No Jokes Here

Chapter 240: Turtle shot, mausoleum is alive

The little carp swam out of the lake, turned into a human, and looked at the turtle suspiciously.

Li Yuelong: Ao Shou, do you want to go out? 】

Ao Shou: Go outside and buy something. I'll bring you some souvenirs when I come back. Take a good look at the house. 】

The little carp nodded obediently.

Li Yuelong: OK, I'll wait for you to come back. 】

After that, Wen Weixing summoned a flying boat from the storage bag, and after sitting on the tortoise and tortoise, he kept away from Zizhu Mountain.

On the flying boat, Wen Weixing began to instruct Turtle about some matters.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, although the relationship between the demon clan and the human clan is not a life-and-death enemy, it is also not friendly. If they know that there is a clan trying to get involved in the inheritance of the demon clan, they will definitely not let it go easily, and You are also quite special, so here we go, we must cover up our identity first, you should put on this cloak first! It can cover up your breath and some of the monster features. 】

Having said that, Wen Weixing handed Ao Shou a purple cloak, and at the same time he also put on a purple cloak.

This is a little different from the black cloaks in many novels, but the clothes on Zizhu Mountain are all woven from purple bamboo silk, and it is normal for the color to be purple.

However, this does not mean that it is easy to be exposed, because the purple bamboo in Zizhu Mountain is a very common variety, and it is basically found everywhere, but there are more Zizhu Mountain.

Lin Qianan also manipulated the transformed turtle to wear the cloak on his body.

As soon as the cloak that covered the whole body was put on, Longjiao couldn't even see half of his face.

Afterwards, Wen Weixing's flying boat went all the way, and soon came to the front of a city.

After he took out a token and signaled it, he was put in.

Wen Weixing: This place is called Five Elements City. It is a market for scattered practitioners. 】

When Wen Weixing said this, he didn't open his mouth, and the voice was transmitted directly to the turtle.

There was no response from others, and Lin Qianan knew that this was a common method of sound transmission among monks.

After walking around with Wen Weixing, Lin Qianan found that most of the cultivators here were dressed in the same clothes as Wen Weixing, concealing their identities.

He clearly realized that the order of the cultivation world was not very good.

In the end, Wen Weixing stopped outside a shop called Wanbao Trading Company.

Walking in, the store is filled with all kinds of rare treasures, including magic treasures, elixir, as well as some decorations and rare things in the mortal world.

There was a beautiful woman in front of the counter, smiling at Wen Weixing who entered.

Qiu Shan: Dare to ask the two guest officers, what do you want? 】

Wen Weixing took out a jade plaque and lit it up.

Wen Weixing: I'm looking for shopkeeper Gong! 】

Seeing this jade tablet, Qiu Shan was stunned, and then nodded.

Qiu Shan: Please wait a moment, I will inform the shopkeeper. 】

Saying that, she hurried into the back room.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a big belly and a luxurious brocade walked out.

He bowed to Wen Weixing from a distance.

Gong Sheng: I don't know if there is a distinguished guest coming, and it is disrespectful to welcome you from afar! 】

Wen Weixing: Stop talking politely and talk about business. 】

Gong Sheng nodded and stretched out his hand.

Gong Sheng: This is not a place to talk, please come with me. 】

After speaking, he led the way inward.

Wen Weixing nodded slightly, and followed behind with Turtle.

After entering, the three came to a hidden room.

Gong Sheng poured three cups of tea and placed two of them in front of Wen Weixing and Turtle.

Afterwards, Gong Sheng Shi Shiran sat down, picked up the teacup, blew it, and took a slow sip.

Gong Sheng: Is there something wrong with the guest? 】

Wen Weixing: I heard that you recently have a caravan going to the Myriad Demons to buy goods. 】

Gong Sheng paused, and his eyes became deep.

Gong Sheng: The guests want to take the caravan's flying boat to the Myriad Demons? 】

Wen Weixing: Let's make a price! 】

Gong Sheng looked hesitant.

Gong Sheng: During this time period, the demon country is in chaos. …]

Wen Weixing threw out a storage bag.

Wen Weixing: Three thousand yuan beads. 】

Yuanzhu is the trading currency of the comprehension world. It is formed by condensing the vitality of heaven and earth in a formation. It is equivalent to solid heaven and earth vitality. The sum total of vitality.

Gong Sheng picked up the storage bag, swept away the mana, and after confirming the number, a smile appeared on his face. Then he took out two jade tokens and put them on the table.

Gong Sheng: Of course, no matter how messed up we are, we will still go there. The caravan will set off in two days, and it will be a long cliff outside the south gate of the Five Elements City. 】

Wen Weixing put away the two tokens, turned around and left with the turtle.

Leaving Wanbao Firm, Wen Weixing took Guigui to an inn and stayed there.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, we will wait here for two days. 】

Ao Shou: Sect Master, why do we want to join their caravan and go to the Myriad Demon Country together? Can't you go by yourself? 】

Wen Weixing: Of course I can go, but if I don't pay attention, I will eventually leave traces and sneak into the caravan. Others will only think that we are accompanying loose cultivators, and then we can hide our traces and prevent people from guessing who we are. 】

After listening to Wen Weixing's explanation, Lin Qian'an understood.

The old rivers and lakes are worthy of being the old rivers and lakes, and doing things is prudent.

Two days are coming soon.

Taking advantage of the night, Wen Weixing led the turtle out of the Five Elements City, called the flying boat, and went straight to the south gate of the Five Elements City.

Not long after, they came to the edge of a cliff.

A huge ship nearly 100 meters long was docked on it at this time.

Wen Weixing led Turtle to a stop beside the boat, and after taking out the boarding order, he was put on the boat by the guards.

On board the boat, Lin Qianan found that in addition to Guigui and Wen Weixing, there were some other loose cultivators on the boat.

They each found a place to sit down with their knees crossed, keeping a distance from the people around them.

And Wen Weixing also took the turtle and sat down in the corner.

Afterwards, a lot of people boarded, and soon there were about a hundred people on the deck of the ship.

Immediately, as soon as the clock arrived, at the bow of the ship, a man blew his horn.

The people on the ship put away the gangway, and the huge ship lit up with aura, the formation was activated, and then it slowly rose into the air.

The speed of the ship is very fast, at least according to Lin Qian'an's visual observation, it should not be slower than an ordinary passenger plane, or even a lot faster.

And there is a wind-proof energy shield on it, so that the monks sitting on the ship are protected from the wind and waves.

After the ship traveled for a while, a caravan began to walk back and forth on the deck, asking people in the field if they needed food or some drinks and toys to relieve boredom.

Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows. This scene reminded him of the staff on the old-fashioned green-skinned train who sold "Eight Treasures Porridge with Sunflower Seeds and Peanuts, Beer, Beverage, Mineral Water".

The process of driving the ship is very boring, so Lin Qianan can simply fast-forward and go directly to the next plot point.

Just clicked, a sudden rumbling sound came out, and the speed of the ship immediately slowed down.

One of the caravan's managers, mana operation, explained loudly to the crowd.

Yao Zhixiang: Ladies and gentlemen, the ship has been attacked by demon thieves, please rest assured that our Wanbao Trading Company has rich experience and will solve the battle immediately, and it will not be delayed for too long. 】

Everyone on the ship was emotional.

Whole Quinoa: What? Don't you usually encounter demon thieves if you don't return to the flight? 】

Wei Hongan: Are they crazy? 】

Fu Chi: It seems that there are two demon kings, will this happen? 】

During the exchange, Lin Qianan also manipulated the turtle to look beyond the ship.

I saw a lot of monsters flying in the sky, at least hundreds of them. They are all using magic to attack the spaceship, but these attacks are blocked by the ship's defensive formation. .

Among them, two monsters with black wings seem to be the leaders. They are leading the group of monsters to fight against the monks of the Wanbao Trading Company.

The battle situation at this time seems to be a little bad. Wanbao Trading seems to be biased towards the weaker side. The only strong person in the caravan is restrained by the two demon kings. The other crew members are also struggling to resist, and the formation of the ship The shield seemed to be about to shatter.


Suddenly, the protective cover of the ship exploded and disappeared directly.

A demon headed by it saw this and issued an order directly.

Crow Evil: Children, go ahead!

In an instant, the hundreds of demons were all transformed into prototypes, and they turned out to be huge crows with a body size of about ten feet.

quack quack!

There was a loud noise, and they rushed directly to the ship.

The passengers on the ship used their own means to fight these crows.

Three of them flew towards Wen Weixing and Turtle.

Seeing this, Wen Weixing suddenly shot.

I saw a purple light flickering in his palm and suddenly flew out.

In an instant, the three crows were shot in the head, and their bodies rushed to the mana shield constructed by Wen Weixing and landed in front.

However, the situation at this time has become more and more chaotic, and the caravan has obviously been unable to resist.

Wen Weixing stood up and looked at Turtle.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, stay here and don't walk around, I'll help. 】

Ao Shou: Well, I promise not to walk around. 】

Wen Weixing nodded, his body turned into a purple light, suddenly flew out, and went straight to the two demon kings.

The moment he approached the two demon kings, a purple light flashed across Wen Weixing's hand, cutting off one of the wings on the spot.

As the blood splattered, the demon king showed a terrified expression.

Crow Evil: There are still masters? 】

The other demon king also showed a nervous expression.

Crow Evil: The idea is tricky, kids, get out! 】

Saying that, the two demon kings directly turned into their bodies, two big crows with feet as large as ten feet, and then quickly fled into the distance.

The caravan leader and Wen Weixing looked at each other, and each attacked the two crows.

Wen Weixing was chasing the uninjured demon king. He quickly chased after the demon king. Then a purple light flew out from Wen Weixing's cuff and hit the demon king's neck in an instant, causing his blood to spill out and his body shape to fall. shake.

The leader of the caravan pursued the demon king whose wings were injured by Wen Weixing.

However, Rao was the one who injured his wings, and the caravan leader still had difficulty fighting. During the operation of the mana, the magic weapon constantly collided with the body of the demon king, and the sound of gold and iron clashing never stopped.


At this moment, a miserable cry came out, and the demon king named Crow Evil was passed through his chest by Wen Weixing's magic weapon, and his figure fell directly downward.

Seeing this, the crow was evil and forced the leader of the caravan back with one wing, trying to escape from the ship.

Coincidentally, the direction it chose was exactly the direction the turtle was in.

Lin Qianan felt a little nervous when he saw such a big crow flying over.

Immediately, he directly manipulated the turtle to launch an attack.

I saw the tortoise tortoise taking out the tortoise shell from the waist, and immediately threw it forward abruptly.

The tortoise shell changed size in the void, turned into a huge tortoise shell with a diameter of ten feet, and suddenly smashed on the crow.


After a loud bang, the crow flew upside down, and most of its body was smashed.

Lin Qianan blinked his eyes, and his expression became a little surprised.

To be honest, this is the first time he has manipulated Turtle to fight.

I didn't expect the result to be so neat and neat, and the opponent was instantly killed.

And this is just a flat a of Turtle, not a skill.

It is said that Turtle's current cultivation base is also a demon king, and each attribute has reached tens of thousands or more. It seems that it is not difficult to accept this effect.

However, this scene shocked everyone on the ship.

No one would have thought that Turtle, who looked the same height as a human child, would actually be a powerful old monster.

It also made those little demons speed up their escape.

At this time, Wen Weixing flew back to the ship and came to Turtle's side.

The caravan leader also came over, and he raised his hand to directly salute Wen Weixing and Turtle.

Zhan Yizhi: In the next Zhan Yizhi, I would like to thank the two seniors for their help. 】

Wen Weixing: It's just an effort, no need to be more polite. 】

Zhan Yizhi: It's windy outside. The two seniors will come with me to rest in the cabin. After I handle the matter, I will thank you two for your help. 】

Wen Weixing did not refuse Zhan Yizhi's invitation, and directly took the turtles into the cabin together.

Entering the cabin, Zhan Yizhi led the two of them to stay in a slightly decorated room, and prepared the two of them with good tea and snacks before leaving.

After Zhan Yizhi left, Wen Weixing looked around, and directly communicated with Turtle.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, next time you encounter something, don't take action at will. You have not learned the method of concealing your breath. Once you take action, it will be easy to be discovered. If others are determined to investigate, it will inevitably cause trouble. In addition, you do not need to respond. I, the wall has ears. 】

Lin Qianan nodded secretly when he heard the words, he didn't know these things, and then he had to call 666 behind him.

After a while, Zhan Yizhi returned with a storage bag.

There is a 3,000 yuan pearl boat fee paid by Wen Weixing, and an additional thank you fee of 10,000 yuan.

In addition, he also faintly revealed that the firm had the idea of ​​recruiting them.

However, Wen Weixing pretended not to hear it, and directly accepted Yuanzhu and euphemistically indicated that he was going to rest.

Zhan Yizhi was helpless and could only retreat silently.

Lin Qian'an fast forwarded, the ship arrived at the station, and slowly landed at a port in the Wan Yao Kingdom.

After saying goodbye to Zhan Yizhi, Wen Weixing led the turtles off the ship together. What he saw was a huge city by the sea.

According to the proportion of visual inspection, the city gate alone is more than 100 meters high, and the city wall is estimated to be 300 meters high. The surrounding are all monsters that change shape, and there are also a few human monks, showing a prosperous scene.

And above the city gate, there are three blood-red characters, Swallowing the City].

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, follow me closely. 】

Wen Weixing said, and directly led the turtle to the hogbite city. When passing by the city gate, Lin Qianan seemed a little curious, is such a big gate a little over repaired?

However, this idea was put down by Lin Qianan after Wen Weixing paid Yuanzhu to enter the city.

Compared to humans, the monsters around are far more exaggerated.

Many transformed monsters maintain the characteristics of their own clan, and their bodies are three to five meters high. The name of this city, roughly guessed that there should be more pig monsters in this city.

Wen Weixing led Guigui to find an inn in the city to live in, and then began to tell Guigui what happened next.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, the city of hogbite is close to the vast sea. It is the time when the tomb of the demon lord of the sea is in the world. There must be various demon kings coming to compete for inheritance. There will definitely be a lot of chaos here, and there will also be demon lords in secret to avoid the inheritance of the demon clan. It is very difficult to compete for the inheritance of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable this time. You should first try to calculate when the tomb of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable came into existence. 】

[Hint: You have accepted the quest to calculate the present time of the tomb of the Vast Sea Demon Lord]. ]

[Calculate the time of existence of the mausoleum of the Demon Lord of the Sea: Help Wen Weixing to calculate the time of the existence of the Mausoleum of the Demon Lord of the Sea and let us know. ]

[Task reward: experience*200000. ]

Ao Shou: Good! 】

Answering a sentence, Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtle to use the divine power of divination, and asked about the present time of the tomb of the Vast Sea Demon Lord.

Divination results: three days later, three quarters of the hour. 】

Ao Shou: The time will be at the three quarters of Hai Shi three days later. 】

[Hint: You have completed the task of divination for good and bad luck], get reward experience * 200000. ]

Hearing the result, Wen Weixing paused.

Wen Weixing: It's five days faster than my calculation. Ao Shou, are you sure there is no error in your calculation? 】

Lin Qianan couldn't help but smile when he heard the words.

So far, Turtle has only things that can't be counted, and haven't encountered anything that can't be counted.

Even if it is a very difficult question, Turtle's Divination] gives very little information at most, or does not give an answer directly, but has not given a wrong answer yet.

Ao Shou: I just can't count, I can't count! 】

Wen Weixing's expression became solemn, and his fingers quickly calculated.

Wen Weixing: No reason! The inheritance of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable exists once in a hundred years, and it is now since the last time the mausoleum of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable appeared in the world...]

Suddenly, Wen Weixing's expression changed suddenly.

Wen Weixing: The monsters gave fake time. Yes, we were all deceived by the monsters. They deliberately released fake news to mislead the monks of the human race. 】

Lin Qian'an was very puzzled. The human race didn't want the inheritance of the demon race. Why did the demon race do such a thing?

So he typed and asked.

Ao Shou: Why do they do this? Could it be that the human race can also practice the method of demon cultivation? 】

Wen Weixing: Of course not, monsters can transform into human beings, but if a person wants to practice monsters, they must first transform into monsters! However, although the human race is not interested in the cultivation methods of the demon race, the demon pills, demon bones and the like are very good treasures. The demon pills contain the essence of the demons' life, and the alchemy and medicine can greatly improve their cultivation. , or directly turned into a treasure to increase life expectancy, monster bones and the like can be refined into magic weapons, especially the corpse of a top monster, which is definitely the top magic weapon material in the cultivation world. 】

Lin Qianan immediately understood, no wonder the demon clan deliberately released the wrong time.

They are planning to wipe out a group of human races who want to maliciously steal treasures to avoid accidents.

Although this is the territory of the demon clan, under normal circumstances, there are few monks who can kill themselves, but it is probably a good thing for them to have less trouble.

Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, you can count the place where the tomb of the Vast Sea Demon Lord appeared. 】

As soon as Wen Weixing said this, it was another task.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle for divination] for a moment, and quickly got the answer.

Divination result: 532 miles north of Tianyu City. 】

Ao Shou: Five hundred and thirty-two miles north of Tianyu City. 】

Wen Weixing's expression changed again.

Wen Weixing: Shouldn't it be the Swine City? Wait a minute, it's almost time for the tomb of the Vast Sea Demon Lord to be born, so I'll just say why there is still peace in the city of Hog Devouring, it's wrong, it's wrong!

Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, Wen Weixing was trying to steal the inheritance of the demon clan!

He didn't understand anything, it just left him speechless.

It's no wonder that the last archive killed himself to get the scriptures.

Wen Weixing: No, we can't stay in Hogbite City, we'll go to Tianyu City now! 】

With that said, Wen Weixing set off again with Turtle.

Taking the whale boat of the demon clan, in less than a day, I came to a huge city on a cliff.

This city is two different things from the Swallow City. The city is full of all kinds of giant trees, and the buildings are mostly above all kinds of giant trees. The bottom of the cliff is also connected to the Swine City, but the sky in the city is not clear. There are many monsters with wings.

After arriving here, Lin Qianan clearly felt that the surrounding atmosphere became more tense.

All kinds of monster clans are gathering here at this time. Needless to say, those flying in the sky can clearly see a lot of people running on the ground and swimming in the water.

Wen Weixing's face was relieved, with such an expression as expected.

Wen Weixing: Sure enough, the geniuses of the younger generation of the demon clan are all here, and the real place of inheritance is here. 】

Lin Qianan was very puzzled, even if he swims in the water, why do monsters flying in the sky and running on the ground also come to compete for inheritance.

Ao Shou: Isn't Vast Sea Demon Venerable a mysterious turtle? Why do other monsters have to compete for inheritance? 】

Wen Weixing: Although Hanhai Yaozun is an aquarium, UU reading www. But after all, it has reached the top of the demon clan and has mastered a magical power. If it can understand one or two, it can go out of its own way and realize its own magical power. 】

If the demon race wants to become a demon god, just like the human race breaking through the realm of self-cultivation, they must realize their true self and comprehend the supernatural powers.

It can be said that a monster with six supernatural powers at the beginning like Turtle is unique.

If this is a competitive game, then the turtle is the **** of the six gods at the beginning, and no one can stand it.

Wen Weixing took the tortoise to find a place to live in Tianyu City, but Tianyu City was already crowded with monsters. In desperation, Wen Weixing could only temporarily use magic to chop down trees, build a cabin, and sleep with the tortoise. Outside Tianyu City.

Fortunately, there are not many monsters who have encountered such a situation, so Wen Weixing and Turtle are not embarrassed.

One of the monsters covered with brown scales directly turned into a pangolin, and drilled a cave nearby to live there.

Time passed, and the three days soon came.

At this time, it was the night of Xu, and there was still some time before the time of Hai, but all the monsters in Tianyu City had already exerted their magical powers and headed towards the vast sea.

Wen Weixing drove the magic weapon and flew directly through the sky with the tortoise, far faster than the average monster.

After arriving at the place where the divination had been made by the turtle, Lin Qianan saw an incomparably huge island slowly rising from the sea.

With the passage of time, the island was completely exposed to the sea, and it was actually a huge stone statue of a black turtle.

Xuan Turtle's big mouth opened, and at a glance, he knew that it was the entrance.

At this time, all the monsters couldn't hold back their emotions, and flew towards the big mouth of the mysterious turtle.

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