No Jokes Here

Chapter 241: test, inherit

Wen Weixing also brought the turtle to the big mouth of the mysterious turtle.

However, at this moment, Wen Weixing's figure suddenly stopped, no matter how much he urged the magic weapon, he couldn't go any further.

Wen Weixing: Humans are not allowed to enter here. If I forcibly enter, I am afraid that my identity will be exposed and discovered by the monster in the dark!

Lin Qianan was speechless, Wen Weixing didn't know anything, and he didn't know how he got the scriptures last time.

Ao Shou: I'll try to see if I can get in.

After Lin Qianan typed and said a sentence, he manipulated the turtle to use the magical power of the water, and flew directly to the mouth of the mysterious turtle.

With ease, Turtle came to the giant mouth.

Then Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to return to Wen Weixing.

Ao Shou: Sect Master, I can go in!

Wen Weixing was silent for a moment, then answered.

Wen Weixing: The place of inheritance is dangerous, it is better to wait for the inheritor to come out. I will take action and **** it directly. I have a big teleportation talisman. As long as I succeed, it can be teleported to a million miles away in an instant. follow me.

When Lin Qianan heard this, he roughly guessed how Wen Weixing obtained the scriptures last time.

It turned out that Wen Weixing also had his cards and preparations.

Unfortunately, he finally took his life.

Ao Shou: What if no demons get the inheritance?

Hearing this, Wen Weixing froze again.

Wen Weixing: Let's take a divination.

Along with Wen Weixing's words, a mission was also released.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to use divination and asked if the inheritance was obtained by the demon clan.

The result of the divination surprised Lin Qianan, because it showed "no".

If there is no demon clan to inherit, then where did Wen Weixing get the scriptures in his last reincarnation?

Ao Shou: No demon is inherited.

Wen Weixing seemed very puzzled when he heard the words.

Wen Weixing: If that's the case, is the result of your divination wrong?

Turtle has also calculated before, saying that this action can be inherited, and the result is near miss.

But the current situation is that no demon can get the inheritance, which is very strange.

Lin Qianan suddenly thought of a possibility.

Immediately after using the divine power of divination, it is calculated whether the turtle can obtain this inheritance.

Divination result: Yes!


The truth is revealed.

Previously, Turtle's divination didn't include myself, but now as long as I count myself, the result will change immediately.

If the tortoises do not go in, there will be no demon clan to inherit.

And when the turtles go in, the inheritance belongs to the turtles.

Ao Shou: Sect Master, I did the math, and the demon clan who can get the inheritance is me.

Wen Weixing was stunned for a moment.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, I actually thought of this possibility, but the place of inheritance is dangerous. If you go here, I am worried about the danger.

Ao Shou: You don't have to worry, Sect Leader, I can detect good and bad, and know good and bad, and nothing will happen.

Wen Weixing froze in place for a while when he heard the words, and then made a decision.

Wen Weixing: This is the magic rune that I condensed with part of the primordial spirit. If you are in danger of life and death, you can activate it, and I will directly break into the place of inheritance and take you away.

As he said that, a faintly gleaming purple rune appeared in Wen Weixing's palm, and it fell directly onto Turtle's forehead.

At the same time, Turtle also has a one-time skill.

Warning Rune: The warning rune condensed by Wen Weixing's spell lasts twelve hours. When encountering danger, it can be activated to notify Wen Weixing.

Ao Shou: Sect Master, then I'm leaving!

Wen Weixing: Go!

Some exchanges also took a lot of time. Simply Wen Weixing's original speed was faster than the rest of the demon clan, so even if the turtle was delayed for a little time, it was still not the last existence.

Manipulate the turtle to enter the mouth of the turtle, all the way to the mouth of the mysterious turtle, and there are two paths directly here.

There is a stone tablet in front of both roads.

Inheritance is written on the stele on the left, and chance is written on the stele on the right.

Lin Qian'an's head was clear. On the left, he planned to obtain the inheritance of Yaozun, and on the right was the chance that Yaozun left to the Yaozu.

It is no wonder that the inheritance of the demon clan has been opened, and no matter what kind of demon clan has come in swarms.

Even if you don't get the inheritance award, there is a chance to consolation award.

Lin Qianan immediately planned to manipulate the turtle to the side of inheritance.

But just after taking a step, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to retreat.

He was a little skeptical that this was true.

Will the path of chance be the real inheritance, and the path of inheritance is actually fake.

After saving a file, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to use divination, wanting to know which way is the real inheritance.

Thousands of demon power points were consumed, and it turned out that Lin Qian'an had conquered the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Other people's demon clan do not engage in such twists and turns at all, saying that inheritance is inheritance, and that it is chance is chance.

After reading the file back to the previous time, the consumed demon power value was restored to perfection, and Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to go directly to the direction of the inheritance.

All the way down, not long after, a big river appeared in front of Turtle.

On one side of the river there is a stone tablet with some words written on it.

One yuan heavy river, the water in the river is one yuan heavy water, and a drop weighs ten thousand catties. If you want to inherit the inheritance, you need to cross this river.

There are already monsters swimming in the river, and they seem to have turned into their bodies, but the speed of progress is not fast.

A huge fish demon king with a length of more than three feet swings its giant tail desperately, but it is still as if it is moving forward in a muddy swamp, which is extremely difficult.

There are some monsters on the shore watching, all with sad faces.

Lin Qian'an looked at the sky and felt that he could fly directly over.

At this moment, a winged monster set an example.

It directly transformed into a big red-feathered bird, and fluttered its wings to rush across the river of one yuan.

As a result, as soon as it reached the river, its figure was suddenly suppressed by an invisible force, and it fell into the river and struggled twice, then sank to the bottom of the river and lost its life.

A monster with horns on its nose showed a mocking expression.

Ximiao: Silly bird, don't you know that there is a forbidden space here?

Another female monster with scales and a graceful figure also showed a sad face.

Snake wrapping: This elemental heavy water is really terrifying. My water control magic can overturn rivers, but here I can only create a few waves.

A sturdy demon clan sneered.

Whale Li: Otherwise, do you think that the inheritance of Yaozun is so easy to get?

After finishing speaking, the monster clan suddenly plunged into the one-yuan heavy river. After entering the water, its body suddenly transformed into a whale body of more than 30 feet. It performed a miracle with great force, and even expelled a huge amount of one-yuan heavy water. Soon rushed to the front.

Many demon races in the river were affected by the waves it stirred and sank directly to the bottom.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qianan couldn't help but stunned.

But he also began to think about how to cross the river.

Flying is not acceptable, just now the demon clan has demonstrated the consequences.

Did it swim like that whale?

Although the turtle's swimming ability is not bad, is it really good in it?

After thinking about it, Lin Qian'an decided to make a divination before deciding what to do.

Pressing the keyboard, using the divine power of divination, he directly asked how to cross the river.

Soon Lin Qianan got an answer.

Divination result: Using the magical power of water control, you can control the heavy water of one yuan to cross the river smoothly.

Lin Qianan was stunned.

It's that simple?

After thinking for a while, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to the shore, and with the use of the water-repelling magical power, the one-yuan heavy water below suddenly condensed into a small boat and appeared on the river.

Lin Qianan was happy, and directly manipulated the turtle to jump onto the boat. Then, pressing the forward button firmly, he quickly walked towards the other side of the river.

One of the demon clan who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

Soon, the turtle surpassed the previous demon king called whale power, which caused him to be stunned for a while.

When the turtle came to the shore, the one yuan heavy water below automatically lifted it up and sent it to the shore.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to look back and saw that there were still a lot of monsters swimming desperately in the Yuanzhong River.

Smiling, Lin Qianan continued to walk straight ahead.

After a short walk, nine passages appeared in front of the turtle.

There is also a stone tablet in front.

In the path of cultivation, luck is the top priority. Of the nine paths, only one is the real inheritance, and the rest are false.

This level seems simple, but it is the most mindless brush.

Totally bet on luck.

However, Lin Qianan laughed. Isn't this a test specially prepared for the turtles?

Not to mention that he has something like an archive, you can try it casually.

One more thing, Turtle also has divine powers of divination. Which of these nine paths is true, isn’t it easy to figure out?

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to use the divine power of divination.

The next moment, the answer was revealed.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle and walked in directly to the road on the edge.

Passing through the passage, what you see is a huge desert.

In front of this desert, there are three monsters in disguised form.

The three demons were two men and one woman. Lin Qianan couldn't guess what it was, because there were no obvious traces of demons on the three demons.

But what surprised Lin Qianan was that they even came here before the turtles.

It can be seen that they are absolutely not bad.

Seeing the arrival of the turtle, the three demon clan glanced at the turtle, but did not say hello.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to look around, and soon saw the stone tablet here.

The last hurdle is Shahai in an instant.

The thing I am most proud of in my life, the old turtle, is my lifespan. I have never competed with any demon clan in my life. I just crawl in the abyss of the vast sea for 10,000 years. Naturally, I realized the supernatural power of longevity and became a demon. In 20,000 years, the old turtle I became the peak of the demon lord. In the next 70,000 years, the old turtle I saw the rise and fall of countless demon clan talents, and dozens of demon lords turned into loess, but in the end, the old turtle was me. If you want the Dao, you can ignore everything else, but you must live long enough.

A few moments of sand can deprive you of your lifespan. In the sea of ​​sand for a few seconds, I have a great formation that I have set up. It only takes a moment to deprive those who enter it of a hundred years of life. If you want to get inheritance, you need to find an old turtle in the sea of ​​sand for a few seconds. Under the demon pill.

Seeing the words on the stone tablet, Lin Qian'an suddenly understood why the three monsters in the field did not move.

In such a large sand sea, find a demon pill in it.

Obviously a very difficult thing to do.

In addition, this Xushahai will seize the lifespan. If it is not found, it may directly lose hundreds of years of lifespan.

Ordinary demon clan, even if they become demon kings, are only a thousand years old, even if they are demon gods, they are only ten thousand years old.

Once you go in, you may have no more lifespan when you come out.

There are only three ways to successfully obtain the demon pill.

The first is that the lifespan is long enough to allow you to stay in the sand sea long enough to find the demon pill.

The second is that the speed is fast enough, to a certain extent, you should be able to search the desert to find the demon pill before the lifespan runs out.

The third is good luck, you can find the demon pill directly in a short time, then you will be fine.

The tortoise may not have an advantage in speed, but it has an advantage in lifespan.

In terms of luck, Lin Qian'an can read files, and can rely on divination to determine the location of the demon pill, which is not too difficult.

Lin Qian'an was very clear, no wonder when the divination was performed before, the result was that the turtles could inherit the inheritance.

This is simply a test set for it by nature!

At this moment, among the three monsters, one of the male monsters stepped forward, and a green energy shield suddenly appeared around him.

Lin Qianan saw what he was thinking, and most of the other party thought that as long as he didn't touch the sand for a moment, it would be fine.

The other two monsters were also watching his actions quietly.

But he saw him step by step, as if he had come to the sea of ​​sand for a moment.

After staying for less than a few seconds, his expression changed and he shrank back directly.

The banshee asked aloud.

Yanmei: How?

The male demon shook his head and answered.

Green Bamboo: Difficult, in just a short period of time, I have lost my lifespan for decades. Even if I don’t touch the sand of a few moments, I can’t block the effect of the great formation even if I fly in the sky. It will be affected. If you really want to search the entire Xusha Sea in a short period of time, I am afraid that you cannot do it without tens of thousands of years of life.

The other demon clan also frowned.

Bitter Tea: Although I am a plant and have a long lifespan, I don't have a thousand-year lifespan. I am afraid that the inheritance of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable will not be available.

Suddenly, the banshee named Yanmei asked.

Yanmei: Is it feasible to take away the sand in this sea of ​​sand for a moment?

Green Bamboo: I have already tried it. The space here is abnormal. I am afraid it is the secret realm created by the sea monster. Even if I have the space ability to accommodate rivers and mountains, I cannot use it.

Kucha: Well, this inheritance has no relationship with us, let's go!

After Kucha said this, the three demons looked at each other, and immediately turned around and walked towards the way out, regardless of the existence of the turtle.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan also manipulated the turtle to start an attempt.

He first saved a file, and then used the divine power of divination to begin to calculate where the demon pill was.

The power value of the turtle and tortoise dropped rapidly, the light of the tortoise shell in the palm of the hand bloomed, and the gossip yin and yang pattern changed. After a while, Lin Qianan also got the result.

Understand the location and direction of the demon pill.

The location of this demon pill is impressively at the very center of the sand sea, and it can only be found by diving into the sand sea.

Without hesitation, Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtle into its body and entered the sea of ​​sand.

Within the Xusha Sea, Turtle's lifespan is also rapidly declining.

Lin Qian'an did a little calculation and found that one second was reduced by almost ten years, that is to say, one minute was six hundred years of life.

The speed of the tortoise is not particularly fast. When walking this time, I only see that the lifespan of the tortoise is constantly decreasing.

But the only thing that made Lin Qian'an feel at ease was that the turtle had a lifespan of more than four million years.

And he can also read the file, even if he doesn't find it once, it doesn't get in the way, and he can repeat it.

While using divination to calculate the direction, he continued to move forward. After 18 minutes, Lin Qianan finally found the center of Xuyishahai.

Immediately, he manipulated the turtle to drill down directly and dived into the sea of ​​sand.

Within the sea of ​​sand, the surrounding area is full of yellow sand, but Lin Qian'an doesn't care about this.


With a sudden loud noise, the turtle's body fell from the sky and fell into a huge empty palace.

In this huge palace, the turtle's body, which is more than 40 feet long, can actually move.

And Turtle's lifespan no longer continues to decrease.

On the road ahead, there seemed to be a faint light, and Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtle to crawl forward.

After a while, Lin Qianan saw the light source.

It was a huge green sphere.

After a little calculation, Lin Qianan calculated that its diameter was at least about 80 meters, and it continued to emit light, illuminating the entire hall.

At this time, the tortoise was illuminated by its light, and Lin Qianan was surprised to find that the turtle's lifespan was rising rapidly.

Lin Qian'an was puzzled, could this be the demon pill of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable?

He also thought that the demon core could be the size of a fist at most, but it actually has a diameter of 80 meters, which is simply exaggerated.

Judging from the dense array patterns on the side of the demon pill, this demon pill should be the core of the Xuyi Great Formation.

This should also be the reason why the turtles will increase their lifespan when they are close to the demon pill.

Manipulate the turtle to step forward, and a prompt also appears.

Tip: Press the button to use the Nayuan supernatural power to swallow the demon pill.

Lin Qian'an understood and pressed the key directly.

Turtle also opened his mouth at the right time, and suddenly swallowed it at the demon pill.

The huge demon pill kept shrinking under the swallowing of the turtle, and soon it turned into a demon pill the size of a basketball, which was swallowed directly by the turtle.

At the same time, Turtle's experience is rapidly increasing.

Soon, the word upgrade appeared on the top of Turtle's head, and at the same time, its level also reached level 24.

However, it did not stagnate here, but continued to improve, getting faster and faster.

25, 26, 27

It was not until the turtle was upgraded to 30 that it slowly stagnated.

At this time, the size of the tortoise has grown a full two or three laps. Lin Qianan estimated that the tortoise shell alone must have a diameter of one kilometer. Even if the palace is very large, it seems that it cannot accommodate it.

Lin Qianan opened the panel and glanced at it, and his mouth could not be closed.

Name: Ao Shou

Cultivation: Demon King Peak

Level: 30

Experience: 550260010000000

Life: 12511182353

Health: 2651135426511354

Stamina: 2654524126545241

Demon Power: 2854625928546259

Mana: 100100

Spirit: 224521

Stamina: 232534

Blood: 232445

Strength: 242551

Agility: 500

Exercise: Zixia Zhenjing

Hex: none

Magical Powers: Divination with Water, Hard Armor, Heavy Armor, Longevity, and Yuan

A demon king with an extremely long life span.

From the early stage of the demon king, the cultivation base has directly reached the peak of the demon king, and the rest of the attributes have also improved.

The most terrifying thing is Shou Yuan, which has directly reached more than 11 million.

The points of life essence that had been consumed by Xushahai before have now been replenished, and there are even more.

Even the agility attribute, which has always been a shortcoming, has now reached 500.

It's a pity that the experience has not directly allowed the turtle to break through to the realm of the demon, and it is still a few million away.

But it's too soon, go back to do the task for a period of time, and the turtle will break through.

At this time, in front of the turtle, a human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared.

The phantom looked like an old man in his 80s or 90s, with a pair of tortoise shells on his back and a cane in his hand.

His eyes looked at the void, and he slowly opened his mouth.

Xuanyuan: Latecomer, when you see this projection I left behind, I should have been dead for a long time.

Lin Qian'an's head was clear, and he guessed that the other party was probably the Vast Sea Demon Venerable.

Xuanyuan: Old turtle, I am not afraid of death. After all, compared to the other demons who only have ten thousand years of life, I have lived for a hundred thousand years, and I am already tired of it. The only thing that makes me feel sorry That is, I stopped at the half-step demon saint realm and failed to break through until death.

Having said that, Xuan Yuan paused for a while.

Xuanyuan: But, this is definitely not my problem, but this world, there can no longer be an existence in the realm of a demon saint. With the evolution of the Great Evolution, the avenues are also covered up and become obscure and difficult. Comprehend, even if you are extremely talented, you can only stop the Demon Lord and cannot break through.

Xuanyuan: Latecomer, you have caught up with one of the worst times, but I hope you don't get discouraged. You can pass the three barriers I set, which proves your talent. I believe you will be able to overcome obstacles and open up a new path A new path has come out. The longevity scripture in this turtle shell records my lifelong insights. If you realize the longevity magical power and become a demon, you can increase your lifespan by 100,000 years. The longer you are, the more possibilities you have.

Following Xuan Yuan's words, a green tortoise shell about the size of a palm also appeared in the void.

After saying this, Xuan Yuan's projection dissipated.

Lin Qianan looked at the tortoise shell and felt a little weird in his heart.

Comprehending the supernatural power of longevity from his scriptures, can you live for 100,000 years?

For the turtles, it's all about life loss, right?

Moreover, the turtle already has the supernatural power of longevity, and the effect is completely different from the supernatural power of longevity mentioned by Xuan Yuan.

Turtles start from 1 to 10 levels, and each level increases their lifespan by 10,000 years; from 11th to 20th level, one hundred thousand years increases; from 21st to 30th level, one million increases Years of life.

Compared with the supernatural power of longevity that Xuan Yuan said can increase the longevity of 100,000 years, Lin Qianan felt that the supernatural power of longevity of the turtle is the "real supernatural power of longevity". UU Reading

But then again, didn't Wen Weixing bring back the Mysterious Shui Jing when he read the file before?

Why is there the Longevity Sutra in the inheritance now?

Doubts kept lingering in his mind, and Lin Qianan also manipulated the tortoise into a human, intending to go forward to take the tortoise shell that recorded the longevity scriptures.

As soon as the turtle turned into a human, Lin Qianan was a little surprised to find that the current turtle has changed from a six-year-old child to a ten-year-old boy.

The treasure clothes on his body changed size along with his body, but it didn't make him look embarrassed.

Manipulating the turtle to step forward, Lin Qianan clicked the turtle shell and put it directly into the backpack.

Demon Venerable Tortoise Shell: The tortoise shell of Demon Venerable Vast Sea, which records the longevity scripture created by Demon Venerable Vast Ocean. After learning, it can greatly increase the lifespan, and there is a chance to comprehend the small supernatural powers of longevity.

In an instant, Lin Qian'an understood why the longevity magical power Xuanyuan said was different from the turtle's.

This magical power has small characters, and at first glance, it is a weakened version. Sure enough, the turtle is the genuine version.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan looked around in the palace, and soon found the way out. Taking one step, the figure of the turtle had already appeared in the void outside.

Behind the tortoise is the tomb of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to use the magical power of the water, and directly stepped on the water boat and flew in the direction of Wen Weixing.

At this moment, a monster with a cyan tail suddenly appeared in the void, and it seemed to have just come out of the tomb of the Demon Lord. It held a flashing demon bone scroll and shouted loudly.

Qingwei: I got the inheritance of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable! !

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Ninety-nine Demon King

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