No Jokes Here

Chapter 264: change of dynasty

Xianjun! !

Lin Qian'an recalled the background story of the opening chapter.

The word Xianjun seems to be the honorific title used for monks who have the position of immortal.

In other words, the person in front of him is one of the eight immortals in the world.

From the other party's words, Lin Qianan also roughly analyzed the cause and effect.

The Eight Holy Lands are indeed where the eight Immortal Monarchs are. They issued a holy order to find Amu, just wanting him to go back and become the **** tree that supports the sky again.

Lin Qianan wanted to know what would happen if Amu didn't go back.

So he asked.

[Yi Mu: What if I don't go back? 】

[Backwater: Then this world will become incomplete again, and eventually return to chaos. 】

Lin Qian'an understood, it turned out to be the case.

He almost knew the background story of the game.

The spirit of Shenmu fled for fun and was reincarnated as a human, and then the immortals sent their subordinates to find it, and it happened that the last immortal position in the world was not obtained.

Then the people who were reincarnated by the spirit of the divine wood, after a lot of competition, won the last immortal position and became the ninth immortal monarch.

In the end, the world is about to return to chaos, and the ninth immortal and the other eight immortals will join hands to save the world?

Or simply ascend directly and ignore the creatures in this world?

Pretty much the story.

It is similar to the legend that in the fairy tales, the immortals in charge of important responsibilities play in the lower realm, causing chaos in the heavens.

The theme of the story is accession.

Let the immortals who were originally unreasonable understand the true feelings of the world, and eventually grow up to take responsibility and so on.

If he guessed correctly, as a player, what he should do is to hide himself as much as possible, not to be discovered, then improve his strength, and finally win the last immortal position and play a perfect clearance.

[Yi Mu: Then take me back! 】

Hearing this, Nishui Xianjun nodded, a blue mysterious light wrapped around Amu, and immediately, the surrounding pictures began to change rapidly.

Not long after, a huge sacred tree appeared in front of the screen.

At this time, the sacred tree has become a little dry, and the leaves on it are turning yellow and about to fall.

[Counterwater: Go back. 】

With that said, the reverse water pushed Amu directly in front of Shenmu.

Lin Qian'an did not have any control authority, but only saw that Amu turned into a green seed and entered the sacred tree after approaching the sacred tree. Immediately, the whole tree began to revive again.

[Hint: Game over! ]

[Game evaluation: A trip to the world, you walked around the world and looked at the scenery outside. ]

[Do you want to save customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]


Lin Qianan decisively clicked No.

The ending of this game is equivalent to him watching the plot for a while, and then going straight through.

What he wants is the end of his life.


After reading the file again, Lin Qianan returned to the scene of borrowing food.

This time, no more food can be lent to the villagers in any case.

Otherwise, Amu's special estimate will be exposed.

Even Lin Qian'an was a little suspicious that the reason why Luo Yuanguo increased his income was to force Amulai out.

This sounds ridiculous. After all, there are more than 3,000 countries in the southern region. Could it be that all countries can increase their fields and lives together, just to see if there is a reincarnation of the spirit of the gods?

But in fact, Lin Qianan thinks this is very possible.

If it really concerns the life and death of the whole world, those high-ranking immortals will never care about the lives of ordinary people.

Nothing more than some numbers, some ants.

Maybe not only the southern region, the eastern region, the northern region, and the western region have all suffered the same treatment.

Perhaps, Amu can directly return to Shenmu and prevent these ordinary people from dying because of it.

But Amu doesn't seem to have the responsibility to protect the world. It is also an independent individual with its own thoughts.

Even from the background story, Amu has been shouldering this world since the beginning, but now he is very tired, so he just came out to rest.

The real problem is the system of this world.

It is the attitude of those who are high above.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Qianan felt that this game might have a deeper meaning hidden in it.

Since there is no food for the villagers, the villagers can only find ways to solve the problem by themselves.

Some choose to go hunting in the mountains, some choose to go down the river to hunt for shrimps and fish, some go to find wild vegetables, and some want to seek refuge with relatives.

Just a simple increase of 20% of the land fortune can make the villagers feel uncomfortable.

When Amu was seven years old, a lot of things happened in the village. Young and old villagers starved to death, some people went hunting in the mountains and were killed by wild beasts, and some people died by eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake.

In the end, these things just turned into the emotions of Yi Liang and Sun He when they chatted after dinner.

What surprised Lin Qianan was that, compared to Sun He, Yi Liang seemed more angry whenever he talked about similar things.

He would always criticize the officials of the imperial court and talk about the corruption at the top.

Perhaps it was because he had been an official before.

Soon, Amu grew up to nine years old.

At this time, Amu's level has reached the fourth level. In the absence of ginseng tonic, his martial arts cultivation has also reached the realm of the early stage of condensing pills. Yi Liang and Sun He have also reached the peak of innate.

Needless to say, Amuna's ability to induce plants is really strong.

After changing the normal cultivation situation, it would be good for them to have an acquired second-rate progress now.

During this period of time, Lin Qian'an also manipulated Amu to plant a lot of new mutant plants, and at the same time, he also developed Hemu that can greatly increase production.

The [Yield Increase] feature of this Hemu is much stronger than that of the original version. Compared with ordinary Hemu, it can grow at least five times more grain.

In theory, if this kind of grass is planted, the villagers will never be short of food again.

However, Lin Qianan had some scruples after all, afraid that if the seeds spread out, Amu would be discovered and then directly arrested.

But having been so timid all the time, he was also a little uncomfortable.

So Lin Qianan saved the file again and began to test it.

The seeds soon spread out through some unknown channels and were given to the villagers to plant.

The villagers were skeptical, but planted them in a small area.

A year later, when Amu was ten years old, the golden rice ears of the new Hemu were already hanging on the ground. The villagers were overjoyed and decided to plant them on a large scale.

Lin Qianan waited for the personnel from the Holy Land, but did not wait.

Even until Amu was twelve years old, the mutant Hemu with increased production was called auspicious by the entire Luoyuan Kingdom, and no one from the Holy Land came to look for Amu.

So how did they discover Amu before?

This doubt lingered in Lin Qian'an's heart, but was not answered.

At this time, because of Amu's age change and the fact that Yi Liang and Sun He's martial arts had reached the realm of condensing pills, they had already planned to move.

Before leaving, they destroyed all traces of life, and backfilled the cellar with soil, and finally, a fire burned the entire wooden house before giving up.

After a long journey, Yi Liang and the others took Amu to Qingtang Town, which is more than 500 miles away from Hongshan Village.

After purchasing the property, they settled in the town.

The town is busier than Hongshan Village, and there are more people here.

Amu was also sent to the academy in the town to study.

What the academy teaches is reading and literacy, which is reflected in the game. Lin Qianan only needs to manipulate Amu to flip through the book to complete the learning task, and the rest of the time can be freely arranged.

During these hours, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to toss the flowers and plants in his backyard.

Yi Liang also seemed to have found a new purpose in life and stayed home all day.

Sun He is in charge of taking care of Amu.

On the way, Sun Hu came twice, made out with Amu, chatted with Yi Liang and the others for a while, and then left.

In Lin Qian'an's fast-forward, time came to when Amu was eighteen years old.

That night, more than 20 black-clothed assassins came to the Yi residence. Without saying a word, they directly attacked Sun He and Yi Liang.

However, Yi Liang and Sun He, who were already in the middle stage of condensing pills, subdued them with a backhand.

Lin Qian'an Cheng just manipulated Amu to watch a play.

Yi Liang grabbed one of the assassins and pressed him.

[Yi Liang: Who are you? 】

[Chu Jiusheng: Blood stains the high hall, no grass grows! ! 】

Hearing the sound, Yi Liang's expression changed dramatically.

[Yi Liang: Imperial Court Blood Guard? Is that Gao An? Twenty years have passed, and he still doesn't trust me? 】

The assassin didn't say much, but blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, took the poison with a smile and died.

The rest of the assassins also bit the poison sac in their mouth and committed suicide.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to come forward and question Yi Liang.

[Yi Mu: Father, who are they and why are they here? 】

Yi Liang was silent for a long time, then turned around and walked into the room, leaving a sentence at the same time.

[Yi Liang: Come with me! It's time to tell you everything. 】

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to follow Yi Liang, while Sun He began to deal with the corpses in the yard.

Entering the house, the door was closed, Yi Liang stood by the window with his hands on his back, the light of the lantern reflected on Yi Liang's side face, and he began to slowly tell the past.

[Yi Liang: Twenty years ago, before you were born, at that time, I was highly regarded by my teacher and rose all the way up...]

Fast forward! !

[Yi Liang: I am in charge of supervising the carving of the Jade Buddha that was paid to the court...]

Fast forward!

[Yi Liang: Later, when the Jade Buddha disappeared, I was sentenced to death...]

Fast forward!

[Yi Liang: But what does this have to do with the Jade Buddha? If I lose the Jade Buddha, I would be guilty of dereliction of duty at most, and I won’t end up dead. In the final analysis, it’s because my teacher and I advocated reform and moved the interests of the gentry. reason! ! 】

Fast forward!

[Yi Liang: The teacher worked hard to find a substitute for me, and I was able to escape by suspended animation. found me. 】

Lin Qianan quickly read Yi Liang's words, and quickly summed up the ins and outs.

simply put.

Twenty years ago, Yi Liang was an official in the court of Luo Yuanguo, and his position was not small. His immediate boss was also his teacher, Liu Zhixi, who advocated reform, which hurt the interests of the aristocratic family and caused them to be excluded by other officials.

In particular, there is also a rival named Gao An, who has a high position and authority, and Liu Zhixi can be called the emperor's right-hand man.

This Gao An resorted to a trick, and found a matter of the Jade Buddha to frame it, framed Yi Liang and put him in prison, and sentenced him to death.

After Liu Zhixi managed to rescue him, Yi Liang chose to live in seclusion.

In today's court, Liu Zhixi has been dead for a long time, but Gao An, who was the nemesis of the year, has become a very high-ranking official and has become the prime minister of the court.

He discovered Yi Liang's clues, so he sent people to eliminate future troubles.

Lin Qianan felt very bored after hearing this.

Today's Yi Liang is already a master in the middle stage of the Pill Condensation Realm. Not to mention too much, he can easily deal with thousands of troops.

This little problem can be dealt with backhandedly.

[Yi Mu: Father, what are you going to do? 】

[Yi Liang: The teacher advised me to stop worrying about these things, but how could I ignore them? Today, the gentry are oppressing the common people, and they only know how to exploit them. There is injustice everywhere. Even if there is a hemp that can produce two thousand catties per mu, there are still people who starve to death, and the people are struggling to live. If it was before, I couldn’t help it. Ability, how can you watch it with your eyes? 】

[Yi Mu: No matter what father you do, the child will fully support you! ! 】

Yi Liang was slightly moved, but still shook his head.

[Yi Liang: Mu’er, you were born extraordinary and destined to become a great person. I don’t want you to get involved in these mundane things. You don’t have to worry about me. I have already received a lot of help from you. I can handle these things, you can just do your own thing at ease. 】


Regarding Yi Liang's affairs, Lin Qian'an didn't care.

He has long known that the monks in this world are actually not conspicuous, or that they do not easily interfere with the world.

Among the rules formulated by the Eight Holy Lands, the secular dynasties have their own operating rules. If not necessary, they prohibit the monks from interfering in the secular on a large scale.

The Eight Great Holy Lands here refers to the Eight Great Immortal Monarchs sitting in town and issuing holy orders to search for the holy places of Amu.

The so-called Holy Land, for ordinary people, is no longer as simple as being high above.

but unimaginable.

Ordinary people know the existence of holy places at most, but they don't know what the specific situation of holy places is.

The Holy Land is the top power in the world. Under the Holy Land, there are countless monks and sects. Under these monks and sects, is the kingdom of mortals.

In Lin Qian'an's last reading, he found Amu's Liuxi Sect, one of the major sects in charge of the Anti-Water Holy Land.

For Luo Yuanguo, Liuxi Sect is an existence that can decide the life and death of the entire country in one word.

Of course, Liuxi Sect didn't care about Luo Yuanguo's life or death.

Everything in the world is of little significance to these monks.

Mortals live and die in a hurry for a hundred years.

Compared with the long life of a monk, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Can't step into the door of practice, ordinary people and them are two worlds.

After being attacked by assassins, Yi Liang moved Amu and Sun He to the Huwei Escort in Taiping Town.

On the bright side, he used the power of Huwei Escort to escape, but in fact he asked Sun He and Amu to come over to protect Sun Hu.

Sure enough, not long after, Huwei Escort encountered all kinds of troubles, and Sun He also shot several times one after another.

With the help of powerful force, these small problems were quickly resolved.

On the other hand, Yi Liang disappeared for longer and longer.

Finally, when Amu was nineteen years old, Yi Liang rose up and led the oppressed people to rebel.

Although the army led by Yi Liang was only some people who were unwilling to be oppressed, he himself had been brewing for a long time, and with his extraordinary strength, he quickly lost nearly a third of Luo Yuanguo's land after a series of victories.

In this, Lin Qianan also manipulated Amu to help a lot.

The food problem was solved by Amu.

In the process of rebelling, Lin Qianan also saw Luo Yuanguo's fundamentally bad problems here.

When ordinary people are so hungry that they have no food to eat, the dignitaries here in Luo Yuanguo are extremely extravagant and wasteful.

It really answered that sentence, the wine and meat of Zhumen stinks, and the road has frozen bones.

From the beginning to the end, what ordinary people ask for is just a bite of food, but even so, they are not satisfied.

How can such a country continue to exist without changing the law?

It was only then that Lin Qianan realized that he had misunderstood those immortal monarchs. It wasn't that they made Luo Yuanguo increase Tian Fu, but that Luo Yuanguo's high-level officials were bad.

It is also true that the immortals have reached the peak of the world, so why do they need to rely on the stupid method of increasing Tian Fu to find Amu?

Any method similar to Spiritual Mind Scanning would probably be more efficient.

The rebellion continued, and soon Luo Yuanguo was captured by the army led by Yi Liang.

However, just when Lin Qianan thought that Yi Liang would completely change the dynasty of Luo Yuanguo so smoothly and directly, a monk with a sword suddenly descended from the sky and surrounded Amu who was escorting food and grass.

A handsome man dressed in white and holding a three-foot green blade looked at Amu.

[Yao Ming: Are you the Shenmu general Yimu who can make food and grass out of thin air? 】

Lin Qianan frowned, typed and asked.

[Yi Mu: I am Yi Mu, who are you? 】

[Yao Ming: I am Yao Ming, the true disciple of Yujianmen. 】

[Yi Mu: Yujianmen? 】

Lin Qian'an had played this game for so long, and had never heard of this sect at all.

[Yao Ming: You haven't heard that it's normal. Let me ask you, how did you produce this massive amount of grain and grass? 】

Hearing this, Lin Qianan secretly saved a file here before continuing the conversation.

[Yi Mu: Why are you asking this? 】

[Yao Ming: I have my own reasons, you just need to answer. 】

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan decided to show it to him.

As a result, Lin Qian'an immediately manipulated Amu to perform a performance induced by plants and trees.

[Yi Mu: Did you know? 】

Seeing this scene, Yao Ming's expression changed.

[Yao Ming: Control the essence of plants and trees, you are the reincarnation of the spirit of divine wood! ! ! 】

Saying that, Yao Ming raised his hand and threw a sword-shaped jade talisman.

This jade talisman rose into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Immediately, not long after, a white sword light in the sky shattered the void, and in the next instant, a young man with a sword-shaped dao pattern on his eyebrows, a jade crown on his head, and a white long gown flew from the sky and landed in front of Amu. .

Yao Ming and others next to him bowed and saluted.

[Yao Ming: Yao Ming, the true legend of Yujianmen, has seen Xianjun Zangfeng. 】

Xianjun Zangfeng didn't pay attention to Yao Ming's intention, but looked at Amu and slowly extended his hand.

[Zang Feng: Come back with me, without you, the Shenmu has already started to wither. 】

Lin Qian'an had a puzzled expression. He had cultivated for so many years that the mutant plant had not been found. Why was it found at this time?

This question, Lin Qianan decided to ask Zang Feng himself.

[Yi Mu: How did you find me? 】

When Zang Feng heard the words, he couldn't help frowning.

[Zang Feng: Do you still want to escape next time? 】

[Yi Mu: I'm just curious, I won't go back if you don't tell me! ! 】

Hearing this, Zang Feng looked a little helpless.

[Zang Feng: Well, let me tell you! As the spirit of the sacred tree, you are the leader of the vegetation in the world, and you have the ability to control the essence of the vegetation. Therefore, as long as there is a large-scale mature vegetation, I will instruct the subordinate sects to search. You have created a large number of plants in the army. Food and grass, but can't find the source, naturally understand that it may be you. 】

I see! !

Lin Qian'an's head was completely enlightened.

No wonder it was found last time.

In Hongshan Village before, it was probably because the grain production was a little too exaggerated, and it was not because of the crops themselves, so they were found.

And when he read the file for the second time, although he produced a mutated Hemu that can increase production, it was the food produced naturally in the field, and there were traces to follow, so he escaped the search.

In other words, the Holy Lands only know that Amu has the ability to spawn plants, but they don't know that Amu can make plants mutate.

Therefore, as long as Lin Qian'an does not promote the growth of plants in large quantities, he will basically not be discovered.

After understanding this, Lin Qian'an put down the big stone on his head.

At first, he thought it was going to be hell.

After all, being wanted by the Eight Holy Lands, it is still very difficult to dance with such a big shackle.

Now it seems that although the difficulty is still there, it has changed from **** difficulty to hero difficulty.

[Zang Feng: Should you go back with me? 】

At this time, Zang Feng asked again.

[Yi Mu: Sorry, I still have something to do, next time! ! 】


After typing this sentence, Lin Qianan directly read the file before Zang Feng could react.

This time the file is read directly back to the initial stage of Yi Liang's rebellion.

At this time, Amu hadn't started to use his abilities to solve the army's food problem for Yi Liang.

At the place where the army was stationed, a black handsome flag with Yi characters was standing.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu into the main tent.

At this time, Yi Liang was listening to the report of his subordinates.

In terms of fighting, they have no problem at the moment.

Nowadays, everyone in the military is practicing martial arts, not to mention many, some simple external skills are still popular.

Relying on stronger physical fitness, it is not a problem to fight one against two or three.

But the problem now is that the problem of food is not easy to solve.

Yi Jun's food supply is too far away, and the longer the front is drawn, the more difficult it is to transport food supplies.

As a result, they will not be able to successfully complete their goals in a short period of time.

After the officer finished reporting, Yi Liang screened him back and looked at Amu.

[Yi Liang: Mu’er, what are you doing here? 】

[Yi Mu: Father, I heard that there is a problem with the supply of food and grass in your army. Maybe I can help you solve this problem. 】

Hearing this, Yi Liang immediately shook his head.

[Yi Liang: Mu’er, the Eight Holy Lands have been searching for your whereabouts all the time. Although I don’t know why the Holy Land is looking for you, it’s best not to expose yourself just in case. 】

[Yi Mu: Father, you can rest assured about these things, I have my own way, and I will definitely not be discovered. 】

[Yi Liang: What can I do? 】

In Yi Liang's puzzled expression, Lin Qian'an manipulated Amu to hand over a pitch-black bamboo tube.

Yi Liang got the bamboo tube, and after looking at it for a while, he seemed to have found something, so he picked up the object on the table and stuffed it into it.

One piece, one piece after another! !

After the entire table was stuffed, there was still a big gap in the bamboo tube, and finally Yi Liang even stuffed the entire table in.

That's right, this is another mutant plant.

[Variation ink bamboo (three years): A mutated ink bamboo, although its appearance has not changed, but the inside of the bamboo tube seems to have a great space. [Feature: Storage]]

[Storage: More items can be stored. ]

Variation ink bamboo has the characteristics of space.

Ten years of mutated black bamboo, a bamboo tube can store more than 500 catties of grain, and when it is full of items, the weight is still only as heavy as a bamboo tube, and the transportation process has become easier.

Relying on this to transport food can also solve the problem of food transportation in the army.

At this time, Yi Liang also showed joy.

[Yi Liang: Mu’er, you have helped me a lot. 】

[Yi Mu: This is what a child should do. 】


With the help of the storage ink bamboo tube, Yi Liang quickly solved the problem of food transportation.

And just as Lin Qianan thought, the army was indeed secretly poked by the monks to investigate the food issue.

But after discovering that it was because of the ink bamboo tube, those monks left.

Nothing was associated with Amu at all.

As time passed, when Amu was twenty years old, Yi Liang led the army into Hengwu, the capital of Luoyuan and took the former teacher's nemesis, the current Prime Minister Gao An with a sword.

Then he found the emperor who was having fun with the palace maid, and gave the emperor a glass of poisonous wine.

After the emperor's death, Yi Liang repeatedly refused at the request of his subordinates to no avail, and finally took the throne and set the country's name as Yi.

At this point, Luo Yuanguo officially changed the dynasty and became Yiguo.

------off topic-----

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