No Jokes Here

Chapter 230: Lush, 0 points 0 to create spiritual plants

In the dean's room, Lin Qian'an took the spiritual tea that Ding Qingyan handed over, and after taking a sip, he felt that his spirit had recovered a little, and his spiritual power had also increased a little directly.

"Good tea!" Lin Qianan couldn't help but praise.

"Mr. Lin, if you like it, when you leave, take two or two back to have a taste!" Ding Qingyan smiled.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Lin Qianan declined.

"No need to say no, Mr. Lin, you have come to help you from thousands of miles away, we just don't know how to thank you!" Ding Qingyan said.

"Then I'll be disrespectful." Lin Qianan clasped his fists.

After three rounds of tea, Lin Qianan also chatted a lot with Ding Qingyan.

What surprised him was that he found that Ding Qingyan was much older than he thought. The other party was already sixty years old. It was only because the true method was successfully conceived and he broke through the fourth level that he regained his youthful appearance.

At this time, Lin Qianan also proposed to leave.

Ding Qingyan said: "Then I will send it to you personally, Teacher Lin!"

While the two were talking, they walked out of the dean's room and went outside the school.

On the way, Lin Qianan also saw traces of some students. At the same time, he also asked something that he was curious about before.

"President Ding, why are there so many spiritual plants in your academy? As far as I know, the recovery of spiritual energy should still be in the initial stage, except for the Heavenly Paradise, even if there are so many spirit gathering formations here in the academy, there shouldn't be so many. The spiritual plant is." Lin Qianan asked.

Ding Qingyan explained: "This matter has something to do with the true method that I have conceived. The true method I conceived is the "green lush technique", which has the effect of spawning plants. Plants are even thousands of years old, and the older the plant is, the more likely it is to take the initiative to absorb spiritual energy, give birth to spirituality, and become a spiritual plant."

"So it is." Lin Qianan nodded suddenly, and then asked again: "President Ding, I have always been puzzled. What is the existence of the true law? I wonder if you can tell me one or two?"

At this time, the two of them just happened to be walking to the edge of the flower bed. Ding Qingyan pointed to a weed in the flower bed and said, "Mr. Lin, please look!"

Lin Qian'an turned his head and saw that it was an ordinary grass, except that it grew stronger than the outside world under the nourishment of spiritual energy, but it was no different.


Ding Qingyan spit out a word, and at the same time, a wave of energy appeared on her body, and at the same time, a green light fell from Ding Qingyan's fingertips to the grass.

Immediately, the grass grew rapidly, constantly breaking its growth period, from a weed that should have withered in a year to a medicinal herb with a century of history.

The vitality contained in it is many times more than before.

It can be said that the current weed may be more tonic than the century-old ginseng.

Although the spirituality has not yet been born to take the initiative to absorb the spiritual energy and turn it into a spiritual plant, it is already different from the ordinary things.

"Mr. Lin, do you understand?" Ding Qingyan asked.

"The real method is a method that changes the rules of the universe on a small scale?" Lin Qianan seemed to understand.

Under the cover of Ding Qingyan's true method, the weed just now temporarily possessed the ability to break the growth limit, so that with the help of Ding Qingyan's true method, it can continue to evolve and grow into a hundred-year-old herb.

Under the true law, the rules of the universe seem to have changed and no longer have any effect.

Ding Qingyan said: "That's right, all the real methods are actually changing the rules of heaven and earth, so that your own rules can be used. Mr. Lin, you are already a fourth-level extraordinary person. You should be able to understand this."

Lin Qianan nodded slowly.

The true law itself is a different manifestation of the ability to rule, but it relies on spiritual power, not the rest of the energy.

The essence of the rules is to use their own energy to change the rules of the operation of the world itself in a small range, so as to achieve all kinds of impossible things.

This is, in fact, very similar to stalks.

In other words, the stalk was probably born because of some special rules.

At this time, the doubts in his heart that have been in his heart are now completely understood.

Whether it is supernatural power or protection, the same is true of true law. To put it bluntly, it is to distort the rules of the outside world, so as to formulate its own rules.

They are each implemented differently, but the result is the same.

After realizing this, Lin Qianan seemed to see a lot of clarity about his complicated system in an instant.

All kinds of Dharma doors lead to the original one in the end.

The ultimate goal of a cultivator should be to distort the rules of the outside world with his own rules, so as to be omnipotent.

"Many thanks to Dean Ding for your advice." Lin Qianan cupped his hands.

"Mr. Lin is very polite." Ding Qingyan smiled.

Lin Qianan nodded and said to Ding Qingyan, "President Ding, then I'll leave now."

"Teacher Lin, walk slowly!" Ding Qingyan nodded.

When Lin Qianan heard the sound, his mind moved, and his body turned into a colorful light, which rose directly into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Looking at the distant colored light, Ding Qingyan was a little surprised, and murmured, "It's really a hero!"



Back at Xuanyang College, Lin Qianan found Lu Lin, and after roughly recounting the matter, he returned to the apartment.

After teleporting to the apartment, Lin Qian'an immediately took out Xuanlong's mobile phone, found the "Dragon Group Tibetan Scripture Pavilion" app above, and found the "Lush Art" through search.

After spending more than 20,000 contribution points to download it into the brain chip, Lin Qianan began to study and study.

The Lush Technique is not complicated, but it is also composed of tens of thousands of runes.

Lin Qianan learned in the evening, but also failed to get started.

It's not that his learning ability is not strong enough.

With the help of Spiritual Mind, his learning efficiency is actually much faster than before.

With a swipe of divine sense, many things can be easily memorized.

When casting Spiritual Art, the control accuracy of Spiritual Mind is also stronger than before, which will make it easier for him to successfully cast it.

To a certain extent, it is even more useful than a brain chip.

But compared to the state of [Shen Wu], it was still far worse.

Lin Qianan felt that if he was in the state of [God Enlightenment], it is estimated that this spiritual technique could be started in one minute, small in three minutes, and mastered in eight minutes.

The time came to seven o'clock the next morning.

Lin Qian'an's newly written "Shushan Swordsman Record" announced the end, with a total of 2.5 million words.

And he wrote it in less than twenty days.

There are many readers who feel that they have not updated as fast as Lin Qianan.

However, for this reason, there are still a large number of readers who have kept up with Lin Qian'an's update progress and have read the entire book.

This time, Lin Qian'an's grades were even better than those he had written in the past, to the extent that he himself thought it was exaggerated.

How should I put it, maybe it was because of dealing with Godzilla before that he made himself famous, so this book has a full collection of 300 million on the extraordinary online.

For the rest of the websites, the data is probably going to go straight to 500 million.

If you subscribe in this regard, because Lin Qian'an's current books are all free, it can't be calculated.

But reading the data is exaggerated.

Lin Qianan couldn't help raising his eyebrows just by looking at the backstage.

Recalling the scene where he ordered thousands to celebrate, Lin Qianan felt as if he had been in a lifetime.

And it's only been half a year.

Looking at the cooperation information that he wanted to adapt backstage, Lin Qianan shook his head slightly and deleted all of them directly.

These stories, Lin Qian'an does not intend to be adapted into TV series or something.

First, he doesn't expect this to make money, so he doesn't plan to rely on these to expand his influence.

Second, he felt that these people were not good at adapting, and couldn't make out the story in his heart, and he didn't have time to be a director, so he didn't want to cooperate.

Maybe one day, the country has an idea, and he can try to cooperate with them to adapt it into anime or film and television dramas.

Speaking of which, if you use extraordinary people to participate, I am afraid that if you want to present some outrageous pictures, you will not need special effects, they can use it themselves.

After the thought circled in his mind, Lin Qianan put it down.

Although it is a good idea, even if it is possible to succeed, it is a matter of the future, and it has nothing to do with the present.

With a thought, he took out Tong Zun's Advent Card, and after ten minutes of this Advent Card, the CD was over, and then he could use Tong Zun to learn the spiritual art of "Lush Lush Technique".

Time flies, and soon Tong Zun's arrival card cd ends.

Lin Qianan directly used the Advent Card to incarnate Tong Zun.

For the first time, Lin Qianan entered the state of [Shen Wu].

In the state of epiphany, all the details of the Lush Jutsu were constantly analyzed by Lin Qian'an, and he quickly mastered it.

In one minute, Lin Qian'an seemed to have the confidence to display it.

Five minutes later, Lin Qian'an already knew all about this spirit technique.

Ten minutes later, the corner of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a confident smile.

With a thought, Lin Qian'an transformed the spiritual power in the cyclone. In the small world of his true seed, a green aura appeared out of thin air, and immediately fell directly on a ginseng.

This ginseng was copied from the data of wild ginseng that Lin Qianan went to Changbai Mountain and searched for a long time with his spiritual sense.

After using the [Creation] ability, he also used [Soul Endowment] to instill a bit.

Now this ginseng is more spiritual than ordinary ginseng.

The green aura quickly fell on Ginseng.

Its growth rate has accelerated, and in a short time, it has grown from a wild ginseng plant less than ten years old to more than 30 years old.

And Lin Qianan also consumed a lot of spiritual power.

After 30 years of ginseng age, this wild ginseng seems to have undergone some changes. It absorbs sunlight energy much faster, and it is even actively absorbing the aura particles floating in the small world.

And these performances are what Lingzhi can only have.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan used the [Creation] ability to create a pine sapling in the small world, and immediately used [Soul Endowment] to enlighten it, and the Lush Technique directly spawned it into a 30-year-old tree.

Unsurprisingly, after the year came, the pine tree began to actively absorb the energy and spiritual energy of the outside world, and actively seek evolution.

Obviously, this pine tree has also become a spiritual plant.

Lin Qian'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew that Xiao Jiu's [Soul Endowment] was not that simple.

With this thing combined with the ability of [Creation], UU Reading can actually create 100% spiritual plants!

What about the animals he made before?

Could they also be transformed into spirit beasts?

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

That's too outrageous! !

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Antler cavity

can kiss my face

Royal Dragon Pavilion

thank you very much! !


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