No Jokes Here

Chapter 251: transmission test

Although it is impossible to obtain extraordinary knowledge during the game, Lin Qianan wants to know if it is possible to spread extraordinary knowledge into the game.

If so, it would have a huge impact on his future gameplay.

Immediately, Lin Qianan fooled the child named Dugu Gou.

And let him come to study when he has time.

Dugu Gou usually still has his studies to complete, but when he is free, he will still come to Ao's Flash Tool Shop to inquire about Guigui martial arts.

time flies.

Turtle is twenty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-eight years old.

The ten-year-old Dugu Gou used the amphibole toy sword in his hand to perform "Nine Swords of Dugu" to resist bullying in the academy and protect his classmates. He challenged several seniors by himself and won the battle.

Afterwards, Dugu Gou was dismissed from the academy and lost the opportunity to continue his studies.

His parents begged bitterly, but ultimately to no avail.

After Dugu Gou was scolded, he came to Ao's Flash Tool Shop to ask Gui Gui if he did something wrong.

[Dugu Gou: Boss Ao, did I do something wrong? Didn't you say that a person who practiced martial arts would draw his sword to help Lu Jianqiang? Obviously they did something wrong, so why was I finally dismissed? 】

Lin Qian'an's expression became slightly complicated when he heard the sound.

[Ao Shou: This is the fate of the strong, and it is destined not to be understood by others, but what you can learn in the academy can also be learned from me. 】

The young Dugugou didn't understand what the turtle's words meant.

But after that, Lin Qianan manipulated Guigui to take Dugugou to his house to visit, have a chat, and gave Dugugou's parents a pension. Became Guigui's named disciple.

Since he is already his own, Lin Qianan is no longer stingy. He will basically teach all the martial arts in the "Martial Arts" that Dugu Gou is interested in.

Dugugou's internal talent talent is common, at best, it barely reaches the level of excellence, but his talent in swordsmanship is unique.

"Nine Swords of Dugu" is such a complex swordsmanship. He only learned for three years to get started, and he has completed it in five years. At the age of fifteen, this swordsmanship has been practiced to the peak by him.

However, in terms of internal strength, he barely reached the first-class level.

This is also the reason why Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to buy him a lot of precious medicines to nourish qi and blood.

When Dugu Gou was twenty years old, he finally broke through the innate.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but smile.

He didn't feel that Dugu Gou broke through the innate things, but expressed his affirmation of the things that can spread martial arts in the game.

After Dugu Gou broke through Xiantian, Lin Qianan gave him a task.

That is to let him take the martial arts taught by Guigui, and go out to establish an academy and spread martial arts.

Dugu Gou couldn't hold back his restless heart for a long time, and when he heard this, he immediately patted his chest and said that he would definitely complete the task.

Guigui was twenty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty years old. Dugu Academy was founded in Shengui City and began to teach the world's martial arts.

Because amphibole technology boosts productivity, it is easy for ordinary people to practice martial arts.

At least not worry about food.

And eating well means strong qi and blood, and it is easier to extract true qi.

Time passed, and soon after twenty years, martial arts began to prosper, and countless people in Shentou City began to practice martial arts.

Even the first batch of students taught by Dugu Gou began to establish martial arts academies abroad and spread martial arts.

Twenty years later, martial arts became the mainstream, and martial arts cultivation has even become one of the important benchmarks for the Chinese people in Yueli to gain a foothold in society.

There is no innate martial artist, and every innate martial artist will be honored as a master and enjoy the generous benefits from the society.

And Dugu Gou, the propagator of martial arts, became Yue Liguo's "Martial Father". Because of his unique swordsmanship, he was honored as the Sword God by the world.

On this day, Dugu Gou, who was over 60 years old, returned to Ao's flash shop again.

In the innate realm, he has a two-hundred-year lifespan, and now he has just passed one-third of his life, and his appearance does not appear to be particularly old.

[Dugugou: Teacher, decades later, you are still the same, which is really enviable! 】

[Ao Shou: If you break through the realm of condensing pills, it will be the same in another two hundred years. 】

After condensing the pill realm, under the nourishment of true power, the body of the warrior will change. At that time, the lifespan of five hundred years will still be there.

[Dugu Gou: Teacher, I still don’t understand, you are the real founder of martial arts, why don’t you let me speak? Even if you don't like fame and fortune, it's always okay to let the world know about your achievements, right? 】

[Ao Shou: That would be very troublesome, and what I hate most is trouble! 】

Lin Qian'an didn't lie. He felt that it would be troublesome for Guigui to do these things himself, so he was reluctant to let Guigui start the academy.

Compared with these, he prefers to manipulate the turtles to take advantage of the essence of the sun and the moon, sell amphibole, and help customers repair the amphibole machinery.

When Dugu Gou heard the words, he no longer persuaded him, but asked Turtle about the key to breaking through the realm of condensing pills.

Soon, another few decades passed.

Under the guidance of Lin Qian'an, Dugu Gou didn't go half way. He had already opened up all the acupoints in his body when he was just over a hundred years old.

The next step is to condense the pill.

As long as the acupoints and orifices are penetrated, the step of condensing pills is already a matter of course.

But even if it comes naturally, it will take time.

Time passes day by day.

Finally, when Dugu Gou was 153 years old, he succeeded in condensing Dan.

It took him decades to condense the pill.

There are reasons why the energy of heaven and earth is thin, and there are reasons why his own root bones are relatively strong and his dantian is relatively large.

But after the breakthrough, he also returned to his youthful appearance, rejuvenating his youth.

This incident quickly made news about Yue Liguo, and even shocked several surrounding countries.

Dugu Gou, who was in the realm of condensing pills, was already able to control the sky with a single sword and shatter the peaks.

With such a powerful combat power, with some amphibole armor and special weapons, he can almost fight an army by himself.

It's a pity that Dugu Gou has no talent in "King Kong Fu Mo Gong", so he won't be able to practice until the 20th floor. Otherwise, it is impossible to let people in this world experience the power of the law.

The father of martial arts pushed martial arts to a new realm again, and countless honors were added to him.

All of this should have been possessed by the pedant who created the meditation method at the beginning, but unfortunately, he met Dugugou by accident.

When Dugu Gou was supposed to enjoy everything, he quietly came to the Ao's flash shop by the Yinyue Lake in Divine Turtle City.

Even if he broke through the realm of condensing pills, he still couldn't see the realm of his teacher.

And Lin Qianan also told Dugu Gou how to cultivate in the realm of Neijing at the right time.

In this realm, even Lin Qianan himself has not been able to succeed for the time being. The difficulty factor is high, and Lin Qianan finds it difficult to think about it. He doubts whether Dugu Gou can successfully break through.

But Lin Qian'an didn't care.

After all, this is just an attempt. If Dugugou can't do it, then change it to another person. It's still a long time for the tortoise.

time flies.

Dugu Gou was four hundred and fifty years old. In today's Yue Liguo, almost everyone practiced martial arts. Innate is not as rare as before, and there are even dozens of people in the realm of condensing pills.

Everyone is looking at him now, hoping that he can break through to the realm of interior scenes and create another miracle.

However, Dugugou has already understood his limit.

The interior scene is already a luxury for him.

That step is too difficult to cross!

Spirit, physical body, if there is any missing point, it will not be able to successfully create an interior world in the dantian.

Just the first step of compressing the martial arts golden core made him ponder for nearly a hundred years. When he really started to compress the martial arts golden core, it caused his body damage several times.

Humans have limits. To truly reach the realm of interior scenes, Dugu Gou can't think of what kind of body he needs, and what kind of strong spiritual consciousness can do it.

At the end of his life, he returned to Ao's flash shop.

The old man looked at the still young turtle, tears brewing in his eyes.

[Dugugou: Teacher, I have lived up to your expectations. 】

[Ao Shou: You have done a good job, I am proud of you. 】

Lin Qianan could continue for another thousand years for Dugu Gou, but he did not do so.

He was used to parting ways with life and death. Since Dugu Gou couldn't do it, he would find another person to spread his extraordinary knowledge.

Soon after, Dugu Gou died, and Yue Liguo mourned the whole country.

At this time, a little girl came to Ao's flash shop.

[Ao Shou: Children, have you heard of witch medicine? 】

Three hundred years later.

The mother of witch medicine passed away, and the knowledge of witch medicine created by her became a school of its own, which was widely circulated in the world. There were witch medicine shops and witch medicine practitioners selling witch medicine everywhere.

Lin Qianan silently recorded the situation of the witch medicine with the brain chip.

It is difficult to learn, but like Martial Arts, it also has strong versatility and is not overly restricted by the world environment.

A young man came to Ao's flash shop.

[Xie Hui: Boss, please help me repair this imaging device. I bought it only two days ago, and it broke down. That store is really rubbish...]

Lin Qianan looked at the other party and showed a smile.

[Ao Shou: Young man, it doesn't matter if the utensil is broken. Have you heard of the method of accumulating utensils? 】

More than two hundred years later, the father of Yuqi, who created Yuqiyi, is gone.

The selection this time gave Lin Qian'an a big surprise.

The Book of Accumulation of Vessels has the effect of nourishing vessels with the body and accumulating the body with vessels.

Let the body of the utensils receive the rhythm feedback of the utensils, and constantly become similar to the utensils, possessing the Tao possessed by the utensils.

That might be a bit of a mystery.

To put it directly, in the process of cultivating the objects, the body is affected by the objects, so that the human body also has the functions of the objects themselves.

And there is no limit to what kind of utensils can be cultivated, and there is no limit to how many artifacts can be cultivated.

So the father of the imperial artifact developed a brain hole, and cultivated various artifacts into his body. Through the process of accumulating artifacts, he allowed himself to have more special abilities and played quite fancy.

For example, if a piece of armor is put into the body, the body can have the hardness of that piece of armor.

By cultivating a sword into the body, the body can gradually possess the sharpness of that sword.

These are normal operations.

To Lin Qian'an's surprise, he later cultivated an amphibole lamp. After nourishing it into his body, he was able to transform, absorb and store flash energy, and at the same time emit light like an amphibole lamp.

And then there are all kinds of outrageous objects.

Knives, guns and clubs are not counted, there are also a series of amphibole technology creations, as well as some more special tools.

In this way, "Yunqi Zhenjing" has really developed some gameplay that Lin Qianan could not even imagine.

Although it is unscientific, the "Yunqi Zhenjing" is a method that directly points to the Dao, and it is the most unscientific to talk about science with it.

Only then did Lin Qianan feel that he was limited by common sense before.

He was thinking, if a mobile phone is cultivated into the body, will it directly become a "mobile phone man"?

It is a pity that the more artifacts you cultivate, the more energy you need to spend to cultivate artifacts, and the more difficult it is to break through, and you won't get far at all.

So even if you want to play a little fancy, it is best to specialize in keeping a utensil.

And the utensils can't be too big, otherwise the energy consumption will not be less when cultivating.

Therefore, in summary, a small utensil with a durable and multi-functional material should be the first choice for nourishment.

In order to make the Royal Artifacts develop better together, Lin Qianan quietly asked the turtle to change his identity again, and went to the outside world to guide others to create an artifact specially designed to be stored in the body.

The size of a palm, and the material is durable and difficult to break, and the functions are complete and complex.

That's right, it's a cell phone!

However, the mobile phone here is different from the mobile phone Lin Qianan has seen, and the name is not called mobile phone, but Zhang Tianyi.

In this aspect of miniaturization, Amphibole Technology is actually not particularly good.

The use of amphibole equipment in daily life has only begun in the last few thousand years, and most of them are large-scale instruments, and there are not many small ones.

The technology required to make this hand-held instrument is extremely complex, and it is even more difficult to mass-produce it. Fortunately, everything is difficult at the beginning. When someone realizes the benefits, there will be people who will improve it one after another.

There are many functions of the palm sky instrument, but the original functions of the palm sky instrument are sound transmission, image transmission, taking pictures, recording, sturdiness, storage of flash energy, lighting, calculation and so on.

Compared with real mobile phones, there are not so many complicated apps, and it is impossible to connect to the Internet.

However, as long as there is demand, it should develop in a similar direction in the future.

Soon, the first version of Zhang Tianyi was spread by Yue Liguo's National Research Institute.

Afterwards, many artifact cultivators in the imperial artifact class began to try to cultivate it into their bodies.

After the palm celestial instrument has been cultivated into the body, the qixiu will naturally gradually acquire some functions of the palm celestial instrument.

The toughness of the body will also be close to that of the palm sky instrument, becoming comparable to gold and iron.

However, the place where Yunyang Zhang Tianyi is really powerful is not this.

But its auxiliary function of cultivation.

No matter what kind of knowledge, you will never forget it after reading it once, you can record it and learn it forever.

With extremely fast computing power, the thinking becomes sensitive, and the tools are bred to be psychic. When practicing martial arts, the body can record every correct action like a machine.

Soon after, someone developed the usage of automatic cultivation.

Yes, this is an alternative version of the brain chip.

The palm of the sky is cultivated into the body, which is equivalent to an alternative increase of self-learning ability and talent.

In this way, the speed of cultivation will naturally be accelerated.

Time passed, and soon in Yue Li's country, countless masters sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

There are martial arts masters and weapon masters here.

Most of them cultivate both, and they can go faster when they complement each other.

Later, Lin Qianan spread magic and witchcraft one after another.

Because magic requires magic elements and is limited by the environment, it does not work in this world, but witchcraft, like witch medicine, has become another extraordinary system in this world.

However, no matter how many extraordinary systems Lin Qianan spreads, after all, no one has reached the rule level.

Lin Qian'an even wondered if this was a restriction in the world.

But Lin Qian'an's suspicion was broken after only a short period of time.

Turtle is twenty-eight thousand and fifty-three years old.

Under the guidance of Turtle.

Yue Liguo's information network and Zhang Tianyi have developed to a certain extent.

There are various websites in the country dedicated to the login of the Palm and the download of the functional software, making it more and more like a mobile phone.

Of course, the website is called by Lin Qian'an. In the game, Yue Liguo calls it "Tianjiku", which is where information is stored.

Finally, someone will break through and enter the Tao through the "Accumulation of Instruments".

His name is He Yanzhong.

There is only one utensil contained in the body, and that is the latest palm sky instrument.

He also cultivated martial arts and reached the peak of condensing pills, so he has five hundred years of life.

When he broke into the realm of entering the Dao, his lifespan reached 489 years old, and he was almost dying. It can be said that he was stuck in the last time to break through.

However, once he entered the Dao, his limit life span extended to 2,000 years, and he could live an extra 1,500 years.

And the most important thing is that the palm sky instrument he has has also transformed into a Taoist instrument.

In other words, he has a Taoist-level "mobile phone"?

Lin Qian'an had never seen or heard of such a thing.

So he manipulated Guigui to find this man named He Yanzhong and meet him.

The other party looks a little arrogant, but it doesn't matter, no matter how arrogant, he will become amiable and amiable when he gets a turtle's tortoise shell.

Lin Qian'an quickly learned how useful the opponent's Taoist-level Palm Tianyi was.

The various functions it has have undergone metamorphosis and have reached the rule level.

Although a single function is not strong, but the advantage is that there are many functions, and the effect is special enough.

Not to mention teleportation, omni-directional perception, recording information, etc. These are enhanced versions of the original functions, which are not commendable.

It is the key that he has a more powerful learning ability through the tool spirit of the palm sky instrument.

With the integration of human and machine, the human being is like a supercomputer, able to easily deduce and analyze everything. All kinds of martial arts knowledge are integrated, and it is just a matter of time for innovation.

Moreover, he can also make the palm sky instrument have new functions by downloading new software from the Internet or developing new software by himself.

Lin Qian'an has a hunch that this civilization will make great strides next.

After understanding these things, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to release He Yanzhong.

Later, he saw the live broadcast about He Yanzhong in the flashing device.

After becoming a master of the Dao Realm, his strength is comparable to that of the former Demon Lord or the powerhouse of the Cultivation Realm.

Such strength is already a town-level existence that can easily destroy a city.

The media is crazy about his advocacy, but he himself seems to be very restrained, constantly repeating the truth that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside, so that countless latecomers should not be proud, and the way is endless.

Outsiders all said that He Yan had the demeanor of a grandmaster, but only Lin Qianan knew that he was afraid of being smashed by the turtle's shell.

Later, Lin Qian'an also wanted Guigui to try martial arts and storage tools to see if it could be successful.

The answer is that it can be cultivated, but it will take a lot of time, and Turtle has gained very little experience, so it is better to use the [Na Yuan] magical power to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and complete the task.

In this way, Lin Qianan has a good choice.

These trivial things are for the people in this world to do. Turtles should honestly gain experience and move towards the realm of demon saints!

Soon, the tortoise reached thirty thousand years old.

The original Taoist monk He Yanzhong had been dead for more than 300 years. Before his death, he did not break through to the "Dawning Realm", and he did not even reach the realm of peeping.

After his death, the Taoist tool he possessed was placed in the National Memorial of Yue Liguo and kept forever.

The amphibole technology in this world has developed to its peak. The buildings are often as high as thousands of meters, and all kinds of hovering vehicles are flying around in the sky.

At present, there is no martial cultivator who has broken through the realm of interior scenery, but there are dozens of people who enter the realm of Dao appearing in Qixiu.

But it's all because of the martial arts.

Their practice is basically to increase the life of the martial arts, and to cultivate into the Tao.

Most of these utensils in the Taoist realm rely on the palm celestial instrument, but there are also a small number of other utensils used.

The utensil that a certain Taoist device cultivates is still a bottle. After entering the Tao, the bottle and himself have spatial rules, which can easily accommodate Jiang He.

There is also a device for entering the Dao state, which is a mirror. After entering the Dao, the mirror can easily reflect the surrounding light of hundreds of meters, and it can easily illuminate everything in the body of others, and it can even shine into the hearts of others. Read messages from other people's minds.

Lin Qian'an re-examined the "Accumulation of Instruments".

I feel that it is worthy of being an extraordinary method that directly points to the fifth level, and it is not simple at all.

By the way, Yue Liguo has already ruled dozens of surrounding countries thousands of years ago, becoming the only country on the current continent.

Of course, it only occupies a small part of the world.

This world is very big. When Turtle was in the cultivation world, any top-level sect could occupy thousands of miles. If you really want to calculate it, it must be 15% of the earth's area.

And there are definitely more than twenty sects in the cultivation world.

The mortal realm plus the cultivation realm, the ghost knows how big it can be.

However, the current development of Yue Liguo has also made it easier for Guigui to gain experience.

Not to mention those monks who entered the Taoist realm, the experience that martial arts gave him innately was no less than that of the original demon generals or the monks in the spiritual realm.

As a result, Lin Qian'an had another idea of ​​letting the turtles reach the top and gaining experience through the convenience of their identity.

[Divination] Plus reading files, and relying on the strength of the turtle to operate, within ten years, Lin Qian'an let the turtle successfully enter the core upper layer of Yue Liguo.

Enter the Senate and become one of the Senators.

The core of Yue Liguo's country consists of twelve senators plus an emperor.

The country's major decisions are handled by these twelve senators and the emperor.

The current emperor is named Song Yang, a young man who is only 150 years old.

That's right, in terms of his cultivation in the Pill Condensation Realm, one hundred and fifty years old is really a young man.

After entering the Senate, Lin Qian'an usually manipulated Turtle's activities casually, and he could gain a lot of experience. The experience bar that had not moved for a long time even moved a little.

But then it stopped moving.

But this didn't affect Lin Qian'an's enthusiasm, at least he saw hope.

The turtle is 35,000 years old, and Yue Liguo has reached its peak. There are 300 billion people and more than 10,000 monks in the country. Not only the land under their feet, but also most of the neighboring continents are already under the rule.

In Yue Liguo's step-by-step progress, he also encountered a highly developed technological society, but in the face of Yue Liguo's power, they seemed so weak.

Today's Yue Liguo looks like he wants to unify the world.

This kind of civilization is much more terrifying than the development of the cultivation world at the beginning.

Thanks to the development of Yue Liguo, Guigui has also gained more experience.

Turtles are forty-two thousand years old.

A Taoist university named Wa Jin spent hundreds of years researching and came up with a conjecture that the world is round.

And his conjecture was quickly proved by an entry-level device that specializes in speed.

This world is a round place.

Later, the device repairer also calculated the approximate area of ​​the world, and Lin Qianan converted it and found that the surface area of ​​this world is about 70 billion square kilometers.

The surface area of ​​the earth is 510 million square kilometers, that is to say, it is almost equal to the surface area of ​​140 earths.

Just when the tortoise was fifty thousand years old, the little carp woke up from dormancy.

After she woke up, she lived with Turtle for a hundred years, but because she didn't adapt to the current environment, she went back to dormant in the magic weapon.

time flies.

The turtle is 80,000 years old. In the past 30,000 years, Yue Liguo has experienced several internal divisions before and after, and then reunited.

The scope of its rule became wider and wider, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Nearly one-third of the world is under the rule of the empire, and the population has reached 500 billion.

At this time, the speed of Turtle gaining experience is far faster than before, and even when he was a demon emperor, it was not so exaggerated.

However, this huge empire also makes it more difficult to operate, with many internal structural problems, and the pace of continued expansion has also slowed down.

------off topic-----

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