No Jokes Here

Chapter 249: Emperor Zhan, "Wait"

Turtle is one thousand three hundred and thirty-five years old.

A major event happened in Wan Yao's country.

A little-known demon emperor plans to restart the imperial war and become the new demon emperor.

The last imperial battle was 50,000 years ago. At that time, a mutated Blood Wolf Demon Venerable was far superior in talent and talent to the same level. He reached the peak of Demon Venerable after only 2,000 years of cultivation. 【Blood Transformation】Double supernatural powers.

He can easily win against three or five demon lords alone.

So he had the idea of ​​starting the imperial war.

But unfortunately, there are more than 300 demon lords alive today. After he started the imperial battle, only eight demon lords joined forces to knock him out of the ring.

Compared with the original Demon Emperor Ao Yao, it was not enough to look at at all.

You must know that when Demon Emperor Ao Yao was in the early stage of Demon Lord, he was already able to push the same level horizontally.

What is horizontal push, that is, no matter how many monsters come, he can defeat them all by himself.

Only such a demon clan is worthy of the title of demon god.

However, this is the case, all the demons admire the Blood Wolf Demon Venerable very much.

Demon Emperor Ao Yao is an invincible fairy tale. The Blood Wolf Demon Venerable can start the imperial battle and fight the Eight Demon Venerables alone, only to be defeated. It is already very strong.

The demon clan believed that there would never be another demon that could replicate the myths and legends of the original demon emperor Ao Yao.

However, at this moment, there was a new demon lord who planned to start the imperial battle.

What shocked countless demon clans even more was that the Emperor Zhan's request was approved.

This speed is even faster than the original Blood Wolf Demon Venerable.

The place where the imperial battle started is in the Dragon Palace, at the top of the Panlong Pagoda, on the Demon Emperor Hall!

Half a year before this battle was about to start, countless demon clans had already made preparations and planned to come to watch the battle.

No demon clan thinks that this demon venerable can succeed, but since he can get the approval of the other demon venerables to start the imperial battle, he must have the ability to easily fight with one enemy and many others.

This alone is enough to attract them to watch.

It was like a grand ceremony.

And the demon who was destined to fail but dared to challenge is also worthy of respect.

At the top of the Panlong Pagoda, in the open-air Demon Emperor Hall, now the five hundred and thirty-two Demon Lords of the Ten Thousand Demons are seated on either side of the Demon Emperor's throne, quietly looking at the turtles standing in the center of the hall.

The space here is special, like a small world, the turtle standing in the center of the hall looks so small.

But none of those demon lords dared to underestimate the turtles.

Not only is it because of the combat power that Turtle had previously displayed in order to start the imperial battle, but also because of the bloodline on Turtle's body.

No one knows how high the upper limit of the bloodline inheritance of Demon Saint Ao Yao is.

Outside the main hall, countless demon clans were densely surrounded, and they were all watching the current scene through the projection of the formation.

The challenge this time was even more terrifying than when the Blood Wolf Demon Venerable challenged back then.

Because there are five hundred and thirty-two demon gods today.

Even if you are unparalleled in combat power, but with so many monsters, the wheel battle is enough to exhaust you and die.

What's more, the imperial battle can be played together.

It only takes dozens of demon lords to unite to form a formation, and with one blow, the existence of the peak of the demon lord can also be turned into flying ashes and dissipated.

At this time, a demon with deer antlers on his head and an old face looked at Turtle.

[Luzhi: Ao Shou, do you really plan to start the imperial war at this time? You have to understand that in the battle of the demon emperor, a demon can only be opened once in his life. Even the original demon emperor Ao Yao only defeated more than 400 demons, but now there are 532 demons. Being present, and you haven't reached the peak yet, and your cultivation base is not in the middle stage of Yaozun. You have the [Longevity] supernatural power. You can wait until your cultivation base is diligently advanced to the peak of Yaozun before considering this matter. 】

This demon venerable named Luzhi also hopes that Turtle can become the demon emperor, and the meaning of his words is also very clear.

Turtle is still young now, wait for a while, these old guys are dead, there are not so many demons, and the turtle's cultivation will be further improved, and the chance of success in the challenge will be even greater.

But Lin Qian'an doesn't think so. He has archives. If he fails, he will start over. What about trial and error?

Moreover, the result that Lin Qianan calculated with his [divination] magical power is that the turtle can succeed.

[Ao Shou: Many thanks for the suggestion, senior, but Ao Shou has made up his mind. If the demon emperor succeeded by retreating, how can this demon emperor be called a demon emperor? 】

Luzhi nodded, his face full of relief.

The rest of the demon venerables looked at Turtle with a little certainty in their eyes.

Lin Qian'an didn't know if there were any bonuses from Guigui's father, Ao Yu, but those were no longer important.

The most important thing is that Turtle can become a demon emperor.

Time passed, and suddenly, the real dragon statue on the Panlong Pagoda shook its head, and suddenly roared towards the sky.

Ang~ hoo~!

A large cloud of rain was spewed out by the statue of the real dragon, with lightning and thunder, and the storm surged, which also symbolized the beginning of the imperial war.

After a moment of silence, a burly monster jumped up from his seat.

[Leihu: Let me experience the methods of the Holy Son first! 】

[Ao Shou: Please! 】

At the moment when the sound fell, Leihu's figure flickered several times in a row, and suddenly a claw stuck out and scratched at Turtle.

Under the control of Lin Qian'an, Turtle Turtle's [Yu Shui] supernatural power was used, and a stream of water entangled Thunder Tiger's claws, preventing it from falling.

[Thunder Tiger: Ow~! 】

Seeing the struggle, Leihu roared, and Leihu directly transformed into a huge body hundreds of meters in height, and opened his mouth to spit out a purple thunder to attack Turtle.


The thunder is so powerful, with the tortoise as the center, within a few hundred meters, endless purple thunder bursts, directly lighting the hall of the demon emperor into purple.

When the thunder dissipated, I saw a pair of tortoise shells appearing on the top of the tortoise, with a little green light hanging down, and the tortoise was firmly protected in it, so that it was not injured in the slightest.

Lin Qian'an shook his mouse, and the original Thunder Tiger was swept away by the current, and was washed back instantly.

[Ao Shou: Acceptance! 】

Seeing this scene, the demons present nodded one after another, and the demons fighting outside the main hall showed expressions of horror.

It's no wonder that the imperial battle can be started by repelling a demon so easily.

[Xunbao: Brother Tiger, I'll help you! 】

With a loud shout, a leopard with a length of several hundred meters rushed out of the seat of the demon, and its figure instantly touched the turtle's side.

Although its size is large, its speed is far beyond imagination.

Lin Qian'an quickly avoided the several current attacks used by the turtle.

At the same time, Thunder Tiger struck again, and the two joined forces to launch a continuous attack on Turtle.

Of course, although the two have a good momentum, they have not been able to break through the defense of the tortoise shell.

Unable to attack for a long time, the demon named Xunbao couldn't help but take a beat, and Lin Qian'an also seized the flaw in time to control the water flow to wrap it around it, and then shook the mouse and smashed it on the ground. a few times, then tossed it aside.

Leihu wanted to rescue him, but he was also caught by Turtle's [Old Water] supernatural power, and he was repelled again.

[Ao Shou: Seniors don't have to hold back, Ao Shou still has spare energy. 】

Hearing the sound, all the demon lords looked at each other. Immediately, five more demon lords left the table one after another.

[White Wolf: I'll take one. 】

[Inuyao: Add me! 】

[Eagle Breath: Add me too! 】

[Zizhu: Old pig, I also mixed it. 】

[Hu Mei: The concubine also wants to see the ability of the Holy Son! 】

Among the five Demon Lords, except for Hu Mei and Hog Devouring Demon Lord, they all turned into their bodies and rushed up quickly.

Lin Qian'an also counterattacked at the right time. The tortoise shell hanging over the tortoise suddenly grew to several hundred feet in size. Under the control of the mouse, it suddenly slammed out. He flew back at a faster speed and hit the formation shield of the Demon Emperor's Hall, and was seriously injured.

But the Eagle Breath Yaozun reacted fast enough to fly into the void to escape the catastrophe.

At this time, a nine-ringed big sword in the hands of the hog-devouring monster shone with profound light, and it slammed down towards the turtle shell.

Dang clang~dang clang~dang clang~ Weng!

Jiuhuan swayed, making a sound, and then slammed into the tortoise shell.

However, the green light flashed on the turtle shell, and the hog-devouring demon venerable was shaken out in an instant.

Hu Mei Yaozun's figure is enchanting, and a red mysterious light shines in his eyes, and he wants to use a soul attack on Turtle.

However, even if it was a divine soul attack, it was firmly taken by the tortoise shell and could not touch the tortoise at all.

[Eagle's Breath: Huh~! 】

A sharp cry came out, and an eagle-shaped golden light swooped down in the sky, heading straight for the tortoise shell.

The terrifying power it contained shocked countless monsters.


This attack hit the tortoise shell, only a little green light was aroused.

Not far away, the figure of the eagle's breath appeared, and he touched his indestructible eagle's beak. At this time, there were two more cracks on it.

The expressions of the demon lords changed, but without exception, they all seemed a little shocked.

Such an attack failed to break the defense, they were really a little confused.

At this time, Lin Qian'an also manipulated the turtle to start a counterattack.

Under the control, the tortoise shell suddenly slammed into the hog and the fox, forcing the two monsters to directly turn into their bodies.

The hog eater is a huge wild boar that is hundreds of meters long, while the fox is a red-haired fox that is 100 meters long.

In the face of the huge tortoise shell that was several hundred feet tall, the two demon lords couldn't make it sluggish for half a minute.

For a moment, there was silence in the field.

[Ao Shou: The imperial war is not over yet, seniors please enlighten me! 】

[Luzhi: As expected of the son of Lord Ao Jin, let this old man experience a few of your magical powers! 】

[Cang Niu: Lao Niu, I also want to know, with Lao Niu my strength, can I withstand that tortoise shell! 】

Ying harmony came one after another, and soon several demon venerables came down from their seats.

The cultivation base of these demon lords is generally at the peak of the demon lords, which is completely different from the previous demon lords.

At the beginning of the battle, they showed amazing combat power.

With their own magical powers, all kinds of mysterious lights bloom in the hall, and the terrifying power can make the onlookers speechless.

However, despite such a terrifying attack, the huge tortoise shell on the top of the tortoise remained motionless.

Although Turtle's [Hard Armor] supernatural power has always been invisible, it is also one of the six initial supernatural powers on Turtle's body, and it has never been weaker than other supernatural powers.

Lin Qianan used the [Divination] skill to inquire about the upper limit of his defense.

Not to mention the attacks of just a few demon lords, even if five hundred demon lords attacked at the same time, it would at most make the tortoise shell's defense mysterious light a little turbulent, and it would not be able to break the defense.

And this is also the biggest reason why Lin Qianan dared to let Guigui participate in this imperial battle.

After several demon venerables had exhausted their means, Lin Qianan simply bumped it a few times with the tortoise shell, and then there were a few more defeated generals.

[Yin Huai: The Holy Son's defense is unparalleled, and the strength of several demon lords is still unable to break the defense. Everyone, let's form a formation! 】

The voice of a demon who had attained the Tao of a plant fell, and dozens of demons around him responded in harmony.

Immediately, the thirty-six demon gods who had attained the Tao of plants in the field united, and each turned into a body of nearly a thousand meters.

The power of the thirty-six demon venerables merged into one, and the vines were used as a link for energy transmission, and they gathered on the head of the Yin Huai Yaozun.

The next moment, Yin Huai Yaozun displayed his supernatural powers, and a dead branch fell along with the Huai Hua, and fell on the tortoise shell.


With a loud bang, the formations around the Demon Emperor's Hall fluctuated significantly, but the tortoise shell was the only one that shone steadily and stood still.

Quiet, surprisingly quiet.

This scene has surpassed the imagination of all monsters.

Thirty-six demon lords made a joint effort, and if they were placed outside, it would be enough to destroy the world.

But now it can't break a turtle shell.

[Xiangchang: Let me try! 】

There was another voice, and a hundred-zhang giant elephant galloped out, then suddenly raised a pair of front feet and trampled it down.

Under its giant feet, the tortoise shell still stood tall.

[You Bat: I'm coming too! 】

A phantom flashed out, piercing through the void, wanting to bypass the tortoise shell and attack the tortoise hiding inside.

However, when it flickered under the tortoise shell, countless mysterious patterns on the stele above the tortoise shell appeared, directly suppressing it to the point of immobility.

[Ao Shou: It's not rude to come and go, seniors, please accept me! 】

After Lin Qianan finished typing this sentence, the size of the tortoise shell on the top of the tortoise changed again, directly turning into the limit size of 8,000 zhang, and suddenly moved towards the crowd of demon lords who took action to suppress it.

Under this tortoise shell, a group of demon lords made a joint attack, but it was difficult to resist.

No matter how powerful and mysterious you are, it is meaningless under the tortoise shell.

Under the situation of losing ground, the remaining monsters couldn't hold back, and they all took action to resist the tortoise shells that came to suppress them.

What is horizontal push at the same level, and what is invincible.

At this moment, the countless demon races watching the battle understood it, and so did the demon lords who were resisting the turtle attack.

They could probably imagine what Ao Yan's invincible appearance looked like back then.

[Zhen Yuan: The Son of God has unparalleled magical powers, but don't forget, I also have the blood of a true dragon! 】

With a loud voice, Zhen Yuan's figure suddenly turned into a black dragon.

That's right, its ancestors received a drop of true dragon blood from Ao Wei, so it also has some true dragon blood, but unfortunately it is not pure.

At most, it looks similar to a small carp, or even a little worse.

If he is fortunate enough to become a demon saint, he may be able to return his blood to his ancestors and transform into a real dragon, but how difficult is that?

But even so, it was enough to give him a huge advantage in the same rank.

[Zhenyuan: Ang~ Ang~! 】

Accompanied by a roar, the huge waves rushed towards the turtle's tortoise shell.

This wave after wave after wave, and each time it scoured, the power would be three points stronger than before.

Coupled with the actions of many other demon lords, the turtle's tortoise shell temporarily stopped in place, unable to suppress it.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an did not panic at all.

In terms of playing with water, how can Zhenyuan, a Jiaolong with a thin bloodline, compare to the turtle, a mythical beast that is directly related to the dragon genus?

[Ao Shou: Royal water! 】

The faint words were uttered, and Lin Qianan's fingertips also pressed down on the skill of the [Using Water] supernatural power.

And this time, the magical power of [Water-Resisting] he used was different from the previous ones.

Because he did not set the shape of the water, nor the size of the water, and this is the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace above the Xihai.



Wow~! !

I don't know when, around the Dragon Palace, the endless sea water began to pour towards the sky, churning continuously, forming a monstrous wave as high as 10,000 zhang.

The entire Dragon Palace was surrounded by sea water at this time, and the water flow that Zhen Yuan manipulated was completely incomparable.

And the most interesting thing is that under the influence of the turtle's magical powers, the giant waves in Zhenyuan were also taken over by the turtle.

When Turtle uses 【Water Repellent】, it is impossible for a drop of water to be controlled by other monsters.

Lin Qian'an couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he saw that Turtle's 500 million demon power was rapidly declining.

He has also used Turtle's [Old Water] magical power before, but most of them are used under the framework set in advance, or when the turtle's strength is still very weak, so I always feel that this magical power is stronger, but with There is still a gap between the turtles and other supernatural powers.

However, now he finds that he has far underestimated the [water-repelling] supernatural power that Turtle comes with.

Where is the [Royal Water], this is clearly "overturning the river and overturning the sea".

Losing the resistance of the giant waves manipulated by Zhen Yuan, the suppressing force of the turtle shells could no longer be stopped.


With a loud bang, the tortoise shell fell to the ground, but under the precise control of Lin Qian'an's mouse, it did not kill any demon venerable.

Lin Qianan pressed the keyboard, and the tortoise shell turned into the size of a palm and returned to the turtle's waist. Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to step by step toward the throne of the demon emperor that had been sealed for a long time.

Along the way, no demon venerable dared to stop him.

After Turtle walked to the throne of the Demon Emperor and sat down, the surroundings were still quiet.

Lin Qian'an didn't understand, shouldn't this time be the part of the demons' ceremony?

So he typed a line.

[Ao Shou: From now on, I will be the Demon Emperor! ! 】

The voice came out, and many demons in the field hurriedly saluted.

Countless demon clans fighting on the outside of the Dragon Palace also called out the word demon emperor and bowed in salute.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan felt a little relieved, and clicked the keyboard. The sea around the Dragon Palace slowly receded and returned to the sea.

The eyes of countless demon clans were full of eagerness, and they looked at the turtles in the field excitedly.

After becoming the demon emperor, the first thing Lin Qianan did was to make Zhenyuan the national teacher of the Ten Thousand Demon Nation.

This was discussed with Zhen Yuan in advance.

As a price, Zhen Yuan will cooperate with him to complete the task.

In the major cities of Wan Yao Nation, a "Blessing Order" was issued at this time.

[The demon emperor ascended the throne and sent blessings to Wanyao. All the demon clans in Wanyao only need to fill in a form to receive one hundred yuan beads. 】

This is a task process researched by Lin Qian'an. Other monsters only need to write an application form, and then show it to the turtle, and then the turtle can receive the task.

Afterwards, as long as the turtle is determined to execute, and the other party gets the Yuanzhu, the task is completed.

Turtle can get ten experience points.

Considering the 30 billion demon clan in the Myriad Demon Nation, it is only a matter of time for Turtle to upgrade to level 40.

Breaking through the demon saint should also be easy.

However, it takes time to implement the task, so Lin Qian'an is currently manipulating the turtle to live in the Panlong Pagoda of the Dragon Palace, inquiring about the classics, and learning about Ao Yan's information through [divination].

The appearance of Ao Jin was more than 100 million years ago.

And the existence of Myriad Demons and the Realm of Cultivation has a history of 100 million years.

This time span makes it hard for Lin Qianan to imagine.

According to the records, Ao Wei appeared in this world out of thin air. At that time, there was no so-called demon saint realm in the world, and the demon **** was already at the end.

Ao Yan's talent and strength are very strong. In the stage of the demon soldier, he can defeat the demon general and win, and in the period of the demon king, he can fight against the demon lord with supernatural powers without falling behind, and even winning.

In just a hundred years, he became a demon.

Later, he fought alone against more than 400 demon lords of the demon clan at that time, unified the demon clan, and established the Wan Yao Kingdom.

Two thousand years after this, Ao Jiuxiu reached the peak of the Demon Lord and broke through to the Demon Saint realm in one fell swoop.

It was at this time that the demon clan knew that there was a stronger realm above the demon venerable.

However, if you want to become a demon saint, you must understand the Dao.

But this world itself lacks the Dao, and it is impossible to comprehend the Dao from conventional channels.

At that time, no one knew how Ao Jin achieved the realm of demon saint.

However, when the Great Evolution catastrophe was about to come, he delayed the evolution time of the Great Evolution catastrophe with infinite power by one Great Evolution Era.

Afterwards, Ao Jin left a message.

Roughly speaking, he wants to ascend to the upper realm himself, and he has no time to take care of the Great Evolution catastrophe for the time being, so he can only postpone it for a while, and then another person he finds to fight against the Great Evolution catastrophe.

From this piece of information, Lin Qian'an guessed that the person who should be robbed by Ao Yan should be Turtle.

But what surprised Lin Qian'an was that Guigui didn't seem to be Ao's son?

Otherwise, why didn't Ao Yan say that the robber was his son, but said that he found another responder to deal with it?

As for what the Dayan catastrophe is, the records in those ancient books are vague. It seems that at the end of each Dayan era, there will be such a catastrophe.

And a Dayan Era is 200 million years.

When Lin Qianan saw this number, he couldn't help but make up his mind.

It has been 100 million years since Ao Jin left, and he delayed the Great Evolution Tribulation for a Dayan Era.

In other words, there are still 100 million years before the so-called Great Evolution catastrophe will come?

In 100 million years, even if Turtle acquires the speed with its current experience, it is estimated that it would have already become a demon saint. What is there to be afraid of?

Along with the promotion of Turtle's blessing order, Turtle's experience has also increased rapidly.

The experience given by the tens of billions of monsters is very impressive.

In just a few months, Turtle has gained billions of experience.

And its level is also increasing rapidly, Lv36, Lv37, Lv38, Lv39, Lv40! !

After reaching this level, Turtle's lifespan has reached more than 110 million.

Demon power, health, and stamina have all reached the level of one billion, and the rest of the attributes, except for agility, can be read www. has reached the level of close to 10 million, and even if the agility is short, there are a full 200,000.

With such a luxurious panel, if there is another imperial battle, Lin Qianan can fight more easily.

Afterwards, LV40's one billion experience also filled up.

Just when Lin Qianan thought that the turtle was going to break through to the demon saint just like this, the experience bar changed directly.

A golden experience bar replaced Turtle's original green experience bar, and at this time, countless light spots were filled in.

It's just that no matter how much it is filled, it only has a little bit at the front, as if it won't increase at all.

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows.

This means that as long as this experience bar is filled, Turtle can break through to the Demon Sage, right?

But how long does it take to fill this speed?

Looking at this scene, Lin Qian'an couldn't help but recall the question he asked with [divination] when he was just playing the game.

At that time, he asked him how Turtle wants to become a demon saint.

And the result of the divination is also very interesting, there is only one word "wait".

Lin Qian'an didn't quite understand it before, but now he seems to understand something.

With Turtle's lifespan, I'm afraid that if you don't come to the cultivation world, you hang up the phone to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon in Yinyue Lake. After countless years, you can reach the current state, right?

No matter how much tossing, it doesn't make much sense.

Everything, in the end, you just need to wait!

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