No Jokes Here

Chapter 224: 【Soul Endowment】

After playing with Xiao Jiu for a while, Lin Qianan sat in front of the TV with Xiao Jiu in his arms, but his mind was already immersed in the newly acquired ability of [Soul Endowment].

The ability that Xiao Jiu blessed him has undoubtedly reached the rule level.

Its effect is to consume energy and directly give the soul to the dead.

This kind of giving Lin Qian'an doesn't know how to describe it. It does not directly create a soul inside the dead, but guides it to give birth to a soul.

Lin Qianan felt that in other words, this ability should be called enlightenment.

Consciously immersed in the small world inside the seeds of true law, Lin Qianan tried to use the ability of [Creation], and an earthworm gradually appeared on the soil of this world.

But it didn't move, almost like a dead thing.

This is because it has no such thing as a soul.

The soul is the core of everything, and only with the soul can the body be driven.

If there is no soul, no matter how much the life behaves like a living thing, it is only a mechanized execution of the preset instructions, and it is a fixed dead thing.

There is never the possibility of detachment from oneself.

Lin Qian'an looked at the earthworm's body, and his thoughts moved slightly. Invisibly, the energy in the body was consumed and transformed, and a colorful aura was born in the void and slowly fell into the body of the earthworm.

After that, the earthworm began to react a little, its body trembled slightly, and after a while, it trembled again.

Three minutes later, the worm began to wriggle and crawl on the ground.

It seems that it is no different from a real earthworm.

Lin Qianan was speechless, he seemed to have created a life just now?

Did he have his first "child" before he got married?

Seeing this earthworm crawling in confusion in the small world, Lin Qianan immediately thought a little, and directly divided an area for it to survive.

Lin Qianan decided that he would have to create more animals and plants in the small world, and at least a small ecological circle had to be created.

Having said that, the elves created by the **** of elves in the game are so awesome, Lin Qianan felt that he should not be too imaginative in the future, and should try to create a few creatures with potential for development.



Just when Lin Qian'an was studying his small world, in Qing'an City, Bao Han and Mo Jingyu were tracking the traces of the incarnation of the Lord of Devouring.

In an alley, Baohan and Mo Jingyu appeared, and then Baohan said: "The clue is broken again here! Damn!"

"What is the purpose of that guy? Has he walked around Qing'an City several times in the past few days?" Mo Jingyu frowned.

"It should be looking for something, but it doesn't seem to be able to determine the target." Bao Han said.


The two were talking, a space fluctuation appeared, and a figure flickered in the void for a while, and then disappeared into the distance.

Bao Han and Mo Jingyu turned their heads to look, their expressions suddenly became tense.

"That's where Xuanyang Academy is located, don't let it approach!" Mo Jingyu said.

When the sound fell, he flew out first, turning into a black escaping light and chasing in the direction where the Lord of Devouring disappeared.

And Bao Han also waved his fishing rod and followed behind. …

About 80 to 90 kilometers away from Xuanyang College, the Lord of Devour stared in the direction of the college, with a happy expression on his face: "I just said why I couldn't find it, it turns out that it is here, the power of humanity is strong here, and it is far away. better than others.

Under the cover of humanity, it is normal that my avatar cannot be found. If it hadn't been for his previous breath in the urban area, this time I'm afraid it will have to wait until the world is old.

Stupid mortal, the shame of that palm, I will make you repay completely, I will turn your soul into a wick, and be burned by the fire of purgatory forever! "


A sword beam pierced through the void and passed through Wang Zhi's side.

"You strange evil god, just capture it!" Mo Jingyu appeared and shouted loudly to the Lord of Devouring.

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