No Jokes Here

Chapter 246: Pei Jin's death

, it is forbidden to play tricks here

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many monks in the field changed to varying degrees.

Ji Jun even tried to persuade him again, trying to reconcile, so that Guigui would not be impulsive.

However, Lin Qianan made up her mind, and politely rejected Ji Jun's advice.

Pei Jin smiled and looked at Turtle.

[Pei Jin: Okay, since Ao Shou Yaozun is so confident, I will accompany him. 】

[Ao Shou: This place is small and narrow, and I also ask Master Pei Jin to go to heaven for examination and teaching! 】

The corners of Pei Jin's mouth twitched, and his figure suddenly turned into a **** light, rising into the sky, straight into the sky.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to use the magical power of [Water Repelling], and a stream of water emerged under his feet, and he also flew the turtle to the sky.

And below, there were also quite a few monks flying up and following up.

When Turtle came to the sky, he saw that Pei Jin had already been waiting here.

[Pei Jin: Ao Shou Yaozun, your escape method is not good. If you delay one or two more times, I am afraid that I will die out of life. If Ao Shou Yaozun is trying to kill the rest of your opponents with this idea, then we will But you really can't survive, after all, Ao Shou Yaozun, your body is a mysterious turtle! ! 】

Pei Jin mocked Turtle for being slow, and Lin Qianan had nothing to say.

In terms of agility, the turtle has only 2,000 attributes.

The pure speed can only be compared with the existence of the demon general or the spirit realm at most, and even the demon king or the monk in the Dharmakaya realm can't compare.

However, the extreme disadvantage in speed has also made the other attributes of the turtle to a very terrifying level. Even in the early stage of the demon, the attributes such as strength have reached the level of one million.

Judging from the results obtained by Lin Qian'an through [divination], it is at least fifteen times higher than the average attribute of cultivators of the same level.

[Ao Shou: Master Pei Jin is unparalleled in evasion, and Ao Shou is willing to bow down. If Master Pei Jin intends to escape, Ao Shou will not be able to catch up. 】

Hearing the sound, Pei Jin's expression turned cold.

[Pei Jin: Since you want to ask for advice, then I will teach you well! 】

After speaking, Pei Jin didn't say much, the blood-red light around his body gathered, and in the next instant, dozens of red arrows flew towards the turtle.

Lin Qian'an pressed the keyboard, and the turtle's [Water-preserving] supernatural power was used. With the flick of the mouse, a stream of water formed a shield, which directly blocked the red arrows in front of them and quickly eliminated them.

Everything is so easy.

Even Lin Qian'an had time to type and say a word of trash.

[Ao Shou: It's not rude to come and go! 】

The sound fell, and the water flow turned into hundreds of arrows, heading straight for Pei Jin.

Pei Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, his body was full of blood and energy, he swung his long sleeves, and the blood-red light formed a shock wave, which instantly eliminated the arrows formed by the water flow.

[Pei Jin: Ao Shou Yaozun's magical power to control water is really extraordinary, but unfortunately, there are no clouds in the sky today, and this place is not near rivers and seas. I am afraid that the power of this magical power can only be used for ten or two. 】

[Ao Shou: One and two out of ten, it must be enough to deal with the examination and teaching of Pei Jin Zhenren. 】

[Pei Jin: Since Ao Shou Yaozun is so confident, I can't let go. My [Blood Congealing] supernatural power, I don't know whether it is stronger or weaker than Ao Shou Yaozun's [Royal Water] supernatural power! ! ! 】

After a simple two rounds of testing, Pei Jin put down his camouflage directly, and the moment the sound fell, endless blood-red rays of light bloomed all over his body, and the sky was suddenly covered with endless crimson arrows.

Under Pei Jin's fluttering finger, they all attacked Turtle.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to use the [Water Repellent] magical power to form a circular water ball to wrap himself around, and the dense arrows quickly inserted the water ball into a sea urchin.

And those arrows are still increasing, trying to puncture the water polo.

There are not many attack methods mastered by the turtle, or in other words, the turtle has only two attack methods from the beginning to the end, one is the attack of the [Water Repelling] supernatural power to drive the water flow, and the other is to throw the turtle shell flat.

As for the magic tricks learned from the Mysterious Water Classic.

Those are actually not as strong as the attack power of the [Ushui] magical powers.

One is supernatural power and the other is sorcery. The difference between them is not even the slightest bit.

Seeing that the arrow was about to pierce the water polo formed by the magical power of [Water Repelling], Lin Qianan clicked the mouse, and the tortoise's body shape suddenly changed.


Suddenly, the tortoise turned into a huge body that was thousands of feet tall.

Green light flashed on its scales, and the infinite arrows fell on the body, which were easily blocked by the invisible green light.

This is Turtle's supernatural power [Hard Armor].

How strong is its defense effect?

Judging from the results obtained by Lin Qian'an using the [divination] skill, at the same level, he may not be able to break the defense even if he hits the opponent's breath.

This scene shocked the monks who came to watch.

They didn't expect that Pei Jin could not break the turtle's defense even though he used a magical attack.

[Ao Shou: If Master Pei Jin likes to scratch people's itch, he might as well use more force, otherwise the old turtle has rough skin and thick flesh, and I really don't feel it. 】

Pei Jin's face was ugly. With a wave of his hand, he put away the means of condensing arrows to attack, and a square red seal appeared in the palm of his hand.

[Pei Jin: Since Ao Shou Yaozun is so confident in his own defense, let's see if he can stand my red blood mark! 】

The sound fell, and the big seal in Pei Jin's hand was raised and threw it out. It changed its size in the void, and after a while, it reached a shape similar to that of a turtle.

Immediately, the big seal suddenly fell towards the turtle.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to use the magical power of [Water Repellent] to resist, but he was only able to break the turtle's water shield in an instant.


The big seal smashed down fiercely, and collided directly on the turtle's tortoise-backed monument.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The big seal seemed to stagnate on the turtle's back, and was firmly adsorbed by the turtle.

The [weight bearing] supernatural power can be said to be as exaggerated as the turtle's [longevity] supernatural power.

When the turtle is still a demon soldier, it can carry a weight ten times its strength, a hundred times that of a demon general, and a thousand times that of a demon king.

At this time, Turtle is a demon.

The weight it can carry can reach more than ten thousand times its own strength attribute.

So far, Lin Qian'an has not used the [weight-bearing] supernatural power of Turtle to the limit.

At this time, once used, the big seal showed no signs of continuing to fall.

Pei Jin, who was not far away, tried his best to mobilize the mana in his body, but the red blood mark was completely motionless.

At this moment, the scarlet blood seal suddenly shrank and solidified directly on the stele on the turtle's back. On the stele, an additional part of the red mysterious pattern was added.

Turtle's own attributes have also been enhanced.

Lin Qian'an was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the [weight-bearing] supernatural power of Guigui actually had the ability to take away other people's magic weapons.

Pei Jin's expression changed dramatically.

[Pei Jin: Ao Shou child, return my magic weapon! ! 】

Lin Qian was happy.

I used to be so ruthless, but now I have to ask for a magic weapon.

[Ao Shou: Since Master Pei Jin wants it, I will give it back to Master Pei Jin. 】

Having said that, Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to transform into a human form, and immediately threw it with a flat a.

Turtle picked up the tortoise shell around his waist and threw it with his hand.

The tortoise shell suddenly changed in size in the void, turned into a giant of thousands of feet, and slammed into Pei Jin fiercely.

Pei Jin didn't have time to dodge, the blood-red rays of light bloomed all over his body, and he wanted to resist.

However, under this huge tortoise shell, his strength seemed so weak.

The figure was suppressed by the tortoise shell and continued to descend until it landed on the ground.

Rumble rumble~!

The mountain shook, everything in a radius of several thousand meters instantly turned to dust, and a huge oval pit was smashed out by tortoise shells.

Pei Jin's body turned into a blood mist, which re-condensed in the void. His face was ugly and he looked very weak, but he didn't dare to stay too long, and immediately turned into red light and fled away.

Lin Qianan typed and said trash at the right time.

[Ao Shou: Oh, I'll just say it! If Master Pei Jin wants to escape, I can't catch up at all! 】

After saying that, Lin Qian'an clicked the mouse, and the huge tortoise shell below turned into a palm-sized decoration and returned to the tortoise's waist.

At this moment, the monks watching the battle were stunned.

They have thought about countless results, but they never imagined that the existence of the monster in the early stage of Guigui would be able to defeat Pei Jin, a long-established expert in the cultivation realm.

At this moment, Ji Jun came to Ao Shou's side and looked towards Pei Jin's escape direction with a smile on his face.

[Ji Jun: It seems that Zhenren Pei Jin now believes that Ao Shou Yaozun can protect the foundation of Zizhu Mountain. 】

Lin Qianan also typed aloud, showing his attitude to countless guests.

[Ao Shou: Fellow Daoists, this Purple Bamboo Mountain, with my Ao Shou in one day, will not be able to collapse! 】

In an instant, everyone bowed.

At this moment, the identity of the headmaster of Guigui Zizhu Mountain will be worthy of the name.

Those cultivators who coveted the foundation of Zizhu Mountain also secretly closed their hearts and did not dare to show strange eyes again.

Immediately, everyone returned to the square outside the Temple of Enlightenment in Zizhu Mountain, and the banquet continued.

Manipulating Turtle to pick up the Purple Bamboo Token from the tray in Yuwenshuang's hands, and countless people congratulated him.

Afterwards, the elders of Zizhu Mountain, as well as the real friends of Wen Weixing before his death, all personally sent Wen Weixing the last journey until his bones were burned and buried by the real fire.

Then it all ended.

What I want to mention here is that the reason why Wen Weixing's corpse needs to be burned is mainly because he is afraid that someone will rob the tomb.

The body of the cultivation realm has undergone essential changes, and it is completely different from ordinary mortal things. It can even be said that there are treasures everywhere.

Its skin, hair, and precious bones can all be used to refine magic weapons, and its flesh and blood can be used as medicine, all of which are far superior to ordinary treasures.

After burning it, it will not be long before it will return to heaven and earth as the vitality of heaven and earth.

Everything is a cycle.

The cultivator absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth to cultivate, and after he died, he returned to heaven and earth.

The fact that Guigui became the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain did not change Zizhushan much, and Guigui's job was still to be a wishing tortoise for others.

It's just that he used to lie in the pool and wait for people to ask questions, but now he's sitting in the Hall of Enlightenment and waiting for people to ask questions.

To be honest, Lin Qianan still prefers to let the turtle lie down in the spirit pond, but Yuwenshuang and others feel it is inappropriate.

A headmaster, lying in the spirit pond all day, what kind of decency?

Lin Qianan felt that there was no difference anyway, so he obeyed them.

But it's okay to be idle, Lin Qian'an will also chat with Xiaoliyu, and ask her to release two tasks by the way.

Today's little carp is also in the realm of the demon king. She has released a lot of task experience, and her tasks are simple and high in experience. It is to chat, invite her to eat, and spend more than 300,000 yuan in the Lingchi with her for half a day. Chi Lin Qian'an always felt a little wasteful if she didn't hollow out her experience.


With the scene of the turtles' strong suppression of Pei Jin, the development of Zizhu Mountain has become more and more smooth.

All the major sects came to resume their cooperation with Zizhu Mountain one after another. The sects, which had been in decline, actually flourished again and began to advance towards the peak.

During this period of time, Lin Qian'an answered questions for the sect disciples, and was also trying to make the task process more regular.

Guaranteed to squeeze out the experience of every sect disciple as much as possible.

When distributing the resources of the sect, we also try our best to let the turtles distribute them in person, and the deacons of the sect will come to collect them one by one.

In this way, when they ask Turtle for resources, they will issue a task, and then Turtle will give them resources, even if the task is over.

Moreover, the various resources of the sect are very important, and the experience given will not be very low.

The only problem is that in order to maintain the efficiency of the sect's operation in the past, the turtle will delay a lot of time in this area.

But Turtle is not short of time. Compared with the experience gained, everything is worth it.

Yuwenshuang has raised two opinions, saying that this is not good for the turtles, and it is a waste of time. It is better to have more time to practice.

However, Lin Qian'an is still as usual. Whenever the supplies are distributed, he will definitely let the turtles be present.

Only in this way can tasks and experience be obtained by distributing materials.

It is much faster than the normal exhalation of sun and moon essence and heaven and earth vitality.

And after doing this for a while, the relationship between Guigui and the disciples of all levels in the sect has also improved a lot.

Basically, all the disciples of the sect recognized the identity of the headmaster of the turtle sect.

Time passed, and Turtle soon reached one hundred and seventy years old.

During this period of time, Lin Qianan asked Zongmen to collect all kinds of precious or rotten magical treasures, and then let the turtles use the [weight-bearing] magical power to absorb them on the turtle's back.

The stele on the turtle shell was also blank from the beginning, and gradually added some dark or shallow patterns.

After the pattern has increased, the power of the turtle's tortoise shell has become more and more powerful, and the attributes of the turtle are also increasing rapidly.

The depth of these patterns is mainly due to the quality of Fabao.

The better quality magic weapon, after being absorbed by the stele, the darker the pattern left, and the lower quality magic weapon, the shallower pattern left.

But so far, there is no magic weapon whose pattern is comparable to Pei Jin's blood-stained blood.

This made Lin Qian'an want to go to the Bloodthirsty Sect to see if Pei Jin's injury was healed.

Turtle is one hundred and eighty years old.

Its level finally reached thirty-two.

The lifespan increased by 10 million, reaching a lifespan of more than 30 million.

Without Wen Weixing's experience pack, Lin Qian'an's current upgrades mainly depend on the disciples and elders of Zizhu Mountain, and the efficiency is much slower.

If Wen Weixing was there, it might be possible to upgrade to Level 32 15 years in advance.

This made Lin Qian'an sigh, if only Wen Weixing could live.

Unfortunately, Wen Weixing was unwilling to bear the burden of Zizhu Mountain, and chose to enter reincarnation to free himself.

The experience of the 32nd grade is unsurprisingly 200 million. Lin Qian'an is speechless. If it continues to increase like this, it is really difficult to upgrade.

Brushing on the boring experience, Zizhu Mountain is also changing step by step.

Turtle is two hundred years old.

There are already five more powerful Dharma bodies in the sect, and the little carp has reached the peak of the demon king, and is now dormant at the bottom of the spiritual pond.

Today, it has been dormant for seven years, not moving at all, and even breathing has stopped.

If Lin Qian'an hadn't used [divination] to calculate that it was still alive, I'm afraid he would have thought it was dead.

Guigui was two hundred and three years old. The core disciples of Zizhu Mountain went out and clashed with the bloodthirsty disciples. They were detained by the bloodthirsty disciples and sent someone to Zizhushan to ask for an explanation.

Lin Qian'an seemed to realize something.

In recent years in the game, once the bloodthirsty sect had a conflict with Zizhushan, most of them chose to back down.

They also had to let it go. The suzerain was beaten badly by the turtles and almost died on the spot. What qualifications do they have to challenge Zizhushan?

At this time, their attitude seemed to indicate one thing, that is, Pei Jin felt that he was OK again.

Lin Qian'an had coveted the magic weapon of the Bloodthirsty Sect for a long time. Since Pei Jin took the initiative to look for something, Lin Qianan thought he had no reason not to take a look.

Then Lin Qianan took a few elders and went directly outside the bloodthirsty sect to challenge.

Pei Jin didn't back down, she stood up immediately.

When Lin Qianan saw Pei Jin, he immediately typed and asked.

[Ao Shou: Master Pei Jin, you took away the core disciples of my sect for no reason, but you want to fight again? 】

Pei Jin showed an angry expression.

[Pei Jin: For no reason? Good for no reason! ! Ao Shou, your Zizhushan has been expanding towards my bloodthirsty sect in recent years. I have given way again and again, but in return you have intensified your efforts. Now you are still sending disciples to slaughter my sect blood-collecting alien beasts and break my foundation. Could it be true? Can I be deceived? 】

Lin Qian'an was a little unsure of the situation when he heard this. He manipulated the turtle to ask Yu Wenshuang beside him.

[Ao Shou: Sect Leader Yuwen, is there such a thing? 】

Yu Wenshuang bowed slightly to Ao Shou and answered.

[Yuwenshuang: Sect Master, we Zizhushan have always abide by our duty and have not expanded outwards, but have brought back the territory that the Bloodthirsty Sect occupied my Zizhushan in the past. They ate a large number of spiritual medicines planted in our Zongmen Medicine Garden, and had no success in communicating with the Bloodthirsty Sect, so they had to kill them. 】

After Lin Qianan used [divination] to confirm that what Yuwenshuang said was true, he couldn't help feeling that Pei Jin was cheeky.

Obviously it was all their fault, yet they were able to bite back.

[Ao Shou: Zhenren Pei Jin, you can hear it. It is clearly your bloodthirsty sect who made a mistake first. You are better. The thief shouts to catch the thief and beats him up. If you don’t release my Zizhushan disciple, don’t blame me for a tortoise shell. Smash your mountain gate! ! 】

Pei Jin snorted coldly.

[Pei Jin: Ao Shou, you really think that I am still as strong as I used to be. Since I was seriously injured by you, I have been practicing hard behind closed doors. In these forty-seven years, I have already mastered the [Blood Congealing] magical power and cultivated it. It has also further reached the peak of the cultivation realm. Even if Wen Weixing is revived, I have to give me three points. You are only a demon cultivator in the early stage of the demon master, and you dare to speak madly. Today, I will let you know the gap between the peak cultivation realm and you! ! 】

When the sound fell, Pei Jin directly attacked Turtle.

Crimson rays of light appeared all over its body, condensed into a blood-red alien beast with a height of a thousand meters, and rushed directly towards the turtle.

Seeing Pei Jin's righteous words, Lin Qian'an couldn't help but be vigilant, and immediately asked Turtle to use an invincible ping! !

The tortoise shell flew out and suddenly transformed into a huge shape with a size of two thousand feet. The blood-red alien beast collided with the tortoise shell and collapsed instantly.

Immediately, the tortoise shell was castrated unabated, and it fell directly on Pei Jin and the sect station behind him.

Boom~ Rumble Rumble~!

Under the tortoise shell, Pei Jin instantly turned into a blood mist and dissipated, along with the bloodthirsty sect's sect grand formation also activated, forming a blood-red shield that enveloped the entire sect, but it also shattered in an instant.

The tortoise shell fell, destroying all the prescriptions of the bloodthirsty sect's mountain gate for nearly 10,000 meters, and the surrounding bloodthirsty disciples suffered heavy casualties.

But this time, Pei Jin never reunited.

In recent decades, a lot of magic weapons have been incorporated into the square monument behind the turtle, making its suppression and killing effect more and more significant.

Now, once it is thrown out, the space will be blocked, to the extent that it is impossible to escape.

Only hard connection.

And how heavy the turtle's tortoise shell is, Lin Qian'an said that he doesn't know it himself. After all, every day he uses the turtle's [load bearing] to add substances to it, and a mountain is less than a day.

Who could catch Lin Qian'an with such a tortoise shell? Anyway, Pei Jin was already lying down.

Lin Qian'an was also a little speechless. Pei Jin was blowing so hard, he thought how strong Pei Jin was, but it turned out to be a tortoise shell.

Seeing the tragic state of the Bloodthirsty Sect, Lin Qian'an's expression became a little subtle.

Because he didn't feel the danger, he didn't save much recently. The closest save was ten years ago. It would be very troublesome to read it! !

What do you think you are bragging about? You said earlier that you are not that strong, why don't I just put my hand away?

At this time, Yu Wenshuang and other elders also arrived, their eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and even a little panic.

[Yuwenshuang: Master, what should we do next? 】

[Ao Shou: Let's see if our disciples from Zizhu Mountain are still alive, bring them out when they are alive, and then... prepare to take over the Bloodthirsty Sect! 】

After Lin Qianan manipulated Turtle to type out this sentence, he couldn't help but feel that Pei Jin really had foresight.

At the beginning, he said that if the turtles had any idea of ​​expanding, their bloodthirsty sect would suffer. Lin Qianan thought it was a smear, but he didn't expect that people had foreseen it long ago.

It's a pity that the disciples of the Bloodthirsty Sect were innocently implicated by the mighty fighting method, and died miserably.

But this is the normal state of the world.

As a disciple of the sect, you have enjoyed the benefits and resources of the sect, and naturally you have to share the disaster with the sect.

Of course, the biggest mistake was Pei Jin.

There's nothing wrong with jumping around, obviously you're not strong enough, so you have to pretend! !

Not long after, Yu Wenshuang, escorted by several disciples of the Bloodthirsty Sect, flew out with the core disciples who were imprisoned in Zizhu Mountain.

Those core disciples were shocked after seeing the huge destruction outside the bloodthirsty sect mountain gate, and then they all showed expressions of admiration and longing for the The bloodthirsty sect one looked like a head The monk came to the turtle's body at this time, and directly bowed and made a big gift.

[Yan Yigui: Pei Jin didn't know the number of days, he was a blessing in the sect, and he dispatched his disciples to repeatedly invade Zizhu Mountain. Ao Shou Yaozun shot and killed him today. It can be said that the blame is self-inflicted. You have eliminated the great harm for the Bloodthirsty Sect. I, such as the Bloodthirsty Sect disciples, really do not know how to thank you! 】

When he said this, his voice trembled slightly, and his forehead was uncontrollably sweating.

Lin Qianan knew that the other party was afraid of killing the turtles together, and throwing two more turtle shells would wipe out the entire bloodthirsty sect.

[Ao Shou: What is your status in the Bloodthirsty Sect and what is your cultivation base? 】

[Yan Yigui: Hui Ao Shou Yaozun, the next one is the deputy suzerain of the Bloodthirsty Sect, in the early stage of cultivation. 】

[Ao Shou: After the Bloodthirsty Sect will be included in Zizhu Mountain, you will continue to be your deputy Sect Master. I will arrange for someone to be the Sect Master, do you understand? 】

When Yan Yigui heard the words, he hurriedly nodded.

[Yan Yigui: I understand, I understand! ! 】

------off topic-----

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Wan Jun


mr robot

thank you very much! ! !


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