No Jokes Here

Chapter 245: Wen Weixing passed away, looking for something

After finishing the conversation with Wang Jian, Lin Qian'an walked out of the Dragon Group's base and returned to Qing'an City.

He had already informed Wang Jian of the whole story, and at the same time asked about Long Yi's situation, and thanked Long Yi for helping him.

Unfortunately, Wang Jian didn't tell Lin Qian'an what happened to Long Yi, but only said that he would bring his thanks to Long Yi.

Not long after, Lin Qianan had returned to the teacher's apartment 404 of Xuanyang College.

He didn't use the key, he just opened the door and walked into the house. With a thought, Lin Qianan summoned Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ke.



Lin Qianan stepped forward and hugged the two little guys. They warmed each other for a moment, and relieved the complicated feelings of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

After a while, Lin Qianan recovered a little, his eyes became a little dignified, and he said, "No, the world is too dangerous today, and my current strength is far from enough for me to live. A stable and peaceful life, I want to become stronger, I want liver games!!"


In the game, on Zizhu Mountain.

At this time, it has been ten years since Turtle obtained the inheritance of the Demon Lord.

Today, Turtle is one hundred and thirty-six years old.

During this period of time, the little carp who obtained the "Sutra of Longevity" entered the country quickly, and now his cultivation base has reached the peak of the demon general, and he is also proficient in the water control magic in the "Xuanshui Jing", and his strength is not weak. .

And Turtle has also been upgraded to the 31st level. Today's cultivation base shows that it is in the realm of Demon Venerable, and its lifespan has been directly increased by 10 million, making its current lifespan reached 20 million.

A drop of his blood can extend his life for a thousand years, and his appearance after transformation has changed from a twelve-year-old boy to a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old.

Except for agility, all attributes have been raised to the million level.

However, the level of experience was directly increased from 10 million to 100 million.

It is foreseeable that the subsequent upgrade experience will also be an increase of 100 million to 100 million.

At the fortieth level, I am afraid that it will directly reach one billion experience.

A peak cultivation realm powerhouse like Wen Weixing has only 3 million experience pools a month, and if he wants to take out his experience, he must really meet his needs. In this way, it is really hard to upgrade. is not simple.

During this time, Lin Qian'an also searched for information about the demon saint Ao Jin.

Combined with the ability of [divination], Lin Qianan roughly knew what kind of existence Ao Jin was.

It looks like a dragon, a real dragon with blue scales.

When the last great catastrophe came, it was the one that separated the cultivation world from the mortal world, and resisted that catastrophe.

As for the more detailed information, Lin Qian'an couldn't figure it out with [divination]. If he counted Ao Wei directly, he would see that the demon power was continuously consumed, but he could not get any information.

There are turtles sitting in Zizhu Mountain, helping the disciples of Zizhu Mountain to calculate good and bad luck, and fortune-telling in the future. Zizhu Mountain has also developed smoothly, and there are signs that it has turned from decline to prosperity.

Every disciple who sees Guigui should now respectfully address Elder Ao Shou.

At the age of one hundred and forty-five, the dormant little carp broke through and reached the realm of a demon king. After transforming, he also took on the appearance of a young woman about eighteen years old.

In Lin Qian'an's constant fast-forwarding, Turtle is already one hundred and fifty-seven years old.

With the accumulation of more, in the past 20 years, Turtle has also gained more than 40 million experience. Although there is still a long way to go to upgrade, there is still hope.

At least 10 million of these experiences were provided by Wen Weixing and the elders.

It's a pity that I don't know if Wen Weixing's Shouyuan is about to expire. Now that his desire is less, Lin Qian'an can't get any tasks out of him.

However, Lin Qianan was not worried.

Immediately, Wen Weixing's Shouyuan will expire.

At that time, Lin Qianan told Wen Weixing that the turtle could help him prolong his life.

Then, use the diluted turtle blood to prolong Wen Weixing's life once a month. As long as he wants to live, he will definitely not lose much experience.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan couldn't help showing a slightly thief smile.

Just after Lin Qian'an fast-forwarded a plot, Wen Weixing began to summon the high-level officials of the entire Zizhu Mountain to the Hall of Enlightenment to discuss matters.

In the Hall of Enlightenment, the six high-level human beings from Zizhu Mountain, as well as the two monster elders, the turtle and the little carp, have all arrived. At the very center, Wen Weixing described it as withered and sat cross-legged on the futon.

[Wen Weixing: I am about to die at the end of my life, and Zizhushan will depend on you in the future. 】

Hearing the sound, Qin Yuan's expression was moved, and tears were already flowing in her eyes.

[Qin Yuan: Sect Master! 】

Wen Weixing smiled and comforted.

[Wen Weixing: Yuan’er, don’t be sad, I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have already seen life and death very lightly. The only thing I can’t let go of now is that your strength is limited, and I am afraid that you will not be able to support this huge Zizhu Mountain. If I die, Zizhu Mountain will definitely attract others to covet. 】

Deputy head Yu Wenshuang immediately stood up and made a statement.

[Yuwenshuang: Master, don't worry, even if we die, we will still defend the foundation of Zizhu Mountain. 】

Wen Weixing shook his head and waved to Turtle.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, come here. 】

When Lin Qianan heard the sound, he manipulated the turtle to step forward and came to Wen Weixing's side.

[Ao Shou: Sect Master, what's the matter with you? 】

[Wen Weixing: Your cultivation base has reached the level of the Demon Venerable. If I leave, Zizhu Mountain will need your extra care. If you really encounter a strong enemy that cannot be fought, you will lead your disciples to other places and find another place to rebuild the sect. , can you promise me? 】

Hearing the sound, Yu Wenshuang and the others' eyes when looking at Turtle became subtle, but they didn't know that Turtle was already in the demon realm.

Seeing Wen Weixing's account of the funeral, Lin Qian'an had already planned to mention a little about the fact that the tortoise can prolong his life.

[Ao Shou: Master, I have a way to prolong life. 】

As soon as Turtle's words landed, Wen Weixing interrupted.

[Wen Weixing: Heaven and earth are eternal, all things are reincarnated, this is originally my destination, and I have lived long enough. 】

Lin Qian'an blinked, this was different from what he imagined!

Wasn't Wen Weixing ecstatic, and then gave him a mission?

[Ao Shou: Sect Master, there is no new cultivation realm in Zizhu Mountain yet, so if you leave like this, who will protect Zizhu Mountain from the wind and rain in the future? 】

Wen Weixing looked at Turtle and smiled slowly.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, from now on, you will be the new sect headmaster of Zizhu Mountain. This is the Zizhu Order. You only need to guard Zizhu Mountain for a hundred years. After a hundred years, you can hand over the Zizhu Order to any person in Zizhu Mountain! 】

Hearing the sound, the expressions of the other elders and even the deputy head all changed, either puzzled, surprised, or unwilling, but maybe they were concerned about Turtle's cultivation, but no one came out to express their opposition.

However, Lin Qian'an didn't care about the name of the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain, he only wanted Wen Weixing's experience pool!

[Ao Shou: Sect Master, prolonging life is not difficult! 】

Wen Weixing shook his head.

[Wen Weixing: Promise me, Ao Shou! 】

Lin Qianan tried to persuade him again, but found that Wen Weixing had stopped moving.

His hand was frozen in the air, holding a token made of purple bamboo.

Lin Qianan was unwilling to lose such a good experience pool. Fortunately, he saved a file when he came to the Enlightenment Hall, so Lin Qianan's study file returned to the beginning of the previous meeting.

Once again, things are still the same as before. No matter how much Lin Qianan persuaded, Wen Weixing didn't plan to use Turtle to prolong his life. He took out the token and handed it to Turtle.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, promise me! 】

Looking at Wen Weixing's expectant eyes, Lin Qian'an was stunned.

Then he read the file again.

Wen Weixing's answer remains the same. Death seems to him to be a destination and a relief.

In the past 10,000 years, he has carried too many burdens, and now he can finally let go of the responsibility, so the expression on his face is relief and relief, and there is no unwillingness.

Lin Qian'an can try to trick Wen Weixing into swallowing the blood crystals of the turtle to prolong his life.

But after seeing the relieved look in his eyes, Lin Qian'an's head was touched.

He seemed to understand something.

Sometimes, death is not worth fearing, and death is also a way back.

At this time, Wen Weixing took out the Purple Bamboo Order and handed it to Turtle.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, promise me! 】

Lin Qian'an's expression was moved.

The first time he heard this, what he cared about was whether his experience pool was gone.

The second time he heard this, he wanted to try to persuade Wen Weixing again.

Now hearing this for the third time, Lin Qian'an suddenly realized that the thought of letting him continue to live was selfish.

Therefore, he decided to respect Wen Weixing's choice.

Manipulating Turtle to take Wen Weixing's token, Lin Qianan typed a sentence heavily on the keyboard.

[Ao Shou: Ao Shou, I will definitely live up to the trust of the head! ! 】

Although he was just playing a game, after typing this sentence, Lin Qianan suddenly felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was a lot heavier.

Wen Weixing smiled and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding elders all showed grief and bowed to see Wen Weixing off.

Lin Qianan also manipulated the turtle to worship Wen Weixing.

Although this old man has interests for Guigui, he has always treated each other with sincerity and has given Guigui a lot of help, which really made Lin Qianan sigh.

For example, Wen Weixing is like the boss who recruited you into the company. Although he thinks about you making money for him, his boss gives you a lot of salary and humanistic care. He even treats you as an heir and trains him. It's all handed to you.

With such a boss, Lin Qian'an couldn't help but stand still.

At this time, the deputy head Yu Wenshuang finished his salute, walked to Turtle and asked aloud.

[Yuwenshuang: Head of Ao Shou, now that the old head has passed away, we need to deal with his funeral as soon as possible, and notify the major sects to come to attend the funeral. 】

Lin Qian'an could see clearly that the turtle was chosen by Wen Weixing as the leader, and Yuwenshuang was the most unwilling.

It's a pity that Turtle is a Demon Venerable cultivation base, and Yuwenshuang can only recognize it no matter how unwilling it is.

Of course, Lin Qianan didn't mean to stimulate Yuwenshuang, and even he didn't like the position of Zizhushan's headmaster.

Continue to be a little turtle in the wishing pond, answering questions every day to gain experience and level up, isn't it happy?

As the head of the faction, there will be no less troubles, and I am exhausted. How can I be a little turtle in the wishing pool?

[Ao Shou: What the deputy head of Yuwen said is, then I will trouble the elders to handle this matter. 】

Hearing the sound, several elders shook their heads, indicating that it was all right.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to walk to Yuwenshuang's side, and communicated by typing.

[Ao Shou: Deputy head of Yuwen, I only have a higher cultivation base, and I am a monster clan. Many things are unclear. In the future, the sect matters will depend on you, and if there is a new cultivation realm in the sect in the future. The cultivator appeared, and I have to return this Zizhu Token to Zizhu Mountain. 】

Hearing this, Yu Wenshuang couldn't help but smile. He was obviously very confident that the cultivator in the realm of self-cultivation was himself.

[Yu Wenshuang: Sect Leader Ao Shou, your words are serious. 】

Lin Qianan smiled. If Yuwenshuang knew that the next cultivator in Zizhu Mountain was Ye Qiuxi, he didn't know how he would behave.



The death of Wen Weixing, the old head of the Zizhu Mountain for ten thousand years, really shook the interior of Zizhu Mountain.

What makes it even more difficult for the disciples to understand and accept is that the newly appointed head is actually the monster Ao Shou.

Wen Weixing's funeral ceremony will be held in seven days. At this time, the deacon elder Qin Yuan and the outer door elder Ye Qiuxi will go to post and invite all of you to attend the funeral.

And Yin Guang, the elder of the inner door, was exploring the cemetery for Wen Weixing in the Zizhu Mountain boundary, and chose his burial place.

Under the leadership of the deputy head Yu Wenshuang, Cao Zhan, the elder of Chuan Gong, and Yan Xuelun, the elder of law enforcement, bought the necessary items.

During this process, the new headmaster, Guigui, was a bit like an outsider, just staying with the little carp beside Wen Weixing's body in a daze.

Under the arrangements of several elders and many disciples, the Zizhu Mountain soon became covered in white.

As time passed, Elder Yin Guang soon found the feng shui treasure he needed and began to arrange it, and the coffin for Wen Weixing was also ready.

A series of food and drinks for the guests have also been arranged.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

On Zizhu Mountain, all the disciples were busy.

On the square outside the Enlightenment Hall, countless guests have already taken their seats, and outside there are disciples singing about the identity of the guests and the ceremony.

Under the control of Lin Qian'an, Gui Gui sat in the main seat in the square to accompany the guests.

At this time, an old man stepping on floating clouds in the sky flew slowly with a boy and landed outside the sect.

The welcoming disciple sang aloud.

[Ye Wenyu: Wangchen Sect, the real person of Wangchen came to give a 3,000-year-old Chi Yunzhi. 】

Hearing the word "real person", Lin Qian'an hurriedly manipulated the turtle to get up and went to greet the guests.

This is what Yu Wenshuang told him before. If the name contains the word "real person", it means that the other party is a strong person in the realm of self-cultivation, and he must go to meet him in person.

The rest are not eligible.

Manipulating the turtle to the door, Lin Qianan also saw the so-called real person Wangchen.

He has a childlike appearance, wearing a gray Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and a boy next to him, quite immortal.

[Ao Shou: Ao Shou, the current headmaster of Zizhu Mountain, has seen fellow Daoists, please come in and take a seat. 】

Zhenren Wangchen glanced at Ao Shou, not surprised because he was a monster, but nodded indifferently.

[Wangchenzi: Before the death of Zixia Zhenren, he once told me about you, and you are indeed very talented! 】

Lin Qian'an didn't know that Wen Weixing didn't even go out all day, and what magic weapon he used to communicate with Wang Chenzi, but he still responded by typing humbly.

[Ao Shou: The real person Wangchen has praised me wrongly. 】

Having said that, Lin Qianan led Zhenren Wangchen to take a seat at the top seat.

These positions are only places where real people in the realm of cultivation can sit, and even the spirit tea and fruits and vegetables they enjoy are different.

After Wangchenzi arrived, the venue was also lively. Many people began to talk about the Wangchen sect, and mentioned their sect's true method of cultivating the unity of heaven and man, and the supreme Wangqing.

When Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to listen to the corner of the wall, the welcoming disciple outside sang loudly again.

[Ye Wenyu: From the Star Watching Sect, the real person Fang Wei came and gave two taels of top-quality star sand. 】

So Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to go out again, and welcomed a young man in a blue shirt.

This Fang Wei was different from Wang Chenzi. When he saw Turtle, he showed obvious surprise.

Obviously, he has some thoughts on the matter of the monster becoming the headmaster of the Zizhu Mountain sect.

But it didn't show it.

[Ye Wenyu: Xuan Yizong, the real person Xuan Yi is here...]

[Ye Wenyu: Dandingmen, the real person Ji Jun is here...]

[Ye Wenyu: Hehuan Sect, Zou Yuzhen is here...]

[Ye Wenyu: Bloodthirsty Sect, the real person Pei Jin is here...]

Along with the loud singing of the welcoming disciples, Lin Qian'an also manipulated the turtles in and out, constantly welcoming guests in.

Among these guests, some are quite special.

For example, Zou Yuer of the Hehuan Sect, the core of his sect's practice is the harmony of yin and yang, which emphasizes indulgence of self-desire while improving cultivation.

But in this sect, there is also a situation of harvesting yin to supplement yang, and harvesting yang to supplement yin.

Even the disciples of the Hehuan Sect have a special spring building in the cultivation world.

So their reputation is not very good.

However, they were not classified as evil cultivators, but their reputation was slightly worse.

As the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect, Zou Yuer blatantly made a special invitation when she saw Turtle, and wanted to cultivate the Acacia Avenue with fellow Turtle.

In such a solemn place, doing this kind of thing, Lin Qianan also knows why the Hehuan Sect has a bad reputation.

In addition to the Acacia Sect, the attitude of the Bloodthirsty Sect is a bit weird.

The name of this sect sounds a bit evil, but in fact the name of their sect is only because the cultivation method needs to devour blood essence for cultivation.

The more powerful the blood essence of life, the better the effect on their cultivation techniques.

And the source of blood essence they choose is generally large alien beasts raised by sects.

Not to mention that relying on human blood to cultivate is inefficient, and it is easy to attract public anger and be attacked by the crowd. They are not stupid, and of course they will not do such things.

When Pei Jin, the suzerain of the Bloodthirsty Sect, saw Turtle, he showed an obvious sarcastic expression, and even said the sarcastic words that Zizhushan could become a headmaster now that Zizhushan has been reduced to a monster.

If it wasn't for Yu Wenshuang to reconcile, Lin Qian'an would probably have taken a shot to see Pei Jin's strength.

In addition to this, the rest of the real people also showed a little strangeness to the fact that the monster turtle became the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain.

Also, the realm of the human race, the main sect of the human race, has become the headmaster of the sect from a monster, and anyone will have some ideas.

However, Turtle is also an existence in the realm of the Demon Venerable, and with the successor that Wen Weixing himself personally identified, there are not many real people who attack directly in person.

After everyone was seated, the banquet began. In the middle of the banquet, Yu Wenshuang took the turtle and began to recite the eulogy, describing Wen Weixing's contribution to Zizhu Mountain and his life's achievements.

In the end, Guigui took the Zizhu Token from Yuwenshuang's tray, indicating that Zizhushan is now replaced by the old and new, and the inheritance and replacement.

This is the most important part of this funeral.

Anyway, Zizhu Mountain covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 miles. There is a large sect in the mortal world with a cross-border magic circle. Although it has declined slightly in the past thousand years, the resources occupied are not less than half.

Anyone who sees this fat will be tempted.

This time is to show the rest of the major sects in the cultivation world that Zizhu Mountain still has the strongest combat power, and there are people who will succeed him, so as not to attract the outside world.

And when Turtle was about to pick up the Purple Bamboo Token from the tray in Yuwenshuang's hand, Pei Jin, the suzerain of the Bloodthirsty Sect, stood up.

[Pei Jin: Hold on, I have an opinion. 】

Lin Qian'an narrowed his eyes slightly, and clicked the archive directly.

[Ao Shou: What is the opinion of Zhenren Pei Jin? 】

Pei Jin smiled, looked around, and spoke slowly.

[Pei Jin: I'm not saying that you are not strong enough. In the early stage of the demon realm, although it was almost, but it was barely enough to become a headmaster, but you are a demon after all, this is the realm of the human race, and there has never been one. There has been a precedent for the demon clan to be the headmaster of the human clan, this is not in line with etiquette! Moreover, people who are not my race will have different hearts. I am really worried about Ao Shou Yaozun, you will be the headmaster of this Zizhu Mountain. My bloodthirsty sect is adjacent to Zizhu Mountain. I respect you someday when you have an idea to expand the boundaries of Zizhu Mountain, I can't afford it! 】

After some words, the scene suddenly became lively.

The shrill voices kept coming out.

[Mei Yan: I have long felt that it was inappropriate for the demon clan to be the head teacher of the human clan, but I didn't dare to say it just now. 】

[Ai Ying: Junior Sister, look, I knew something was going to happen! 】

[Xiahousi: Speaking of which, our sect seems to be not far from Zizhu Mountain. If this Ao Shou really becomes the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain, we may be in danger. 】

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows, this was a conspiracy.

The identity of Ao Shou's demon clan is flawed. As long as it arouses the dissatisfaction of the other sects, it is still a bit difficult for Ao Shou to successfully become the headmaster of the sect.

At this moment, Ji Junzhen of Dandingmen also stood up.

[Ji Jun: Ao Shou Yaozun is the head teacher of Zixia Mountain, who was personally chosen by Master Zixia. Master Zixia and the top and bottom of Zizhu Mountain have all recognized it. How can we object to us? I’m just here to be a witness, Master Pei Jin. Are you getting too excited? 】

Lin Qianan silently glanced at Ji Jun and wrote him down.

At a time like this, he is still willing to speak for Turtle. He is a good person.

It is said that at the beginning of the turtle's transformation, it seems that Wen Weixing personally went to the Dandingmen to ask for it.

Waiting for this time, I have to visit one or two.

[Pei Jin: Master Ji Jun, your Dandingmen is 60,000 miles away from Zizhu Mountain, so you don't need to worry about it, but my bloodthirsty sect is only 5,300 miles away from Zizhu Mountain, so how can I not care about one or two? ? 】

Ji Jun was still about to speak, but Lin Qianan had already manipulated Turtle to speak.

[Ao Shou: Master Ji Jun, thank you for your honesty and help. Since Master Pei Jin has spoken, let me explain one or two things! Before Sect Master Wen was rumored to be in Ao Shou, Sect. Ao Shou also refused because he was a monster, but Sect Master Wen insisted on it again and again. In desperation, Sect Ao Shou agreed to Sect Master Wen temporarily acting as Sect Master. Zizhu Ling, if there is a new cultivator in Zizhu Mountain in the future, this Zizhu Ling Ao Shou still has to be returned. 】

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding monks nodded frequently.

[Ren Chang: I'll just say, it's just a temporary replacement! 】

[Zhuang Chanjuan: Master Zixia has a good abacus, so that in the future, the headmaster of Zizhu Mountain will still be the person of his Zizhu Mountain, and when Zizhu Mountain is vacant, there will also be such a powerful demon who sits in charge. Avoided coveting, but I just don't know if the head of Ao Shou will keep his promise at that time. 】

Ji Jun nodded to Turtle.

[Ji Jun: Since that's the case, I think Master Pei Jin has nothing to worry about, right? Otherwise, Zhenren Pei Jin has an opinion on the decisions Zixia Zhenren made before his life? 】

Pei Jin's face was ugly, but he still shook his head.

[Pei Jin: I have no opinion on the decision of the Zixia real person, but Zizhushan is a major human race after all. I am worried that Ao Shou Yaozun's strength is not good enough, and it is difficult to protect this huge foundation of Zizhushan! 】

This is clearly a threat from Chi Guoguo!

Lin Qianan heard the words, UU reading www. uukanshu. com could no longer contain the anger in his heart.

He couldn't bear the trouble of this old immortal looking for him several times.

It's really hard to relieve your anger if you don't beat him.

Anyway, there are archives. If things don't work, just read the archives and come back to find a way.

As a result, Lin Qianan immediately typed and accepted the opponent's threat and provocation.

[Ao Shou: That being the case, Master Pei Jin, you might as well take action yourself and test and teach Ao Shou one or two to see if Ao Shou is strong enough to protect the great foundation of Zizhu Mountain? 】

------off topic-----

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