No Jokes Here

Chapter 242: Youkai Kotsugu

At the same time, Lin Qianan noticed that a purple light seemed to move as well, rapidly approaching the monster named Qingwei.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an seemed to understand something.

Obviously, the last time Wen Weixing was deceived, the monster didn't get the real inheritance at all, it was just deceiving everyone, and Lin Qian'an's purpose was unclear.

And that purple light is obviously Wen Weixing, and he is probably planning to take the inheritance from the monster now.

Lin Qianan wanted to stop him, but found that the distance between the two sides was too far, and the speed of the turtle was too slow in comparison.

As a result, Lin Qianan directly activated the warning rune.

Between the turtle's eyebrows, the purple rune suddenly shattered.

Wen Weixing's purple light instantly stagnated in the void, and then flew directly to where the turtle was.

When Wen Weixing flew to Turtle, three rays of light also flew towards the monster named Qingwei.

Soon Wen Weixing fell by Turtle's side.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou? are you out? Why did you activate the warning rune? 】

[Ao Shou: The monster said a lie, he didn't get the inheritance at all, the real inheritance is with me. 】

Wen Weixing fell silent for a while.

On the other side, the three rays of light had already landed on the side of the monster named Qingwei.

These three rays of light turned into three monsters, two males and one female.

Among the two male demons, one is sturdy and many feet tall, with fangs and a nine-ringed sword, the other has a pair of right angles with spiral patterns, and has a feminine appearance. The last female demon has red wings on her back. , with sharp claws on both feet.

As soon as the three monsters appeared, the surrounding monsters stopped to salute them one after another.

And that Qingwei also bowed directly to the three demon beasts.

[Qingwei: In the next Qingwei, I have seen the hog-devouring monster, the Tianyu monster, and the Zhenyuan monster. 】

When Lin Qianan saw the conversation, he realized that there were three demon powers hidden in the dark.

Think about it too, according to what Xuan Yuan said, this Vast Sea Demon Venerable is a half-step demon saint. If it weren't for the limitations of heaven and earth, it would be possible to become a demon saint.

It makes sense to have two more demons.

The fang-like Demon Lord looked at the Demon Bone Scroll in Qingwei's hand.

[Zizhu: You said that you got the inheritance of the Vast Sea Demon Venerable, is it true or false? 】

Aowei heard the words, and handed out the demon bone scroll in his hand with a very indifferent expression.

[Qingwei: I also invited three demon lords to learn from them. This is the inheritance of the cultivation method of the vast sea demon venerable. 】

The demon lord with the right-angled spiral pattern smiled femininly.

[Zhen Yuan: Interesting, can you show it to me? If it is true, you can get the inheritance of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable, which also proves that your talent is not bad. You can choose one of the three of me to apprentice. 】

Qingwei's face was excited, and she handed the demon bone scroll to Zhenyuan with trembling hands.

[Qingwei: I dare not refuse, thank you Zhenyuan Yaozun for his promise. 】

Lin Qian'an could see clearly that there was excitement and tension.

This Qingwei obviously forged a fake inheritance, but took it as a real one, trying to ascend to the sky in one step and become a disciple of the Demon Lord.

Thanks to the envy of the monsters next to him.

After Zhen Yuan got the Monster Bone Scroll, he glanced at it and threw it to the hog bite, and the hog bite also took a glance and threw it to the last Heavenly Feather Monster Venerable.

Tianyu Yaozun held the demon bone scroll with a sneer on his face.

[Tianyu: You are so courageous that you dare to deceive three monsters at one time. In this practice method, some of the daily magic arts of the Shui tribe are also recorded. If it is the inheritance method of the vast sea monsters, then I Waiting for the supernatural powers to be comprehended would be too childish. 】

Qingwei trembled, and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

[Qingwei: Yaozun forgive me, I just...]


The hog suddenly opened his huge mouth and swallowed it in his belly in an instant.

[hog bite: This kind of self-righteous idiot, I have to meet a few every time, and there is not enough meat, and it is not enough to stick between the teeth. 】

Zhenyuan Yaozun turned his head and looked in the direction of Turtle and Wen Weixing.

[Zhenyuan: There are two more interesting guys here. 】

As he said that, he moved and suddenly appeared in front of Turtle and Wen Weixing.

Wen Weixing took a step forward, stopped Turtle behind him, and faced Zhenyuan alone.

Seeing this scene, the three Demon Venerables were all interested.

The Heavenly Feather Demon Lord spread his wings, swept across the void quickly, and directly took the turtle away from Wen Weixing.

Wen Weixing was startled and was about to take action immediately, but was directly stopped by Zhenyuan Yaozun and Hog Devouring Yaozun.

At this time, Lin Qian'an found that the negative buffs such as forbidden law, restraint, weakness, etc. appeared directly on the turtle, and he couldn't move no matter what the order he issued.

[Tianyu: I would like to see, what is the origin of the fact that he is dressed so tightly, and there is also a human being in the realm of self-cultivation! 】

Having said that, Tianyu Yaozun directly took off the turtle's cloak.

In an instant, the appearance of the tortoise appeared.

At this moment, the surroundings instantly became quiet, and even Zhen Yuan and Bo Shi, the two monsters who were fighting with Wen Weixing, stopped.

Wen Weixing took the opportunity to hurriedly came to Turtle's side and snatched Turtle from the hands of Heavenly Feather Demon Venerable.

This series of actions, Tianyu Yaozun did not block it at all, or she acted as if she did not dare to block it.

The other two Demon Lords came up and approached the Heavenly Feather Demon Lord, and the expressions on the faces of the three Demon Lords changed.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Tianyu Yaozun asked the other two Yaozun.

【Tianyu: Are you sure? 】

[Zhen Yuan: I don’t know, that was the last Dayan Era, I can only say that it is very similar. 】

[Ziqi: I think it is, at the peak of the demon king, there are six magical power fluctuations in his body, such talent, only the son of that adult can do it. 】

Lin Qian'an wondered, is there any secret about the birth of the turtle that he doesn't know about?

So are they talking about Turtle's father or mother?

Is that the former demon power?

In other words, he also curiously divination about Turtle's parents, but he didn't get the divination results, so Lin Qian'an seemed very confused about the current scene.

At this time, the three demon lords seemed to have determined something. That day, Yu Yaozun threw the demon bone scroll and threw it at Turtle.

Wen Weixing stretched out his hand to stop it and grabbed it in his palm.

Heavenly Feather Demon Venerable smiled.

[Tianyu: It turned out to be a misunderstanding, it scared you, the scriptures recorded in this demon bone scroll can be considered compensation! 】

Zhenyuan Yaozun also shook his head.

[Zhen Yuan: Bai was happy and continued to go back to drink. 】

Only the hog-devouring demon Venerable showed a meaningful expression to the turtle.

[hog bite: boy, practice well. 】

After that, the three demon venerables left.

Lin Qian'an's head felt strange. The three demon lords seemed to be sure of the turtle's identity, but they seemed to be uncertain.

is protection?

Or, they don't want to interfere with the turtle's life?

Lin Qian'an wanted to know what the news they wanted to be sure of.

So the [divination] gods came out, and an answer appeared in front of Lin Qian'an's eyes.

[Results of divination: The descendant of the demon saint. 】

Turtle, is the son of the demon saint?

Who was the demon saint they thought?

Lin Qianan curiously took another divination.

He thought he would not get the answer, but he did not expect to get it this time.

[Result of divination: Ao Wei. 】


At this time, the tomb of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable in the distance began to sink. Instead of sinking into the sea, it directly disappeared into the void. Every time it sank, it disappeared for a while.

Countless demon clans retreated, and Wen Weixing had also recruited his own magic weapon, Flying Boat.

[Wen Weixing: Ao Shou, let's go! 】

Having said that, Wen Weixing directly ordered the flying boat, and instantly turned into a purple light and left here.

As Feizhou moved away, Lin Qian'an's mind was still on the name of Ao Yu.

If nothing else, this should be the previous demon saint.

Because the tortoise had already been exposed in the public, Wen Weixing did not stay in the demon clan's realm.

How fast can an almighty at the peak of the cultivation realm drive the flying boat with all his strength?

In just over a day, they had returned to Zizhu Mountain.

Back at Zizhu Mountain, Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtle to return to Lingchi, and took out the souvenirs purchased in the demon world and gave it to the little carp.

Most of these things are worthless food, but the little carp eats happily.

While the little carp was eating, Lin Qian'an was also studying two harvests from this trip.

One is the "Longevity Classic" recorded on the tortoise shell, and the other is the "Xuanshui Jing" recorded on the demon bone scroll.

The former is the lifetime income of the Vast Ocean Demon Venerable. After learning it, you can greatly increase your lifespan, and at the same time, it is possible to comprehend the "little supernatural powers of longevity".

The latter is very simple, and it records some simple magic tricks of the aquarium.

Lin Qianan clicked to read, and Turtle got two prompts.

[Hint: You have already learned the Longevity Sutra. ]

[Hint: You have already learned the Mysterious Water Classic. ]

There is no such thing as a proficiency statement in this game. To learn it on the panel is to learn it completely. It is just that the method of cultivation requires cultivation to achieve the corresponding cultivation level.

Lin Qianan clicked on the attribute bar and found that there were many more magic skills on Turtle at the same time.

Just dormant, water spears, water arrows, water bombs and the like.

Among them, dormancy comes from the Sutra of Longevity, which can greatly reduce consumption and prolong life.

In the dormant state, you can not eat or drink, and maintain the current state all the time. One year of life yuan is used as ten years.

If there is not much lifespan, dormancy is a good skill.

But for turtles, it seems a bit tasteless.

The tortoise now has more than 10 million life expectancy, if it is used again dormant.

It can go directly to 100 million years.

However, there is one point that is different from what is said in the scriptures, that is, the introduction to the "Longevity Sutra" says that after learning it, you can greatly increase your lifespan.

As a result, Turtle's lifespan did not increase at all.

Lin Qian'an guessed that this was mostly because the things in it were useless to Turtle.

After all, the ultimate point of the "Longevity Sutra" is to learn a [Longevity (Small)] supernatural power, and at most one can live for 100,000 years.

Compared with the [Longevity] supernatural power of Guigui, the peak of the demon king, who has tens of millions of years of life, it is completely insignificant.

In addition, magic arts such as water spears and water arrows come from the "Mysterious Water Classic".

These sorceries made Lin Qianan very speechless. They were all fixed forms of consuming demon power to form corresponding attacks.

Moreover, the power is ridiculously low, and the turtle's [Yu Water] supernatural ability to throw a water polo at random is more lethal than these sorcery.

Not to mention that Turtle's [Water Repelling] magical powers can also be arbitrarily pinched, any size water polo you want, or any weird shape you want.

Moreover, [Yu Shui] can easily control one yuan heavy water, which is obviously stronger than these ordinary magic skills.

In contrast, it is simply tasteless to the extreme.

Of course, this is also because Turtle comes with the Six Gods outfit at the beginning. Otherwise, if you change the ordinary monster clan, I am afraid that you will still be very excited about these things.

In the following time, Lin Qian'an also shared the tortoise shell that recorded the "Sutra of Longevity" and the scroll of the demon bone that recorded the "Xuanshui Jing" to the little carp and Wen Weixing.

The little carp is also considered intelligent, and learns very quickly.

From the original can only spit out the water flow from the mouth to attack, now has a lot of ability to control the water flow.

That is, after learning the "Sutra of Longevity", he would often lie down in the spirit pond and would not move for a long time.

On the other hand, Wen Weixing said that this was a demon cultivation technique, and he couldn't learn it, so he had to give up.



October 4th.

Lin Qianan was notified that the corresponding spirit protection law had been introduced for trial implementation.

Then I hope that Lin Qianan can make a teaching video of "Elf Contract Technique" and release it.

Lin Qianan checked the spirit protection method.

Its content is very simple, it is to restrain and discipline special animals such as intelligent monsters or mutant beasts (collectively referred to as spirit monsters), and prohibit extraordinary people from killing intelligent monsters arbitrarily. Grant them Xuan Kingdom citizenship.

In addition, if a domestic pet becomes a monster, it must contact the official to register and obtain a monster pet certificate.

At the same time, the above also has some requirements for the video that Lin Qianan wants to release.

That is to ask Lin Qianan to change the "Elf Contract Technique" to "Evil Contract Technique", and at the same time to inform the public that the contract technique can only be used on spirits or animals, and it is forbidden for people to contract with each other, even if the other party agrees, it is illegal. .

These are also mentioned in the promulgated spirit protection law (extraordinary prohibitions), but it is just for Lin Qianan to repeat it.

Lin Qian'an is extremely efficient in his work, and in just half a day, he produced the instructional video of "Spirit Contract Art" in a concise manner.

After the video was posted, it was reviewed in less than ten minutes.

Fans who follow the [home] account saw the release of the new video, and they all swarmed into it for the first time to watch it.



In Luyuan City.

Tang Yin was walking on the road holding a clothed orange cat, and the expression on his face became a little tangled.

I don't know when the world has become more and more strange, and he has become strange not long ago.

He has a very special ability, that is, "change me"!

As long as he points at a female cat and says the words "change me", the female cat can directly transform into a beautiful human girl.

When he said the spell again, the cat would return to its original form.

This ability sounds good, but seeing a cat become a beautiful human girl is really a big shock to him.

And the most outrageous thing is that after he used this ability on his cat "Yuzi" a few times, he found that Yuzu now seems to have become a monster.

In addition, after seeing the beautiful girl Yuzu turned into a few times, he found that he seemed to have some special thoughts about his cat.

If he hadn't been reminding himself repeatedly that people couldn't, at least shouldn't, now he might have embarked on a road of no return.

Although he is a dead man, he has not found a girlfriend at the age of 24, but he has not come this far, right?

"Meow~ Xiao Yin, your phone is vibrating!" Suddenly, the grapefruit in his arms screamed.

Tang Yin regained his senses, picked up the grapefruit with one hand and put it on his shoulder, and then took out his mobile phone from the inner pocket of his coat.

Shown above are the up updates he's particularly concerned about.

Open it and see that it is the extraordinary person named [Home].

"Huh? It's your favorite up, Xiao Yin? You haven't learned his Qinggong yet! It's so simple, we've all learned it." Yuzi said.

"Shut up!" Tang Yin said with a black line.

He really couldn't figure out why his IQ and talent were inferior to that of a cat.

Even if the cat is a monster, he can't cheat like this!

"Really, this setback is unacceptable. When will you grow into a man who is on your own, Ah Yin!" Youzi shook her head helplessly, and then said, "Hurry up and see, what video did he update this time? Meow?"

The corner of Tang Yin's mouth twitched, but he still turned on the phone screen.

The familiar figure appeared on the screen.

[Hello fans and friends, this time I am going to bring an extraordinary knowledge related to animals and spirits. Fans who have read my book "The World of Spirits" should be able to guess a little.

That's right, it's the "Spirit Contract Technique".

But after being improved, it can now contract spirits, so it is more appropriate to call it "Spirit Contract".

After learning this extraordinary knowledge, you can enter into contracts with spirit monsters and pets to obtain their power blessings. Even if your talent is not good, if your pet can transform into a spirit monster, then you will become a not weak extraordinary person, or Say, Summoner?

No joke, here are some precautions, all fans must keep in mind, otherwise it is very likely to violate the newly introduced "Spirit Protection Law" and "Extraordinary Prohibitions"... After the precautions are over, it is " The content of Spirit Monster Contract Art, if you want to contract spirit monsters, you must first build a contract space...

The above is all the content. In addition, fans and friends remember that contract spirits and pets are a two-way choice. It must be a sincere communication between hearts and hearts to succeed. If you try to force a contract, the contract will not succeed. This video That's it, I wish all fans and friends to find their suitable contractors, see you in the next video! 】

The video lasted for more than an hour, but Tang Yin finished it within a second.

After reading it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Home"'s ability is perverted, he can get the extraordinary knowledge in the book by writing a book, and he can also summon the protagonist to help in battle, and he doesn't know how much extraordinary knowledge he has mastered. How strong is it now?

"Hey, A Yin, let's make a contract too, meow~?" Youzi asked Tang Yin aloud.

"Impossible, I absolutely don't want to make a contract with you. Even if I want to make a contract, I must find a mighty and powerful spirit. You are too weak." Tang Yin pretended to be disdainful.

"I think you can reorganize the wording meow~!" Yuzu stretched out her right palm, and five sharp claws popped out from it, reflecting a cold light in the sun.

Tang Yin was stunned for a moment, then lightly pushed the grapefruit's claws away, and said, "I'll say it first, but I hate you very much in my heart. If you fail, don't be angry!"

"Don't worry~ Meow!" Yuzu nodded.

"Let me try it first, the first step is to build a contract space? Hey, it doesn't seem to be that difficult! Why does [Home] say it is very difficult?"

As soon as Tang Yin tried it, he found that he had successfully taken the first step, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

I don't know if I am too talented, or is [Home] exaggerating?

In a short time, Tang Yin has successfully constructed a contract space in the depths of his soul.

He looked at you Zi and said, "If you fail, don't scratch my face this time!"

"Last time, it was A Yin when you saw another female cat and I scratched your meow! It was you who was wrong meow~!" Yuzu raised her head and said.

"Who would have thoughts about other female cats? No, I wouldn't have thoughts about cats!!" Tang Yin retorted loudly.

However, although the voice was loud, it revealed a guilty conscience.

He admitted that he really wanted to try his abilities on that Siamese cat last time, but unfortunately he was stopped by Yuzu, otherwise he could see what other cats would look like when they turned into beautiful girls.

Now the cats he has changed are his own grapefruit, and the Persian cat named Daisy raised by Wang Wen next door.

The beautiful girl that the cat turned into also has different color eyes, which is very cute.

And he is very close, that is, he was afraid of being discovered, so he changed back without talking to her.

"A Yin, you're distracted again meow, you're not thinking about Daisy next door, meow!" Youzi looked at Tang Yin with suspicion.

Tang Yin stared at the grapefruit, could this guy read minds?

"I don't know how to read your mind, meow~! But you have all the things written on your face, how can I not guess it~ meow?" Yuzu said helplessly.

"Contract!" Tang Yin bluntly changed the subject.

Saying that, Tang Yin stretched out his hand to hold Yuzi's paw, and used the "Spirit Contract Technique" that he had just learned.

Although he didn't study for a long time, he didn't know why, but he felt as if he had used it thousands of times.

Very easily, Tang Yin sensed Yuzi's mood at this time.

Between the heart-to-heart collision, an orange-yellow contract mark appeared on Tang Yin's face, which had been caught by grapefruit before.

"I'm sorry~ Meow!" Yuzu stuck out her tongue and licked Tang Yin's cheek.

At this moment, the imprint of the contract was directly formed and solidified on Tang Yin's cheek.

Tang Yin felt the pomelo's barbed tongue scraping on his cheek, and there was more disbelief in his expression.

Obviously, he has always been very repulsive!


"Hey~ it hurts, don't you know that you have a barb on your tongue?" Tang Yin pretended to be angry to stop the grapefruit and pushed its head aside.

"Obviously I paid attention..." Youzi tilted her head, as if thinking of something, and said, "A Yin, are you shy~ Meow?"

"No!" Tang Yin touched his hot cheeks, and then said, "Anyway, the conclusion of the contract was just an accident. I don't like you, a gluttonous and annoying guy at all."

"Okay, it's an accident, meow! What do you say, Ayin~ Meow!" Youzi said helplessly, "By the way, Ayin, do you feel the power I gave you through the contract?"

"Huh? What is the ability of [Lei Shan]?" Tang Yin asked suspiciously.

"It's my ability~ Meow! A Yin, try it!" Yuzi said.

"Okay!" Tang Yin nodded.

After finishing speaking, Tang Yin worked hard to mobilize the ability he obtained from Yuzi, and with a thought, he stepped forward.

Stab it~!

A golden arc appeared in the void, and Tang Yin's figure had already appeared ten meters away.

There was a happy expression on his face, and just as he was about to speak, he felt a burst of tearing pain from the muscles all over his body.

"Hiss, my waist hurts, I can't do it anymore, come down and become someone to help me!" Tang Yin said.

"Ayin, you have to work hard to exercise, meow~! This can't satisfy my meow~!" Yuzu jumped off Tang Yin's shoulder and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, change it for me!" Tang Yin pointed at the grapefruit and said.

At the moment when the voice fell, Yu Zi suddenly turned into a beautiful girl with a height of 1.6 meters, about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a long yellow dress, with a plump figure and fluffy cat ears and a yellow cat tail. She stretched out her hand to support Tang Yin, Squeezing Tang Yin's arm muscles, UU read and then opened his mouth to reveal two small tiger teeth and said, "With your current body, A Yin, you may not be able to last meow in three minutes!"

"Hiss~ It hurts, take me to the side of the road and take me to the hospital! Stop it!" Tang Yin cried out miserably.

Hearing the sound, Yu Zi was no longer naughty, and directly supported Tang Yin to the roadside.

And Tang Yin looked at the grapefruit beside him and felt the love that kept coming from the contract, and those grudges in his heart gradually disappeared.

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Dragon and Tiger Story

Tsing Yi Arc

Vivi Blue

thank you very much! !


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