No Jokes Here

Chapter 229: Lunar Academy

The power of "Yunqi Zhenjing" is far beyond Lin Qian'an's imagination, especially after it is combined with the Ruyi Shentie, the effect is far more simple than 1+1 equals 2.

Previously, Lin Qianan was still relying on supernatural powers and drinking witch medicine to improve his body's strength.

But now that it is integrated with the Yaoshan stick, as long as the Yaoshan stick is nourished with the energy and spirit, the Yaoshan stick will continuously feedback the rhythm of the Tao.

Under the influence of his Dao rhyme, Lin Qian'an's physical strength is passively increasing wildly, and its efficiency is far higher than the speed of drinking witch medicine and improving his abilities.

And it's not just the change in physical strength, but Lin Qian'an also has some characteristics of the mountain stick.

Such as changing their size, and weight and so on.

It's a bit like the [giant] ability, but it's completely different because it's a rule-level power.

At present, the influence of Lin Qian'an will probably make him grow to about ten meters, and at the same time, the weight can reach 10,000 catties at most.

In this state, Lin Qianan can now teleport hundreds of miles even without using the ability of [Energy Transformation Body].

What I want to say here is that Lin Qianan only now realized that the way he manipulated Li Qinglian when he was playing games was actually wrong.

Although the Book of Accumulation of Artifacts does not restrict you from accumulating a variety of artifacts, only by accumulating one artifact can you maximize the efficiency and quickly improve both you and your artifacts.

If you cultivate a lot of utensils, although you can also get the blessings of the characteristics of different utensils, Dao rhyme feedback.

But you also have to distribute your own spirit and spirit to so many objects.

The growth rate just slowed down.

Even if someone like Lin Qian'an can supply tools without limit, they shouldn't keep too many tools.

Your energy output efficiency is always limited.

If you keep 100,000 "Dao" tools, it is better to keep a "True" tool.

Once you are one with the real device and get feedback from the rhythm it possesses, then sooner or later you will achieve the "real realm".

Qualitative change is king. If you want to rely on quantity to compare with quality, it is no different from wanting to prove the existence of the Tao with strength.

The door opens with a twist of a key, and you have to smash the door with a punch before you can rush in.

Maybe even what you see is not necessarily a door, but a thick iron wall.

The difficulty gap can be imagined.

If Lin Qian'an only allows the game characters to cultivate the [Ruyi Qinglian Sword], it is impossible to say that his current strength can be improved to a higher level, and it is not impossible to directly reach the real state.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine to take now. The road has gone like this, and the customs clearance record has been saved and uploaded, and Lin Qianan can't do it.

If Li Qinglian wanted to make a breakthrough now, he would have to successfully cultivate all his 1.18 million Dao swords to the true rank.

In other words, he could go the other way.

Of course, if Li Qinglian really succeeded in proving the Tao with her strength, she would be invincible at the same level.

In addition to the Ruyi Qinglian Sword, there are a total of 1,180,000 swords of the true rank, which is equivalent to the power of so many true powerhouses at the same time.

Just thinking about it is shocking enough.

Unfortunately, that is the only theoretically feasible path.

The only thing that Lin Qian'an is happy about now is that he has not gone the wrong way. In the future, he will not need to "prove the Dao with strength", but he can still open the door with a key!

It is also worth mentioning that in the state of human-machine integration, the strength of Lin Qian'an's dantian has also increased accordingly, which is directly comparable to the strength of the mountain stick.

His Martial Dao [Interior Scene] The road also became smoother accordingly. Even if he arbitrarily compressed the Martial Dao Jindan in his dantian, he would not feel too much pressure.

This made his progress in compressing the Martial Dao Jindan also take off, and I am afraid that he will be able to try to break through to [Interior Scene] soon.

With the compression of the martial arts golden core, Lin Qian'an's current energy level is also steadily improving, and it is not far from the fourth-level intermediate level.

Every time he felt his rapidly rising energy level, Lin Qianan was quite emotional.

Other people's cultivation becomes slower and slower as they reach the later stage, but here it is the other way around.

The higher the cultivation base, the faster the improvement.


September 28, 3 pm.

Lin Qianan got news from Kong Ying that there was also a student in Taiyin College who had a desire disorder. The extraordinary medical staff there were helpless. He learned that Lin Qianan at Xuanyang College had solved a similar matter, so he begged. come over.

Lin Qian'an did not reject this matter, and even planned to go to Shangyuan City to have a look.

After finding Shen Yu and copying the information on his newly created USB flash drive with the [Analysis] ability, Lin Qianan set off.

Shangyuan City, where Taiyin Academy is located, is 2,000 kilometers away from Xuanyang Academy. According to normal circumstances, Lin Qianan should have been flown by plane, but Lin Qianan refused. He flew too fast.

After identifying the direction a little, Lin Qianan directly transformed into a colorful light and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Lin Qianan's speed was very fast. In less than twenty seconds, he had already come to the sky above Shangyuan City.

At his current speed, it can be said that no matter where he goes to Xuan Kingdom, it is a matter of one minute.

After discerning the direction of the academy, Lin Qianan's figure flickered again, and he cut through the sky and headed to Taiyin Academy.

The Taiyin Academy, like the Xuanyang Academy, was established in the wilderness.

It's all closed, just like in the military.

Under normal circumstances, only official personnel can deliver courier and other materials, and students have basically no chance to go out.

In an instant, Lin Qian'an seemed to have appeared outside the gate of Taiyin Academy.

He returned to his original shape and slowly fell from the sky.

When the security guards at the door saw this scene, their expressions were a little stunned.

Lin Qianan stepped forward, took out his teacher certificate of Xuanyang College, and said to the security personnel: "Xuanyang College Lin Qianan, if your college invited me to come to treat students, please let me know."

"Okay, okay! Let me know right away!"

The security personnel heard the words and quickly notified the people of the academy through the walkie-talkie in the security room.

Not long after, Lin Qianan saw a group of people walking out of the academy quickly, led by a young woman in her twenties.

The woman in the lead stretched out her hand to Lin Qian'an and said, "Mr. Lin from Xuanyang Academy, right! I didn't expect you to come so quickly. I'm Ding Qingyan, the dean of Taiyin Academy. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Lin Qian'an was surprised by the youth of the other party, but she also reached out and shook it gently: "It's a pleasure to meet!"

Afterwards, Ding Qingyan gave Lin Qian'an a brief introduction to her colleagues, including Tang Xuan, the female vice president who looked to be in her thirties, and Bai Qingsong, the academic director wearing black-rimmed glasses.

After shaking hands, Lin Qianan said, "The student's business is the most important thing, take me to see it!"

Ding Qingyan nodded, and immediately led Lin Qianan all the way into the academy to the infirmary of the academy.

While in the academy, Lin Qianan discovered a problem.

That is, the green plants in the Taiyin Academy are all growing extremely lush, and many plants exude energy fluctuations that are not weak, it is estimated that they are all spiritual plants.

Based on what Lin Qianan saw, it is estimated that there are hundreds of spiritual plants.

There are also a few spiritual plants in Xuanyang College, but there are only a few of them, and they are still watched by Kong Ying, Lu Lin and others. Students who take a photo from a distance will be warned that their credits will be deducted.

However, in Taiyin College, there are hundreds of spiritual plants, and the flowers in the flower bed seem to be spiritual plants.

Lin Qian'an was amazed secretly, and she didn't know where Taiyin Academy got so many spiritual plants.

Just thinking about it, everyone has entered the room, and while walking, Ding Qingyan is also telling Lin Qianan what happened.

The incident happened about two days ago. The student who had the accident was named Shi Lan. She was a female student. She was usually of the honest type in the college.

Lin Qian'an wondered: "Didn't you get a warning from our Xuanyang College? I remember that after the accident happened to our students, the official made a large-scale notification, and even the outside world should have similar propaganda slogans. A new section dedicated to preventing strange frauds has been added to the anti-fraud app."

Ding Qingyan said: "Taiyin College has naturally been warned, but we are not without prevention. We even gave corresponding warnings and explained the corresponding situation to the students, but I don't know why this student is still deprived of desire."

"What did she exchange desire for?" Lin Qianan asked.

"The skin has become whiter, the weight has lost a little, and there are a few less pimples on the face!" Ding Qingyan also said a little embarrassedly.

Lin Qian'an's eyes widened by three points, and he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He can understand Amy, but to this extent, is it a bit too much?

Perhaps Ding Qingyan also thought of Lin Qian'an's mood at this time, so she added: "If the subsequent investigation finds that there is no influence of abnormal power, she should be expelled from us after she is cured."

Lin Qianan nodded silently, but did not answer.

If you can't resist even this temptation, it's better to leave the academy as soon as possible.

The academy was established to cultivate extraordinary people who can solve abnormal events. Those who are not determined may even turn against each other in the future and become the enemy of Xuan Kingdom.

Soon, everyone had come to the infirmary.

Lin Qianan also saw Shi Lan, the female student who was lying peacefully on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, and was forcibly hanging herself by means of a life support device.

After going up to check with his spiritual sense, Lin Qianan found that the symptoms were the same as those of the students of Xuanyang College before.

So he thought about it, used the ability of [Creation], and a small USB flash drive appeared in the palm of his hand. Immediately, he made a measuring cup, threw the USB flash drive into it, and condensed a little water in the cup, and started shaking.

The reason why Lin Qianan didn't use the God of Witchcraft Advent Card was because he had already used it in the morning.

Now he can only make witch medicine by himself.

Fortunately, his current mental strength is not weak. Although he still lacks a little proficiency in refining legendary-level witch medicines, if he exerts great effort, refining high-level witch medicines is still no problem.

In Lin Qian'an's measuring cup, the USB flash drive was gradually distorted and transformed by Lin Qian'an's mental power, turning into a pink liquid that melted into the water. UU reading

A faint pink halo emanates from the measuring cup.

After a while, Lin Qianan handed it to the medical staff next to him and said, "Just feed her and drink it."

The medical staff gave Shi Lan the pink "desire witch medicine" to drink, and within ten seconds, she had some reactions, and immediately opened her eyes and looked around with weak eyes.

"Where is this place?" Shi Lan looked at the infusion tube on his arm and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Lin, your witch medicine is amazing." Seeing this, Ding Qingyan said to Lin Qian'an, "Since the students have woken up, let's leave this place first and let the students have a good rest! Teacher Lin, you are not far away. Come, I haven't had time to fulfill the friendship of the landlord!"

"President Ding is very polite, this is what I should do." Lin Qianan smiled, and immediately turned and left together with Ding Qingyan.


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