No Jokes Here

Chapter 258: The demon saint comes

October 27th, half past one in the afternoon.

Lin Qian'an appeared at the Linhai Development Zone Kite Festival, wearing a mask, sunglasses, cap, and a butterfly kite temporarily made with the ability of [Creation].

At this time, many people here have started to fly kites.

As the hometown of kites, the kites flown by the people here are so unrestrained.

As far as Lin Qian'an could see, large kites with a diameter of more than five meters could not even be ranked here.

What an 8-meter Ultraman kite, a 10-meter-long centipede kite, a 12-meter rocket kite, a 15-meter real dragon kite, and a giant composite kite with seven gourd dolls connected together.

It's not over yet, Lin Qian'an also saw a ufo kite with a diameter of over 20 meters, and two men dragged it together to prevent the kite from taking people away.

Looking at the butterfly kite that was just one meter in his hand, Lin Qianan fell into contemplation.

You say let it go, he feels a little out of control.

Don't fly it, it's a bit conspicuous not to fly a kite here!

Lin Qianan glanced at the kite of the youth group next to him.

Hmm... It's basically about three or five meters, and it seems exaggerated to compare with him.

He looked at the children's group again.

Although it is much smaller, it is still huge compared to his butterfly kite!

Temporary kites are easy to change, but flying this little kite here is even more conspicuous! !

Are you going to watch a play?

[Divination] As soon as he used it, Lin Qianan found that he couldn't do it without flying a kite.

Not flying the kite will soon be noticed, and Zhang Yu will abandon the plan and run away.

In desperation, Lin Qianan could only walk to the children's area with a blank face, then directly picked up the butterfly kite in his hand, took a few steps to run, and then let the kite in his hand out.

A little boy about eight years old passed by Lin Qian'an with a kite of Monkey King in his hand, looked at the butterfly kite in Lin Qian'an's hand, and immediately turned away with a contemptuous expression.

Obviously, the contestants in the children's group also disliked Lin Qian'an's kite.

Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, but he didn't know what to say.

He could only silently pull the kite string in his hand, watching the little butterflies in the sky dangling beside a group of monsters with fangs and claws.

Bought some snacks from passing vendors, Lin Qianan ate while admiring the various kites in the field.

At this time, there was a fierce symphony on the booth, which was performed by members of the orchestra invited by the organizer.

Speaking of which, if three or five friends can come and play together, it will be a good experience.

Time passed quickly as Lin Qianan was ridiculed by passing children.

Soon, three o'clock in the afternoon is approaching.

After three o'clock, today's event will come to an end.

The organizer will decide which of the kites participating in today's competition will win according to the votes of tourists. There are many awards, including various creative awards, the largest kite award, and some technical awards.

By the way, when Lin Qianan came in before, he also registered his name by the way.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an's eyes kept staring at a corner of the venue.

In his divination, Zhang Yu will definitely appear in this place when the time comes.

The music on the booth sounded, and the host was announcing the number of votes for the kites, and the ruling participants went to receive the prize.

At the same time, a figure also appeared in Lin Qian'an's sight.

Zhang Yu was wearing a black tuxedo with a gentleman's staff in his hand, and walked gracefully into the venue.

He had been planning this day for a long time.

As the name of the master of the **** was known by the dragon group and the academy, it became more and more difficult for him to collect the power of the ****. He finally found a target in the academy, but before he made a move, he might be caught by the school. The teacher or the dragon group member who has been staring at him for a long time finds it.

He was reluctant to engage in pointless battles, so he could only choose to retreat.

After several times, he was also tired.

Although the superhuman's ** is better, the situation has changed now. The defense of the school and the dragon group is too strong, and he really can't find any chance now.

At this time, the Lord of ** brought him an oracle.

Humanity will be completed, and it has already planned to forcibly come to the world.

Once it succeeds, it will be blessed by the personality of this world, and even if it becomes human, it can't help but a strange true **** who has the blessing of the personality of the world.

And he, as the priest who organizes the ceremony of the advent of the true god, can also be directly promoted to a servant of the gods. He has a stronger connection with the true god, and can gain more power and a longer lifespan.

At this time, the Kite Festival is at its peak. There are nearly 100,000 tourists from home and abroad in the venue.

As long as all the ** of these nearly 100,000 people are sacrificed and a channel is built between the present world and purgatory, the true **** can come.

By then, he will have everything.

The breeze at the end of autumn was blowing, and Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's full of the sweet smell of sex, it's really fascinating." Zhang Yu smiled proudly and said: "With more than three hundred people, no matter how powerful [the novelist] is, he can't treat all of them in a short time, right? Dragon Group The high-level officials of the city are busy building humanity, and now, no one can stop me."


Suddenly, Lin Qian'an's voice sounded behind Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, his figure flashed ten meters away, and then he stared at Lin Qian'an.

Although wearing a peaked cap and a sunglasses mask, there is no doubt that this is Lin Qianan, who should have been working hard to refine witch medicine to treat those patients with abstinence.

Zhang Yu shook his head in disbelief and said, "Impossible, that's more than 300 people. Your speed in refining witchcraft is not that fast. Didn't you save them? But how did you know I was here? "

"That's the old yellow calendar from before. The speed at which I refine witch medicines is very fast." Lin Qianan said with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Indeed, if it was before, even if he used the God of Witchcraft Advent Card, he might not be able to successfully refine 300 copies of magic medicine in a short period of time.

But unfortunately, now he is in the realm of witch gods.

In the attainment of witch medicine, even the **** of witch medicine may not be able to compare with him.

Without considering the consumption of divine power, he only spent less than half an hour for three hundred legendary-level witch medicines.

Zhang Yu's face turned cold and said, "Your growth rate is indeed terrifying, but the coming of the true God is already doomed, are you sure you can stop me?"

After the sound fell, Lin Qianan found that the sky was changing, and the void was distorted.

The tourists in the venue all exclaimed why the weather has changed so quickly. It was sunny just now, but it is going to rain now.

Lin Qian'an narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhang Yu and said, "One punch!"



Before Zhang Yu could finish speaking, Lin Qianan had already punched Zhang Yu.

At that moment, Zhang Yu used the power of the lord of **, and an invisible barrier appeared in front of him, trying to stop Lin Qianan.

But at the same time, the scales on the back of Lin Qian'an's neck also glowed with five-color light.

Under the blessing of huge power, the simple and rude punch directly shattered all of Zhang Yu's means, and hit him in the chest.

In an instant, Zhang Yu's upper body was smashed into powder.

Moreover, Lin Qian'an also controlled the surrounding vegetation without spreading the power.

"Killed! Killed!"

A tourist next to him exclaimed in horror when he saw this scene.

Tourists in the distance also stepped back quickly, while some daring people picked up their mobile phones and planned to take pictures and videos.

Lin Qianan frowned slightly, and when he was about to explain, he suddenly found that Zhang Yu's body in front of him began to gather together again.

One couldn't breathe, and those bodies that were shattered by Lin Qian'an reassembled back to Zhang Yu's body.

At this time, there were some signs of distortion on Zhang Yu's body. His body seemed to have lost frames, and it seemed a little flickering.

Seeing this scene, no one dared to gather again.

Lin Qianan showed his credentials and said loudly, "Dragon Group is handling the case, this is an extremely dangerous extraordinary criminal, all personnel should not stay, leave quickly!"

When the people heard the words, they immediately scattered and fled.

Zhang Yu's head twitched stiffly, then looked at Lin Qian'an with a hideous smile and said, "Li Qinglian, it's you!!"

In the next instant, Zhang Yu moved and attacked Lin Qian'an with a punch.

Lin Qian'an frowned slightly, raised his hand slightly, grabbed Zhang Yu's palm firmly in the palm of his hand, and then threw it forcefully towards the ground.


With a loud bang, Zhang Yu's figure left a groove on the ground, and then Lin Qian'an's palm of the other hand gathered a ball of colored light and pressed it directly against Zhang Yu.


A pit with a diameter of about three meters appeared, and Zhang Yu was completely bombarded and turned into slag.

This time, his figure never converged again.

However, Lin Qian'an did not relax, because he found that everyone in the kite festival venue was numb and stiff in place.

The strange terrifying aura came and spread, and this space appeared in an extreme state of distortion.

With the naked eye, Lin Qian'an could see a feeling of being stretched out in the space.


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the uppermost space.

Immediately, Lin Qianan saw a mass of twisted things.

That is a part of the body of the **** of the Lord.

"Go back to your purgatory for me!"

The Ruyi Mountain Stick appeared in Lin Qian'an's hand, and whipped directly towards the crack.

The Ruyi Mountain stick rose in the wind, and soon hit the twisted thing.


A huge force hit the Lord of the Body, causing it to shrink back directly.


However, at this time, another crack appeared on the other side, and another part of the body of the **** lord protruded.

Like a whack-a-mole, Lin Qian'an lifted the stick and struck down again.




More and more cracks appeared in the void, and Lin Qianan was already unable to break it. He had a hunch in his heart that he must not let the Lord of the Body descend to the earth, otherwise there would be very bad consequences.

The pattern of yin and yang gossip appeared in his eyes, and Lin Qianan had already seen that future.

If the lord of ** comes, it will receive the blessing of the person of the present world and become a part of the present world.

At that point, the rules of humanity are ineffective against it.

And most importantly, it can collect ** and embark on the only road to achievement.

Once successful, this strange true **** will become the supreme existence, and the world will operate according to its mind.

But obviously, it didn't work.

It's not because Lin Qian'an is here.

Even without Lin Qian'an, Long Yi would stop it from coming.

In the picture that Lin Qianan's eyes saw, the dragon nodded slightly to him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qianan showed a smile.

Yes, now, it's his turn!

Without hesitation, a green advent card appeared in Lin Qian'an's palm.

"Demon Saint - Coming!!"

Suddenly, Lin Qianan transformed into a handsome young man in purple, with a pair of dragon horns on his head and a pair of tortoise shells hanging around his waist.

Its noble aura is revealed, and a kind of domineering power over the top of the biological chain spreads out.

At this time, he seems to have transformed into a demon saint, Ao Shou, or a turtle?

As expected by Lin Qian'an, the strength level of the turtle has reached the fifth level, and it is not a normal level five. At least in Lin Qian'an's induction at this time, the energy intensity of the **** in front of him is not as strong as the turtle ten. one of two.

Stepping out one step, Lin Qianan changed his shape and appeared directly in Purgatory.

In his eyes, the lord of **** is now deep in the gap between purgatory and the world, desperately trying to squeeze into the world.

"Why do you have to work so hard to find death? Why don't I help you!" Lin Qianan laughed.

After the sound fell, Lin Qian'an took the tortoise shell around his waist into his hand, and raised it and threw it directly.

After the tortoise shell was shot, it quickly became larger, and soon reached a level that far exceeded the main body of the body.

The **** master also seemed to sense Lin Qian'an's shot, and a piece of mosaic-like shield suddenly appeared above his body to block the tortoise shell.

Rumble rumble~!

The tortoise shell fell, instantly shattering the body of the **** master, and disintegrating into countless particles.

Not far away, the figure of the Lord of ** gathered again. At this time, he seemed to have transformed into a human man.

Perhaps he didn't notice the sight of Lin Qian'an using the Advent Card to transform, but at this time, the **** master did not recognize Lin Qian'an.

"Where are you holy? Why are you blocking me?"

The corners of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, "Remember, I am a demon saint - Ao Shou!"

After the sound fell, Lin Qianan recalled the tortoise shell at will, and threw it at the **** master.

The expression of the master of ** changed suddenly, he did not dare to take it hard, his body changed his position, and appeared tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, and he wanted to avoid it.

However, the tortoise shell also followed suit and fell directly on him.


After a loud bang, the body of the **** Lord collapsed instantly.

Without waiting for it to reunite, Lin Qianan said in his mouth, "Town!"

The infinite and mysterious Dao pattern on the avenue tablet with a word exiting the tortoise shell flickered, and when it turned into a Dao, the chain firmly locked the master of the **** and suppressed it under the tortoise shell.

"Uh~ ah~ ah ah ah!"

The master of ** tried desperately to condense his body, trying to break free, but it was only in vain.

Turtle's [weight-bearing] magical power carries the Tao of a world, and at this time, he launched a suppression of the lord of the ****, as if he was directly using the entire world plus the power of the turtle to suppress the lord of the ****.

With the huge size of the game world, coupled with the terrifying attributes of the turtles under the blessing of [Reverse Scales].

Even if he is a fifth-level true god, it is still impossible to break free.


Lin Qianan said the word, and the tortoise shell on the avenue monument flashed light, and when the [Load-bearing] Dao supernatural power was used, everything of the master of the avenue must be put into the avenue monument.

Feeling that his own power was being absorbed by the avenue tablet, the master of ** fell into a panic.

"No, you can't kill me, I am the true **** of purgatory in charge of the ** source law, if you kill me, the rest of the strange true gods in purgatory will not let you go!!"

Lin Qianan felt that the lord of ** did not lie, but he did not think that the strange true gods were so united.

The pattern of yin and yang in the gossip on the tortoise shell changed, and Lin Qianxin immediately understood the reason.

It turns out that the weird true gods in purgatory are essentially a whole, and their ultimate goal is to swallow all the weird true gods, obtain all the source laws of purgatory, and become the only supreme existence.

If Lin Qian'an kills one of the weird true gods here, then they will lose part of the weird source law. Next, even if any of them is powerful enough to swallow all the weird true gods, they must wait until Only the birth of the next master who controls the origin of ** will have the opportunity to complete all the laws.

So if Lin Qianan kills the lord of **, it is almost equivalent to declaring war on all the strange true gods in purgatory.

But well!

Lin Qianan said that this was exactly what he wanted.


The sound fell, and the chain of infinite Dao on the avenue tablet directly pulled the **** master into the avenue tablet, turning it into a mysterious Dao pattern.

At the same time, Turtle also mastered a new Dao supernatural power, its name is [desire].

Through the supernatural power of the Dao of [desire], one can easily arouse the desires in the hearts of all living beings, and can deprive them of desires and create a real body of desires for oneself. .

It sounds very cool, but unfortunately the master of the **** encountered a turtle.

Turtle's [weight bearing] magical power can directly suppress and seal you on the avenue tablet, even if you go against the sky, it will be of no use.

At this time, Lin Qianan faintly sensed the peeping of dozens of eyes around him.

He clearly realized that these must be those strange true gods in purgatory.

They witnessed the scene of their own suppression and killing of the lord of the ****, but none of them dared to make trouble. It can be seen that they are just a group of blind mice.

With a sneer, Lin Qianan took back the tortoise shell, took one step, and left purgatory directly.

He also has a limited time to come, and he faintly feels that there is an aura that is not weaker than the turtles in the depths of purgatory, otherwise he will definitely come to the door one by one to kill all these strange true gods.

With the strength of the turtle, it can definitely be done.


After Lin Qianan left, in the purgatory, those strange true gods seemed to communicate in horror.

"Is the Lord of ** dead?"

"It was suppressed, but it's not worse than death, right?"

"How holy is that guy, he was killed without using the laws of the **** master!"

"No, he used it, but it didn't work!"

"What should we do? In addition to the one named Long Yi, another stronger existence has been born in this world. Are we going to come to this world?"

"Can I live without coming? Don't forget, the guy under purgatory may wake up at any time."

"But there is only one person of the Lord of Purgatory, who will take it?"

"I don't care who takes it, it's definitely not a **** anyway, he's gone!"



After returning to Earth, Lin Qian'an saw a large number of people suffering from dyslexia at the kite festival. His mind moved slightly, and the law of the avenue of [desire] was used to directly return the ** that was deprived by the previous ** master. go back.

After doing this, while there was still a while before the arrival time, Lin Qianan hid directly in the toilet, and used the [divination] skill to calculate his future trends, good and bad changes and so on.

Although he also has the [divination] Dao supernatural power, using it on himself and using it on the turtle are two different things.

Strength is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is a very dangerous thing for Lin Qianan to do it by himself, but if it is a turtle after his arrival, it is nothing.

It's like if he uses [divination] to calculate those weird true gods, if it is the main body, those weird true gods will definitely be very dissatisfied when they find out, and they will cause Lin Qian'an a little trouble.

But if it is the coming state of the turtles to [divine] those strange true gods, they will not dare to do anything when they find out, and even have to shrink themselves into a ball, afraid that Lin Qianan will come to the door like the master of killing the **** Kill them like that.

After some calculations, Lin Qianan quickly learned the time of his breakthrough, and even many details, and also understood how to do it more smoothly.

Even, Lin Qian'an overdrafted and saw the [Interior Scene Triple Heaven] that he had comprehended and deduced in the future.

After seeing this information, the information in the future also changed. Lin Qian'an directly saw the [Interior Scene Five Heavens] that he deduced like a nesting doll, and later deduced it into [Interior Tenth Heaven].

Until this time, Lin Qian'an suddenly exited the descending state and returned to the original body.

His expression was full of shock.

[Divination] is worthy of being the avenue magical power that is second only to [Inverse Scale] in price.

It's just a bug.

It is possible to rely on this to acquire knowledge directly from the future.

It can also be used as a nesting doll.

Now that the knowledge of the future is known, the future has changed. When using [divination] again, the future self can start directly from that starting point.

In theory, it is even possible to have an unlimited nesting doll, and directly obtain the results after countless years of deduction and research.

The power of Dao's supernatural powers can be imagined!

However, Lin Qianan also felt that the more complex the information, the more difficult the divination calculation, so even if the [divine] Dao supernatural power is very buggy, it has its upper limit.

At least if Lin Qianan wanted to rely on [divination] to obtain the extraordinary method leading to the fifth level, it would be difficult.

It is necessary to pass the [divination] trial and error step by step, and constantly nesting dolls may have a chance to succeed.

Rao is so, it is enough to surprise Lin Qianan.

But when using the [divination] Dao supernatural power, there is one thing that Lin Qianan feels strange.

That is, he found that in the future of [divination], he did not use Tong Zun's advent card to deduce the exercises.

It stands to reason that after using the Advent Card, the deduction will be faster with the help of Tong Zun's [Shen Wu].

But why is it useless?

Lin Qian'an also tried to use [divination] while she was puzzled.

Sure enough, in the future of [divination], there is no sign of the descending card.

Not even an advent card, not even a game computer.

Lin Qian'an knew that the variable information related to the game computer could not be counted in the [divination].

Fortunately, he still plans to rely on the [divination] Dao supernatural power to play games in the future, find the best way to clear the level, and then clear it!

It doesn't seem to work now.

[Hint: There is a stalk near the host, which has been marked. 】

Just as Lin Qianan was thinking, a prompt from the Terrier game system appeared in front of Lin Qianan's eyes.

Lin Qianan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on the [Demon Saint Arrival Card] in his hand.

Above this advent card, there is a flickering prismatic crystal suspended.

Lin Qianan felt a familiar strange and twisted feeling from it, which was exactly the same twisted and strange feeling as the **** master.

[Divination] With the use of Dao's supernatural powers, Lin Qian'an instantly learned the origin of this crystal.

It is impressively the crystallization of the law of origin of the **** possessed by the lord of **.

But then again, hasn't he already suppressed the lord of ** on the avenue monument behind the tortoise shell?

How did the ** Lord's ** source law crystals survive?

As soon as this question appeared in Lin Qian'an's mind, the Terrier game system responded.

[Hint: After the arrival time is over, the arrival card will be refreshed to its original state, and the bonuses obtained during the arrival will not be retained. 】

Lin Qianan was stunned.

No wonder.

Because the tortoise turned into an advent card again and could not retain the bonus effect obtained, so the magical power of the [Desire] mastered by it was restored to the crystal of the original law of **. UU reading

Immediately, Lin Qianan used [divination] to see the effect of the law of ** crystal.

Then he discovered that this thing is actually a godhead with a divine vocation. As long as you can bear it, you can refine it, control the source law of purgatory's [desire], and become the new master of ****.

Lin Qian'an had no idea about becoming the master of the ****. The painting style of the origin law of [Desire] was too distorted, and he didn't like it much, even if he decided to use the game system to absorb the stalk points he had.

Hint: Whether to collect the stalk points attached to the current stalk. (Hint: After collecting the stalk points, the stalks will lose their original function.)]


[Hint: 1,152,412 stalk points have been successfully collected. 】


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