No Jokes Here

: 248 The past is like smoke, go to the Wan Yao Kingdom

In the void, the thundering axe in Xiang Shu's hand slammed down, bringing an infinite electric beam and attacking the turtle.


On the other side, the wind and fire fan in Lu Yandong's hand also fanned, the wind helped the fire, and a blazing red real fire enveloped the turtle.


Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to use the [Water Repellent] magical power to form a spherical shield, which easily blocked both the electric light and the real fire.


Although Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong were both strong in the late stage of cultivation, their strength was not purely based on cultivation.


In the early stage of Demon Lord, Turtle was able to overpower Pei Jin, a cultivator who was in the late stage of cultivation, and later, with a single tortoise shell, he was crushed to death when he had broken through to the peak of cultivation.


Seriously speaking, the moment Turtle stepped into the realm of the Demon Venerable, he should have already been invincible in the cultivation realm.


The six supernatural powers are far more than ten times the attributes of the same level.


This kind of talent, ordinary creatures can't catch up with rockets.


Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong continued to attack, the sky was covered by blue electric lights and red real fire, but the water polo controlled by Turtle was still as stable as Mount Tai.


Looking at the hideous expressions of the two senior brothers who wished they could eat turtles, Lin Qianan couldn't help sighing.


It turned out that they were very good to turtles before they knew that their blood could prolong their lives.


As for the knowledge of alchemy and refining, the two of them would give guidance very enthusiastically to anyone Guigui didn't understand. They really accepted Guigui just like Ji Jun.


However, within two hundred years since Guigui became Ji Junyanshou's apprenticeship, the two's attitude towards Guigui has changed a little, which is very subtle.


Greed, struggle, covet?


Lin Qian'an didn't understand it at the time, and thought it was because they were afraid that Guigui would steal the throne of Dandingmen's suzerain, but now it seems that they had discovered Ji Jun's way of prolonging his life at that time, and thus had evil thoughts.


In the early years, Yuji was pressing down, and the evil thoughts in the two brothers did not dare to go out.


But to this day, these two senior brothers finally couldn't hold back.


In the silence, Lin Qian'an's fingers pressed down on Turtle's [weight bearing] supernatural ability.




There was a loud noise, and the turtle held the turtle shell in his hand and swung toward the sky.


Following Lin Qian'an's mouse click, the thundering axe and wind and fire fan in the hands of Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong both let go, and were quickly attracted by the tortoise shell.


Immediately, it turned into a picture on the tortoise-shell tablet.


The thunder and real fire in the sky dissipated, and Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong both became horrified.


[Xiang Shu: treasure are you? 】


[Lu Yandong: My wind and fire fan!



[Ao Shou: Since the two brothers do not cherish the magic weapon given by the master, I have to keep it for me. From now on, Ao Shou and Dandingmen will no longer have anything to do. 】


After saying these words, Lin Qianan planned to control Guigui to leave.


However, Xiang Shu was still somewhat reluctant.


[Item Description: The Dharma of True Flame!



With a loud shout, Xiang Shu's "Yu Yan Jue" was used, the mana in the body was activated, and the [Red Flame] supernatural power was exerted, and countless real fires poured out of the body, instantly turning into a giant of real fire hundreds of meters high, and grabbed directly at the turtle. come over.


Lin Qian'an's eyes fluctuated, and he manipulated the turtle to give a straight a.


The tortoise shell flew out and instantly turned into a huge shape of eight thousand feet. Under its suppression, the real fire giant collapsed instantly, and Xiang Shu, who collided with it, flew out upside down, hitting a mountain peak, and became a Blockbuster destruction.


If it wasn't for Lin Qian'an's quick withdrawal, he would have been turned into a powder.


Next to him, Lu Yandong quickly stepped forward to rescue him.


Rumble rumble~!


Looking at the collapsed mountain, Lin Qianan no longer had any thoughts of staying here, so he manipulated the turtle to turn around and leave.


After returning to Zizhu Mountain, Lin Qianan returned to his daily life.


Turtle is one thousand three hundred and fifteen years old.


In the world of comprehension, it was widely spread that Ao Shouxiu in Zizhu Mountain has the magical power of [longevity]. Drinking a drop of blood can prolong life for a hundred years, and eating a bite of meat can prolong life for a thousand years.


The story has a nose and eyes, and also gave an example of the reason why Ji Jun lived an extra thousand years.


Some conspiracy theorists even speculated that it was precisely because the turtle could prolong his life that Ji Jun chose to accept the turtle as his apprentice.


Lin Qian'an seemed to realize something, and guessed that this was what the two senior brothers did.


Previously, he kept his hand. It is estimated that they survived. He felt that he was not the opponent of the turtle, so he planned to use this method to cause trouble for the turtle, right?


In fact, this did cause a lot of trouble for Turtle.


Mainly to cause trouble to Zizhu Mountain.


There are many elders of the sect who are about to die, and they promise a heavy gift, trying to get a drop of blood from the turtle.


That's all, Lin Qianan refused directly.


However, when the disciples of Zizhushan were outside, they would encounter some troubles from time to time, and they were even kidnapped and asked Guigui to exchange their blood and essence.


Although the tortoise is unparalleled in combat, and Lin Qianan can read files, he can solve these troubles smoothly every time, but after a few more visits, Lin Qianan is also tired of it.


And Zizhu Mountain was also quite tormented.


Finally, when Turtle was 1,320 years old, Lin Qianan manipulated Turtle and took the little carp away from Zizhu Mountain.


He intends to go to the Myriad Demons with the little carp.


After all, the demon clan should still live where the demon clan is.


On the way to fly to the Myriad Demons with the little carp, the turtle and the little carp were surrounded by dozens of experts in the realm of self-cultivation.


And headed by the two former senior brothers, Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong.


Xiang Shu walked up a distance and smiled at Turtle.


[Xiang Shu: Junior Brother Ao, where are you planning to go? 】


[Ao Shou: Xiang Shu, your life is really long enough, but you don’t cherish the life of a dog you found, and now you have to come to die, I really can’t figure it out. 】


Lin Qianan was a little angry, and he was very shameless about what Xiang Shu did.


Therefore, in the exchange, the word "brother" was not included.


Hearing this, Xiang Shu's face was cold and severe.


[Xiang Shu: Today, I and other sixteen experts in the realm of self-cultivation are here to form the sixteen demon-killing formations. Do you think you still have a way to survive? Even if your ability is monstrous, can you defeat the sixteen great masters in the realm of self-cultivation? Now let's catch it, we can give you a good time! 】


When the little carp next to him heard the words, he opened his mouth and pouted at Xiang Shu.


[Li Yuelong: Bah! 】


The word "Bah" came out, and a water arrow shot out instantly and landed in front of Xiang Shu.


Xiang Shu hurriedly turned on the mana block.


However, the original plan of the little carp was not to kill or harm.




The water arrows scattered, and Xiang Shu was directly wetted into a chicken in soup.


Looking at Xiang Shu's embarrassed appearance, the experts in the cultivation realm who came with Xiang Shu couldn't help but laugh.


And Lin Qian'an was also happy, he typed and asked the little carp.


[Ao Shou: Little carp, why do you spit casually? It's very impolite. 】


The little carp wrinkled his nose and replied angrily.


[Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, his speech is really ugly. 】


[Ao Shou: He has sores and pus in his mouth, and a little bad breath is normal. We are civilized monsters, so we don't care about him. 】


The little carp nodded.


[Li Yuelong: Well, I listen to you! 】


On the other side, Xiang Shu was already furious, and immediately waved his hand to let everyone shoot at Turtle.


[Xiang Shu: Fellow Daoists, what are you waiting for, this life-extending medicine is right in front of you. Just kill it and refine it into a pill, and we can all get a thousand years of life essence. You don’t need to worry about life span. When will you not start? End the Demon Killing Array! 】


Hearing the sound, the rest of the experts in the cultivation realm also looked serious, and when their mana surged, they formed a large formation.


This formation blocks the space and at the same time forms a mana cage, completely locking the turtles and small carp in it, not giving them any chance to escape.


[Xiang Shu: Hahaha, Ao Shou, I know that you have the Great Shifting Talisman given by Master Zixia, but this great formation is 10%, even if you have the Great Shifting Talisman, you have no chance to escape, and the formation of the Demon Killing Array The mana cage will also suppress your demon power. Now you are lucky if you can exert 50% of your power. Next, you can only watch yourself being refined by the demon killing array, but you have no resistance. ! 】


Lin Qian'an's eyes showed a hint of pity.


The finger lightly clicked on the mouse.




As soon as Turtle raised his hand, the turtle shell was thrown out instantly.


The mana cage was shattered, and the sixteen cultivators whose minds were connected to the great formation turned pale at the same time, and their souls suffered serious injuries.


Lin Qian'an shook the mouse, and the tortoise shell flew towards one of the experts in the cultivation realm.


The mana on his body was running, and all the magical powers and magic weapons were displayed, and a shield and a green energy shield appeared in front of him.




When the earth shook and the mountains shook, it was instantly smashed into powder by the tortoise shell, and at the same time, the [weight bearing] magical power was used.


Everything after it was crushed was absorbed by the stele on the tortoise shell, making the mysterious patterns on the stele more complicated.


The rest of the people only reacted at this time, and they all wanted to escape.


However, although the tortoise is slow, the speed of manipulating the tortoise shell to attack is not slow at all. In addition, the tortoise shell contains an extremely powerful suppressing effect. Under the tortoise shell, everything is broken.


Whether it's space movement, or your unparalleled escape method, the unparalleled supernatural powers, can't stop this tortoise shell.


Boom~ boom~ boom~ boom~!




In a short while, the surroundings have been destroyed beyond recognition.


Of the sixteen experts in the realm of self-cultivation, only Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong were left with serious injuries because of Lin Qian'an's withdrawal.


The rest of Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong also seemed a little lost, as if they had experienced some kind of horror.


Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to land not far in front of the two of them, watching them quietly.


Lu Yandong's face was ashes, and he kept muttering something.


[Lu Yandong: Master, I was wrong... Master, I was wrong... I'm sorry, I'm sorry...]


Xiang Shu dragged his wreckage and came to Turtle.


[Xiang Shu: Junior Brother Ao Shou, it's Senior Brother I'm obsessed with ghosts, it's me who's wrong, please let me go! I promise.... I promise that I will never come to trouble you again in the future. I beg you, for the sake of the master, please spare me!



Xiang Shu's words brought snot and tears on the old face, which was extremely miserable.


However, Lin Qian'an's expression did not show much emotion.


With a sigh, Lin Qianan's mouse clicked, and the tortoise shell was smashed.


Rumble rumble~!


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and all conspiracies and hatreds disappeared, and at the same time, a period of cause and effect in the past also collapsed.


[Ao Shou: Little carp, let's go! Go to Wan Yao Kingdom!



The little carp smiled.


[Li Yuelong: Good! 】


The smile on the little carp's face was extremely bright, as if as long as he was with Turtle, he would be happy no matter what he did.




It was already five in the morning on October 6th, but Lin Qian'an still had no idea of ​​resting.


Because he wanted to finish the game in one breath.




In the game, after a long journey, the turtle and the little carp have come to the Myriad Demons.


The Myriad Demon Nation is extremely huge. There are countless demon clans living in it, and there are hundreds of demon venerables. If the demon clan is determined to unify the world of self-cultivation, judging from the state of the human race, there is not necessarily no chance.


However, the demon clan did not have the idea of ​​unifying the cultivation world. Even if they had nearly a thousand demon lords at their peak, they were always only active in the Myriad Demons.


All of this is due to the demon saint Ao Jin who founded the Myriad Demon Nation a long time ago.


It has the power to overwhelm the whole world.


It is the power that divides the realm of self-cultivation and the realm of mortals, and it is also the one that made the original rules.


Let the demons of the Ten Thousand Demons abide by their duties and not invade other realms.


By the way, since the establishment of the Wan Yao Kingdom, there has been only one demon emperor, Ao Yu. Since the demon saint Ao Yu left, there has not been any new demon emperor in the Wan Yao kingdom.


It's not that there are no demon lords who have this idea, but if you want to become the demon emperor of the Myriad Demon Nation, you must meet a difficult condition of "hundreds of millions".


That is all the demons who have won head-on.


And it's not a wheel battle, but a fight against the alliance of all the demons alone.


Just this one, it directly makes it almost impossible for the Myriad Demon Nation to give birth to a new demon emperor.


Therefore, to this day, only the Demon Emperor Ao Jin has been born in the Myriad Demons.


The capital of the Wan Yao Kingdom is called the Dragon Palace.


Built in the middle of Xihai, it occupies a very large area. Half of the buildings of the Dragon Palace are in the sea and the other half are on the sea surface. At the same time, they can be regarded as two cities.


In the sea, there are countless water monsters, and in the cities on the sea, there are some land monsters.


When Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle and the little carp to come to this city, he was attracted by the towering tower in the city at first sight.


The tower itself is very beautiful and spectacular, especially the blue-scaled true dragon sitting on the tower. Lin Qianan was shocked and his scalp numb when he saw it.


His demeanor was vivid and lifelike. From time to time, the giant dragon would blink its eyes, flutter its whiskers, and spit out rain clouds from its mouth. Raindrops fell from a place in the Dragon Palace, freshening the air and adjusting the climate.


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Lin Qianan pursed his lips, feeling that compared to the human race, the demon race has truly entered the modern society.


Walking in the city, Lin Qian'an was extremely surprised by the surrounding buildings and things sold.


Among the most common gadgets, there are water-repellent beads that can avoid water, dust-repellent beads to keep the skin moist, shape-changing pills for shape changing, and Yi-Shaping pills that change the size and appearance of the body, and so on.


In addition, there are also many products for combat and daily use.


The magic wheel, which can directly convert the magic power into magic arts, looks like a plate on the outside, and has a rotating mechanism on it. Turn it once, and the corresponding magic magic can be displayed on it.


Input the magic power, you can directly display the corresponding magic, and the power can also be adjusted.


A sound transmission shell used for communication.


Between the two sound transmission shells, they can transmit sound to each other.


Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they can still communicate.


And they are only the size of a thumb.


Lin Qianan saw that many passing monsters had a bunch of sound transmission shells hanging around their waists. He felt that they exchanged contact information with each other, that is, they exchanged sound transmission shells.


However, only a dozen or twenty friends are fine. If the number increases to hundreds of friends, it will be very interesting.


Lin Qianan saw a monster with long horns on its head. It had a lot of sound transmission shells hanging around its neck. Roughly speaking, there must be at least two hundred sound transmission shells, like a string of sound transmission shells. Like a shell necklace, it rattled loudly when walking.


However, the demon clan also has a way to deal with it, that is to put all the small sound transmission shells in through a large sound transmission shell with space effect, then the information received by these sound transmission shells can also be used. Through the transmission of this large sound transmission shell, it can accommodate up to tens of thousands of small sound transmission shells.


Therefore, Lin Qian'an also saw a demon clan take out a sound transmission shell the size of a palm, and listened to the message as if answering the phone.


However, Lin Qian'an was very curious. If so many sound transmission shells are placed together, if several sound transmissions are received at the same time, will the line be busy? Will the direct sound be confusing?


Soon, under the control of Lin Qian'an, Guigui found the demon clan who were selling residences in the Dragon Palace.


To Lin Qian'an's surprise, despite the fact that the Dragon Palace is extremely luxurious, and it is the capital of the Ten Thousand Demons, the house prices are really not expensive.


The 100-year residency for an ordinary house is only 10,000 yuan.


Although it is a bit more expensive than ordinary cave dwellings, this is the Dragon Palace, the capital of the demon clan.


10,000 yuan for the 100-year residency right is totally worth it.


Turtle has accumulated a lot over the years, and he is not short of Yuanzhu, so he directly purchased a large house on the seabed to live in.


After living in, Lin Qianan started his old business and built a shop on the streets of Longgong, and let the turtles do divination tasks for others to gain experience and make money by the way.


At the beginning, no demon tribe believed it.


But when Turtle gave three free divinations to other demons, Turtle's business quickly exploded.


Lin Qian'an did not refuse anyone who came, and charged according to the other party's divination questions.


Soon he made a lot of money.


Moreover, the demon clan of Dragon Palace are not weak, and the experience they give is not less than when they were in Zizhu Mountain.


Time passed, when Turtle was 1,331 years old, a very special monster came to the store.


The top of its head has a pair of right angles with spiral lines, and its appearance is slightly feminine.


This demon Lin Qian'an still has some impressions.


Because it is impressively the Zhenyuan Yaozun whom Turtle saw when he went to get the inheritance of the Hanhai Yaozun.


The first time he saw it, Lin Qianan saved a file, and used the [divination] magical power to calculate the other party's intention.


Soon, Lin Qianan got the result.


[Result of divination: Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons. 】


Lin Qian'an was stunned for a moment. The other party's purpose was the Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons?


He was considering whether to do another divination, and when he confirmed the details, Zhen Yuan had already spoken.


[Zhen Yuan: Holy Son, it has been thousands of years since we parted in the past! I didn't expect that you now have the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Demon Lord, and you are worthy of being the son of Lord Ao Wei! 】


Lin Qian'an was stunned, this is a showdown?


[Ao Shou: What did you come to me for? 】


Hearing the sound, Zhen Yuan seemed a little surprised.


[Zhen Yuan: I thought, Holy Son, you would ask me about Lord Ao Jin first! 】


[Ao Shou: I have the supernatural ability to measure the secrets of heaven. I know some things without you needing to tell me. 】


Zhenyuan nodded.


[Zhen Yuan: You are worthy of being a holy son. Your talent really makes me envious. 】


[Ao Shou: I don't have time to chat with you. If you don't tell me the purpose of this trip, just leave. Don't disturb my business. 】


[Zhen Yuan: Holy Son, haven't you figured it out? 】


[Ao Shou: Do you want to become the demon emperor of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom? I don't mind, whatever you want! 】


Zhen Yuan shook his head.


[Zhen Yuan: It seems that you have not calculated the complete information, Holy Son. The purpose of my trip is not that I want to become the demon emperor of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, but that I want you, Holy Son, to become a new member of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom. The demon emperor, and only you are qualified to ascend to the throne. 】


Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.


[Ao Shou: The position of the demon emperor can only be obtained if I face all the challenges of the demon gods. I am only in the middle stage of the demon gods. How can I be able to fight the hundred demon gods in the ten thousand demon kingdom alone? 】


Zhen Yuan smiled, with a little admiration in his eyes.


[Zhenyuan: In the recorded books, when Lord Ao Yu was at the peak of the demon king, he could reversibly fight the demon lord. At the early stage of the demon lord, he could push the same level horizontally and create a kingdom of ten thousand demons. The blood of the real dragon left behind is not much weaker than Lord Ao Yu, right? 】


Lin Qian'an didn't expect Guigui's father to have such a terrifying record. You know, when Guigui was at the peak of the Demon King, he couldn't even fight against the Demon Lord!


When the Vast Sea Demon Venerable passed on, he couldn't move if he was caught by the Heavenly Feather Demon Venerable.


Of course, it's also possible that Lin Qian'an couldn't do it properly.


After all, this panel is indeed quite luxurious.


Um... except for agility!


But becoming a demon emperor is too troublesome, and Lin Qianan doesn't plan to do it.


[Ao Shou: I'm not interested in becoming a demon emperor...]


[Zhenyuan: Don’t be in a hurry to refuse, I found from the classics that one of the purposes of Lord Ao Jin when he created the Wan Yao Kingdom was to collect the wishes of all living beings to practice, and now, Holy Son, you are here to do divination for the rest of the demon clan, It seems that it is also to collect the will of all living beings, right?


If you can become a demon emperor, all the demon lords in the Ten Thousand Demon Nation, and even the hundreds of millions of demon clans, will be willing to contribute to you!


If you think about that scene carefully, you only need to sit on the throne and give an order to satisfy the demands of hundreds of millions of demon clans. Their willpower will naturally be contributed to you, and your cultivation will also increase. Going up a floor, even in this era of great evolution and catastrophe evolution, you can go backwards and achieve the realm of demon saints like Lord Ao Yu!



When Lin Qianan heard the sound, Tong Kong shrank for a while, and his expression changed a little.


The other party understands that Turtle's current behavior of doing the task is to collect the will of all beings. From a certain point of view, it seems that this is really the case.


Fulfill the other party's wish and gain the other party's willpower?


It's really like doing a task!


And another piece of information it revealed also surprised Lin Qian'an.


That is, Guigui's father, Ao Wei, once also collected the wishing power of all sentient beings?


Turtle is a game character, could it be that Ao Jin is also?


Or, this is just a coincidence, is Ao Yan really just gathering the wishing power of all sentient beings to practice?


If it is as Zhen Yuan said, wouldn't Turtle gain hundreds of millions of experience directly by sitting on the throne in the future?


Converting it, isn't Turtle's current level-up experience full in an instant?


Isn't it easy to upgrade to a demon saint?


Complicated thoughts revolved in his mind, and Lin Qianan was moved.


So, the next moment his hand tapped on the keyboard.


[Ao Shou: I am very moved by your proposal. If so, how can I become a demon emperor? 】


Zhenyuan smiled.


[Zhen Yuan: As long as you think about it, this is an easy thing for you!





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