No Jokes Here

Chapter 244: Wan Jian Qing Lian Jue, Long 1 shot

At this time, Lin Qianan found that he was already in the gap between the two spaces.

On one side is the earth, and on the other is an unknown place that exudes a distorted atmosphere of chaos.

The twisted existence that attacked him just now was not far in front of him.

In Lin Qian'an's eyes, it was constantly changing forms, almost all of which he liked, none of which he disliked.

It pointed directly to the source of desire in Lin Qian'an's heart.

An elixir shining with divine light opened his mouth to Lin Qian'an and said, "Own me, you can become stronger and become the supreme being that surpasses Long Yi."

A beautiful woman in an ancient costume wearing a white tulle hooked Lin Qian'an: "Master, come and play with the slave family!"

The old dean tempted Lin Qianan with the egg fried rice he made himself: "Qian'an, haven't eaten the egg fried rice I made for a long time? Come and try it!"

A middle-aged couple looked at Lin Qian'an and said, "Qian'an, it was your parents who were wrong at the time and shouldn't have given up on you. Now we're here to find you!"


Seeing this scene, the expression on Lin Qian'an's face was quite angry.

"Damn, you actually spy on my privacy, Wan Jian Zhenshu!"

Lin Qianan let out a loud roar, and the Ruyi Qinglian Sword flew out, taking away a total of 1.18 million Dao swords from his body. These countless Dao swords formed a torrent, and quickly launched attacks on those things that Lin Qianan saw. attack.

Whether it's a magical elixir, a beautiful and attractive woman, or a past worth remembering, the wishes that were once hoped for are all shattered by Lin Qian'an at this moment.

There are all kinds of desires in his heart, and they can only be realized through his own hands, instead of relying on a strange help him to obtain them here.

What's more, Lin Qian'an didn't think this weirdness could fulfill his wish.

In a short time, all those illusions were wiped out by Wanjian Zhenshu, but Lin Qianan's expression at this time was unprecedentedly solemn.

That terrifying aura was rapidly approaching this space.


Suddenly, the void shattered, and a figure appeared in the crack.

The strange and twisted aura of chaos poured in, Lin Qian'an's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body uncontrollably burst out with blue light, fighting against the terrifying chaotic aura.

"I am the supreme **** of purgatory, the master of desire who controls the source of desire, how holy are you, how dare you destroy my incarnation!"

A twisted and strange voice came, impacting Lin Qian'an's soul at this time. Those words should have been incomprehensible to Lin Qian'an, but for some reason, he still understood at this time.

At the same time, Lin Qianan realized that the distorted existence he destroyed with Wanjian Zhenshu just now turned out to be the incarnation of the Lord of Desire.

The Lord of Desire, Lin Qian'an, knows that one of the five eerie true gods in purgatory, the recent aphasia, was caused by his followers.

Based on this inference, Lin Qianan also understood where he was now.

He was caught between purgatory and the earth.

"True Monarch Wanjian, Li Qinglian!" Lin Qianan said indifferently, holding the Ruyi Qinglian sword in his hand.

"I have remembered your real name, so let's fall into the sea of ​​lost desires!"

When the voice of the Lord of Desire came, Lin Qianan only felt as if his spirit had suffered an unparalleled tear.

Around him, all desires appeared and turned into different selves, appetite, desire to win, lust, possessiveness...

What surprised Lin Qianan was that these egoes were all Lin Qianan, not Li Qinglian.

Yes, the current Li Qinglian has no desire. He is just an arrival card, similar to a piece of clothing worn on his body. The one who really controls everything is Lin Qianan.

The self manifested by countless desires attacked Lin Qian'an immediately.

When Lin Qianan turned the Qinglian sword in his hand, the sword gang slashed out, and instantly cut off several desire clones at the front.


In an instant, the avatar that touched the sword gang turned into flying ashes.

Lin Qianan was feeling that when these desire clones were vulnerable in Li Qinglian's hands, he suddenly found that his heart was a lot empty and his desires were reduced.

He woke up in his heart, these desire clones were all transformed by his own desires, and he killed the desire clones, which was tantamount to obliterating his own desires.

If he annihilates all the avatars of desire together, he will surely fall into the state of salted fish with no desire and no desire.

Therefore, to capture the thief, capture the king first.

Lin Qianan's figure turned into a blue light, dodging the attacks of several desire clones, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the part of the body of the Lord of Desire protruding from the edge of the crack.

This part of the body is also distorted and difficult to distinguish. If you really want to describe it, it is a bit like a mosaic.

It is constantly changing its form, almost all of which are based on Lin Qian'an's desire.

But the current Lin Qian'an is Li Qinglian's coming state, and this mental disturbance will not have much impact on Li Qinglian.

Ree, ree, ree~~!

The Qinglian sword fell from Lin Qian'an's hand, and dozens of sword gangs flew out, attacking the body of the Lord of Desire.

The sword gang touched the body of the Lord of Desire, but it penetrated directly and had no effect.

"I am the lord of desires. Any existence with desires can't hurt me, sink into the endless desires of my own body!"

The Lord of Desire said, his body extending into this space also turned into countless illusions of desire.

It is not right to say that it is an illusion, because they are all real things.

These things include Lin Qian'an's past regrets, as well as things he once yearned for and what he is now pursuing.


Lin Qian'an used the sword body to knock the attacking avatar into the air with his backhand, and his body flickered to avoid the attacks of the two avatars. At the same time, a dazzling blue light suddenly condensed on the Qinglian sword in his hand.

"Qinglian cleanses the world!!"

The green lotus sword suddenly turned into a green lotus that bloomed in the void, and in the next instant, it was swept away at the endless illusion of desire in Lin Qian'an's hands.

The Dao rule that washes everything collides with the desire origin law of the Lord of Desire.

Under Qinglian, the endless desires continued to arise and die, and Lin Qianan only felt that the energy consumption in the body had become extremely exaggerated.

The fighting power of the Lord of Desire is obviously not comparable to that of the Demon Lord and the incarnation of the Lord of Devouring before.

Here, it is already its body, even if it is only a part, it is enough to be comparable to Li Qinglian.


The cracks in the void became bigger and bigger, and in this cracked space, the body of the Lord of Desire squeezed in a lot.

Lin Qian'an felt the pressure increase sharply, and the desire clones around him were also attacking him, but under the protection of the rhythm of the 1.18 million Dao swords in Lin Qian'an's body, he couldn't hurt him.


The cracks in the space became bigger and bigger, and more and more bodies were squeezed in by the Lord of Desire.

Boom~ Boom!

Suddenly, the complete body of the Lord of Desire appeared in front of Lin Qian'an.

It was a huge being that Lin Qianan couldn't see the whole picture at a glance. In the detection of his consciousness, he could only observe a part of his body.

Formless and intangible, dark and chaotic, twisted and chaotic.

It is a mass of existence that is mixed with various desires. It has no specific form. In other words, what determines its form is actually the desire of the person who sees it.

In Lin Qian'an's eyes, this huge mixture of desire gradually turned into a woman wearing a tulle, and her appearance was almost entirely in Lin Qian'an's aesthetic, and every frown and smile was seducing Lin Qian. An endless desire in his heart.

Its light-white fingers tightly grasped the huge green lotus, and the fingertips flickered constantly.

"Heavy! Heavy! Heavy!"

Lin Qianan shouted three times, and the weight of the Qinglian transformed by the Qinglian Sword increased sharply.


Qinglian fell to the ground, stirring up countless chaotic auras.

The Lord of Desire smiled foolishly, looked at Lin Qian'an and said, "My concubine doesn't like rude people!"

Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, feeling that he could not bear to take action against such a woman.

But in a flash, he realized that no matter how aesthetically pleasing or attractive the woman in front of him was, it was all fake.

It is transformed by the strange existence of the Lord of Desire.

Maybe even now that his heart can't bear it, it's all fake and unbelievable.

The Qinglian in Lin Qian'an's hand turned into the Qinglian sword again, and he forced back the three desire clones like flies.

"Wanjian True Secret Art!"

Suddenly, a torrent formed by 1.8 million Dao swords and Ruyi Qinglian swords appeared. Driven by Lin Qian'an, it poured out towards the Lord of Desire.

The tulle fluttered on the Lord of Desire's body, revealing a little snow white, which confused Lin Qianxin. At the same time, he directly used the tulle on his body to resist the torrent attack.

Clang clang clang~!

The sound of the clash of gold and iron continued to sound, except for the Qinglian sword headed by the stalemate with the Lord of Desire, the rest of the Dao swords flew out at the moment of collision, and then flew back under the control of Lin Qianan. .

"A weak woman like your concubine, would you be willing to take action?"

Under this dense attack, the Lord of Desire even had the time to speak.

When Lin Qianan heard the sound, his mind suddenly fell into a trance. At the same time, the veil of the Lord of Desire had been quietly wrapped around his neck, and it was tightened more and more tightly.

"Uh~ ah!"

Lin Qianan was in pain, and abruptly stopped the Wanjian Secret Art, recalled the Qinglian sword, and slashed directly at the tulle at the neck.

The sword fell, and the veil of desire was wiped out.

Lin Qian'an's figure turned into a blue light, and suddenly flew dozens of miles away, stagnating in the void, and millions of swords hovered above his head.

At this time, Lin Qianan touched his neck. Under the observation of divine consciousness, it had become pitch black. Under the erosion of the desire law of the Lord of Desire, the flesh and blood were festering and twisting, and it was still spreading. .

The medium through which it spreads was Lin Qian'an's desire.

"You can't escape!"

At this time, the Lord of Desire appeared by Lin Qian'an's side again. She smiled madly and said, "My concubine will be with you forever!"

It seemed to be a tender and sweet love, but in Lin Qian'an's ears, it was directly replaced by the most vicious curse and threat.

Neither Qing Lian Ji Shi and Wan Jian Zhen Jue could directly kill the Lord of Desire.

If you continue to entangle, you will undoubtedly lose.

There are less than three minutes left in the arrival time.

And the stalk points he has now are simply not enough for him to refresh the CD again.


The other party would not give him a chance.

For a while, Lin Qianan only felt that he was in a situation of mortal death.

He was a little annoyed in his heart, and he would not have chased after him if he had known.

But then again, who would have imagined that just chasing any weird believer could be sacrificed to the weird true **** inexplicably, and would it be involved in the battle with the weird true god?

"Lang Jun, why are you running away? Do you not like concubines?"

The tulle of the Lord of Desire fluttered around Lin Qian'an, causing Lin Qian'an's pupils to shrink suddenly.

A green lotus appeared in the void, and when the sword light flickered, Lin Qianan cut the veil directly.

However, cut off a tangled tulle, and there are more tulle.

The ordinary sword gang used by Lin Qian'an is useless to him at all, and he has to use the Qinglian Dao that he comprehends in the "Qinglian Zhenjing" to cut it off.

And if it goes on like this, it will consume too much.

From time to time, he has to face the invasion of those desire clones. He doesn't dare to kill these desire clones at will, otherwise, he will reduce some of his desires.

If he kills a lot, he will probably suffer from a desire disorder and become a salted fish.

And most importantly, there is still more than a minute to come.

As the thoughts turned, a flash of light flashed in Lin Qian'an's mind.

He decided to use a combination of the two great moves [Ten Thousand Swordsmanship] and [Qinglian Cleansing the World].

In theory, this is completely feasible.

The way of Wanjian True Art is to control Wanjian.

Qinglian's way of cleansing the world is to wash away all dirt.

By mixing the two, you can control the torrent of ten thousand swords to wash everything!

It is possible, absolutely possible!

At this moment, a line connected Lin Qian'an's thoughts together.

He stopped abruptly, and the rhythm of the million swords in his body spread out. At the same time, the Ruyi Qinglian sword in his hand also burst into a strong blue light.

"Wanjian Qinglian Art!"

Lin Qian'an let out a loud roar, and all the energy in his body was concentrated, turning it into this supreme attack.


Reed, reed, reed, reed~!

In an instant, millions of swords poured out of Lin Qian'an's body under the leadership of the Ruyi Qinglian Sword.

Immediately, in the void, the million swords turned into a green lotus, circling and strangling towards the Lord of Desire.

In the face of this attack, the expression on the Lord of Desire's face also became solemn.

The tulle spread out from his hand, directly changing the size, blocking the huge green lotus.

The two sides were at a stalemate at this moment.

The tulle continued to be born and destroyed, and Qinglian couldn't move half an inch even as it swayed.

Lin Qian'an's expression was ugly, his face became pale, and he directly burned 90% of the blood in his body, pushing the power of this ultimate move to the limit.

At the very beginning, "Wan Jian Jue" required too much energy to control Wan Jian, and it had to burn blood essence before it could be used. It was only later that it was realized as "Wan Jian Zhen Jue", which filled the gap.

At this time, under the urging of Li Qinglian's blood essence, the huge Qinglian seemed to be blessed.

The light shined, suddenly breaking the veil's defense.


Ree, ree, ree~!

Qinglian flew down and attacked the Lord of Desire directly.


Along with the miserable cry of the Lord of Desire, the dark chaotic energy around him was stirred up, the Ruyi Qinglian Sword and the Million Dao Sword returned to Lin Qian'an's body, and he also behaved very unbearably.

At this time, his blood essence and blood in his body have been reduced to nine out of ten, and his energy and spirit are also severely depleted. It can be said that he is almost exhausted.

"Why, why don't you accept my good intentions? I intend to fulfill all your wishes and satisfy your ugly heart full of desires!"

When the voice of the Lord of Desire came, Lin Qian'an looked at it, and the tulle woman suddenly changed into the appearance of the Lord of Desire when he first appeared.

It is a monster formed by the mixing of countless desires. There are various delicacies manifested by appetite, **** pictures manifested by the desire to kill, **** formed by lust, and countless books formed by the desire to learn. There are all kinds of vanity scenes formed by vanity desires, and so on.

Looking at a small part of it alone, it may be nothing, but when mixed together, it looks so distorted and disgusting.

On the body of the Lord of Desire, a huge gap is being repaired quickly.

Undoubtedly, that was the damage that Lin Qian'an had caused him earlier.

However, this doesn't seem to be fatal, at most it just hurts the Lord of Desire a little.

The house leak happened to rain overnight. At this moment, Lin Qian'an's body exited the descending state and returned to his original body.

His body's spirit is not as strong and tenacious as Li Qinglian's, and he was immediately affected by the distorted aura of the Lord of Desires.

Lin Qian'an's expression was ugly, and it was as if he could vaguely see himself wearing luxurious clothes, holding several delicate women in his arms and sitting high on the peak, with powerful transcendents prostrate under his feet.

Before he knew it, these scenes seemed to be about to completely surround him.

His heart seemed to be sinking into it too.

In the depths of Lin Qian'an's soul, the meditation spirit kept warning, and the image of the Great Sage appeared, but was also ignored by Lin Qian'an.

In the face of the desire law of the Lord of Desire, Lin Qianan's desire to struggle is an extravagant hope.

Seeing that Lin Qianan was about to completely fall into this endless desire and be swallowed by it.

On Lin Qian'an's chest, Xiao Jiu's contract mark has begun to bloom with colorful rays of light.


However, at this moment, a palm broke through the void, appeared here, and immediately slapped the Lord of Desire.

Bang bang bang bang ~ kacha kacha kacha~!

This palm looks about the size of an ordinary person's palm, but it gives people an extremely huge feeling. On the way forward, the space is constantly broken, the terrifying power spreads, and it falls directly on the Lord of Desire.


Nearly one-third of the body of the Lord of Desire collapsed instantly.

This palm not only shattered one-third of the body of the Lord of Desire, but also shattered the illusion of desire in front of Lin Qian'an.

Lin Qianan came back to his senses, and while he was surprised, a voice that Lin Qianan was extremely familiar with entered his ears.

"Come on!"

Lin Qianan heard that the voice belonged to Long Yi, and at the same time saw the exit created by Long Yi forcibly shattering the space.

Without any hesitation, Lin Qianan moved and turned into a colored light and rushed out of the crack.

At the same time, an extremely angry distorted voice came from behind him.

"Long Yi, it's you again! It's you again! Damn you!!!"



After rushing out to get the space crack, Lin Qian'an returned to the capital of the earth.

Although oxygen is no longer needed for survival, Lin Qian'an is still breathing air.


Almost stuck in it and couldn't get out.

For the first time, Lin Qian'an had a real insight into what a fifth-level transcendental existence is.

With the great power at his disposal, if he were to fight on the earth, let's not say too much, at least this point of Xuan Kingdom is absolutely unbearable.

And compared to that terrifying power, the source law it masters is really hard to guard against.

Between the birth and death of infinite desires, you can create your avatar at will. If you are a little bit spiritual, you have to fall into the illusion of desire created by it and be completely destroyed.

At this moment, Lin Qianan suddenly felt something, and his body suddenly moved.


Lin Qian'an's powerful punch hit Zhang Yu in front of him.

As the aftermath spread, with the two at the center, a ring-shaped pit with a diameter of several tens of meters was formed. As the air waves rolled, the trees in the distance were also uprooted.

Zhang Yu saw sweat on his forehead, and pretended to smile calmly: "That's the gap between purgatory and the world. You can come back, I'm really happy!!"

Lin Qianan didn't answer, and punched Zhang Yu again.

In front of the fist, all kinds of energy rays bloomed, but it didn't have the touch of hitting the real thing, but directly passed through Zhang Yu and landed on the ground.

Rumble rumble~!

The terrifying burst of energy destroyed the ground even more.

"I am the believer who has the deepest connection with the Lord of Desire. I can directly borrow the power of its laws in this world. As long as you have desire in your heart, you can't hurt me!" Zhang Yu smiled and said immediately: "Goodbye! Hope Next time I see you, you can still have such good luck!"

With that said, Zhang Yu's figure also dissipated.

Lin Qian'an quickly looked around, his spiritual sense reached out, and he scanned the surroundings more than 200 miles, but he didn't find any clues of Zhang Yu.


Lin Qianan snorted coldly, and slapped the sky casually to vent his anger.


A golden palm print with a diameter of more than 500 meters pierced through the clouds, allowing the sunlight to shine from it.

After the punch, Lin Qian'an calmed down a little, and withdrew from the state of full power of the supernatural power. With a jump, it turned into a ray of light and flew into the void.

Five minutes later, Lin Qian'an's figure flew back again, and after finding that there was no trace, he left.

This time, this weird believer almost killed him, and he couldn't help but get really angry. If he were to meet again, Lin Qian'an must kill him to scum to be relieved.


Time passed, about eight hours after Lin Qianan left.

Zhang Yu's figure was revealed in a small hill not far away. His face was pale, and his body was distorted to varying degrees, filled with mosaic-like spots.

Although when he fought against Lin Qian'an, he seemed to lift weight lightly, as if he was as stable as an old dog.

But in fact, he was in a panic.

Since being able to borrow the power of the Lord of Desire, he has never encountered such a terrifying enemy.

Don't look at how he easily blocked Lin Qian'an's attack when he fought, but in fact, every time he faced Lin Qian'an's attack, he paid a huge price.

After all, the Lord of Desire is a true god-level existence. If he wants to use part of his power, he must pay for the power of desire he has collected, and bear the distortion brought about by his power.

If Lin Qian'an attacked again, either he was twisted into a pure desire monster by the power of the Lord of Desire, or the power of desire was exhausted and he was killed by Lin Qian'an with one blow.

When Zhang Yu waved his hand, the power of desire was quickly consumed, and the mosaic-like spots on his body quickly disappeared.

But even if he used all the power of desire, he only recovered part of it.

"No? But it's good, at least it's not directly twisted into a desire puppet!" Zhang Yu sighed, and then murmured: "It seems that I have to collect new power of desire again!"

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but think of Lin Qian'an's desires.

I don't know Lin Qian'an's desire seems so pure and beautiful. He has a hunch that if he can successfully collect Lin Qian'an's desire, one desire can at least top the tens of thousands of ordinary extraordinary people. a desire.

I don't know what kind of desire can actually give birth to such a pure desire. If he becomes a believer of the Lord of Desire, it is estimated that he is fully qualified to be the container for him to come to the world.

Unfortunately, the two sides are not on the same road!

Zhang Yu murmured in a cold voice, "This world is hopeless. There are countless strange true gods in purgatory watching, and even greater terror is about to come. What would you do if you were lucky enough to escape for a while?"

After speaking, Zhang Yu then hid his figure and disappeared in the same place.

------off topic-----

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