No Jokes Here

Chapter 263: Plant the land, come to the door

Amu's parents are very secretive about the Holy Land.

When Lin Qianan asked, he didn't get much information.

They only know that the Holy Land is the supreme existence above all the forces of the world. In the Holy Land, there are omnipotent immortals living. Other than that, they don't know anything.

As for the talents they are looking for, and what the alien beasts or humans that can control plants and trees are for, no one knows.

Lin Qianan decided to put these aside and investigate slowly.

As for now, he has to start implementing the plan.

The first is the issue of food. Due to the increase in the court's land tax, we must find a way to increase the production of food.

In this regard, the ability to use Amu directly is definitely the best.

But the Holy Land is also looking for Amu, so the ability must not be exposed directly, but must be hidden.

The best place to hide is under the ground.

After a little discussion, Yi Liang agreed with Lin Qian'an's plan.

With the reputation of being taught by a **** and carrying a mission, and the fact that their children were born extraordinary, Yi Liang and Sun He no longer dared to shackle Amu's development as before.

So, after a lot of tossing, Lin Qianan finally got his free farming rights.

He asked Yi Liang to dig a small cellar from the ground, and divided two pieces of land of about ten square meters.

Lin Qian'an marked the two fields, one for the experimental field and the other for the cultivation field.

The experiment is to grow new plants that have not been tried before, and the cultivation field is to grow food or plants that have been determined to be useful.

The underground space is very small, and it is humid and no sunlight. Logically speaking, it is not suitable for plant growth, but with Amu's special ability, even on a stone, Lin Qian'an can grow plants.

At present, one of the staple food crops planted by the people of Luoyuan country is called "He".

In terms of appearance, it looks a bit like a Poaceae rice plant, which is very similar to real rice, but it is very drought-tolerant, and the rhizome is not an annual herb, but a small shrub that grows directly after planting. It looks like, and then grows ears of rice from the branches. It is not so much a herb as it is a small shrub of a woody plant.

[He] grows at a height of more than half a person, about 80 centimeters, and the yield is also very low. According to the information obtained by Lin Qian'an, the yield per mu is only 600 catties.

Compared with the super rice that can even reach thousands of kilograms per mu in reality, he is completely the younger brother.

However, it also has advantages, that is, you don't need to waste too much manpower to supervise the plant, apply a little fertilizer, pay attention to insect pests, birds and beasts, etc., you can get the due harvest.

Generally, a tree can be harvested repeatedly for about five years, and then it will gradually wither.

Lin Qian'an got a seed of "He" and planted it in the cultivation field. Immediately, he pressed the e button to directly induce the birth.

Under the growth of herbal essence, the seeds sprout and grow rapidly, the leaves are extended, the rhizomes are thick, the flowers and fruits grow, and golden ears of rice grow.

Soon, a tree with a height of about 80 centimeters appeared in front of Lin Qian'an.

What kind of power is it to force plants to grow and bear fruit without insect pollination.

There is no doubt that this must also be a rule-level method.

And judging from Amu's origins, it can't be said that it is not an ordinary rule method.

With a click of the mouse, Lin Qianan saw the profile information of this [He] tree.

[Hemu (one year): a lush grass. [Feature: None]]

There is no characteristic, but it has grown to this point, which has already surprised Lin Qianan.

Called his father Yi Liang and asked him to harvest the rice ears on the Hemu, and Lin Qianan tried the second round of growing.

A green light radiated from Amu's palm, and the harvested hemp soon went through reincarnation again, growing new ears of rice.

Lin Qianan went to check it again and found that its attributes had not changed much.

[Hemu (two years): A luxuriant Hemu. [Feature: None]]

Harvest and grow again.

After five consecutive visits, the growth of Hemu has reached its limit.

The limit here refers to the year.

fixed for five years.

But it doesn't mean that Lin Qian'an can't continue to use the herbal essence to give birth to this grass.

He can still harvest repeatedly, and then spawn again and again.

You only need to consume a little grass and tree essence, you can get the rice ears of the whole grass tree, and one grass tree can get almost unlimited food.

Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to find a few trees outside to absorb it, and he could get dozens of plant essences.

So the efficiency is still very high.

It took two days for Tian Fu's problem to be quietly resolved.

In the process, Lin Qianan also discovered another mechanism.

That is the probability of plant variation.

The ten percent mentioned here is not calculated according to the number of times Amu used the herbal essence to promote plants, but according to the number of plants.

That is to say, a ten percent chance of mutation is an average of one mutation for every ten plants produced.

Therefore, Lin Qianan also planted a new grass tree.

Its height has reached more than two meters, and the coverage of leaves and rice ears is also very wide, covering almost half of the ten square meters of cultivated fields. The size of a human pinky finger.

[Variation grass (fifteen years): a mutant grass, the output has been increased, and the grain has become more plump. [Feature: Increase production]]

[Increased yield: The number of plant seeds has increased substantially. ]

This is a very interesting grass, and its output has reached about three times that of ordinary grass.

It reminded Lin Qian'an of Mu He in myths and legends.

However, compared to Mu He with Wuxun and Wuwei, the Hemu here is still far behind.

Although this magical crop has been grown, it is impossible for this thing to be circulated outside, so it can only be eaten in private.

Not to mention, the grain of the mutant Hemu is more nutritious, and it is also of great help for people who practice martial arts to extract infuriating energy.

Complementing each other, it made Sun He and Yi Liang's improvement in martial arts cultivation much faster.

But even so, Lin Qianan was not satisfied.

He wanted to find better, more suitable plants.

In the test field, Lin Qian'an brought out a mutant plant, but most of them were not very suitable for mutation, so Lin Qianan used Amu's ability to absorb the plant essence contained in it again.

Over and over again, at least 50% of the plant essence is lost.

However, there is a loss in the transmission of energy, which is normal.

It only loses 50%, which is already very efficient.

This year, because of Amu's reasons, even if Tian Fu's income increased by 20%, they passed it smoothly.

If someone else asked, Sun He and Yi Liang would shirk their old father to Huwei Escort.

When Amu was six years old, a mighty old man with white hair and beard, wearing a tiger-patterned cloak and a wide-backed steel sword, came to Hongshan Village surrounded by a crowd.

It is the head of Huwei Escort, Sun He's father, Yi Liang's father-in-law, and Amu's grandfather.

He led the horse and came outside Amu's house.

[Sun Hu: My good son-in-law, go out and see who is here! 】

As soon as Sun Hu put on his cloak, he swaggered and sat at the door.

Hearing the sound, Sun He and Yi Liang also led Amu to the door quickly and bowed to him.

[Yi Liang: The youngest son-in-law has seen his father-in-law. 】

[Sun He: Dad, why are you here? Why sit here, come in and sit! 】

After some conversation, Sun He led Sun Hu into the house.

After everyone sat down, Sun He came to Sun Hu with Amu in his arms.

[Sun He: Mu'er, call your grandfather quickly. 】

[Yi Mu: Grandpa. 】

Seeing Amu, Sun Hu seemed very happy.

He stretched out his hand and took Amu from Sun He's hand and held it in his arms, with a smile on his face.

[Sun Hu: Oh, my good grandson, you want to kill me. Come on, my grandfather brought you lotus cake, but it's sweet. This is what your mother liked to eat when she was a child. 】

With that said, Sun Hu took a wooden box from his subordinates and opened it to Amu to have a look. Inside were pieces of small snacks that looked like lotus flowers.

He took out one of the pieces and put it in Amu's mouth, and Lin Qianan clicked the mouse and ate it.

Seeing Amu eating the cake, Sun Hu's face showed a look of anticipation.

[Sun Hu: Is it delicious? 】

[Yi Mu: Delicious, thank you grandpa. 】

[Sun Hu: It’s good to eat it, put it away, eat it slowly, if it’s not enough, tell your grandfather, and the grandfather will buy it for you next time. 】

Having said that, Sun Hu also put down Amu.

After some reminiscence, Sun Hu was welcomed into the house by Yi Liang and Sun He.

And Amu also sat aside under the control of Lin Qianan.

Sun Hu held the teacup, took a sip, frowned and put it down.

Immediately, he looked at Yi Liang.

[Sun Hu: Are you planning to hide here for the rest of your life? 】

Yi Liang lowered his head and sighed.

[Yi Liang: Otherwise, what can we do? At the beginning, Master Liu tried his best to let me get away with fake death. What if I go back? 】

[Sun Hu: You don’t think about yourself, but think more about Mu’er and Ah He. Over the years, I have also helped you investigate the original matter. I have collected some evidence for you in the Jade Buddha case. If you want to reverse the case, there is not necessarily no chance. 】

Yi Liang looked back at Amu, then at Sun He, and then he shook his head.

[Yi Liang: Dad, I don't care about those anymore. Life is pretty good now. Even if there is no prosperity and wealth, as long as the family is there, everything will be fine. 】

Sun Hu seemed a little disappointed, but he no longer persuaded.

He took out two wooden boxes and handed them to Yi Liang.

[Sun Hu: The materials are scarce in the mountains, and it can’t compare to Hengwu. After living for a long time, it is inevitable that qi and blood will be depleted. Here are two hundred-year-old ginseng. I just bought it from an hunter not long ago. Bar! 】

After speaking, he got up to leave, giving Yi Liang no chance to refuse at all.

Sun He chased after him and wanted to keep him, but Sun Hu refused.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan saw the old man riding away on a horse.

From this conversation, Lin Qianan also found that Amu's father didn't seem to be as simple as he thought.

I am afraid that when he was young, he was not necessarily a dignitary.

It was only later that he was involved in the turmoil of the officialdom, and paid a great price to escape, so he chose to live in seclusion as a last resort.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Qian'an caught sight of the wooden box on the table.

With a move in his heart, he manipulated Amu to step forward and open one of the wooden boxes.

A plump ginseng planted with a little soil was lying quietly inside.

The leaves are still green and show no signs of drying out.


Lin Qianan immediately thought of the cultivability of ginseng.

When even planning to plant it.

After Yi Liang and Sun He came back, Lin Qian'an manipulated Amu to negotiate with the two, and they quickly agreed to start experiments in the test field.

Lin Qianan first checked the properties of ginseng itself.

[Wild ginseng (one hundred and three years): wild ginseng with century-old medicinal properties. [Characteristics: Invigorating Qi and nourishing blood]]

[Invigorating qi and nourishing blood: After swallowing ginseng, it can greatly enhance qi and blood, making the meridians unobstructed. ]

Lin Qianan nodded. Sure enough, not only mutant plants have characteristics, but some ordinary plants also have characteristics.

After burying the ginseng in the soil, the herbal essence was infused, and soon the leaves of the ginseng regained its vitality.

Five-point herbal essence is infused into ginseng, and it directly blooms and bears fruit, producing dozens of red seeds.

After the seeds were mature, Lin Qianan manipulated Amu to plant these seeds in the experimental field, and all of them were spawned.

Not long after, Lin Qianan gave birth to a mutant ginseng.

[Mutant Ginseng (One Year): A healthy growing ginseng, it seems to have mutated to have some special effects. [Feature: Life Extension]]

[Extension of life: After eating ginseng, every thousand years of medicinal properties can prolong life by ten years. ]

Lin Qian'an was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little surprised.

According to the introduction, it seems that as long as this ginseng is cultivated for a thousand years, can it be eaten to prolong life by ten years?

If it is cultivated to the level of ten thousand years, it should be able to increase the life span of one hundred years.

Good baby!

Lin Qian'an quickly began to infuse the rest of the herbal essence, and after a while, it also grew many seeds.

Manipulating Amu to collect these seeds in a bamboo tube, and then sticking a label on it, marking the type and characteristics of the seeds, Lin Qianan put them in the backpack grid.

That's right, as long as the mutated plants grow from the seeds they produce, they will also inherit the characteristics of the mutated plants.

And the seeds of mutant plants can continue to mutate, so every time Lin Qianan sees mutant plants appear, it feels like opening a blind box, full of surprises.

Putting the life-extending ginseng aside, Lin Qianan felt that the self-protection ability should still be enhanced at this stage, so ginseng that would enhance qi and blood and speed up the cultivation of internal strength had to be released.

In this regard, the original non-mutated ginseng that tonifies qi and nourishes blood is very useful.

Lin Qianan planted non-mutated ginseng seeds, and then manipulated Amu to go outside. Under the protection of his mother, he began to collect the essence of weeds and trees.

He didn't point to a place to collect. It's close to the mountains and there are many trees. As long as hundreds of trees don't die together in groups, they won't be found, so there's no need to worry too much.

The only thing Lin Qian'an felt uncomfortable was that Amu's plant essence limit was currently at most 100 points, and he had to go outside to collect it again when he ran out.

Very troublesome!

However, after upgrading, this problem will be solved.

Time passed, and soon Amu was seven years old.

During this time, Lin Qian'an also informed Yi Liang and Sun He of the cultivation methods in the martial arts all the way to the innate through the mouth of Amu.

With the unlimited supply of hundred-year-old ginseng planted by Amu, both of them easily reached the middle stage of the innate realm, and almost all the acupoints in their bodies were almost opened.

In addition, Lin Qianan also tried to let Amu practice martial arts during this process.

Unsurprisingly it was a success.

But soon after he discovered that practicing martial arts does not increase experience points and takes a lot of time, he regarded martial arts as a secondary option.

However, this is the case. Amu's current martial arts cultivation base is already at the peak of the innate, and it will soon be at the level of condensing pills.

The main reason is that Amu's talent is relatively strong, and the meridians and acupoints in his body seem to be completely unobstructed from the very beginning.

From the acquired realm to the innate realm, he only needs to do something as simple as refining his true essence and filling his dantian.

Finally, on this day, Amu was upgraded.

From level one to level two.

All attributes have been greatly improved, and the most important thing is that the upper limit of the plant essence that Amu can collect has also been increased by 100, reaching 200.

However, the upgrade experience has also become two hundred.

Two hundred upgrade experience means that a total of 20,000 years of plants need to be spawned, or, in other words, a total of 200 mutant plants can be spawned.

After all, it is the most cost-effective thing to directly and repeatedly use the essence of plants and trees to brush out mutant plants to gain experience upgrades.

But if this is the case, a lot of herbal essence will be wasted.

After all, the birth of mutant plants and the recovery of the plant essence contained in them will result in losses.

And in this way, he can no longer produce ginseng with centuries-old medicinal properties for Yi Liang and Sun He to practice.

Therefore, Lin Qian'an's idea is to expand the underground planting base and expand the scope of the search for the essence of plants and trees at the same time, a two-pronged approach.

While brushing mutant plants to gain experience, it also spawned ginseng that enhances qi and blood, helping Yi Liang and Sun He to practice martial arts.

At the same time that Lin Qian'an's idea was born, someone in the village came to the door.

It is the Li family who usually communicates better with the Yi family in Hongshan Village.

Because of Tian Fu's problem, their family has been in a bit of trouble recently. In addition, Li Qi was injured when he went hunting in the mountains a while ago.

Out of desperation, they ran around the village, planning to borrow some food.

[Li Zhangshi: Sister Sun, there is really no way for me to borrow food. I promise that once Li Qi's injury heals, I will find a way to pay it back. 】

Sun He took out a bag of Hemu and handed it to Li Zhang.

[Sun He: Li's sister-in-law, don't rush to pay it back, let Brother Li take good care of him! 】

When Mr. Li Zhang got the rice, his face was moved and tears welled up, and he was about to kneel down for Sun He.

If it wasn't for Sun He's repeated blocking, it would have been impossible.

After sending Mrs. Li Zhang away, Sun He also showed a sad look on his face.

She is not reluctant to bear that bag of rice.

The main reason is that there is no shortage of widowhood, but unevenness. Now, not only Li Zhang's family lacks food in the village, in fact, many families are a little sad now.

Li Zhang gave it here, and other villagers would inevitably ask for it.

At that time, will they give it or not?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for someone to come to the door one after another, hoping that the big family of the Yi family could lend them some food.

For that mouthful of food, they were even willing to sell their children to the Yi family as slaves, just for one mouthful of food.

It's good to say once or twice, Yi Liang and Sun He are also a little worried after doing so many things.

The main reason is to worry that Amu's affairs will be exposed.

Although many things can be shied away from Sun Hu, who is far away, even if it is Sun Hu, it will take time to deliver food to the Yi family, right?

How could their family get so much food in a short period of time?

But in the end, Lin Qianan decided to borrow food.

It's not that he didn't see the trouble later, but that he has already saved a file first.

What consequences will be caused after that, you can look at it first.

But even if he was ready to read the file, the matter of borrowing food was a bit of a twist, so Yi Liang drove the ox cart around the town and came back, falsely claiming that he was going to fetch food, and tried his best to do everything possible The question of the source of the food was pushed to the side of Amu's grandfather, Sun Hu.

As a result, the residents of the village barely survived the hardships of the year.

And I heard that in the village next door, some villagers have even been reduced to the point of starvation.

The rise and fall of a country is always the first manifestation of the people at the bottom.

Another time passed.

It was raining heavily outside, and Lin Qian'an was manipulating Amu to conduct a planting test in the newly expanded experimental field. Suddenly, there were loud noises and fighting sounds outside.

Before Lin Qianan could react, the next moment, the door of the cellar was opened, and two young men in blue uniforms stepped in.

[Ouyang Qing: Is that him? 】

[Chen Huan: I don't know, it's up to the patriarch to take it back! 】

The two said that they were about to shoot at Amu.

Lin Qian'an didn't hesitate, and immediately manipulated Amu to perform light work, tossing and turning to avoid the attack, and immediately fell to the ground with one palm and one person, rushing towards the surface.

The two of them didn't seem to have a high level of cultivation, so they couldn't stop Amu, who was already at the peak of the innate.

When he came to the surface, Lin Qianan saw a scene that made him frown.

Yi Liang and Sun He were already lying on the ground at this time, and there was blood flowing under them.

Around the wooden house were countless people in blue uniforms, all armed with weapons, so they were not easy to mess with at first glance.

At this time, several people standing at the door of the cellar saw Amu.

[Yu Chao: Someone! 】

[Pan Hongxing: It's a child! 】

Soon, someone surrounded Amu.

Lin Qian'an sank to the bottom and decided to read the file.

But before that, he still intends to ask the origins of these people and their situation.

[Yi Mu: Who are you? 】

Hearing it, no one answered.

A middle-aged man fell from the sky, and a special force around him pushed the raindrops away, quietly looking at Amu.

At this moment, the two people in the cellar who were brought down by Amu also rushed out.

[Chen Huan: Elder Tang, this should be the person the patriarch is looking for. We have seen a lot of alien plants below! 】

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly.

【Tang Mincong: Really? Take good care of him, forget it, I will take him to see it myself! 】

With that said, Tang Mincong grabbed Amu directly and took him to the cellar.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan didn't struggle, but let him lead Amu into the cellar.

In the cellar, there are still plants planted by Amu in the experimental field and cultivation field, and there are also mutant plants among them. After looking at it for a while, Tang Mincong showed a surprised expression.

He looked back at Amu.

[Tang Mincong: Can you control the growth of grass? 】

Lin Qianan did not answer the other party's question directly, but took the opportunity to raise his own doubts.

[Yi Mu: Who are you? 】

Hearing the sound, Tang Mincong narrowed his eyes slightly.

[Tang Mincong: Boy, I hope you are smarter, now that your life and death are in my hands, all you can do is answer my questions honestly. 】

[Yi Mu: Well, these are all made by me. 】

[Tang Mincong: Do it for me! 】

With that said, Tang Mincong let go of Amu and pushed him to the edge of the cultivation field.

Lin Qianan did the same, manipulating Amu to drop a seed on the side of the cultivation field, and then instilling the essence of plants and trees, and saw that a plant had gone through the process of germination, flowering and fruiting visible to the naked eye.

And these, only took less than a second.

Tang Mincong showed an expression of shock and joy.

[Tang Mincong: Sure enough, it is you, indeed it is you! 】

Lin Qianan didn't understand why Tang Mincong was so excited.

But immediately, Tang Mincong took Amu out of the cellar.

After coming to the surface, Tang Mincong looked around the surroundings, took out a blue jade talisman and threw it violently towards the sky.


The jade talisman rose into the sky, turning into a blue light and escaping away.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a blue light appeared in the sky.

The next moment, the pouring rain in the sky suddenly stopped, and the rain clouds also dissipated.

Two flashes of blue light appeared in front of Amu and Tang Mincong.

But it was a handsome young man wearing a luxurious blue brocade, with long hair scattered, and a blue dao pattern between his eyebrows.

After his arrival, Tang Mincong hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

[Tang Mincong: Tang Mincong, the elder of Liuxi Sect's outer sect, greets Immortal Nishui! ! 】

Hearing the sound, the young man nodded slightly, looked at Amu, and opened his mouth with a calm expression.

[Counterwater: You've had enough fun, go back with me! This world cannot be without divine wood. 】

------off topic-----

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