No Jokes Here

Chapter 257: No jokes here, **** of novels

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October 26th, six in the morning.

While writing a new novel "The Demon Saint" with a brain chip, Lin Qian'an was arranging and studying the extraordinary knowledge in the Tibetan Dzi Bead.

He already knew about the knowledge of true cultivation and demon cultivation.

At this time, he was trying to cultivate the cultivation system.

There are four realms of self-cultivation, fading from the commonplace, spirituality, dharmakaya, and self-cultivation.

The first realm is to wash the body with the vitality of heaven and earth, and let the body gradually move towards a stronger and more thorough direction.

This is a bit like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

According to Lin Qian'an's body, according to the self-cultivation system, it is already a top-notch body, but this step of cultivation can be avoided.

The second realm, ingenuity.

A little spiritual light was born in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of Zifu, and he initially mastered mana.

Mana is a kind of extraordinary power that is born from the combination of one's own primordial spirit and the primordial qi of the outside world, and it is not much different from true qi and spiritual power. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Lin Qianan just used aura to simulate a little, and then the first ray of aura mana was born in Zifu.

The third realm, Dharmakaya.

Fill the whole body with that little aura, and let the mana exist in every cell of the body.

This step is called Dharmakaya.

After Lin Qianan recorded the energy state of mana with the [Energy Conversion] ability, within ten minutes, he transformed a massive amount of mana into his body, successfully breaking through to the realm of the dharma body.

The fourth realm is cultivation.

This is the hardest state because it involves rules.

Cultivating the true self, comprehend the supernatural powers.

This is the key to the cultivation realm.

The meaning of the true self is to understand one's own desires clearly and to see one's own heart clearly.

Lin Qian'an's previous comprehension was not bad. With the blessing of the [Nei Scale] Dao supernatural power, his comprehension was brutally increased tenfold.

At this time, a mysterious and mysterious light flashed in his mind, and he naturally realized what the true self is.

At this moment, countless pictures flashed in Lin Qian'an's eyes.

When I was a child, I once fantasized about becoming an unfettered being with supernatural powers like the Great Sage.

When I grow up a little, I hope to be a useful person to society.

As an adult, I hope to have a stable job and earn more money.

After he wrote the novel, he once thought of becoming a great writer, fantasizing that he would become famous one day.

After gaining extraordinary power, he also dreamed of standing on the top of the world and overlooking the world.

To this day, these dreams seem to have almost come true.

Then what is your own heart?

Countless pictures overlapped, and in the next instant, Lin Qianan saw that he was spending his days leisurely, finding friends for a string when he had time, and usually writing novels by coding. Say two words for a long time.

Ordinary, quiet life, not so much disturbance, this is his most essential desire.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Qianan did not expect too much.

He is just an ordinary person. Even if he has obtained such extraordinary power as he is today, what he longs for is still an ordinary life.

After seeing this clearly, Lin Qianan felt that a special rule force in his body seemed to be born.

Lin Qianan stretched out his palm, and as the palm advanced, the spiritual energy naturally avoided it.

He seemed to realize something, and with a thought, he took out a stalk ballpoint pen.

The refill of this ballpoint pen was empty, with only the last bit, but it could write all the time. Lin Qianan felt it was useful, so he kept it.

In Lin Qian'an's palm, this ballpoint pen was affected by the special power of the rules, and the ink that was originally unlimited was now limited.

Lin Qianan wrote a line on the notebook at will, and the ballpoint pen could no longer spit out ink.

He suddenly realized the magical power that was being born in his body.

"Silence", or in other words, prohibiting transcendence!

To be more precise, the transcendence of prohibition stems.

Because Lin Qianan discovered that this kind of rule power did not interfere with his own true qi operation, nor would it affect his spiritual power.

On the contrary, the spiritual power related to the recovery of spiritual energy has been slightly affected, and its operation has been delayed a lot.

Lin Qian'an's eyes flickered, and he said to his heart: "No jokes here!!"

When Lin Qianan said these words, the game computer was also flashing colorful black light, as if to echo Lin Qianan's words.

The seeds of supernatural powers have appeared, and then, Lin Qianan just needs to wait.

Before long, he will give birth to the magical power of this [Forbidden Terrier] and officially become the existence of the realm of self-cultivation.

Lin Qian'an's natural capital is not bad, and with the blessing of the [Nei Scale] Dao supernatural power, it is even stronger.

So this time will not be too long, Lin Qianan feels that maybe two or three days will be enough.

In two or three days, you can directly comprehend a rule-level power and become a fourth-level superhuman.

In the past, Lin Qianan didn't even dare to think about it.

But now it seems that he takes it for granted.

Otherwise, I would be too sorry for the numerous blessings on him.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan studied the method of demon cultivation.

I plan to show it to Xiaojiu and Xiaojie to learn, but Xiaojiu seems to be a little disliked, and Xiaojie says he can't understand it.

That's no way, Lin Qianan can only give up.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Qian'an received a call from the academy.

The other party said that the students in the academy had begun to speculate whether he made the hope chip, and the momentum was a bit strong, and asked Lin Qian'an whether to continue to conceal it or to tell the students the truth.

Lin Qian'an doesn't care about such trivial matters. Now that his strength is strong enough, he no longer needs to be as cautious as before.

It's just a small brain chip, and it doesn't have much impact at all.

Therefore, Lin Qianan asked the academy not to hide it, just say it.

As a result, Lin Qian'an's fame was once again detonated.

By the evening, the forums of the three major colleges had completely exploded.

Don't like spicy food: I'll say it's Mr. Qian An! It is so similar to the brain chip described in his novel, and the name has not changed.

Xiaobai: In the past, the official did not admit it, was it for protection reasons? Now exposure, will it affect Teacher Qian An?

The lights are dim: I think there should be nothing to be afraid of for a superhuman who can kill Godzilla with his vitality bombs?

Jing Xing: Come on, I'm speechless!


Lin Qianan smiled and shook his head, not paying too much attention to the comments of the students.

Looking back, Lin Qianan continued to study the witchcraft training system.

There are four realms in this system, wizard apprentice, official wizard, legendary wizard, and wizard god.

The first three realms were only different in the intensity of mental power, but when they reached the fourth witch **** realm, it was completely different.

In this realm, it is necessary to condense the divine personality to collect the power of belief to transform the divine power, and to build the kingdom of God and achieve the witch god.

The more fans you have, the faster you will practice.

At present, Lin Qian'an's mental strength has reached the level of the fourth-level peak under the multiple blessings of [Reverse Scale].

On the contrary, you can directly try to condense this part of the godhead to transform the divine power.

With a slight movement in his mind, Lin Qianan began to try to build a godhead in the Shangdantian Temple.

Perhaps because of the strong mental power, Lin Qian'an progressed very smoothly, and soon used mental power to construct a prismatic transparent crystal within the palace.

The next step is to perceive the power of belief that is connected to you and bring it together.

All living beings have the power of faith.

You firmly believe in something, and the power of your belief will affect that event, turning it in the direction you want.

This is the origin of witchcraft.

And the witch god, it is through the cognition and belief of all living beings in himself that the existence of the corresponding rule power is born.

This kind of rule power is called priesthood.

In Lin Qian'an's perception, a huge amount of power of belief revolves around him.

I don't know how long it has accumulated.

Lin Qian'an seemed to realize something. It seems that since he became famous, fans have always had the power to believe in him.

And he would not use it before, so he has been accumulating it.

If this massive power of belief continues to accumulate, perhaps one day, without his active guidance, he himself will gain some changes with the beliefs of the fans.

After calming down a little, Lin Qian'an thought about it, and the godhead began to absorb the massive power of belief and try to convert it into divine power.

Everything went so smoothly, and in a moment, a huge amount of divine power was born in Lin Qian'an's godhead.

At this time, the power of belief from the outside world is still pouring in, and soon, Lin Qian'an's godhead has been filled.

At the same time, the priesthood he held was being formed.

Under the shaping of these beliefs, within the Godhead, a rule force was born.

After Lin Qianan sensed this priesthood, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The priesthood he formed was the [God of Fiction].

The power of the rules of this priesthood is very special, that is, it can consume divine power, turn the extraordinary knowledge in the novels he has written into reality, and at the same time can summon the characters in the novels to fight, and can directly make them come to him.

He has been deceiving others, and his ability is to write novels, but he didn't expect it to come true now.

At this time, the power of belief that poured in still did not stop. Lin Qianan felt that the power of belief was a bit too much, and immediately decided to open up the kingdom of God directly, as an advance drill for opening up the interior world.

At the moment when the power of massive belief was transformed into divine power, Lin Qianan began to imagine the scene of a world.

With the small and medium-sized world as a reference, Lin Qian'an's imagination is very easy.

Soon, a continental plate appeared, with flowers, trees, mountains, rivers and rivers, the sky also had the sun and the moon, and the climate changed.

Divine power was quickly transformed in this process, and within the godhead, a disk-shaped continent with a diameter of about three thousand meters appeared, which was his kingdom of gods.

At present, apart from the flowers, plants and trees made by Lin Qianan with divine power, there are no living creatures.

It is running on its own, and at the same time, it is slowly expanding with the power of belief absorbed by Lin Qian'an.

Lin Qianan opened his eyes, his expression full of emotion.

Of the three cultivation systems, the Martial Dao and Spiritual Cultivation systems that were first cultivated have not yet entered the fourth level. Unexpectedly, this Witch Cultivation system, which has just begun to try to cultivate, is the first to reach the fourth level because of the massive amount of belief power it has accumulated.

Having said that, these three cultivation systems of his seem to have embarked on the path of opening up the world.

In the future, go to the inner world of Dantian, the real world of spiritual energy in the middle of Dantian, and the world of the kingdom of God in Dantian?

Just thinking about such a picture made Lin Qian'an full of expectations.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan tried to use the [Energy Conversion] ability to convert divine power, but he soon discovered that divine power was somewhat special and had a regular nature.

Therefore, he cannot directly convert divine power, but can only convert the power of belief first, and then convert it into divine power through the divine personality.

However, with the recognition of a large number of fans, he is not lacking in the power of belief for the time being. Even if he opened up the kingdom of God, there is actually a lot of remaining belief power, and it is increasing every moment.

So there is no need to worry about the consequences of running out of divine power for the time being.

Immediately, Lin Qian'an tried to use his role as the God of Novels.

With a thought, all the novels written before were presented in the godhead and turned into books with different colors of light.

In addition to the seven novels he wrote, even the three novels he originally wrote appeared in them.

However, those three novels may be because relatively few people read them, and their light is a bit dim compared to the rest of the novels, giving Lin Qian'an a weaker feeling.

Lin Qianan looked at Tong Zun's novel, and when his mind moved, a huge amount of divine power was consumed, and a little monk with red lips and white teeth, wearing a gray monk's robe, and holding a meteorite broom appeared.

It is the divine projection of Tong Zun in the novel.

Lin Qian'an directly projected Tong Zun in the novel into reality through divine power and his own priesthood.

This Tong Zun has no eyes, just a body, and he also needs to be manipulated by Lin Qianan himself.

He possesses all the powers described in the novel, including the perfect level of "King Kong Demon Fighting", as well as super-high comprehension.

But these are only simulated by divine power. Tong Zun's martial arts are not replicable.

Lin Qianxin thought for a moment, and a book of "Nine Yang Divine Art" appeared in his hand. When he opened it, it only described what the Jiuyang Divine Art would look like after he had practiced it, and there was no detailed cultivation method.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the "Nine Yang Divine Art" of the perfect level directly blessed him.

Lin Qianan blinked his eyes, and his heart suddenly understood everything.

The priesthood of [God of Novels] does allow him to project the characters in the novels into reality with divine power. The martial arts and other extraordinary powers in it can also come to reality through the priesthood and choose to give them to anyone. .

But in the final analysis, these forces are simulated by priesthood.

The secrets and exercises he obtained from the novels, etc., did not contain a complete cultivation method.

Yes, this kind of thing is completely unreasonable.

He did not write down the cultivation methods of those divine arts in detail in the book, and there were countless blanks in it.

The clergy of the God of Novels has and can only summon the characters in the book to fight, and simulate their power to reality.

Lin Qianan faintly felt that in addition to himself, the powers in the novel could be directly used by others through the connection of the power of belief.

This made Lin Qianan think of the magic in the game when he played "Drink That Bottle of Witchcraft"?

The power of belief is belief, and the relationship between witch gods and fans is the relationship between gods and believers.

The gods can directly confer magic to believers through the connection of faith, and now he can also confer the power of priesthood to those fans through the power of faith.

Touching his chin, Lin Qian'an understood a little about the cultivation of this system.

In this way, you may be able to play first-hand ultra-long-range support in the future.

Waving Tong Zun's projection away, Lin Qianan tried to summon the projections of the characters in the rest of the novels.

Except for the three novels that Lin Qianan wrote with little traffic at the beginning, the projected combat power of all the characters in the later novels is around the level of the beginning of the fourth level, even Tong Zun is the same.

The strength of the Demon King Kong simulated by its divine power is even stronger than that of the game advent card.

What surprised Lin Qianan was that among the single character projections, the strongest person was Wang Ming, an advent card character who had been almost put into the warehouse by him.

When the strength is similar, this character has relatively more means, so the comprehensive combat power is more exaggerated.

In addition, Lin Qianan found that his newly written novel "The Demon Saint" was not finished yet and was still being written, so he couldn't figure out the character projections and the things in it.

In addition, Lin Qianan felt that the combat power projected by these novels would grow with his own priesthood.

The stronger his clergy, the stronger the combat effectiveness of the projected novel characters.

Lin Qianan tried to bring Tong Zun's projection onto himself.

In the same way, Lin Qianan directly transformed into Tong Zun, possessing all the means of Tong Zun described in his book.

There's even "God Comprehension" in it.

However, what made Lin Qianan feel a little speechless was that the strength of this "God Comprehension" was completely different from that of the Advent Card.

The projection's "God Comprehension" gave Lin Qian'an the feeling that he had installed a thinking accelerator.

As for the [God Enlightenment] of the Advent Card, it directly caused the endless inspiration in Lin Qian'an's mind to emerge, and then collided with each other.

Little witches?

Lin Qianan felt that this description was a bit insulting to [Shenwu].

This "God Comprehension" of Divine Power Projection can't even be compared.

It's a little regretful, but Lin Qian'an didn't find it too difficult to accept.

On the contrary, if [Shenwu] is really so easy to copy, he will be a little unbelievable if he can't say it.

At the same time when Tong Zun came, Lin Qianan summoned the projection of the **** of witch medicine to come.

It worked the first time!

With the blessing of two projections on his body, Lin Qian'an possesses both the martial arts of Tong Zun and the magic of the God of Medicine.

In terms of appearance, he directly changed back to his own appearance.

When two projections appeared at the same time, more divine power was consumed.

Under this circumstance, Lin Qianan tried more novel character projection blessings, as well as character projection blessings of supporting roles.

Then he got the answer, the more character projection blessing, the more means he can have, and the greater the consumption.

However, no matter how many characters are projected, the overall energy level intensity will not exceed the upper limit of his divine power.

The supporting role can also be projected, and its combat performance will be affected by the description in the novel. For example, the supporting role he wrote has only the strength of an ordinary person, and it is impossible to be forcibly elevated to an extraordinary level.

Moreover, there is no means to add supporting roles in the book, and the supporting roles of projection cannot be used.

Unless Lin Qianan used divine power to forcibly simulate it and grant it.

After using the projection of the character, Lin Qianan tried the projection of the object again.

The Yaoshan stick is no problem, and the Ruyi Qinglian sword is no problem.

However, these weapons can only be at the level of Taoist weapons at the highest level, and cannot reach the level of real weapons.

Moreover, after the divine power of the condensed weapon is exhausted, the weapon will also disappear and cannot be retained permanently.

The rest of the items are the same.

In this case, for Lin Qian'an, this priesthood seems a little tasteless.

Fortunately, the power of the blessing of the kingdom of God is not less.

After the formation of the kingdom of God, Lin Qianan felt that his power had become much stronger, and he could choose to let the power of the kingdom of God bless his body when attacking with fists and feet, and simple moves could also exert great power.



The time came to October 27th, and Lin Qian'an's new book "Demon Saint" was very popular.

After seeing a lot of human beings as the protagonists, as well as intriguing battle scenes, aliens like turtles, and behind-the-scenes characters like salted fish, readers feel refreshed.

Of course the important thing is that this book was written by a [novelist].

As long as it's a book written by a [novelist], anything you write will be popular.

Lin Qian'an's own halo has overshadowed the content of the novel itself.

This is a very helpless fact, but Lin Qianan has already learned to accept it.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Lin Qian'an was notified by the dragon groups from all over the world, saying that since the early morning of this morning, there have been patients with apathy in various places.

The number of patients with abstinence this time is quite considerable, and there are more than 300 in total.

Lin Qianan immediately understood that the believers of the Lord of Desire had come out again.

He hurriedly set off in person and went to solve the problem.

The routine of the Lord of Desire is still the same as before.

Fulfilling a small wish of someone else will directly deprive the other party of almost all desires.

This kind of transaction is as worthless as exchanging the rest of one's life for a dollar.

Now that Lin Qian'an has reached the realm of witch gods in witchcraft practice, he can also easily refine legendary-level witch medicines. Even if he wastes a little divine power, it is possible to refine god-level witch medicines.

So even though there were a lot of aphrodisiacs, he quickly solved the problem.

But treating the symptoms but not the root causes is not enough.

If you don't get the believers of the Lord of Desire in Xuan Kingdom.

Then people will keep getting caught.

Moreover, Lin Qianan also wanted to find Zhang Yu and avenge the revenge that he had sacrificed to the Lord of Desire.

As he thought about it, the [divination] was used, and the pattern of yin and yang gossip appeared in Lin Qian'an's eyes, and the profound light flickered, and Lin Qian'an saw a picture.

Countless people stood on the open grass, flying kites with kite strings in their hands. At the same time, countless people were watching, and then a figure appeared. Immediately, all the tens of thousands of people in the field became dumbfounded.

It is astonishingly deprived of the desires of these tens of thousands of people.

The energy in Lin Qian'an's body was consumed wildly, and he wanted to see the appearance of that person.

Immediately, the camera turned around, and a familiar face appeared in front of Lin Qian'an.

It was Zhang Yu who had stabbed him in the first place.

The screen in Lin Qian'an's eyes changed, and he saw the time displayed on a person's mobile phone. It was October 27, 3:00 pm.

That is, this afternoon?

Lin Qian'an's expression changed slightly, and he began to check the location information.

A banner next to it reads "Warmly celebrate the successful holding of the 43rd Kite Festival in Weifang City".

The location is Linhai Development Zone, Weifang City, where the kite festival is held! !

The profound light in Lin Qian'an's eyes converged, and Zhang Yu's plan was immediately known in his heart.

The other party should have been planning a long time ago. Early this morning, he launched a plan to create more than 300 people with apathy in various places to attract attention.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention, he seems to have aimed at this kite festival, intending to deprive everyone of the desires of the scene in one fell swoop.

Lin Qianan just wanted to notify the local dragon group, but the moment he took out his mobile phone, Lin Qianan stopped.

[Divination] Dao magic power was used again, and Lin Qianan saw the consequences of notifying the local dragon group. UU reading www.

Once he notified the local dragon group and prepared them, Zhang Yu would find that the situation was not right, and now he planned ahead to rob the tourists who were already at the kite festival and the desires of the people.

Countless pieces of information converged, and Lin Qianan quickly found the possibility to leave Zhang Yu and stop him.

[Divination] stopped, Lin Qian'an's figure suddenly turned into a ray of light and escaped far away.

------off topic-----

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