No Jokes Here

Chapter 228: Human-machine in 1, normal level 4 peak

After creating normal creatures, Lin Qianan had a whim, and wanted to create some outrageous animals.

He flew around in the forest, recorded the data of the birds and beasts, and then began to try to create birds and beasts in the small world.

At first, he wanted to make a mouse with wings.

The wings were completed, and the body model of the mouse was also completed, but after splicing them together and using [Soul Endowment] to enlighten them, Lin Qianan found that the wings could not be used at all. It can be used as a tool by swinging it twice, but it is impossible to fly.

However, Lin Qian'an was not surprised, because he had already predicted the result.

Different animals have different body structures to complete their due functions.

If you forcibly piece it together, it can only be that the hardware does not match and cannot be driven.

Lin Qianan did this just to see if his piece could be successful.

If it can be put together, Lin Qianan can create some animals that look special in appearance.

Under this premise, the first thing Lin Qianan wanted to create was a dragon.

However, the size of his small world is limited, and he can only create a pocket dragon.

He used a cauliflower snake as a template, then added four sharp claws to the abdomen, a dragon whisker at the corners of his mouth, four particularly exaggerated fangs and a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a pair of horns on the top of his head. The tail was also changed to resemble the dragon, and the scales were painted gold.

A golden dragon about one meter long is completed!

Then there is [Soul Empowerment].

A colorful aura descended from the sky and fell on the golden little dragon.

After a while, a picture that made Lin Qianan unbearable to look directly appeared.

The little dragon's claws were of no use at all, and it dragged its claws directly on the ground.

And because the eyesight is not good, the horns on the top of the head also affect its activities. The golden scales reflect light, making it easy to find, and it is impossible to hunt at all. The tail is also, the flat vertical tail is not suitable for activities on land. , so that it has to lift its tail a little to move forward.

In less than half a day, the little dragon tossed himself to death, and a large number of insects surrounded it and quickly decomposed its body.

Lin Qianan covered his forehead with his hand, feeling that he should not mess around according to his preferences.

Otherwise, it will be a kind of torture for these newly born lives, and there will be an inexplicable sense of guilt in my heart.

Let's wait to collect more data in the future, and then make these extraordinary creatures reasonably!


September 24th, twelve noon.

It took Lin Qian'an a whole day to finally get the ecological environment in the small world of the seeds of his true law initially set up.

Anyway, there are some small animals inside, as well as some plants and insects, and even Lin Qianan deliberately got some kinds of ores in it.

In this way, this small world can be considered complete.

Anyway, judging from the current operation situation, Lin Qian'an did not find too many problems.

The cycle is still guaranteed.

And with the rotation of Lin Qian'an's cyclone, Lin Qian'an found that there was gradually a trace of spiritual energy in this small world.

Although it was limited by Lin Qian'an's own speed of absorbing aura and the difference in the concentration of aura outside, it was undeniable that this small world also had extraordinary possibilities.

On the spiritual side, the evolution of the true seeds was smooth, and Lin Qianan also relied on Tong Zun's [Shenwu] deduction in martial arts to have a rough idea.

The existence of the small world within Tanzhong gave Lin Qianan an inspiration.

This made him start to think about the possibility of dantian giving birth to a small world in the state of [God Enlightenment] for the past two days.

It does sound nonsense, but it's not impossible.

The next realm of condensing pills, if it is simply accumulating energy, no matter how much energy is accumulated, it cannot reach the fourth level.

So you have to touch the rules.

And the rules are mysterious and mysterious.

Lin Qianan cited this idea, and he was instantly stunned.

In the past two days of [God Enlightenment], let him combine all the points that he had thought of before, combined with the inspiration of the small and medium world, let him deduce a general idea.

That is to continue to compress the Martial Dao Jindan until it reaches a certain level, make it explode in the dantian, and directly give birth to a world of his own imagination.

This realm, Lin Qianan called it [Interior Scenery].

But to achieve this step, the most critical thing is not internal strength.

But witchcraft!

Only by using the magical method of witchcraft to create miracles, can this impossible be successfully turned into a possibility.

Therefore, rather than saying that [Interior Scenery] is the realm of martial arts, it is better to say that it is a combination of witchcraft and martial arts.

At present, Lin Qian'an has already started to do this, and the martial arts golden core in his dantian has become solidified again under the pressure of his spiritual sense. Force Field] ability to thump it, with the help of witch medicine.

In just two days, this martial arts golden core was more than condensed.

The real power that was added into the dantian was also concentrated by Lin Qian'an's continuous beating. Faintly, a special gravitational force was formed around the golden core, which had already allowed the golden core to start to independently compress the newly transformed real power. in constant compression.

And Lin Qian'an's dantian also suffered a certain degree of pressure in the process.

However, it has not yet reached the limit that he can carry, so there is no need to worry too much.

And it is really not possible at that time, he can also use the huge spiritual sense to forcibly protect the dantian to avoid damage to the dantian.

At present, what Lin Qianan urgently needs to improve is the strength of his body.

Whether it's [Full Power of Ability], or the Martial Dao Jin Dan compressed by the lower dantian, it needs a stronger body to be able to bear it.

And Lin Qianan chose to improve his physical strength by adding witch medicines and external powers. At the same time, he was also researching medicine pills.

At present, the most effective are the two aspects of witch medicine and power.

As long as the supernatural power has a strengthening effect on the body, once it is upgraded to the third peak, Lin Qian'an's physical strength will be improved quite well.

At the end of the day, Lin Qian'an's body strength was improving almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for witch medicine, if there is a legendary witch medicine made by the **** of witch medicine, Lin Qianan's improvement every time will not be bad.

External skills need to be cultivated, but the improvement is slow.

Moreover, the effect of general external power on Lin Qian'an is almost zero.

Pills have always been useful, but unfortunately the improvement is too small. Lin Qianan usually uses "Strengthening Pills" to refine witch medicines.

By the way, "Strong Body Pill" is a kind of medicinal pill that Lin Qianan obtained from the game "Shushan Swordsman Record", and the price is 500 points.

After Lin Qianan uses the [Analysis] ability, he can use the [Creation] ability to create it without an upper limit.

In this way, in the rapid improvement of Lin Qian'an's strength, the time has come to September 26th.

The dragon group sent another batch of new supernatural blood beads, as well as some scattered stalks.

The number of this batch of supernatural blood beads is more than the last time, there are a full 500,000.

The scattered stalks are normal. Lin Qianan has only collected a total of 2,000 stalk points from them. In addition to the remaining 8,000 stalk points, Lin Qianan now has more than 10,000 stalks. Things are on point.

Lin Qianan first [analyzed] the 500,000 supernatural blood beads, and then devoured them all.

For him, the type of ability is not important. Anyway, once [Ability Full Power] is turned on, basically all abilities are used as one ability.

However, Lin Qianan had a surprise this time. He got an ability called [Energy Transformation].

Describe how terrifying this ability is.

It can directly record the state of a certain energy, and then directly convert one energy into another.

After upgrading it to the third-level peak, Lin Qianan tried it.

It was found that in addition to the inability to convert spiritual energy, he could even use the energy generated by lung cancer cells to directly convert various energies such as real power and spiritual power.

The meaning of this can be imagined.

You must know that although Lin Qian'an was almost equal to infinite energy before, he actually needed to run the exercises to convert the energy generated by lung cancer cells into real power, and his energy could not be converted into spiritual power. If you consume too much, you need to meditate, or drink witch medicine, elixir, etc. to recover.

This also leads to his perpetual motion machine is actually just a pseudo perpetual motion machine.

But now it's different, the last shortcoming has been made up.

Relying on the special characteristics of lung cancer cells, the spirit, qi and spirit in the body can be transformed without limit.

The advantage of this is that Lin Qian'an's speed in raising the Ruyi Mountain Stick has become faster.

Not a little bit faster, but hundreds of times faster.

All the time, energy and spirit are poured into the Ruyishan stick, and the connection between Lin Qianan and the Yaoshan stick is getting closer and closer.

He has a hunch that within two days, he will be able to initially cultivate successfully, integrate the Ruyi Mountain Stick into his body, and get the blessing of the Mountain Stick and the feedback of Taoism.

In fact, this speed was much faster than Lin Qianan expected.

The next morning, Lin Qianan felt that he had completed the initial cultivation.

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Qianan directly merged the Yaoshan stick with himself.

Under the unity of human and machine, Lin Qian'an did not feel that his power had increased too much.

However, his physical defense has reached a terrifying level.

Lin Qian'an crossed his arms and collided hard.


He didn't use the ability of [Metallic Body], but his body was as hard as a mountain stick.

And this kind of blessing is comprehensive, even Lin Qian'an's dantian and internal organs are as hard as a mountain stick.

With a thought, the [nuclear fusion cells] began to operate, and the lung cancer cells in Lin Qian'an's chest began to burn, and a huge amount of energy was transformed.

At the same time, in the depths of Lin Qian'an's soul, the blended supernatural light ball was suddenly activated.

[Abilities full power 50%]


Lin Qian'an's majestic energy fluctuations spread out, and his own energy level directly increased from the fourth-level elementary level to the fourth-level high-level.

However, Lin Qian'an did not cause any damage to his body due to the blessing of this huge force. His tendons, muscles, bones, and internal organs were all as hard and indestructible as a mountain stick.

A strange color bloomed in Lin Qian'an's eyes.

【Ability full power 60%】

[Ability full power 70%]


[Abilities full power 100%]

At this time, all the abilities in the body have been activated, except for the externally manifested ability Lin Qian'an, who controlled his body and did not change.

One step in place, Lin Qian'an's current energy level seems to have reached the peak of the fourth level, but his body still maintains a perfect state.

As long as he maintains the state of unity with the Yaoshan stick, then this is his normal outbreak, and it can be maintained forever.

Lin Qianan looked out the window and pointed a finger at the void.


A colored energy beam was released by Lin Qianan.

Boom~ Boom!

At an altitude of several hundred meters, the beam of light exploded, the aftermath spread, and the air wave blew on Lin Qian'an's cheek a second later, causing his short hair that had not been trimmed for a while to fly.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan put down his fingers silently, the red light on his chest gradually dimmed, and the abilities activated in his body also quieted down.

With the breeze blowing, the corners of his mouth slowly twitched, revealing a faint smile.


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