No Jokes Here

Chapter 247: Ji Jun sat down, coveted

The matter of annexing the Bloodthirsty Sect requires a person with relatively strong ability, otherwise, even if the ultimate combat power of the turtle is on the top of the head, it will inevitably cause some trouble.

So Lin Qian'an's choice was to let Yuwenshuang do it.

He directly designated Yu Wenshuang as the new suzerain of the Bloodthirsty Sect.

As the deputy head of Zizhu Mountain, Yu Wenshuang has no doubts about his management ability. Although his strength is slightly worse than that of Yan Yigui, with a turtle on his head, they can't make any big waves.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Qian'an knows that the next strong person in Zizhu Mountain is Ye Qiuxi, so this can be regarded as making up for Yuwenshuang.

And Yuwenshuang was also very excited when he knew that Guigui had appointed him as the new suzerain of the Bloodthirsty Sect.

The head of a sect, and it is not a small sect, but a super sect with a power of self-cultivation sitting in the town, covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 miles.

Just reach out and grab a handful, enough for him to vomit.

Except that the elders and disciples of the bloodthirsty sect may need to spend some time management, it is all good.

For a moment, Yu Wenshuang had nothing to worry about as the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain.

In the following time, Yuwenshuang, under the banner of Turtle, quickly unified the bloodthirsty sect, and took out a large number of cultivation resources and handed it over to Turtle.

There are heaven and earth treasures in these things, as well as various magic weapons and magic tools, and medicinal herbs.

Tiancai Dibao and the medicinal herb Lin Qian'an asked the turtle to eat it with the [Nayuan] magical power, and the magic weapon was stored on the square tablet behind the turtle with the [weight-bearing] magical power.

As for the secret books, Lin Qian'an has formulated a new "Tibetan Scripture (Demon Saint Edition.

What bloodthirsty sect's "Bloodthirsty **", Zizhushan's "Zixia Zhenjing", Hanhai Yaozun's "Longevity Sutra", and "Xuanshuijing", as well as some Zizhushan Tibetan scriptures and bloodthirsty sects Lin Qian'an recorded all the miscellaneous practices in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Fortunately, there is a magic weapon refining method for storing information in this world. Regardless of the amount of information, in fact, a scroll of purple bamboo records all of it.

With the bloodthirsty sect's treasures of heaven and earth, Turtle's experience value rushed forward a lot.

This made Lin Qian'an sigh, resources or something, and robbery really came fast!

However, this kind of thing will only take a bite. Next, if the Bloodthirsty Sect wants to maintain its development, it can no longer be plundered like this.

Harvesting must be sustainable.

Turtle is two hundred and ten years old.

The bloodthirsty sect has developed steadily and has been initially brought under the control of Zizhushan. Yuwenshuang also benefited from the resources of the bloodthirsty sect, and his cultivation base has reached the peak of the Dharma body.

The Zizhu Mountain side is also very smooth. The disciples’ cultivation base has improved rapidly and become more prosperous. If you have any doubts, you can almost solve them by asking Turtle.

The only problem is that the turtle's experience points are going too slowly, and Lin Qian'an can't accept it.

So Lin Qianan began to manipulate the turtles to visit the major sects, hoping to get some tasks from which cultivation realm masters.

After walking around in a circle, the masters of the cultivation realm who visited basically turned the turtles away, and only Ji Jun from Dandingmen met with the turtles.

Inside Ji Jun's cave, two cups of spirit tea were smoky.

Lin Qianan asked why other cultivators in the cultivation realm were reluctant to see him.

[Ao Shou: Master Ji Jun, why are the heads of other sects reluctant to see me? 】

[Ji Jun: I heard that Zizhushan annexed the Bloodthirsty Sect, is there such a thing? 】

[Ao Shou: Feelings, they don't want to see me because of this? 】

Ji Jun nodded.

[Ji Jun: Although killing people and stealing treasures is not uncommon in the cultivation world, at least in the stage of cultivation realm, there will not be much changes. This is a subtle rule. You kill Pei Jin and seize his foundation. In addition, you are an alien, and those great masters in the realm of self-cultivation naturally do not want to have deep friendship with you. 】

[Ao Shou: But it was obviously Pei Jin who provoked me first and kept looking for trouble, so I had no choice but to fight back. 】

Ji Jun calmly said the key.

[Ji Jun: But he is dead, and you are the winner! 】

Lin Qianan understood that no matter how tenable his reasoning was, in the eyes of other cultivation realms, Turtle was a predator, a robber who coveted the inheritance of others.

Moreover, Turtle is not a human race and does not follow their unspoken rules, so naturally he is unwilling to make friends with Turtle, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he should avoid it.

Now that Ji Jun and Turtle meet, maybe he will be excluded too.

[Ao Shou: I have been taught. 】

[Ji Jun: It’s good if you understand. Master Zixia had a very good personal relationship with me during his lifetime. I heard him say that he had found a good seedling in the mortal world, and he came to me overnight to ask for a transformation pill. At that time, I thought he It's a big deal. After all, a monster who can't even transform into shape, what if he gains the Tao in the mortal world? Now it seems that he is still accurate! 】

Ji Jun said, a smile of nostalgia appeared on his already slightly aged face.

Immediately, Lin Qianan deliberately led the topic to Turtle's [divination] supernatural power.

Jean Jijun expressed curiosity and released three tasks.

Ji Jun has also given a lot of experience, and the three tasks combined have exceeded one million experience.

One of his tasks asked Guigui to help him calculate his lifespan, but he only had one hundred years of lifespan.

In the following time, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to run back and forth with the Bloodthirsty Sect and Zizhu Mountain in Dandingmen.

The experience contributed by the disciples in Zizhu Mountain, the experience contributed by the Bloodthirsty Sect, and the quests that Ji Jun from Dandingmen helped to post add up, and the experience bar of the turtles has also increased visibly.

As the communication increased, Lin Qianan also began to learn the knowledge of alchemy from Ji Jun.

Dandingmen's level of alchemy and refining is second to none in the cultivation world. Turtles and turtles have a high level of cultivation. After a little learning, the alchemy and refining skills obtained can be used to refine a good panacea.

By the way, Lin Qian'an added a part of extraordinary knowledge to "Tibetan Scripture (Demon Saint Edition.

Turtle is two hundred and fifty years old, and the level has been raised to the thirty-third level.

The upgrade experience has also become 300 million.

Seeing the increase in Shou Yuan, Lin Qianan thought of the five save positions in this game, and suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart.

Turtle was three hundred and two years old, and Ji Junxian passed away.

There were still about eight years left before his one-hundred-year lifespan, but he died prematurely.

According to his apprentice Xiang, it was because he wasted too much energy while refining alchemy, which hurt his vitality.

Because of his friendship with Guigui, no one attended Ji Jun's funeral at all.

Lin Qian'an was hesitating, whether or not he should read the file and go back to extend his life to Ji Jun.

Today's turtles can live a thousand years longer with a drop of blood, and it is easy to save him.

But if people know about this, I am afraid that the turtle will really become a big medicine, and it will be coveted by all the powerhouses whose longevity will be exhausted.

In the end, Lin Qianan still read the file.

Whether it was for this experience pool or to thank Ji Jun for his help, Lin Qianan felt it was necessary.

Lin Qian'an read the file exactly one year before Ji Jun died.

He manipulated the turtle to find Ji Jun, took out the dark green blood crystal, and gave it to Ji Jun.

【Ao Shou: This medicine can increase your lifespan for a thousand years. It can be regarded as a junior thanking Senior Ji for his teachings over the years! 】

Ji Jun looked surprised.

【Ji Jun: What kind of medicine is this? Can you live a thousand years longer? No, I have to try its medicinal properties. Will the effect be better if it is made into a pill! 】

Having said that, Ji Jun has already tried it.

Lin Qian'an didn't stop either.

The reason why the blood of tortoises can increase their longevity is entirely because of their [longevity] supernatural powers.

If Lin Qian'an guessed correctly, this should be the power of the rules.

And Ji Jun's Dan Dao, although powerful, did not reach the level of the rules, so no matter how much he studied, he couldn't find anything.

What I want to mention here is that Lin Qianan found that after the turtle took this drop of blood, his lifespan was also reduced by a thousand years.

That is to say, the blood of the turtles increases the lifespan of others, but in fact it only reduces the lifespan of others in disguise and increases the lifespan of others.

After a while, Ji Jun came back.

The way he looked at Turtle changed slightly.

Immediately, Ji Jun handed the blood crystal directly to Turtle.

[Ji Jun: Ao Shou, take it back! I can't take this medicine! 】

Lin Qian'an wondered, Ji Jun is not the kind of person Wen Weixing is pessimistic about life and death, why would he be unwilling to extend his life?

So, Lin Qianan typed and asked.

[Ao Shou: Why? 】

[Ji Jun: You use your own blood to prolong my life, do you still want to hide it from me? I am the leading alchemist in the cultivation world, I cannot accept this gift! 】

Lin Qianan understood, it turned out that Ji Jun saw the details of this drop of blood crystals.

[Ao Shou: Senior, it’s just a drop of blood essence. The younger generation has the [longevity] supernatural ability. This loss is only a drop in the bucket. Moreover, Ao Shou is still young, and inevitably lacks experience in some places. Therefore, please ask me The senior accepted this drop of blood essence and taught Ao Shou for a thousand years. 】

Ji Jun's expression was moved, and he didn't say more, just silently swallowed the drop of blood crystal in his mouth.

At the entrance of the blood crystal, Ji Jun's hair color changed from white to black, and his face became younger again.

This is the terrifying part of Turtle's [Longevity] magical power.

Just a drop of blood crystals can continue another thousand years of glory for the powerhouse at the pinnacle of cultivation realm.

[Ji Jun: Ao Shou, if you don't give up, from now on, you can be commensurate with my master and apprentice. My life-long accomplishments in alchemy will be passed on to you without reservation. 】

Over the years, Ji Jun has taught Guigui not like Shizun, but better than Shizun.

Not only teach it to behave in the world, but also teach it to refine alchemy.

Hearing Ji Jun's words at this time, Lin Qianan also manipulated the turtle to bow to Ji Jun.

[Ao Shou: My disciple Ao Shou met Master Ji Jun. 】

Ji Jun heard the words, a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

[Ji Jun: Ao Shou, from now on, you will be my third apprentice. 】

With the status, when Ji Jun imparted knowledge, he no longer had any scruples.

Even the core secret of Dandingmen, "Yu Yan Jue", was taught at the same time.

The only trouble is that the "Royal Yan Jue" requires mana to be used. If the turtle wants to use it, it must first improve the cultivation level after the transformation.

Time flies.

Soon, Turtle was three hundred and fifty-four years old.

In the Zizhu Mountain Spirit Pond, a majestic demonic energy rose to the sky, and accompanied by a golden light, a huge golden dragon carp with a height of several hundred meters appeared above the Zizhu Mountain.

The little carp that has been dormant for a long time has already broken through to the realm of the monster.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to go, and saw the little carp that transformed into a human.

His appearance has not changed much, and he is still in the state of seventeen or eighteen years old, but there is a special self-confidence between his eyebrows, which is more majestic than before.

Seeing Turtle, she leaned up very intimately.

[Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, I have broken through to become a demon! 】

[Ao Shou: Congratulations, I have prepared some food for you, do you want to eat it? 】

[Li Yuelong: Good! 】

Soon, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to lead the little carp to eat food in the hall.

While eating, the little carp asked Turtle.

[Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, have we stayed in Zizhu Mountain for a hundred years? Is it possible to leave now? 】

Turtle came to Zizhu Mountain at the age of one hundred and twenty-three. Now he is three hundred and fifty-four years old, which is more than one hundred years old, and two hundred years old.

If you want to say go, in fact, you can go a long time ago, but Lin Qianan is a little reluctant to experience here, and if he just let the turtles leave, there is no powerhouse in the realm of self-cultivation in Zizhu Mountain now, and this huge foundation cannot be maintained at all. .

[Ao Shou: Zizhu Mountain has not yet appeared in the realm of cultivation, so wait! I promised Sect Leader Wen that I would find an inheritor for him. 】

The little carp nodded.

[Li Yuelong: I listen to you! 】

Lin Qianan was a little curious about the magical power that the little carp realized, so he typed and asked.

[Ao Shou: By the way, what is the magical power you have realized? 】

The little carp tilted his head.

[Li Yuelong: The supernatural power of longevity, I will be able to have a million years of longevity in the future! 】

Lin Qian'an blinked, why didn't it match?

Xuanyuan's little supernatural power of longevity is 100,000 years of lifespan, while Turtle's longevity supernatural power can directly increase his lifespan by 10,000,000 years for every level upgrade in the demon realm.

And now the little carp also understands the supernatural power of longevity, but it can have a million years of life.

Lin Qianan asked with the [divination] skill, and then got the answer.

Because the little carp devoured the eggshell of the turtle, it has now been contaminated with some extraordinary bloodlines, so the effect of comprehension of supernatural powers has also reached a higher level.

After getting the answer, Lin Qian'an also understood.

The realm of the turtle, turtle and demon king can easily increase by one level to increase the lifespan of one million years, and the realm of the monster is one level to increase the lifespan of ten million years. The little carp eats the eggshell and realizes that the supernatural power can have one million years of lifespan. It can also be said.

Time passed, and soon Turtle was three hundred and sixty-seven years old.

At this time, the outer door elder Ye Qiuxi broke through.

He directly became a monk in the early stage of cultivation.

Lin Qianan kept his promise and planned to hand over the Zizhu Forest to Ye Qiuxi, and let him become the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain, while the turtle returned to Lingchi as a wishing turtle.

This matter was rejected by Ye Qiuxi, saying that his morality was not suitable and his strength was not enough. He hoped that he could wait for five hundred years to consolidate his cultivation.

Now that the Zizhushan family has a great career, a cultivator in the early stage of self-cultivation is indeed still a bit reluctant, and Lin Qianan can only agree.

But Yu Wenshuang didn't feel jealous when he learned about it.

He had already established his foundation in the Bloodthirsty Sect early on, and now everything is going smoothly, and everything on Zizhu Mountain is no longer as important to him as it used to be.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to come to Lingchi, called out the little carp, and told it that it would take another five hundred years to hand over the position.

The little carp has no opinion on this.

It was only five hundred years, and for it, it was just a time to dormant and sleep.

Even in a dormant state, its lifespan consumption will be reduced, and if it really wants to fall asleep, it can even live for thousands of years.

This is the real longevity seed, and the value of time in its eyes is completely different from that of ordinary creatures who die in the blink of an eye.

Turtle is four hundred and thirty-two years old and has reached the thirty-fourth level.

At the same time as each attribute increases, the lifespan of the tortoise is given another 10 million years, reaching a lifespan of 50 million years.

The upgrade experience has also reached 400 million.

Seeing this experience bar, Lin Qianan couldn't help sighing.

Unless there are a lot of cultivators in the realm of self-cultivation, and they are willing to contribute their experience, it will take at least a few hundred years in the game to advance to the next level.

Fortunately, there are not many other turtles, and there is time.

Turtle was eight hundred and nine years old, Yuwenshuang failed to break through, and his life was exhausted.

The bloodthirsty sect lacked management, so Lin Qianan asked Guigui to go and formally merged the bloodthirsty sect into Zizhu Mountain.

Since then, there is no bloodthirsty sect anymore.

Turtle was eight hundred and fifty-five years old, passed the throne to Ye Qiuxi, and the headmaster of Zizhushan was replaced.

Although the person has changed, Ye Qiuxi's strength is not bad, it can even be said that it is stronger than the ordinary cultivation realm.

He belongs to the type who has accumulated a lot of money. In the past few hundred years after his breakthrough, he has made great progress all the way, and now he has reached the late stage of self-cultivation. Once the [Zixia] magical power he has realized is used, Zixia will shine in the room, breaking all methods, even if Even the powerhouses at the peak of the cultivation realm will have a headache when they see it.

However, although Ye Qiuxi went smoothly, her Taoist companion Qin Yuan was extremely old.

Now that Shouyuan is about to come to an end, Lin Qianan used Turtle's [divination] to calculate, and he only had less than twenty years of Shouyuan left.

Compared to Ye Qiuxi who was just in the rising sun of her life after her breakthrough, she was already in the dark.

Turtle was eight hundred and sixty-seven years old. Qin Yuan tried to break through by force, but failed and recoiled.

The only thing fortunate is that Ye Qiuxi was still by her side before she died.

Ye Qiuxi stayed in front of Qin Yuan's tomb for a long time without saying a word after the death of the Taoist companion who had accompanied her for thousands of years.

Lin Qianan once moved with compassion and told Ye Qiuxi and Qin Yuan that there was a way to prolong their life, but both Ye Qiuxi and Qin Yuan refused.

Like Wen Weixing, they chose to accept the result of the reincarnation of all things, rather than forcibly resist.

Most importantly, Ye Qiuxi guessed that the way Turtle would prolong Qinyuan's life was to use his blood.

This time the life is extended, what about the next time? What about next time?

And turtles can't always favor one over the other, right?

If you help one elder, you need to help the second elder. If you help once, you will most likely have to help a second time, and you will become a vampire lying on the turtle in the future.

That being the case, we might as well cut off these possibilities at the source from the very beginning.

At the age of eight hundred and seventy-five, Yin Guang, the elder of the inner door of Zizhu Mountain, passed away.

This time, Lin Qianan has learned to face it calmly.

As the tortoise grows older, the disciples up and down Zizhu Mountain have all changed, and the people who were familiar in the past will disappear after a certain fast-forward by Lin Qianan.

When he saw a familiar face again and asked, it was also his grandson, or great-grandson, great-grandson or the like.

Nothing seems to be able to withstand the erosion of time.

After Ye Qiuxi took over Zizhu Mountain, Zizhu Mountain began to restore contact with the other major sects. It was no longer the same as when Guigui was the head of the sect. Only Danding Sect and Zizhu Mountain became friends.

Compared with the monsters like turtles, they are more likely to accept monks who are also humans.

Turtle is one thousand and thirty-eight years old.

Lin Qian'an smoothly attached the tortoise shell previously obtained from the inheritance of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable to the stele behind the tortoise with the [weight-bearing] magical power.

There is an extra black turtle pattern on the square tablet, and the turtle has also increased its lifespan by 10,000 years, and other attributes have increased significantly.

After the battle with Pei Jin of the bloodthirsty sect, Lin Qianan used the [divination] **** to know the effect of the [weight bearing] supernatural power.

Understand that it can bless the mysterious characteristics of the things on its back to Turtle.

It's just that at this moment, I can't help but be a little surprised to see the directly increased ten thousand years of life.

After all, so many life expectancy increases, he has not seen the magic weapon that he has carried on his back for so many years.

Using [divination] supernatural power to ask, only then did I know that it was the reason why the tortoise shell contained a part of the supernatural channel fruit of the Vast Sea Demon Lord during his lifetime.

However, when Lin Qianan saw Guigui's more than 50 million years of life, he suddenly felt that it was no big deal.

Turtle was 1,305 years old, upgraded to level 35, and his Shouyuan broke through the 60 million mark.

After returning to its original shape, the turtle is now quite terrifying. On the monitor, everything seems to have shrunk, and even the mountains feel the same as Xiaopo. Lin Qianan can't detect it visually.

But he learned through [divination] that the tortoise has now returned to its original shape, and the tortoise shell alone is 8,000 zhang long.

With such a terrifying physique, Lin Qian'an really didn't know what existence in the world of self-cultivation could withstand.

Turtle is one thousand three hundred and eight years old.

Dan Dingmen sent someone to let him see Ji Jun one last time.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to go, and planned to extend Ji Jun's life for another thousand years.

Ji Jun raised his hand to refuse, and at the same time took out a slap-sized tripod with three legs and two ears.

[Ji Jun: Ao Shou, enough! Enough is enough! The reincarnation of life and death is the law of heaven. You don't have to worry anymore. You started late, and I have nothing to give you. The position of the headmaster of Dandingmen and the essence of alchemy, I passed it on to your senior brother Xiangshu, Fenghuo. I gave you the second senior brother Lu Yandong the essence of the fan and the refining tool. You have learned all my skills in alchemy and refining, so I will keep this mountain and river tripod for you! 】

Seeing this, Lin Qianan no longer insisted.

With more and more life and death he has seen, he has become accustomed to accepting such things.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to take over the mountain and river tripod, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to Ji Jun.

[Ao Shou: Thank you for your generous gift. 】

Ji Jun nodded, then looked at the void and smiled slowly.

[Ji Jun: Old man Wen, I'm here to find you! 】

With that said, Ji Jun passed away.

[Ao Shou: Disciple sends Master respectfully! 】

Afterwards, the senior brother Xiang Shu and the second senior brother Lu Yandong began to pack up the funeral for Ji Jun.

Invite many comrades to come and go, and then bury Ji Jun.

It should have ended here.

However, when Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to worship for the last time and was about to leave, Xiang Shu and Lu Yandong appeared.

Xiang Shu held his magic weapon, the Thunder Axe, and Lu Yandong held the wind and fire fan. Both of them stared at Turtle.

[Ao Shou: What do you two brothers mean? 】

Xiang Shu looked at Turtle coldly, and there was a blue arc on the Thunder Axe in his hand.

[Xiang Shu: Junior Brother Ao Shou, you shouldn't, you shouldn't expose your understanding of the [longevity] supernatural power, and you shouldn't use your own blood to prolong the life of the master. I am now more than 8,000 years old. The younger brother is also over 7,000 years old, and his lifespan is not much. At the peak of your integrity, if you can refine you into an elixir, at least a divine elixir that can increase your lifespan by 100,000 years, this temptation is really impossible for us. reject. 】

Lu Yandong didn't dare to look directly at the turtle, but he also activated the wind and fire fan in his hand, and a real fire rose from the top of the fan in his hand.

Lin Qianan fell silent.

He knew that if Turtle's situation was exposed, it would definitely attract others.

But only did not expect that the first coveted will be these two brothers.

He slowly dropped his fingers and typed a line of dialogue on the keyboard.

[Ao Shou: Since the two senior brothers want to test and teach Ao Shou, then Ao Shou should also accompany him! ! 】

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, UU reading www. uukanshu. com or someone who has the potential to become a master.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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