No Jokes Here

Chapter 256: Game over, draw rewards

The latest website: Name: Ao Shou

Cultivation: Early Demon Saint

Level: 41

experience:? ? ? /? ? ?

Lifespan: ∞

Health: 12065112354/12065112354

Stamina: 12065426542/12065452241

Demon Power: 12085415742/12085462259

Mana: 15342/15342

Spirit: 192245211

Physical strength: 193325354

Blood: 192324485

Strength: 193425571

Agility: 10154825

Exercises: "Zixia Zhenjing", "Xuanshui Jing", "Longevity Classic"....

Hex: Dormant, Water Spear, Water Arrow, Water Bomb....

Great Dao Magical Powers: 【Water Rewards】【Divination】【Hard Armor】【Load Bearing】【Longevity】【Nuanyuan】

[A supreme demon saint with six avenues of magic. 】

After becoming a demon saint, the attributes of the turtles have been greatly improved.

In front of the original magical power, the word "dao" was added, which became a golden font.

[Shuiyu: Dao supernatural power, the Dao of water, can manipulate all water-shaped things. ]

[Divination: Dao supernatural powers, know the past and the future, and know everything. ]

[Hard Armor: Dao supernatural powers, heaven and earth are destroyed and I am immortal, chaos is immortal. ]

[Load bearing: Dao supernatural power, which can bear a heavy object with a million times the strength. ]

[Longevity: Dao supernatural power, heaven and earth are limited, longevity is infinite. ]

[Na Yuan: Dao supernatural power, Yuan is the beginning, the beginning is chaos, and the chaos is used to gain one's own body. ]

Compared with the changes in attributes, the changes in the six great avenues are the strongest.

[Shuiyu] Not to mention, from the original water control, to a water-shaped object that can manipulate everything.

The introduction of [divination] has been reduced, but it seems that the effect has become much stronger. Guess also know that the divination ability of turtles will definitely be improved.

The effect of [Hard Armor] can probably be guessed, meaning that chaos can't kill it.

[Load] directly from the 10,000 times the upper limit of the strength attribute load to 100 million times, 10,000 times.

[Longevity] The original upper limit of lifespan has been cancelled, allowing the turtle to have an unlimited life.

[Na Yuan] is to allow the turtle to devour the original Chaos Qi to directly gain itself.

Seeing these six great avenues, Lin Qian'an seemed to understand.

Perhaps, this is the reason why it is so difficult for the turtle to break through the demon saint.

[Hint: You have completed the task [Achievement of the Demon Sage] and received the reward Real Dragon Ball*1. ]

At this time, a reminder of the completion of the task brought Lin Qian'an's mind back.

His eyes were placed on the game at this time.

At this time, the barriers of the world are about to disappear completely, and there is a huge amount of Chaos Qi everywhere. If there is more delay, I am afraid that the same mistakes will be repeated.

Dao Divine Ability [divine] is used, the gossip yin and yang pattern on the turtle's back flashes mysterious light, and the infinite mysterious Dao pattern changes in the void.

Immediately, Lin Qianan also knew how to save the world.


Under the control of Lin Qian'an, the turtle's body began to grow rapidly at this time.

After becoming a demon saint, the turtle's body has not improved a little bit. At this time, the turtle's body has swelled to a very terrifying level.

With the change in the shape of the turtle, in Lin Qian'an's eyes, the original world itself has now become a huge gray sphere.

Compared with the size of the turtle, it is like a basketball and an ant.

The huge body of the turtle turned out to be unusually small.

At this time, there are countless cracks on the sphere, and an exaggerated amount of Chaos Qi is pouring into it.

A mysterious light flashed on the avenue tablet behind the turtle, and the next moment, the avenue magical power [weight bearing] was displayed.

The huge world like a sphere was slowly absorbed under the supernatural power of the turtle.

After a while, Turtle absorbed the huge world sphere behind him.

On the stele, endless rays of light bloomed, and countless dao patterns flickered, densely intertwined on the world sphere, preventing the invasion of Chaos Qi.

However, even if Turtle's attributes have increased so much now, the [Load-bearing] supernatural power has advanced to the Dao's supernatural power, with a hundred million times the upper limit of the power carrying capacity, but in the face of this huge world, Turtle still cannot successfully carry it completely.

Clicking on the backpack, Lin Qianan saw the orb that was placed in the front row, shining with a faint multicolored light.

[Real Dragon Dragon Ball: The Dragon Ball used by the real dragon to carry the Dao supernatural power. After being swallowed by the [Nayuan] Dao supernatural power, it can inherit the Dao supernatural power [Reverse Scale] carried in it. ]

[Hint: Whether to use the [Nayuan] Dao supernatural power to devour Dragon Balls. ]


Lin Qianan hit the Enter key heavily, and the turtle suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed a multicolored dragon ball that appeared in the void into his body.

At the same time, the colorful rays of light flickered on the turtle's body, and a colorful scale armor slowly formed on the back of the turtle's neck.

This scale is different from all other scales in that it grows in reverse and is colored.

After the scale armor was generated, a new Dao supernatural power appeared on the turtle's panel.

[Inverse scales: Dao supernatural powers, dragons have inverse scales, the way of heaven is hard to punish, all attributes *10. ]

Simple instructions, horror effect.

In an instant, all the attributes in the turtle attribute column have an extra zero after them.

The various attributes that were originally close to 200 million have now been directly turned to the level of nearly 2 billion, and the attributes such as the monster power value have turned to the level of 100 billion, and even the speed has increased to the level of breaking 100 million.

The size of the tortoise began to increase rapidly, and the infinite and mysterious green lines quickly covered the entire world, excluding the massive amount of Chaos Qi.

The huge world bubble began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a delicate orb, which was embedded in the middle of the avenue monument behind the turtle.

The use of the [Load-bearing] avenue magical power carries a world, and the various attributes of the turtles have been improved, but compared to the improvement of [Reverse Scales], it is not so exaggerated.


Accompanied by a dull roar, the next moment, the tortoise moved its four claws, and its figure suddenly turned into a green mysterious light, rushing into the distance.

In this gloomy world, the green mysterious light transformed by the tortoise is inexorable, and the Qi of Chaos cannot cause any harm to it, and even this is the source of its food.

Compared to the man-made Turtle, the Turtle at this time was the most powerful Turtle.

[Hint: Game over! ]

[Game evaluation: Demon Sage, you have waited for hundreds of millions of years, and the vicissitudes of life have ushered in the great catastrophe. ]

[Do you want to save customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]


Seeing this scene, Lin Qian'an's face showed a rare look of joy.

He clenched his fists violently, creating a wave of air.

It's finally over! !

To be honest, how difficult it is to pass the game is really not that high.

Even if the little carp didn't help, Lin Qianan thought that he should be able to find this way to become a demon saint after two more visits.

The problem with this game is that the plot line is really long! !

With a plot line of more than 100 million years, even if he kept fast-forwarding, Lin Qian'an would have vomited all the time.

Every time he did it again, Lin Qianan would feel exhausted.

Click the mouse to confirm the clearance.

Immediately, the picture on the screen began to change rapidly.

The life experience of Turtle is displayed quickly.

Born in Yinyue Lake, he met little carp, divination for the people, and was worshipped as a tortoise.

Entering the realm of self-cultivation, getting to know Wen Weixing, going to the Myriad Demon Kingdom to obtain inheritance, after several turns, he started the imperial battle in the Dragon Palace and became a demon emperor, invincible in this world.

The boundary wall was damaged, the world changed, the vitality of heaven and earth dissipated, and it returned to Yinyue Lake.

Spreading extraordinary knowledge such as martial arts, an extraordinary prosperous world appeared.

In the end, the kingdom of the **** turtle was established, guarding a pair of clam shells for nearly 100 million years, sitting and watching the fall of one by one, and the vicissitudes of life.

The catastrophe is coming, and under the expectations of countless people, he becomes a demon saint, swallows dragon balls, and travels in chaos with the world on his back.

The picture also freezes at this moment.

[Hint: After the customs clearance records are saved, the customs clearance rewards will be distributed. ]

[Hint: Because this clearance is rated as a demon saint, the reward game character arrival card*1, the fixed skill extraction*2, and the fixed item extraction*2. ]

A green card appeared in Lin Qian'an's hand.

The back of the card is a green tortoise shell pattern, and the front is a huge dragon tortoise carrying a mysterious square tablet. Behind the dragon tortoise is a dark and chaotic scene.

Almost without thinking, Lin Qianan knew that this would be his most powerful advent card so far.

Turtle's luxurious panel, coupled with the blessing of the seven great avenues, its power may have reached the fifth level, and it will not be weak even in the fifth-level extraordinary existence.

After putting away the cards, Lin Qianan returned his attention to the game.

With the previous experience, Lin Qian'an did not directly extract the reward, but found the "Demon Saint" in the game that had been cleared, and then spent a thousand points to open the game mall.

After opening the game mall, Lin Qianan directly looked at the most expensive items and skills.

It goes without saying that the "Shen Turtle Ship", a quasi-real device that has begun to transform into a real device, is at the top of the list, and behind it is the [Hidden Dzi] that records all the knowledge of civilization.

The former sells for more than 5 million stem points, and the latter sells for more than 2.8 million stem points.

Compared with the Ruyi Divine Iron, which sold for 16 million stalk points, it is far worse.

Apart from these two items, the rest are all things like Taoist artifacts.

It was a pity for Lin Qian'an that there was no tortoise shell, nor the Dragon Ball, the quest item obtained by completing the quest at the end.

If the tortoise shell of the tortoise is also included, it is definitely not as bad as the iron of the gods, and the dragon ball carries a great power, and it is definitely not a simple treasure.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan checked the skill-related products.

There is no doubt that at the top of the list are the seven great avenues of the turtle.

【Shuiyu】, 【Divination】, 【Hard Armor】, 【Load Bearing】, 【Longevity】, 【Na Yuan】, 【Reverse Scale】.

These seven great avenues of magic are all priced at more than 15 million, and the most expensive is [Reverse Scale], which sells for 23 million points.

The second is [divination], which sells for 18.5 million stalk points.

After that, there are [weight bearing], [na yuan], [imperial water], and [longevity].

That's right, [Longevity] is actually the last of the great avenues.

That is the avenue magical power that can directly obtain eternal life.

Lin Qianan almost wanted to pull it out just by looking at it.

After all, as long as you live long enough, there are infinite possibilities.

But in the end, Lin Qianan didn't do it.

His life is still just beginning, and it is not yet the time for lack of lifespan.

Now what he should be after is power.

It is the power to protect oneself and protect what is dear to oneself in this chaotic world.

Among the remaining six great avenues of magic, [Yu Shui] should work well on Earth, but Lin Qianan felt that he should also consider the situation when he was not on Earth. If there was no liquid in that place, would this great avenue of magic be basically useless? used?

Even if he could create the water flow himself, it would be relatively troublesome.

[Hard Armor] increases defense.

Lin Qian'an has the Ruyi Mountain Stick in his body, and his body is as tough as Ruyi Divine Iron. He can't break his defense at all if he is idle.

【Na Yuan】and 【Bearing】are different.

For the former, depending on the situation, even the Qi of Chaos can be directly swallowed to increase the cultivation base. With such a good appetite, Lin Qianan suspects that he can even compete with the Lord of Devouring.

The latter can allow itself to carry heavy objects that exceed hundreds of millions of times of strength attributes, and while carrying heavy objects, it will also enhance various attributes. In terms of performance in the game, it can even directly obtain the rules of the carried objects. , with considerable growth.

Combined with the fact that the Ruyi Mountain Stick can increase the weight at will, it is definitely not a little bit of blessing for Lin Qian'an's combat power.

However, compared to [Reverse Scale], Lin Qianan felt that [Reverse Scale] was better.

Simple and rude, all attributes are directly multiplied tenfold.

Compared to the [weight bearing] that needs to be cultivated, this is the best avenue magical power in his heart.

Finally, there is [divination].

This skill is auxiliary, but its price is second only to [Inverse Scale].

With this great power, you can almost lead others in information by a large margin.

Know the past and the future, know everything.

How exaggerated this description should be!

If he can know the good and bad luck in advance, he will definitely not be calculated by the weird believers like the last time and sacrifice to the weird true god.

As soon as he weighed it, Lin Qian'an's head was instantly settled.

In terms of skills, choose [Reverse Scale] and [Divination].

The former enhances the comprehensive combat power, while the latter enables itself to have a stronger ability to grasp information.

In terms of items, the [Tibetan Dzi] is definitely a must-have. There are various cultivation methods of monks, as well as various secret techniques that he later deduced in the game by those people, and even the creation of witchcraft. The kingdom of God has broken through to the supernatural knowledge of the witch god.

Except for the [Hidden Dzi], among the rest, it seems that I can only choose the [God Turtle].

The Turtle is a quasi-true device composed of countless Taoist devices.

Although it is not as good as Ruyi Shentie, it is not bad.

Choosing this is at least worth it than choosing a single Taoist device.

Go back and continue to cultivate it, and you can get the second real weapon.


After making the decision, Lin Qianan began to draw rewards.

The first thing to extract is the Dao supernatural power of [divination].

[Hint: Whether to consume a fixed skill extraction opportunity to start extracting skills. (Note: The chance to draw this fixed skill is limited to the game "Monster Saint".)]


Lin Qian'an chose Yes, and then clicked the [divination] avenue magical power.

The moment he clicked the mouse, an infinite sense of the Dao emerged in the depths of his soul. In Lin Qian'an's eyes, the pattern of yin and yang gossip flickered, and the information he saw in his eyes became complicated and clearer.

As soon as his mind moved, a picture appeared in Lin Qian'an's mind. It was a picture of him breaking through to the [Interior Scene] realm at 1:30 a.m. on October 28th.

That is the picture with the highest probability of finding among the many possibilities.

Gradually, the yin and yang gossip patterns in Lin Qian'an's eyes disappeared, and his expression gradually became shocked.

When using the [divination] avenue magical power to predict the future, Lin Qianan felt that countless time branches appeared in front of him, and a huge amount of information was frantically emerging.

These time branches are very numerous, and the existence of [divination] is to grab the greatest possibility from these time branches and present it to Lin Qianan.

Lin Qianan felt the consumption after the [divination] just now, and found that the energy consumed by the divination was not small. The divination just now emptied at least half of the cellular energy in his body.

But for him, it was the extent of recovering in an instant.

So, it's not a big problem in normal use.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan was suddenly curious, and wanted to know how many strange true gods were in purgatory.

However, as soon as he thought of this, he felt an inexplicable burst of heart palpitations.

Blinking his eyes, Lin Qianan stopped the action of using [divination].

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan decided to change the target to Long Yi. He was also a little curious, what was Long Yi busy with now.

This time, Lin Qianan no longer felt palpitations.

[Divination] With the use of Dao's supernatural powers, Lin Qian'an's eyes showed the pattern of yin and yang and gossip, and countless information were intertwined.

With the consumption of a lot of energy, in the next instant, Lin Qianan saw a golden ball of light.

Around this ball of light, there are extraordinary members of the dragon group, and each of them is constantly adding new runes to the ball of light.

At the very core of the light ball, Long Yi is also using his own power to add runes one by one to the light ball.

At this moment, Long Yi seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around and showed a relieved smile in the direction of Lin Qian'an.

At the same time, the picture presented by the [divination] Dao supernatural power was also forcibly interrupted.

Lin Qianan came back to his senses, and his expression became a little more subtle.

Can a fifth-level extraordinary existence actually be able to feel the peeping of the avenue magical power of [divination]?

No wonder I had an inexplicable heart palpitations when I was planning to divination the true God.

If this is really divination, it is estimated that all the weird true gods in purgatory will have to pay attention to him! !

Lin Qianxin patted his chest with lingering fears, and felt that fortunately, his spiritual sense was strong enough, and he did not succeed in dying.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan did not continue to try the avenue magical power of [divination], but directly clicked and extracted the avenue magical power of [Inverse Scale].

Under the mouse click, a special colored scale armor appeared on the back of Lin Qian'an's neck.

At the same time, Lin Qianan felt that he had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Physical strength, strength, lifespan, cell recovery ability, strength of spiritual sense, root bone, comprehension, all the attributes that Lin Qianan thought was beneficial to him, were directly and rudely increased tenfold.

Even the size of the dantian and the martial arts golden core were forcibly increased tenfold in size.

Except for the Tanzhong cyclone related to the aura and the small world of Tanzhong, everything in the body has been directly and rudely increased tenfold.

Even lung cancer cells have become more compact and stronger because of the changes in the body, and the energy they can squeeze out has also increased tenfold.

Lin Qianan froze in place, feeling the explosively increasing power in his body, and suddenly felt a little unable to adapt.

The power of this intensity, usually he must at least open [power full power 100%] to have it.

However, it has now become the norm.

[Reverse Scale] This avenue magical power is simply terrifying.

Even the strength of the energy and the size of the dantian have directly increased tenfold.

Lin Qianan felt that if his root bone was three hundred before, then his root bone is now three thousand.

With such a terrifying talent, he couldn't even think of what kind of existence he could possess.

Suddenly, Lin Qianan seemed to think of something.

His thoughts moved, and the [Biological Force Field] was used naturally.

In Lin Qian'an's induction, the coverage of the [Biological Force Field] increased tenfold, and the intensity also increased tenfold at the same time.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an's eyes suddenly widened by three points.

Even the strength of the power has been increased tenfold.

Immediately, Lin Qianan tried the powers of [nuclear fusion cells] and [reconciliation] at the regular level.

Then he found that even the power of the rule level was directly strengthened tenfold.

Lin Qian'an was stunned. It turned out that this is the world of the fifth-level superhuman?

No wonder the gap between the fifth and fourth levels is so big! ! !

No wonder I feel like a firefly facing the sun in front of Longyi.

This tm is the apocalypse! ! !

Taken together, now his strength has not only doubled tenfold, I am afraid it will be more than a hundred times.

If it is a real fifth-level superhuman, how terrifying its strength will be under the blessing of such a Taoist power?

Lin Qian'an was speechless just thinking about it.

Clenching his fist, Lin Qianan didn't use much force, but...


The sound of air explosions came out, and the air waves rolled, blowing on Lin Qianan's cheeks.

If he hadn't blocked the aftermath of the spreading air waves with his spiritual sense, the entire building would have collapsed directly because of his fist clenched this time.

Lin Qianan looked at his palm, the shock in his heart could not be dissipated for a long time.

He asked himself, can such a power compete with a fifth-level superhuman?

It seems that there is still a gap, but it has probably changed from having no backhand to barely able to struggle.

Recalling the Lord of Desire, Lin Qianan smiled.

just wait!

Soon he will have enough strength to personally clean up these weird and chaotic things and return to a peaceful and peaceful life.

After calming down, Lin Qianan gathered up his strength and began to extract items.

There is nothing to say about extracting items. Although the Turtle is huge, it has spatial characteristics. After extraction, it is the size of a palm.

In the Divine Turtle, it is a small world of its own, and even hundreds of billions of people can live, which are countless times larger than Lin Qianan's current small and medium-sized world.

However, the Turtle also has some problems, that is, the internal circulation, energy supply and so on.

If there is no external energy supply, it will collapse if it does not last long.

In contrast, Lin Qian'an's small and medium-sized world has a spiritual vein, which can generate almighty spiritual energy out of thin air, and will almost never face the collapse of the internal circulation.

At present, the Turtle is of little significance to Lin Qianan.

The collection effect is greater than the actual effect.

Maybe one day when he needs to explore the universe, this thing can be driven out and used?

But it doesn't feel like he can fly as fast.

Maybe after being cultivated into a real weapon in the future, I can use it a little bit, or simply hand it over to the country.

After the complicated thoughts swirled around in Lin Qian'an's mind, he put the number of God Turtle in the small world of Tanzhong, and separated out the spirit and spirit that he kept cultivating Ruyi Mountain Stick, and used it in the gods. on the turtle.

His cultivation method is different from the method of cultivating Ruyi Mountain Stick, which is inspired by him from the game. He simply cultivates the utensils to improve the quality of the utensils, and does not consider the rhythm of getting feedback from the utensils.

In this way, when he breaks through the fifth level through the "Sutra of Accumulating Equipment", he will not be shackled by the turtle number.

Having said that, Lin Qian'an now has the [Reverse Scale] Dao supernatural ability, and his attributes such as spirit, energy and spirit have been directly increased by ten times. With the strengthening of supernatural abilities and the strengthening of cells, the efficiency of energy extraction and transformation has also been enhanced.

The speed of cultivating artifacts is faster than before, I don't know how much.

Even if he really has the intention to cultivate the second real artifact of life, I am afraid that he can cultivate it successfully within a thousand years, and the difficulty of breaking through is not too high.

However, Lin Qianan didn't plan to try this idea.

Things are more expensive, not more expensive.

For something like the True Origin Artifact, he only needs one piece of Ruyi Mountain Stick.

Immediately, Lin Qianan planned to extract the [Hidden Dzi].

After clicking the mouse, a milky white orb that was reduced to the size of a palm appeared in the palm.

The body of this thing is a demon pill left behind after the death of a demon-ranked clam demon. After refining, it has become a magic weapon for recording information.

Later, he was cultivated by another weapon and became a Taoist weapon.

It contains the essential knowledge of a civilization for hundreds of millions of years, except that the amphibole technology may not be universal, the rest are the essence.

To a certain extent, the value of this thing is the greatest.

Moreover, there is even a knowledge of the witchcraft cultivation system that Lin Qianan himself does not have. Through this knowledge, he can condense the godhead and build the kingdom of God directly to the level of the fourth-level witch god.

The spiritual sense was covered on the Tibetan dzi, and the endless information in it began to be read by Lin Qianan. There was a lot of information, and it was exaggerated. If Lin Qianan's spirit had just been strengthened by [Reverse Scale], it might have been true. It's kind of hard to carry so much information.

But now, Lin Qianan said that although there are many, he can still read them easily.

All conveniences have enhanced the spiritual sense tenfold, and the speed of reading information is not sure how much faster than the original. Even if there is a civilization's essence in it, Lin Qianan only used it in less than an hour. All read.

The cultivation system in this world is worth learning from. The part of comprehending the true self has a feeling of severing the distracting thoughts and strengthening one's own will.

I just don’t know if spiritual energy can replace the vitality of heaven and earth in cultivation.

It is estimated that it is possible, after all, aura is a universal energy.

There is also the way of demon repair.

It's suitable for those spirits to use.

The knowledge of alchemy and refining equipment formation is general, and Lin Qianan does not feel that it is particularly awesome, after all, it has not reached the rule level.

In the end, Lin Qian'an obtained the secrets of martial arts, witchcraft, secret tools, and the knowledge of building a kingdom of gods to break through the witch gods and so on.

Here, Lin Qianan intends to take a closer look at about the knowledge of breaking through the witch gods. There is no conflict between witchcraft and his existing practice system. Looking back, he can't say that he can try to practice both.

And after breaking through to the witch god, the refined god-level witch medicine also made Lin Qianan very excited.

You must know that it is a regular-level witch medicine that even the Advent Card, the God of Witchcraft, cannot refine.

------off topic-----

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