No Jokes Here

Chapter 225: war

Time goes back to two minutes ago.

Lin Qian'an, who was watching TV with Xiao Jiu Xiao in the academy apartment, suddenly sneezed after sensing something through the danger precognition ability.

At this moment, he sensed a majestic energy fluctuation outside the academy through his energy perception ability.

Even if the terrifying energy fluctuations are separated by nearly a hundred miles, Lin Qianan can clearly sense it.

His expression changed slightly, his mind moved, and he took back the avatar he was cultivating in his body, and immediately put Xiao Jiu Xiao Ke into the contract space, and his figure flashed over the academy.

At the same time, Dean Lu Lin also flew out from the ground and came to join Lin Qian'an in the sky above the academy.

"President Lu!" Lin Qianan greeted.

Lu Lin nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, with such a terrifying aura, I'm afraid the other party is not good!"

After sensing it, Lin Qianan said, "There are three energy fluctuations, and they seem to be fighting."

"It's so close to the academy, I have to go check it out, Mr. Lin, you should be optimistic about the academy's side, and you must not let the students have any accidents." Lu Lin said to Lin Qian'an.

"Wait, Dean, let me go! The academy can't do without you." Lin Qianan stopped him.

Lu Lin hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, then, Mr. Lin, be careful, you must put your own safety first!"

"Yes, I know!"

Lin Qianan nodded, and then his figure suddenly turned into a colorful light, flying directly to the direction of the three energies.

For Lin Qian'an today, more than 80 miles is just a matter of moments.

In less than a second, Lin Qian'an had already arrived at the place of battle.

What he saw in his eyes at this moment was that the huge monster transformed by the Lord of Devouring stretched out two tentacles and devoured it towards Bao Han and Mo Jingyu.

Without thinking too much, Lin Qianan immediately shot.

As he raised his hand, Lin Qian'an's body reconciliation ability was activated, and the reconciled colored energy light ball in the depths of his soul was activated by 5%.

The massive amount of energy was transformed and gathered, and a ball of colored energy with a diameter of more than ten meters was thrown directly by Lin Qianan at the Lord of Devouring.

"Ability full power 5!"

Rumble rumble!

The energy ball collided with the body of the Lord of Devouring, producing a terrifying power, and even the Lord of Devouring had to stop thinking about swallowing Baohan and Mo Jingyu.

As the air waves rolled, two space portals appeared by Lin Qian'an's side. He reached out and grabbed them, and directly grabbed Bao Han and Mo Jingyu to his side.

"Thank you!" Mo Jingyu said weakly.

He was in a bad state, but he couldn't speak.

But she didn't expect that Lin Qian'an, who was lying in the hospital bed before, could save their lives at this time.

"Hahaha, you actually came to the door on your own initiative! You blasphemer, I want you to suffer in purgatory forever!"

Suddenly, the Lord of Devouring below made a sound, hundreds of tentacles stretched out, and the huge mouths opened, suddenly swallowing Lin Qianan and Baohan.

Lin Qianan wanted to use the space control ability to teleport away directly, but found that the space was stagnant, and it was difficult for him to tear a hole out.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan repeated his old tricks.

A larger ball of colored energy gathered and was thrown at the tentacles of the Devourer.

"Ability full power 10."

Rumble rumble!

The stagnation in space was instantly released, and Lin Qianan used his spiritual sense to hold Bao Han and Mo Jingyu, and in an instant, they had traveled dozens of miles away.

"Are you all right?" Lin Qianan asked.

"It's not a big problem, I can't die for the time being." Mo Jingyu said forcefully, "The enemy is invincible, it is the incarnation of a fifth-level strange true god, and even under the suppression of humanity, its strength is by no means comparable to a fourth-level extraordinary person. Run away!"

"No, this is near the academy. If I leave, the students will be in danger." Lin Qianan shook his head.


A crack appeared in the void, and the body of the Lord of Devouring slowly emerged from it.

"You can't escape." The Lord of Devouring made a playful voice.

It enjoys the joy of playing with cats and mice, and the pain of going to despair step by step is its favorite food.

Lin Qianan turned to look at the Lord of Devouring, and he felt a sense of familiarity from the strangeness of the other party.

"It's you!"

Lin Qianan remembered that the other party was the big eyeball.

Then combined with the other party's words and the feedback from the previous danger prediction, there is no doubt that the other party's goal is actually himself?

" Blasphemer, you beg for mercy now, and I can consider letting you spare hundreds of years of torture," said the God of Devour.

Lin Qian'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and the scene he had worked so hard for before was replayed in his mind, which made him feel inexplicable.

"Forgive me, die!"


Lin Qianan pulled out his palm by his ear, and the dark golden Ruyi Mountain Stick suddenly appeared in his palm, and immediately changed its size, turning into a huge stick of dozens of meters long, and suddenly smashed towards the Lord of Devouring.

Several tentacles of the Devouring Lord stretched out, trying to block it.

However, as soon as it collided with the Yaoshan stick, its tentacles felt wrong.

The weight of the stick far exceeded what his body could carry.


The mountain stick smashed to the ground, kicking up endless dust, and even smashed dozens of tentacles of the Lord of Devourer. As the aftermath spread, the air waves flew.

Although the smashed tentacles soon returned to the body of the Devourer to fuse, he was still a little shocked: "Artifact?"

Lin Qian'an's mountain stick changed back to its original size, pursued while winning, and appeared in the sky above the Lord of Devouring in a flash.

"Knock on the mountain!"

The massive amount of true power gathered in the body, and the Yaoshan stick in his hand instantly added hundreds of millions of pounds. When this stick fell, even if the front was Buzhou Mountain, it would shatter.


The mountain stick fell, but was stopped by the hundreds of tentacles of the Lord of Devouring.

The dark purple energy light appeared, so that Yaoshan Stick could no longer advance half an inch.

"Heavy weight!"

Lin Qianan shouted loudly, the weight of the mountain stick in his palm kept adding up, but he still couldn't fall any further.

The Lord of Devouring said: "Artifacts have to be used by true gods to exert their full strength. You have only just come into contact with the rules, and the power of one in a billion artifacts can't be exerted. If you want to rely on it to deal with me, it's just a dream, it's mine. It's gone!!"

At the same time as the sound came out, a huge mouth opened on its body, and it was about to swallow Lin Qian'an even with the stick.

"King Kong subdues demons!"

A golden lotus bloomed, and Lin Qian'an suddenly transformed into a twenty-zhang giant Demon Demon King.

At the same time, the nuclear fusion cells exerted their full strength, and a hot red light bloomed in the chest, with the blessing of the giant power.

In less than a second, Lin Qian'an turned into a huge dharma that was more than 600 meters high.


One arm of Fa Xiang turned a fist into a palm and slammed it out, and the endless anger in his heart was pushed out with this palm.

A huge golden palm print covered the huge mouth of the Devouring Lord.


The Lord of Devouring, the space in his mouth was distorted, and the golden palm print was instantly swallowed into it.

Seeing this, the Lord of Devouring said proudly: "It's useless, my devouring law and even the high law, ordinary attacks, are ineffective."

Seeing that the swallowing mouth was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Qianan was extremely calm.

Break down the realm!

In an instant, a layer of decomposition domain spread out from the whole body of the law. In this domain, Lin Qianan can decompose everything he wants to decompose.

The giant mouth touched the decomposition field, and the two rules collided, making the giant mouth move a little slower.

Lin Qianan tried to decompose the opponent's rules, but the opponent directly swallowed the power of the decomposed rules.

Ability full power 20

As a last resort, Lin Qianan could only repeat the same trick again, and this time he also strengthened his supernatural power.

A huge energy ball with a diameter of thirty meters was smashed out and fell directly into the giant mouth of the Devourer.

Rumble boom!

A violent explosion occurred, and the surrounding hundreds of meters were affected. As the aftermath spread, everything around was quickly destroyed and destroyed.

At the same time, Lin Qian'an, who was in the center of the law, couldn't help but snorted.

The ability full power of 20 is a bit beyond the carrying capacity of his body.

In the energy ball he just fired, there were various degrees of injuries in his body. The muscles, tendons, bones, and even the internal organs were damaged. Fortunately, there was rebirth of the severed limbs and super self-healing.

Under the operation of the nuclear fusion cells, he was restored to normal in an instant.

Under this blow, Lin Qian'an finally exited the swallowing range of the Lord of Devourer, and with the body of Fa Xiang holding the stick of Mount Yao, he jumped out of the thousands of miles away. UU Reading

"Good food, but quantity without quality is not enough!"

A voice that seemed to be uttered by hundreds of millions of people in harmony came out.

The Lord of Devouring revealed his true body, and his infinite tentacles fluttered aimlessly in the void. At the same time, eyeballs and huge mouths appeared on the tentacles.

Lin Qianan passively used his energy perception ability and sensed an extremely terrifying energy brewing in the main body of the devouring body.

Dangerous premonition also suddenly reminded Lin Qianan at this moment.

However, Lin Qianan was too late to escape.


A dark purple energy beam suddenly spewed out of the giant mouth of the Lord of Devouring, directly bombarding the center of the Dharma, and instantly penetrated the Vajra Dharma.

This dark purple light beam stretched all the way to several kilometers away, forming a huge ravine.

Immediately, the huge Dharma body dissipated, Lin Qianan's figure appeared in the void, and his left arm and even part of his shoulder had disappeared.

As his thoughts moved slightly, his shoulders and arms grew again, but Lin Qianan no longer had the confidence he had before.

Unstoppable, totally unstoppable!

That kind of attack strength, even if it is in the state of the law, under the blessing of decomposition and protection, energy shield, and biological force field, it will be broken in an instant.

The strength of the two sides is not an order of magnitude at all.

If it weren't for his powerful danger prediction, he made a slight reaction, and now he is dead!

At this time, the Lord of Devouring said with some regret: "It's actually empty, it seems that the power that has been suppressed by more than 90% still affects my performance!"

"Is this a joke?" Lin Qianan heard this, and his heart was full of disbelief.

This is still the situation where more than 90% of the situation is suppressed. If it is not suppressed, wouldn't it be possible to lose oneself?

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