No Jokes Here

Chapter 252: INT, TURTLE COUNTRY, Witch God

Push back another 20,000 years.

Turtles are 100,000 years old.

Yue Liguo is now unable to expand, and the backlog of internal conflicts is extremely serious.

However, under the rule of extraordinary power, it was barely maintained.

Lin Qian'an also hopes that Yue Liguo can expand to a unified world, so that it will be easier for him to gain experience.

Although the experience bar has not moved very much all the time.

At this time, a major event occurred in Yue Li's country that shocked the whole country.

This major event is that in Yueli, someone has broken through to the interior in the martial arts.

After Lin Qianan learned about this, he also seemed a little excited. Although the deduction was theoretically feasible, he was not 100% sure whether it would be successful or not.

This martial cultivator in the interior realm can definitely give him a lot of lessons.

After manipulating the turtle a little bit, Lin Qianan finally saw the martial cultivator in the interior realm.

This is a woman named Wang Chenxue.

Surprisingly, she has lived to be more than 4,800 years old.

The Martial Dao condensing pill realm has five hundred years of lifespan, and one can have one thousand to two thousand years of lifespan after breaking into the Tao.

Adding up, he can only live for a maximum of 2,500 years. Where did he come from for the extra 2,000 years?

Lin Qian'an was very puzzled by this.

After some inquiries, Lin Qianan realized the reason.

Wang Chenxue is a resident of Turtle City.

Probably when she was young, she once picked up a green stone with dense mysterious patterns near the Temple of the Turtle.

No matter how hard she tried, no matter how hard she tried, the stone could not be broken or smashed.

Plus, adventure stories were very popular at the time, so she thought she had an adventure.

So, regardless of the persuasion of his family, he used this green stone as his cultivating utensil.

Once nourished into her body, she found that she gradually gained the ability to control water. At the same time, her body became tough and strong, and she could carry even heavy objects far exceeding her own body weight.

Most importantly, her lifespan has also increased.

Later, she broke through the realm of condensing pills when she was three hundred years old, and she only entered the Tao when she was more than six hundred years old.

After entering the Dao, his body became stronger and his lifespan directly increased by more than 5,000 years.

She originally wanted to continue to attack the realm of Xiaozhen above the Dao.

This step of Nai He Qixiu was too difficult and too difficult. After she worked hard for hundreds of years to no avail, she chose to try to see if she could find a way out from the martial arts.

Not to mention, with the blessing of that Taoist weapon, her physique has become a lot stronger, and it is not difficult to compress the martial arts golden core. Spiritually, she can break through and enter the Tao, and there is absolutely no shortage of it.

The only problem is that she still lacks some witchcraft skills.

But she can also use time to slowly accumulate this.

As time went by, her martial arts golden core was constantly being compressed, and her witchcraft attainments became more and more profound.

Finally, when she was four thousand eight hundred and fifty-six years old, the golden core in her body was compressed to the limit, collapsed and exploded, and under the guidance of her spiritual power, it continued to evolve, creating an interior world.

When Lin Qianan heard the description, his expression became subtle. For some reason, he always felt that the green stone described by Wang Chenxue was somewhat familiar to him.

Then Lin Qianan proposed that he wanted to see Wang Chenxue's Taoist weapon.

Wang Chenxue nodded in agreement, and immediately took out the green stone she had cultivated all her life.

It is only the size of a thumb, with dense green fine lines on it, and it glows with green light, which is very mysterious.

And when Lin Qianan saw this thing, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Well, it turned out to be a turtle's eggshell!

Well, everything makes sense.

The eggshell of the turtle contains some of the divine rhythm of the tortoise. When Wang Chenxue cultivates the eggshell, he naturally possesses magical powers similar to the turtle. Naturally more.

Wang Chenxue was able to live so long, probably because of this.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan asked Wang Chenxue some details about the interior world.

According to Wang Chenxue, after the interior scene, the lifespan of a warrior will be greatly increased, probably by about 10,000 years.

The increase efficiency of this life essence is not bad compared to the original cultivation realm.

Then there is the combat power brought by the interior scene.

In this regard, according to the different interior worlds that different warriors condense, the effect will also be different.

For example, Wang Chenxue, her interior world is a world of ice and snow.

As a result, when Wang Chenxue made his move, there was boundless frost contained in the move, and every punch and kick was blessed with the power of the interior world.

The larger the interior world, the greater the power of the warrior, and the stronger the rules contained in the interior world.

Wang Chenxue's interior world, according to her own statement, is about a sphere with a diameter of about 500 meters.

When she uses her full strength, she can freeze all substances within a range of 500 meters.

This is about the same size as her interior world.

And if it is condensed into a single point to attack, even a simple punch can contain quite terrifying power.

After some exchanges, Lin Qian'an gained a lot, and he became more and more sure that the path of martial arts interior scene was right.

After another 3,000 years, Wang Chenxue reached the Dao, the double peak of the interior scene.

The world is invincible, and when the world admires her, she laments that there is no way ahead.

At this time, she met Turtle again.

[Wang Chenxue: Senator Ao Shou, is there still a way ahead? 】

[Ao Shou: How do I know this? 】

[Wang Chenxue: I have checked the information, although Senator Ao Shou, your identity has changed several times, and you have used the name inherited from your family as a cover, but 20,000 years ago, you were already a high-level empire, so you broke through to Xiaozhen Is it out of bounds? 】

Lin Qianan smiled. In fact, Wang Chenxue was not the first person to investigate this.

However, every time Lin Qian'an can easily solve the problem.

Moreover, Wang Chenxue's investigation was too unclear. The time when Turtle entered the high-level of the empire was much earlier than this time.

[Ao Shou: But I haven't reached the realm of dawn. 】

The Xiaozhen Realm of the "Yunqi Zhenjing" is the fifth-level transcendence in reality.

This step is mysterious and mysterious, and it requires comprehension of the Dao to achieve it.

There are two ways to take this step.

The first is that the artifacts you have cultivated are real artifacts that contain the rules of the Dao. You can directly break through the realm of dawn through the rhythm of the Dao that is fed back on the artifacts.

The second is that you comprehend the Dao by yourself, and then combine with the implement, complement each other, and together achieve the realm of enlightenment.

The former is easier, the latter is much more difficult.

[Wang Chenxue: I implore Senator Ao Shou to fight with me in the Tianwu Temple, I just want to see the scenery of the avenue, and I will die without regrets!

Seeing Wang Chenxue's serious look, Lin Qianan sighed and typed in to agree to her request.

[Ao Shou: No matter what! 】

Immediately, the two took the sky-high ladder to the Tianwu Temple.

Tianwu Temple is a place built at a height of 10,000 feet to accommodate high-level cultivators for competition.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to circle the places in the sky and let the monks beat them casually. Anyway, they can't break things.

After choosing a secret competition arena, Wang Chenxue and Turtle started the competition.

Lin Qian'an let Wang Chenxue take the shot, but he just manipulated the turtle to use the magical power of "Water Repellent" to defend.

Wang Chenxue's talent is extraordinary, and both weapons and weapons have reached the peak of the fourth level. When he makes a shot, the wind and snow are flying in a radius of a thousand meters, and every punch and kick has the power to destroy mountains.

However, in the face of Turtle, she still seemed so powerless.

Not to mention too much, even if Turtle stood in place and let her fight for 10,000 years, I'm afraid Wang Chenxue wouldn't be able to break the defense.

In front of Turtle's talent, her efforts seemed so powerless.

The end of the competition was ended after Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to throw a thousand-foot tortoise shell and smash Fei Wang Chenxue.

At this moment, the expression on Wang Chenxue's face was not depressed.

Because she believed that the turtle must be the powerhouse of Xiaozhenjing.

This proves that there is still a road ahead, and she has a chance.

Lin Qianan couldn't bear to tell her that Guigui didn't show one-tenth of her strength at all, and if Guigui really had to figure it out, it was actually only a fourth-level peak.

time flies.

When Guigui was 114,358 years old, Wang Chenxue died.

This invincible peerless arrogance in the world did not reach the so-called Xiaozhen realm before his death.

After another Tianjiao died, Lin Qianan's expression did not change much.

Because he's used to it.

Every few thousand years, there will be a few such arrogances passing away in a flash.

Even if Wang Chenxue flickered a little longer, it wouldn't matter.

It's nothing more than others flash for one second, she can only flash for two or three more seconds.

In contrast, the tortoise is an eternal light, and now the tortoise has just completed about one thousandth of its lifespan.

Turtle is 120,000 years old, Yue Liguo's internal contradictions have accumulated to the limit, and it is inevitable that they will collapse.

After a series of wars, the emperor committed suicide, and the huge empire was divided into dozens of small countries.

Of course, even a small country has a population of more than 10 billion.

But these effects on ordinary people are actually not great.

The world is so big that it is too big for ordinary people to travel to one part of a billionth of it in their lifetime.

Most ordinary people can't even break through the innate realm, and they may not survive a hundred years in a hurry. Such people can't go to a few cities in their lifetime.

Therefore, the collapse of Yue Liguo didn't feel much to them at all.

However, the disintegration of Yue Liguo had some impact on the turtles.

That is, the experience that can be obtained is reduced.

Of course, judging from the motionless appearance of the experience bar, even if there is less Lin Qian'an, it will be difficult to find out.

Turtle is 130,000 years old. He has experienced the past speed of experience when Yue established his country, and now Lin Qian'an can't bear the speed of gaining experience.

So he decided to support another person to unify the world!

After searching for a long time, finally, when Guigui was 133,753 years old, Lin Qianan found a young man with extraordinary talent.

He gave the eggshell Taoist device that Wang Chenxue had raised to this young man.

[Ao Shou: Young man, the world will be divided for a long time, and this important mission will be handed over to you!

! 】

When the boy got the eggshell Taoist device, his expression became extremely firm.

Although it will be more difficult to break through the cultivation of Taoist weapons that others have cultivated, but the young man himself has extraordinary talents, and Lin Qianan is behind to provide resources to help.

So, more than three thousand years later, another peerless genius was born.

He has reached the fourth-level Dao Entry Realm on the first level of Qixiu, the fourth-level interior scene of the martial arts, and the third-level legendary pinnacle state on the witchcraft one.

Moreover, after two generations of cultivation, the eggshell fragments of the Taoist artifact have become more powerful. When they manipulate the eggshell against the enemy, their power is stronger, and their own lifespan is also enhanced more.

Relying on his unparalleled strength, he defeated countless powerful enemies step by step, fought in all directions, and wanted to unify the world.

The tortoise was 145,321 years old, and Tianjiao died of exhaustion.

In the end, he failed to fulfill his long-cherished wish, and the country he established has not even reached one-tenth of the level of Yue Liguo.

Lin Qianan understood that the situation of Yue Liguo at the time could no longer be replicated.

Unless someone breaks through to the realm of dawn, or rather, Turtle does it himself!




On the evening of October 8th, Lin Qianan was still playing liver games.

However, he also manipulated the clone to lead Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ge for a walk outside the academy.

It's not good for the two little guys to stay at home for a long time. They should go out for more walks and see more.

Now many students in the academy have met the two little guys and love them very much.

Lin Qian'an also gave them some freedom, allowing them to move around a bit in the academy.

In addition, Lin Qianan also prepared some preschool teaching materials for them, just like raising children.

Xiaojiu learns very quickly, and a lot of knowledge can be learned by reading it once. Xiaojie is also very smart, but compared to Xiaojiu, it is not so exaggerated.


Eyes returned to the game.

Lin Qian'an has decided to let the turtles unify the world by themselves.

At present, if the world wants to be reunited, it is definitely not something that ordinary guidance can accomplish.

Therefore, there must be an existence with enough fault tolerance, long lifespan, and sufficient strength to truly unify the world.

The only one who satisfies these three points at the same time is Turtle himself.

And doing this is actually not particularly troublesome.

When confronted with the suppression of a strong enemy, if there is something to do, Turtle only needs to issue an order and make an occasional shot.

As for what will go wrong under the hand, who is trustworthy, and who can do things well, one [divination] can all figure it out.

If a leader can know the details of everyone under him, even better than that person himself, and can know some of their future situations, then his success is inevitable.

In less than ten years, with the original Turtle City as the capital, a kingdom of Turtles appeared.

The palace of the God Turtle Country is located on Yinyue Lake, and the totem of the country is the God Turtle that has been worshipped for countless years.

In the next two thousand years, relying on a group of subordinates who were united by various prophets and foresight, and the combat power of the turtles crushing, the God Turtle Country successfully replicated the strength of Yue Liguo at its peak.

After another 5,000 years, the entire world was completely under the rule of the God Turtle Kingdom, and they all respected the turtle as the emperor.

What's interesting is that Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtles to do everything just to gain better experience.

Just like Ao Jin, who established the Myriad Demon Kingdom only to collect the power of wishes.

After the world was unified, order was restored, and a prosperous world of practice gradually unfolded.

When Turtle was 160,000 years old, there seemed to be more than 100,000 monks who entered the Dao state in the world.

It is a pity that there is still no cultivator who knows the real world, and there is still no one in the martial arts who can break through the interior scene except for the boy selected by Wang Chenxue and Lin Qianan.

Lin Qianan summed up the experience based on the failures of countless people. To break through to the realm of interior scenes, the most important thing is to have a strong dantian and body.

Otherwise, you will not be able to do this step of compressing the martial arts golden core. If you forcibly compress the martial arts golden core, your core will be destroyed in the process.

Even if you are lucky and succeed in compressing the martial arts, the moment it collapses and explodes to form the interior world, you will surely die.

In contrast, the mental power of the fourth-level strength is not so difficult to possess.

Therefore, before breaking through the interior scene, you must find a fairly sturdy artifact to insert into the body, then you will have a certain chance to break through.

The degree of firmness probably needs to be at the level of the Taoist device.

In other words, you must first break through to the realm of entering the Dao on the path of Qixiu, and then there is a slight possibility of reaching the interior of the Martial Dao.

And that's not the end of it.

Compressing the martial arts golden elixir is a long process.

In order to achieve the achievement of the inner world of the martial arts golden core, at least the martial arts golden core must be compressed to a quality level of several thousand times or even ten thousand times.

This process is equivalent to having to rebuild nearly 10,000 times, and each time you have to reach the realm of condensing pills.

Although after opening the body's heaven and earth acupoints, you can supplement yourself by absorbing the energy of the outside world to speed up your cultivation.

But this world is already in the era of the end of the law.

The vitality between heaven and earth is thin, and the energy is also low. Every three or five thousand years, if you want to break through the interior, it is a dream.

However, the breakthrough in martial arts is so difficult, and the bonus after reaching the interior scene is also very terrifying.

Once a martial artist breaks through to the interior realm, his lifespan, which was originally only five hundred years, will instantly increase to more than ten thousand years.

At the same time, every gesture and gesture is blessed by the interior world, and it can resist any rule power. No matter what kind of divine channel method you have, I will break it with one punch.

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Even the utensils who entered the Taoist realm seemed a little weak in front of the martial artist in the interior scene.

Back then, Wang Chenxue, faced with a device repairer who possessed a shield, only used three punches to shatter his body.

You must know that the shield of the device repaired has a defense principle. When the human and the device are combined, the combat power is not to mention, at least the defense is still very good.

Of course, there is also a special reason for Wang Chenxue, who has a strong talent.

However, even if it is replaced by an ordinary interior martial artist, it is estimated that he can win.

After the establishment of the Turtle Kingdom, time has gradually passed.

The people around Turtle have changed from batch to batch, and the arrogance outside has fallen from generation to generation.

Soon, Turtle is 200,000 years old.

Turtle's experience bar didn't move much, but the little carp woke up from dormancy again.

After living with the turtle for a while, the little carp went dormant again.

Today, when the vitality of heaven and earth is thin, if you don't choose to hibernate to reduce consumption, the little carp will also feel very uncomfortable.

Even if it is Turtle itself, it usually takes a long time to recover after taking a shot.

Another fifty thousand years have passed, and the emperor of the Turtle Kingdom has now become a symbol of immortality.

Countless people in the outside world gradually deified the tortoise, saying that it is the incarnation of the tortoise and has an eternal lifespan.

There was Lin Qian'an's deliberate guidance in it, but the people's guesses were pretty good.

With a life span of more than 110 million years, the lifespan of turtles is even longer than that of many fossils.

In the cultivators' guesses, the turtle has broken through to the fifth realm of qixiu, the realm of "Xiaozhen".

Lin Qianan ignored these speculations.

Anyway, as long as he maintains the kingdom of the tortoises, the tortoises have always gained experience.

The turtle was 300,000 years old, and the little carp woke up again, and then continued to dormant.

It now seems to have maintained the habit of waking up every 100,000 years to see the turtles.

And Lin Qian'an's play has become boring now, no one has broken through the martial arts, and it is impossible for anyone to step into the realm of Xiaozhen on the qixiu level.

He just kept watching Tianjiao rise from generation to generation, and then fall from generation to generation.

Later, Lin Qian'an also spread "King Kong's Demonic Art".

Unfortunately, just as he imagined, the dantian of ordinary warriors is too small, and the true power after condensing the dan is not enough, and no one can condense the appearance of the diamond.

However, some people found another way and changed it into "Shen Jia Jue" and "Shen Bing Jue".

Condensing a set of armor with real power, or simply fighting with a single blade.

But these are meaningless, and can only be said to be a weakened version of "King Kong Fu Mo Gong".

After playing with flowers, I couldn't stand the random kick of the master of "King Kong Fu Mo Gong" after condensing the Vajra Dharma.

At least a martial artist in the interior realm is qualified to perform this technique.

It is a pity that the martial artist of the interior realm cannot be born for the time being.

It's not that Lin Qian'an, the eggshell device that has been cultivated twice, has not been used by others.

But after two generations of Tianjiao hosts, this eggshell is so proud now that most people don't like it at all. Except for tortoises who can hold it and play with it, the rest of the monks can't get close to it.

And this eggshell's fighting power is not weak.

Under the urging of the tool spirit, it can almost be said to be invincible at the same level.

Idle existence is not an opponent at all.

Of course, turtles are the exception.

It is still very honest in Turtle's hands.

When Turtle was 800,000 years old, the spirit of the eggshell passed away. Before he died, he hoped that Turtle would not give it to another person.

Lin Qianan sighed, and asked the turtle to use the [weight-bearing] magical power to carry it on the square tablet, turning it into a mysterious pattern.

For hundreds of thousands of years, there have been countless patterns on the stele behind the tortoise. These are the Taoist tools cultivated by the countless masters of the tortoise country.

They were dazzling in their lifetime, and they left traces in another way after their death.

And the stele on the back of the turtle has become more and more mysterious and complicated, and the various attributes of the turtle are also steadily improving, and now it seems to have exceeded ten million levels.

Except, of course, agile.

Turtle's agility is still less than a million levels.

This agility attribute can already crush most cultivators in the Dao Realm, but compared to the other attributes of millions, it is still very hip.

Turtle is 1,090,000 years old, and there has been a big wave in the witchcraft system that hasn't moved very much.

There are platform anchors who rely on the power of gathering beliefs to condense the godhead and achieve the witch god.

Above the legendary wizard, a new path has been opened up.

This is something that Lin Qian'an did not expect at all.

In the previous witchcraft system, there were only three apprentice wizards, official wizards, and legendary wizards, but from now on, there will be another wizard realm behind.

This is a realm that even the **** of witch medicine has not reached. UU reading

In other words, the God of Witchcraft is only halfway through this road.

After he became a witch god, he was almost an enhanced version of the **** of witch medicine.

The lifespan is more than ten thousand years.

At the same time, he has mastered the priesthood, and he can use the divine power to perform various divine arts through the rules corresponding to the priesthood.

The source of divine power is the power of belief given by himself and his fans.

Relying on such a powerful divine power, it can even refine the god-level witch medicine of the rule level.

What makes Lin Qian'an feel a pity is that during the game, he can inquire about not all the knowledge of the other party.

However, as long as the other party mentions the specific details, the game will automatically skip this detail and jump to the time when it is finished.

And what Lin Qianan saw on the screen was a pile of horizontal bars of the lake.

This is no different from playing games before.

As long as Lin Qianan knows the knowledge, the meme game will not be blocked, and if Lin Qianan does not know, the meme game will be blocked directly.

Fortunately, these did not prevent Lin Qian'an from recording it into the "Tibetan Scripture (Demon Saint Edition, as long as the game was cleared at that time, he could get it.

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