No Jokes Here

Chapter 253: The kingdom of God, the watermelon in the countryside

Turtle is 1.2 million years old, and the witchcraft system has developed to its peak.

Because the relationship between witch gods and fans is very special.

The more fans you have, the more faith you have, the faster your divine power recovers, and the faster your cultivation progresses.

The Turtle Country has even customized relevant laws for monks in the witchcraft system.

Let them not use bad means to compete for fans.

However, no matter whether it is a witchcraft system or any other system, after all, it is impossible to give birth to a fifth-level transcendent existence.

Perhaps the energy between heaven and earth is not enough to support them to break through to the fifth level, or it may be that their lifespan is relatively short, and even if they are unparalleled in talent, they cannot support themselves to break through the fifth level.

Lin Qianan believes that there should be both reasons.

The energy of heaven and earth is inherently thin, making it difficult for monks to practice, and even if they break through to the fourth level, they often have a lifespan of about 10,000 years.

Not many have even reached the peak of the fourth level, let alone the fifth level.

It is a pity that there are many people studying the method of prolonging life, but except for a few god-level witch medicines that can prolong the life of monks who enter the Tao, the rest of the methods are not so feasible.

The main reason is that the stronger the cultivation base, the more different the structure of life is from ordinary people.

The energy required to prolong life is also completely different.

Just like ordinary poison can only be effective on ordinary people, and it has no effect on monks with high cultivation.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum or something, ordinary people may eat a large amount of nourishing nosebleeds, but for high-level monks, even if they grab a handful and refine them into pills, it is just a little supplement for the consumption caused by strenuous exercise.

In this way, another 50,000 years passed, and the tortoise was 1.25 million years old.

Another great genius was born.

It combines the interior realm of the martial arts system with the witchcraft system to develop a new gameplay.

The same is the realm of martial arts interior scene, but he put the structure of the interior scene world in the godhead in the eyebrows.

Dantian is extremely fragile, and cannot bear the pressure brought by the compression of the Martial Dao Jindan, and it takes a long time to accumulate true power.

Even if the Martial Dao Golden Core is successfully compressed, the moment it explodes, it is likely to be a dead end.

So his idea is to place the interior world in a more solid godhead that is condensed by rules.

The compressed martial arts golden pills were replaced by divine power transformed from the power of belief.

The power of belief comes from fans and oneself. It is not as difficult to accumulate as true power. As long as there are enough fans, countless divine powers can be accumulated very quickly.

Immediately, by mobilizing divine power, the imaginary world can be constructed directly in the godhead.

And such a world, he called it - the kingdom of God!

After the formation of the kingdom of God, through the fetters of the power of faith, the souls of fans can be directly brought into the kingdom of God, protecting their souls from dissipating naturally, so that they can continue to live for a period of time after death.

Fans of this kind of soul entering the kingdom of God are called the Holy Spirit.

And the Holy Spirit can also continue to provide the power of faith for the witch god.

It's kind of like a landlord-tenant relationship.

And the witch **** who owns the kingdom of God is also blessed by the power of the kingdom of God when he takes action, which is not much weaker than the fourth-level extraordinary who cultivates both systems.

Of course, the most important thing is that the witch **** who has achieved success through this path can live an extra 10,000 years, 20,000 years.

This made Lin Qianan gasp in surprise.

Turtle was 1.3 million years old, and the little carp woke up again. This time she stayed for a little longer, mainly to learn the current extraordinary system.

However, after discovering that the current transcendent system, even if it reaches its peak, only has a lifespan of 10,000 or 20,000 years, it fell asleep again.

Tortoise is one and a half million years old, witchcraft and equipment repair have all reached their peaks.

Whether it is the witch **** or the Taoist realm cultivator, there are a lot of people.

It is a pity that no one has broken through to level five.

And in the aspect of martial arts, no one has broken through the interior scene.

On the one hand, it is too difficult to break through the realm of the interior scene, and on the other hand, there is a relatively easy witchcraft system as a substitute.

Generally, geniuses can also cultivate martial arts to the realm of condensing pills, which can last for hundreds of years.

Even now, due to the witchcraft system, there are gradually fewer people who also practice martial arts.

Because of this, Lin Qian'an realized how unsuitable the interior realm he deduced was for ordinary people.

However, although it is not friendly to ordinary people, it is very friendly to his own special existence.

He didn't have to worry about the other things that Wu Xiu was worried about.

For example, in the aspect of refining Zhenli.

It may take hundreds of years for the average person to successfully compress the Martial Dao Jindan.

Even though his dantian is hundreds of times the size of an ordinary person, with the help of [nuclear fusion cells] and lung cancer cells, Lin Qianan felt that it would take him less than a month to successfully compress the Martial Dao Jindan.

There is also the tenacity of Dantian.

In this regard, he has already cultivated the Ruyi Mountain Stick into his body, and the tenacity of his body is no different from that of Ruyi Divine Iron under the unity of human and equipment.

When the explosion formed the interior world, as long as the attack strength did not reach the fifth level, his dantian would never be damaged.

Moreover, Lin Qianan had a hunch that the realm of interior scenery was the most critical step to distinguish ordinary warriors from genius warriors.

The bigger the dantian, the bigger the inner world formed.

At that time, the power of the rules blessed by the interior world will also be stronger.

Lin Qianan used the size of his dantian to estimate that once he broke through, the fourth-level invincibility would be restrained.

Closer to home.

When Turtle was 1.53 million years old, there were monks who wanted to explore the outer world.

However, in the end, he was stopped in front of the world barrier, and he couldn't leave no matter what he tried.

However, his failure has aroused the idea of ​​countless monks wanting to explore the outside world together.

As a result, a group of fourth-level monks began to die.

In order to open a breach in the barriers of the world, they thought of countless ways day in and day out.

In the end, they did succeed.

Broke a small hole in the world barrier.

Then things got complicated.

Outside the barrier of the world, an infinite amount of Chaos Qi pours in, but all substances that come into contact with it are assimilated into Chaos Qi.

These monks are no exception.

And these influx of Chaos Qi, along with it, are also destroying the rest of the matter in the world.

As more and more Chaos Qi poured in, the world barriers gradually disappeared, and the whole world gradually became chaotic.

After manipulating the turtle's [divination], Lin Qianan realized that this was the so-called Dayan catastrophe.

Every 200 million years, the world will close the world barrier, allowing all the chaotic matter in the boundless void to pour into the world, turning everything in the world into the air of chaos.

Then the World Barrier will be restored again, allowing the Chaos Qi in the world to evolve from scratch.

It's kind of like the world itself is doing a "factory reset".

It is a means of self-cleaning of the world, it is metabolism.

Because for the world, everything that has evolved within it actually doesn't make much sense.

The emergence of life is actually an accident to the world itself.

In the erosion of the infinite chaotic air, the turtle has turned into its own body, its body surface glows with green mysterious light, and its demon power is rapidly consumed, but it cannot resist the erosion of the chaotic air.

Lin Qianan tried to use the [Na Yuan] magical power to devour the Qi of Chaos, but the turtle's HP dropped a lot.

This substance seems to be unable to be used by turtles.

After staying in the Qi of Chaos for 100,000 years, the tortoise finally exhausted its demon power, was eroded by the Qi of Chaos, and lost its health.

Immediately the game is over.

Lin Qian'an narrowed his eyes, then directly chose to read the file and returned to the file that was 10,000 years before those people died.

Then, a law was enacted in the Turtle Country, which did not allow monks above the fourth level to approach the World Barrier, let alone attack the World Barrier.

Of course, Lin Qian'an knew that the more he didn't let people do it, the easier it would arouse the curiosity of others.

So he also talked about the pros and cons, and told the senior monks about the dangers outside.

At the same time, every once in a while, Lin Qian'an will use [divination] to ask to see if anyone will know the law and break the law and attack the crystal wall of the world.

If there is, he will manipulate the turtle to kill it in the cradle in advance.

In this way, the Dayan Tribulation did not come earlier.

Turtles are 1.8 million years old.

God Turtle's domestic equipment repair line has engaged in a show operation.

They developed a method of inheriting the utensils.

The general meaning is to pass down a cultivated artifact from generation to generation, and continue to cultivate it for the next generation.

Until a real artifact with more than one Dao artifact is raised.

At the beginning, they really let them come out with a bit of fame.

Raised a few not weak Taoist tools.

Unfortunately, there are limits.

The Dao of each person who cultivates is different. Every monk who enters the Dao realm accumulates a tool once, which means that the tool needs to carry one more person's Dao.

If there is a conflict between the Taos, they cannot be cultivated any longer.

Even if there is no conflict, if the cultivating vessel carries too much Dao, and the material of the utensil itself is not enough to carry these Dao.

There is only one result.


On the side of the witchcraft system, there are also people trying to expand the kingdom of God, making it comparable to the size of the real world, or even larger, in order to touch the extraordinary realm of the fifth level.

Unfortunately, they too failed.

It's not that they can't do miracles with great force, but their strength is not strong enough.

Far from being big enough!

At present, the largest recorded kingdom of gods has just reached 3/100 millionth of the kingdom of the tortoise.

That's it, do you still want to reach level 5?

I didn't even dream of doing that.

The leap from Level 4 to Level 5 is really huge and unimaginable.

The "Accumulation of Instruments" contains the practice method of entering the Taoist realm to the realm of Xiaozhen. As long as you cultivate your own instruments to the level of real instruments, you can break through to the fifth-level realm of Xiaozhen.

But it is extremely difficult to cultivate a real artifact by itself.

At least it is impossible for the monks to enter the Taoist realm in just ten thousand years.

Even giving them 100,000 years, 100,000 years, 10,000,000 years can't do it.

If you want to reach the fifth level, having a clear path is one aspect, but lifespan and the environment are also the key, and your own talent is also an indispensable link.

Lin Qianan finally concluded that only if all the above conditions are met, or if you can achieve the ultimate in a certain aspect, can you truly enter the fifth level.

For example, Long Yi, he should have the ultimate advantage in talent and environment, so he can enter the fifth level.

As for the turtle, Lin Qianan believes that its greatest advantage is its longevity.

With a lifespan of more than 100 million years, even a pig can become a **** pig, not to mention that the turtle still has the bloodline of the **** beast.

Looking at the golden experience bar that Turtle had just nodded, Lin Qianan sighed, pressed the mouse with his index finger, and clicked on the fast forward.


Wait, wait, Lin Qian'an's plot fast-forwards again and again.

The time has come to October tenth.

Turtle's lifespan at this time has reached ten million years.

During this period of time, countless arrogances of the gods in the gods appeared back and forth, and eventually disappeared one by one. Only the square tablet of the turtle has countless mysterious Taoist patterns, which record the Tao of each of them. .

Mountains and rivers change, buildings are demolished, built and demolished.

With the advancement of science and technology, new discoveries are made at the micro level every year.

All kinds of magical powers and secret methods have also emerged crazily, and countless smart people have come up with all kinds of methods, all just to evolve to the extraordinary level of the fifth level.

But they were never reachable.

There is a shortage of heaven and earth, and mortals can be limited, so how can they pursue the infinite realm?

The tortoise is one million and one million years old. Under the control of Lin Qian'an, he sits high in the imperial palace transformed by the Temple of the Tortoise.

Beside him, a clam shell with a width of more than five meters slowly opened, revealing the small carp dormant inside.

Even though the little carp is gifted with extraordinary talents, comprehends the magical power of [longevity], and prolongs his lifespan through dormancy, but now it is on the verge of exhaustion.

The little carp looked at the turtle with a three-point nostalgia in his eyes.

[Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, I'm going to die! 】

Seeing this scene, Lin Qian'an's expression was moved.

In any case, he didn't want to see the little carp die.

The little carp is the first friend that Turtle has known since he was born to the present, and he is also the Taoist companion who has been with him for the longest time.

If the little carp is gone, the tortoise will really have no roots anymore.

[Ao Shou: I won't let you die, you haven't turned into a dragon yet, this is my blood crystal, you can prolong your life if you eat it! 】

Having said that, Lin Qian'an directly let the turtle self-mutilate to remove the blood and essence that is enough to prolong life for more than 100,000 years.

Seeing this scene, the little carp shook his head weakly.

[Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, I don't want to drink your blood, you will live a long time less. 】

[Ao Shou: If I were the only one left to live in this world, what would I do for tens of millions of years? 】

In the end, the little carp listened to Lin Qian'an's advice and drank the blood of the turtle.

However, in order not to waste the blood of the turtle, it will still use the dormant method to let itself live as long as possible.

When the tortoise cultivation base reached the peak of Demon Venerable, his lifespan was more than 110 million years.

And after these ten million years, the turtle has carried countless Taoist tools by relying on the [weight-bearing] supernatural power, and its own attributes have been improved, and the lifespan has also increased by nearly five million years.

Even if the profit is distributed to the little carp for 100,000 years of life, the current turtle still has more than 104.9 million years of life left.

In fact, it has little effect on turtles.



The plot on this side of the game has almost no progress, it is just constant repetition.

And what Lin Qian'an can do is to repeat the task, and then fast-forward the plot, and by the way, let the turtle continue to use the [load] to carry those Taoist weapons that have passed away to increase their attributes.

As a result, Lin Qianan also took time out every day to practice.

His main purpose was to comprehend a few secret techniques he had obtained from Yang Lin of Ziwei College not long ago.

During the conversation with Yang Lin at that time, Lin Qianan learned that Yang Lin has the characteristics of immortality, and his own combat skills are almost special secret techniques that rely on self-harm to improve his combat power, so he asked curiously.

Yang Lin happened to be thinking about how to thank Lin Qianan for his action. When Lin Qianan asked, he immediately sent three documents related to the secret technique.

These three secret techniques are called "The Great Method of Disintegrating the Demons", "Blood-Burning Secret Technique", and "Soul Shattering Technique".

With the blessing of Tong Zun's [Shen Wu], Lin Qian'an of these three secret techniques has now comprehended and learned to the level of perfection.

"Destruction of Demons" is a secret technique that squeezes the body to the limit in exchange for explosive power.

After use, the user's body will basically disintegrate into countless pieces, so it is called "Destroying Demons".

Lin Qianan also tried to use it after learning.

In the case of the integration of human and machine, Lin Qian'an's use of the "Destruction of Heaven and Demons" is to squeeze a little more cell energy, and let go of some restrictions, and the side effects have little effect on him.

But the blessing is not high, not even comparable to a third-level peak physical ability.

"Blood Burning Secret Law" is to exchange massive amounts of energy by burning blood essence.

Lin Qian'an has the rule-level ability of [nuclear fusion cells], plus the stalk of lung cancer cells, this secret method seems a bit tasteless to him.

Finally, there is "Soul Shattering".

This extraordinary secret method enhances spiritual attributes.

If the "Destruction of Heavenly Demons" is to squeeze the flesh, bones and muscles, and the "Blood-Burning Secret" is to burn the blood, then the "Broken Soul" is to directly smash one's own soul in exchange for a massive increase in spiritual power.

The former two Lin Qianan dared to try, the latter Lin Qianan did not dare to touch it.

His body is damaged, and he can recover in seconds with his ability.

Only in the aspect of the soul, Lin Qianan did not dare to die casually.

Of course, although he did not dare to use the "Soul Shattering Art" directly, but by studying the principle of smashing the soul to obtain spiritual power, Lin Qianan deduced a method to detonate the spiritual sense in a different way.

He tentatively called it [Nian Lei].

The method of use is very simple, that is, to condense a part of the spiritual sense of oneself and detonate it in a specific way.

[Thundering]'s attack is not limited to the physical body, it is also powerfully destructive to the soul.

If Lin Qian'an condensed half of his spiritual sense into [Thunder Mind], he could even achieve an attack range of 50,000 meters.

Although Lin Qian'an would lose part of his spiritual sense because of this, but with the [Energy Conversion] ability, Lin Qian'an would soon recover.

And most importantly, this trick is yin.

The detonation of [Mind Thunder] is instantaneous, and all you can perceive is the fluctuation of spiritual sense.

Lin Qianan asked himself, if he didn't know in advance, he would only think that the other party was scanning his situation with his spiritual sense, and would not think that the other party would want to blow him up.

Even if he is prepared, he will only guard against the flesh, and it is difficult to guard against the attack against the soul.

Moreover, depending on the amount of detonated spiritual thoughts, the instant spread can even reach tens of thousands of meters away. This kind of attack cannot be escaped by ordinary cultivators.

After some research, Lin Qianan was also very satisfied with the addition of a super-large-area destructive skill aimed at the soul.

On October 13, Xiangxi came to a large-scale regional terrier.

The Xiangxi people gained the ability to drive away corpses overnight.

Because of the limited scope, this conceptual stalk was finally rated as a third-level stalk.

It quickly made the news and spread quickly.

Immediately, people in the rest of the place also began to panic or look forward to it.

If you only know some special skills, or ride a cockroach, the giant panda can barely accept it when going to school and work, and I am afraid that some negative regional stalks will come.

For example, someone from a certain place specializes in stealing manhole covers, someone from a certain place is so ill-tempered that he will beat you at the first glance, and a person from a certain place has stinky feet.

At the same time, Lin Qian'an's supernatural clone also appeared in a village called Wangjiagou in Qing'an City.

Now, while Lin Qian'an is playing games, he will also let his clone go out to help the dragon group solve some abnormal events. While collecting stalks for himself, it can also be regarded as a contribution to the country.

What he has to deal with this time is a watermelon.

A "rural watermelon".

A week ago, a farmer in Wangjiagou harvested a watermelon.

When he opened everything, the watermelon kept gushing out, filling the buckets and water tanks at home, and the water was still gushing out.

And the water flow is getting bigger and bigger.

He was a little scared, and with some superstitious reasons, he went out and buried the melon in the mountains.

This is good, Wangjiagou now has a small river directly.

The water poured out from the mountain like a torrent, and it couldn't be stopped. Most of the land in Wangjiagou was submerged.

And all of this comes from a stalk circulating on the Internet.

Because many Internet celebrities who sell online like to say how "tender and juicy" the rural fruits or vegetables they sell are.

Then someone imitated the routines of those Internet celebrities, connected the faucet under the fruit they were eating, cut the fruit, looked at the fruit or vegetables that kept gushing out of the tap water, and said how fresh and juicy the fruit in their countryside was, to satirize those Internet celebrity.

And netizens are also happy to play tricks below to echo them.

What to say "Our village was in drought and bought a tomato from them, and then there was a direct flood."

Or, "It's true, we dug a well here, and put a watermelon they bought at the bottom of the well. It's been two hundred years, and the water in this well hasn't been used up" or something like that.

The melon dragon group has also sent someone to see it, and ordinary storage props can't be installed. If you put the storage props in for three seconds, the storage props will burst and a lot of water will flow out.

They also tried to destroy it, but after the watermelon was cut into three parts, there were three more water outlets, which was far more terrifying than the original spouting water.

Keep cutting, and no one knows what will happen.

In the end, Lin Qianan took over this matter and planned to come over and destroy the stalk.

Coming to the source of the mountain torrent, Lin Qianan used his [Perspective] ability and quickly saw four pieces of watermelon fixed on the mountain wall.

This should be done by members of the dragon group.

After a brief glance, Lin Qianan placed his palm on the gushing flood.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka ~!

With Lin Qian'an's palm as the center, the flood quickly froze, and soon the watermelon was completely wrapped in it.

However, before Lin Qianan could breathe a sigh of relief, in the next instant, a huge flood of water spewed out of the watermelon. Crack the ice cubes.

Lin Qianan shook his head, UU reading www. Such unreasonable stalks of really have to be solved by the body.

The mind switched to the main body, and Lin Qianan, who was playing games in the Xuanyang Academy apartment, frowned, and then his figure suddenly turned into a ray of light, and he appeared beside the clone in an instant.

[Hint: There is a stalk near the host, which has been marked. 】

Following the prompt of the Terrier game system, Lin Qianan also saw the four marked watermelons.

However, this was not the end. Lin Qianan found that there was still a red outline in the mountain behind the watermelon.

------off topic-----

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