle is too strong, even if it is one in 100 million, it is estimated that it can hang a bunch of fourth-level extraordinary people.


So, the fourth floor of the training tower really doesn't improve the turtles much.


Afterwards, Lin Qianan used the Wanjian Zhenjun Arrival Card again, and felt it.


Li Qinglian's promotion left Lin Qian'an speechless.


He feels that little is better than nothing, and he hasn't improved much anyway.


However, it is understandable. After all, I went the wrong way. There are 1.18 million natal swords that need to be cultivated.


If Li Qinglian wants to break through to the fifth-level Xiaozhen realm, this TM is estimated to have to grow old!


But if Li Qinglian breaks through, Lin Qianan thinks that the picture must be wonderful.


In addition to the Ruyi Qinglian Sword, there are 1,180,000 natal instruments.


When one move [Wan Jian Zhen Jue] is thrown, who can stop it?


The last thing is to dismantle the knight Jervis.


This existence has just reached the fourth level.


After Lin Qianan took it out and used it, an unexpected expression appeared on his face.


Although he was practicing on the second floor, Jervis' improvement was not small. It was considered that he was promoted to the fourth-level elementary level to the level that he was about to reach the fourth-level intermediate level.


This advent card seems a little embarrassing to Lin Qianan now.


There are basically no auxiliary functions, the combat ability is not comparable to other cards, and the growth limit does not feel high.


With a sigh, Lin Qianan felt that in a short period of time, Jervis should continue to eat ashes in the warehouse.


No way, compared to other advent cards, it's really too tasteless.


In addition, the two arrival cards of Li Qinglian and Turtle should not be thrown into the training tower for the time being to waste training time.


The low-level training towers don't improve much for them, so let's use them for the rest of the Arrival Cards first, and pull up the average level of strength first!




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